Book of the Arc of Bon |
CHAPTER 13 Arc BonHistory of Moses of Egupt
27/13.1. God commanded his loo'is, in the high heavens, saying: Descend to the earth, to the land of Egupt, and raise me up a son capable of my voice. 27/13.2. The angels descended as commanded, and searched over the land of Egupt and the adjoining countries, examining into the flesh and souls of men. And they called to God, saying: The land of Egupt is overrun with spirits of darkness (drujas), and mortals have attained to see them; and they dwell together as one people, angels and mortals. 27/13.3. God said: Go among my chosen until you find a man capable of understanding between truth and fable; and inspire him to an I'hin woman for my voice. 27/13.4. In Ellakas the loo'is found a man, Baksa, a Fonecean Faithist, born a su'is, and they said to him: Why are you alone in the world? Baksa said: Alas, my eyes have never seen God; my ears never heard him. I am searching for God in the life of a recluse. 27/13.5. The loo'is perceived what manner of man he was, and they led him to take an I'hin woman to wife, and she bore him a son, Hasumat. 27/13.6. The loo'is guarded Hasumat till he was grown, and they spoke to him, trying him also as to his power to distinguish angel voices. 27/13.7. Him they also inspired to take an I'hin woman to wife, and she bore a son, Saichabal, who was guarded in the same way. And the angels inspired Saichabal, to marry Terratha, of the line (house) of Zed. Terratha bore a daughter who was named Edamas. And Edamas bore a son by an I'hin father without marriage, and she called his name Levi, signifying, joined together (because his toes were not separate on the right foot, nor the fingers separate on the right hand). And Levi grew to be a large man, larger than two large men. 27/13.8. Levi, being of the fourth birth of I'hin blood, was not acknowledged an heir of the chosen race, the Faithists. Therefore Levi established a new line, which was called, the House of Levi. 27/13.9. Levi, not being eligible to a Faithist wife, was inspired by the loo'is to take an I'hin, Metissa, to wife. Metissa bore him a son, Kohath, who, at maturity, was admitted to the Order of Avah, the third degree of Faithists, at which time he was circumcised, and afterward called an Israelite, the name given to the Faithists of Egupt. 27/13.10. Kohath took to wife, Mirah, a devout worshipper of Jehovih. Mirah bore him a son, Amram, who took to wife Yokebed, sister‑in‑law to Kohath, and she bore him a son, who was Moses. 27/13.11. Before Moses' birth the loo'is perceived that he would be capable of the Father's voice, and they called to God saying: In the next generation, behold, your son will be born.
CHAPTER 14 Arc Bon
27/14.1. In these days in Egupt there were houses of records, where the affairs of the state, and of the king and governors, were recorded; and there were recorded also the births, marriages and deaths of people. 27/14.2. The languages of the learned were Fonecean and Par'si'e'an; but the native languages were Eguptian, Arabaic, Eustian, and Semis. The times (calendar) of the learned gave two suns (365 days) to a year, but the times of the tribes of Eustia gave only six months to a year. Accordingly, in the land of Egupt, what was one year with the learned was two years with the Eustians and Semisians. 27/14.3. God said: My people shall reckon their times according to the place and the people where they dwell. And this they did. Therefore, even the tribes of Israel had two calendars of time, the long and the short. 27/14.4. For events of prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky‑time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years; three odes, one spell, signifying a generation; eleven spells, one Tuff. Thothma, the learned man, and builder of the great pyramid, had said: As a diameter is to a circle, and as a circle is to a diameter, so are the rules of the seasons of the earth. For the heat or the cold, or the drought or the wet, no matter which, the sum of one eleven years is equivalent to the sum of another eleven years. One spell is equivalent to the next eleventh spell. And one cycle matches every eleventh cycle. Whoever will apply these rules to the earth shall prophesy truly regarding drought, famine and pestilence, except where man contravenes by draining or irrigation. And if he applies himself to find the light and the darkness of the earth, these rules are sufficient. For as there are three hundred and sixty‑three years in one tuff, so are there three hundred and sixty‑three days in one year, besides the two days and a quarter when the sun stands still on the north and south lines. 27/14.5. In consequence of these three calendars, the records of Egupt were in confusion. The prophecies and the genealogies of man became worthless. And as to measurements, some were by threes, some by tens, and some by twelves; and because of the profuse number of languages, the measurements became confounded; so that with all the great learning of the Eguptians, and with all the care bestowed on the houses of records, the records themselves became the greatest confounding element of all. 27/14.6. Jehovih had said: For two thousand years I gave My enemies a loose rein; and they have the longest line of kings in all the world; and yet in the midst of their prosperity they fall down like a drunken man. Even their language has become like a pearl that is lost in a mire. 27/14.7. Jehovih said: Because the kings of Egupt have outlawed My people, and denied them the right to obtain great learning, behold, My people are divided also. One tribe has one speech, another tribe another speech, and so on, till they cannot now understand one another; except, in fact, in their rites, and signs, and passwords. 27/14.8. Yes, the kings have perceived that to keep My people in ignorance is to keep them forever in bondage. But I will raise up a leader, Moses, among My chosen, and I will send him even into the house of the king, and the king shall give him great learning; he shall master all languages, and be capable of speaking with all My people. || 27/14.9. Because the Israelites (Faithists) did not worship the Gods and Lords, but the Great Spirit only, and because they did not resent injury done by another, they had been limited to servitude by the Eguptian laws, which had stood for fifteen hundred years. These laws were called the Sun laws, after the manner of the division of the Osirian system, which was: 27/14.10. The sun is a central power; its accompanying planets are satellites. In like manner the king of Egupt was the Sun King, and his sub‑kings (governors) were satellites. Osiris, the highest angel in heaven, was the Sun God, that is, God of Gods; for all other Gods were his satellites. He revealed certain laws to mortals, and these were Sun laws; and all minor laws were satellites. A Sun law extended over all of Egupt, but a satellite law pertained to the minor affairs of a city or province; but it must conform to the Sun laws. For in those days, the spirits of darkness taught that the sun once whirled so fast it cast off its outer extreme, and so, made the earth, moon and stars; and this was the accepted philosophy of the learned Eguptians of that period. Because the worlds run in circles [orbits --Ed.], the circle was the highest measure, or sun measure; and the diameter of the circle was called, the ode, a Fonecean word, signifying short measure. And this name, ode, was applied to the Israelites in satire, as the Anglo‑Saxon word, odious, is used to this day. But the Israelites made sweet songs and called them odes also. 27/14.11. Among the Sun laws were the following, namely: The God of Gods (i.e., Osiris) decrees: Whoever does not bow down to me, shall not partake of me. Behold, mine is the sign of the circle! My enemies shall not receive great learning. 27/14.12. They shall not hold sun places (be employers), but be servants only, all their lives. And these signs shall reveal them: 27/14.13. If they do not worship me, but the Great Spirit; 27/14.14. If they deny that the Creator is in the image of a man; 27/14.15. If they circumcise; and will not serve as soldiers; 27/14.16. Then their possessions are forfeited already; nor shall they possess houses in their own names; nor send their children to the schools; for they shall be servants and the servants of servants forever. || 27/14.17. Under the Eguptian laws, to worship the Great Spirit, Jehovih, was accounted a sufficient crime of idolatry, meaning the Israelites were not even admitted to the courts to be tried for an offense, but fell under the jurisdiction of the master for whom they labored, and his judgments were beyond appeal. 27/14.18. Now at the time of the birth of Moses, there were thirteen million inhabitants in Egupt; and of these, four million were Faithists (Israelites), more or less. For among the Israelites not all were of full faith, but many, to shirk the rigors of the Sun laws, professed to be worshippers of God (Osiris), and they would also enlist as soldiers, and otherwise connive in the ways of men, for sake of favors. 27/14.19. For which reason, the Sun King (Pharaoh |1073|) feared the time might come when the Israelites would revolt against the Sun laws, or become soldiers and confederate with foreign kingdoms for the overthrow of the Eguptian dynasty. 27/14.20. For more than three hundred years, the God Baal and the Goddess Ashtaroth had driven the foreign kingdoms to war; and as a consequence of these wars the Faithists had fled into Egupt, and even accepted servitude rather than be slain elsewhere. 27/14.21. Jehovih had said: Behold, My enemies in killing one another, frighten off My chosen. Now I will lead them into Egupt together, and give them a great leader, who shall restore My doctrines to them, and afterward I will deliver them into lands of their own.
1073 The word Pharaoh is Phoenician for Sun King. --Ed.
CHAPTER 15 Arc Bon
27/15.1. The king's palace and pyramids were surrounded by a wall of stone; with twelve gates, made of wood and iron. The wall was sufficiently wide for twelve men to walk abreast on it, and the height of the wall was equivalent to twelve squares. |1074| On the summit of the wall were twelve houses for the accommodation of the soldiers who patrolled the walls. And in each and every gateway were houses for the keepers of the gates. So that no man, woman or child could come into the palace or palace grounds without permission. 27/15.2. And it came to pass that when Leotonas, the king's daughter, walked near the river, accompanied by her maids, she saw a child in a basket among the bulrushes. Leotonas commanded her maids to fetch it to her; and when she looked upon it, and saw it was an Israelitish child, she said: The Gods have sent him to me, and he shall be my child. 27/15.3. And they carried the child into the palace, and Leotonas said to the king: Behold, a wonder of wonders! I have found an Israelitish child in a basket in the rushes, and only Gods know how it came, or how it scaled the walls. The king said: Keep the child, and it shall be both a brother and a son to you. Nevertheless, my guards shall find the way my grounds are entered, or blood will be upon them. 27/15.4. Now after some days, and when the search had been completed, and no way discovered as to the manner of the child's ingress, the king issued a decree commanding a thousand Israelitish male children to be put to death, Moses among the rest, unless the mother of the child, Moses, came and confessed as to the manner of ingress. The king allotted three days in which time the matter should culminate; but nevertheless the mother did not come and confess. 27/15.5. And the king called his daughter, and said to her: What shall be done? Leotonas said: The king's word must not be broken; nevertheless, you gave the child to me, saying: Keep it, and it shall be a brother and a son to you. And immediately I sent my maids and procured an Israelitish woman as nurse for the child. And I set my heart upon the child, nor can I part with it and live. Last night I consulted the oracle concerning the matter, for I saw that your mandate must be fulfilled. 27/15.6. The king said: And what did the oracle say? Leotonas said: Proclaim word abroad that the nurse of the child is its mother. Now I beseech you, O king, let it be heralded abroad that all is confessed. 27/15.7. The king, seeing the child, relented; and word was proclaimed as Leotonas had desired. And, moreover, the matter was entered in the recorder's house that the mother of the child had made the basket and placed it where it was found, though no reason was assigned for the action. Such, then, was the Eguptian explanation. 27/15.8. Now the truth of the matter was, the angels of Jehovih came to Yokebed and said: Your son's name shall be Moses, signifying, a leader‑forth, |1075| for he shall deliver the Israelites out of bondage. But he shall be taken from you, and you will not find him. For the angels of Jehovih will deliver him into Leotonas' hands. And she shall adopt him as her brother and son, and bestow upon him the education of a prince. 27/15.9. Yokebed feared, for in those days male children of Israelitish parentage were outlawed, |1076| nor could any man be punished for slaying them. And Yokebed prayed to Jehovih, saying: Your will be done, O Jehovih, for I know Your hand is upon my son. But I ask of You, O Father, that I may come to the princess and be her nurse for the child. The angel of Jehovih said: Swear before Jehovih you will not tell the child that you are his mother! 27/15.10. Yokebed said: Though I am commanded by the king, yet I will not admit that I am the mother, and it is Your will, O Jehovih! 27/15.11. And Jehovih's angels fashioned a basket; and carried the child and placed it where it was found by Leotonas and her maids. |1077| And Leotonas, seeing it was a Hebrew child, commanded one of her maids to go and bring an Israelitish woman to nurse it. And the maid went out beyond the Utak gate and found and brought Yokebed, the child's mother, but no one knew she was its mother. 27/15.12. And when Yokebed had come before the princess, the latter said to her: Nurse the child, for I will be its mother and its sister, for the Gods have delivered it into my hands. And Yokebed said: It is a goodly |1078| child; I will nurse it for you. 27/15.13. Moses grew and became a large man, being a pure I'huan, copper‑colored and of great strength. And Pharaoh, having no son, bestowed his heart on Moses, and raised him as a prince, having provided him with men of great learning to teach him. Moses was master of many languages, and also made acquainted with kings and queens and governors, far and near. And he espoused the cause of the king, whose dominions held seven kingdoms beyond Egupt as tributary kingdoms, which paid taxes to Pharaoh. 27/15.14. So Pharaoh made Moses ambassador to the foreign kingdoms, in which capacity he served twelve years. But because of the prejudice against him, for being of Israelitish blood, the court of Pharaoh importuned |1079| the king for his removal, and so Moses was removed from office under the king. 27/15.15. The king said to Moses: My son, this is a double infliction on me in my old age; in the first place, it is as a sword‑thrust, to cut off my love to you, lest you someday become king; and in the second place, it is hard for a Pharaoh to be dictated to by his own court. 27/15.16. Moses replied: Fear not, O king, that my love and yours can be severed. Often it happens that men are tried in a way they do not know the wisdom of, but which, afterward, we realize to be the best thing that could have taken place. 27/15.17. As for myself, I think this rebuke is put upon me by Jehovih because I did not labor for my own people. 27/15.18. The king said: How so? Moses replied: For many days a great heaviness has come upon me; it is as if the wind of heaven bore down on my heart, saying: Moses, Moses, lift up your voice for your people. For, behold, the king, your father, will favor you! 27/15.19. Pharaoh said: What would you ask, my son? And if it is possible it shall be done. 27/15.20. Moses answered: Until I have gone among them and ascertained their grievances, I do not know how to answer you. The king said: Go, and keep your counsel to yourself till you are returned. 27/15.21. So Moses departed and traveled over the land of Egupt, and was four months absent, and then returned to Pharaoh. And Moses related to him all the grievances of the Israelites; explaining the tasks put upon them; their denial before the courts; their forbiddance to education; but also extolled |1080| them highly for being a peaceful and virtuous people. 27/15.22. The king said: It is a pity; it is a great pity. But what can I do, O Moses? You see how even you yourself are chastised by the king's court. If I demand the repeal of the laws, the court will heap coals of fire on your head and on mine. 27/15.23. Moses said: Neither do I know, O king, what to do. And Moses was greatly troubled in his soul; and after he waited a while for his thoughts to come to him, he said: O king, tonight you and Leotonas shall reason with me, for I feel it incumbent |1081| because of the pressure on my soul. 27/15.24. When the three were alone that night, lo and behold, it was the beginning of the dawn of light. And Moses' ears were opened, and he heard the Voice of Jehovih (through His angels), saying: 27/15.25. Behold, O king, and you, Leotonas, and you, Moses, now is the beginning of My power on the face of the earth. Moses, My son, you shall take your people out of the land of Egupt; and I will bestow upon them the lands of the ancients, even where I will lead you. Do not change your laws, O king; let Egupt have her way; and let the Israelites have their way also. 27/15.26. The king said: To deliver four million people! O what a labor! 27/15.27. The next day Moses walked out, going into the woods to be alone, for heavy trouble was upon him. And an angel of Jehovih appeared in a flame of fire in a bush, calling: Moses, Moses, My son! And Moses saw that the bush was not burnt, and he said: Here I am, and I heard Your Voice. 27/15.28. The Voice said: I am the God of Abraham, and of Isaac and Jacob. Moses said: What may I do for You? 27/15.29. The Voice said: Go once more among your people, and say: I, Moses, have come to deliver you out of the land of Egupt, and into an inheritance which shall be your own. 27/15.30. Moses said: My people will ask of me: By whose authority do you speak? What, then, shall I answer them? The Voice said: Say to them: The I Am sent me. And if they question further, saying: You have a deceiving spirit, like the Eguptians, then you shall say to them: How can you distinguish one spirit from another? And they will say: Whoever labors for himself will deceive us. And you shall say to them: Whoever has faith in Jehovih, let him give up all, even as I do; and let them follow me; for if a multitude goes forth in Faith in the Father, then the Father will provide for them. (For this is the meaning of Faith, from which you were named Israelites. |1082|) 27/15.31. So Moses and his brother, Aaron, traveled about in the land of Egupt, calling together Raban families, |1083| explaining to them, and urging the people to get ready for departure out of Egupt. For three years they labored thus, and it became known far and near that the project was on foot. |1084| 27/15.32. And the oracles of the Eguptians prophesied that when the Israelites were once out of the country they would unite with the kingdoms where Moses had been ambassador, and then return and overpower the Eguptians. 27/15.33. And in order to stigmatize Moses they said he fled away from Pharaoh's palace because he had seen two men, an Eguptian and an Israelite, fighting, and that Moses slew the Eguptian and buried him in the sand. And the recorders thus entered the report in the Recorder's House. 27/15.34. Moses was of tender heart and he inquired of the Great Spirit, saying: Will a voice of justice ever speak on my behalf? Jehovih, through His angel, answered Moses, saying: Suffer your enemies to put on record what they will, for the time will surely come when the truth shall be revealed to men. Pursue your course; for it shall be shown that you do still visit the king; yet, had you fled as the records state, you would not have returned, with the report hanging over your head. |1085| 27/15.35. In those days Egupt was a land of glory and of misery. Hardly is it possible for words to describe the splendor in which the nobles lived. Of their palaces and chariots a thousand books might be written, and yet not reveal all. And as to the members of the king's court, so grand were they that many of them did not stand on the ground from one year's end to the other; but caused carpets to be spread wherever they desired to walk. And as to their chariots, they were bound with silver and gold, and set with precious stones. 27/15.36. Of the royal court and the nobles, there were two thousand four hundred and eighty, and they owned and possessed everything in Egupt, which was the richest country in the world. 27/15.37. The next in rank were the masters, who were servants and tenants to the courtiers and nobles; and the third in rank were the Faithists, called Israelites, who were servants under the masters. 27/15.38. And it was against the law for anyone to call a meeting of Israelites, or to incite them against servitude to the masters; for which reason Moses and Aaron violated the law of the land, nor did any man dare to arrest them, because Moses carried with him the king's seal. 27/15.39. Of the miseries of the land of Egupt, half has never been told, nor ever shall be; for they were of the nature of the flesh, and of such kind that one may not mention them fully, for the history would also involve the beasts of the fields, and dogs, male and female, and goats also. 27/15.40. Suffice it to say that the people were victims of evil spirits, and had descended to such unnatural practices as poisoned the flesh, which became inhabited with vermin; and they had running sores; and only evil practices alleviated the pains. The people were subject to entrancement by evil spirits, and the latter appeared among the people, taking to themselves corporeal forms for evil's sake, also eating and drinking with mortals daily. 27/15.41. When Moses saw these things he prayed to Jehovih for wisdom and strength; for thousands and thousands of the Israelites were becoming afflicted in the same way. Jehovih answered Moses, saying: Because of the abundance of evil angels in this land it is impossible for My chosen to dwell here and escape affliction. Moses explained this matter to the Israelites. 27/15.42. Jehovih said: Moses, you and your brother shall return to the king, for he is worried concerning you and your labors. Behold, the nobles have complained before the king against you. 27/15.43. Moses visited the king, who was sick with a fever; and the king was on his divan at the fountain in the palace grounds, and the men servants were forcing water. When the king saw it was Moses, he raised up, rejoicing, and called Moses to come and sit with him. And servants ran in and told Leotonas that Moses had returned, and Leotonas came also and rejoiced to see Moses. Now while they were talking the king was overcome and fell in a faint, at which, Moses raised him up and restored him; and then in his arms he carried the king to the palace. 27/15.44. Leotonas said: Moses, my son and brother, you shall not leave us alone anymore? Behold, my father is old, and he gave his heart to you when you were a child. Be to him his son. Behold how he revives in your strong hands! 27/15.45. Then spoke the king, saying: My son, with all your wisdom, can you understand a woman? Moses said: Alas, O king, except the princess, I have not studied them. But why do you ask? 27/15.46. The king replied: Leotonas has not said one word about the affairs of the kingdom! What is uppermost in a woman's heart, that she speaks first; but as to man, he speaks first that which lies at the bottom of his heart. I love you, Moses, and delight in your presence; but my kingdom concerns me deeply. The nobles have complained against you for meddling with their slaves, and for this reason I have desired to see you. 27/15.47. Moses said: The Voice came to me, informing me of what you say, and then commanded me to come to you, for you were ill with fever. And the king replied, saying: If I should die before you have accomplished the migration of your people, I fear my successor, Nu‑ghan, will make it hard for you. Tell me, therefore, how matters stand with you? 27/15.48. Moses said: Jehovih has planned this migration; it cannot fail. For, witness what proof I have found: The Israelites were looking for a leader‑forth, even as I was named in the basket. And wherever I have gone, the rab'bahs and their families are acquainted with the matter as if it were born in their souls. 27/15.49. The king said: Everywhere the oracles declare against you and Jehovih; saying you are in the hands of evil spirits. 27/15.50. Moses said: What are the oracles to me? To feel assured one is in a good work; this is better than oracles.
1074 This would make it about thirty‑two feet. --Ed. [circa 9 1/2 meters]
1075 The etymology of the Hebraic word, Moses, is A Leader‑forth, and has no reference to being drawn out of the water. Hence the Ezra account must fall to the ground [see Book of Exodus, Ezra Bible, chap ii, v.10], except so far as the facts corroborate the Israelitish account. --Ed. [Exodus 2.10: And the child grew, and she [Moses' mother] brought him to the Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son; and she named him Moses, for she said, "Because I drew him out of the water."] 1076 This would define them to be outside the scope of the law, which probably meant that they were not protected by law, but moreover, their very existence was against the law. And so when a de facto attitude of leniency was practiced, the male children remained at risk at all times. Note that Pharaoh's decree to kill a thousand Israelitish male children came after and as a consequence of, Moses being found among the bulrushes (not the other way around as is related in the Ezra Bible). Such a decree or one similar, as a way of controlling and punishing the Israelite slaves, must have been common not only from the Pharaoh, but other sub-rulers and slave owners as well. This is evidential from statements in Oahspe and from recent archeological excavations. --cns ed. 1077 According to the account in the Ezra Bible there was an edict to kill male Hebrew children. If so, why did Moses' mother put him in this most dangerous of places? Would any mother resort to so foolish a stratagem? As to the angels carrying the child, as also in the case of Capilya, sufficient evidence is at hand now, in this country [USA] and in England, of hundreds of full‑grown people being carried by the angels. --Ed. 1078 wholesome-looking, healthy, pleasant to look at, handsome
1079 persistently pressed; repeatedly troubled
1080 spoke enthusiastically and approvingly, complimenting and commending them, dignifying them
1081 necessary, obligatory, urgent
1082 Iz‑zerl. --Ed.
1083 A family of ten, i.e., thirty people; a small community. --Ed. [Here 'family of ten' probably means ten households or thereabouts.] 1084 in preparation, going to occur
1085 It is strange indeed that the world has endorsed the [Ezra] Bible account for two thousand years, overlooking this fearful blunder. Nevertheless, we see now that we have not had the Mosaical account at all, but the Egyptian. --Ed.
CHAPTER 16 Arc Bon
27/16.1. The Voice of Jehovih came to Moses, saying: Have the king give you commissioners who shall go in advance and examine the countries where I will lead you; and when the commissioners have returned, you shall proclaim to My people what the commissioners say, and the people will be convinced, and rise up and follow you. So Moses asked the king for a commission of Eguptians, and the king appointed thirty‑three men, and allotted them seven months to accomplish the inspection; and he gave the commission camels and asses to ride upon, and to carry food to eat on the journey. 27/16.2. Meanwhile, Moses sent Aaron throughout Egupt, to inform the people of the commission, and also as to how they should make their outfits. |1086| And Aaron said to the rab'bahs: Be circumspect as to the outfits of our people; observing that they do not carry away with them anything that is another's, even to a fraction; for Moses has commanded me to say this to you. 27/16.3. When the commissioners returned and made their report, which was favorable, Moses had the report sent among the Israelites; and Moses added: For there are those who, having little faith in Jehovih, will have faith in the words of the commissioners. 27/16.4. The Gods of the Eguptians were not idle, and they sent word by way of the oracles to the courtiers and nobles to the effect that Moses had persuaded the king to hand the kingdom over to the foreign nations, knowing the king had no son eligible to the throne. 27/16.5. The courtiers and nobles, therefore, importuned the king to choose one of two things: Either to banish Moses out of the country, and put aside all arrangements for the migration of the Israelites; or, on the other hand, to abdicate the throne in favor of Nu‑ghan. In the meantime, a whole year's drought came upon Egupt, and the rivers failed to overflow, so that a famine was sure to fall upon many parts of the country. 27/16.6. The king answered the demand of the courtiers and nobles with these words: I am Pharaoh, king of Egupt! Look to the threatened famine; provide the stores for my people. I declare to you all, a new thing has come to the world, which is: Migration from Bondage! Nor is it in the power of nobles or courtiers or kings to stop this invention. 27/16.7. When the courtiers received this answer they said to one another: These are Moses' words, fashioned for the king's mouth. Certainly he has lost the fear of the Lord, and listens to the Great Spirit of the Israelites! 27/16.8. Jehovih, through His angels, spoke to Moses, saying: Now is your time. Go to the Heads whom you have chosen and appoint a time to them of one place, and a time to others of another place, and so on, to all the Heads. And you shall make the armies (unarmed multitudes) going forth so numerous that the Eguptians will be overwhelmed. 27/16.9. These, then, were the Heads, the chief rab'bahs appointed by Moses, and the places in Egupt where they were to depart from: 27/16.10. Rasak, son of Ubeth, of the place Hagor; Ashimel, son of Esta, of the place Ranna; Gamba, son of Hanor, of the place Nusomat; Bothad, son of Nainis, of the place Palgoth; Amram, son of Yoth, of the place Borgol; Lakiddik, son of Samhad, of the place Apau; Jokai, son of Keddam, of the place Hasakar; Jorvith, son of Habed, of the place Oeda; Sattu, son of Bal, of the place Harragatha; Tussumak, son of Aban, of the place Ra; Makrath, son of Filatti, of the place Nabaoth; Hijamek, son of Tor, of the place Nu'joram; Fallu, son of Hagan, of the place Ennitz; Shutta, of the place Romja; Jokkin, son of Rutz, of the place Moan; Tudan, son of Barrahha, of the place Hezron; Osharrak, son of Libni, of the place Raim; Thammas, son of Rodaad, of the place Sakaz; Misa, son of Tiddiyis, of the place Tessam; and Sol, son of Zakkaas, of the place Annayis. 27/16.11. Jehovih said: And the Heads shall have seventy-seven days notice; and they shall notify the rab'bah of their places, so that due preparation shall be made for the start. Nevertheless, the time appointed to your people shall be kept secret with the Heads and with the rab'bahs. And whatever number the rab'bah can send forth, he shall notify the Head; and when all things are ready, that number shall go forth on the day appointed, everyone on the same day. 27/16.12. And Moses appointed the tenth day of the month Abib, when all the people should start; and moreover, he said to the Heads: You shall see to it that the night before they start, at the hour of sunset, in the very moment the sun sets, every family shall offer a lamb in sacrifice, and every man, and every woman, and every child that can speak, shall covenant to Jehovih in the blood of the lamb. 27/16.13. When the time of the slaughter is at hand, the family shall stand around, and the lamb shall be in their midst, bound head and foot; and, when the knife is raised for the blow, no one shall speak, for that which is to be, shall be the covenant of the blood of the lamb against Egupt. And when the throat is cut across and the blood flowing, they shall all say: In Egupt the lamb of Jehovih is dead; His God shall go from here with Israel, but Egupt shall be accursed from this night! Accept this, my covenant, with You, O Jehovih (E‑O‑Ih!), for innocent blood has been shed as a testimony before You that, with tomorrow's rising sun, I rise to never again lie down in Egupt! 27/16.14. Thus went Aaron and Akad, bearing this message in secret to the Heads of the Houses of Israel, saying to them: Thus says Moses: This is the commandment of Jehovih, Who is Almighty! 27/16.15. And now, on the eve of success to the Israelites, the king of Egupt, being at the point of death, sent for Moses, and Moses went to him. The king said: If it should be the Lord's will to take me off before your people are gone, you will have great bother; for my successor, Nu‑ghan, has a great hate toward Israel. 27/16.16. Moses said: What, then, shall be done? The king said: Behold, the pestilence has overspread Najaut and Arabenah. Your people will be cut off from traveling that way. Nu‑ghan and his courtiers dwell in Harboath. Moses replied: My people shall march through Najaut and Arabenah; neither shall the pestilence come upon them, for the hand of the Almighty is in this matter. 27/16.17. Leotonas, learning that Moses was with the king, went in to see him. She said: O my son and brother, you are welcome. Behold, the trials of the royal court, and the persistence of the nobles, are the death of the king. To this the king said: And still I live, Leotonas! But, alas, these were his last words, for he laughed, and the blood burst through his heart, and he died then and there, in Moses' arms.
1086 i.e., the goods, possessions, baggage, gear, personal effects, etc., they would be carrying away with them
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27/17.1. Jehovih, through His angels, said to Moses: When the body of the king is embalmed and put away, you shall go quickly to your people; for he who comes to the throne is under the voice of the Lord, Baal, and he will try to prevent the departure of My chosen. So Moses left the capital, and did as commanded. 27/17.2. On Nu‑ghan's being crowned he at once issued the following decree: Behold me, I am Pharaoh, King of Egupt, and Ruler of the World. God has raised his voice in my dominions, saying: Hail, Sun King of the corporeal world: Behold, I gave you all the living that are on the face of the earth, and in the waters of the earth, to be yours, to keep forever. And I say to you, what is your own is your own, and you shall have dominion in your own way, for I made all that are alive on the earth to be yours forever! 27/17.3. Whether of beasts of the field, or fish in the waters, or man on the earth; all the living I created for you, and you shall possess them from everlasting to everlasting. And the life of the living I gave into your keeping; and I said to you: The house of Pharaoh I have created, and it is my house also. 27/17.4. And whoever rules on the throne of this land, the same is my son, and is the possessor while the breath of life is in him. But when he dies, and the throne falls to his successor, the rights and the powers and possessions of your kingdom shall not die nor be set to nothing. But the successor shall be my Pharaoh whom I raised up to my dominions; thus says the Lord. 27/17.5. Now, therefore, I, Pharaoh, who am king and possessor of all the world by commandment of God, and by his son (Osiris), who is dead and risen, being myself God of the earth, into whose hands are bequeathed all the living, am today, yesterday, and forever, the same everlasting king and Lord of all. And I decree to my people, who are mine by virtue of my authority from God, that only by my gracious indulgence has any man or people the right to put one foot before the other, on this my sacred earth. 27/17.6. And whoever goes here or there, except by the sign of the signet of my seal, shall surely be put to death. 27/17.7. And any multitude of my people, who are my servants, whom the God of Gods has given into my hands to do my works, to till my earth, or to build my houses, or dig ditches, or make bricks, or gather harvest, or make cloth, or attend flocks, and to do any works whatsoever, who may design to escape out of Egupt, to go to my enemies, the foreign kings, shall be deemed guilty to death. And if such people start forth, to quit my service, to go out of my holy land, then my loyal slaves shall fall upon them and slay them, right and left, sparing neither man, woman nor child. For thus commands the Lord God, whose son I am. || 27/17.8. Jehovih, through His angels, spoke to Moses, saying: Take Aaron your brother, and go before the king and plead your cause. Moses said: O Jehovih, You Almighty, why have You said this to me? I have no argument in me, like other men. Nor have I courage to confront a man or woman. My tongue is slow to find words till after the opportunity. From my youth up I have known this man, Nu‑ghan, who is king, and if he merely stamps his foot at me I am helpless before him. 27/17.9. Jehovih said: For that reason, My son, I can give you My words. Go, and do not fear. 27/17.10. Then Moses went before Pharaoh, taking Aaron with him. The king asked: What is your will? And Moses said: I have come to beseech you to allow my people to depart out of Egupt. The king replied: The Lord is with me; he says you shall not go; and I repeat the words of my God. 27/17.11. Then spoke Moses, the power of Jehovih being upon him: Do not think, O king, that bondage is for this world only; here the matter does not end. You have said here in your decree, you have spoken from the Lord, saying: The life of the living I gave into your keeping. Did the Lord say this to you? Where, then, is justice, since pestilence and death are coming upon your people? Do you call this keeping them? I declare to you, that even in the words of your own God you have failed utterly, and this sin is upon you. Permit, then, my people to depart, so that your own shortness may not be multiplied, in the afflictions that will surely spread over this land. 27/17.12. The king said: You have no authority; you are a frozen serpent that was taken into the house of the king; and being thawed out, you turn to bite your benefactors. You are outlawed by men and accursed by the oracles. It is said of you, you have been to Hored, and there wed for sake of alliance with my high priest, Jethro, for conveyance of my lands to your people. Who are you, that pretends to hear a voice, and to be led by the Unseen? You slave! 27/17.13. Moses said: I am not here to plead my own cause, O king, but my people's. Suffice it, though, that even as your Lord God stands upon miracles, I do not bow down before him. For these are evidence that your God and your Lord are only angels of the dead, who labor for you and your aggrandizement, and not for all men's welfare. 27/17.14. For I have miracles also; and whatever your magicians can do, I can do also; do I not have eyes and ears, even as the oracles? Now I declare a miracle to you, which is that you yourself shall yet not only consent to my people going out of Egupt, but you shall send armies to drive them out. To turn a rod into a serpent, or water into wine; or to show the spirits of the dead, alas, O king, even those who are of rotten flesh can do such things! 27/17.15. Pharaoh said: If the oracle hears God, is this not the greatest? Moses replied: He who utters what an angel bid him is that angel's servant; he who utters a good truth has spoken with Jehovih's voice. Pharaoh asked: Do you say your words are the Creator's? 27/17.16. Moses replied: I am like all good men who speak truth; all that is good, and all truth, are Jehovih's words. In a rose He finds expression in perfume; in the lightning His words are thunder; in a bird His words are songs; but in man, His voice is in man's words; for every living creature, and every dead thing on the earth, or in the waters, or in the air above the earth, gives expression in its own way; because the Father's hand is the foundation of all that is good and true. He is the I Am Who sent me to you; by His command I open my mouth before you. And in His name I declare to you that you shall not only allow my people to depart out of Egupt, but you shall send your armies to drive them out. 27/17.17. The king said: Moses, Moses, you are mad! For even if all Egupt runs with blood, yet I will not do as you have said. Then Moses replied: I tell you, O king, there are two powers in heaven: that which is for Justice and Goodness, even Jehovih; and that which is for sin and death. And if the Creator lifts His protecting hand from Egupt, she shall in that day become the plague spot of the earth. You do remember, when, in the ancient days great Thothma built the first pyramid, your forefathers decried |1087| the power of heaven; and immediately all the land, and the great pyramid itself, was flooded over by evil spirits. And then came foreign kings, who robbed and plundered Egupt. Do not think, O king, these legends are only idle tales; there are Gods and Lords in heaven who could sweep the sea up, and drown all this country. Behold, a day is set; a night is marked out when the lamb of peace shall die. And in that night the first‑born of every woman, and the first‑born of every beast in the fields, shall die for all the Eguptians; but in that same night not one of the Israelites shall go down in death. Jehovih says: I will show My power through My people in the time of My covenants. 27/17.18. Pharaoh said: Were these things to be, God would have come to more noble quarters. You are beside yourself. |1088| And I banish you; nor will I again look upon your face. 27/17.19. Moses said: Whether in this world or the next, you shall yet call to me to deliver you from torments. Nevertheless, I do your bidding; neither will I come to you again; nor shall you look upon my face for a long season. With that, Moses and Aaron saluted the king and departed.
1087 denounced, condemned, depreciated, belittled
1088 not thinking clearly; crazy, insane, mad
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27/18.1. Pharaoh called his chief superintendent and said to him: As to the Hebrew brick‑makers, you shall no longer supply them with straw, but they shall gather stubble themselves, and they shall continue to make the same number of bricks. And as to the tillers of the soil, you shall no longer permit them to have cattle to draw the plows, but they shall draw the plows themselves, and they shall likewise break the same quantity of ground. And in this way the king put extra hardships upon the Israelites because he was angered at what Moses said. 27/18.2. Moses perceiving this, cried out to Jehovih, saying: O why did You send me before Pharaoh? Behold, matters are worse than before. Oh, if only I had guarded my tongue and been of persuasive speech! 27/18.3. Jehovih said to Moses: Do not rebuke yourself, for you have done My commands. And it shall come to pass now, what otherwise would not. For those Israelites who hesitated about going out of Egupt, will now decide for themselves as to what they will do. And the hardships that Pharaoh has newly added, shall be a blessing to your people. 27/18.4. And it came to pass that the Israelites went away from their taskmasters, and the rab'bahs sent them to the Heads; and the people of Israel were stirred up from one end of Egupt to the other. And as for the Eguptians, except the courtiers and nobles, they were likewise stirred up, but without any purpose or order; so that all the great land of Egupt had neither tillers nor builders; and cleanliness departed away from them; and the country stank like a dead carcass, so that insects and vermin filled all that air of heaven. 27/18.5. But the flesh of the Faithists was good; and vermin did not come upon them; nor were they stricken with fevers, or leprosy, or scabs, like the Eguptians. 27/18.6. Pharaoh ordered his army of two hundred thousand men to take the field, but lo and behold, they were scattered and afflicted so that they were only as vagrants, without head or discipline. 27/18.7. Jehovih spoke to Moses, saying: Now I will show her philosophers a miracle in the air above the earth. Have they not said: All things come up out of the earth? For they have tried every way to put Me aside, and to explain My creation away as an idle tale. They shall look and see the sun, and declare that in truth there is no cloud; but while they look up, they shall see a cloud high up in the heavens, a very black cloud, and it shall be broad as the land of Egupt. And it shall descend to the earth, and it shall prove to be locusts, come without any seed; and they shall be so numerous that in three days they will eat up every green leaf of every tree and herb in all the land. Nor shall they be like any other locusts that have been on the earth or ever shall be; for man shall comprehend that they are not of the seed of the earth. 27/18.8. Moses sent a herald with this prophecy to the king, and he added to it: Why have you put more hardships on my people? Do you not see that the evil you had hoped to accomplish has cured itself even before it came to pass? For now the Israelites do not work at all, and their taskmasters are left in the lurch. Again I call upon you to let my people go. 27/18.9. The king did not reply to this, but silently put his officers to work, drilling and equipping his armies and collecting them together; which, when Moses saw it, he understood to be the sign, as the Great Spirit had previously said, when the cloud would appear. And it came to pass on a very clear day, at noon, a cloud formed high up in the firmament, and it grew blacker and blacker, until it descended upon the earth; and it was locusts; and like a snowstorm they covered the land of the earth, in places to the depth of the shoes and ankles. And they hungered, eating every green leaf, and herb, and grass, so that in two days not a leaf could be found far or near. And on the third day, the hunger of the locusts remained unappeased, and they leapt upon the Eguptians, old and young, feeding upon their clothes, and even upon the flesh of the Eguptians. 27/18.10. And on the fourth day Jehovih caused a great wind to come, and it blew the locusts off into the sea. And again Moses sent heralds to the king, saying: Consider my words now and be wise. I have told you that the hand of the Creator is upon this land. In your heart you say: Moses is a fool! Only a windstorm fetched the locusts from a far‑off country. 27/18.11. But I say to you, O king, this is not so. And you shall still further witness Jehovih's power. For as the locusts came down out of the firmament, and you have a philosophy for the occurrence, behold, now another miracle shall come in another way: For frogs and reptiles shall suddenly come up out of the water, and they likewise shall be so numerous on the land that man shall not find a place to put his foot where it shall not tread upon them. And the first day they shall be harmless; but on the second day they shall crawl upon the people, and under their clothes, and in their houses; and on the third day they shall eat the flesh of the Eguptians. But they shall not touch one Hebrew in all the land. 27/18.12. Nor shall any man find where so many frogs and reptiles came from; for they shall not be like the seed of other frogs and reptiles. And on the fifth day all the frogs and reptiles shall suddenly disappear, neither by wind nor rain. But a stench, like rotten flesh, shall nearly suffocate the Eguptians to death. 27/18.13. Again I appeal to you, O king, to permit my people to depart out of Egupt in peace. This is the last time I shall solicit you. And if you do not answer me, then it shall come to pass that on the ninth day and night in the month of Abib, Jehovih will raise His hand over Israel; but as for Egupt, your Lord shall strike her in death. For on that night, in every family of Eguptians, far and near, the first‑born shall fall dead; and so that you shall not say the prophecy killed them [by suggestion --ed.], behold, the first‑born of every beast shall die also, including goats, sheep, cattle, asses, dogs, cats, and every living creature man uses. For on that night, behold, four million Israelites shall make with Jehovih the covenant of death. And when morning comes, they will rise up to not lie down again in Egupt. And this shall be the testimony of innocent blood against yourself and all your people, for what the Hebrews have suffered. 27/18.14. The king did not answer Moses; and it came to pass that Egupt was overspread with frogs and reptiles, to every detail even as Moses had prophesied. Nevertheless, Pharaoh pursued his course. 27/18.15. Jehovih spoke to Moses, saying: Moses, My son, look upon man and pity him, for he does not believe in Me, though I multiply signs and omens continually, and give him prophecies without end. One thing only turns man's eyes inward; and that is flesh of his flesh, lying dead before him. 27/18.16. Now on the night of the passover, when the Israelites made the covenant on the blood of the lamb, a hot wind blew upon the face of the earth; and the first‑born of the Eguptians fell dead, both man and beast. And Pharaoh's son died, and his brother's son; and the first‑born of every courtier, and every noble's first‑born, and all other people, their first‑born, so that in every family there lay one dead. 27/18.17. Pharaoh was now stricken, but not to repentance, for evil was in his heart, and he cursed Moses and the Israelites, and swore an oath to destroy Israel, man, woman and child, so that never again would there be one on the earth. And he sent his officers such a commandment, and to mobilize and begin the slaughter. 27/18.18. As for the Faithists, not many of them had slept during the night, but were providing for the journey, so that when morning came, every one of them started forth with the sunrise. From all the different regions of Egupt they went forth toward Sukkoth, westward [of Sukkoth]. The Heads led the way, and every commune was led by a rab'bah, and every man's family by the father of the family or by the eldest son. And at the start they spoke through their leaders, saying: In Your name, O Jehovih, we depart out of the land of our birth, where we were born, and our sons and daughters were born, to never return! Neither shall Egupt prosper again till You have subdued the whole earth to You. || 27/18.19. But things had changed wonderfully with the Eguptians, for when they saw the Israelites were indeed going, and knew the miracles that had taken place, they relented, and brought them gifts of gold and silver; and also asses and camels for the Hebrew women and children to ride upon; and gave them food to eat. But the Israelitish women said: No, if we take these things we will be under obligations to the Eguptians. The Israelites do not accept what they cannot pay for. Then the Eguptians bewailed in fear, saying: So that we will not be accursed by the Gods, take them, we beseech you in the name of your God also. 27/18.20. So the Faithist women accepted the presents of asses, camels, and other things besides; and they mounted the asses and camels, and rode them. 27/18.21. When Moses heard of this afterward he rebuked Israel, saying: Because you have accepted these things it will be said, you borrowed and begged them so as to despoil the Eguptians. 27/18.22. When they arrived near Sukkoth, Jehovih spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: Stand here for twelve days, so that you may see My people as they pass, and that you in turn may be seen by them. So Moses and Aaron pitched their tents on a high piece of ground off to the side, and remained there twelve days, and Moses showed himself before them, speaking and encouraging. 27/18.23. After this the Israelites passed through Etham, on the borders of the wilderness, and then on toward Migdol, near Baal‑zephon, the place of the oracle of the God, Baal, and they encamped before Pi'hahiroth, where Moses commanded them to remain some days to rest. 27/18.24. Now as for Pharaoh, he had not made any attack on the Israelites, for Jehovih's Lord held his army in confusion. Pharaoh, finding that the Israelites were not injured, decided to take to the field himself; and accordingly, having impressed all the chariots of Egupt, went ahead, leading his army in person. The Israelites were wearied and footsore, and, discovering that Pharaoh was after them, many of them complained and grumbled, saying: O Moses, why did you bring us from home? It would have been better for us to remain in servitude to the Eguptians than to be slain. 27/18.25. Moses rebuked them, saying: You profess to be Faithists but yet have no faith in Jehovih? Put your trust in Him; for He will deliver you safely, as He has promised. 27/18.26. Jehovih spoke to Moses, saying: They shall witness the salvation of My hand; for the Eguptians who pursue them this day shall never again pursue them. For when you lead them to the sea, you shall lift up your rod, and I will divide the sea, and My people shall walk across on the land of the bottom of the sea. And Pharaoh's army shall pursue, but be swallowed up in the waters. And so it came to pass: 27/18.27. Jehovih brought a strong wind and divided the waters of the sea and swept them back, and the Israelites went over on land. But Pharaoh's army, who were in pursuit, were caught in the flood of the tide and were drowned. 27/18.28. Thus Jehovih delivered the Israelites out of Egupt; and Israel believed in Him and in Moses, His servant. 27/18.29. Now from the place Sukkoth to the other side of the sea, a pillar of cloud preceded the Israelites by day, and a pillar of fire stood over them by night, and the people looked and everyone saw the cloud and the light. And the name of the place they reached when they crossed over was Shakelmarath; and they camped there many days. 27/18.30. From the time Moses began to prepare for the migration of Israel |1089| until he reached Shakelmarath, was four years two hundred and seven days. And the number of Israelites who went forth out of Egupt was three million seven hundred and fifty thousand, men, women and children. And the number of other people who accompanied them was four hundred thousand; and because they were of the uncircumcised tribes of ancients, the Hebrews nicknamed them Levites, i.e., imperfect flesh. 27/18.31. And Moses commanded the Levites to camp aside, and not to mix with the Israelites, and they obeyed him in all things, maintaining that they were the true descendants of Abraham. 27/18.32. And Moses made a song to Jehovih, and Miriam, his sister, sang it and played on the timbrel, |1090| and the women of Israel danced before Jehovih. 27/18.33. This, then, is the song of Moses:
1089 Recall this was when the Voice came to Moses, with Pharaoh and Leotonas (27/15.24-29).
1090 A timbrel is similar to a tambourine, a percussion instrument with jingling bells.
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27/19.1. Eloih, Almighty, You, my God, Who have delivered my people! I will sing to You a song; and the children of Israel to You, O Eloih! 27/19.2. You are a great strength and salvation; for You, Eloih, I will build my habitation; You, my father's God, O Eloih! 27/19.3. You are my Warrior; Eloih is Your name, forever! 27/19.4. You have encompassed Pharaoh and his hosts; they are swallowed up in the sea; his chosen captains and his warriors in the Red Sea. 27/19.5. The depths covered them up; they sank to the bottom like a stone, O Eloih! 27/19.6. Almighty Eloih; Glorious in power in Your right hand that passed over innocent blood! 27/19.7. You my God, Eloih; Wise in majesty, in Your right hand that dashed in pieces Your enemy! 27/19.8. Excellency, You O Eloih; Who in graciousness came upon those who rose up to block Your way; You sent Your breath upon them; as stubble they were cut down by Your righteous sword! 27/19.9. By the breath of Your nostrils, You heaped up the waters of the sea; and the floods stood upright by Your voice, to entrap them in the heart of the sea! 27/19.10. Your enemy said: I will pursue; I will overtake them; the spoil shall be mine; I will draw the sword; my hand shall destroy them! 27/19.11. You blew with Your wind; the sea covered them; they sank like lead in the mighty waters. 27/19.12. Who is like You, Eloih, among the Gods? Who is like You, Glorious in Holiness, fearful in praise and wonders, O Eloih! You stretched out Your right hand, and they went down into the earth. 27/19.13. Merciful Almighty, Eloih, my God, and God of my fathers; Who has led forth Israel and delivered her into the land of her fathers, O Eloih! Who has guided them to a holy and peaceful habitation. 27/19.14. All people shall hear and be afraid; sober thought shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina. And the nobles of Edom shall be amazed! Trembling shall take hold of the warrior of Moab; and the wild men of Kana'yan shall melt away! 27/19.15. You, O Eloih, shall strike them with fear; by the magnitude of the strength of Your arm they will be amazed and helpless as stone. For this land is Your purchase, O Eloih; in the passover of the blood of the lamb You purchased it; and Israel shall pass over it in fear. 27/19.16. And You shall bring them to the mountain of their inheritance, to Your place, Our God, Eloih. To dwell in Your sanctuary, which You have established for Your reign, forever and forever.
CHAPTER 20 Arc Bon
27/20.1. Moses called together the Heads and the rab'bahs, privately, and spoke before them, saying: 27/20.2. What have I taken upon me, O Jehovih? Behold Your sons and daughters have followed me out of Egupt; how shall I bind them to You and not to me, O my Father in heaven? 27/20.3. Jehovih said to me: Moses, Moses, what I say to you, say to the rab'bahs and to the Heads; saying to them: Not Moses, nor the Heads, nor the rab'bahs, brought you out of Egupt; you were brought out by the Creator, Jehovih, Who is God of all, Captain of all, Head of all, Rab'bah of all. 27/20.4. For in this I have drawn the line between My people and My enemies, the idolaters of men. Because of signs and miracles, the idolaters make a man‑God of their magician and worship him. But who is like you, Moses, My son; in miracles, who can match you in the magnitude of your proceeding? 27/20.5. Who led forth My millions; and delivered them out of a great power without loss of a man, woman or child? 27/20.6. But I declare to you, you shall do a greater miracle than any of these; for you shall preserve yourself from becoming an idol before men. For you shall proclaim Me to your people in all things; teaching them that you are only a man. And your Heads and your rab'bahs shall likewise teach them the same, for I will put away all idolatry from the face of the earth. 27/20.7. Neither will I have kings nor queens; I am sufficient for all men. 27/20.8. As Abraham apportioned My people into families [communities --Ed.], with rab'bahs and with chief rab'bahs, so shall you re‑establish them. 27/20.9. And My commandments, which I gave to Abraham, I will give to you; and I will re‑establish My crescent with My rab'bahs. And My crescent shall be the fullness of My law for the rab'bahs and chief rab'bahs. 27/20.10. Moses said: I cried to Jehovih, saying: How shall it be with the square and at high noon? And the angel of Jehovih, speaking in the Father's name, said: To the northeast God; to the southwest Lord; to the northwest Baal; to the southeast Ashtaroth. For Osiris is dead already. 27/20.11. To this end, then, prepare a place for tonight, so that the Great Spirit may bless us. The rab'bahs and the Heads said: It is well. 27/20.12. And when it was night Moses with the rab'bahs and the Heads went aside, placing sentinels so they would be alone. And when they were thus prepared, the light of Jehovih came upon Moses, and the books of the ancients were opened before him. And he administered Emethachavah upon them; by the voice of Jehovih he re‑established it; with all the rites and ceremonies as they are to this day. And after that the Heads were no longer called Heads, but Chief Rab'bahs; for Moses anointed them by command of Jehovih. 27/20.13. And in not many days, Moses wrote the Levitican laws; for the inner temple of Jehovih was in spoken words only; but the outer temple was written. So that it was said: The Hebrews have two laws; one which no other man knows, and one for those who are not eligible by faith, being those who were called Leviticans; but not Leviticans in fact, but hangers‑on, who had followed the Israelites out of Egupt and who for the most part had no God, little judgment and no learning. 27/20.14. But regarding all that Moses did, and taught, and how he labored with his own hands, many books could be written. And it is doubtful if the world ever produced another so good and great a man. |1091|
1091 see image i115 |
i115 Moses. He rebuilt what had been lost since Abram's time. (see image only)
27/20.15. At the time Moses reached Shakelmarath he was forty‑four years old by the Hebrew sun (solar year), but by the Eguptian calendar he was eighty‑eight years old. 27/20.16. As for Pharaoh and those of his hosts who were not destroyed in the sea, they returned home to their places. And not long after that, Pharaoh banished God (Osiris) from the earth, declaring himself the Savior of the World, and Vice‑Gerent |1092| of the Holy Ghost. 27/20.17. Pharaoh's scribes and recorders assembled in Kaona, and they appointed Feh‑ya (an Eguptian), to write the departure of the Israelites out of Egupt. And Feh‑ya wrote the account and called it the Exodus of the Hebrews, and it was recorded in the king's House of Records. And copies of it were sent to the large cities, and there recorded also, for such was the law of Egupt. Feh‑ya's record was afterward accepted by Ezra, and is that which is known to this day as the First Book of Exodus. 27/20.18. The Book of Genesis, as it stood in the Eguptian records, was written by Akaboth and Dueram and Hazed, and was the substance from which Ezra copied it through his scribes, even as it is to this day. The inspiration of Genesis was from the God Osiris, the false, and his emissaries, chief of whom were Yotabba and Egupt, who were angel servants to Osiris. And so far as the records now stand, the spirit of both books was the Eguptian version of the whole subject. 27/20.19. Touching genealogies, in which men seemed to have lived to so great an age, this, then, is the explanation for it: 27/20.20. Thothma had said to his recorders: In searching for the truth of legends, give the latitude of it. For one legend will say, such a man lived seven hundred years ago; another legend will say he lived one thousand fifty years ago. The latitude between them is, therefore, three hundred fifty years, which shall be the time of that man's life. || And in this way latitude became confounded with fact, |1093| and with no intent to deceive. 27/20.21. And behold, it came to pass that the records were worthless; and to make matters worse the records were so voluminous, being more than six thousand books, that the scribes of Ezra could make neither head nor tail of them. Nevertheless, they were all written, in the first place not by the Israelites, but by their enemies, where, even so, the testimony of the miracles is none the weaker. 27/20.22. Thus ends the history of Moses' deliverance of the Faithists out of Egupt. 27/20.23. Hear now of Chine of the land of Jaffeth:
1092 one who acts in the place of another; a viceroy; a deputy
1093 In the example the man lived sometime between a span of 350 years; that is, he lived, for some unspecified duration, sometime between 700 and 1050 years before the date of recording; and this 350 years of latitude (range; extent of applicability) during which a person lived, became confused with a person's age at death; that is, the lower and upper limits of the latitude incorrectly became thought of as the points of birth and death of that person. As a result, such a person was mistakenly thought to have been 350 years old when he died.
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