Oahspe Study
Panic (Earth) Language. Apology [Short translation]: The universe is full; all things are members. Speech they have: Bid them speak. You be the recorder of their words. || Such is Panic (Earth) language, the first language. What does the bird say? The beast? The stars? The sun? All? It is their souls speaking. Hear the soul, and repeat it. This light leads you to origin.
Oahspe, Book of Saphah; 37/2.49.
[Seffas:] How, then, could the angels of Jehovih teach man of Jehovih, except by idols and graven images? Weigh the matter, and you shall perceive that knowledge is conveyed from man to man by idols and images. Even the sound of a spoken word, is an idol of an idea; and the idea is carried within that which is not the real thing itself, but merely wind.[1]
[1] That is, an idea is given expression through one or more words, and the word or set of words is merely a symbol or idol for the idea. In speaking, the sound given to the word is nothing but patterns of air-currents, hence sound in corporeal reality is only wind. To see this, listen to a recording of someone speaking a foreign language.
From this we see that for a sound to be of value in communication, it must have a meaning associated with it. The sound must be a symbol of something---it is therefore an icon or idol, that is, an imperfect representation of that which it represents. Moreover, that symbol or idol must relate to something in the experience of both the speaker and the listener. When two or more people agree upon what a symbol means or conveys, then conversation (communication) is possible using that symbol. But as words are only icons or symbols of what is in the mind, this means each person interprets from the idol according to what he has in his mind and experience.
This might seem to doom communication to continual misinterpretation, but fortunately beyond or within words are spirit and soul, both of which require no words for communication to occur, yet all words are imbued with both spirit and soul of some sort.
Oahspe, Book of Saphah; 37/2.50, 33/3.7.
Your corporeal senses can only be reached by corporeal things. Spiritual things, of which ideas are a part, can be conveyed by es force, and without idols and images (including spoken words).* Understand my words, and you shall find the way to your Father's kingdom.* see, e.g., 33/3.7
As cold metal in contact with hot metal changes temperature, so by angel contact with the spirit of man, knowledge passes from one to the other. So also is it of the passions, sentiments, desires and aspirations between the two.
Oahspe introduces many different languages to the student. It should be remembered that the high-raised angels do not, among themselves, speak in an earth language---neither English, nor French, nor Hindi, nor Chinese, nor any other language, but all speak a universal language which comes of the soul.
In fact, their language might best be described as a high end soul language. The low end soul language is the Panic language, where each thing is named by the sound that it expresses, and which sound in its purest or most innocent aspect, comes from the soul of the expresser to the soul of man. Because mortal man is an imperfect receiver, he cannot fathom the entirety of the soul sound, but, in essence, perceives a shallow, surface value, which nonetheless is a soul sound and represents the soul and its intent as emitted by the expresser.
What language development does (and here we refer to the Tree of Languages as it reaches upward and outward) is to promote the capacity of man to read soul sounds in greater depth and clarity. The idea is for man to gradually acquire the ability to learn angelic language. The upper and outer-most branches on that Language Tree, therefore, indicate growth in the ability to perceive angelic soul language.
And, therefore, Oahspe was likely first written in that soul language and then, by the angelic group whose job it was, translated into the English language.
From the Tree of Language plate, we see that the language started with Panic or earth language, which attempted to replicate the sounds the soul of each thing made. Hence we see that the original language taught to man attempted to duplicate the angelic language, but of course it was through the corporeal filter that such language evolved. Besides, given the primitive state of the first man (Asu), only rudimentary concepts and things could be expressed in the first place.
In the course of time, man's ability to express higher concepts did grow, and such progress could be seen in his language. So that at the time of Kosmon (1849 CE), man had reached the higher branches of the language tree with his modern languages and refinement of older languages.
With kosmon begins the melding of all languages into one. From the American language, with borrowings from all other languages, which has already well begun, will evolve the Kosmon language, which will tend toward the universal language of the high-raised angels.
Oahspe states --- where there are many languages, many religions; where one language is spoken, there is also only one religion, which is worship of the Great Spirit (26/23.3). This therefore can be a gauge for the prophet and prophecy student to judge the progress of the Father's kingdom on earth --- for as the earth tends toward one language, so will matters tend toward one religion.
Moreover, consider the time in the future when the language of earth evolves to the language used by the high-raised atmosphereans and ethereans, Gods and all. It stands to reason does it not, that if only Jehovih is worshipped, then there is only one language. And that language is universal, for it speaks from the soul. And it makes common sense that angels are to this day, taught this universal language as they move up in the resurrection.
Therefore, for all the prior reasons as well, it becomes clear that Oahspe was first compiled and written in this universal tongue, then translated into English for transmission into corpor. Incidentally, prior to publication, Newbrough had translated some Panic words in the manuscript into English. One may ask, why would certain words be transmitted by angels in Panic rather than English? As stated in the Panic Earth Language caption below the title --- the panic language "leads you to origin". This means that many words have their origin in the Panic language, and so their meaning in that language is purer --- closer to the essence of what is being spoken of. Other words came later as concepts and culture of man developed. The text of Oahspe still contains many Panic and Angelic words --- the first Vede language was Angelic. In fact all the languages prior to Fonecian (with the exception of Yi-ha) where of angelic sources, although man had been introducing variations from the beginning, especially in the hyartian (dark) times of the cycles..
Many of the angel given languages and symbols including Panic have their roots in this universal language, and these languages and symbols were designed to raise man (to induce man) up toward es'ean things and es'ean ways. Even to this day this holds true. For our modern languages have roots in this universal language, and so language still serves to induce man toward heavenly perceptions:
Oahspe, Book of Saphah; 35/A.8, 9.
The fruit I [Saphah: record of man's expressions - the form and essence of meanings past] bore fed all the inhabitants of the earth. But the flesh of the fruit has perished; yet the seed still lives.
My soul is in languages, in rocks and ruined walls; in fallen temples and buried cities. These are the remnants of my corporeal body.
Moreover, as we see from the Language Tree symbol, the tree branches reach up toward heaven, meaning our modern-day languages actually draw closer to the universal language than the earlier languages such as Panic or Poit, which were fairly unsophisticated and close to the earth in interpretation, i.e., heavenly things (es'ean things) were given an earthly interpretation).
Signs and Motions
Oahspe, Book of Saphah; 35/C.7.5, C.8.1.
He was the Unseen. What the Unseen spoke, the Seen could not speak[1]. Eoih was Almighty.
Pan said: I am language; I am two members, the utterance and the behavior (names and motions [2] ; nouns and verbs).
[1] The seen for man was corpor; but the unseen was able to express in ways that the seen could not. This helps explain why there were so many variations in His name (i.e., because they, the seen, were trying to pronounce the unseen).
[2] For example, any type of motion as in speaking by hands or other gestures, as in sign language, or as in pointing (with the hand, with the chin, etc.); but also movement itself (of any sort)---all is language---and this also can be interpreted. That is, motion, no matter how subtle, produces expression (sound), and these sounds (expressions) can be interpreted by the soul much like the mind reads a book --- e.g., 22/4.9-15 (see Book of Divinity citation at the end). Some examples of man growing in this understanding of movement as language, on a conceptual level, are the science of reading body language and understanding expression of love within relationships as a behavior of caring.
So language can be read by sight or by sound. For example, if someone sitting behind you suddenly scowls at you or smiles at you, and you are sufficiently developed (for beginners, it helps if you are closely attuned to the person), you can, without turning your head to look, perceive this scowl or this smile. And this talent (which by the way everyone has, although it may be presently undeveloped) contributes to the source of that saying that moms have eyes in the back of their head.
In any event, from this base, language has expanded to include modifiers (adjectives, adverbs), substitutes and equivalencies (pronouns, synonyms), qualifiers (clauses, absolutes, etc.), compounds (many subjects, many actions), clarifiers (prepositions, determiners, function words) and so forth.
Oahspe Book of Saphah; 35/C.8.2-6.
All things are embraced in my two members.
The unmoving are dead; a stone has a name, but no behavior; it is unmoving, it is dead. It is the property of Uz.
(Living) things have two behaviors. If a man looks toward Uz, it is downward; if toward Jehovih, is upward.
If a man marches toward Uz, it is war and destruction; if toward Light, it is peace and wisdom.
Whoever learns these, my signs, shall read all languages.
That is, choice of words and expression (utterance) is language, and cannot be separated from behavior, which is also language. Which is to say, for example, to utter a profanity or abusive words has a strong correlation to irreverent or destructive behavior; whereas to utter admiration or uplifting words has a strong correlation to respectful or virtuous behavior.
Oahspe, Book of Divinity; 22/4.9-15.
Div decreed: He shall now be entitled to enter the chapter of the primary soul. His first lessons shall be in colors and sounds, both of corpor and es. First, beginning with gray of not more than three combinations; and when he has mastered these, he shall have four, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and so on, until, when any combination of colors is placed before him, he can instantly perceive every color, shade, and tint, and the apparent velocity of light, and its force (actinic) emanating. And he shall pursue this study until he can create in es the counterpart of anything in corpor, or create in corpor the counterpart of anything in es. And of sounds he shall proceed in the same way; first, learning a combination of three, so that when his teacher produces any three sounds (notes) together, he can hear them and determine the exact velocity of each wave. Then he shall begin with four sounds, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and even a thousand, which, even though made in the same instant, he shall detect every one, and the velocity and force of each. This was the thirty‑third Divan law.
Div decreed: He shall now begin the practice of combining and creating color by sounds, and sounds by colors, both in corpor and es. His teachers shall make explosions with light, and explosions without light, and by using only his eye and ear he shall be able to determine the elements by which the explosions were made. This was the thirty‑fourth Divan law.
Div decreed: He shall go far away from the explosions, and when the waves come to him, even though he does not hear the explosion, he shall be able to determine, by the waves, of what substance the explosion was made, and whether in light or darkness. And, if in light, what colors were manifested. This was the thirty‑fifth Divan law.
Div decreed: He shall now receive instruction in the sounds of conversation. First, his teacher shall cause him to hear two people conversing at the same time, missing nothing that is said; then three, then four, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and then a thousand, but no greater number in this department. This was the thirty‑sixth Divan law.
Div decreed: He shall now analyze the waves of voice, in which he cannot hear the sounds. His teacher shall station him in a certain place and cause him to read the waves of light and sound that come to him, so that he knows not only the words spoken, but the kind of person speaking or singing. This was the thirty‑seventh Divan law.
Div decreed: His teacher shall now cause him to read the waves of light and sound emanating from two persons talking at the same time, whom he cannot hear, and he shall understand not only the words spoken, but the kind of persons speaking. Then he shall read the waves in the same way for three persons, then four, then eight, then a hundred, and even a thousand. This was the thirty‑eighth Divan law.
Div decreed: Then he shall be taken near a battlefield, where mortals are in deadly conflict, and he shall be stationed far enough away so he does not hear the sounds; but when the waves come to him, he shall read them and know the number of the men in battle, the kind of weapons in use, and the cause of contention. This was the thirty‑ninth Divan law.
In Part 2 we look at the use of language to express, mind spirit and soul and how the first two tablets given to man carried him forward.
All Oahspe references are from the Standard Edition Oahspe of 2007
The Languages of Man Part 2