Oahspe Study


Introduction to Orachnebuahgalah

Oahspe and Prophecy


The lure of being able to prophesy attracts many Oahspe readers, as it should --- because progressing in resurrection allows man to perceive ever more clearly, and so, grow in the ability to prophesy in one's chosen field.

Aside from that, though, opportunity exists for a person to specialize in the field of Prophecy, that is, to become a prophet. This need not sound esoteric. For instance, even as we all eat and thus with varying success and wisdom learn to prepare our own food --- so a person can specialize as a dietician or chef and hence become expert and knowledgeable in the wisdom and craft of food value and preparation.


Likewise, a person can specialize in prophecy. And even as a child can early on learn to peel a banana, so Oahspe reveals such things as an 11-year cycle that virtually anyone who can read Oahspe can find examples of. And as the child gains nutrition from the banana without really knowing much if anything about diet, so the Oahspe reader can get a taste of what prophecy entails through the use of cycles.


Cycles, though, are only one part of prophesying. Accordingly, some Oahspe readers desire further understanding, and these we may call students of prophecy or more specifically, Faithist prophecy. For the student of prophecy, Oahspe provides much to get one started. Oahspe's prophecy information does not, however, constitute a do-it-yourself manual of prophecy. It is neither complete nor a course outline. Instead, the authors of Oahspe have set forth what may be considered brief but partial glimpses of rudimentary prophecy. For given the size and purpose of Oahspe, it could only introduce the subject, and even then, often contextually scattered here and there throughout the text. Accordingly, such a small amount of information, rich and often pithy though it is, must by necessity be sketchy, and still, at best, serve as an index of possibilities in the field of Prophecy.


Because the authors of Oahspe did not intend to lay out a quick "Prophecy for Dummies Guide", so, as we learn from Oahspe that to advance beyond the simplicity of prophesying, much preparation is required on the part of a prospective student of Prophecy. S/he must be prepared with faith and discipline coupled with the incentive to seek and discover not only what has been provided or veiled in Oahspe, but also in his own internal world as well as that which is external to him/her.


Advancing into Prophecy


We find in Oahspe that the degree of Prophecy requires attainment in the first four degrees of the Faithists:


Oahspe, Book of Saphah, 35/CC.1, 2.

Chamber of Prophecy

God said: Before learning to approach the foot of the throne, what profit is it to show them the way to mount upon the throne itself?


Preserve, therefore, the secrets of prophecy for those who apply themselves to keeping Jehovih's commandments. Those who have attained to the foot, can of themselves find the way to mount upon it.


 It is not the part of this writing to interpret God, Son of Jehovih, for the meaning of his words is plain: to truly advance in prophecy the initiate must fulfill the necessary requirements as given in Oahspe, including, but not limited to proof of resolve (sincerity), cleanliness, purity, clarity and grade.


Nonetheless, certain tools of prophecy were given in Oahspe. One such tool is an Orachnebuahgalah. Because of Oahspe's limited size, not all information could be included regarding the Orachnebuahgalah. To assist man in using this tool is a purpose of this writing . Yet it must be borne in mind that though we here present some clarification to the Orachnebuahgalah, still, it is merely a tool and does not in and of itself reveal the mysteries of prophecy.


Regarding such mystery, the student of prophecy should know that in the main, the mysteries of prophecy information are not hidden, per se, but rather that a high degree of attainment in both su'is and ethe is required to not only perceive the information, but to perceive it understandingly. This means that of their own accord, coarser minds automatically block themselves off because they simply cannot perceive what to the initiate shine as higher truths (subtle es realities) which help, for instance, in the reading and unraveling of threads. Among other things, these truths touch on the unseen realms as well as the nature, system and order of creation and its soul.




The Orachnebuahgalah depicted in Oahspe along with the tables that accompany it appear very cryptic to the uninitiated. This is because the accompanying instructions assume the student has a grounding in basics and some contextual knowledge of prophecy tables; a broad knowledge of historical and current events of the subject s/he is prophesying; and as previously mentioned, the su'is and ethe sense, the latter of which cannot come without attuning oneself with Jehovih, the All Person.


In Oahspe, it is Tae (the highest general expression of mankind) who provides a basis for constructing an orachnebuahgalah for the past cycle of Bon:


Oahspe, Book of Knowledge, 37/4.12 - 19; 24, 25.


So Tae collected histories from the arc of Bon to the coming of kosmon; and the sons and daughters of Jehovih quickened him to remember all the knowledge that had come into the world from the revelations of that day. When Tae had completed his labors he made a tablet of events, and classified them, and he called the tablet Orachnebuahgalah, because it was of the line of the tree of Jehovih, being the last of the fruits of the Hebrew language. But the people called it the tablet of prophecy, signifying, the mathematics of both evil and good.


And Tae divided the time of the tablet according to the darkness and light of the period, and for four hundred years prior, and in all, it spanned three thousand four hundred years.


Tae said: According to the light of my Father in heaven I will call the ends of the tablet dan'ha, for these are the quickened times mentioned by the prophets of old. Not only will I prove whether they are true or not; but I will find the motion of the Great Serpent (solar system) and this will determine its orbit. For since Jehovih has made years, has He not also made cycles, and will the cycles not comport with the rules of its members?


Accordingly, Tae determined that an arc was three thousand years, but that the dans varied from fifty to six hundred years. Tae said: Though You, O Jehovih, have made Your arcs three thousand years, You have wisely varied the heights of them. I will now compute the events within the cycle of Bon and find the members born into atmospherea, and the times of their abiding lights.


And Tae perceived that he could determine the dominions of the lower heaven, and from this revert to the earth and discover what had been in ages past. Then Tae classified cycles at three thousand years, and the wave [time –ed.] of the Great Serpent at two hundred years and four hundred years. He subdivided these again, and found that every thirty‑third year was alike on the earth as to heat and cold, and from these he discovered the nebulous regions within the vortex of the earth, and the cause of the variations in the times of falling meteors. Next Tae subdivided the thirty‑third year into eleven, and he found the variation to be one in ninety‑nine years....



Tae said: All things in proximity impress each other and to find the roadway in the earth's travel is to find what has been and what will be. If, therefore, the past history of the earth's people for three thousand years were written truthfully it would disclose the roadways of one cycle of time, and this must be repeated with each thirty‑third cycle with one deviation in ninety‑nine cycles, and half a deviation in eight cycles (a gadol), which is equivalent to twenty‑four thousand years.


And Tae measured the past cycles for twenty‑four thousand years, and the sons and daughters of Jehovih (the Eight Entities as depicted in the Book of Ben) were with him, every one contributing a part.






Orachnebuahgalah - The Tablet of Prophecy; the Crescent Tablet; being a map of light and darkness, the times gone through or coming, and the good and evil expressions of man.



Now in looking at the Tablet of Orachnebuahgalah shown in Oahspe, the first thing the student of prophecy must realize is that it is simply an example of "an" Orachnebuahgalah. Indeed, we might say it is a generic Orachnebuahgalah for demonstration purposes.


One indication that it is not a specific orachnebuahgalah is that it marks off more than 7 dans with only one hi'dan. This configuration would mean that there was no hi'dan at the end the previous cycle, but the only cycle that might have appeared that way was the Arc of Wan with Sethantes, however, the chart does not fit Sethantes' cycle. Understanding the relationship between hi'dan and the dawn of a new cycle (Dan'ha) then is required.


Thus, a hi'dan precedes a dawn of dan. This sequence occurs because the delivering ethereans come in the high light prior to the dawn of a new dan'ha. Part of their labor is to prepare the final harvest of the ending dan'ha for its God (God of heaven and earth). The other main part of their labor is to set forth a new direction in heaven and earth for the coming dan'ha. That new dan'ha comes at the end of the high light (hi'dan) as the light begins to recede and a new God of heaven and earth is crowned. With the crowning begins both the new dan'ha and the new atmospherean administration that oversees it. This crowning is done at the dawn of dan during which the Etherean Receiving Hosts come to carry away into etherea the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih (i.e., the harvest) as well as (normally) the redeeming Etherean Chief/tainess (or God/dess as the case may be) with their etherean hosts.


Looking now at the example Orachnebuahgalah in Oahspe, the student will observe that the example Orachnebuahgalah starts at the top and goes through 7 dans (shown by the dawn of dan cuts) ending with the hi-dan plus dawn of dan combination.


We have stated that the shown Orachnebuahgalah tablet is a generic tablet. Four clues point to this.


       The shown cycle does not fit the Sethantes cycle as mentioned.

       The durations between dawn of dan cuts do not match the Bon cycle, whereas the Book of Knowledge verses quoted above indicate that Tae created an Orachnebuahgalah for the Bon cycle.

       First dans are short, normally 200 years out of a dan'ha (which average 3000 years); but the first dan shown in our Orachnebuahgalah image is much longer than that.

       The 200 years duration follows the hi'dan-dawn of dan'ha combination, at the lower end of the tablet but not the first dan span as it should, as shown at the top of the Orachnebuahgalah tablet.



Some other points to be aware of:


       The Orachnebuahgalah is constructed according to the travel of the solar phalanx through the Etherean roadway of C'Vorkum. It is shown as beginning at the top of the tablet and traveling down and around to the left, in a clockwise direction around a large circular wheel. The curvature of the line implies that the 3000 years depicted is a segment of a much larger circle, evidently a cube (144,000 years). This might imply that the accompanying Tables of Times and Measurements occur over the course of the earth's journey through one cube. Keep in mind that the cube is the smallest unit in which there is no variation in the vortex of the earth, which fact in itself implies that these Tables of Times and Measurements affect the vortex of the earth as it encounters them

       Right side shows heavenly causes (factors aka variables), Left side shows what man did in response to the causes.

       The causes and results are rated neither in terms of years/duration nor in degrees but in terms of millage, that is, in parts out of 1000. It becomes obvious that the left side is not duration, since the numbers add up to more than 7,000 years, which length of time would be more than two cycles.  

       Part of the prophet's labor is to discern why any factor would result in any particular result, including, at times, different results for the same cause, see for instance the various times of "Aji 66" on the cause side and the varying results on the result side (left side).

       The accompanying Table of Times and Measurements indicates conditions that periodically come upon man. The prophet must use his/her ethe sense to discern these causes as well as their aligning (inducing) effect that man will align with (be induced to incline toward manifesting). (Such conditions with their names and numbers can also be seen in various etherean roadway maps in Oahspe.)

       The same holds true for the times of changes in the (table of) Ya La Pesta.

       The Ya La Pesta is a list of cycles and unlike the Table of Times and Measurements, it does indicate durations. This can be seen in the cycle entry: "1768  --- Four changes: Mathai, yam, luke and jon”.  The similarity to the Christian bible's first four books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, is not coincidental. To use these various cycle entries and seasons: The changes internal to the cycles we may loosely call seasons (seasons, because the changes follow one another and build upon the prior change; loosely, because we normally think of seasons as being four in number whereas in the Ya La Pesta cycles there are as many as 12 seasons per cycle). Now let us look at an interpretation of this particular cycle entry: Looeamong began his Christian religion in 332 ce (325 Council of Nicaea + 7 years --- see Oahspe 28/48.34,41,49 = 332 ce). So 325 + 1768 = 2093 ce, which is the time when the Christian bible shall have wholly outlived its usefulness as to man's resurrection. In short, the Christian bible (and religion built upon it) shall fail to bring man anything that he feels would be useful to him. That is, its fading over the years will not keep up with the increasing growth in the soul of man, till at last it becomes at best a curiosity of the past with a de facto disintegrated edifice. In short, it will have ceased providing inspiration for man. The question for the prophet, then is, when did the four changes occur? Consider for example, the Gospel of John is not at all like the other three books, for among other things the text embraced a Hellenic, i.e., cosmopolitan (at that time) outlook compared to the prior three books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Surely we have entered a more cosmopolitan time in the world since Kosmon began --- an indication that the last phase is underway.



The Way of the Prophet


For the Faithist, preparing for prophecy and attaining to becoming a prophet is a way of life that requires great dedication. While prophecy requires resolute aspiration and certain skills, development through discipline and faith in the Great Spirit cannot be glossed over --- a blossoming and ripening is required; there are no shortcuts.

As previously shown, the degree of the Faithist Prophet is far advanced beyond the initiate in the Fraternity of Faithists --- each degree in the Emethachavah must be attained before the next is undertaken.


Enthusiasm is an asset for the prospective prophet. Yet it sometimes happens that beginners become enamored with cycles, or with proving that they can understand "all" of Oahspe, or for any reason whatsoever begin to believe that they themselves are prophets, or could be prophets without having to undertake, endure and succeed with the requisite discipline, or desire others to believe they have done so, etc. Yet the brief considerations set forth in this writing point to one of the pinnacles available to the Faithist, namely that of being a prophet.


May we ever hold within our consciousness and temperament the peace, love, light and wisdom of the Creator, Jehovih.










All Oahspe references are from the modern language edition: Oahspe Standard Edition 2007






Role of the Prophet