Oahspe Study









It is now widely accepted among bible scholars that there was no written "bible" when the Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt. Oahspe confirms that the sacred teachings of the Israelites were taught orally together with rites and ceremonies and engraved tablets.


The Tablet of Ancient Egypt (depicted in the image) was one of the sacred tablets of the Faithists of Egypt, the ancient Israelites.









After more than 300 years of slavery, deprivation and persecution, many of the Faithists of Egypt were falling away from their sacred teachings, and so when Moses led them out of Egypt, he re-established the "Emethachavah", which included the ancient covenants, rites and ceremonies of the Faithists. These had been with the Faithist I'hins (the sacred little people) whose ancestors were the survivors of the flood. (See the Submerged Continent of Pan)


Because of the hangers on who followed the Faithists out of Egypt, Moses made "Levitican" laws for those who were not eligible to the rites and ceremonies of the Faithists.  


Those original laws were written, but were not necessarily what is now attributed to Moses as part of the Torah and Tanakh (the Old Testament) which was written much later. Many of the laws in the Torah and Tanakh were instituted by the Levitican priesthood of the Temple and sacrificial altars set up by worshippers of Baal and Ashtaroth. The Levites did not follow the commandments and covenants of the Faithists whose officers were sworn to neither kill nor eat the flesh of any living creature. Nay, the Levites officiating in the temples enforced temple sacrifices so that they would be sure of a perpetual supply of flesh to eat.


Some hundreds of years after the Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt, apostates among the Israelites substituted the name of the Creator with "Lord" and "God" under the influence of Baal and Ashtaroth. Following the decline of Baal and Ashtaroth worship among the apostates, a usurper of a newer batch of up and coming false gods, Looeamong, assumed to be the "Lord God". He became the substitute god of the apostates and inspired Ezra to compile the Ezra bible.



God's Book of Eskra; 28/41.28 - 32.


So Looeamong falsely assumed to be God, the Lord of heaven and earth.


He said to Thoth: Go tell mortals I am the same God who wrought wonders for the Israelites. And, behold, the Israelites will fight for me. Thoth did this. And furthermore Looeamong inspired a mortal, Ezra, to gather all the records he could, to be proof of his labors for the Israelites.


To accomplish this, Thoth employed seven hundred thousand angels, to be with Ezra and the numerous scribes whom Ezra employed. And by their inspiration, the books of the Ezra Bible were written and compiled, according to the commandments of Looeamong.


And there were thus completed seventy‑two books, and they were put on file in the king's library in Jerusalem, which was how the ancients preserved important records of events, and these books were named by Ezra, The Holy Library [Holy Bible] of which number fifty‑four remain to this day.


But, of all these, not one book was inspired by Jehovih, or by His Son, God of heaven and earth. Nevertheless, there are many things within them that were of Jehovih and His angels, even though they were put on record by men, and interpreted by men.


Neither shall you have any God, Lord or Savior, but only your Creator, Jehovih! And you shall worship none other, from this time forward forever. I am sufficient for My own creations.||Top of Form

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So Oahspe reveals that the Ezra Bible (Old Testament, Tanakh) was never written by the Israelite Faithists in the first place. While some Faithist material may have been included in the Ezra Bible, it was compiled by Ezra, inspired by Looeamong, the Triune God who later became the false god of Christianity. (See also The Egyptian Bible --- Who was Thoth)


Those Israelites who remained true to the Great Spirit, Jehovih and practiced the commandments as taught orally from generation to generation, did not apostatize as others who began worshipping Baal and Ashtaroth, performing blood sacrifices of animals and humans. No, those true to Jehovih followed the prophets, and later became the Essenes. It was through the line of the Essenes that Joshu appeared, restoring the worship of the All One and whose sermons and prayers were appropriated by the mythical Jesus of Christianity. The Essenes remained separate from the apostates, but being persecuted by them and later by the Christians, the Essenes kept themselves incognito and used secret signs and passwords to know one another. Even though the Jews proper were of the apostates, there were, and still are those who worship the Great Spirit under the name of Lord and God.


Looeamong continued to contend with the false gods of the regions he vied for and later falsely assumed the name of Kriste. To build up his false identity as Kriste he inspired the New Testament of the Christian Bible.



Book of Saphah; 35/K.57, 58.


Looeamong, the false God, now changed his name and falsely called himself Christ, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge [Gnosis in Greek]. And he raised up tribes of mortal warriors, who called themselves Christians [Gnostics], who are warriors to this day.


The doctrine of these warriors was, that knowledge [Gnosis], which implies general education, was the best preventive against crime and misery. Neither did any man understand in those days that the word Christ had any reference to a man or person.





The persona of Jesus of the New Testament is not interchangeable with Joshu, the Essene. Jesus is an invention of the Ecumenical Council at Nicea around 325 c.e. The Jesus persona is a compilation of various Iesus - the title for one who is born without sin.



Book of Ah'shong; 07/8.5.


But mortals were thick in tongue, and could not say Yeshuah, and they said I. E. Su; from which came the name of many men, Iesu, signifying, without evil, which is the ultimate salvation of the soul.




Some of Joshu's details were appropriated in the gospels of the New Testament, and the story of Zarathustra was also heavily borrowed upon. But so also were included the false Kriste's doctrines of savior worship and warriorship: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword".


God's Book of Eskra; 28/48.26 - 36.


 Looeamong inspired Hatuas [Constantine], the mortal emperor, to call together a council of wise men from all the kingdoms of Arabin'ya, Heleste, Par'si'e and Uropa, in order to select from all the religious doctrines in the world, that which was the wisest and best, so that it could be established, by kings, emperors and governors, by the sword and spear, so there would never again be more than one religion.


And, in course of time, there assembled a council of seventeen hundred and eighty‑six learned men from all the regions named, and they placed themselves under the rules and presence of Hatuas. And he selected from them one hundred and forty‑four speakers.


As for the others, they were divided into groups of twelves, besides a goodly number being appointed scribes and translators. But many, having the appearance of Jews, were rejected altogether.


Now, the council had brought with them, in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty‑one books and legendary tales of Gods and Saviors and great men, together with a record of the doctrines taught by them.


Hatuas, being under the inspiration of Looeamong, through Gabriel, alias Thoth, thus spoke: Search these books, and whatever is good in them, retain; but, whatever is evil, cast away. What is good in one book, unite with that which is good in another book. And whatever is thus brought together shall be called, The Book of Books.* And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend to all nations, so that there shall be no more war for religion's sake.


Thoth (Gabriel) and his angel hosts formed a circle around the mortal council, a thousand angels deep on every side, and extending upward densely for a long way, and then, by a line of light, extending to Looeamong's throne, in Hapsendi, his heavenly kingdom.


By day and by night, Thoth and his hosts watched over the mortal council, overshadowing their every thought and word.


For four years and seven months the council thus deliberated, and selected from the two thousand two hundred and thirty‑one books and legendary tales.


And, at the end of that time, there had been selected and combined much that was good and great, and worded so as to be well remembered by mortals.


As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted, in order to determine that matter.




* This is the Christian Bible, being composed of (1) parts of the Ezra Bible, which was called the Old Testament; and (2) the composite books of the new doctrine (Kriste'yan doctrine) called the New Testament. The purpose of this latter was to set forth the policies of Kriste, and to establish his presence among mortals via Iesu. The groundwork for this latter goal was accomplished through bringing together diverse stories of many different Iesu's and concocting them into a single story with only one representative, i.e., one symbolic Iesu (Iesus,  Jesu, Jesus).


God's Book of Eskra; 28/48.42 - 47.

Hatuas spoke before the council, saying: Ours is a labor for all the nations of the earth, and for all time. I know the angels of heaven are with us in this matter. We have found five Gods, good and acceptable before the world. What do you say, council, that the angels give us a sign? For we all know the angels' signs of these Gods.

The council said: Well said, you wisest of men! Such a God shall be ours, now and forever.


And immediately, there and then, Looeamong and his angels gave a sign in fire, of a cross smeared with blood, and it rested on a bull's horns, like a cloud of fire on a cloud of fire!


And at this, Kriste was declared God and Lord of all the nations of the earth. And the council agreed to this, unanimously, and, moreover, to reject all the other Gods.


The next question was, what mortal representative should be chosen?


God's Book of Eskra; 28/48.49 - 58.

God, Son of Jehovih, said: Behold, the Council of Nice (Nicaea) balloted for twelve months, as to what man heard the Voice? Do you say Jehovih sends His matters to a council of men? ||

Hatuas [Constantine] said: The Gods will not let us choose any man. Now, therefore, hear me: All the lawgivers chosen by the Gods have been iesu. Now, since we cannot make preference as to a man, let us say: The man, Iesu*.


So the name, Iesu, was adopted, and the sacred books were written accordingly.**


God, Son of Jehovih, said: The council of Nice did not sin, for the doctrines set forth, as Iesu's, were for Jehovih.


But, where their words made worshipful the names of Kriste and the Holy Ghost, behold, that matter was with Looeamong.


God said: My testimonies were previously with Abraham, Brahma and Moses, and I did not speak of Kriste nor of the Holy Ghost, I spoke of God and of the I Am.


They have said: || Whoever speaks a word against the son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but, whoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him. ||


Therefore, let Looeamong bear his own testimony to the kingdom from which it sprang. The Holy Ghost was his labor.


Jehovih said: Had I weakened since the time of Moses, that I need to incarnate Myself, in order to make man understand Me?


God said: Sufficient for the time is the work of Jehovih; because the Triunes overthrew the oracles and hundreds of false Gods and hundreds of sacred books full of error and evil, behold they fulfilled their time.


Sufficient for another time, even the present (kosmon), is another work of Jehovih, which is to establish His Presence with the living generation.


Jehovih said: Behold, I created; and I am sufficient for all men.


In the ancient days, man worshipped all the spirits of the dead, and I cut him short, giving him many Gods; and, again, I cut him short, and gave him three Gods, and then, three Gods in one.


This day, I cut him short of all, except his Creator. Behold the signs of My times, My preachers are legions.


* Latin ultimately shifted the initial I to a J, not just Iesu to Jesu or Iesus to Jesus; but in other words as well, e.g., Iupiter to Jupiter, Ianus to Janus, Iuno to Juno (June), etc. The word Iesu was used in the Vulgate, which was Saint Jerome's Latin translation of the Christian Bible from Hebrew into Latin, late in the 300's c.e.


** Note regarding this fabricated story of the representative iesu that, indeed, for the whole of the time period from his supposed birth to his supposed crucifixion, there is no statement in the available Roman records mentioning a Jesus, as identified by the Christian story.





All Oahspe references are from the Standard Edition Oahspe of 2007







Saviors and Religion