Oahspe Study
THe Language Tree
Pan, the first guttural sounds approximating words. Poit, beginning of labial word-sounds. Gau. Hiut, first acquiesced language. Fus, written word-signs. Chine, monosyllabic. Yi-ha, combination words. Abram, first words; original text. Fonece, following the sound, but not the signs (writing). Aham, amalgamation. Ebra, the old; the sacred. Vede. Sanscrit, mixture. Araba, teeth and thorax. Algonquin, after the sacred name, E-Go-Quim. Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, German, English.... Kosmon.
Oahspe, The Lord's Fifth Book; 19/2.5 - 9.
But men were in darkness in those days, and did not understand God. So, accordingly, the inhabitants combined the names belonging to the neighboring tribes. That is to say, one tribe said, ut (wheat); another tribe for the same thing, said, yat; and another tribe said, wat; and another, hoot; and so on. So, the later generations said, utyatwathoot (wheat), and this was called the Yi‑ha language; and so great were the number and the size of words used, that the writings of the ancient prophets were lost, because none could understand them.
The Lord spoke, saying: Because I desired to preserve the genealogy of my chosen, you have applied the law to things that are worthless in my sight. You have built a babble [babel; i.e., bah'bah'i –Ed.], a tower of words, so that your tongues are confounded one with another. You strove to reach to heaven with a multitude of words, but made food for hada (hades).
The Lord said: Come, now, into murdhan (sacred spirit communion), and I will deliver you. So the people sat in crescent, and the Lord came between the horns, saying: Behold, you are Tau, but I am the S'ri (Spirit). My word shall stand against the entire world. Hear, then, the commandments of God (Hautot). Because you have built a tower of words, you are confounded. However I do not come in anger, but to deliver you. Neither will I write anymore, nor teach written words, for they are only folly, except to the learned.
By spoken words I will teach, and you shall repeat after me. And these shall be sacred words to the end of the world.
Oahspe, Book of Eskra; 28/50.30
|| Now after the fall of the great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic, Celtic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day.||
Following the loss of their slave labor force, the Egyptians then turned to war and capturing slaves from neighboring countries, building their "New Kingdom". (See The Exodus marks the end of the Pyramidal Age)
Oahspe demonstrates that many historical periods and civilizations have been either lost to corporeal knowledge or exist only as vague legends and myths, or are misdated (more often assigned a later date than the actual event). So while Oahspe gives an earlier date of circa 1550 bce, the earliest conventional historical date for Celts is 1400 bce:
1400 BCE Celts arrive in Spain
This date is the earliest in archaeology to mark the event, and usually scientists tend to think Celts appeared in Spain later. It depends on the exact archaeological culture which we connect with Celtic expansion. The most widespread opinion is to link Celts with the "urn culture" (German "Urnenfelderkultur", Spanish "campos de urnas") which spread from the Danube region to the west, to all Central Europe and later to Gaul and Iberia (Spain).
But many believe than this culture unified all "Ancient European" ethnic groups of Indo-Europeans who came from Asia to Europe within one big migration wave. It probably included Celts, Italics, Illyrians and Venetic tribes, whose languages have much in common. But while Illyrians and Venetians remained on the Balkans, Italics penetrated into Italy, Celts were the only people who went farther to Gaul and Spain.
In Spain first Indo-Europeans occupied mainly the northern regions. They did not mix with the aboriginal population, though their language was somehow transforming in phonetics and syntax. This first Celtic wave (first Celts were called beribraces in ancient sources) put the beginning to the Celtiberian language.||
According to Wikipedia, "proto-celts" appeared in Germany as early as 1300 bce:
The earliest archaeological culture that may justifiably be considered as Proto-Celtic is the Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture of central Europe from the last quarter of the second millennium bce. ||
Understandably, conventional dates depend upon what data has survived the passing of time either as ancient records or archaeological finds. But thanks to Oahspe, when searching for other indications of Egyptian influence, we can extend the conventional dates back even further, since we know that the Exodus occurred in 1550 bce in the middle bronze age. Egypt was well developed in tools, utensils, weapons and chariots of bronze. Europe also reflected the influence of the southern bronze period, but there are also evident various other influences on European culture from around 1600 bce that indicate a change to a more sophisticated culture than previously existing. For example, decorative articles such as an unearthed astrological disk referencing astronomical and celestial patterns (see sky-disc, wiki) as well as a new concern with and sophisticated manner of burials. We know that the Egyptian worshippers of Osiris of the Middle Kingdom had been long obsessed with such matters:
The Urnfield and Tumuli Cultures:
All in all, cemeteries of this period [1800-1600 bce in Central Europe] are rare and of small size. The Unetice culture is followed by the middle Bronze Age (1600-1200 BCE) Tumulus culture, which is characterised by inhumation burials in tumuli (barrows).
The Celtic languages form a branch of the larger Indo-European family. By the time speakers of Celtic languages enter history around 400 BCE (Brennus's attack on Rome in 387 BCE), they were already split into several language groups, and spread over much of Central Europe, the Iberian peninsula, Ireland and Britain.
Something to take into account in this writing is that while we are using Celts to mark evidence of the descendents of Egyptian migrants, the various tribes of "Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic, Celtic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns)" were not necessarily historically identified as Celts. And so, when we read of Celts first arriving in regions such as Britain and Ireland, these invasions were most likely the first of the descendants of the Egyptians.
As for the context of our Oahspe verse being in the Book of Eskra, it is not unusual for Oahspe to go backwards or forwards in time to make a point that ties in to what is being related. So it does not mean that the reference to the Egyptian migrants must have occurred within the context of the spread of Christianity or the dispersal of the Israelites and Jews from Judea. And as has been shown, indeed the descendants of the Egyptian migrants had long been settled as ethnic groups in their lands by the time of the dispersal of the Israelites and Jews.
We can be sure that the collapse of the Egyptian Empire Oahspe refers to is the end of the Middle Kingdom and not the New Kingdom because "Proto-Celtic" culture was evident in Europe from 1300 bce, but the New Kingdom (the Egyptian Empire), ended around 1069 bce long after the first Celts in Europe.
While the Egyptian period following the Hebrew Exodus (the same time as the Exodus of the Hyksos), marks the end of the Middle Kingdom, it is also considered to be the start of the New Kingdom, that which has also been called the Egyptian Empire (which essentially began with Ahmose (Nughan) by historians. See Dating the Exodus)
Now Oahspe does not necessarily abide by man's historical terms, so when it refers to the "Egyptian Empire" (Book of Eskra; 28/50.30), it does not necessarily mean the time period from 1547 to 1069 bce.
While it is a fact that Egypt continued to exist with kings following Moses' time, it is also a fact that the great "golden age" of the Middle kingdom had come to an end once the Israelites and many others abandoned their slave status and departed.
It is logical (and evident) that the non aristocratic and unwealthy Egyptians who remained following the exodus of the Israelite slaves, were to be the next to be impressed into labor for Pharaoh and the Egyptian Nobility. Not being accustomed to or desiring slavery, many departed (These may also be documented as a part of the Hyksos Exodus). Such Egyptians would have been those mentioned in Oahspe.
Part 2 highlights the varied languages spoken among the ancestors of the Celts. This throws more light upon why so many celtic languages were evident within just a few hundred years of their estimated arrival in Europe.
All Oahspe references are from the Standard Edition Oahspe of 2007
The Abrahamic Language Part 2