Oahspe Study
Planetary Formation and the Rings of Neptune and Saturn
Science strives to describe reality and sometimes produces reasonably coherent, rational descriptions. But much of science's foundation is like an anthology of folklore springing from a desire to throw off imposed religious folklore. The paradigm of a solar system billions of years old continues to hypnotize the scientific world --- the typical hypothesis assumes and imagines an almost static condition punctuated by collisions with a few moons, stray comets and asteroids. But more recently, scientists are discovering a whole different solar system that seems, more often than not, to be the opposite of what they thought it was. Raw data flowing from various interplanetary discovery craft continues to challenge that hallowed edifice of "knowledge". Evidence of an "inexplicable" mysterious reality (but confirming Oahspe's Cosmogony) continues to baffle and astound scientists. Among those enigmas are the rings that surround each of the giant gas planets in our solar system.
Since the re-appearance of the telescope in the 1600's Saturn's rings have been visible from earth. As telescopes improved, similar rings were discovered surrounding Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, unique to each planet. Within the last decade it was discovered that the rings of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are changing, and at an astonishing rate, mystifying scientists. But explanation of the phenomenon's basis already existed more than a hundred and thirty years ago --- the Wark Belts of Planets and Suns as described in Oahspe (Fragapatti 18.5-9).
Wark belts are turbulent areas of rotation within the spinning vortex that surrounds each planet or star. Turbulence works to slow down the vortex as it clusters in belts that exist at certain intervals within the vortex. The rotation of such belts loses pace with the rest of the vortex. These slower moving belts accommodate condensation of corporeal matter according to speed of rotation and position in the vortex, among other things.
The rings around the four gas giants, being relatively close to the surface of their planets, have formed within inner wark belts, but outer wark belts of these gas giants, instead of dusty rings, carry multiple solid moons. Our moon is on earth's outermost wark belt which surrounds the rim of the earth's vortex; but its innermost wark belts, although invisible to the eye, can be detected as charged ions as found in the Van Allen Belt. The wark belts of the sun are located where the planets orbit.
Scientists imagine that the rings of Jupiter are caused by dust kicked up from meteorite hits on the moons which orbit in the vicinity of the rings. This explanation arises from observations of images from Galileo showing dust appearing to be rising from the moons. This dust however, could just as easily be settling....and such a settling motion is indeed what came to be observed when the rings of Uranus were reviewed in 2007 (New Horizons), and were seen to have changed dramatically in the past 21 years since last viewed in 1986 (Voyager 2). The other source of the ring material is conjectured to have come from dust thrown up from the planet by impacts from comets and space debris.
Each planet has a unique set of rings with varying densities. Finer rings appear to be made of dust; coarser, denser rings, as seen on Saturn, are believed by scientists to be made of ice but could be semi-solid meteoris. The rings of Saturn and Uranus have finer dust particles that appear to be migrating, settling toward the center.
Evidence of material migrating toward the center rather than floating away from the planet confirms Oahspe's description of how the vortex gathers and condenses corporeal matter out of a medium of "corpor dissolved in ethe". "Ethe" is so rarified (that is, the corporeal atoms are so sparse in ethe) that it appears to be a space vacuum to scientists --- yet it is much more than just a space of nothing. A comprehensive description of ethe, etherea and ethereans can be found in Oahspe, but for this writing suffice it to say that ethe is the solvent of corpor. When corpor is condensed out of ethe by the action of a vortex its final form becomes gas, solid and liquid. Below is an example of condensation of corpor from ethe into a form so rarefied that it might only be detected as radioactive ions.
Oahspe: Book of Thor 16/4.12.
|| Now, in reference to founding an a'ji'an habitation in etherea, this account is rendered to mortals and angels of the lower heaven: The ethereans gather up the atomic elements floating amid the ethe'ic waves, and, giving them axial motion, they propel them forth. On their way, the atomic elements aggregate, till, from the size of a mite, the aggregation grows as large as the whole earth; but this world is habitable within and on its surface by the spirits of the dead, the angels. ||
Below are a couple of extracts about the rings of the gas giants and how they have unexpectedly shifted during an interval of just a couple of decades.
Aug 22, 2007 Extract:||.....rings [of Uranus] have shown a surprising amount of change in the 20 years since the last edge-on, pictures were taken. One ring is losing dust fast and may well disappear, while others are shifting positions. While our earliest pictures indicated a series of sharply defined rings, images taken since then have shown that the rings, in general, are becoming more diffuse, with the highest dust concentrations migrating closer to the planet.
When Saturn's rings were discovered, early theoretical work proceeded on the assumption that an equilibrium was established between dust lost and dust gained. This implied that the ring's structure was essentially static. Later observations have showed that Saturn's rings are changing and these latest observations from Uranus make that a more general finding.....||
Changing rings of the Gas Giants
Aug 24 2007. Extract: ||..... some rings [of Uranus] are growing brighter, at least one is fading away, and another is either new-formed or unexpectedly moving outward from the planet by thousands of miles. At the same time, a broad, diffuse cloud of microscopic dust particles seems to be pervading the entire ring system.
"the ring system looks completely different" from the way it did 21 years ago when the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew past Uranus and took thousands of pictures of its rings and moons before it flew on to the edge of the solar system, signalling home all the way.
"The rings are exquisite now," de Pater said, "and the innermost ring, called zeta, seems to have moved since Voyager flew past." Back then, she said, the Voyager images in 1986 showed that the zeta ring surrounded the planet about 23,000 miles out, but now the latest infrared images from the powerful Keck telescope atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii show that the same ring is nearly 25,000 miles out.....
The Jovian ring system is faint and consists mainly of dust It comprises four main components: a thick inner torus of particles known as the 'halo ring'; a relatively bright, razor-thin 'main ring'; and two wide, thick and faint outer 'gossamer rings', named for the moons of whose material they are composed: Amalthea and Thebe.
The main and halo rings consist of dust ejected by high-velocity impacts from the moons Metis, Adrastea and other unobserved parent bodies. High-resolution images obtained in February--March 2007 by the New Horizons spacecraft revealed a rich fine structure in the main ring. ||
Note that the Rings of Saturn were observed to be moving closer to the planet, yet the inner ring of Uranus has migrated some 2,000 miles away from the planet. This appears to be a contradiction of evidence regarding the vortex driving corporeal matter towards its center where the central planet is found. But it isn't really contradictory because wark belts wherein rings appear, oscilate through cycles of thickness and thinness whereby their ballooning and shrinking move them closer or further from the center of the vortex:
Oahspe: Book of Fragapatti; 20/18.7
|| So that man might find still further evidence of the earth's wark belts, I created the nearest one with different densities, so that not every year on earth would be alike as to heat and cold. And in certain cycles of dan I condense the first wark belts so that to mortals the sun seems as if in eclipse. For it is through this belt that My cycles of dan'ha give either light or darkness to mortals spiritually. ||
Such fluctuation has been observed and recorded by scientists studying the Van Allen Belts, which is where earth's innermost wark belt is located:
|| A radiation belt is a layer of energetic charged particles that is held in place around a magnetized planet, such as the Earth, by the planet's magnetic field [sic]. The Earth has two such belts and sometimes others may be temporarily created....
In 2013, NASA reported that the Van Allen Probes had discovered a transient, third radiation belt, which was observed for four weeks until it was destroyed by a powerful, interplanetary shock wave from the Sun....
The inner Van Allen Belt extends typically from an altitude of 0.2 to 2 Earth radii (L values of 1 to 3) or 600 miles (1,000 km) to 3,700 miles (6,000 km) above the Earth. In certain cases when solar activity is stronger or in geographical areas such as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), the inner boundary may go down to roughly 200 kilometers above the Earth's surface. || (Wikipedia)
Now compare the raw data about the gas giant rings with what Oahspe reveals about wark belts of a vortex surrounding a planet or star:
Oahspe: Book of Fragapatti; 20/18.5-9.
|| ....In this you shall behold the wisdom of Jehovih, and the uniformity of His works. Here lies the first belt away from the earth capable of having nebulae condensed into meteoric stones. All nebulae lying nearer than this to the earth's surface is either attracted to the earth or repulsed from it. Therefore, calculate the distance of this belt from the earth, together with its density, and you shall find that it is the same distance as wark belts belonging to the stars in the firmament of similar size, density and velocity as the earth. The first wark belt of the sun is, therefore, the place of its nearest planet; the second wark belt is the place of its next nearest planet, and so on; and these wark belts are all graded in distances according to what I previously stated.
Jehovih has said: I have created two ways for My mathematicians to prove My works; one is to measure that which is near at hand, in order to determine that which is far off; the other is to observe that which is far off, in order to determine that which is near. For, since man could not measure the wark belts of this world, I provided him with the means to determine the wark belts of the sun, so that he might better comprehend his own world.
So that man might find still further evidence of the earth's wark belts, I created the nearest one with different densities, so that not every year on earth would be alike as to heat and cold. And in certain cycles of dan I condense the first wark belts so that to mortals the sun seems as if in eclipse. For it is through this belt that My cycles of dan'ha give either light or darkness to mortals spiritually.
Let man compute My times for his own benefit; I created the first wark to gain in rotation faster than the earth, one year for every eleven. So that when the wark has made twelve of its own years, the earth shall have completed eleven years. ||
Fragapatti caused the avalanza to be driven into a forest of whirlwinds, so that the hosts could observe, as he illustrated and explained, saying: You shall perceive now, that those stones that are condensed beneath the apex fall to the earth, while those ascending frequently rise toward the lighter plateau and explode, to be attracted back within the wark belt. This belt compares to the cloud belt near the earth. There the wind currents make raindrops and snowflakes; here the currents make the first nebulous formations that come under the name corpor. ||
Four Stages of the Vortex (Secondary stage includes top down and cross section views; S in 3rd and 4th Stages denotes "satellite") |
But why do only the outer gas giants have such rings while the inner solid rocks are devoid of anything other than a moon or two, and why do the two innermost planets have no satellites?
Arguably, Earth is the only inner planet with a moon, Mars has two asteroid like rocks circling at a close distance compared to Earth's larger and distant moon. But if we know that the planets and their vortices are in various stages of maturity, then there we have found a reason why rings no longer exist around Earth and the other inner planets.
In its first stage, the vortex was spinning rapidly, condensing and accumulating corporeal matter along the center of its long axis with a small mass of loosely packed corpor along its inner central spine (as pictured above). It was a comet, zooming along the lines of the sun's vortex, in long elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic orbit. If it survived the fullness of this stage, then as the vortex slowed to form a cone shape (see the vortices of the Gas planets in the diagram below), its axis shortened and strengthened, countering the master vortex of the sun and thus the young planet acquired its own orbit. Upon acquiring the cone shape, the second stage vortex had a considerable accumulation of condensed corporeal matter at its center --- a small solid body surrounded by a great cloud of dust and gas.
As the vortex continued to condense corporeal matter and drive it toward its center, on its way inward it would concentrate somewhat in the wark belts that spiralled along the cone shaped vortex. Outer wark belts, slower than inner belts formed sub vortices which in turn created moons or accommodated captured bodies such as comets and asteroids --- thus we find multiple moons/satellites orbiting a giant cone shaped vortex. In the image of Tow'sang from Oahspe below, compare the larger cone shaped vortices to the smaller globular vortex of the earth that carries but one solid moon and whose visible wark activity is limited to occasional meteorites and some "near earth objects". Note also that the sun's cone shaped vortex as also in this second stage, similar to Saturn's in shape.)
Tow'sang - Oahspe's rendition of the Solar Vortex with its planetary vortices in tow. |
Where are Mercury and Venus' Moons?
Scientists' answer to why the two inner planets lack moons is "a combination of small gravity and closeness to the sun and its greater gravity". Unfortunately, trying to answer everything in greater or lesser gravity is like describing the roundness of a pie without getting to the substance of it --- and so the actual mechanism is left a mystery! Said another way, using the rubric of gravity as a catch-all to imply that the mechanism of a phenomenon is simply a matter of a lesser or greater amount of gravity, without further explanation, is a cop-out. And in any case claiming the pie is holding up the table it is sitting on is what is implied when a corporeal planet is imbued with powers of gravity. To escape this cart pulling the horse paradigm we must take into consideration the existence of the unseen force of the vortex which forms planets, suns, moons and all corporeal things and, by its presence, continues to hold corporeality in suspension. Then many apparent "weirdnesses" can be understood.
Considering their closeness to the sun as an indicator of something about the nature of their vortices, Mercury and Venus may have had moons at some time during their life, since even Pluto has a companion and 4 visible moons and it is comparatively smaller than both Mercury and Venus. This fact about Pluto indicates that size, mass and "gravity" are not well understood by scientists who have yet to wake up to the fact of Vortices of Celestial Bodies.
unique clockwise rotation, its slowness, and now its perceptible slowing down,
as well its lack of a measurable magnetosphere are also indicators of the
nature of its vortex. As an example, Earth's moon is said by Oahspe to have a vortex that is
not in contact with its corporeal body's surface, this means the vortex may be
spinning, yet it does not spin the body of the moon. The moon also lacks a
magnetosphere, yet many of its rocks show that the moon once had dipolar
magnetism. In applying this data to Venus, we can see the similarities to the
moon. The slowness and slowing down of Venus' rotation, its lack of measurable magnetosphere, yet its high velocity winds, may be indicators of a dying planet whose
vortex is shrinking away from its corporeal body. Without a strong enough
vortex to hold a moon, Venus may have lost a moon long ago.
Mercury on the other hand has a magnetosphere similar to earth's, but much weaker. Scientists consider the solar wind of the sun being the dampener of Mercury's magnetosphere, and they may be partially right there, since the vortexyan flow from the sun (cosmic wind / solar wind) displays its power in the direction of the comet's tail:
Oahspe. Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy; 38/2.8, 9.
|| At this age of the comet, it shows nearly the configuration of its own vortex; its tail being the m'vortexya (axis). If the comet appears to the east of the sun its tail turns eastward; if west of the sun, it turns westward.
Two directions of power are thus manifested; and also two powers: First, that the vortex of the sun has power from the east to west, and from the west to the east, to which the comet is subjected: Second, that the comet has a vortex of its own, which is sufficient, under the circumstances, to maintain the general form of the comet. The ordinary comet has its tail away from the sun, but some comets have two tails, one toward the sun and one away. The case of Biela's comet, in the year 4 B.K., which was broken [split into two comets –ed.] while the observer was looking on, is sufficient evidence of the sub‑power of the comet vortex. ||
As for why it does not hold a moon --- one apparent reason would be its slow rotation which is another indicator of an older vortex slowing down, losing power and its interior body eventually becoming a "dead planet" which no longer spins.
Furthermore, when we look at the image of Tow'sang in Oahspe (above), we can see that the shape of the planetary vortices, as they get closer to the sun become more globular, with Neptune's being the most extended and conical and earth's being almost globular. These shapes indicate the maturity of the vortex:
Oahspe, Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy; 38/3.25.
|| Though the general form of a vortex, as already stated, in its beginning is long, then funnel-shaped (like a whirlwind), its ultimate is toward a globular form. And though the current of a vortex is spiral at first, yet its currents ultimate toward less spirality. If one could imagine a very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one pole, and its tail at the other, and continuously crawling upon its own spirality, such a view would somewhat illustrate the currents of a vortex. ||
Oahspe image below: Vortexian Currents. Figs. 1, 2, 3, enlarged illustrations of the course and form of vortexian currents.
This maturing to a globular form continues to an "old age" of a vortex. The M'vortexya (axis and its manifestation in the magnetosphere) continues to weaken and shrink, at the same time the vortex appears more and more as a flattened globe. At the same time what little spirality the vortex had in the globular form, becomes even less so, so that the edge of its vortex looses it "hooking" power to hold its outer satellite. For example, the earth's moon is gradually moving away from the earth, this is a manifestation of the aging of earth's vortex.
It is no accident that the two innermost planets lack moons, since they are the corporeal bodies of vortices in the last stages of their maturity. As stated previously, the Tow'sang image shows that the further in the planets are toward the sun, the more globular (and therefore the more mature) are their vortices. As the Vortex matures in its fourth and last stage (the globular shape), it loses power and spirality. It is no co-incidence that the outermost planets' vortices have a longer and stronger m'vortexya, which keeps them on the outer wark belts (Wark belts are touched upon by Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion), whereas the inner planets with a shorter, weaker m'vortexya are closer to the sun. The Outer planets have many satellites and the inner planets have few if any --- these conditions are due to their vortices having more or less spirality and stronger or weaker m'vortexya (axis poles)
All Oahspe references are from the Oahspe Standard Edition 2007
All Oahspe references are from the Oahspe Standard Edition 2007
What About Pluto: Is it a Planet or Isn't it?