"In 1958 Eugene Parker discovered that a stiff wind blows incessantly from the sun, filling local interstellar space with ionized gas." National Geographic News, Aug 2003
Modern man discovered the "solar wind", an out-flowing of force from the sun that pushes a comet's tail away from it and affects the magnetosphere of earth and other planetary bodies within the solar system. This discovery was made in the second half of the twentieth century; more than 50 years after Oahspe described such a force as the: Currents of the Solar Vortex.
Oahspe, Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy; Chapter 2, Verses 8, 9; 38/2.8, 9.
|| At this age of the comet, it shows nearly the configuration of its own vortex; its tail being the m'vortexya (axis). If the comet appears to the east of the sun its tail turns eastward; if west of the sun, it turns westward.
Two directions of power are thus manifested; and also two powers: First, that the vortex of the sun has power from the east to west, and from the west to the east, to which the comet is subjected: Second, that the comet has a vortex of its own, which is sufficient, under the circumstances, to maintain the general form of the comet. The ordinary comet has its tail away from the sun, but some comets have two tails, one toward the sun and one away. The case of Biela's comet, in the year 4 B.K., which was broken [split into two comets --ed.] while the observer was looking on, is sufficient evidence of the sub‑power of the comet vortex.||
But it has only been since the turn of the millennium that scientists began to utilize the "Solar System Superhighway" which they are learning to use to send interplanetary spacecraft to the furthest reaches of the solar system and beyond. But this "superhighway" which offers a virtual free ride through the solar system, saving fuel and thereby extending the range of spacecraft, like the "solar wind" was also already revealed and described in Oahspe when it was first published more than a hundred years ago in 1882! These are the currents of the Solar Vortex upon which ride the comets:
Oahspe, Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy; 38/2.7, 12-15.
|| When, as a comet (or nebula), the m'vortex has not attained to an orbit of its own, it is carried in the currents of the master vortex, which currents are elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic. And this is the cause of the so‑called eccentric travel of comets....But as interior nebula (comet), its road of travel shows the direction of the lines of the sun's vortex, except in those cases when a comet's vortex comes within the vortex of another planet's vortex of greater power than its own.
As a cyclone or whirlwind, on the earth, travels with the general current of the wind, so do the sub‑vortices in etherea travel within the axial lines of vortices in chief (c'vortices; singular: c'vortex).
The same rules apply to nebula or comets, and the vortices that carry them, whether they are within the sun's vortex or external to it.
They all have axial velocity; and the tendency of all of them is to orbits, which they attain to or not, according to their strength compared to the master vortex.||
Conventional scientists describe the "superhighway" in terms of gravity loops and slings (associated with La Grange Points, i.e., points of balance between planets) that swirl through the solar system. Unknown and unacknowledged remains the real cause --- the interplay of the vortices of both the major solar vortex and the sub-vortices of the planets. Scientists' ignorance of this "superhighway's" nature and cause nevertheless does not reduce its potency or its usefulness. Just as an electrical engineer can design a dynamo to generate electricity and an electrician can wire up a house for heat and lights without fully understanding the vortexian cause of electricity, so too can scientists calculate with a limited and even faulty concept regarding the forces they aim to use and so, improvise technology to utilize the manifested forces of the solar vortex.
How Scientists Discovered a Solar System "Superhighway"
|| During the past decade, researchers working to improve how spacecraft navigate have discovered an underlying structure in the solar system. But it isn't the vast cosmic clockwork that English physicist Sir Isaac Newton envisioned, with planets and moons orbiting the Sun in stately precision.
Instead, this new solar system is a complex, dynamic structure of swirling and interconnecting pathways shaped by the mutual gravitation of all the planets and moons. These passages constitute a natural transportation network that enables anything - dust, meteorites blasted off of planets, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft - to move throughout the solar system with ease. "We call it the Interplanetary Superhighway," says Martin Lo, a researcher at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. Many spacecraft have already traveled the Interplanetary Superhighway (IPS)...||."How Scientists Discovered a Solar System 'Superhighway': by riding planetary gravity, spacecraft can explore the solar system without using fuel." Journal Article from: Astronomy; November 1, 2008 by Francis Reddy
Below: An artistic rendition of the "Solar System Superhighway". Although represented within the limitations of the conventional flat 2-dimensional elliptic plane that scientists conceptualize the solar system to be as compared to the three dimensional vortex shown on the right, the image depicts the concept of ribbon like tubes that swirl from planet to planet rather than direct straight lines. It should be noted that even if a craft took a "direct route" from planet to planet it would not travel in straight lines, but follow the "curvatures of space" that exist within the Solar Vortex.
Right: A rendition of The Serpent's Coil from Oahspe. The Serpent is an ancient term used to describe the Sun and its phalanx of planets. The movement of the sun followed by its orbiting planets is not unlike that of a serpent winding its way through space. In this image the coil of the serpent is depicted as a thick ribbon of flow that extends from the center of the solar vortex connecting the planets to the outer border of the vortex.
The Serpent's Coil is one of many drawings channeled through John B Newbrough whose "automatic writing" ability was utilized by higher spiritual beings to transfer the Oahspe text and accompanying images into mortal media. |
Oahspe's Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy offers a clearer, deeper understanding of the causes of so-called gravity (which comes from a faulty assumption about the cause of attraction between corporeal bodies). Oahspe reveals the unseen cause that is the Vortex. This invisible force exists as vortices and vortices within vortices; whereby planets, stars, moons, suns, comets, nebula, gas clouds and even unseen "dark material" are materialized.
All Oahspe references are from the Standard Edition Oahspe of 2007
Planetary Formation and the Rings of Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter.