Oahspe Study and Faithism
Holy Veil Day
Oahspe Book of Inspiration; 34/16.1 - HOLY VEIL DAY
As Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven, saying:
Let My angels go forth; the living and the dead shall converse together.
So He sanctified the day when the angels of heaven were made known to mortals.
And He gave the sign, A HAND HOLDING ASIDE A VEIL, signifying, HEAVEN UNVEILED, as the master's sign in the lodge on the day and evening commemorating the same.
And Jehovih gave to the members of the lodge to answer in the sign, THREE CLAPPINGS, signifying, ENDLESS JOY!
And Jehovih said: Remember this day, and keep it holy, to the end of the world. For, without books and without arguments, behold, I have proven to you the continued life of the soul of man! ||
Editor's Note: On November 14, 1849, in Rochester, New York, U.S.A., in the first public appearance of spirit communication, sitting in a hall rented for the occasion, the young Fox sisters nervously awaited. Till now, only in private homes had they given little demonstrations of the strange rapping power attending them. But tonight, among the audience, sat prominent citizens and a good many skeptics, come to see the "spiritualism" fad put in its place, as a passing fancy of a few tricksters, and the gullible.
"Oh," thought some, "witchcraft, ghosts, and goblin folklore dies slowly among the uneducated." And here lay an opportunity to set aside once and for all, the ludicrous claims they had heard rumors about. For tonight, anyone of the public could come; and many would be on the lookout for trickery and foolery. "Yes," they thought, "this should be a hoot! A jolly time indeed!"
For the affair billed itself as amusement, an oddity---so nothing serious was expected. Yet it proved otherwise; committees comprising individuals of sound repute investigated, to try to discover deceit, but all were unsuccessful. And all the while, this excited interest, and the challenge: Would the rapping prove spirits? Or would the skeptics be right that the demonstrations were a fraud---and would this not also put to rest the notion of spirit existence?
Little did the audience suspect that the angels of Jehovih had long awaited this moment. Indeed, earlier, when the Fox sisters began fearing the thought of public scrutiny in the upcoming Rochester public sitting, an angel of Jehovih spoke to them, encouraging them, telling them that this was their destiny---that for which they had been prepared.
And the angels did not disappoint. With great aplomb they caused great crackings, raps and uncanny thumps, startling the people. These and other unusual physical events occurred without any physical cause whatsoever. Because of the great interest aroused, and because the reports of the committees were to be reported at the next night's show, the extravaganza continued for days. Every night, with people swarming to get in, they packed the place. Newspapers wrote inspired accounts, and the wonder spread quickly around the globe.
Thus started in earnest, the worldwide phenomenon of Spiritualism. And it flourished for a generation, from 1849 to 1882---this latter date being punctuated by the publication of Oahspe, a fitting jewel, crowning the wave of spiritualism.
(In learning the history, some spiritualists thought spiritualism's start rested with the first rappings that were definitely understood as spirit communication by the Fox sisters on March 31, 1848. Newbrough, Oahspe's editor, thought so too. But these rappings were not the public, widely stirring phenomenon that the Rochester rappings were. On that night of March 31 in the hamlet of Hidesville*, the Fox girls discovered that there was intelligence behind some rappings that responded to their questions. It turned out to be the spirit of a murdered man. But the great flood of angels implied in verses 2 and 3** was not evident in this comparatively insignificant, isolated event. For here was only one angel, the spirit of a murdered man, made known to a small number of individuals.
In contrast, on November 14, 1849, the angels of Jehovih publicly proved to mortals immortality of the soul. After that there was no turning back; testimony from so many credible witnesses made an indelible mark upon public consciousness; reports widely spread by the media made it insuppressible. Before then, spiritualism would have been considered, if at all, by most as just another fringe oddity. Previous spirit manifestations and communications (including those of Hidesville), had stirred up only marginal curiosity. But the November 14, 1849, demonstration launched Spiritualism as a public movement which would quickly span continents.
Jehovih's work is not confined to small dark corners, but is executed in large measures that affect nations and peoples, influencing and directing the course of future events. Shall we not then, commemorate November 14 as Holy Veil Day? ||
* Hidesville or Hydesville, was located about 20 miles (32 km) from Rochester, New York, United States of America.
** 34/16.2 and 3; or 34/16.02 and 03. The rappings actually began with the prior residents of the house; and the entire Fox family was aware of the rappings well before the night of March 31, but till that night, none understood that the rappings had an intelligence behind them, trying to communicate.
All Oahspe references are from the modern language edition: Oahspe Standard Edition 2007
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