Oahspe Study and Faithism
Fraternity and Beyond
Oahspe gives many tools to work with. Some of those tools are not easy to perceive, or in finding them they are not easy to decipher. For instance, Oahspe refers to a Fraternity social order that follows after a Republic social order. Oahspe also speaks of Jehovih's kingdom on earth. Know, then, that a Fraternity and Jehovih's kingdom are not the same (see e.g., 33/12.1 below), though they are related as we shall set forth (and more fully next time). For now, consider the following:
Liberty, first of all, to all people; then discipline and harmony, and then the improvement of all the talents I created with all. (29/2.11.)
[Capilya:] The man learning to swim had better go in with corks, till he finds the stroke; your Creator gave you a corporeal body, which is like the corks, to sustain you while you grow in spirit. Do not be in haste to enter the unseen world; make sure that you have learned the stroke of the resurrection before you put aside your flesh and bones. (27/12.13.)
[Those] learning the rites and discipline [of Jehovih's kingdom; i.e., learning some of the strokes], and are said to be in the first resurrection of the organic heavens [organic first resurrection]. (32/24.14.)
And when you have joined with others in a fraternity to do these things [learning to virtuously build instead of destroy], then you have begun the second resurrection. (33/13.12.)
And those who have become organic workers are in the second resurrection, and this is a kingdom of heavens. (32/24.14.)
To be organic for love and good works---this is like the fraternities in heaven. (33/14.14.)
[God, Son of Jehovih:] Many will come to you, inquiring: What do you say about those who are married, having children of their own? Shall they so love the fraternity and the kingdom of Jehovih that they shall set aside their filial love, assigning their children wholly to the teachers, day and night?
You shall answer them: No, in all the fullness of their love, let them manifest to their little ones. And let this be a testimony to those who have children, how hard it is for foundlings and orphan babes who have no one to love or caress them, so that such parents may add others to their household also, showing no partiality. (33/12.1,2.)
In other words, the fraternity is an organizational form found within Jehovih's kingdom. But until those in a fraternity become organic workers with one another and afterward learn to become organic with Jehovih's kingdom, they are only in the transition stage of a continuum that ranges from organic first resurrection (aspiring to organic labor; learning rites and ceremonies) to beginning members of the organic second resurrection (practicing organic labor) to constitutional members (constitutionally growing in organic labor) to organic workers---organic members---(organically growing in organic labor).
It is said of those in transition through that continuum (all stages of which are under the aegis of the second resurrection) that until they reach the end point of organic workers in that continuum they are only in the practice of the second resurrection. For, as indicated, development requires three steps: first aspiration, second practice, third constitutional growth. After which comes organic growth. With organic growth one learns to grow organically with others in the fraternity.
All those three steps---1) organic first resurrection 2) practicing organic labor 3) constitutional growth in organic labor---plus the attainment of organic growth must be done from within the organizational form called fraternity. The fraternity for a mortal's organic first resurrection in this day can be a fraternity in heaven, even if the mortal is not consciously aware of it. That is, such a person can receive inspiration from one of the organic fraternities in heaven. Such a person can be said to be beginning the organic first resurrection. Yet better that a person should partake in a mortal fraternity or fellowship if possible even if only a virtual fraternity (such as a Faithist online group), than to remain without.
At a minimum the organic first resurrection is for those who labor for self-improvement to be a better person for Jehovih's sake, whether or not they accept His name so long as they are resolved to follow His Light, or are resolved to learn how to discern the highest light within the framework of a fraternity. In any event those mortals of the organic first resurrection who have joined into a mortal fraternity (two members is the minimum number for a fraternity) are said to be learning the stroke of the second resurrection.
An important point here is that for mortals, fraternity remains the governance form that facilitates the process of man becoming organic up to and into the second resurrection. And that an organic second resurrection is a part of Jehovih's kingdom. ---Because Jehovih's kingdom, being the larger encompassing governmental form, oversees the fraternity. And Jehovih's kingdom includes the third resurrection as well as higher resurrections. But the third resurrection is the highest social organization that mortals in Kosmon can attain to in this dan'ha cycle.
Toward Fraternity and beyond, man's development unfolds in this way:
· First dan'ha of Kosmon Era: Fraternity social level is the highest sustainable social form.
· Second dan'ha: Community (crystalline light) social level is the highest sustainable form.
· Third dan'ha: Nation social level is the highest sustainable form.
· Fourth and final dan'ha of the Kosmon Era: World social level is the highest sustainable form.
Nevertheless, through the agency of the fourth and fifth es-grades (see Tablet of Grade and Ingrade i029) man's practice in the next higher resurrections (being the Orian and Nirvanian levels respectively), occurs and improves with each dan'ha of Kosmon. (Regarding that, though, at best such practice is not unlike children playing grown-ups.) And finally, each of the four dan'has of the Kosmon Era shall also experience a fall from their height. By highest sustainable form means that by the end of each dan'ha cycle, man will have fallen from that height to retain only a portion of what was established at the beginning. This is due to man's responses when experiencing the cyclical nature of Jehovih's creation:
38/7.8. [Such] is the general character and behavior of man during a [dan'ha cycle---that] he rises and falls [in adherence to the general sequence given in 38/7.7] as regularly as the tides of the ocean.
Thus in each of the dan'has of Kosmon's era, man will rise to the levels aforementioned. But then throughout the course of the dan'ha from its height man will fall from the initial extent and drop to some smaller and to some extent lesser manifestation of that height initially established in the first 200 to 400 years of the dan'ha.
Faithists and Fraternity
In the first 400 years of the first dan'ha of Kosmon's era the Faithists shall attain to a crystalline third resurrection. As a result Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth will have covered the whole earth during the light part of the cycle, which means most of earth's inhabitants will have become Faithists. By the end of that first dan'ha, the Faithists in general will have diminished because of the drag of the Hyartien period, but they will have still sustained some type of Fraternity level organization, likely little more than organic communities scattered here and there but still capable of receiving crystalline light to some degree. And yet in that same time the crystalline light will be sustained in at least one if not a few Faithist communities---for in our first Kosmon dan'ha Jehovih's kingdom is to be established in its fullness (meaning to the third resurrection crystalline light level) never again to be lost from the face of the earth.
As for the bulk of humanity during that same time, man will likely sustain some moderate modicum of organic fraternity rebuilt in the cyclic upward climb of man when approaching the end of dan'ha. By the end of the second dan'ha of the Kosmon Era the possibility exists for the bulk of humanity to sustain in some form of community level resurrection, mostly organic communities. By the end of the third dan'ha the bulk of man's communities should sustain the crystalline light. By the end of the fourth and final dan'ha of the Kosmon Era, man shall have attained to perfected balance in his order.
In his finally attained perfected balance, man will be ready then to go forth into the next Time, being of Tae, Son of Jehovih, to build in the elements and thereby build in and from true gains* in his mastery over the elements. (*True gain consists of man flowing in concert with Jehovih's kingdom and by doing so, gaining mastery over the elements of his surroundings through the ways and means of Jehovih's kingdom.)
In short, in the Kosmon Era man is as an apprentice gaining mastery over the fundamentals of balancing his es with his corpor. By the end of this era man shall have become so well-grounded in those rudiments and thus perfected in his order regarding them that he can then go forth in the Time of Tae, Son of Jehovih, as a master craftsman learning now how to creatively build in the world whatever Jehovih inspires or the emergent situations require. By doing this many gain in mastery over the elements for the purpose of building in corpor to accommodate the growth of spirit.
After the Time of Tae comes the Time of Es, Daughter of Jehovih in the final dan'ha of the Eoptian Age. During this time, man extends his mastery to es things, that is, man will learn to master the elements of es to a certain fulsome degree. This constitutes man's final lesson, for by the end of that dan'ha man shall have become wholly perfected in his order. And man shall lose interest in corpor per se and cease to propagate (see, e.g., i106 Sha'mael caption).
i106 Sha'mael. The prophet of Jehovih said: A time shall come when the earth shall travel in the roadway of the firmament, and so great a light will be present that the vortex of the earth shall burst, like a whirlwind bursts, and lo and behold, the whole earth shall be scattered and gone, as if nothing had been. Jehovih said: But before that time comes, My etherean hosts shall have redeemed man from sin. Nor shall the inhabitants of the earth marry, for the time of begetting will be at an end. Even as certain species of animals have failed to propagate, and have become extinct, so shall it be with man. The earth will have fulfilled its labor, and its services will be no more under the sun. But the vortex of the sun shall be round, and the body of the great serpent coiled up. In the place where the earth was, some of My far-off worlds shall come and fulfill the labor allotted to them. And the atmosphereans who have not been redeemed from darkness in that day, shall alight on the new world and also fulfill their labor. (See Books of Jehovih and Saphah.)
In other words (in reference to the caption) man having finally risen above the tetracts that had been placed on his shoulders half-way through the Eoptian Age, allows him to cease heeding Anra'mainyus (the evil of blood and bone---21/8.9) and so cease to propagate.
Man has been standing since the beginning of Kosmon at the midpoint between the placing of the tetracts and his triumphant transcendence of them. The key issue of this midpoint time resides in man coming to terms with sabea (the ubiquitous evil being expressed by the beast-(in)-man) and learning to deal with it in the ways and means of Jehovih's kingdom. But the old way of man's beastly use of Seffas dies hard. Accordingly, Jehovih in His wonder-filled Wisdom set aside the first 200 years of Kosmon for man to make the transition.
Such a long time for transition is necessary because unless and until the Death of (the lower use) Seffas occurs, fraternity cannot occur---and we currently approach very near to the end of the first 200 years of Kosmon's era! Thus one good reason stands revealed as to why man currently pays so much attention to the condition of sabea and sees evil sprouting up everywhere around him. Indeed he can neither escape it nor avoid having to deal with it in ways and means of Jehovih's kingdom---for no other road shall open to him till he chooses that road! Only this shall allow man at the abyss of total destruction (Da'bis) to move beyond that tetract midpoint and into the light of his destiny.
Fortunately for man, Jehovih's kingdom does not expect all of mankind to attain to that lofty goal by 2049. But sufficient numbers of mankind must do so. Also fortunately for man many significant cycles also come into seasons propitious to that end. We shall look at these in later posts. But since Jehovih's kingdom on earth requires the founding of fraternities, we shall discover more about them in relationship to Jehovih's kingdom on earth, next time in "The Flowers of Man's Social Orders". For, we must see our direction as clearly as possible if we hope to get there.
This article is PART 4 of Prophesying with Cycles for the Coming of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth (The posting titled "The March 2020 turning point" was part 1 of this series.)
All Oahspe references are from the modern language edition: Oahspe Standard Edition
The Flowers of Man's Social Order