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Large Dinosaurs were warm-blooded and even had a higher temperature than mammals today. This was revealed in Oahspe more than one hundred and twenty years before scientists found out.
Back in 1882 when Oahspe was first published, it contained many contradictions to the conventional scientific thinking of the time. But since then many of Oahspe's apparently absurd contradictions have been found to be not so absurd, instead it is proving to be advanced knowledge that man had yet to discover. One such contradiction to the scientific opinion of its time is Oahspe's statement that the large extinct animals (dinosaurs) had a body temperature on average of 2 degrees higher than animals of today! Oahspe also informs why!
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy; 38/5.17.
|| Place the se'muan age at ninety-nine degrees (Fahrenheit scale), the time of quickening animal life. It will be found that the moon, in that period, must have had an axial motion, facing the earth, of three and four-sevenths' times faster than the earth. While at the same period of time, the earth made its daily revolution in what would now be twenty‑one hours and forty minutes.
This would give a difference, in animal heat, of two and a half degrees of vortexya on the earth of today, as compared to the se'muan age. Consequently large animals, which are now extinct, had a temperature (average) of two and a half degrees higher than at present. By which we perceive that three hours and seventeen minutes' loss in axial motion produced a loss of two and a half degrees of vortexian heat.||
Up until recent years dinosaurs were believed to be giant cold-blooded reptile like creatures. But in the later part of the 20th century and the Dinosaur Renaissance we have witnessed a burgeoning of more informed opinions about dinosaurs. Far from being slow and cold-blooded they were found to have body temperatures even higher than today's mammals. These findings are based on a more thorough analysis of physiology, and in particular, bone and tooth structure.
By comparing bones of mammals with dinosaurs and reptiles, it was found that dinosaurs had significantly higher metabolisms than even mammals. Judging by the differences in bone artifacts, scientists thought that dinosaurs had body temperatures that were higher than mammals by at least 7 or even 15 degrees. It was only when a group of scientist developed a method of analysing tooth enamel of fossilized dinosaur teeth that they found that the difference in body temperature between dinosaurs and mammals was closer to 2.5 degrees higher! Just as Oahspe had stated!
|| Thermometer for Dinosaurs: Researchers Identify Body Temperature of These Long-Extinct Giant Saurians
....In cooperation with colleagues from the US, researchers from the University of Bonn have just determined that the body temperature of some large herbivorous dinosaurs was between 36 and 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees Fahrenhiet).....
With their colleagues in the U.S., the Bonn researchers developed a method that allows determining the absolute body temperature of dinosaurs with the accuracy of a thermometer by analyzing their dental enamel. "The original chemical composition of [the dinosaurs'] dental enamel has been much better preserved than that of dinosaur bones," said Tutken. Enamel contains a certain percentage of carbonate, a carbon/oxygen compound. Both elements have a heavier and a lighter variant called isotopes. "The mineral formation temperature determines how frequently the two heavy carbon isotopes (13C) and the two heavy oxygen isotopes (18O) will enter a 13C-18O bond within a dinosaur's tooth," explained the geochemist. The warmer it was while the dental enamel was formed, the more infrequently will the two heavy isotopes enter such a bond. "We used this correlation as a thermometer that allowed us to determine the body temperature accurately to within two degrees," explained Tutken.....
"We analyzed thirteen teeth from a Camarasaurus, and three from a Brachiosaurus," the Bonn researcher reported. However, only seven of them were preserved well enough for the analyses to be deemed conclusive.....Dinosaurs had a body temperature of 36 to 38 degrees Celsius....||
|| New Evidence for Warm-Blooded Dinosaurs
Holes in Fossil Bones Reveal Dinosaur Activity
New research from the University of Adelaide has added to the debate about whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded and sluggish or warm-blooded and active.
Professor Roger Seymour from the University's School of Earth & Environmental Sciences has applied the latest theories of human and animal anatomy and physiology to provide insight into the lives of dinosaurs.
.... "Far from being lifeless, bone cells have a relatively high metabolic rate and they therefore require a large blood supply to deliver oxygen.
Professor Seymour wondered whether the size of the nutrient foramen might indicate how much blood was necessary to keep the bones in good repair. For example, highly active animals might cause more bone 'microfractures', requiring more frequent repairs by the bone cells and therefore a greater blood supply.
"My aim was to see whether we could use fossil bones of dinosaurs to indicate the level of bone metabolic rate and possibly extend it to the whole body's metabolic rate," he says. "One of the big controversies among paleobiologists is whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded and sluggish or warm-blooded and active. Could the size of the foramen be a possible gauge for dinosaur metabolic rate?"
Comparisons were made with the sizes of the holes in living mammals and reptiles, and their metabolic rates. Measuring mammals ranging from mice to elephants, and reptiles from lizards to crocodiles, one of Professor Seymour's Honours students, Sarah Smith, combed the collections of Australian museums, photographing and measuring hundreds of tiny holes in thigh bones.
"The results were unequivocal. The sizes of the holes were related closely to the maximum metabolic rates during peak movement in mammals and reptiles," Professor Seymour says. "The holes found in mammals were about 10 times larger than those in reptiles."
These holes were compared to those of fossil dinosaurs.....[scientists] measured the holes in 10 species of dinosaur from five different groups, including bipedal and quadrupedal carnivores and herbivores, weighing 50kg to 20,000kg.
"On a relative comparison to eliminate the differences in body size, all of the dinosaurs had holes in their thigh bones larger than those of mammals," Professor Seymour says.
"The dinosaurs appeared to be even more active than the mammals. We certainly didn't expect to see that. These results provide additional weight to theories that dinosaurs were warm-blooded and highly active creatures, rather than cold-blooded and sluggish." ||
When did Dinosaurs appear on earth in relation to other animal species?
According to fossil records and paleontology's interpretation of such, dinosaurs appear to have existed and become extinct prior to humans and most other mammals, but there is evidence that a variety of dinosaurs walked the earth and flew in the air with some species of birds and small mammals.
Now, according to Oahspe there were two waves of animal creations prior to the appearance of man and the first wave was more primitive than the age of the dinosaurs, this primeval age and its conclusion is reflected in the fossil records as the "Carboniferous Period":
Book of Inspiration: 34/6.11-16.
|| Then I created the serpents; of all sizes I created them. And they were poison also. And the serpents I created were carnivorous, feeding upon one another. Self-impregnating I created them.
Thus I drove the poison of the air down into vegetation, and from there, into the animal world; thus I purified the air of heaven.
This was the first creation I created on this world.
Then I overcast the earth with falling nebulae, and covered up the poisons growing upon the earth, and they were turned to oil and coal.
Then I made a new creation (the second creation); giving feet, legs and bones to the animals I designed for the earth. ||
Modern snakes are not the same as these serpents described in Oahspe. However there is fossil evidence of serpent-like amphibians, "Aistopods". These legless amphibians are identified as existing during the "Carboniferous and Early Permian" periods before the appearance of vertebrae and limbed (tetrapods) creatures.
|| The name Carboniferous means "coal-bearing" ...., and reflects the fact that many coal beds were formed globally during this time. ||
Aistopoda (Greek for "[having] not-visible feet") is an order of highly specialised snake-like amphibians known from the Carboniferous and Early Permian of Europe and North America, ranging from tiny forms only 5 centimetres (2 in), to nearly 1 metre (3.3 ft) in length.....the skull is very light and open, reduced to a series of struts supporting the braincase against the lower jaw, just as in snakes, and it is possible that the Aistopods filled the same ecological niches in the Paleozoic that snakes do today.....They had an extremely elongated body, with up to 230 vertebrae. -- Wikipedia
Image attribution: By Nobu Tamura (http://spinops.blogspot.com) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or CC BY 2.5 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)], from Wikimedia Commons
Although the origin of snakes still mystifies paleontologists -- snakes and other reptiles, and even insects, have some remarkable characteristics that reflect their primordial heritage.
Book of Inspiration: 34/7.15,16.
|| I inspire the serpent to bite to death; for so I created it. This is no sin, for it fulfills its labor; it is the remnant of poison of other eras.
Man I created not to destruction, but to life, wisdom, peace and love toward all. ||
The remnants of the first species of serpents that were poisonous and self-reproducing are still evident today. While their venomous aspect has long been known of, their self-reproducing capacity was not known to modern science until 1932!! Recall that Oahspe revealed the serpents of the first creation were self-impregnating!
Many species of lizards and snakes are parthenogenic (self-reproducing) and more and more are being added to the list. There are also insects that have both characteristics (venom and self-reproduction) such as wasps, bees and ants. Self-reproduction among vertebrates was only described in 1932 - more than 50 years after Oahspe revealed that serpents and other venomous animals living today carry the remnants of a past epoch of poisonous air, plants and animals.
|| Among vertebrates, strict parthenogenesis is only known to occur in lizards, snakes, birds and sharks, with fish, amphibians and reptiles exhibiting various forms of gynogenesis and hybridogenesis (an incomplete form of parthenogenesis).
The first all-female (unisexual) reproduction in vertebrates was described in the fish Poecilia formosa in 1932. Since then at least 50 species of unisexual vertebrate have been described, including at least 20 fish, 25 lizards, a single snake species, frogs, and salamanders. Other, usually sexual, species may occasionally reproduce parthenogenetically and Komodo dragons; the hammerhead and blacktip sharks are recent additions to the known list of spontaneous parthenogenetic vertebrates. As with all types of asexual reproduction, there are both costs (low genetic diversity and therefore susceptibility to adverse mutations that might occur) and benefits (reproduction without the need for a male) associated with parthenogenesis.
... Other reptiles, such as the Komodo dragon, other monitor lizards, and some species of boas, pythons, filesnakes, gartersnakes and rattlesnakes were previously considered as cases of facultative parthenogenesis, but are in fact cases of accidental parthenogenesis.
In 2012, facultative parthenogenesis was reported in wild vertebrates for the first time by US researchers amongst captured pregnant copperhead and cottonmouth female pit-vipers. The Komodo dragon, which normally reproduces sexually, has also been found able to reproduce asexually by parthenogenesis. A case has been documented of a Komodo dragon reproducing via sexual reproduction after a known parthenogenetic event, highlighting that these cases of parthenogenesis are reproductive accidents, rather than adaptive, facultative parthenogenesis. ||
Some scientists assume isolated instances of self-reproduction are "reproductive accidents" but Oahspe shows that such incidences indicate instead the capacity these species have to access their primordial heritage. Because these instances are rare or perhaps more accurately, rarely observed by humans, they can easily be mistaken for anomalous occurrences.
For example unless previously observed, it might seem miraculous to see lizards and amphibians regrow severed tails and limbs. This ability, as with venom and self-reproduction, is also confined to certain primitive species. It requires the action of stem-like cells that in more advanced animals such as mammals, are restricted to certain functions only, such as early development (as in the womb when the unborn child grows from a single celled life-form to the complexity of an infant human being.)
Interestingly, the Komodo Dragon of Indonesia, the largest "man eating" lizard (were these related to the giant Cruvaras described in Oahspe?), has venomous glands in its jaws and can be self reproducing when no males are available to fertilize the eggs. Some sharks have also been known to self-reproduce and some species of shark also carry venom in their dorsal fins.
Insects such as wasps, bees and ants can self-reproduce and also carry venom. But birds and mammals that have been humanly manipulated into self-reproduction (i.e., cloning or stem cell reproduction) do not produce healthy or viable offspring - indicating their advance from the earlier species of the first and second creations.
In terms of species, then, self-reproduction is a throwback to earlier times. Considering that self-reproducing species can apparently manipulate their reproductive genes or rather, their biology can respond to environmental conditions by becoming self-reproducing --- must that lead to the conclusion that man's self-manipulation of reproductive genes rather than an advancement, leaves his product closer to a retrograde state?
All Oahspe references are from the Oahspe Standard Edition 2007
A Faithist Explanation of Creation Part 1