Oahspe Study and Faithism


God's Workers and the 100 Year Cycle

Step by Step up to the Light





To bring about the Father's kingdom on earth in its fullness, God, Son of Jehovih, through his heavenly kingdom raises up and inspires mortal workers for certain purposes. To those ends, Jehovih has provided propitious seasons for man to labor in bringing about the fullness of Jehovih's Kingdom on earth.


These seasons can be divided into 100-year allotments called Sweeps. Thus over a period of 1200 years from 1049 ce to 2249 ce, we have 12 Sweeps /Themes / Families (12 generations) which run from the cyclical rise of light (1049) at the end of Bon, and ends with the ascendancy of Jehovih's Kingdom in its fullness around the earth (2249). Two Sweeps (2249-2449) tacked on the end bring the list of Sweeps shown to 14.


With 33 years (one Spell) per Generation, three of them make a Family, that is, one generation of children, one generation of parents, and one generation of grandparents together make a Family. As a Spell generates a Generation, so a Sweep produces a Family, being 100 years in duration. Thus we shall have 12 Families starting from the rise of light in 1049 ce and enduring to 2249 ce, when the Father's Kingdom is adopted into ascendency around the world.


Here follows the sequencing and epitomes from 1049 and extending to 2449, being 200 years beyond that glorious event of 2249. The epitomes reveal the Theme of the Sweep and indicate the labor of some of God's mortal workers.


1049 - 1149             Awakeners and the Awakening from the slumber of Hyartien darkness.

1149 - 1249            Revitalizers and the Revitalization via ancient ways / cultures.

1249 - 1349            Aristotelians, Aristotelianism and the growth of reason and reasoners.

1349 - 1449            Rise of individualism, naturalism, and aestheticism / the rise of individualists, naturalists, & aestheticists.

1449 - 1549            Callers & reformers for Religious & secular Reform. (see also, 32/36.1-30; 32/37.1-6.)

1549 - 1649            Protestants and the growth of Protestantism.

1649 - 1749            Bible fault finders; skeptics, infidels, scholars.

1749 - 1849            Money-gettters and money-getting / Republic Social Order.

1849 - 1949            (seeming) Miracles & miracle workers / science & scientists / inventions & inventors / technology & technologists.

1949 - 2049            Globalists and Globalism.

2049 - 2149            Fraternalists & Fraternalism / Fraternity Social Order.

2149 - 2249            Kingdomers / toward Jehovih's kingdom in its fullness on earth.

2249 - 2349            The Bloomers, set about blossoming and quickening the Tree of Light; also the time of full-fledged return of angels from
       earth's past including I'hins, teaching of Es & Corpor.

2349 - 2449            Tree of Light in the Glory of full Bloom; also the time of Prophecy and clear-sightedness, the theme of the social order
       consisting of Man as Prophet.


       With the dan of 2449 (2nd dan harvest point), this completes the first 600 years of the Kosmon Era and sets the
       foundation of Light not only for the dan'ha cycle but for the Kosmon Era of 12,000 years and man's final gadol of
       24,000 years.


Commentary on the Step-by-Step 100-year cycles

Although God's workers set a Theme for 100 years, that which they set in motion is invigorated sufficiently in the social order during that Sweep and then carries onward into the following cycles. As a general rule, they endure an additional 200 years after which they tend to disappear or become radically changed in orientation and goal. The overall process totals 300 years; that is, 100 years of theme followed by 100 years of extreme by the beast-man, followed by a general decadence of about 100 years in which the lowest grades adopt and further twist the theme. By the end of the 300 years the Theme and its lessons have become generally accepted, irreversibly so, by the bulk of humanity as a reality. By the end of 300 years, the theme has become part of the social fabric of expected reality. Note however that this 300-year rule is flexible. For instance, Christianity has been around some 2000 years and so it can be expected to take more than 300 years for the lower grade groups to disengage from it.


In actuality no cycle or Theme begins in a void but comes in part out of the previous milieu. Accordingly each Theme of 100 years requires, as a general rule, a prior 100 years of prep work (preparation). This sets the total cycle at 400 years, that is, one Atmospherean Time which can also be called one Spiritual Time or one Time of Spirit or one Time of Heart Orientation.


As an analogy, consider man near the end of a dan'ha cycle. During its cyclical rise in man's intellect near the end of the dan'ha, he begins to desire the Theme of the upcoming Dan'ha. This desire grows. The closer the dan'ha comes, the greater and deeper the desire grows. This thus prepares man to become a willing and even eager worker to establish the new Theme when that new Dan'ha begins. So it is also with the 100-year cycles, each one being preceded by 100 years of prep work, with man's (normally es-man's / Es-man's) desire for the new upcoming Theme growing and intensifying toward the end of the 100 year cycle.


The new upcoming 100-year Theme will be an extension, a more comprehensive aspect of the primary Theme for the present 100-year cycle. Thus, because of Inqua (thing within a thing), any given 100-year work cycle is simultaneously a main (primary) Sweep cycle in ascendancy, a second period cycle, a third period cycle, and a fourth period cycle (prep cycle). Said another way, a Primary Theme, say, the "Awakening from Hyartien slumber", occurred for the Es-man / es-man in 1049-1149. For the bulk of the Beast-man the "awakening from slumber" occurred / flourished from 1149-1249. The Bulk of humanity awoke during the 1249-1349 Sweep. And by 1349 to 1449 the Lowest Grades began to finally awaken just in time for the rise of individualism and aestheticism (which they turned to sensuality). The following table indicates such relationships found by looking at the table "horizontally", that is, by reading across a row:



100-year Theme

Es-man / es man  || Theme dates


|| Extreme dates

Bulk of humanity ||

Mean dates

Lowest grades || Integration dates

Awakeners & Awakening from Hyartien slumber

1049 - 1149

1149 - 1249

1249 - 1349

1349 - 1449

Revitalizers & Revitalization via ancient ways & cultures

1149 - 1249

1249 - 1349

1349 - 1449

1449 - 1549

Growth of Reason & Reasoners

1249 - 1349

1349 - 1449

1449 - 1549

1549 - 1649

Rise of individualists, naturalism, & aestheticism / sensuality

1349 - 1449

1449 - 1549

1549 - 1649

1649 - 1749

Callers & Reformers for religious & secular reform

1449 - 1549

1549 - 1649

1649 - 1749

1749 - 1849

Protestants, and the growth of Protestantism

1549 - 1649

1649 - 1749

1749 - 1849

1849 - 1949

Bible fault finders; skeptics, infidels, scholars

1649 - 1749

1749 - 1849

1849 - 1949

1949 - 2049

Money-getters & money getting; Republic Social Order

1749 - 1849

1849 - 1949

1949 - 2049

2049 - 2149

(seeming) Miracles & miracle workers / science / inventions / technology.

1849 - 1949

1949 - 2049

2049 - 2149

2149 - 2249

Globalists and Globalism

1949 - 2049

2049 - 2149

2149 - 2249

2249 - 2349

Fraternilaists & Fraternalism / Fraternity Social Order

2049 - 2149

2149 - 2249

2249 - 2349

2349 - 2449

Kingdomers / toward Jehovih's kingdom in its fullness on earth; ending in ascendancy by 2249.

2149 - 2249

2249 - 2349

2349 - 2449


The Bloomers, set about blossoming & quickening the Tree of Light; also large-scale angelic return

2249 - 2349

2349 - 2449



Tree of Light in the Glory of full Bloom; time of Prophecy & clear-sightedness; Man as Prophet

2349 - 2449





* Due to the quickening power from the rising light in the first four hundred years of Kosmon, the lower grades will require less time to perceive the Primary Theme.



Another way to use the table is to look at it diagonally. For example, starting in the left column (Es-man column) in the period from 1349 to 1449 God's workers set forth on a track of individualism, naturalism and aestheticism. (Historians of the world's people called this the beginning of the European Renaissance that spanned some 300 years from circa 1349 to 1649; note here the aforementioned 300-year period)


Following 1349-1449 diagonally upward one line and one column to the right, we see that during this same 1349-1449 cycle the Beast-man is involved in taking Reason and Reasoning to an extreme. Proceeding again diagonally upward one line and one column we see the bulk of humanity trying to find a balance (mean) in its embrace of ancient ways and cultures as these continue to impact (revitalize) their present outlook and lifestyle. In Europe of 1349-1449 the vitalized ancient culture chiefly holding and sparking interest was the ancient pre-Christian Roman Republic and to a lesser extent the Roman Empire. And going once more diagonally we see the lowest grades finally awakening 1349 to 1449 from their long slumber.


{1349, by the way, is 666 years from 2016. Remember, the awakening of the lowest grades occurred over the course of 100 years from 1349 to 1449. Similarly from 2016 to 2116, man should see not only a spiritual awakening and revitalization of his es sense (es perception), but a growth in spiritual reasoning. This spiritual reasoning will embrace not only global awareness, but the global family of man as brothers and sisters under one Source of All Life. The individual (Individualism) instead of being exploited or turned from, will be nurtured and enhanced toward the joy of living for all within the aegis of a fraternity social order based upon wise stewardship of both the earth and all the living.}


Finally, perhaps the easiest way to see the progression of man in the table is to look at it vertically. While the remainder of this section speaks of the Theme column, yet the progression should be evident as well in the other three date / time columns.


Prior to 1349 were three preceding 100-year cycles going back to 1049. Thus, 1049 experienced its Theme---an awakening from darkness in a sweep filled with awakeners and events that awaken. Before that, the sweep from 949 to 1049 (not shown) was filled with intellectual darkness and stagnation, little stirred except for a vague longing for something better (e.g., Christians looked for a second coming of Christ).


Who was awakened in that 1049-1149 sweep? Primarily the es-man (and the Es-oriented man especially). In that regard, recall from Oahspe (37/5.6) that (in general) working people have their es risen above their corpor. The beast-man would mostly awaken in the next sweep starting in 1149. And in that 1149-1249 Sweep the awakened ones (the Es-man and es-man) became vitalized. These then sufficiently revitalized the social order to some higher degree of awareness.


Now from 1249 to 1749 the focus turns chiefly upon European events since it was mainly their descendants who initially emigrated to Guatama and changed its tone. By the time of the founding of the Republic, the focus switches to Guatama and increasingly to the world.


Accordingly, around 1249 and not long after, Christianity's Catholic Church finally accepted that they could not stop the teachings of Aristotle, especially his study of logic and his descriptions of the natural world. Still, the Church tried to control its use but increasingly failed. And so for the next 100 years to 1349, came the rapid growth of reason, especially toward the natural world, i.e., man's earthly-life. The fruit of this would then come forth in the 1349-1449 rise of individualism, naturalism and aestheticism, mentioned earlier as the Renaissance.


Also from 1249 to 1349, the great bulk of humanity was finally awakening from its dark slumber of 949-1049, so that by 1349 even the lowest group began to be aware that change was in the air---the old ways seemed to be falling apart. Indeed even the beast-man, being revitalized during this period of 1249 - 1349, joined in the fray as the social order began unraveling and fragmenting (i.e. as established things unraveled and fragmented, some of the beast-man tried to hold on to the old and others sought advantage in the new).


So that coming forth from that fray, the movement called Humanism rising from 1349 to 1449 and fueled by Humanists, as God's workers, arose to carry forth in this Sweep's theme. In this Sweep the es-man revitalized the great bulk of humanity toward individualism, the natural world, and aesthetics (often becoming degraded to sensuality, a beastly form of aesthetics---aesthetics comes from the heart lifting the lower upward, but sensuality comes from the lower and desires to tug the heart down to the beast).


The Catholic Church, having slowly fossilized since its beginning into an unyielding, mostly inflexible structure, had, by 1449, become ripe for man to demand that it reform by ridding itself of abuses and worldly practices. Finally by the end of the sweep in 1549, the es-oriented man fueled by his own reading of the Bible (widely available not long after circa 1449) began to swarm toward those who disavowed the Church but not Christianity.


Also in that Sweep from 1449 to 1549, in part because of availability of printed books the upward aspiring es-men promoted the idea of the philosopher-king, hoping to get a crop of them in Europe so as to improve the social order of man. (It had been hoped at the time that Henry the 8th of England would be one such king.) But alas it proved to be a chimera, a fantasy dashed upon the rocks of self.


From 1549 to 1649 came the growth of Protestantism. This Sweep caused a permanent split in Western Christianity, thus breaking the stranglehold Looeamong had upon the social order of the Western World. For Protestants were to be guided each by their own conscience! Further, each Protestant could read and interpret the Bible according to their highest light---no priesthood would be allowed to stand between them and their God. Moreover, as a general rule they would become more open to social improvements than the Catholic Church.


It was precisely to inspire such individual and group Protestants toward such higher ends and principles that God, Son of Jehovih would become involved. For, we must remember that God's Lords must work with people regardless of their faults, toward a higher conception of reality.


In that regard, then, consider the next group of God's workers---skeptics, scholars and infidels who found fault in their prevailing Bible. According to Oahspe (32/36.6, 9, & 11), these began their work around the time Columbo discovered Guatama and endured 300 years.


32/36.11. And I made the beginning of the work of these infidels and scholars to correspond with the discovery of Guatama by Columbo, and I kept them at their work for three hundred years, which was up to the time of the establishment of the republic of Guatama, which I, your God, provided to be untrammeled by an established religion.


The Forty-year Periods

The Oahape verse (32/36.11) thus puts the start and end of the infidel period about 40 years after 1449 to some 40 years after 1749. Here is the story:


The Printing Press was invented and printing began commercially around circa 1449, the Christian Bible being the first book printed. Some 40 years later Columbus found the New World in 1492. This 40 years yielded time for the critics to have read and intellectually digested their Bible sufficiently so as to reason through its statements and claims. . Three hundred years later, in 1749 the wind shifted in the relationship between the American Colonies and their Mother country (England). Looeamong, not liking what he saw coming, commenced to precipitate them toward war. But Jehovih through His God triumphed and so some 40 years after 1749 the Republic was sealed in 1788 and the first United States government commenced in 1789.


These circa 40-year maturing periods are as foundation-setting periods. They are not apparent before 1449. But in every Sweep cycle afterward they are certainly evident, as we shall demonstrate.


First, though, consider the role of the 40-year period in context of the 100-year cycle. The 40-year span, being 2/5 of 100 years, allows for a strong foundation to be established. Analogy-wise, think of an upright 5-pointed star. It takes 20 years for each star-point to stabilize. After 40 years, the two legs (bottom star-points) of that upright star create a stable base upon which the star rests. (An upright star such as this is, is emblematic of man (mortal or angel) going forth in the outer realm.) This 40-year period appears to be very important in the foundation of the Kosmon Era as we shall now show.


As indicated, the 40-year span is a period of time within the 100-year cycle. This means the 40-year span being referred to is not a (repeating) cycle but a period of time within the 100-year cycle. Even so, while any given 100-year cycle is underway, so too are the cycles of other durations such as the Ode and Spell. (There are nine repeating cycles of 11 years in a Sweep and 3 repeating cycles of 33.33 years within the Sweep. Cycles larger than the Sweep are also in play. Like the cycles, the 40-year period is subject to perturbations of other cycles, meaning events might reveal themselves somewhat before or somewhat after 40 years. While God, Son of Jehovih took advantage of propitious times to induce man upward, the craft of Looeamong also took advantage of cycles with their perturbations to advance his own ends. Because God, Son of Jehovih, and Looeamong would attempt to counter the other, this also helped shape and color the perturbations. All those and other factors beyond the scope of this writing caused some fluctuation in the 40-year period.


By 1449 God, Son of Jehovih, and his kingdom needed help, needed to be refreshed (28/58.19; 28/60.15; 28/60.23). In 1449 the etherean Goddess Hyaponitissa brought the Chain of the Circuit (28/60.9) along with many ethereans (including many Loo'is) to the Red Star's God, Son of Jehovih (28/60.43). That Chain of Etherean Light marked the conclusion of the 3000-year cycle since the dan'ha began. It also marked the beginning of the remainder, being 400 years, of the Bon dan'ha. Thus Oahspe's Book of Eskra (28/) ends at 3000 years, and the Book of Es (29/) carries forth the history for the remaining 400 years.


(Truly, the final 400 years of the dan'ha are quite different from the preceding 3000 years. For one thing, no longer on the defensive regarding the Four Heads of the Beast, God's kingdom under Jehovih silently yet confidently took the initiative. For, the influx of ethereans into his kingdom had introduced strategies that baffled, befuddled, and in general outmaneuvered the Beast---except Looeamong to a degree, who, having discovered God's plan for Guatama, became charged up to thwart that plan and otherwise convert the opportunity to his own advantage.)


Moreover some 40 years after Hyaponitissa, came the Etherean Redeemers under the etherean Thotagawawa, God of the mission (29/3.14), to lift the thoughts of mortals. And these would remain 400 years (29/3.9; 29/3.3). So 1449 + circa 40 = when Columbus discovered Guatama (1492).


In the next Sweep of 1549-1649, some forty years after 1549, in 1588 with the Spanish Armada (Catholic) against England (the Independent Protestant Mother country of the American Colonies), Looeamong had created the gravest threat to God's plans. But storms assisted the English with their inadequate ships in defeating the Spanish. This effectively opened the way for England's full scale colonizing of America.


Forty some years into the next Sweep of 1649 to 1749, came the defeat of Looeamong's second big attempt to destroy God's plans. In 1688 came the "Glorious Revolution", essentially a bloodless changeover in which the Parliament deposed England's Catholic kings (these had been mostly under Looeamong's influence), and brought in a Protestant king willing to abide by Parliament (thus becoming a Constitutional Monarchy, especially when in 1689 it created England's Bill of Rights, which all potential English monarchs must agree to before being crowned).


The next Sweep running from 1749 to 1849 saw some 40 years into the Sweep the Founding of the Republic Social Order in America. As this is sufficiently discussed in Oahspe, no more will be said here about it.


One Atmospherean Time (400 years) after Hyaponitissa (1449) was 1849 that saw the advent of the Kosmon Era. Some 40 years later marked the turn in the American Spirit and its culture toward the great possibilities of the future. It was also the time when Thotagawawa and his hosts ascended (save for those who volunteered to remain for a season longer).


In the final Sweep in this series, being from 1949 to 2049, we found that some 40 years after 1949, from about 1989 was the advent of the personal computer age emerging into the networked World Wide Web age of instant personal and group communication---helping to make the world as one. It was also the time (1989) when the Cold War that began circa 1949, after WWII ended between the USA and the Soviet Union who had fought each other through proxy.


Implications of the 300-year Periods

Recalling verse 32/36.11 previously shown, why did it take 300 years for the fault-finders to accomplish their work? Aside from the Christian Church's Inquisitions, the expanding volume and variety of available books such as those on scientific evidences, and philosophical explanations, resulted in a sort of picture puzzle of which any one book could only contribute one or a few pieces of the puzzle. This could not all be done in a Sweep (100 years). It took until the European Enlightenment of circa 1649 to 1749 to bring the pieces together sufficiently so that the es-oriented man could more clearly perceive reason and reality. This quickening culminated in Thomas Paine's writings (29/13.4-5) and the founding of the Republic Social Order.


As stated, 300 years is the general rule regarding a Theme duration: The first hundred years sets the foundation and sees the es-man setting forth the primary theme listed for each Sweep, The second 100 years sees the beast-man reacting to that primary theme. By the third Sweep the bulk of humanity accepts that primary theme or at least acknowledges its presence and potency in the social order. (By the fourth Sweep, the lowest grades are settling into the primary theme of that first Sweep, basically riding in the bilge and sliding toward the keel of the ship called man's social order. These lowest grades including those below the grades contribute little to the ship of state other than at best functioning as ballast and drag, thus tending to keep the ship more or less upright. That is, even as false Gods cannot ignore their drujas and so must continually divert them, so those mortals in charge of a social order cannot afford to totally ignore the dregs of society or what they consider to be dregs, although in a beastly society, they are often left to suffer so long as they do not imperil the alphas of the social order.)


Accordingly, for instance, we have es-man as Protestant coming forth in the 1549 Sweep. Recall that before then, essentially the only socially at-least-somewhat-tolerated religious alternative was the Jewish religion. The explosion of Protestants into numerous sects forced the Protestants to become relatively tolerant so that at the end of 300 years (1549 to 1849), the Kosmon Era could begin and be free to have its teachings published without legal restraint. Also the Four Heads of the Beast had been removed and delivered by 1849. Thus, while Protestantism was not destroyed in 1849, that date became the beginning of its end since they will not have a second resurrection guiding them. Nevertheless, keep in mind that God and his Lords continue to inspire all upward aspiring mortals (no matter what their faiths or beliefs) toward the fulfillment of Kosmon.


The Fault-finders present another example. Some 300 years after 1649, the Dead Sea Scrolls were found (from 1947), but locked up from general access till 1991. Notice here again the circa 40 years lag. In those ancient scrolls it became irrefutably evident that the Christian Bible was contrived. Of course there are those whose blind faith still trumps their desire for the truth. And so once again people clinging to something built upon 2000 years of tradition makes it hard for them to let go.


Then there were those calling for Reform in the theme of 1449 to 1549. And 300 years later in 1749 plus circa 40 years, we saw the secular reform combined with religious reform in the founding of the Republic Social Order (1788) which included freedom of religion and placed power into the hands of the people.


This brings us to the 1749 primary Theme and the founding of the Republic and its Money-getting Social Order. Three hundred years later is 2049. Here, according to the cycles as well as revelations, the primary Theme changes to become the Fraternity and its providing-for-people's-needs and wise-stewardship Social Order. Along with that comes the diminishing or ending of the money-getting society. Bear in mind in that regard, though, the 40ish-year lag that may attend the infant social order and so for the first 40 years or so, can be difficult going at times.


And finally, with 1849 and the beginning of the Kosmon Era came its miracle workers to 1949, which also includes scientists and technologists, inventors, and innovators. (Think of for exampe chemists with their pyrotechnics or creating new substances; or the technologists who make instant distant communication available worldwide. So that by 2149 when the Father's kingdom is first established in its fullness on this earth, miracle worship will have run its course, especially by 2249 and the Father's kingdom is in its ascendancy around the world when we will see the virtual cessation of man worshipping miracles, which will coincide with a great return of the angels, en masse in 2249-2349!



May we all do our parts well for Jehovih's sake and for the sake of His kingdom come in all its fullness on earth.










All Oahspe references are from the modern language edition: Oahspe Standard Edition






The Crown and Seal