Oahspe Study and Faithism


The Twelve Prophets

What They Brought to the Wheel of Life


Beginning in the Soul at the North Station are the I'hins, then in the East is Zarathustra, the South is Po and the West is Abraham.

The second cycle begins with Brahma and Yutiv in the North, Eawatah in the East, Thothma the South and Capilya the West.

Third cycle begins with Moses in the North, Chine in the East, Sakaya in the South and Ka'yu in the West.

Fourth cycle begins with Joshu in the North as well as the center and the New Kosmon Man in the East, the rest is far in the future.




The Stations on the Wheel of Life

Since we will be examining the Prophets in context of the Wheel of Life, let's familiarize ourselves with some of basic attributes of the Wheel.

When we look at the Wheel of Life we can begin at any of the Four Stations situated in the four directions: North, South, East and West.

       When beginning a cycle in the North we are focusing on the Receptive - Soul Configuration.

       Beginning the cycle in the East, would be focusing on the Spirit and the Going Forth aspect of the matter.

       Beginning in the South, we are looking from the aspect of the Highest Light, the Perfect Ideal. For example, an arc of great light comes at the end / beginning of each 3,000 year Dan'ha cycle that sets the ideal and timbre of the entire cycle. Parallel to that is the Faithist New Year at the highest light of the sun in the northern hemisphere (June Solstice). Also parallel is the time of day called High Noon.

       Beginning in the West is the Perfecting of Form and Es going into (establishing in, being sealed in) Corpor, even as with the beginning of man with eternal soul that occurred at the time of Sethantes and his Etherean wards, as they descended into corpor and took on corporeal forms.


On the Wheel of Life, the genesis of the Inner Foundation---the upright, the vertical, the Inner Realm, that which you see looking inward---is found in the North Station. The genesis of of the Outer Foundation---that which you see looking out, symbolized by the horizontal line---is found in the East Station. The opposite stations signify the perfection of the Inner and Outer Foundations respectively. Thus, the South Station signifies the attainment, glory and perfection of the Inner Life in the outer realm. And though man falls short of the ideal, he still attempts to reach as high as he can (obviously the higher the grade the higher the reach will be, and the lower the grade the lower the reach). Similarly, but differently, the West Station signifies the attainment, glory and perfection of the Outer Life in the outer realm.

As a result, if we desire to know the inner meaning of things, we look inward, especially to the soul of things; symbolically we look to the North Station. Moreover, because Jehovih's kingdom is concerned foremost with perfecting the soul of man, and since the unseen rules over that which is seen, so it is often a good idea to begin with the soul when viewing the course of man's development. And since man travels (goes forth clockwise) around the Wheel of Life, so the North Station is a good place to start looking regarding the soul of things and the inner realm. On the other hand, if we desire to know the progress of things in the outer realm, we look to the East Station as a good place to start looking.

Accordingly, with the Prophets / Leaders-Forth we are beginning the cycle in the North. Another productive reading would be to begin in the East with Zarathustra to read the spirit, going forth aspects, but that will have to hold for some other time.

There are various other configurations and attributes to the Stations some of which we will touch upon; for instance, North to South --- Soul to Mind, and East to West --- Spirit to Form.

When starting at North, we may consider it the beginning of a new conception, since the soul receives the descent of the light from the South as an idea / ideal / spark / template and begins as a new conception. As the new conception starts forth (clockwise is forward, anti-clockwise is back to origin) it travels within the quadrant of the beast (see image of the Ar'bag'ebul below) until it reaches the East station. Each station also defines man's relationship with the Creator in His male and feminine aspects, and each quadrant is also the domain of the eight Sons and Daughters as shown in Oahspe's Nine Entities.



The Ar'bag'ebul from the Divan Seal Tablet (i040) in Oahspe, depicts the Beast in the North quadrant, the Tree in the East, the Leaf in the South and the Fish in the West. These each represent the elements as follows:

       North - Water since the beast represents water in corpor

       East - Air with the tree representing air (space, freedom, expansion) in fire (light, sunlight)

       South - Fire with the leaf representing fire (light, warmth, wisdom) in air (growth), the leaf thus providing nourishment (food, shade, covering, etc.)

       West - Corpor, the fish represents Corpor in Water . Examples are The Tablet of Emethachavah (i058), the boat and porpoise on the right hand and lower side; and the Bible of the Mound Builders (i052), the boat on lower right hand side; both in the right hand corner as see here on the wheel.

As the horizontal foundation represents the outer foundation and North to South represents the inner foundation, so the left side represents the individual and the right side, the community. And the two latitudinal hemispheres represent darkness (below the horizon) and Light (above the Horizon).



At the North station is Elohim / Rea (Whose Presence and Labor is acknowledged by many spiritually-derived English words such as Reality, Ready, Real, Read, Reach, Realm, Reason) where the unlimited depth is --- there is no darkness where Elohim cannot reach and so the soul of all begins in the deepest place. In corpor, the most condensed and opaque of substance, life is conceived, developed within the parameters of righteousness (upheld by Uz, Son of Jehovih) and thence brought forth through the darkness (Ha'k, Daughter of Jehovih) until birthed in the dawn of the outer realm represented in the East station. The Soul, represented in the North station, has its own inner light --- the star of the soul --- which starts as that spark of light given by Jehovih at time of conception. Following conception, the journey forth from North to East involves working toward manifesting the inner light into the outer realm. In the Inner Temple of Jehovih, the initiate is working to stay in / with the Light.

The soul and the mind are connected, each nourishes the other. The mind light descends from the South to the North and a new conception of an ideal arises as a soul. In turn the soul light nourishes and enriches the mind light. How the soul light gets to the mind is by man in his journey around the circle from North to East to South. The light is kept alight and nurtured, as a star in the dark of the womb, through the quadrant of the beast until the East station is reached. From here the soul light is radiated forth destined to grow into a bright radiant sun as it reaches the South station. So first the light descends from South to North, and a conception of an ideal occurs; the ideal is then brought to the South station via the East.

The East looks across from the individual to the group in the West and he (Tae) sees the group in the West. He sees collective man but just as the Soul light in the North must travel the circle / cycle via the East to reach the Mind in the South, so the Spirit must travel from East to West around the circle / cycle via South to reach Form (e.g., a perfected social order) in the West.

From North to East is like a womb where Uz and H'ak reside. Uz, Son of Jehovih upholds the boundaries of righteousness set by Elohim-Rea, and all that is outside of its bounds is discarded (not supported, allowed to dissipate away) and that which remains continues to gestate in the darkness of H'ak until reaching the East where, into the outer realm, the birth of the ideal after gestation occurs.


Initial Cycle around the Wheel

The I'hins --- In the North

Before the individual Prophets of the Ghan / I'huan Faithists came the I'hins whose ability to see and hear Jehovih's angels was inherent due to their ancestry, being half etherean and half animal man. From the time of Sethantes the I'hins were the seed by which all the races of man would eventually attain to maturity --- which would eventually lead to Kosmon, beginning 1849.

Until man was able to receive the Shem light (The light of Jehovih's God and Lords), the I'hins were the repository of the higher spiritual knowledge, and the Faithist example to all the races of man. Situated at the start of the cycle in the North station, as mortal exemplars of righteousness and inner light, they received and carried the conception of spiritual mankind through the darkness when the mixed races of man were yet unable to comprehend Es, nor their Creator.


Zarathustra --- In the East

The first of the I'huan-Ghan Prophets, Zarathustra was taught by the I'hins all that they knew. He took the ideal of the I'hins and brought it to the South Station. Under the further tutelage of I'hua Mazda, Zarathustra then opened the gateway and lit the pathway for all of mankind to enter and follow, even to the summit, the High Noon, where shone Or'mazd, the Master of All Light. Man in Zarathustra's time was as an apprentice; so is anyone in after times who has entered the Inner Temple of Jehovih and attained to the first degree. In the North the soul has a form, but it is an inner unseen. The Soulful Spirit is born in the East --- the spirit of man brings soulfulness up to the South Station where it is food for the mind.


Po --- In the South

Po moves Zarathustra's teaching to the West on the Wheel and inspires how to set up collective communities.


Abraham --- In the West

Being the place of form, Abraham was all about opening up the gate for man to live as collective man in the fullness of soul.


This completes the first circuit around the Wheel of Life. All four of these leaders-forth set the foundation for man's understanding of the requirements and benefits of each station and quadrant of the Wheel of Life.


Second Cycle Around the Wheel

Brahma and Yutiv --- In the North

This time around the Wheel is the development of the collective soul. Brahma and Yutiv and their seven sons were to take everything man had learnt and bring it up to the East station. Brahma, Yutiv and their sons are the first in the North since the I'hins; they are mankind taking the first milestone toward replacing the I'hins with the I'huan-Ghans. The first time around the wheel man was as an apprentice, the second time like a journeyman, to provide not only for the Faithists but for all of mankind. Hog was the first of the Osirians who could begin to comprehend spirit --- opening up the gate --- acting as the "leaven" to bring spiritual awareness to the unbelievers.


Eawatah --- In the East

Guatama's prophet was significant for all mankind, since the spirit of the I'huans of Guatama would be instrumental in moving all of mankind toward the way of Peace and the Great Spirit in the early times of Kosmon. He was to open up further the way for all as he was providing the necessary spirit required to lift all humanity toward the ideal. Since Guatama was provided for by Jehovih's God so as to prevent any false gods or saviors to take a foothold in Guatama, as occurred in the other three corners of the world, the worshippers of the Great Spirit were able to continue virtually unmolested until the arrival of Columbus.


Thothma --- In the South

As unlikely as many Oahspe readers may consider Thothma as a prophet or leader-forth, yet he was important for all of mankind. As an Osirian (recall he was the false-Osiris' mortal instrument), Thothma was able to perceive the spirit world, although not with much control or volition, and limited to the lower atmospherean condition.

Nevertheless, Thothma was the receiver of Hog's bestowal to the corporeally-oriented man since Hog had come to believe in the existence of spirit, although his perception was undeveloped. As well as perceiving spirit, Thothma took corporeal knowledge and learning to the zenith of man's corporeal development. Notably, Thothma is the 6th prophet, which is halfway between the 12 prophets, likewise, the pyramid he built was half-way between the ends of the earth.

His role was to get all of humanity up to the ideal --- the fullness of mind for all of mankind and take it toward a perfected collective social order of man. Though in this last labor Thothma was limited by Osiris, he nonetheless aimed to bring the teachings of es to all in his domain, or at least keep the door open for their advancement in such es understandings.


Capilya --- In the West

Capilya of Shem-Vind'yu embodied the fullness of mind and opened up the west gate in greater fullness through the teaching and practice of wise stewardship. Wise stewardship is the attribute of the 11th house which is situated in the corner of the west station. The 11th house in astrology is Aquarius (the Water-bearer), which is also about wise stewardship.


Third Cycle Around the Wheel

Moses --- In the North

Moses is beginning the third time around the wheel. The third time is about Focus and Power. This is essentially about mastery of a condition. Moses is going to take the soul through UZ and H'AK to establish in the east. Recall that the Tree of Light was indeed re-established with mortals in the dawn of the Arc of Bon, never to be extinguished again on the earth.


Chine --- In the East

As he looks to the West at the collective, Chine demonstrates the individual in the collective. He demonstrated all the possibilities of the individual --- how to grow as a tree (which, recall, is in the East quadrant of the Ar'bag'ebul of the Divan Seal,) Chine was an example of the way toward perfected man rising toward the perfected ideal of the South.


Sakaya --- In the South

Being the 10th Leader-Forth, Sakaya was like the 10th pulse in Se'moin, Susa, the complete. He attempted to achieve the ecstatic state as the ideal of man's spiritual perfection, but did not reach it. Sakaya soon realized his folly of trying to reach that narrow asceticism --- rather he came to understand that all the good teachings of the past must be kept and used for the good of mankind (notice in his portrait that he is looking eastward, toward the past).

Being in the South station, he valued the mind and promoted the application of the mind toward the highest good and finding the best way to proceed. He provided answers to the Vind'yuan's propensity to focus on the higher Shem and Vas light as is demonstrated in their vast knowledge of higher spiritual states, mapping the spiritual cycles and atmospherean mountains, defining the chakras, mantras, yantras, etc.


Ka'yu --- In the West

Living in the midst of the collective humanity of Chine'ya (which is a demonstration of humanity living as a collective), Ka'yu is trying to perfect the rules --- How to keep the spirit up and perpetuate as collective humanity which is essentially to listen to the Great Spirit and go forth and do right.

He focused on Obedience to the all highest. To the individual, the family and the leaders of the community were the All Highest, and above all of them was the Emperor who was supposed to be the viceroy of the Great Spirit. As a fulfillment of the 4th quadrant, he worked at integrating the various strands of the diverse social order to function harmoniously, and many may say at the expense of the individual. Nevertheless, as a result, Chine'ya became an example of achievable Peace and Harmony among the most numerous nations of people on earth. Clearly the vital lesson of interdependency -- another 4th quadrant quality -- was well understood by Ka'yu.

Considering the history of wars and devastation from the times of the false Gods, Ka'yu's influence on the Peace path of Chine'ya was a powerful demonstration of abnegation of self for the sake of the collective. Indeed, in after times the Chinese gave away a significant portion of their wealth to the barbarians surrounding them. This not only induced the barbarians to desire a higher more refined standard of living, but if they invaded China, it would be to partake of the abundance rather than destroy it. As said in Oahspe, the plan of the Gods was for the Hamites to love to go forth and redeem the barbarians, but the Vindyu'ans and the Chinese would love to stay in their own countries and redeem the barbarians there.



Fourth Cycle Around the Wheel

Joshu --- In the North

The 12th prophet and the last before Kosmon was Joshu, the Essene. He was a devout worshipper of Jehovih and an iesu (which means neutral, essentially without sin), Situated in the North, he was to not only bring the developing soul into the first light of Kosmon, but he was also to bring the soul light into the center.

In that sense Joshu was a pioneer and the setter of that foundation. Moreover, as mentioned at the beginning of this treatise, the South Station signified the attainment, glory and perfection of the Inner Life in the outer realm, and the West Station signified the attainment, glory and perfection of the Outer Life in the outer realm. Now, thanks to Joshu opening the gateway and marking the inner path, mankind has open access to the Inner Temple glory: the Center Station signifying the attainment, glory and perfection of the Inner Life in the Inner Realm.

The act of bringing the soul light up to the center integrated and refined all the previous teachings into a central teaching suitable for all of humanity by the time of Kosmon. Additionally Joshu would bring the fullness of all the previous advancements of the dark North quadrant into the light of the East, at the same time to rise in the center in the midst of things. This essentially is revealing the door to the Inner Temple for all of mankind. Joshu's portrait shows him looking up into the center and toward the left / future. As an Iesu, others tried to follow him, either aspiring to become iesu-like or coming to be seen as an iesu.

Most significant among those, Christianity, took Joshu's teachings and that of the many Iesu's and saviors, and to that conglomeration, attached parts of lesser neighboring religions in an attempt to achieve what Ka'yu had done --- forming a unified religion for the people in its region.

Among the myriad examples of adoptions by Christianity were the idea of monks and their lifestyle, borrowed from the already established Buddhists of the time, and various rituals imitating pagan rites minus their gods and the bulk of their doctrines. For the idea was to adopt the essence of the many teachings into a fresher, more fulfilling form for the mass of humanity.

Yet, to the extent that violence and warfare were countenanced by Christianity or other teachings, institutions, or individuals, so these in truth cut themselves off to that extent from the inner temple and the life of the inner man. Even today, any group or individual that does not practice peace (aiding, approving, and / or abetting war is not practicing peace) cuts themselves off from the peace and inner light of the interior world --- the world of soul and a centered spirit at peace with the outer world.

Joshu was the exemplar of how to live this inner life in the community, as part of the Pleroma. The Pleroma refers to those in Light, i.e., Inner Light. The Pleroma of Gods are those who are so at one with Elohim the All Person and with each other that sufficiently lesser graded persons cannot readily differentiate between them. For example, when the Nirvanian Chieftainess Cpenta-armij came with her three companion Gods she had to raise her hand during the descent of her fire-ship so those joyously waiting below could know which of the four Great Gods of radiant and fulfilling light had come to redeem their realms (23/3.14.).

But for any and all to attain to this center light, requires the development of inner light and the ability to remain within that light, and afterwards of helping others, inducing others, to find and blossom in this light within. This inner light is the link to all, including and especially to those in any of the four sacred stations and then, after experience, to those in any position on the wheel.

To attain to this inner light requires entry into, and growth in, the inner temple. In the past cycle there had been many inner temples established to reach different grades of people. For the most part, these did not progress much beyond a certain elementary level. Most of these were established by false Gods or wannabe (false) Gods. Yet they were all originally based upon Jehovih's Inner Temple, but skewed to the philosophy of the innovator (often false Gods). Yet further, out of these came those mortals who were inspired not by a religion per se, but by the desire for self improvement and moving closer to the Great Spirit, though His name usually was not used, save perhaps in the higher degrees.

All this progress was possible in the first place because Joshu opened wide the gateway and lit the inner temple to make it easier of access for mortals; and as importantly, this access became possible because mortals of his time had sufficiently grown in understanding to attain to the inner temple of light and ultimately the Inner Temple of Jehovih. This would lead to the progress of man into the Kosmon era and the development of the Tree of Light. Here following was the process:

Development of the Tree of Light

In Cpenta-armij's time at the arc of Spe-ta, the light was laid at man's feet. With Capilya, Moses and Chine, that light moved up to the soul (belly / womb region). With Joshu, that light moved up to the heart. In Kosmon, that light was brought up to the head --- the place of understanding, and this light will grow for 400 years into kosmon.

Oahspe, 23/11.14, 15; 23/12.10.

In one age I send the angels of the dead to lead man up to a knowledge of Me and My places; but when man has attained to think for himself, I set up My arc of Spe‑ta; and it is like a candle in the firmament of heaven, from which My Light falls upon the soul of My people, without any interpreter, except My Own Voice.

For which reason, when one of My worlds has attained to Spe‑ta, I come to deliver them from kings, queens, priests and angels, and it is like the maturity of a son in his father's house, when he invites his neighbors and spreads a feast.

.....Yes, My Light‑makers shall plant the staff of My holy fire in the throne of Craoshivi, and the foot of the staff shall pierce the earth in the land of Vind'yu, to receive and deliver My earth Son, Brahma.|| [Note that Brahma set the foundation for the North Station (bottom/nadir) on the Wheel of Life.

Oahspe, Book of Saphah; 36/1.4-8.

Jehovih said: I gave to the inhabitants of the earth Capilya, Moses and Chine. Through them the tree of light was made everlasting on the earth. The great peoples then knew I was God, and my word was with them. Es had spoken before that day, and man knew the presence of angels. But he did not heed them. When my word came, man listened and took notice. Mine was with authority.


Man has learned to consider the body to be as a tree: the torso to be the trunk, the arms the limbs, and the legs root man to the earth. Thus Spe-ta brought the light into the earth at man's feet, Bon brought that light up into the soul at the base of the trunk, and Joshu brought the light up to the heart region. Thus, with Capilya, Moses and Chine, man became capable of sustaining the Tree of Light. Joshu brought that soul light up to the heart and sealed it there, that there might thereafter be a light in the heart for man.

The heart region is the point of intersection between the higher and the lower worlds -- the es and the corpor, sometimes called 'the formless and the form' or 'essence and substance', being also known as the upper heart and the lower heart or upward tugged heart and the downward tugged heart (see e.g., Tablet of Hy'yi (i047) and Tablet of Ancient Egypt (i046). Joshu not only re-illuminated the Tree of Light, he also brought the soul light to the upper heart (the es aspect of man) and sealed it there. The upward-tugged heart, being upward oriented, tends to rise desiring of es. Accordingly, from Joshu's time to kosmon, the light had been rising toward man's head (mind). Initiation and the inner temple have played a big role in this, as we shall further see. As to the rise of light to the head (mind) in the time of kosmon, consider the following verses which speak to that.


Oahspe, God's Book of Ben; 37/3.60-63,66-70.

Kosmon said: And Jehovih touches Tae on the forehead, and his spirit sense was opened. And Esfoma came and brought Tae a lava‑stone, saying: Lay this on your forehead. Tae laid the lava‑stone on his forehead, but he did not see it (with his physical eyes).

Esfoma said: What now?

Tae said: I feel like a burning mountain. Lo, this stone has been hurled from a burning crater. Then Esfoma took a sealed record and gave it to Tae, saying: What about this, O man?

Tae said: I will lay it on my forehead, where light comes. And when he had done this he read the record without opening it.

.....Have I not said of old: All things shall be revealed! Do not think that a loud speaking messenger will come, for man would not believe; but I quickened the righteous with My own hand, and they will comprehend without belief.

The time of preaching and believing is at an end. Man shall know by his own knowledge, and practice that which he knows. In this, My light is being manifested in this day.

Kosmon said: Tae called the new sense, su'is, because it is spirit‑seeing and spirit‑hearing. And Tae comprehended that things in proximity leave an impression on each other, which impression can be read by the su'is sense.

Tae said: I will now cultivate this talent Jehovih has given me, for I perceive it lies closely to the es'ean worlds. Was it not for the cultivation of this sense that Samuel of old founded a college of prophecy? And did Zarathustra not do so also?

Jehovih spoke through Kosmon: Whoever pursues righteousness by this talent shall rise to receive not only the past, but the future also. But whoever turns su'is down into the earth [i.e., to concerns of the beast –ed.] shall fall, and not rise. When dan'ha is upon the earth, I give su'is to as many as have risen in spirit above the flesh.


Thus, Su'is perceives the Vas light. Vas light is the atmospherean world and its inhabitants and elements. This talent is a fruit of the Tree of Light in the heart. The heart is the seat of spirit, and the head is the seat of mind. Su'is, being above the earth, allows the mind to thus perceive the heart / spirit objectively. And because the heart is where corpor and es intersect, this means perceiving the foundation of spirit as well as perceiving the reach or height of corpor including corporeal aspirations. But, as we have read and seen, this power can be abused. In kosmon man is to understand the beast and provide for the resurrection of his es. But to impart light, to induce to light, requires that the inducer be in light, and most effectively in the Tree of Light since there are various grades of light.

Entry to mastery in the Tree of Light requires initiation into the Inner Temple of Jehovih. For after the su'is light / talent comes the next advancement --- to ethe power --- the ability to perceive etherea, ethereans, and the etherean worlds. Although the inner temples, save for the Inner Temple of Jehovih, could not bring a person to ethe, they could bring them to the Light in the heart established by Joshu The heart being the seat of Spirit, and is that which the seer looks down and perceives with his su'is. Recall that su'is is initiated by touching/opening the mind, and the seat of the mind is the head. That is, even if he looks upward (opposite direction of his heart), he does not see etherea but sees only atmospherean things with his su'is, although he can develop to perceive very rarefied atmospherea, which is a prerequisite to perceiving ethe.

Despite that, the many beasts of Bon, as mentioned, set up their own inner temples. That came about because the labor of Joshu the Es'sean (Essene), Son of Jehovih, was so powerful that the beast sought to emulate it for self's sake (profit, power, prestige, privileges, etc.). Because a great deal of time elapsed between Joshu, who did his work around the 352 bce dan, and the movement to unify the various groups under the banner of Christianity (the kernel of it occurring c. 325-332 ce), so in the intervening time the practice and understanding of initiation and the inner temple grew amid the world's people. This was especially true among the Gnostics (seekers of knowledge), who became the favored choice for Looeamong to influence when the Jews proved not flexible enough for him.

For Looeamong had taken the names God and Lord around 500 bce and inspired the compilation of the Ezra Bible, then around 300 bce took on the name 'Knowledge' which word in the Ahamic language was Kriste, and began to obsess mortals. After 300 more years of battling Baal, Looeamong defeated him in the early 300's ce, he then decided he had to have his own book and mortal representative. This book became the edited compilation known as the Christian Bible containing the genesis of Jesus (originally spelled Iesu). Jesus (the Iesu) was also compiled from pulling together stories of other Iesus, thus becoming what Looeamong considered to be the epitome of the ideal Iesu --- not an actual person per se, but meant to be a figurehead that followers of other past iesus, saviors and religious strands could identify with. And since the other iesus and saviors were already long dead, Looeamong aka Kriste, laid claim to them all. But because he also wanted a mortal representative for Christ, Looeamong decided that the followers should believe the Iesu was an actual person --- Christ in mortal form.

Whatever that case may have been, in the Christian Bible, the temptations of Jesus in the New Testament were an example of initiation and mastery over the beast. These were left in the bible, if for no other reason than because knowledge of initiation and inner temple and the inner life were part of the spirit of the times. Looeamong could not afford to neglect them. Instead he cleverly (for the times) steered them to look up to himself and his kingdom. And though his legacy is yet with man in kosmon, it shall prove insufficient for the light pouring into man, especially in the coming times. So let us look now at the new man of the second quadrant that begins in the East.


New Kosmon Man --- In the East

Kosmon is the time when man would become developed enough to become as capable as the previous prophets, thus proving to be instrumental in providing for his developmental needs that have arisen and shall arise in these kosmon times. There would be no particular leader-forth as in previous dan'ha cycles and eras. The New Kosmon Man will come to master the elements of his surroundings and learn to see for himself the heavens and the knowledge of the past and future. The time is at hand when all of mankind will acknowledge the Great Spirit and demonstrate Faith by striving to live by the direct inspiration of the Creator.

The light upon his forehead shall grow dramatically in the coming time. Man's su'is sense will become heightened and deceit will become impossible save only to those in greatest darkness. And of these latter, man shall labor to reduce and eliminate their numbers by increasingly enlightening and uplifting them. Eventually man's ethe sense will blossom. The Tree of Light within him will bloom in a glory and fullness never before upon this earth.


May man ever become aware of and grow in Jehovih's Presence and in the glory of His governance!










All Oahspe references are from the modern language edition: Oahspe Standard Edition 2007






The Tablet of Bienei Meanings