personages ~ Historical fact, myth or legend? Oahspe sheds light on many
personages who are known of only as myths and legends. Moreover, earliest
surviving accounts are often preserved as sacred scriptures. One such person is
Thoth, known in ancient Egyptian lore as a man who later became an Egyptian
God, and who later was adopted by the Greeks as Hermes, Messenger of the Gods.
But was Thoth, the man and his life's work more widely known about in ancient
times? It seems so ~ Comparing the details of various ancient stories of the
Ezra Bible, (known as the Torah or Old Testament), we find similar parallels in
ancient Egyptian lore. How does a bible, which was supposed to be unique to the
people who claim it as their own, come to resemble other religious / sacred
writings and stories? As we investigate the origins of these stories, we shall
also find out who was Thoth along the way.
The discipline of Archaeology, ironically, began with the impetus to prove the Ezra Bible (The Jewish Torah, and the Old Testament) to be correct. The findings however were not what the first archaeologists expected and the very discipline that set out to prove the Ezra bible often became its detractor. Assumptions that the Pentateuch (first five books also known as the Tanakh) in the Ezra Bible was written by Moses, and handed down without error to the ancient Israelites and Jews have been strongly and successfully challenged. Not least of such challenges are the scholarly investigations into the origins of the Torah. Such investigations involved the analysis of various styles of writing and their historical and cultural contexts, as well as comparison and contextual examination of ancient written languages such as Proto Sinaitic / Proto Hebrew (hieroglyphic); Chaldean / Aramaic (Assyrian phonetic) and Greek.
Validation of proto Hebraic writing was found by Flinders Petrie at Serabit El Khadim on the Sinai Peninsula in 1904. It appears to represent an intermediate stage of writing between hieroglyphs and Semitic alphabet dating back to 1500 b.c.e. Petrie, however, was not the first modern discoverer of this script and site. In 1761, Barthold Niebuhr, a German explorer found it on the same mountain among ancient graves. Early translations allude to a plague caused by eating birds (quail). And Francis Frith published photos of this Sinaitic script carved on rocks in the Wadee El-Mukattab (Wadi Mukattab meaning: Valley of Writing), which he photographed in 1857:
Scholars confirmed that the Jewish Torah that exists today was written
shortly after the return of the Jews from exile in Babylon. The sources of the Torah however are older than it, although the authors remain unknown or
uncertain, various styles and perspectives have been identified. The Old
Testament (the Septuagint) on the other hand was translated from an Aramaic version
of the Jewish Torah to Greek later around 200 b.c.e. by Alexandrian Jews.
Differences between the texts are often points of much discussion for bible
The discovery of the proto Sinaitic hieroglyphic type script demonstrated the
kind of writing that existed at the time of Moses (1546 b.c.e.). Consequently
the realization came that there was no certainty that what had been attributed
to Moses was ever written by him. As biblical scholars and
archaeologists continued to investigate and uncover the past, the names and
dates of persons, places and events as written in the Ezra Bible (Jewish
Torah / Old Testament of the Bible) were either different, missing or not readily
As well as investigations into the authors of the Ezra Bible, its contents were also scrutinized. The creation story and the flood described in Genesis was found to have parallels in other ancient myths and religious stories. For example, the creation story involving a state of primordial "void / darkness / waters" that is transformed by the word of God shares parallels with ancient Egyptian lore:
Genesis: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth....And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters....And God said, Let there be light: and there was light....And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness....And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day....And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters....And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so....And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day....And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so....And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good...."Jewish Torah and Old Testament of the Bible
"Before the land of Egypt rose out of the waters at the beginning of the world, Ra the Shining One came into being. He was all-powerful, and the secret of his power lay in his name which was hidden from all the world. Having this power, he had only to name a thing and that thing too came into being. 'I am Khepera at dawn, and Ra at noon and Tum in the evening' he said ~ and as he said it, behold he was the sun rising in the east passing across the sky and setting in the west, and this was the first day. When he named Shu, the wind blew. The rain fell and he named Tefnut the spitter. After this he spoke the name of Geb and the earth rose above the waters of the sea. He cried: 'Nut!' ~ and the goddess was the arch of the sky stretching over the earth with her feet on one horizon and her hands on the other. Then he named Hapi, and the sacred River Nile flowed through Egypt to make it fruitful. Then Ra went on to name all the things on earth, which grew into being at his words. Last of all he spoke the words of 'man' and 'woman', and soon there were people dwelling throughout the land of Egypt." Roger Lancelyn Green, Tales of Ancient Egypt; 1967, p3.
A common feature of various creation myths is the emergence of the world from the waters of chaos that surround it and the All Powerful Creator God, who, by speaking words, creates the world. In Egyptian lore, this event represents the establishment of maat (divine system and order) and the origin of life, the same concepts are mirrored in the Genesis version.
"Let there be Light" |
Genesis Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian Pantheon represent the Creation Story |
How did these two seemingly divergent cultures come to share such similar stories?
Oahspe reveals that Ezra compiled the Ezra Bible (Torah) after the Jews returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. Originally it contained many more books than the Torah of the present time:
Oahspe, God's Book of Eskra 28/41.31.
....And there were thus completed seventy two books, and they were put on file in the king's library in Jerusalem, which was how the ancients preserved important records of events, and these books were named by Ezra, The Holy Library [Holy Bible ~ Ed.], of which number fifty four remain to this day.
Ezra and his scribes also travelled to Egypt and collected stories from the
Egyptian records which he included in the Torah. The ancient Egyptian stories
had themselves been adapted from even older stories passed down from ancient
Vedic and Par'si'e'an (Zarathustrian) sources:
Oahspe, Book of Wars against Jehovih; 25/48.11-12.
So it came to pass that through the oracles, king Rowtsag [Ancient Egyptian King] bestowed upon the libraries of Egupt the history of the creation of heaven and earth, with the origin of sin, and the creation of man, the first of whom was now called Adam, instead of A'su, adopting the Par'si'e'an word instead of the Vedic.
And these records were the same from which Ezra, in the next dan'ha cycle, made selections, and erroneously attributed them to be the doctrines of the Faithists, who were called Iz'Zerlites [Israelites].
While Oahspe reveals the Egyptian origin of Genesis in the Ezra bible back in 1882, biblical scholars since then came to suspect such a case, and consequently put forward strong evidence of the same. The noted early pioneer of this approach was A.S. Yahuda, who wrote "The Language of the Pentateuch in its Relation to Egyptian" (Oxford U.P., 1933) and "The Accuracy of the Bible" (USA: E.P. Hutton & Co.,1935). Here again is more clear validation that Oahspe, through spirit, revealed information not known in its time:
||....The terms and idioms used [in Genesis] are Egyptian through and through.
Indeed such is the resemblance to Egyptian phraseology and custom that some
scholars now regard these chapters of Genesis as based on an Egyptian record.
One such commentator is the Israeli Egyptologist A.S. Yahuda..... Yahuda
wondered at the superabundance of Egyptian terms, phrases, metaphors and
loan-words present throughout Genesis, remarking on their comparative absence
from later books of the Old Testament........Indeed, as we have said, so strong
is the evidence that some commentators have suggested an Egyptian original of
the narrative which Hebrew scribes more or less copied.....|| Out of Place
Oahspe reveals that the Ezra Bible contains the Egyptian version of the De'yus and Osiris bible, first given to mortals around 2850 b.c.e. and a book of generations (Genesis), as given and later revised by Osiris. (See Oahspe, Book of Wars against Jehovih regarding the history of De'yus and Osiris.)
Here also is the explanation for extraordinary ages given to the descendents of Adam to Noah:
Book of the Arc of Bon: 27/20.17-21.
scribes and recorders assembled in Kaona, and they appointed Feh-ya (an
Eguptian), to write the departure of the Israelites out of Egupt. And Feh-ya
wrote the account and called it the EXODUS OF THE HEBREWS, and it was recorded
in the king's House of Records. And copies of it were sent to the large cities,
and there recorded also, for such was the law of Egupt. Feh-ya's record was
afterward accepted by Ezra, and is that which is known to this day as the First
Book of Exodus.
The Book of Genesis, as it stood in the Eguptian records, was written by
Akaboth and Dueram and Hazed, and was the substance from which Ezra copied it
through his scribes, even as it is to this day. The inspiration of Genesis was
from the God Osiris, the false, and his emissaries, chief of whom were Yotabba
and Egupt, who were angel servants to Osiris. And so far as the records now
stand, the spirit of both books was the Eguptian version of the whole subject.
Touching genealogies, in which men seemed to have lived to so great an age,
this, then, is the explanation for it: Thothma had said to his recorders:
"In searching for the truth of legends, give the latitude of it. For one
legend will say, such a man lived seven hundred years ago; another legend will
say he lived one thousand fifty years ago. The latitude between them is,
therefore, three hundred fifty years, which shall be the time of that man's life."
And in this way latitude became confounded with fact, and with no intent to
And behold, it came to pass that the records were worthless; and to make
matters worse the records were so voluminous, being more than six thousand
books, that the scribes of Ezra could make neither head nor tail of them.
Nevertheless, they were all written, in the first place not by the Israelites,
but by their enemies, where, even so, the testimony of the miracles is none the
Oahspe, Book of Saphah; 35/K.47, 57-58.
The [Israelite] Faithists proper were a small minority, and scattered in many lands. The rest, who were called Jews, lived under written laws and ceremonies, which were compiled and established by Ezra, in Jerusalem (under the inspiration of Looeamong), which combination of books was called the Bible, and was completed in the year 2344 B.K (495 b.c.e.).
..... Now, from the time of Moses to Ezra, there was an interval of four hundred years [from 1550 to 1150 b.c.e.], in which the Jews had no written record. The age of the Ezra Bible is not, therefore, from the time of Moses, but from the time of Ezra.
Resolving Scrambled Timelines
Applying Oahspe's revelatory information to discoveries regarding the origins of the Torah (Old Testament) brings forth more corresponding factors to locate and identify various key characters, including Moses and Hojax, the builder of the Great Pyramid.
Oahspe reveals that Hojax (the builder of the Great Pyramid) named himself after Thoth, who had lived some 900 years before him. Hojax took the name Thothma, signifying the God Thoth (Oahspe, Book of Wars: 25/48.14). Moses refers to the builder of the first pyramid as Thothma (Oahspe, Book of Arc of Bon; 27/17.17 ), but it is historically known as the Great Pyramid. The implications of it being referred to as the first pyramid in Moses' time highlights a distinction between the more ancient monuments and those that came after the Great Pyramid.
Thothma lived some nine hundred years after Thoth and some four hundred years before Moses (Was it Thothma who first idealized Thoth as a God when he emulated his name?). It was Thothma who enslaved the Israelites to build his Great Pyramid. Here-in is confirmation that the Jewish Torah statements that the Israelites were enslaved for 430 years was correctly taken from the Egyptian records, for it was some 400 years from the time that Thothma enslaved the Israelites to build the Great Pyramid until the time of Moses and the Exodus.
Moreover Oahspe's explanation regarding the Egyptian documents Ezra used to compile the Pentateuch clears up the problem of how Joseph appears to be not much more than 200 years before Moses. Namely, the records that contained the story of the Exodus were written at least sixteen hundred years after the original Egyptian account of Genesis. Although a revised book of Generations was written around 550 years before Moses (deposited in the Egyptian kings' library by King Rowtsag). This revised version likely reduced the generations even further, so that ancient personages were brought many hundreds (and even a thousand and more years) forward in time. (The reasons for such revisions is also explained in Oahspe, which relate to the fall and rise of different / opposing hegemonies bent on wiping out the memory of their predecessors.) The correct date given to Abraham according to Oahspe would be around 3960 b.c.e. at the dawn of the cycle of Cpenta Armij.
Thoth, the Seer of Arabin'ya
Oahspe names and describes a number of kings and other persons who lived during the cycle of Cpenta Armij, which began around 5960 years before the present (3960 b.c.e.) and ended 3560 years ago (1550 b.c.e.), including those who lived in Arabin'ya and South Arabin'ya (South Arabin'ya was the ancient name of Egypt and further south into Africa, although the whole of Africa was also called Ham/Khem), later named Egypt.
THOTH was the first significant mortal mentioned in the land of Arabin'ya (including ancient Canaan) after Abraham and his son Isaac.
of Wars against Jehovih: 25/27.11-12.
And again De'yus spoke, saying: The Lord your God said to you, Osiris, and to
you, Te-in, and to you, Sudga: Search among mortals for one high in su'is
[seership], for when I announce my doctrines, you shall go to that mortal and
cause him to write my words, saying: "These are the words of the Lord,
your God." To answer if you have found such a su'is, I bid you all to
speak now before me.
Osiris said: According to your commandments I have searched and have found
Thoth the highest man in su'is, and he dwells in Arabin'ya.
The words of the "Lord God" were to be the "Dey'us bible" which was essentially a post-Abraham corrupted version of God's word as it had first been given to Zarathustra (See Book of God's Word 21/8.1-21/12.8) more than 9,000 years before the present. Dey'us bible included reinterpretations of creation and "origin of sin" discarding the greater wisdom of the nature of the Creator and His Creation. It is the substance of this book that is the basis of Egyptian and Genesis creation stories. (See Book of Wars against Jehovih: 25/29.1- 25/29.42).
Osiris' chosen su'is (seer / oracle), Thoth, apparently, was not raised expressly for the purpose of carrying out the task assigned to him by generations of preparation, but was searched for among the mortals within the false Lord's dominions. Once such a su'is was found by Osiris, not only would he write the De'yus bible, but the new bible would require a powerful ruler to proclaim and impress it as a religious doctrine upon the population.
Subsequently, Thoth became counsellor and advisor to the king, for the mortal personage of Thoth in Egyptian lore is IMHOTEP. In Egyptian chronology he was the architect and builder of the "first" pyramid for King Djoser of the 3rd Dynasty, dating anywhere from 2900 to 2700 b.c.e. Although there were pyramids built long before Djoser's time, Egyptologists consider it to be the first pyramid since, being made of stone and constructed as a durable solid monument, it survived to the present time. Earlier structures most likely were smaller, modest temples with dark rooms for spirit communion.
||......Nevertheless, he was certainly the first pharaoh to erect a [substantial] pyramid or large monument of stone. The design of the Sakkara Step Pyramid's adjacent temple complex, in particular, provides ample proof of this. Columns are shaped in imitation of reed bundles and ceilings in imitation of palm logs. Doors are provided with imitation hinges.....||
Thoth and Imhotep are the same Personage
Thoth was a deity of Egypt, and Imhotep the man, is closely associated with him. And conversely, Thoth's titles connect him with Imhotep. Among them are:
Scribe of Ma'at in the Company of the Gods who Dwelleth in Unnu, |
The Pacifier of the Gods, |
Lord of Divine Words |
Thoth was considered to be the heart and tongue of Ra as well as the means by which Ra's will was translated into speech......He has further been involved in arbitration, magic, writing, science, and the judging of the dead......His roles in Egyptian mythology were many. Thoth served as a mediating power, especially between good and evil, making sure neither had a decisive victory over the other. He also served as scribe of the gods, credited with the invention of writing and alphabets (ie. hieroglyphs) themselves.....The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic. The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine......Thoth was universally worshipped by ancient Egyptian Scribes. Many scribes had a painting or a picture of Thoth in their "office". Likewise, one of the symbols for scribes was that of the ibis.......Thoth was inserted in many tales as the wise counsel and persuader, and his association with learning, and measurement, led him to be connected with Seshat.....(Wikipedia)
And Imhotep was also a "patron god" of scribes and considered to be a god of wisdom and peace among other titles which are similar to those of Thoth:
Imhotep is one of the few
Egyptian gods (other than the pharaohs) who was actually a real person. He was
the vizier of Netjerikhet (Djoser), a pharaoh of the third dynasty. He was
skilled in all areas of administration and royal enterprises. Imhotep was also
a priest, writer, a doctor and a founder of the Egyptian studies of astronomy
and architecture.
Imhotep was known perhaps best of all as the architect of the Step Pyramid of
Djoser at Saqqara, near Memphis. The Step Pyramid was the first structure
created by human hands to be built entirely from stone. It was as a wise man
and scribe that Imhotep was first honored as a god. In the New Kingdom was
venerated as the patron of scribes....Imhotep was the royal advisor to King
Zoser during the Third Dynasty of Kemet. Regarded as the world's first recorded
multi-genius, Imhotep was an architect, astronomer, philosopher, poet and
physician. During his lifetime he was given a host of titles, among them:
Chancellor of the King of Lower Kemet, the First after the King of Upper Kemet,
High Priest of Heliopolis and Administrator of the Great Palace. His very name,
Im-Hotep, translates as the Prince of Peace....He was also associated with Thoth
and became a patron of wisdom and medicine.......Imhotep, called "God of
Medicine," "Prince of Peace," and a "Type of Christ."
Imhotep was worshipped as a god and healer from approximately 2850 B.C. to 525
B.C..... (Egyptian
Thoth and Joseph were the same person
Considering that Genesis was taken from the Egyptian records found by Ezra, it is not surprising to find that the personage of Thoth, Osiris' scribe, also corresponds to a significant person in the Genesis of the first Ezra Bible. Biblical scholars have found common characteristics between IMHOTEP, priest, seer, sage and deified builder of the first large stone pyramid (the Step Pyramid of King Djoser at Saqqara), and JOSEPH, a descendent of Abraham. Joseph and King Djoser share very similar names which both mean "The Wise". King Djoser received this name after his death as well as being diefied. In Egyptian lore his greatness is associated with the wisdom and achievements of his vizier Imhotep.
Thoth |
Imhotep |
Joseph and his brothers in Egypt |
Were Joseph
and Imhotep of Egypt the Same Man?
[Matching Personages between Egyptian and Jewish historical figures are] Joseph
and Imhotep. Egyptian tradition tells us that two centuries or so after Menes
there lived a great pharaoh named Djoser ("the Wise"), whose vizier,
Imhotep, was regarded as the greatest of all Egyptian sages.
Djoser and Imhotep, the legend says, lived during a famine
lasting seven years, and it was a dream of the king's that provided Imhotep
with the clue to solving the crisis. Similarly, Hebrew history tells us that
two centuries or so after Abraham there lived Joseph, the great seer and
visionary, who became pharaoh's vizier, and helped solve the crisis of a
seven-year famine by interpreting the king's dreams.
Historians, of course, have long been aware of the striking resemblances
between Imhotep and Joseph, and a great deal has been written on the subject.
They would undoubtedly have realized the identity of the two men a long time
ago, but the erroneous chronology, which separated them by over a thousand
years, confused the issue. is to Immanuel Velikovsky that the present work owes most. Velikovsky's brilliant exposition of the contradictions inherent in ancient chronology is the key that has unlocked the secrets of antiquity. In Ages in Chaos (1952), he proposed a complete reconstruction of later Egyptian history, beginning with the Exodus, which he believed to date from the fall of the "Middle Kingdom". It is largely under the inspiration of Ages in Chaos that the present work seeks to reconstruct the earlier part of Egyptian history. Velikovsky began with the Exodus; we end with the same event......
Djoser's reputation was enhanced by that of his vizier, the godlike Imhotep. This man was, as we shall see, regarded as Egypt's greatest ever seer and interpreter of dreams......Emmet Sweeney; Out of Place
1) Second in command under Pharaoh |
1) Second in command under Pharaoh Djoser |
2) Lived to be 110 years of age |
2) Lived to be 110 years of age |
3) Great architect and builder |
3) Great architect and builder |
4) Stored up corn during 7 yrs of plenty |
4) Stored up corn during 7 yrs of plenty |
5) Saw seven years of famine - fed people |
5) Saw seven years of famine - fed people |
6) Interpreter of dreams |
6) Interpreter of dreams |
7) Built pyramids & palaces |
7) Built the Step Pyramid & palaces |
8) Zaphnath-paaneah - Over physicians |
8) Was a physician |
9) Instituted a income tax of one fifth |
9) Instituted a income tax of one fifth |
10) Married into the Priesthood of On |
10) Married into the Priesthood of On |
11) Knowledge of astrology |
11) Knowledge of astrology |
12) Was one of twelve siblings |
12) Was one of twelve siblings |
13) Became an educated man |
13) A poet and educated medical writer |
14) Overseer of public works |
14) Overseer of public works |
15) Legendary history |
15) Legendary history |
16) Name means to add, increase, to join or gather together |
16) Name means the one who comes in peace |
17) Coat of many breadths / colors / wide tunic |
Biblical scholars find that dates according to Egyptologists and the Ezra bible do not match, and search to explain a gap of 1000 years:
Scholars were
not slow to associate Djoser's famine of seven years with that of Joseph, and
they would undoubtedly have made the connection between Imhotep and Joseph,
Djoser and Joseph's pharaoh, had it not been for the chronological discrepancy.
Djoser was supposed to have reigned [no later than] 2600 BC., whereas according
to biblical chronology, Joseph would have lived around 1700 BC..... yet again,
that gap of 1000 years"..... Emmet Sweeney; Out of Place
The explanation is found for the missing millennia is found in Oahspe, since it
reveals that the first De'yus bible (the first story of Genesis) was given in
the time of the mortal, Thoth, at the beginning of De'yus' reign, which is
around 2850 b.c.e. But Osiris revised the De'yus bible after he rebelled from
De'yus around 900 years later. And so the Ezra Bible, which, according to
Oahspe was compiled around 494 b.c.e. sourcing Egyptian records, contains the
revised version of the first Dey'us bible. It also evidences the deletion of
the generations and chronology from Abraham to the beginning of Osiris worship
(Book of Wars: 25/48.6-12). The time between Abraham and Thoth (Joseph)
has been drastically reduced in the Torah ~ Old Testament and the ancient
tribes of Israel were reduced to the offspring of one man, Jacob only a few
centuries before the time of Moses.
The tribes of Israel are much older than the Ezra Bible depicts them to be. According to Oahspe, they sprung from two ancient tribes "Zerl" and "Iz". The name Israelite originates from a combination of these two ancient tribes of I'hin Faithists, Iz of Par'si'e and Zerl of Ham. According to Oahspe (Book of Wars against Jehovih), there were various and continual migrations of Faithists to Egypt over long periods, usually as a result of famine and warfare in Western Arabin'ya (including Canaan). The names and numbers of the houses of Israel as originating from the twelve sons of Jacob does not agree with Oahspe's account:
Book of
the Arc of Bon: 27/13.8-9; 27/18.30-31.
being of the fourth birth of I'hin blood, was not acknowledged an heir of the
chosen race, the Faithists. Therefore Levi established a new line, which was
called, the House of Levi.
Levi, not being eligible to a Faithist wife, was inspired by the loo'is to take
an I'hin, Metissa, to wife. Metissa bore him a son, Kohath, who, at maturity,
was admitted to the Order of Avah, the third degree of Faithists, at which time
he was circumcised, and afterward called an Israelite, the name given to the
Faithists of Egupt.....
.....They were the uncircumcised tribes of the ancients, the Hebrews nicknamed
them Levites, i.e., imperfect flesh.
And Moses commanded the Levites to camp aside, and not to mix with the
Israelites, and they obeyed him in all things, maintaining that they were the
true descendants of Abraham.
The genealogy of Joseph (as the son of Jacob who became "Israel") and his twelve brothers as the sole and preposterously recent original ancestors of the Israelites in Egypt therefore cannot be taken literally. And how much Thoth's origins were according to the story of Joseph is not certain. No doubt some details in the Ezra Bible were likely embellishments to more closely connect the Egyptian account to the forefathers of the Israelites to authenticate it in the minds of the post-exodus apostate Israelites. It does, however, remain a possibility that Joseph come from the land of Canaan, for when Oahspe refers to Arabin'ya, it includes a large area of land which covers all or part of Africa and what is now the Middle East to Iran. Southern Arabin'ya, usually refers to the area of modern day Egypt and surrounding countries to a certain distance. In which case, Thoth may not have been born in the land which is now called Egypt. But Osiris (the false), would have ensured he was given a position close to the powerful South Arabin'yan (Egyptian) king to enable the proclamation and impression of Dey'us' new bible and his other decrees through his chosen seer / priest. It would not be surprising then, to find that Thoth alias Imhotep was of obscure birth and origins.
The importance of Joseph in the Genesis Story of the Ezra Bible, also may hint at the character of the writer. If Thoth alias Joseph alias Imhotep was the original scribe of this account, then his own role in history was auto-biographed. It is not beyond Joseph's personality (according to the Ezra bible account) to perceive himself as a figure worthy to be bowed down to, even as a god / king is bowed down to, as in the story of Joseph's prophetic dream of his brother's bowing down to him. However, it is also likely that these embellishments grew from the process of deification that Thoth's name and memory became subject to in the Egyptian Osirian culture and religion. Also, since Joseph alias Imhotep alias Thoth was a seer, he may well have had prophetic dreams from the time that he was chosen to be the mortal channel for the De'yus bible.
With Oahspe's historical accounts containing details previously unknown or lost
to mortals, a greater understanding of the sources of the Ezra bible and its
origins in historical contexts is possible. Time-line descrepancies between
various sources which have stumped and misled scholars are resolved revealing
a much fuller and longer history of the Faithists in relation to their
historical counterparts than was previously known.
All Oahspe references are from the Standard Edition Oahspe of 2007
The Great Pyramid