Oahspe Study


A Faithist Explanation of Creation Part 1



Based on Oahspe Revelations

As with all information we share here, we offer this writing with the understanding that the reader will take this into the light of the soul and ask Jehovih for the truth of the matter ~ Seventh Era Faithists


Part I: The Four Seasons of Ha'k





The role of Luts in Creation:



Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy; 38/8.3 - 5.


There is still another period to all corporeal worlds, LUTS. In the time of luts there falls on a planet condensed earthy substances, such as clay, stones, ashes, disseminated molten metals, and so on, in such great quantities that it can be compared to snowstorms, piling up corporeal substance on the earth in places to a depth of many feet, and in drifts up to hundreds of feet. Luts was called uz by some ancient prophets, because it was a time of destruction.


If luts followed soon after a se'muan period, when portions of the earth were covered with se'mu and rank vegetation, it charred them, penetrating and covering them up. Most of the coal beds and oil beds in the earth were made this way.


Luts belongs more to an early age of a planet, when its vortex is more extended, and when the nebulous clouds in its outer belt are subject to condensation, so as to rain down on the earth these corporeal showers.



Alternating Phases of Creation:


Creation is a Na, a going forth, a positive phenomenon; an act from the inside outward, and which brings the unseen (unformed, not-evident as an outer realm form) of life into the realm of the seen (the formed, that which self evidently exists). On the other hand, the destruction from Luts is a receptive, a passive or negative phenomenon; receiving from the outside, of that which destroys the seen of life (the formed, that which has existence), which disintegrates into the unseen (unformed, non-existent). In which case, we can divide the creation cycle into two parts that of the creation and the destruction. And, as we shall see, the creation cycle consists of those two alternating phases.




Examined from within a more broadly connected context, the fossil evidence and rock/sediment layers indicate that during the creation gadol (c. 24,000 years), that is, during the Time of Ha'k, was when Jehovih interspersed times of creation with times of destruction. Which is to say that during Ha'k's gadol (37/4.27-28), there were two primary alternating seasons: that of Se'mu (creation) and that of falling luts and nebula (destruction).


Oahspe, Book of Knowledge; 37/4.27-28.


By being in mastery over His Person, Jehovih created countless worlds of which the corporeal earth is one, and He created the living on the earth, and the time was one gadol, i.e., twenty‑four thousand years.


Thus Ha'k was Second Born. In Ha'k came se'mu, and this was the first time of the earth. And they (Ha'k and se'mu) covered the earth abroad with Asu (first race of man), till ho'tu came, and Jehovih ceased creating new living things; and the second time of the earth was ho'tu.


Four Season of Ha'k:


Two lesser, but important seasons stood between Se'mu and luts, namely the preparing-the-garden season, and the work-of-the-creation season. For simplification we can call the "preparing the garden" season: Ha'k spring. That is followed by the se'mu season called Ha'k summer when Se'mu falls and new creations emerge. That is followed by the "work of the creation" season, which we name: Ha'k autumn during which time the created species live and procreate. Then comes the destruction season of luts and nebula, which we call Ha'k winter. After Ha'k winter comes a new cycle with Ha'k spring again. The four-season cycle continues throughout the 24,000 years of Ha'k's gadol, recurring many times over, as we shall later demonstrate when we look at the fossil and geological record. Till then, let us look more closely at the four seasons.


Here are the four seasons in brief: During Ha'k spring, conditions of soil, air, temperature, etc., would be prepared for the emergence of new species through the planetary template. Essentially the planetary template is the various combinations and varieties of sed and anchor unions that are the work of the Oe'tans. Today we may draw a somewhat simplistic analogy from genes and the gene codes carried in the cells of all living creatures. During Ha'k summer, se'mu would arrive and new creations would arise. During Ha'k autumn se'mu would recede as the new creations reproduced and did their work (of cleansing the earth of its poisons, or whatever the greater function of the creature was). After the work was sufficiently accomplished, then would come Ha'k winter bringing its showers of Luts which would upset ecological niches and thereby eliminate species that had finished their labor. This would be followed by another Ha'k spring, and thus the *creation cycle* would continue many times over during the course of 24,000 years.


So during any of the creation cycles, a warm rich se'mu was in abundance during each Ha'k summer in which new species emerged. Perhaps, as well, some prior or similar species might re-emerge. In any event, the se'mu would have come from the ethe'ic solution through which earth travels in its roadway. And depending upon many factors including available roadway material, extant template triggering-conditions, decisions of angelic overseers, etc., so would new creatures be created through the planetary template --- but all perfectly adapted to the new environment.


The mechanism for the coming forth of the creations through the Planetary Template in Ha'k summer depends upon certain environmental conditions, chiefly: "soil" conditions [This refers to the substrate against which (and possibly into which) the se'mu anchors itself], temperature, humidity, atmospheric density, climate, and conditions of the se'mu. So that, during creation of an entity from within se'mu, the environmental factors trigger certain pathways within the template that allow for a certain type of form to cohere around a spirit. The type of form that is cohering, is thus adapted to the environment. The form may or may not be very adaptable to later environmental changes. This would depend both upon the purpose of the organism and that which is triggered within the planetary template at the time of the form's (entity's) creation, such as leeway for adaptability.


Bear in mind too, that what resides within the template that is ready to be triggered had been previously set there by the Oe'tans, who initially conceived of and created the world through the Planetary Egg and its integrated Planetary Template (a simple analogy for the Planetary Egg and integrated Planetary Template is the fertilized egg with the sperm --- it is the union of the Sed and Anchor). That is, no new type of entity can be created other than for what is allowed for in the Planetary Template. Note that this does not negate the possibility that some possible forms (species) available within the template were never created because of lack of appropriate environmental conditions to trigger their configuration.


That said, during Ha'k's gadol, a creation season (Ha'k summer) was followed by a time for the creation to live and propagate; this activity would take place during the Ha'k Autumn time, as mentioned. Here is how that worked:


In the early days, the living forms were initially simple because they had simple work to do. For example, in the period prior to Ha'k's gadol, earth was poisonous to all living entities. The time of Ha'k began when some simple life-forms could be sustained on the earth. The work of these first life-forms were to feed upon some of the existing poisons, digest them and then excrete materials (chemical combinations) that would be nonpoisonous or at least less poisonous to those newly created life-forms which were to emerge next. (Bear in mind that all the converting was for the ultimate purpose of cleansing the earth sufficiently for modern life, and especially for man, to appear and prosper.) When the food supply diminished for those first poison-loving / poison-converting microbes, they would begin to die off, or perhaps be eliminated through mass extinction, but they would leave behind as their legacy, a somewhat cleaner, purer earth and a large supply of some new non-poisonous and less-poisonous chemicals in the environment, although there could be, and often were, other poisons remaining in the environment.


H'ak Summer:


During a summer season, a series of mini-waves (lesser showers) of se'mu might be placed in earth's pathway to create new microbes to feed upon the new chemical combinations excreted by the previous mini-wave creation, and so these new microbes would thus further reduce the poisons. Also during one or more of these mini-waves, slightly more complex life-forms might be formed to take advantage of the new food (excretion from the previous forms) by using it in combination with other environmental poisons to further reduce (transform) the poisons of the earth. Eventually, possibly through the use of mini-waves of se'mu, sufficient species were formed to produce a stable ecological system and attain the desired effect of cleansing the earth and its atmosphere for that Ha'k summer. At which point, the se'mu stopped. This signaled the official beginning of Ha'k autumn.


Ha'k Autumn:


With the arrival of Ha'k autumn, the created species would propagate, normally creating myriad generations of offspring, who each did their work of purification. At some point, the food supply would diminish (the amount of poison to be converted was sufficiently reduced). Also, during Ha'k autumn might come (but not necessarily) a time of diminishing population of that initial species (or groups of species). In any event, at some point also in this cleansing of the earth, a new and higher order of creature would be required to further combine and reduce toxins at an effective rate. For which reasons, and other reasons as well, the earth would be brought into Ha'k Winter with a fall of luts or nebula.


Ha'k Winter:


Consider now some of those other reasons for bringing Ha'k winter. For instance, that higher order of creatures which will be needed to effectively reduce poisons, might require new chemicals or elements or compounds or molecules which at that time were unavailable or insufficient upon the earth or not in assimilable form. In which case, the falling luts could provide such material. Too, it might be the case that one or more of the lower order creatures would hamper cleansing efforts by the newer order coming in. In any event, once the existing species had finished their useful work, so the Shrevarhs might send luts or nebula to the earth, and so, inaugurate a Ha'k winter.


Note that, just as in summer and with its series of mini-showers, so too, there might be a series of luts and nebula showers during Winter season. One reason might be that slightly different "falling substance" would be required at different times --- perhaps to sequence certain elements on the earth so as to fit a designed cleansing scheme, for example. Or, a series of luts or nebula showers might have been necessary to allow certain species time to adapt to changing environmental conditions.


In any event, just prior to Ha'k winter, Jehovih's angels will have placed nebula in earth's roadway. And perhaps at times they might have caused luts to fall in order to bury much of the life-forms, thus eliminating life-forms no longer useful, or eliminating problematic forms, etc. A season of one or more falls of nebula and luts, perhaps accompanied by strong winds and rains would thus create one or more strata (layers) of sediment/fossils. The ethe'ic fluid that contains the nebula would also have been selected by the angels of Jehovih to contain those elements necessary for the coming stage(s) of development of life upon the earth. In any event, earth during its coursing through etherea would then encounter this nebula, thus initiating the Ha'k winter. Even as a gardener covers over the stubble and plants of last year's growth and places ash, fertilizer, and fresh soil on his garden, so do such times come upon created worlds during their creation period.


When sufficient materials have been thus built up upon the earth, and sufficient of the older life-forms had been eliminated, it is time for the next stage of development. This is the Ha'k spring.


Ha'k Spring:


The nebula and Luts have ceased to fall and the earth's environment stabilizes; survivor species begin to repopulate and perhaps expand their range. Other considerations arise. Perhaps some time is necessary for the new elements that came via the showers, to interact with the elements, poisons, compounds, etc., that were already on or near the earth's surface and in its atmosphere at the time of the luts showers. After such assimilation, then, the earth would be prepared in that respect to accommodate the next wave of new creations.


Another event that happens during Ha'k spring is that after everything on earth settles from the luts showers, then the angels can see if they need to fine tune or adjust anything. Say, for example, more of some substance unexpectedly got locked into a compound than was anticipated, and so, the earth requires additional material from space before the next wave of se'mu. Or perhaps some species were insufficiently reduced in population which would thus impede the coming ecosystem, and so, some minor adjustment would have to be made. In some ways, Ha'k spring is comparable to springtime in a garden where the climate is warming up and last minute preparations are made --- is the soil warm enough, are there too many destroying insects, etc.


Eventually, the angels, seeing all is in order, place more se'mu of the desired quality in the earth's roadway, so that at the proper time new creations will emerge upon the earth, ready to live and prosper in their environment. And so, Ha'k's summer arrives again upon the earth for another round of creation. ||



Cycles of Creation in the Fossil Record:


From the geologic and fossil record we can see that during the 24,000 years of creation (billions of years says mainstream science whose proponents have no clue about the build up of layers by luts and nebula, or even heavy precipitation of a'ji), many cycles of the above seasons occurred, as we shall later demonstrate. While the general scenario described above continued throughout the creation cycle, yet each new cycle involved conditions that were improved compared to the prior cycle. And those plants and creatures that were capable of existing in the new environment, and were useful if not crucial or immediately necessary, might not be destroyed by the mass extinctions that the falling luts accomplished. In that regard we should note that the notion of usefulness must be from the standpoint of Jehovih and His angelic planetary overseers.


In summary, the cyclic progression in the time of creation during the Ha'k gadol, is indicated in the fossil record. In essence, the simplest organisms existed first, and in later cycles came forth increasingly more complex forms as the earth purified and was otherwise prepared for them. The purpose of all that was/is to provide a suitable habitat for man. For, the work of the appropriate angels of Jehovih is to provide a place and suitable conditions for the souls of man to be born into, and for the place to be a suitable nursery for him as he experiences corporeal life and then atmospherean life, prior to his liberation (emancipation) into etherea.


In Part 2 read about the Four Phases of Creation, the First and Second Creations and the Appearance of Man on Earth.



 All Oahspe references are from the Oahspe Standard Edition 2007











A Faithist Explanation of Creation Part 2