Oahspe Study
Europe ~ a continent whose population grew through successive migrations from more populated southern and eastern regions. Having a broad mix of peoples whose variations in hair, eye and skin tones are greater than any other peoples elsewhere. As successive waves of migrants intermarried with existing inhabitants their languages, customs and traditions absorbed and changed, yet traces of their migrating ancestors' origins remain. Among migrants historically known are the Romans, Moors, Huns, Romany Gypsies (originating in India), as well as the westward migrations of Israelites and Jews from ancient Israel and Palestine. But there are many more whose origins and characteristics are vague or lost in the passage of time.
Fragments of lost histories found in archeology and ancient historical scripts are often isolated and cryptic, and researchers tend to fill in missing parts with biased narratives or regurgitations from previous scholars long after archaeology has moved on. Thanks to Oahspe, however, numerous lost histories long clouded, hidden in the mists of tales and legends, are revealed. Of these revealed histories in Oahspe, European is no less fascinating, linked as it was with events in the South and Eastern parts of the greater Eurasian/African land mass.
Europe as a Destination
In Oahspe, the first mention of Europe as a destination for peoples inspired to migrate Westward and North occurred in the cycle of Fragapatti some 9,000 years ago. An important earlier migration that had a great bearing on European migrations occurred at the time of the Submergence of the Great Continent of Pan in the Pacific Ocean some 25,000 years ago. Small groups of survivors of this event (I'hins, sacred little people) which came to be known as The Flood, landed in five divisions of the earth. Those that landed in East Africa were called the Tribes of Ham and the division of the earth they occupied was called Ham. By the time of the first migrations to Europe from among the descendents of the original Tribes of Ham, the region had become known as Arabin'ya.
Oahspe Map of the World (roughly superimposed over a modern world map) at the time of Fragapatti around 9,000 years ago with ancient names of the divisions of the Earth showing Africa and Arabia as one division and Europe located North and West of Heleste. |
Oahspe; The Lord's Fifth Book: 19/3.12 - 13.
The tribes of Ham were previously ordained with characteristics to make them love to emigrate westward; and the tribes of Jaffeth and Shem with characteristics to make them love to stay within their own countries. And the tribes of Guatama were ordained with characteristics to make them love to go eastward. For I set a boundary to the tribes of Guatama, that they would not reach the ocean on the east.
The Lord said: Having designed Ham for teaching the barbarian world of me and my dominion, I also prepared them so that, through their seed, men and women would have hair neither straight nor short, but long and curled, and red, and white, and brown, by which the genealogy of nations might be traced in future times.
Oahspe thus reveals that the majority of migrations to Europe were descendents of the original Tribes of Ham (who, although imbued with desire to go westward, also went in other directions). These sprang from the I'hin survivors of the sunken continent of Pan landing on the east coast of the continent of Ham, now known as Africa. Such descendents were generally not I'hins themselves, but of those who had mixed with the native inhabitants of regions thereabouts, being I'huan/Ghans/Listians. .
According to Oahspe, as early as 9,000 years ago (8,900 BK), Europe, sparsely populated by stone-age barbarians, was destined to become a populous and productive region of the earth. From that time onward, waves of inspired migrants, I'huan/Ghan/Listians (mixed races with I'hin ancestry), began successive migrations that continued over thousands of years.
Oahspe: Book of Fragapatti: 20/40.1 - 6.
||.....Fragapatti [went] to the kingdoms of Uropa, first Goddess of a barbarian division of the earth. The Voice of Jehovih had been with her from the beginning, but there were few corporeans in her division, and only six hundred million angels, mostly drujas.
Nevertheless, Jehovih said to Uropa: You shall found here a kingdom in My name, and it shall become mighty in heaven and earth. Uropa said: What is the best way, O Jehovih? Jehovih answered, saying: As for the drujas, you know. But as for the corporeans, behold, they have neither copper nor iron, but use stone. Therefore send five hundred of your ashars, who are well skilled in the art of inspiring mortals, to Arabin'ya; and you shall cause fifty men to migrate into your lands. And the fifty men shall be skilled in mining and working copper and iron.
And your ashars shall inspire them to go to the mountains and find the ore, and then to work it, making tools, and implements for hunting and fishing.
So Uropa sent angels to Arabin'ya, and they inspired fifty men to go to Uropa, and find copper and iron, and work it. And in four years, behold, not less than twenty thousand men had migrated from Arabin'ya. And the ashars inspired them to marry with the druks and half‑breed I'huans. And in this way a new people of higher light was born into Uropa's division.
In Zeigl, Uropa built her heavenly kingdom and founded the city of Oitch. Five hundred thousand angels were her Holy Council; and there were fifty thousand captains; and two million ashars, partly ethereans and partly atmosphereans.||
Successive inspired migrations from the warm Southern belt of the earth to the colder, unproductive regions northward and westward continued throughout the following 3,000 years and beyond. While many archaeo-anthropologists believe the first migrants to Europe were exclusively agriculturalists migrating from the Middle East, there is evidence that many also came from Africa, and that they were skilled in metallurgy that was used not only for tool making but for hunting and fishing implements.
The Earliest Metal in Europe
Although archaeologists have dated evidence of iron or copper mining or smelting in Europe, Middle East or Africa no earlier than 8,000 years ago, it is most likely that these dates have been artificially adjusted to conform to accepted paradigms of historical periods. Radiocarbon dating has yielded some earlier dates than previously thought possible. However, unexpected results are usually discounted, analysts believing there must have been corrupt samples because earlier dates do not fit established paradigms. If archaeologists keep searching, no doubt more discoveries will provide more evidence of dates up to 1,000 years earlier for not only metallurgy but other human industries and arts in Europe.
Earliest dates for metals found in Europe range from 6000 b.c.e. in Central Europe to 5000 b.c.e. in Spain, to 2400 b.c.e. in Ireland. These dates are not conclusive regarding the actual existence of metallurgy in Europe, indeed such a dearth of evidence rather indicates that metal was precious and was collected and recycled for further use.
Dates for the Earliest Metal Found in Europe:
To analyze the appearance of early metal in Western Europe, it is necessary to address metallurgical origins from the broader European perspective and assess the earliest evidence for gold, lead, silver, copper-arsenic, tin-bronze as well as copper (cf. 6 Kassianidou and Knapp 2005; Ottaway and Roberts 2008).
It is during the mid 6th millennium BC that the earliest native copper and copper oxide exploitation is found in southeast Europe on sites such as Lepenski Vir (Srejovic 1972) and Divostin in Serbia (Glumac 1988) and Durankulak in Romania (Todorova 1999).
The dating of copper ore extraction at Rudna Glava, Serbia to the late 6th millennium BC (Jovanovic 1991; Pernicka et al. 1993; Boric and Jovanovic in prep) and at Ai Bunar, Bulgaria, to the early 5th millennium (Chernykh 1978) together with many contemporary native copper or copper oxide beads, hooks, needles and awls at sites as far west as Neszmely, Hungary (Bognar-Kutzian 1976) and Coka, Serbia (Bailey 2000) confirms relatively extensive exploitation during this period (see Thornton 2002; Krause 2003; Zachos 2007 for reviews).
Out of Africa
That so many of the early migrants to Europe came from North Africa can easily be attributed to the fact that African populations were closer and more accessible than the Middle East, for at that time the North African Sahara region was well populated and fertile. Moreover, these early Hamitic migrants were not necessarily dark skinned! Images painted on the walls of Seti I's tomb in Ancient Egypt show that North Africa was populated by four types of inhabitants and those that were black were mostly located in the southern regions. (see image and caption below).
9,000 to 7,300 years ago: Continued rains, vegetation growth, and animal migrations lead to well established human settlements, including the introduction of domesticated livestock such as sheep and goats.
7,300 to 5,500 years ago: Retreating monsoonal rains initiate desiccation in the Egyptian Sahara, prompting humans to move to remaining habitable niches in Sudanese Sahara. The end of the rains and return of desert conditions throughout the Sahara after 5,500 coincides with population return to the Nile Valley and the beginning of pharaonic society.
Images from Seti I's Tomb
The types of people living in Ancient Egypt shows there were gradations of color from black to white. The black skinned were those who lived in the south known as Nubians; the copper colored were the Egyptians themselves living along the Nile Valley; the light brown skinned were Asiatics living in the East Mountains and Middle East; and the pale skinned were Libyans from the North West coastal area and desert of Northern Africa.
These types accord with what Oahspe says about the Tribes of Ham:
The Lord's Fifth Book; 19/3.4.
|| The tribes of Ham were of all colors (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown); nevertheless, they were I'hins (Faithists), having flat nails and short arms, and desiring to acquire knowledge. And I brought them to a country of sand fields and with fields of rich pastures interspersed, where lived only a few natives, the dark people, with short hair. Neither did I omit even the hair of the head of man without providing testimony of my word. ||
Many migrants had only to cross the sheltered waters of the Mediterranean to land directly in Europe. Researchers can only speculate about what attracted such migrants from warm fertile regions, such as escaping oppression or conflict, changes in climate affecting food sources and such. Oahspe, however, reveals reasons that the migrants themselves were not aware of, for such migrants would not have, of their own accord, moved to colder climes, naturally preferring a life of less toil and more comfort in a warm climate. Thus those who migrated to colder regions would be induced to productivity through necessity and at the same time populate less inhabited regions of the earth.
Oahspe, Book of Divinity: 22/7.12.
Act, the third: This law shall apply also to mortals; they shall be inspired, through the ashars, to migrate to cold and unproductive regions. Div said: You have planned wisely in this, O Jehovih! For all Your places in heaven and earth shall be subdued, and made to glorify You!
Out of Arabia and Persia
While Europe was receiving Hamitic migrants, new waves of migrants under a different inspiration began arriving in the neighboring regions of Heleste, east and south of Europe. These migrants were I'huans inspired by the false God, Ahura, from about 7,000 years ago (see above map for the location of Europa and Heleste - Heleste includes the Near East and Central and Eastern Europe). Unlike migrants to Europe who labored and intermarried with the existing inhabitants, the migrants to Heleste killed off many of the native inhabitants in those regions, then mingled with the survivors to produce a race of short swarthy stocky people. However, since the Hamites were ordained to redeem the barbarians, these migrations were also appropriated by Jehovih to eventually redeem the barbarians.
Oahspe, Book of Divinity: 22/11.8, 11, 16, 17.
And my [Ahura, the false God] hosts shall descend to the corporeal earth; to the lands of Par'si'e and Arabin'ya, and they shall obsess mortals day and night, and inspire them to go to Heleste, where they shall build great cities and kingdoms devoted to me and my hosts.
And Ahura and his emissaries went to work to carry out these decrees, and in two hundred years they had inspired the Par'si'e'ans and the Arabin'yans to emigrate by tens of thousands to the land of Heleste, which was inhabited by druks and wanderers, full of wickedness. Ahura inspired his immigrants to fall upon the native druks, and destroy them.
And Ahura put no restriction upon his mortal followers marrying, and so it came to pass that those druks not slain in Heleste married with the worshippers of Ahura. And about this same period of time Jehovih brought the earth into a light region for two hundred years. And when the Diva was in session, Jehovih's Voice spoke to Div, saying: Do not let My Sons be cast down because of the sins of Ahura; rather be wise and appropriate from his wickedness that which will be good in the end. For, as it was not lawful for My people to marry with the druks, behold, Ahura has made a law on his own account against circumcision, and it shall come to pass that by their (Ahura and his cohorts) sins, even druks shall be raised up to learn of Me and My kingdoms.
From South Eastern and Central Europe Westward
Following the settlement of Heleste, tens of thousands of Helestians (a blend of those I'huan migrants inspired by Ahura and native inhabitants) began migrating to Europe some 3,000 years after the first Europe bound migrations. These latest migrations were from central and Eastern Eurasia where the inhabitants were established under monarchies. And these migrations also added language and customs into the existing mix, of which remnants are still found in existing languages and traditions of Europeans to this day.
Book of Wars against Jehovih; 25/5.2 - 4.
|| Three great peoples sprang up on the earth within two hundred years; in Jaffeth, in Vind'yu, and in Arabin'ya; and a fourth great people were overspreading Heleste in every quarter. And the kings of Heleste were sending emigrants by thousands and thousands into Uropa. [3952 to 3752 b.c.e./5.900 to 5.700 years ago]
The Lords sent ashars of great wisdom to dwell with mortals, to teach them by inspiration in regard to all knowledge; to teach them to spin and weave finely; to teach them the seasons, the times of the earth, moon, sun and stars; and to observe them with lenses, as had been the case in the cycle of Osiris, but was lost on the earth. || Yes, the spirits who had been mortal thousands of years before were brought back to the earth to reveal to mortals the lost arts and sciences. By night and by day these angels remained in the presence of mortals, and by virtue of their presence spoke to the souls of men, and thus made them understand. ||
According to Oahspe, the first 400 years of the Spe-ta Cycle were peaceful but with the gradual loss of light the lower nature of man began to manifest and those whose natures were more aggressive began to press upon their neighbors. Thus we find that after the initial 200 to 400 years Helestian migrations from Central Europe and the Balkans, and most probably many of those who had previously settled in more peaceful preceeding centuries, contributed to social upheaval and invasions. This period is known in history as the Ancient Chalcolithic (Copper) Period and is punctuated with the spread of more stratified societies (kings, nobles, merchants, etc) and evidence of craft skills such as weaving and metallurgy::
European Chalcolithic is a time of changes and confusion. The most relevant fact is the infiltration and invasion of large parts of the territory by people originating from Central Asia....Other phenomena are the expansion of Megalithism and the appearance of the first significant economic stratification and, related to this, the first known monarchies in the Balkan region.
The economy of the Chalcolithic, even in the regions where copper is not used yet, is no longer that of peasant communities and tribes: now some materials are produced in specific locations and distributed to wide regions. Mining of metal and stone is particularly developed in some areas, along with the processing of those materials into valuable goods [for trade and consumption by the wealthy].
Ancient Chalcolithic
From c. 5500 to 5000 BP copper starts to be used in the Balkans, and Eastern and Central Europe. However, the key factor could be the use of horses, which would increase mobility. From c. 5500 onwards, Eastern Europe is apparently infiltrated by people originating from beyond the Volga (Yamna culture), creating a plural complex known as Sredny Stog culture, that substitutes the previous Dnieper-Donets culture, pushing the natives to migrate in a NW direction to the Baltic and Denmark, where they mix with natives (TRBK A and C).
Newgrange at the Boyne Valle, Ireland:
The incorporation of light boxes into megaliths is one of the few direct proofs of the link between megaliths and astronomy, as their purpose was the manipulation of light into the passage mounds at certain times of the year only. In Egypt, the earliest pyramids all contain 'polar-shafts', on Malta, the 'Temples' orientated towards the solstices and equinoxes and in Britain, all the known passage-mounds containing light-boxes were also aligned with solar events, (i.e. the equinoxes or solstice) |
The "advances" in valuable goods industry and megaliths to aid in astronomy of this period in Europe was explained in Oahspe. A new cycle had begun and man was reintroduced to knowledge lost during the dark times - man enjoyed a golden age that lasted some 200 to 400 years. Then as the centuries rolled by, those of the beast began to use man's knowledge for self, believing in their own importance and appropriating less aggressive peoples to their own advantage.
Evidence in the European Gene Pool
These Helestian migrations westward further changed the genetic mix already established in Europe. But it was only recently via DNA technology that genetic evidence of this latest mix was discovered by researchers who had, up until that time, recognized only two sources contributing to the European gene pool i.e., bronze skin with blue eyes, and pale skin with brown eyes going back to the first migrants. These two types were believed to be indigenous hunter gatherers and early immigrant agriculturalists from the Near and Middle East (these two categories however are speculative assumptions --- the migrants were of both genetic types and they also farmed and hunted, just as many flesh eating farmers had been doing since). .
Third Genetic Ancestor of Europeans:
The findings [from the genetic testings] suggest that the arrival of modern humans into Europe more than 40,000 years ago was followed by an influx of farmers some 8,000 years ago, with a third wave of migrants coming from north Eurasia perhaps 5,000 years ago. The findings suggest that the arrival of modern humans into Europe more than 40,000 years ago was followed by an influx of farmers some 8,000 years ago, with a third wave of migrants coming from north Eurasia perhaps 5,000 years ago.
These details, only becoming clear to researchers in the last decade or so, were already supplied in Oahspe back in 1882. Oahspe identified the first migrations from Ham; and then the Helestian (Balkan/Central European) migrations; and the time and context in which these occurred!
The First Celts
Some 5,500 years after the first migrations of the Hamites to Europa began (9,000 years ago), and some 2,000 years after the Helestian migrations, a new wave of migrations from Egypt among the tribes of Ham occurred following the fall of what is now known as the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the so called Expulsion of the Hyksos, otherwise known as the time of Moses and the Exodus of the Faithists (Israelites) of Egypt around 1550 b.c.e.
The ancient Israelites of Egypt were identified as Faithist descendents of the I'hins of Ham, although those in the Israelite order were not I'hins themselves but a mixture of I'hin and native inhabitants of the regions round about (albeit with a greater percentage of I'hin blood than other non-faithist tribes in those regions). For, apart from the Israelites and perhaps a few pockets of I'hins (whose race within 400 years would cease), the region was populated by other descendents of those original I'hins, mixed with the original native inhabitants, The original inhabitants by this time had become extinct or melded into the new mixed tribes. Such descendants, who were not of the ancient tribes of Israel, nor Faithists in Jehovih, were followers of the various false gods of the regions round about. Even so, these also were influenced by the original ingrained inclinationn given to the I'hins of Ham --- to migrate westward and in the process, to redeem the barbarian.
We find from Oahspe, that this new wave migrating North and Westward were inhabitants of the fallen Middle Kingdom of Egypt following on the heels of the Israelite Exodus. Once the Hebrew slaves had walked away to freedom, the Egyptian ruling classes were desperate to fill their vacated positions --- thus the Egyptian slave-masters were willing to enslave any they could. Imminent enslavement compounded by deplorable conditions following the numerous plagues and breakdown of the socio / economic structure spurred ordinary Egyptians to flee the vicinity.
Book of Eskra: 28/50.30.
Now after the fall of the great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic, Celtic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day.
Historically these ancient Egyptian migrations are evidenced in a wide area of Western Europe by an almost abrupt change in burial practices --- from little or no concern, to an obsession with burial tombs. This was the Tumulus culture (1600 to 1200 b.c.e.), distinguished by the practice of burying the dead in tombs beneath burial mounds. When we consider the religious culture of these Egyptian immigrants we can understand the context of their tomb mounds, especially for burying prominent, important persons. Egypt at the time of the late Middle Kingdom (which ended in 1550 b.c.e.) was involved in building tombs and great mounds of mud-brick and stone (pyramids). These tombs and pyramids were associated with beliefs in an afterlife set within confines of the tomb in which food, effigies and other "needs for an afterlife"were placed with the deceased. In Ancient Egypt the dead were aligned east-west, and cemeteries located to the east of the villages. This alignment represented their beliefs in the divinity of the Sun whose travel across the sky was east to west. It is no mere co-incidence then that many of Tumulus culture burial grounds were often aligned east-west, since their builders were the Egyptian migrants following the collapse of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom/Empire. Various megaliths built before and after that time also marked the travel of the sun and its solstices, a practice that didn't cease until Christianization and the usurpation of the seasons to mark Christian holidays. (See The Pole of Visvasrij for further examples of early influences on Celtic / European culture.)
Emergence of the English, French German and Russian
Over the following two millenia successive scatterings of Israelites and other Hamites continued throughout the war ravaged regions of Arabin'ya, punctuated with another great scattering of Israelites and Jews starting around 350 b.c.e. and intensifying half a century later with the rise of warrior gnostics. These diasporas continued through the eventual destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 c.e. when another surge of Israelites, Jews and apostates dispersed, and thereafter they sought haven wherever they could, for the most part, migrating North and Westward away from troubled regions.
Book of Eskra: 28/50.28 - 33.
||....In Arabin'ya, Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all directions. From the time of Joshu's death [c.350 b.c.e.], in Jerusalem, they began to migrate, mostly toward the west.
And these called themselves, Israelites and Jews.
Nevertheless, many of the Israelites and Jews, so‑called, were apostates in fact; eating flesh, and marrying with other peoples.
Now after the fall of the great empire, Egupt [c.1550 b.c.e.], her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic, Celtic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day.
Now, when the Faithists were moved by the inspiration of God to have no more kings, and to flee away from the Kriste'yan warriors, they came among the people above mentioned. The apostate Faithists married with them, and their offspring were the forefathers of those now called, French, German, Russian and English.
|| God, Son of Jehovih, had said: Allow the apostates to marry so, for from their descendents I will find a way to raise up disbelievers in the false Kriste; and they shall ultimately become believers in Jehovih only.
For, because I have allowed them to become scattered, so will I appropriate them as seed to quicken all the races of men to comprehend the All One. ||
The Tower of Gall - Oahspe Image
The region of France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland and Northern Italy was called Gaul (Gall) by the Romans who named the region after the inhabitants who were Gallic Celts - Celtic Gaelic language is still spoken in parts of France and Great Britain.
Although Oahspe reveals that the migrants from whom the Celts descended occupied Europe some 350 years earlier, archaeological relics place the first Celts at 1200 b.c.e. They were skilled in industries such as metal craft and retained social and religious traditions that included clans, councils and elders as well as priestly classes such as the Druids. Helestean influence from various migrations can be traced by some of their gods and goddesses which were loosely related to ancient Greek gods. They also retained some of their ancient Egyptian religion evident in burial practices and anthropomorphic endowment to nature and animals. |
All Oahspe references are from the Oahspe Standard Edition 2007