Oahspe Study
Stories of the Flood (the Deluge) Part 2 |
Flood Stories from Around the World ~ Continuing from Part 1, we examine more of the many flood stories and myths from around the world. There are many common themes that are confirmed in the light of Oahspe's revelations regarding the Great Flood or Deluge, which was the actual submergence of a great continent in the Pacific Ocean some 25,000 years ago.
Common themes in flood stories from around the globe revealed the basic knowledge of an ancient great flood where only a few survived, chosen because of their virtue. It becomes apparent that within their mythical coverings, these tales still echo the long lost history of the flood, as revealed in Oahspe in 1882. This revelation about the long lost continent came on the eve of discovery when man, some hundred years later, found physical evidence of the ancient civilization beneath the waters of the Pacific Ocean (See Japan, Undersea Ruins).
Admittedly, through the wear of time, many original details of the tales have been long lost or replaced with fabrications. Nevertheless through inspiration from the heavens, certain names and symbols survived through the generations, such as water, rainbow, boat, mountains, islands and more. And even storytelling inventions can represent aspects of original events as analogies and metaphors. For instance, the problem of a lack of mates is often dealt with by imaginative encounters that are often taboo outlawed unions. Such devices are no more than attempts to retain details in an easy to remember story form that can pass down from generation to generation. These tales now yield common references that we can now interpret in light of the new Kosmon revelations and discoveries. For the Oahspe account of the Flood see Book of Aph.
Oahspe has revealed the events of the submergence of Pan and the subsequent landing of the various groups of boats in the five parts of the earth. The survivors remained together in small groups re-establishing their populations, and then for a short time some of them mixed with natives, called Druks and Barbarians. Many of these natives were giants and had long life-spans, they had regressed to such a primitive state that they did not discern the taboo of incest, neither could they build homes nor plant food, living in burrows or caves, and most of them were even devoid of language. This union between the I'hin and the Druk produced the I'huan (proto-modern man) who had previously appeared some 40,000 years before present but had disappeared only 10,000 years later through retro-breeding back with the more primitive Druk (See The Common Ancestry of Modern Humans). The new post flood I'huans recognized and revered the I'hin but hated and slew the Druks. We see an example of these relationships in the analogous tale that follows:
|| Sedang (southern Mon-Khmer): Humans were once very plentiful and had long life-spans. Rice grains, when they matured, flew into homes on their own, and fish jumped from the water onto the grill. People became decadent and engaged in promiscuous sex. Yang ("heaven") became angered when he saw this. He sent Bok Glaih to make thunder and rain, causing a worldwide flood that drowned humanity. Only one woman, Xnghi, and a dog escaped on the highest peak of Ngoc Linh Mountain. One day the dog urinated on a spot where the woman had urinated earlier. Xnghi became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When the boy grew up, he asked who is father was, but Xnghi would not tell him. Once, though, the mother asked her son to take food to his father in the swidden. The son happily expected to see his father at last but found only the dog. The dog asked for the food; the son refused, saying it was for his father. The dog said, "I am your father." Thinking the dog was lying, the son beat it to death. When he told his mother about the incident, she said nothing. When the boy became a man, he wanted to marry. The mother said that, as there was nobody else, they would become husband and wife. (In another version, the mother had twins, a boy and a girl. They went in search of spouses, met each other in the dark and, not recognizing each other, slept together.) The mother gave birth to four sons and four daughters, who in time married among themselves..... ||
The woman in the story represented the spiritually inclined I'hins, feminine representing Es, the spirit, whereas the male dog being masculine represented the more beast-like, corporeally oriented nature of the primitive Druk. The son, who is the issue of both, represents the I'huan who despised his paternal ancestry and slew his father.
Oahspe reveals that the Flood occurred in the Arc of Noe, the place in the Etherean Cosmos were the earth was travelling 25,000 years ago with the Sun in its great orbit of more than four million years. The name of Noe also survived through the many generations since the flood, as it is also found among various stories. There is the Noah of the Egyptian/Hebrew and Babylonian tradition; The mountain of Noesake from the island of Celam, Indonesia; The goddess Nu-wa, Nugua or Nu Kua of China who patched the wall in the sky to stop the flood with 5 colored stones (rainbow); Lono, Nu'u, Nui and Nua of Hawaiian and Maori flood legends; Ndengei of Fiji; Nol of the Loyalty Islands of the Pacific, who made a canoe on dry land; The god who caused the flood, Nu-mok-muk of the Dakota native Americans; Nata and Nene, of Nahua, Central Mexico, the couple who were instructed to hollow out a log and climb in; Nexquiriac of Southern Mexico, who sent the flood; Khuno of the Andes, the god who sent a flood; Ha-nu-xa of Terra del Fuego, moon woman who caused the flood; Noj from Sibera and many more.
The story of Noj and the following two tales from Southern China contain metaphors for the continual outbreak of evil upon the earth before the sinking of Pan. For, according to Oahspe, the earth and her heavens, even after being restored at the beginning of each cycle of 3000 years, continued to fall into evil (during the dark period of each cycle). Evil grew so great that the roadway wherein the earth traveled was not sufficiently dark/dense to accomodate the fallen grades of the inhabitants.
|| Sagaiye (eastern Siberia): God told Noj to build a ship. The devil tempted his wife to find out what he was building in the forest. When the devil found out, he destroyed by night what Noj built by day, so the boat was not completed when the flood came. God was forced to send down an iron vessel in which Noj, his wife and family, and all kinds of animals were saved. ||
The following tales have metaphors for the constant reappearance of dark conditions as soon as they had been cleared, and the final decision to flood instead of continuing to attempt to bring to harvest failing crops. The 9,000 years of the latter story is just about as long as the I'huans remained distinct from the druks before they retro-bred back with the druks, and thus losing their capacity for sustained spiritual existence and no longer viable for harvest into the higher realms.
|| Miao (Hmong) (southern China, north Thailand, Laos): .....Some people weeding their fields found the weeds back the next morning. They watched and caught the two spirits. One man wanted to shoot them, but his companion wanted to ask the spirits why they were replanting the weeds. The spirits told them that a flood was coming and they should be preparing drums instead of farming..... .....After people had lived on the earth for 9,000 years, two brothers noticed that someone was coming at night and undoing everything they had done in the field in the day. They laid in wait and saw an old man filling their furrows. The elder brother wanted to kill him, but the younger brother said they should first question him for his reason. The old man said their work was futile because a flood would soon come..... ||
Oahspe relates that once the I'hin survivors from Pan made their homes in the new lands, they were instructed to teach those natives (barbarians) who were capable of some spiritual comprehension. And indeed we find a record of this aspect in the following tale from Tibet:
|| Tibet: Tibet was almost totally inundated, until the god Gya took compassion on the survivors, drew off the waters through Bengal, and sent teachers to civilize the people, who until then had been little better than monkeys. Those people repopulated the land.||
The following tale relates heavenly events that could only have become known to mortals through the survivors of the Flood, the I'hins, who were su'is (capable of perceiving the spiritual world). Such knowledge of events in higher spiritual realms had to be received through their angel attendants. Oahspe details the events at the etherean council to discuss the condition and fate of the earth in the etherean gardens of Senaya before Aph was sent to earth on his mission (Synopsis, Oahspe):
|| Shan (Burma): Long ago, the middle world, of many worlds beneath the sky, had no race of kings (the Shan)..... Ling-lawn, the storm god.....Sitting in his palace beneath a beautiful umbrella, he called his counsellors. Kaw-hpa, Hseng-kio, old Lao-hki, Tai-long, Bak-long, the smooth-talker Ya-hseng-hpa, and others came and bowed down to worship. Speaking in the language of men (Shan), they decided to destroy the human race..... ||
And in the same story, we have the account of provision for the spirits of those perished in the flood:
|| .....A few days after he finished the raft, the flood came, rushing violently. Only Lip-long and the cow survived on the waters. He grieved to see the bodies of his family. Thus the race of Shans perished. Their spirits went to the mansions of heaven, were refreshed by a meal of cold crab, and found the spirit land a festive and charming place..... ||
The following analogous story from the Pacific Islands reflects many details of the account in Oahspe. It describes the dark fallen condition of the heavens of Pan, and the ignorance of the earthbound spirits who remained attached to mortals. Then came the cutting loose of the heavens from the land. While the lower heavens were removed, the land was pushed beneath the ocean by Aph and his hosts, and order was restored. Aph, the Chief, prayed and chanted, invoking the power of the Great Spirit as the ten thousand mighty etherean ships applied their force in unison.
|| New Hebrides: Naareau told them to push up, and the sky was lifted a little, but they could lift it only so high since the sky was rooted to the land. Naareau sent Naabawe, one of the people, to summon Riiki, the conger eel. Riiki was sleeping and bit Naabawe when he was called. Naareau made a slip-noose and took two of Octopus's ten legs for bait (which is why octopuses have only eight legs today). With these, Naareau caught Riiki and told it to push up on the sky against the land. While Riiki pushed, Great Ray, Turtle, and Octopus tore at the roots of the sky while Naareau sang. The Company of Fools and Deaf Mutes stood by laughing. The roots of the sky were torn loose. The sky was pushed high and the land sank. But the sky had no sides, so Naareau sang and pulled down its sides so it was shaped like a bowl. ||
The following stories are confirmed in the Oahspe account of the flood which relates the rim of the vortex of the earth being impacted down onto earth to sever the borders of the great Pacific continent from the earth's crust and push it down into the earth's crust:
All Oahspe references are from the modern language edition: Oahspe Standard Edition 2007
Stories of the Flood Part 3