Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih

Known in heaven as the Dawn of Bon, and on earth as the cycle of Moses, Capilya and Chine. Jehovih said: I gave to the earth a time of full earthhood; and, so that the generations of men might know the period, behold, I caused man to build a pyramid in the middle of the world. For it was my mark, that, from that time forward, man would turn from stone temples, and the hope of everlasting flesh‑life, to rejoice in spiritual abodes in my etherean heavens. And I brought the earth out of darkness and encompassed it with the dawn of Bon.






26/1.1. In the far‑off etherean worlds the Voice of Jehovih spoke, saying: Lika, Lika, My Son! Behold the red star, the earth. She comes your way; she emerges dark and soiled from the forests of ji'ay, in the swamps of Bonassah. She will cross your etherean fields, the Takuspe, Opel, and Wedojain, |1025| dripping with the odor and dross of the ji'ay'an swamps. Go to her, and wash clean her soil and her atmospherean heavens.

26/1.2. Lika said: Alas, O Jehovih, how they have forgotten You!

26/1.3. I will go to the red star, the earth, O Father! I will deliver her into purity and faith. Your chosen shall be delivered from bondage; Your God made triumphant on earth and in her heavens.

26/1.4. Lika called his High Council, in his etherean kingdom, Vetta'puissa, in the Plains of Poe‑ya, off the Road of Ahtogonassas, at the high Arc of Bon, made light by the holy angels of tens of thousands of years; and he said:

26/1.5. Behold the red star, the earth; the Voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: Go to her, O My Son, and wash clean her soil and her atmospherean heavens. And I said: I will go, O Father! I will deliver her into purity and faith.

26/1.6. Lika said: Five hundred million etherean hosts I will take with me. For five years and forty days I and my hosts will sojourn on the red star and in her heavens. Her true God shall be restored and delivered in my name by Jehovih's hand. According to the rank of harvest of the gardens of Honyon, so shall my marshals choose and record my hosts. ||

26/1.7. Then in the Council spoke the historians of the etherean libraries of the Vorkman Road, where the earth has traveled for tens of thousands of years. And they detailed the affairs of the earth for many cycles past; made plain before the Gods assembled, all the doings of the earth and her heavens.

26/1.8. Then Lika sent swift messengers off to the earth and her heavens; in arrow‑ships of fire they sped forth, twenty thousand, well skilled in both coursing the etherean heavens and in penetrating the atmospherean vortices of traveling stars; to obtain the details of her God and her false Gods, her Lords and false Lords, her hadas and her hells; to scan her libraries; and hastily return to Vetta'puissa, to lay the matters before the High Council and Lika, the Nirvanian Chief on Jehovih's throne.

26/1.9. Lika had sprung from the corporeal star Atos, which traverses the roads, Yatas‑ko‑owen, of the south circuit of Thoese, the vortex of another far-off sun, and was raised to etherea in the cycle of Sai‑kah, one hundred and twenty‑five thousand years, by Meth‑ya, Goddess of Ori‑iyi, afterward Chieftainess of Yeuna‑gamaya.

26/1.10. And Lika rose to be God of Avalassak four thousand years; God of Kemma, six thousand years; Inspector of Judas' etherean roads at the a'ji'an swamps of Hennassit, fifteen thousand years; Surveyor of Iwalt, two thousand years; Surveyor of the Wacha excursion, four thousand years; Recorder of Hitte‑somat, eight thousand years; Deliverer of Habian vortices, twenty‑six thousand years; Measurer of densities in Ablank, one thousand years; Recorder of the Ratiotyivi, two thousand years; God of the Home Plains of Cteverezed, twelve thousand years; Chief of Mah‑ha‑dewin, twenty thousand years; and Chief of Vetta'puissa, twenty‑five thousand years.

26/1.11. For his High Council Lika had thirty thousand Chieftains and Chieftainesses, of grades of more than a hundred thousand years in the etherean worlds; five hundred thousand of the rank of Inspectors; seven million of the rank of Gods and Goddesses; and of the rank of Lords and Lordesses, more than half a billion.

26/1.12. Of the Rapon hosts there were seven Chiefs and nine Chieftainesses, who were Lika's private companions. First, Rebsad, Chief of So‑tissav, forty thousand years; Sufristor of Sheleves, sixty thousand years; Marshal of Zele'axi, twenty thousand years; Master of Bassaion, seventy thousand years; and he passed twenty thousand years on the journey of Loo‑soit‑ta‑vragenea, besides thousands of other journeys of less duration.

26/1.13. Next to Rebsad was Yanodi, Chieftainess of Ure, seventy thousand years; Chieftainess of the Roads of Sallatamya, seventy thousand years; Marshaless of Petanasa, forty thousand years; Goddess of the ji'ay'an forest of Loo‑loo‑woh‑ga, sixty‑five thousand years; besides Goddess of Mor, Goddess of Chichigennahsmmah, Goddess of El, and of Raumba, and of Zee.

26/1.14. Next to Yanodi was Thazid, Goddess of Zoleth; matrusettess of Yith‑kad; Chieftainess of Hagu; Chieftainess of De'baur, and of Hachull, and of the Roads of Oleaskivedho; besides Goddess of more than one hundred etherean worlds.

26/1.15. Then came Thoso, Chief of Kassarah and Dassamatz, ninety thousand years; God of Saxax, seven thousand years; God of Chennesa, God of Hoxora, God of Fiben, God of Hotab, each six thousand years; surveyor of the Lymthian Roads, twelve thousand years; marker of meteors, two thousand years; Fireman of Thostus on the Ibien excursion, thirty thousand years.

26/1.16. Next to Thoso came Miente, Chieftainess of Gawl and Sanabtis, in whose dominions the star T‑lemos was uzated (dissolved out of being) when Gai‑loo opened the Road of Enjxi‑ustus for the Nizaigi vortices of Messak; Chieftainess of Lam‑Goo and Kud; Goddess of Itzi, Goddess of Ashem and of the Baxgor Wing; Goddess of the Duik Swamps, and Lordess of Sus and Havrij; in all, one hundred and seven thousand years.

26/1.17. Chama‑jius stood next; she was Chieftainess of Hors‑ad and Tu and Okadad; Goddess of Asthy, Hid, Sheaugus and Jagri; surveyor of Arvat and the Vadhuan Roads; surveyor of Anchas; surveyor of the Han Mountains in the etherean Uuj of Drij‑Lee; in all, two hundred and sixty thousand years.

26/1.18. Next stood Murdhana, Chieftainess of D'hup and Hen‑Dhi; Chieftainess of Happa and Hirish; surveyor of Sepher and Daka; Inspector of Anachu, Zadon, Edau, Medtisha and Roth; in all, ninety thousand years.

26/1.19. Oshor stood next: Chief of Out‑si and of Yotek, Samoan and Yadakha; maker of the Bridge of Weasitee; Marshal of the Honlaguoth expedition, and, besides these places, God of seven etherean worlds; in all, one hundred and twelve thousand years.

26/1.20. Next came Yihoha, Chief of Shung‑how and Agon; Chief of Neo‑sin; God of Izeaha, Kaon, Ahsow, Una, Yuk‑Hoh and Ahgoon. He was also the builder of the Raxon etherean arches; in all, ninety thousand years.

26/1.21. Hisin was next: Chief of the Kionas Belt, where Yagota, the Orian Chief, walled the Plains of Maga, the Nirvanian home of the delivered hells of Mina half a million years before. Hisin was here nick‑named Creator of Wit, because of establishing his Chieftaincy on the ruins of hell. He was also Chief of Mamsa and Jauap; God of Gah, and of Darah, the region of fountain flowers; in all, ninety thousand years.

26/1.22. Bowen was next: Chief of Apaha, formerly the Farms of Lung‑wan and Srid; Chief of Vadhua, and of the Valleys of Nasqam, where a million years before, the Chief of Chaksa disrupted the Atmospherean Sakri, and liberated from its four thousand hells more than thirty billion angel slaves in chaos. Bowen had also served as God of Amaan, Havat, Shedo and Pivan; and as measurer of Pracha, Xeri and Asthus; and surveyor of Ulam, Sheyom, Chozeh and Zadark; in all, eighty thousand years.

26/1.23. Gwan Goo was next: She was Chieftainess of Andol, the place of the one‑time apex of the Karowgan vortex, where the star Ogitas was formed and sent on its course by Aclon‑guin, Orian hemmer of Shegoweasa. This vortex, when first formed by Aclon‑guin, was three hundred billion miles long and was cometary thirty thousand years in Aclon‑guin's hands. Gwan Goo was also Chieftainess of Ahsa‑thah and Waegon; Goddess of Anoa, Howgil and Zahaive; in all, one hundred and ninety thousand years.

26/1.24. Geehoogan was next: Chieftainess of Sumatri in the by‑roads of Yotargis; Chieftainess of the four etherean worlds, Yoni, Ogh, Theum and Wachwakags; surveyor of Unshin, Zarihea and Keanteri; Inspectress of Saguiz, Hagimal, Hafha, Borax, Rab and Shor‑loo; in all, eighty thousand years.

26/1.25. Next stood Bachne‑isij, Chief of Yahalom, where the Gein Maker, Tarmoth, cleared the Forests of the a'ji'an Haloth, in making a roadway for Havalad's group of Shemasian corporeal stars, in which labor he employed ninety billion Nirvanians for four thousand years, and the distance of the road was more than one hundred billion miles. Bachne‑isij was Chief of Agwan, and Shoe‑nastus, Hador and Ad; God of Vach, Kuja, Rai, Kathab, Cynab, Buhd and Abbir; measurer of the mountains of the etherean worlds Vijhath, Hakan and Dis; measurer of the arches in the etherean world Niksh; constructor of the Plains in the Nirvanian world Chom; in all, one hundred and thirty thousand years.

26/1.26. Rehemg was next: Chieftainess of Otaskaka, commonly called World of Shining Waters, a great visiting place in Nirvania; she was Goddess of Theasapalas and Timax; weigher of Sultzhowtcih in the Ofel Plains; in all, one hundred and ten thousand years.

26/1.27. Then stood Antosiv, Goddess of Munn, renowned because she was of two hundred and sixty thousand years, and had declined exaltation above the rank of Goddess.

26/1.28. Such, then, were the Rapon hosts.








1025  see image i087 (with text)








26/2.1. Far and wide, spread the words of Lika, words of Jehovih, over the Plains of Poe‑ya, first highest light in etherea (in this region), where the earth and her heavens traveled. Far off, toward the northern group of twinkling stars, the etherean millions gazed; the voice of millions arose: Where is the red star? Where lies the earth and her troubled heavens? Is this not the young star, a satellite that travels with the hidan sun? |1026| What is the angle and course of this little traveling world, so that our eyes may feast on the road where our Chief will soon send Jehovih's redeeming ships?

26/2.2. Then they pointed, surmising by the red‑like color and tedious motion, which of them was the earth, one of the small gems that Jehovih had placed in the measureless firmament. And they gazed upon it, speaking with souls of delight: Great You are, O Jehovih, to build so wide. To stud the etherean worlds with gems like these; to provide a place for the souls of men to germinate. Surely her people, the sons and daughters of the red star, must see etherea; must realize the difference between a short corporeal life and this endless paradise. Can it be that they have, in their small heavens, unscrupulous false Lords and false Gods who set themselves up to be worshipped as creators, whom mortals name with bated breath? And do they have, too, a host of Saviors, who profess to have the key to all the roads that lead into this great expanse, the etherean worlds? Mortals who are brought forth to life on the central suns have some excuse to be stubborn in their egotism of their Lords, Saviors and Gods; but on one so small as the earth, how can it be?

26/2.3. Then Lika's swift messengers returned in their arrow‑ships; messengers attained to be very Gods in wisdom, and in swiftness. And they quickly told the tale, about their visit to the red star and her heavens; told how the true God, Son of Jehovih, had struggled on, but had been outmatched by all odds by self‑Gods and self‑Lords, who had plunged billions of hapless souls into torturing hells.

26/2.4. And Lika spread this news abroad in his etherean dominions, which only needed to be told once, for every sympathetic soul by his shocked appearance told it to others, the like of which spread instantly to billions of high‑raised ethereans. And when Lika said: Five hundred million angels shall go with me to the troubled earth and her heavens, in double‑quick time the volunteers were ready to be enrolled on the list.

26/2.5. Then Lika inquired for more detail from the swift messengers, and they answered him, saying: This, O Lika, Son of Jehovih! The earth has passed her corporeal maturity, and mortals have set up a pyramid to mark its time. The days of the highest, greatest audacity of the self‑Gods are passed, and are memorized by the pyramid also; for in that same time, they taught mortals to worship the God and the Lord and the Savior, instead of the Great Spirit, Jehovih. But darkness is upon the self‑Gods, and they are bound in hells; and mortals are also bound in hells.

26/2.6. Behold, this is the first dawn of dan on the earth since she passed the limit of her greatest corporeality.











1026  North Star. --1891 glossary








26/3.1. Lika said to his chief marshal: Enroll my five hundred million hosts, and appoint captains and generals to them, and grade them and apportion them. Besides these, give me one million singers, one million trumpeters, one million attendants, one million heralds, one million messengers and one million recorders and waiters.

26/3.2. Lika called his chief builder and said to him: Build me a fire‑ship, an airavagna, with capacity for a billion; and provide the ship with sufficient officers and workmen. Consult with my mathematicians as to the distance to the red star, the densities through which the ship shall pass, the power required, and the time of the journey; then provide all things sufficient for that.

26/3.3. Next, Lika spoke to the High Council, saying: For the time of my absence my vice‑Chief, Heih‑Woo, shall hold my place. Touching any matters in which you desire my voice before I go, speak!

26/3.4. Atunzi said: Behold, O Lika, the star, Yatis, heads towards the a'ji'an Forests of Actawa, and she has not passed the esparan age! Lika said: To clear the forest Actawa I appoint Eashivi, Goddess, with three billion laborers. Eashivi, what do you say? Eashivi said: Thanks to Jehovih and to you, O Lika. I will choose my laborers immediately, and proceed to make the road.

26/3.5. Wan Tu'y said: Before your return, O Lika, the Hapsa‑ogan vortex will cross the south fields of Vetta'puissa. She has twenty billion souls in grades of sixty and seventy. Lika said: To her assistance for three years |1027| I appoint Tici‑king, God, with fifty million for his hosts. What do you say, Tici‑king? Tici‑king said: By the grace of Jehovih, I rejoice in this labor. I will prepare my hosts in sufficient time and accomplish what you have given into my keeping.

26/3.6. Wothalowsit said: In four years the hosts of E'win will return from the double stars, Eleb and Wis, with their harvest of forty billion angels. How shall they be apportioned? Lika said: To Bonassah, six billion; to Opel, two billion; to Wedojain, five billion; to Eosta, two billion; to Feuben Roads, seven billion; to Zekel, four billion; to Huron, three billion; to Poe‑ya, six billion; to Yulit, one billion, and to Zulava, four billion; and I appoint Misata, Goddess, to provide the places in these several heavens for them, and to have charge of their selection and allotment. And I give her five hundred million angels as her laboring hosts. What do you say, Misata? Misata said: It is Jehovih's gift; I am rejoiced. I will prepare myself and my hosts.

26/3.7. Ching Huen said: Behold the star‑world, Esatas, in her se'muan age will cross the Roads of Veh‑yuis three years from now! Lika answered Ching Huen, saying: To cross these roads of light in her se'muan age would blight her power to bring forth animal life sufficient for her wide continents. The trail must be filled with se'muan forests to preserve her gestative season. To this labor I appoint Ieolakak, God of Esatas' se'muan forests in the Roads of Veh‑yuis, four thousand years. And I allot to Ieolakak six billion laborers. What do you say, Ieolakak? He answered: This is a great labor; by the wisdom and power of Jehovih, I will accomplish it.

26/3.8. Veaga‑indras said: In two years the fleets of Leogastrivins will return from their voyage of four thousand years, bringing two billion guests from the Iniggihuas regions. Who shall provide for their reception? Lika said: Yeanopstan, with ten million hosts. What do you say? Yeanopstan said: A most welcome labor, O Lika.

26/3.9. Hiss‑Joso said: The Arches of Rassittissa, on the etherean world of Yungtsze's Plains, will be ready to cast in four years. Lika said: To Sut‑tuz six million arches, and to Iviji four million arches, and to each of them one hundred million laborers. What do you say? Then spoke Sut‑tuz and Iviji, saying: By the help of Jehovih, the labor will be accomplished.

26/3.10. Sachcha said: The star‑world, Neto, will need to be turned on her axis in two years, at which time she will pass through the south fields of Takuspe. Lika said: This will be a great labor, and I appoint Urassus, with Salas, to accomplish it. And I give them three years, with four billion laborers. What do you say? Then Urassus and Salas answered, saying: With fear and trembling we rejoice at this great work. By Jehovih's wisdom and power, we shall accomplish it. ||

26/3.11. In this way, Lika made more than a thousand appointments to be accomplished before his return from the earth and her heavens; but ordinary matters he left with his vice‑Chief, Heih‑Woo, and to the High Council, the select ten million.

26/3.12. Jehovih had said: Even as I provided a little labor for mortals to develop the talents I created with them, so similarly, and after the same like, |1028| but spiritually, I provided greater labor to the high‑risen inhabitants in My etherean worlds. For which reason, let My children learn the secret of harmonious and united labor with one another. I gave labor to man not as a hardship, but as a means of great rejoicing.

26/3.13. For the talents I gave on corpor, I gave not to die on corpor, but to continue on forever. As I gave talent for corporeal mathematics, and talent for building corporeal structures, yes, a talent for all things on corporeal worlds; even so have I provided in My etherean worlds for the same talents, but spiritually. In which man on the corporeal earth, judging the adaptability of talent to corporeal things, may comprehend the nature of the labors I provided in My exalted heavens for the same talents.

26/3.14. Neither let any man fear that his talents may become too exalted for the work I have provided; for until he has created a firmament, and created suns and stars to fill it, he has not half fulfilled his destiny.


































1027  Er‑a‑a is equivalent to three years of the earth. To make most of these times intelligible to the student, I have reduced the Panic words to English years of earth. --Eng. Ed.




























































1028  that is, in harmony with your tendencies, bents, aptitude, affinities, drift, penchant and temperament; and in the same field of your liking, preference, predilection








26/4.1. Jehovih spoke in the light of the throne of Kairksak, in Vetta'puissa, saying: Lika, My Son! This is My road and My journey: With you and your hosts My Voice shall travel with power; on the earth I will lay My foundation, in spirit and word. Your companion Chiefs and Chieftainesses shall go with you; they shall help deliver the inhabitants of the earth and her heavens.

26/4.2. My enemies have marked their labors in temples and pyramids. Because their hearts did not rise up to Me they descended into stone, the most dead (unresponsive) of all things. They have carried the inhabitants of the earth down to rottenness and to death. Let their monuments stand as testimonies of those who hated Me, who denied Me, who did not believe in Me, the All Person.

26/4.3. My building shall be the most subtle of all things, the Spirit of My Own Body. Truly it shall be a monument within the souls of My chosen. Nor will it go away again in darkness, but it shall encompass the whole earth.

26/4.4. For you shall find My chosen a scattered people, persecuted and enslaved, the most despised of all the races of men. But I will show My power with them; I will raise them up; the things I do through them, and the words I speak through them, even in their ignorance and darkness, shall become mighty. Their words shall be treasured forever; and none can match them in wisdom of speech, or in the craft of good works.

26/4.5. But the learned men of all other peoples shall be forgotten; their wisdom: like the wind that blows away. The self‑Gods and self‑Lords, who led them astray, shall be like a serpent that bites itself to death. Yes, as long as their pyramids and temples stand, their own falsehoods shall stare them in the face.

26/4.6. They have bound themselves in their own bulwarks; |1029| they shall yet be My laborers, thousands of years, to undo the evil they sowed on the earth. Nor shall they look down from heaven and see with joy their temples and pyramids; but as one sees a coal of fire burning in the flesh, so shall their edifices cry out to them forever: You False One. And it shall be to them a burning fire that will not die out.

26/4.7. And their great learning, even of the stars, sun, moon, and of all the things of the earth and in its waters, shall pass away and not be remembered among men. Yes, the names of their men of great learning shall go down, with none to remember them on the earth. And in time, long after, the nations of peoples will forget them and their wisdom, and even pity them, and say of them: What a foolish people!

26/4.8. But My chosen, who are their slaves, and are as nothing in the world, shall speak, and their words shall not be forgotten; shall write, and their books will be a new foundation in the world. Because My hand will be upon them, My wisdom shall come forth out of their mouths.

26/4.9. And this shall be testimony in the ages to come, as to what manner of knowledge endures forever. For as the buildings of the earth remain on the earth; and the spirits of those who incline to the earth do not rise up; so have I bound corpor in corpor; but because I planted in man a spirit quickened for spiritual knowledge, so shall spiritual knowledge look upward for an everlasting resurrection. ||

26/4.10. Lika asked: O All Highest, Jehovih, what are the preparations of Your Gods? What have they done that shall strengthen my hand on the earth? Jehovih answered, saying: For six generations My God has been preparing for you and your hosts. My voice was with My God, and I said to him: My Son, behold, the time comes in six generations, when I will bring the earth into another dawn of light. And in that day I will bring My Son, Lika, from My etherean worlds; and he shall come with a mighty host of ethereans with great power. Go, My Son, down to the earth, and with your loo'is, your masters of generations, raise up an heir to your voice. In the three great divisions of the earth, provide three servants to do My will.

26/4.11. So My Son, God of Craoshivi, has raised up to you, O Lika, three men, Capilya, Chine, and Moses, the fruit of the sixth generation in the lands of their fathers; and they are of the Faithists in Me, holy men and wise. To these you shall send the Gods of their forefathers, even those who were beaten away by the Gods of evil.

26/4.12. And Capilya shall deliver the Faithists of Vind'yu, and Chine shall deliver the Faithists of Jaffeth, and Moses shall deliver the Faithists of Egupt. And you shall also put this upon Moses and his people: He shall lead his people westward; and their heirs after them shall also go westward; yes, westward until they circumscribe the earth. Three thousand four hundred years you shall allot to them to complete the journey. And wherever they go, they shall establish My name, Jehovih; they shall lead all people away from all Gods, to believe in the Great Spirit, Who I am.

26/4.13. And when they have carried My name to the west coast of Guatama [North America --Ed.], and established Me, behold, I will bring the earth into Kosmon; and My angels shall descend upon the earth in every quarter with great power. And it shall come to pass that the Faithists of the children of Moses shall find the Faithists of the children of Chine and the Faithists of the children of Capilya.

26/4.14. And all these people shall cry out in that day: No God, no Lord, no Savior! For My hand will be upon them, and their words shall be My words. But they will proclaim Me, the Great Spirit, the Ever Present, Jehovih.

26/4.15. And they shall become the power of the world; and shall establish peace and put away war, leading all peoples in the way of peace, love and righteousness.









































1029  fortifications








26/5.1. Vetta'puissa, in Lika's etherean regions, made glorious by Jehovih's light, and by His purified Sons and Daughters, whose heavenly mansions matched their great perfection, was now quickened with great joy. The trained hosts of Jehovih's Son, Lika, knowing he was to take recreation by a journey to the red star, the earth, to deliver her to holiness and love, provided music, heralds and trumpeters, millions of performers, to proclaim their reverence and rejoicing.

26/5.2. The fire‑ship, the airavagna, now adorned in splendor, was brought into its place, and the vast hosts for the journey entered into it. A walkway was reserved for Lika and his companion Chiefs and Chieftainesses. First to lead, of the Rapon hosts, were the Chieftainesses, Yanodi and Thazid, and they walked arm in arm. Next after them came Lika, alone. Next came Rebsad and Thoso, arm in arm. Next came Miente and Hors‑ad, arm in arm. Then came Chama‑jius and Murdhana, arm in arm. Then Oshor and Yihoha, arm in arm. Then Gwan Goo and Geehoogan, and after them Rehemg and Antosiv.

26/5.3. As the Chiefs marched forth, the music swelled loud; more than a billion in concerted song to Jehovih; and echoed by the far‑off trumpeters. And when the Chiefs entered the ship, followed by the ship's laborers and firemen, |1030| all was motionless till the music ceased.

26/5.4. Lika walked upon the High Arch, and stretching up his hands to Jehovih, said: I go forth in Your name, wisdom, love and power, O Jehovih! Your great heavens, which you have made full of glory, shall bear me up; the spark You gave to me I will keep quickened in Your sight. Your hand is upon me. Your arm encompasses my ship of fire. In You I know it will rise and course these worlds, to the red star, and sail with Your hosts triumphantly to labor, for Your glory.

26/5.5. Arise, O palace of the firmament; by the power of Jehovih that dwells in me: Upward! Onward! Arise!

26/5.6. And now with one will the hosts joined in, and the laborers and firemen stood to their places. A moment more, and the airavagna rose from its foundation, steered toward the red star, and moved forth over the Fields of Vetta'puissa. From every side on the great ship of heaven a hundred thousand banners and flags floated and waved, answered by more than a million more in the hands of the hosts below.

26/5.7. The es'enaurs of the ship struck up a quickened march, joined by the millions beneath, while the great multitudes tossed up their hands and shouted in prolonged applause. Thus went forth Lika, Son of Jehovih, to the red star, the earth.




























1030  The job of fireman was to keep the engines of the ship running and supplied with fuel.








26/6.1. As Lika in his ship sped on, coursing the fields of Sonasat, Hatar, and Yaax, in the etherean world Chen‑a‑goetha, rich in light in these regions, on the Yong‑We Road, and now traversed by hundreds of vessels coursing here and there, Jehovih's light descended on the High Arch, in the midst of the Rapons; and the Voice of Jehovih spoke out of the light, saying:

26/6.2. As I taught corporeans to build ships to traverse corporeal seas, so have I taught ethereans to build vessels to course My etherean seas.

26/6.3. As I bound the corporean so that he could not rise up in the air above corpor, except by a vessel, so did I create My heavens for the spirits of men, that by manufactured vessels they could course My firmament.

26/6.4. For I made the little knowledge I gave to corporeans to be a type of knowledge that is everlasting.

26/6.5. To the corporean I gave two kinds of presence, objective and subjective. By the latter he can imagine himself in a far‑off place; and the thought that proceeds out of him goes to a friend and speaks understandingly in the distance. For, I created him so. But he who goes objectively must take his person with him, for I also created him so.

26/6.6. And I magnified these two conditions to the spirits of all men, so that they could also appear objectively and subjectively in the places known to them.

26/6.7. And this is the bondage I created to all places on the earth and in its heavens, making all men understand the power of objective association.

26/6.8. I created wide seas on the corporeal earth, so man would perceive that one person alone could not cross over; nor in a small boat, with any profit under the sun. Neither did I create My heavens in the firmament so that one angel could go alone on long journeys, becoming isolated and powerless. But I provided them in such a way that they could not escape association; yes, I created the firmament so that they must congregate together and go.

26/6.9. Nevertheless, I gave freedom to all; to him who does not go objectively, to go subjectively; but of little avail and not much truth or profit. And because I give this liberty, behold, even drujas will say: Yes, I have been there. || Nor do they know how to rise up from the earth, or go to any place, except on another's shoulders. |1031|

26/6.10. And I created man and angels in such a way that all knowledge which is to be everlasting must be obtained objectively; yes, I made him desire without end, experience by his own person.

26/6.11. And they fill My seas in heaven and earth with their great ships; yes, I created man with wants that could not be satisfied in one place. For I drive him forth on strange errands and on missions of profit and love; for I will store him with a knowledge of My works.



















































1031  i.e., except with the help of one or more others who know how to accomplish objective travel








26/7.1. Onward sped Lika with his eight hundred million; his airavagna, the ship of fire, shining like a meteor in its flight, through the sea of Enea‑Wassa, the etherean realm of Haog‑sa‑uben. On every side, the Jehovihian worshippers' vessels, tens of thousands, coursing in myriad ways; some fast, on missions of quickened labor; some slow, as traveling school‑ships, exploring the great expanse and glorious richness of Jehovih's provided worlds, always ready for the newborn; each and all the ships like studded gems in the etherean sea, moving brilliants |1032| playing kaleidoscopic views, ever changing the boundless scene with surpassing wonders. And all of these, by signs and signals, revealing the story of their place and mission to the high‑raised etherean souls; ships and men as quickened living books of fire, radiant with the Father's light and history of worlds.

26/7.2. On Lika's ship, as on all the others, every soul, hundreds of millions, enraptured, stood in awe and admiration of the ever‑changing scenes; some in silence, absorbed in thought; some posing with upraised hands; some ejaculating gleefully; and some in high reverence to Jehovih, uttering everlasting praise; every soul in its full bent, being the full ripe fruit of the diversified talents as they first shone forth in corporeal life.

26/7.3. Onward sped Lika's airavagna, now in the Roads of Nopita, through the a'ji'an Forest of Quion, most rich in adamantine substances, arches, stalactites, stalagmites, and in forming and dissolving scenes, a forest, a very background in the etherean worlds for the over‑brilliant crystal regions of light. |1033| And here, too, were tens of thousands of ships of Jehovih's chosen; and on either side of the great roadway lay the Fields of Anutiv, inhabited by countless millions of etherean kingdoms. Along the road for hundreds of thousands of miles, stretched up the hands of millions and millions of souls, waving banners and flags to their favored ships, which were going to some native star, from which Jehovih brought them forth.

26/7.4. Then the course of Lika's airavagna changed; by his commands, sent through the comet Yo‑to‑gactra, a new world condensing, already with a head of fire four thousand miles broad; a very ball of melted corpor, whirling like the spindle of a filling spool, continuously winding onto itself the wide extending nebulae. Here coursing along, were hundreds of thousands of school‑ships with students and visitors, to view the scenes, most grand in rolling on, now round, now broken, now outstretched, this ball of liquid fire, whirling in the vortex, thirty million miles long. To balance against this comet's vortex many of the ships tossed and rolled, dangerously, had they not been in skilled hands, and causing millions of the students on many a ship to fear and tremble, perceiving how helpless and stupid they were compared to the very Gods who had them in charge.

26/7.5. Not long did Lika loiter to view the scenes, or to indulge his eight hundred million, but stood his course again for the red star, the earth. And while coursing the Faussette Mountains, where the God, Vrilla‑Gabon, built the Echosinit kingdom whose capital was Exastras, the place where the Niuan Gods assembled to witness the first starting forth of the earth, Lika halted awhile; and down went his recorders, to gather from the Exastras libraries the earth's early history and the grade of her creation. A copy of which obtained, the recorders hastily returned; when onward again sped the airavagna, now making course across the Plains of Zed---in the middle of which lay the great sea Oblowochisi, four million miles across, and also studded over with thousands of etherean ships.

26/7.6. And now the ship sped across to Rikkas, the place of the Goddess, Enenfachtus, with her seven billion etherean souls; and here Lika and his hosts cast down millions of wreaths and tokens, while the music of the two spheres mingled together in Jehovih's praise. From here, the distance across was three million miles.

26/7.7. Now during their journey to this point, the red star had stood above the horizon, but here it began to stand in horizontal line, gleaming in more effulgent |1034| flame. And along the course where Lika's airavagna would go, the Goddess, Enenfachtus, had previously upraised a hundred thousand pillars of fire to honor him and his company; and this great respect, Lika and his hosts answered with holy salutations.

26/7.8. After this came the ji'ay'an Forests of Hogobed, three million miles across, and close for lack of etherean air and inspiration. Here stood the Province of Arathactean, where the God, Yew‑Sin, dwelt with thirty billion newly‑raised Brides and Bridegrooms from the star Kagados. Over these regions Lika sped swiftly, and then to the open sea, Amatapan, on the Vashuan Roads.

26/7.9. Then a sail of two million miles, in the uninhabited regions of Samma, when he reached Chinvat, the bridge on the boundary of the earth's vortex beyond the orbit of the moon.

26/7.10. And without stopping, but now coursing on a downward plane, made straight toward the swift‑rolling earth, whose speed was three‑quarters of a million miles a day. Through the high‑floating plateaus of atmospherea came Lika with his fire‑ship, with his eight hundred million hosts, rapidly descending, his ship like a meteor, large as a continent.














1032  Brilliants is a noun here, hence: transiting ships of brilliancy, collectively displaying kaleidoscopic movements of color, speed and angle.



















1033  meaning the darkness of the a'ji'an forest created a balancing contrast to the brilliant regions of light

















































1034  resplendent, splendidly gorgeous








26/8.1. On the uninhabited plateau, Theovrahkistan, rich, and broad as the earth, high above the lands of Jaffeth, Vind'yu and Arabin'ya, Lika alighted in his airavagna, with his hosts of eight hundred million. Here he made fast his fire‑ship, and out came his hosts to found a heavenly kingdom. Lika said:

26/8.2. I hear Your voice, O Jehovih; Your hand is upon me; in Your Wisdom and Power I will build the foundations of Your kingdom in these heavens.

26/8.3. Jehovih said: Call forth your Rapon hosts, your companion Chiefs; build your throne broad for them and you. And shape the area of the capital and stand your High Council, the chosen million, to the four quarters of the heavens of the earth.

26/8.4. The legions then joyously commenced work and built a heavenly place for Jehovih, and called it Yogannaqactra, home of Lika and his eight hundred million.

26/8.5. Jehovih called out of the light of the throne which Lika built, saying: Lika, My Son, you shall build all things new on the earth and in the heavens of the earth, even as if nothing had ever been. Send your messengers in an otevan to the broken‑down region of My beloved, God of Craoshivi, and bring him and his thousand attendants to your place.

26/8.6. So an otevan was sent off, well officered, and in due time it returned, bringing God to Yogannaqactra, where he was received with great joy, and greeted in Jehovih's name.

26/8.7. Lika said: Speak, O God, for I have come to deliver these heavens into Jehovih's dominion. What are the light and the darkness of the heavens and the earth that have been entrusted to your keeping, in Jehovih's name?

26/8.8. God said: Alas, how can I speak? Behold, my kingdoms are scattered and gone; I have no pride in anything I have done in heaven and earth. An exceedingly great darkness came upon my people, lasting fifteen hundred years! Your servants have been overpowered, helpless, and tossed like chaff before the wind.

26/8.9. Lika said: How many Gods? How many dans of darkness? Where have my true Gods gone?

26/8.10. God said: Four Gods have risen to etherea with their hosts, heartbroken, true Gods. Four dans have come and gone, so weak and small, like a breath of air; for the darkness brushed them away. In Savak‑haben, in etherea, your Gods sojourn.

26/8.11. Jehovih's light fell upon the throne, and His Voice came out of the light, saying: O My Son Lika, send four arrow‑ships with a hundred thousand attendants, to Savak‑haben, for My true Gods, and bring them to Yogannaqactra.

26/8.12 Lika then sent four arrow‑ships with his swift messengers and a hundred thousand attendants, to bring back the four disconcerted Gods.

26/8.13. God said: Billions of angels of darkness flood the hadan regions; and as many grovel about on the low earth. De'yus, the false Lord God is cast into hell, a hell so wide that none can approach his place of torment. Te‑in, the false God, the Joss, is also cast into hell; and so is Sudga, the false Dyaus; and so are all the false Gods that encompassed the earth around; their kingdoms are in anarchy.

26/8.14. The names Lord, God, Dyaus, De'yus, Zeus, Joss, Ho‑Joss, and many others, have become worshipful on the earth! Not only did the traitors labor to put away the Great Spirit, but also to establish themselves as men‑Gods capable of creating; yes, even claiming to be the veritable Creator of heaven and earth!

26/8.15. Lika said: Hear, then, the Voice of Jehovih! Because they have put Me aside and assumed to be Creators under the names God and De'yus, I will magnify the Person of God and De'yus in men's understanding.

26/8.16. Nor from this time forward on the earth, for three thousand years, shall man be confined to the one name, Jehovih, or Eolin, or Eloih, but worship God, or Lord, or De'yus, or Zeus, or Dyaus, or Joss, or Ho‑Joss. For since these men have cast themselves into hells, behold, the spirits of the risen shall not find them or their kingdoms. And you shall magnify to mortals that all names worshipful belong to the Ever Present, whose Person is the spirit and substance of all things. And if they inquire of you Who is Dyaus? or, Who is God? or, Who is Joss? you shall say: Has He not said: Behold, I am the Creator of heaven and earth! And I say to you, He is the Ever Present, the All Highest Ideal. ||

26/8.17. But this bondage shall come upon them, to reap the harvest they have sown. Because one has said: Build a pyramid, and your God will come and abide in it, even as a man dwells in a house, || he shall be bound while the pyramid stands. And where another has said: Behold, your God (Creator) is in the image of a man, and he sits on a throne in heaven, || he shall be bound while this belief survives on the earth.

26/8.18. Because they have sown a falsehood on the earth, the harvest is theirs. And until they have reaped their whole harvest they shall not rise into My etherean worlds.










26/9.1. When the other four Gods, the true Sons of Jehovih, who had been discomfited in the lower heavens by De'yus and his fellow false Gods, came from etherea, the light of Jehovih came again on Lika's throne. Jehovih said:

26/9.2. I do not allow evil to triumph over good except for short seasons; and, sooner or later, My righteous Sons and Daughters rise up and rejoice in their trials, which I allowed to come upon them. Let neither men nor angels say, because this or that happens: Lo, Jehovih sleeps at his post! or: Lo, Jehovih is the author of evil, or is impotent to avert it.

26/9.3. My times are not like the times of men or angels; nor am I within the judgment of men as to what is evil or good. When the wealth of the rich man is stolen, do mortals not say: Poor man, Jehovih has afflicted him! For they judge Me by what they consider afflictions. But they do not see that I look to the soul of man as to what is good for him. And when the assassin has struck the king to death, behold, they say: How has a good Creator done this? For they do not consider the nation or the problem of anything except their immediate affairs; nor do they consider what I do for the souls of many nations, by one small act.

26/9.4. For all people in heaven and earth are My own; they are like trees in My orchard, and I prune them not for the life of the branches, but for the benefit of the whole orchard, and for the harvest that comes after.

26/9.5. I created life, and I take away life; I do with My own in My own way. I send night to follow day; clouds to interchange with the sunshine. And likewise I give times of dan to My atmospherean heavens, to be followed by seasons of darkness.

26/9.6. It is by these changes that mortals, angels and Gods learn to battle with and overcome the elements of My worlds.

26/9.7. The true Gods said: We weep before You, O Jehovih. Long and hard we labored our allotted seasons; we were helpless witnesses to the great darkness that came upon the inhabitants of heaven and earth.

26/9.8. Lika said: To you five true Gods, who have toiled in the darkness of the earth and her heavens, I restore your old time names for the season of dawn, after which I will raise you all up, with your kingdoms restored to the full, and you shall be heirs in my Nirvanian heavens, in peace and rest.










26/10.1. The five Gods' names were Ane, Jek, Lay, Oal and Yith. Lika said to them: You have been previously crowned as Gods; come to the foot of Jehovih's throne, for I will crown you with new names.

26/10.2. When they came to the place designated, Lika continued: Take my (newly made for you) crown upon your head, and speak in Jehovih's name in that labor which I put upon you, Jehovih in Ane, Jehovih in Jek, Jehovih in Lay, Jehovih in Oal, Jehovih in Yith.

26/10.3. And with that, Lika crowned them with a band on the head, inscribed, Inane, Injek, Inlay, Inoal and Inyith, Panic names designating their rank and the age of the earth in which these things came to pass.

26/10.4. Lika said: To each of you I give for the period of dawn ten million laborers from my etherean hosts. And these are the labors I allot to you: To Inane, to go down to the earth, to the land of Vind'yu, and be inspirer to my mortal son, Capilya, and his followers. To Inlay, to go down to the earth, to the land of Jaffeth, and be inspirer to my son, Chine, and his followers. To Inoal, to go down to the earth to the land of Egupt, and be inspirer to my son, Moses, and his followers. And you three shall restore the Faithists in these great divisions of the earth to liberty and safety. And you, Inoal, shall deliver Moses and the Faithists out of Egupt, and shape their course westward; for they shall circumscribe the earth, and complete it by the time of Kosmon.

26/10.5. To Injek, to go down to the earth, to Par'si'e and Heleste, and provide those peoples to liberate the slaves who are Faithists, whom you shall inspire to migrate to Moses and his people. To Inyith, to go down to the earth, to Jaffeth, Vind'yu and Arabin'ya, to inspire the scattered Faithists in those lands to come together, to the great lights, Capilya, Chine and Moses.

26/10.6. And you shall take with you those from my hosts, whom I brought from etherea, and labor together as one man. And when dawn has ended, you shall return here, and be raised up into my Nirvanian kingdoms. Nevertheless, you shall not leave Jehovih's chosen alone, but provide angel successors for them. And in this I give a new law to all my angel hosts who shall dwell with the Faithists on the earth, which is, that successors shall always be provided by the retiring hosts before they have departed; for never again shall the Faithists be left alone for a long season. ||

26/10.7. The chosen five then said: In Your name, wisdom and power, O Jehovih, we go forth in joy to fulfill Your commandments. Because we lost the earth, You have given it into our hands to redeem it and glorify You!

26/10.8. And Lika proclaimed a day of recreation, so that the fifty million hosts could be selected; in which labor, the marshals helped the five Gods in their selections.

26/10.9. During the recreation, the atmosphereans explained to the ethereans the layout and nature of the lands of the earth and its heavens. And then, after a season of prayer and singing, and a season of dancing, the recreation was brought to a close.

26/10.10. After labor resumed, the chosen five, with their hosts, saluted before the throne of Jehovih, and then withdrew to vessels that had been previously prepared for them, where they embarked and departed for the earth.










26/11.1. Jehovih spoke to Lika, saying: Appoint other servants to Me for the other great divisions of the earth, and for the islands in the oceans of the earth; and to each of them give ten million of My servants whom you brought from Nirvania. And they shall go down among mortals, and by inspiration and otherwise, collect into groups the scattered Faithists who worship Me. And your servants shall also provide successors to come after them, to abide with mortals, making short their seasons of watch, so they shall not become weary.

26/11.2. Then Lika appointed T'chow, N'yak, Gitchee, Guelf, Ah and Siwah, and allotted them to different divisions of the earth, and he gave them each ten million hosts brought from the Orian worlds. And these hosts were selected in the same manner as the previous ones; and they also saluted and departed for the earth.

26/11.3. Again Jehovih spoke in the light of the throne, saying: Because many are risen in wisdom and truth, I will have Theovrahkistan as My holy place for them; and it shall be the region for My Brides and Bridegrooms at the resurrection of dawn. But at the end of dawn it shall be divided and subdivided so that none can find the place of My standing. For it has come to pass that man on the earth, learning the name of one of My heavens, glorifies it, and aspires to rise to it, but to rise to no other heaven.

26/11.4. Because My true Gods taught man about Hored in the early days, man desired Hored. That being so, each one of My enemies, the false Gods, cried out: Behold, my heavenly place is Hored! I am the All Heavenly ruler! Come here to me! || For by this means, the name I gave in truth, was usurped, and made into a snare to enslave My earth‑born.

26/11.5. And I will no longer give to mortals a name of any of My heavenly places; nor shall they be taught of any heavens except the higher and the lower heavens, which shall designate My etherean and My atmospherean heavens. And by these terms man on the earth shall be fortified against the stratagems of false heavenly rulers.

26/11.6. And man shall perceive that when angels, men, Gods or Saviors, say: Come to me, and I will give you of my heavenly kingdom! || that they are false, and nothing but tyrants to enslave My people. But if they say: Go, serve the Great Spirit, and not me, for I am only a man as you are! || then it shall be known that they are of My Nirvanian hosts.

26/11.7. And if they say: Come to this heaven or that heaven, for with me only is delight, || it shall be testimony against them. But if they say: Truly, Jehovih is with you; cultivate yourself within Him, and you shall find delight in all worlds, || then that shall be testimony they are from My emancipated heavens.

26/11.8. Lika said: You shall found seventy new kingdoms in the lowest heaven, where you shall begin again with schools, colleges and factories, teaching the spirits of the dead the requirements for resurrection.

26/11.9. Two hundred million of my Orian angels shall be allotted to these seventy heavenly places, and during dawn it shall be their work to carry out these commandments. And they shall provide for successors after them, who shall continue for another season; and they shall provide yet other successors, and so on, till the coming of the Kosmon era (in three thousand four hundred years). ||

26/11.10. Lika then selected the two hundred million angels, and divided them into seventy groups and companies around the earth, in the lowest heaven. And after they were duly officered and organized, they saluted before the throne of Jehovih and departed to their respective places.

26/11.11. Then the voice of Jehovih came to Lika, saying: Behold, one hundred and seventy-five million still remain of your five hundred million. This, then, is the work you shall put upon them: They shall begin at one end of hada and go to the other, delivering all the hells of the false Gods as they go; untying any knots and providing passage for the drujas into one great plateau. For, because the false Gods began in confederacy, I will bring back into confederacy all those cast into hell. And you shall organize them safely, providing officers; and when they are thus established, behold, you and your Rapon hosts shall go and raise them up and deliver them into the a'ji'an Forest of Turpeset, where they shall be colonized and begin a new life of righteousness and love.

26/11.12. And Anuhasaj, once‑crowned Lord God, shall be over them; and Osiris, Sudga, Te‑in and all the other confederated Gods shall be under him; for even as these Gods labored to cast Me out, behold, I give them their harvest. ||

26/11.13. Then Lika commissioned the one hundred and seventy‑five million ethereans, officered them, and sent them into the hadan regions of the earth to deliver its hells.

26/11.14. Jehovih said to Lika: The rest of your eight hundred million shall remain in Theovrahkistan, for the labor here is sufficient for them. And so they remained.










26/12.1. The Rapon hosts desired to see Ahura, and so Lika sent an arrow‑ship, with one hundred thousand angels, properly officered, to Ahura in Vara‑pishanaha, inviting him to come on a visit for ten days, bringing his ten thousand attendants with him.

26/12.2. And it thus came to pass that Ahura came to Theovrahkistan, where he was most honorably received and saluted under the Sign Morning of Jehovih's Light, and he in turn answered in the Sign My words shall serve His Sons and Daughters!

26/12.3. Accordingly, Lika came down from the throne and greeted Ahura, saying to him: Come, then, and stand in the middle of the throne, so that your voice may delight the Holy Council.

26/12.4. So Ahura ascended the throne, along with Lika, and when the latter sat down, Ahura walked to the middle and saluted the Holy Council with the Sign Fire and Water, and he spoke, saying:

26/12.5. Because You, O Jehovih, have called me in the Sign of the Morning of Your Light, behold, I am risen up before You, to speak to Your Sons and Daughters.

26/12.6. But how shall I clear myself, O Father! I am like one who had a hidden skeleton, and the place of concealment broken down. Because I was, by You, created alive in the world, why should I not have forever glorified You? This I have asked myself all the days of my life; but You did not trouble to answer me in my curiosity.

26/12.7. When I was young in life, lo, I cried out to You, complaining because You did not make me wise. I said: Behold, You created all the animals on the face of the earth to know more than I in the day of birth. Yes, I did not even know where to find suck, nor could I rise up on my feet, but lay as I was laid down by my nurse.

26/12.8. Even to the lambs, calves and young colts, You gave greater wisdom and strength than You gave Your servant. I said: Why, then, shall I glorify You or sing songs in Your praise? Why shall I pray to You; Your ways are unalterable and Your Voice does not answer me.

26/12.9. You are void as the wind; You are neither Person, nor Wisdom, nor Ignorance. And as for Your servants, who say they hear Your Voice, behold, they are mad! I said: How can a man hear You? It is the reflection of himself he hears. How can a man see You? It is the reflection of himself he sees.

26/12.10. And You allowed me to become strong, as to strength, and wise as to self, even as I called to You in my vanity. Yes, I prided myself in myself; and as to You, I sought to disprove You whenever possible. And the worthlessness of prayer to You I exposed as a great vanity. Yes, I craved wisdom for the sake of showing that You were neither wise nor good. And to this end You also gave to me. And I became conceited in hiding my conceit, even from my own understanding, so that I could carry all points.

26/12.11. I pointed to the fool, saying: Behold, Jehovih's son! I pointed to the desert place, saying: Behold, Jehovih's fruitful earth! To the mountain, which is rocks and barren, saying: Behold, how Jehovih has finished His work! And of the evil man, who murders his brother, I said: Jehovih, good in one thing, good in all!

26/12.12. But I did not know the hand that was upon me; You were answering my prayer every day. Yes, I ventured to judge You with my eyes and my ears and my own understanding. In the place I stood, I judged You and Your works, O Jehovih! And the craft of my speech won applause; by flattery I was puffed up. And I deemed my judgment the right one; and whoever did not see as I saw, I condemned or pitied; yes, I craved great speech so that I could expose them in their folly.

26/12.13. And in this You also answered me by giving freely; and my words were reckoned great words and wise. And I was quoted and praised far and near. Yes, I practiced good works so I could show others that, even in good works, a belief in You was vanity and a waste of judgment.

26/12.14. Yes, I craved means and great treasures so that I could render good to others, in order for my own philosophy to seem the highest of the high. And even in this You rendered to me great treasures and ample means; and by my good works done to others, I was applauded as a great and good God above all others.

26/12.15. I craved a heavenly kingdom so I could prove to billions my great wisdom and power; for I pitied those whom I thought foolishly dwelt in darkness in regard to You. And even yet, You, O Jehovih, did not cut me off; but gave me a great kingdom of seven billion!

26/12.16. And I taught them my philosophy: that there was nothing above them; that You, O Jehovih, did not see, did not hear, did not answer. Yes, I made my will all‑powerful so that I could cut them off from You. But alas for me.

26/12.17. I had been like the sylph |1035| of old who stole into the musical instruments and put them out of tune. My kingdom was divided into seven billion philosophers, every one mad in his own conceit, and in a different way. There was no harmony among them. Yes, they were a kingdom of growlers and cursers! I had carried away the tuning fork, for I had cast You out, O Jehovih! My own philosophy had done it all.

26/12.18. Because I set myself up as the All Highest, You indulged me; and I became the highest God of my people. Yes, they cast their plaudits |1036| on me at first, but afterward all their ills and their curses. Neither could I satisfy them in anything in heaven or earth; nor could I turn them off from me, for I had bound them to me by my great promises.

26/12.19. I became as one in a cloud, because of the great trouble upon me and because of the fear. And yet You, O Jehovih, did not forget me; but sent Your Gods' words to me, imploring me what to do, so that I might be delivered in season. But how could I hear you, O Jehovih, or listen to Your Gods? Behold, my pride had swallowed me up, I was encompassed on every side. Because I had denied You before, I must deny You still.

26/12.20. Then greater darkness came upon me; Your light was obstructed by the walls I had built up against You; truly I had cut myself off from You! Then came the crash, as if heaven and earth shattered! I was cast into the chasm; my kingdom was upon me! The leadership and vanity I had sown had cast me into hell! I was in death, but could not die!

26/12.21. A knot was bound upon me; foul‑smelling slaves were clinched upon me, millions of them, tens of millions; and the shafts of their curses pierced my soul; I was as one lacerated and bound in salt; choked and suffocated with foul gases. But yet, You, O Jehovih, did not desert me; but held my judgment from flying away into chaos.

26/12.22. And Your Voice came to me in the time of my tortures; came as the argument of the Most High! It was like myself speaking to myself, saying: He who forever casts away all things, can never be bound in hell; he who craves and holds fast, is already laying the foundation for torments.

26/12.23. And I cried out to You, O Jehovih, saying: O if only I had possessed nothing! No talents, no craft, no philosophy. That I had told these wretches to go to You, O Jehovih! O if only I had told them You alone could bless them, or supply them! But I sought to lead them, and lo, they are upon me!

26/12.24. O if I could be freed from them. That I could turn about in an opposite way from my former years; having nothing, craving nothing, but a right to serve You, O My Father!

26/12.25. You sent Your Gods into the depths of hell, and they delivered me. And I made an oath to You, O Jehovih, to serve You forever. And You gave me labor, and I bowed myself down to labor for Your drujas, with all my wisdom and strength forever! And Your hand came upon me and gave me great power; power even over my own soul to create happy thoughts.

26/12.26. Why should I not praise You, O my Father? You gave me liberty in all my ways, and answered me according to my desires. Not once have You turned away from me or afflicted me; but because of my own vanity I cut myself off from You. Yes, You have shown me that to glorify You is the foundation of the highest happiness; to sing to You is the greatest delight; to praise You is the highest wisdom.

26/12.27. And now Ahura halted in his speech a while, and, still standing in the middle of the throne, burst into tears. Presently he said:

26/12.28. Anuhasaj was my good friend. It was he who since then took the name De'yus, and afterward proclaimed himself the Creator. I weep in pity for him. He is in hell now!

26/12.29. He was my best friend in the time of my darkness. And after I was delivered out of hell, he came and labored with me, full of repentance and love. Often we rested in each other's arms. Afterward, he traveled far and near in Your great heavens, O Jehovih.

26/12.30. And when he returned to this earth's heavens he did not come to see me. And I was brokenhearted because of my great love for him. Then he founded his heavenly place and called it Hored. And I called out to You, O Jehovih, as to what message I should send him, for I foresaw his kingdom would be broken up and himself ultimately cast into hell.

26/12.31. And You gave me liberty to send him a message in my own way. And in the anguish of my broken heart I sent him a message, saying, in substance, I no longer have any love for you! And I chided him and upbraided him because he did not come to see me, to gratify my burning love. And I foretold him the great darkness and the hell that would come upon him, even as they now are.

26/12.32. Now I repent, O Jehovih, that I sent him such a message! For nearly two thousand years my message has been to me as if I swallowed a living coal of fire!

26/12.33. Ahura ceased. Lika spoke, saying: Because you have pleaded for De'yus, you have turned the etherean hosts to him. To you I allot the restoration of De'yus, alias Anuhasaj. In the proper time my hosts will take you to the hell where he is bound, and you shall be the first to receive him.

26/12.34. Lika then proclaimed a day of recreation, for there were millions of ethereans who desired to meet Ahura and greet him with love and praise.





































































































1035  a mischievous spirit, a pixy, a sprite










1036  approvals, applause, praise, high esteem, appreciation, accolades








26/13.1. Lika spoke before the Rapon hosts, saying: Behold, the hosts of laborers are allotted to their places.

26/13.2. Let us go and examine the earth and her heavens. It is proper that my surveyors measure her land and water, together with all the living on and in it, and especially as to every man, woman and child, and their time of maturity, and the years of the generations of men.

26/13.3. And man that is brought forth out of the earth shall be numbered; and the grade of his understanding measured; and the nature of his desires and aspirations shall be ascertained; which reports shall be copied and sent into the Orian kingdoms, for the deliberations of the Chiefs, so they may determine the requirements of the earth, and the nature in which her roadway shall be strewn with either light or darkness for the ultimate perfection of her soul harvests.

26/13.4. And the heavens of the earth shall be measured, as to the spirits of the dead; and their grades shall be determined, together with their desires and aspirations; the lengths of the times of their bondage to the earth, the places of their habitation, and the nature of their supplies. And a record shall be made, and a copy also sent to the Orian Chiefs for their deliberations.

26/13.5. And the plateaus of the earth's heavens shall also be counted and measured, and their localities mapped out and recorded, and copies also sent to the Orian Chiefs, so that they may determine if any changes to these places are necessary. ||

26/13.6. I appoint Havralogissasa as vice‑Goddess in my place during my absence from Theovrahkistan. What do you say, Havralogissasa? She said: Jehovih's will and yours be done. I am rejoiced.

26/13.7. Lika then called Havralogissasa to the throne, and commissioned her vice‑Goddess of Theovrahkistan. And after this, Lika gave instructions as to extending the capital, Yogannaqactra, and enlarging the places for reception of the higher grades; all of which were duly provided with the persons to carry out the commands.

26/13.8. And now Lika spoke to Ahura, saying: Behold, you shall return to your kingdom, Vara‑pishanaha, for when I come there on my journey, I will resurrect your hosts as Brides and Bridegrooms to the etherean kingdoms. Your labor is well done; your glory is the glory of billions! May the love, wisdom and power of Jehovih be with you, now and forever!

26/13.9. So Ahura saluted, and was in turn saluted, then he advanced and met the marshals, who conducted him to the arrow‑ship, where he embarked and departed.










26/14.1. In due time Lika's otevan was completed, and he, with the Rapon hosts, as well as one million hosts in attendance to make the necessary surveys and records, entered into the ship and departed for his two years' cruise around the earth and in her heavens.

26/14.2. || Sufficient for the earth is its history which is in the libraries of the earth, including the maps of land and water; and the number of inhabitants; and the living creatures upon the earth and in its water. Therefore, suffice it to say that the revelations of the heavens upon the face of the earth, which records are in the libraries of heaven, shall be disclosed before the generations of men from the records of Lika, Son of Jehovih. ||

26/14.3. This, then, is a synopsis of the atmospherean heavens at that time, namely: In the hells of Hored, with Anuhasaj, alias De'yus, forty billion angels.

26/14.4. In the hells of Te‑in, eight billion; in the hells of Sudga, twelve billion; in the hells of Osiris, seventeen billion.

26/14.5. In the smaller hells in other parts of hada, there were, in all, fourteen billion angels.

26/14.6. These ninety‑one billion were not all bound in their respective hells; more than thirty billion of them surged about, from one hell to another, often in groups of a billion.

26/14.7. And these groups, at times, descended to the earth, fastening upon mortals, even casting large cities and nations in death. Because they carried the foulness of their hells with them, they impregnated the air with poison, so that mortals were swept off by the million. And these were called plagues.

26/14.8. Lika said: Behold, I will give a new grade to these heavens for a season. From this time, such angels shall be known as being in the first resurrection. But spirits who have quit their old haunts, and joined organic associations, being enlisted in companies, either for labor or for receiving heavenly instruction, shall be known as being in the second resurrection. And such spirits as have attained to etherean grades, being Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, and having ascended beyond atmospherea into the etherean worlds, shall be known as being in the third resurrection.

26/14.9. Angels who engraft themselves onto mortals, becoming like a twin spirit to the one corporeal body, shall be known as reincarnated spirits. But where such spirits usurp the corporeal body, as of an infant, growing up in the corporeal body, and holding the native spirit in abeyance, such spirits shall be known as damons (which was the origin of that name) [i.e., demons --ed.].

26/14.10. Spirits who inhabit mortals in order to live on the substance mortals eat and drink, and often absorbing the strength and life of mortals, shall be known as uzians (vampires). Nevertheless, these shall not include fetals.

26/14.11. All the foregoing, who are not in the way |1037| of resurrection, shall be called drujas. ||

26/14.12. Now, behold, there were millions of angels in those days who knew no other life, but to continue engrafting themselves on mortals. And, when one mortal died, they went and engrafted themselves on another.

26/14.13. These were the fruit of the teaching of the false Gods, who had put away the All Highest, Jehovih. They could not be persuaded that etherea was filled with habitable worlds.

26/14.14. And they professed that they had been reincarnated many times; and that, previously, they had been great kings or philosophers.

26/14.15. Some of them remembered the ji'ay'an period of a thousand years, and so, hoped to regain their natural bodies and dwell again on the earth, and forever. Hence was founded the story that every thousand years a new incarnation would come to the spirits of the dead.

26/14.16. Lika said: Spirits who come to mortals purposely to inflict them with pain or misfortune shall be called evil spirits.

26/14.17. And when they go in groups, having a leader, that leader shall be called beelzebub, that is, captain of evil (prince of devils). (And this is the origin of that word.)

26/14.18. In Par'si'e and Heleste there were habited with mortals one billion damons, and one billion two hundred million evil spirits; in Vind'yu there were one billion one hundred million damons, and one billion evil spirits. In Egupt there were inhabited with mortals seven hundred million engrafters (reincarnated spirits), who, for the most part, held the spirits of their victims in abeyance all their natural lives [i.e., were damons --ed.].

26/14.19. In Jaffeth there were habited with mortals more than one and a half billion damons and evil spirits, besides four hundred million vampires. So that in these three great divisions of the earth, Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya, there were habited more than ten billion spirits who had not attained to any resurrection.

26/14.20. Besides all the foregoing there were billions of spirits in chaos, being those who had been slain in wars. Of these chaotic spirits there were in Par'si'e and Heleste a billion; and in Jaffeth two billion; and in Vind'yu two billion. But in Egupt there were not half a million, all told.

26/14.21. So that in atmospherea at the time of Lika, there were more than one hundred and twenty‑five billion angels who had no knowledge of, or belief in, any higher heaven.

26/14.22. To offset this great darkness, there were only four billion believers in, and laborers for, Jehovih and his emancipated kingdoms; and many of these not above grade fifty. And these were members of Craoshivi and Vara‑pishanaha.

26/14.23. Two billion of them were ashars, laboring with the Faithist mortals of Egupt, Jaffeth and Vind'yu.






























































1037  direction, on the path








26/15.1. After Lika had numbered all the mortals on the earth, and all the angels in the heavens of the earth, and saw their great darkness, he visited Hao‑yusta, and found it a good plateau, capable of all grades up to sixty. And Lika possessed the place and consecrated it to Jehovih; and he left on it three hundred thousand Gods and Goddesses, who were of his etherean host. And after this he returned to instruct Gessica, chief God, for the deliverance of the hells of De'yus, Te‑in, Osiris and Sudga.

26/15.2. Gessica had his vessels constructed with walls of fire around the margins, to prevent the drujas from escaping. And in total, there were four hundred vessels built, each capable of carrying one hundred million drujas.

26/15.3. The manner of driving the drujas into them was by leaving part of the fire‑wall open, and by fire‑brands in the ethereans' hands cutting off sections of drujas from the hells. In this way the ethereans drove the drujas into the vessels, at which point the doorway in the wall of the ship was closed. Then the workers of the ship put it under way and carried them up to Hao‑yusta, where the Gods and Goddesses received them, placing the drujas in pens, walled with fire, where they could be treated and restored to reason, after which they were to be liberated in installments, according to their safety.

26/15.4. In the first year Gessica delivered from the hells of hada five billion drujas; but in the second year he delivered thirty‑five billion; and in the third year, sixteen billion. After this the work went slowly, for the balance of the hells were mostly in knots, some of them hundreds of millions. And these had to be delivered individually, requiring great labor, power, wisdom and dexterity.

26/15.5. In the fifth month of the fourth year, Anuhasaj, alias the false Lord God, was delivered out of the great knot of hell, in which there had been eight hundred million bound for more than four hundred years. After the manner in which Fragapatti delivered knots, even so did Gessica and his hosts, with brands of fire.

26/15.6. When it was known in which place De'yus (Anuhasaj) was tied (in a knot), and when it was half delivered, Gessica sent for Ahura to come and have the honor of releasing Anuhasaj. And to this end Ahura labored on the knot fifty‑five days, and then it was accomplished.

26/15.7. But lo and behold, Anuhasaj was bereft of all judgment, crying out, unceasingly: I am not God! I am not the Lord! I am not De'yus! He was wild, crazed with fear and torments, frenzied, and in agony.

26/15.8. Which Ahura, his friend, saw; and Ahura caught him in his arms. Ahura called to him: Anuhasaj! O my beloved! Do you not know me? Behold me! I am Ahura!

26/15.9. But, alas, Anuhasaj did not know him; pulled away, tried to escape in fear; his protruding eyes not seeing; his ears not hearing. And he kept forever uttering: Let me go, I am not the Lord God, nor De'yus! I am Anuhasaj! Then broke the good heart of Ahura, and he wept.

26/15.10. Then they held Anuhasaj and carried him away into the ship, and Ahura helped to carry him.

26/15.11. Then the ship rose up and sailed along higher and higher, farther and farther, till at last it came to Hao‑yusta. And they took Anuhasaj to a hospital prepared for maniacs, and stretched him on his back and held him. Then Ahura called to the Gods and Goddesses to come and help him; and they came and seated themselves around, making the sacred circle.

26/15.12. And Ahura said: Light of Your Light, Jehovih! You Who first quickened him into being, O deliver him!

26/15.13. A light, like a small star, gathered before Anuhasaj's face, and this was the first thing his fixed eyes had yet seen. Then Ahura and the Gods and Goddesses sang sweetly: Behold Me! I am the light! And the life! I quicken into life every living thing. Behold Me! I am with you! I am never away from you! You are Mine now, and forever shall be! Look upon Me! I am in all things! Nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be without Me! Hear My Love! I am your Creator! Only for love, and for love only, I created you, My beloved.

26/15.14. Anuhasaj gave a long gasp and relaxed his mighty will, then fell into a swoon, all limp and helpless. Still the Gods stood by him, waiting, watching while he slept awhile. And then, by signals to the es'enaurs, Ahura caused other music to steal upon the scene, to be answered by the distant trumpeters. For the space of seven days Anuhasaj slept; and all the while the great Gods and Goddesses did not relax their wills or steadfast positions. And at the end of the seventh day Anuhasaj began to sing in his swoon, like one weak and out of breath, but half awake.

26/15.15. How could I deny You, O Jehovih! Was the evidence of my own life not before me? I raised up my voice against my Creator! I plucked Him out of my soul; from all people in heaven and earth I dispersed Him. But those who applauded me turned against me! Even as I had turned against You, You All Person!

26/15.16. In my vanity I did not own that I was in You or of You; with my own hand I cut myself asunder from You, O Jehovih! O if only I had perceived I was going farther and farther away; if only I had known the road of life and death!

26/15.17. I see Your judgment upon me, O Jehovih! I hear Your just decree: While the name of God or Lord or Savior is worshipped on the earth I shall labor with the drujas of heaven and the druks of earth!

26/15.18. A most righteous judgment, O Jehovih! While I am in hell or in heaven, in hada or on the earth, I will pursue all peoples, mortals and angels, till I cast out the worship of a God and of a Lord and of a Savior. And You alone, You Great Spirit, Ever Present Person, Everlasting and Almighty, You shall be All in All.

26/15.19. Again Anuhasaj went off in a swoon for the space of three days, and yet the Gods and Goddesses did not cease their fixed places. And again the music was resumed till Anuhasaj awoke and again chanted in Jehovih's praise. And again he relapsed and again awoke; for many days; but at last awoke and saw first of all Ahura. Steadily and wildly he gazed upon him, until his eyes were clouded and as if dead. And he dropped again into a swoon.

26/15.20. Another day the Gods watched him, and sang for him; moved not from the sacred Circle of Jehovih.

26/15.21. Then Anuhasaj awoke, singing: Who was it who taught me to love? Ahura! Who first proclaimed Jehovih to my ear? Ahura! Who was the last to plead Jehovih? Ahura! Who most of all that live labored for me? Ahura!

26/15.22. I broke your heart, O Ahura! I was mad, O I was mad, Ahura! Because of your love, Ahura, you praised me; I was vainglorious and unworthy of you, O my beloved.

26/15.23. A vision of you has raised up before me, Ahura. Second to Jehovih, O my love? O if only you knew I am here, penitent and heartbroken! I know you would fly to me, Ahura. You alone, I know, who would never desert me, sweet Ahura.

26/15.24. Then again Anuhasaj relapsed into a swoon, wilted, breathless, like one that is dead. Ahura sang:

26/15.25. Behold me! I am Ahura. I have come to you from afar, O Anuhasaj. Awake and behold your love, my love. My heart is broken for you, Anuhasaj. A thousand years I have wept for you. O if only you could awake to know me!

26/15.26. Anuhasaj looked up and saw Ahura. The latter kept on singing: It is not a dream, Anuhasaj. Your Ahura is here. Behold me! I am he. Break the spell, O Anuhasaj. By Jehovih's power put forth your soul! Ahura is here!

26/15.27. Again Anuhasaj relapsed, but not to swoon; merely closed his eyes and sang: Blessed are You, O Jehovih! You have given me a sweet vision! You have shown me the face of my love, Ahura! His sweet voice fell upon my ear! I am blessed, O Jehovih!

26/15.28. You have blessed even these hells, O Jehovih! The darkness of endless death is made light by Your Almighty touch. You alone shall be my song forever. You alone my theme of delight. Jehovih forever! Jehovih forever and ever!

26/15.29. Then Ahura, seeing the spell was broken, said: Arise, O Anuhasaj. I will sing with you. Behold Ahura, your love, is before you. This is no vision. Come to the arms of your love.

26/15.30. And he raised Anuhasaj up, and he awoke fully, but trembling and weak, and knew understandingly.










26/16.1. In the same time that Anuhasaj was delivered out of hell, so was Anubi, and from the self‑same knot. And he was carried on the same calyos to Hao‑yusta, the same heavenly place. And he was also in chaos, knowing nothing, only screaming: I am not Anubi. I am not the Savior. I am plain Chesota! (his real name).

26/16.2. And he also did not see and did not hear, but was wild, desiring to fly away. And they held him fast, and, in the same way they delivered Anuhasaj to reason, they also delivered Chesota.

26/16.3. And when both of them were well restored to sound reason, though still timorous, |1038| Ahura took them in his own otevan and carried them to Theovrahkistan, before Lika, for judgment. And great was the time when they came; and especially the desire of the inhabitants to look upon Anuhasaj, the most audacious God that had ever dwelt on the earth or in her heavens, and, as well, the much‑loved friend of Ahura.

26/16.4. When they came before the throne of Jehovih and duly saluted, Lika said: Where do you come from and for what purpose, O my beloved?

26/16.5. Ahura said: Hell has delivered up the bound. My friends are before you. Then Lika said: In Jehovih's name, welcome. Whatever the Father puts into your souls, utter it and be assured of His love, wisdom and power.

26/16.6. Anuhasaj said: That I am delivered out of hell it is well; that I was delivered into hell it was well likewise. Give me Jehovih's judgment. My purpose before you is to register my vows to Jehovih, so that my record and your just judgment may be carried to the heavens above.

26/16.7. Lika said: My judgment upon you, Anuhasaj, is that you shall judge yourself!

26/16.8. Anuhasaj said: Most righteous judgment, O Jehovih! (And then speaking to Lika:) But do you not know Jehovih's voice?

26/16.9. Lika said: You asked for a great heavenly kingdom. Behold, Jehovih gave it to you. As soon as order is restored, you shall have your kingdom again.

26/16.10. Anuhasaj said: I do not want it.

26/16.11. Lika said: You shall not say, I want this or that; but say that you will do whatever Jehovih has given into your hands. When you have raised up your whole kingdom, behold, you will also be raised up.

26/16.12. Anuhasaj said: Alas me, this is also just. Show me the way; I will labor from this time forth for the billions who were my kingdom.

26/16.13. Lika now bade Chesota (Anubi) to speak. Chesota said: I called myself Master of the Scales and Savior of men. Whoever called on me, worshipping me and De'yus, alias the Lord God, I accepted; whoever did not worship me, or De'yus, or the Lord God, I cast into hell, saying: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting torments.

26/16.14. What, then, O Lika, shall be my judgment? For, behold, I cast a billion into torments.

26/16.15. Lika said: Judge yourself.

26/16.16. Chesota said: Alas, the pains I gave can never be called back and undone. Have I, then, no hope?

26/16.17. Lika said: Whom you have pained, go to, and by your good deeds done to them after this, so win their love that they will call you blessed! When all of them have accepted you, behold, it shall be well with you.

26/16.18. Chesota said: O endless task! And yet, it is just. Teach me, then, O Lika, how to carry out this great judgment.

26/16.19. Lika then asked for Anuhasaj to come forward and be crowned; and when he approached the foot of the throne Lika came down and said: Anuhasaj, Son of Jehovih, I crown you God of Hao‑yusta in Jehovih's name, to His service forever. Be with him, O Jehovih, in wisdom, love and power.

26/16.20. Anuhasaj said: Into Your service, O Jehovih, I commit myself forever! Give me of Your love, wisdom and power so that I may glorify You and Your kingdoms.

26/16.21. Lika stretched up his hand, saying: Light of Your light, crown of Your crown, O Jehovih! And the light was formed in his hand, and a crown came out of the light, and Lika placed it on Anuhasaj's head. The latter then sat down on the foot of the throne, and Lika took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, and go your way, and the Father be with you!

26/16.22. With that, Anuhasaj and Chesota saluted and stood aside. And then Ahura saluted and stood aside also; after which Lika granted a day of recreation, during which time the visiting Gods departed for Hao‑yusta.















1038  easily frightened, reticent, unassertive, timid








26/17.1. As this history has overlapped the running story, hear now how it was with Ahura and his kingdom, Vara‑pishanaha, which Lika visited prior to the deliverance of the hells of hada. |1039| To accomplish the resurrection of Vara‑pishanaha, Lika had previously sent swift messengers to Ye'a‑Goo, Goddess of Ha'mistos, in etherea, to bring an avalanza capable of six billion Brides and Bridegrooms for the mid‑harvest (mid-dawn).

26/17.2. Accordingly, at the time Lika and his Rapon hosts were visiting Ahura, the Goddess, Ye'a‑Goo, came down in her avalanza, fully equipped. Her avalanza was egg‑shaped with its outside veiled, and was seven miles high and five miles wide every way, habitable throughout. On the outer surface, but under the veil, were twelve thousand porches with banisters. |1040| The propelling vortices were within the center, and the workmen were in the summit. On the lowest porch were five hundred thousand es'enaurs, and on the highest porch one thousand trumpeters.

26/17.3. Ye'a‑Goo's compartment and the place of the Holy Council were in the middle; and her throne faced to the north, like the earth's vortex.

26/17.4. Ahura said to Lika, Son of Jehovih: My Brides and Bridegrooms I give to you; honor this dissolving kingdom by performing the marriage ceremony. Lika said: Your will and Jehovih's be done. Thus it was arranged, and the two, along with the Rapon hosts, ascended the throne together and sat upon it.

26/17.5. Ahura had previously prepared his hosts, in all, four and a half billion Brides and Bridegrooms, and arrayed them in white; they anxiously awaited the coming of Ye'a‑Goo, and were on the lookout to see her magnificent ship descending. A place of anchorage had also been previously made, together with accommodation for the spectators, of whom there were one and a half billion, being adopted wanderers, rescued from the various hells during the past hundred years.

26/17.6. The Brides and Bridegrooms were arranged in semi‑circles facing the throne, leaving a place for the avalanza, which would be above them, so that when Ye'a‑Goo descended from her ship's bottom she would be in the center of the semi-circles and before the throne.

26/17.7. While the ship's workmen were anchoring, Ye'a‑Goo and her Holy Council descended to the platform, and saluted the Gods and Goddesses on the throne in the Sign, The Glory of the Father, and Lika and the others answered under the Sign, The Abandonment of Self!

26/17.8. Ye'a‑Goo said: In Jehovih's name I come to answer the call of His Son, to deliver the emancipated Sons and Daughters.

26/17.9. Lika said: Behold, O Daughter of Jehovih, the Brides and Bridegrooms are before you. To you I give them in Jehovih's name!

26/17.10. Ye'a‑Goo said: My beloved, do you know the resurrection of the most high heavens?

26/17.11. Response: Reveal, O Goddess; our faith is strong. ||

26/17.12. Ye'a‑Goo instructed them, and then the usual ceremonies followed, but concluding with the seventh degree of emuth, in Jehovih's voice: To be My Brides and Bridegrooms forever?

26/17.13. Response: To be Your Brides and Bridegrooms forever, O Jehovih! To labor for You, and to be mouthpieces for Your commandments, and to be Your expression forever! And to be in concert with Your most high Gods for the resurrection of mortals and angels.

26/17.14. Jehovih: Whom I receive as Mine forever! To be one with Me in My kingdoms; for which glory I accept you as My Sons and Daughters, Brides and Bridegrooms forever!

26/17.15. Response: And be Your Sons and Daughters! To be one with You forever, Most High, Jehovih!

26/17.16. Ye'a‑Goo said: Behold the crowns the Father bestows upon His loves, to be theirs forever. (And now the Rapon Chiefs, with Lika, gathered of the curtains of light and wove crowns and cast them forth, billions, and the power of the Great Spirit through their wills bore them upon the heads of the Brides and Bridegrooms.)

26/17.17. Response: Crown of Your Crown, O Jehovih! Glory to You, Creator of worlds!

26/17.18. Ye'a‑Goo: The Father's ship has come for His chosen. Walk in and rejoice, for you are His harvest. Gods and Goddesses are waiting for you, as a woman waits for her first‑born. They will receive you with joy and love. Yes, they are crying out to me, Daughter of Jehovih, why do you take so long? ||

26/17.19. Lika now saluted the Brides and Bridegrooms, and said: Arise, O my beloved, and go your ways, the Father calls.

26/17.20. The Brides and Bridegrooms saluted, saying: Alas, we have not paid our teacher, Ahura. And every one plucked from the rays of Jehovih's light a flower of love, and cast it at Ahura's feet, saying: Most blessed of Gods, love of my love; Jehovih be with you!

26/17.21. Ahura did not respond; only burst into tears. And now, while the Brides and Bridegrooms were going into the ship, Ye'a‑Goo came along the platform, accompanied by the chief marshal and his staff, and these were followed by Ye'a‑Goo's High Council. The Rapon Chiefs rose up and received them, and they all sat on Jehovih's throne in relaxation and fellowship.

26/17.22. Thus ended the ceremony. The music of the two spheres now commenced; Ye'a‑Goo and her hosts embarked, and she gave the word, Arise! and lo, the great avalanza started from its foundation, amid a universal shout of applause from the four billion. Higher and higher rose the ship of fire, toward the bridge Chinvat, toward the etherean heavens.






1039  Recall that Lika went on a two-year journey to survey earth and its heavens. During that journey he would visit Ahura to resurrect his harvest, and that story is now being told in this Chapter 17.









1040  handrails, railings








26/18.1. After the judgment of Anuhasaj and Chesota at Theovrahkistan, Ahura asked Lika for assistance to remove the remainder of Vara‑pishanaha to Hao‑yusta, which Lika granted, allotting ten million of his etherean hosts to accomplish it. With these Ahura, Anuhasaj and Chesota accomplished the removal.

26/18.2. Not many days after this, Sudga was delivered from the hells of Auprag, and because Ahura had been previously informed as to the time, he accordingly had gone to Auprag, to be ready to receive Sudga, and help restore him if required.

26/18.3. Sudga, on his delivery from the knot, where there had been thirty million bound, was bereft of reason, but not gentle like Anuhasaj, but fierce, battling right and left, a very maddened maniac that neither saw nor heard, but raved and cursed with all his strength, choked up with madness. For all the curses of his broken‑down kingdom recoiled upon himself; the projective curses of his billions of slaves were piercing his soul from every quarter.

26/18.4. But they held him firmly and carried him into the ship, which sailed for Hao‑yusta, where he was landed in the same condition. Ahura was with him, and Ahura arranged for a circle of deliverance to assemble and labor in the restoration. And it required thirty days and nights to bring him around, so he could even see and hear; but as for his judgment it was yet a hundred days more before it manifested.

26/18.5. So Ahura could not wait any longer with him, but returned to the hells where Te‑in was bound, the Ak‑a‑loo‑ganuz, for Te‑in was to be delivered. But again Ahura was disappointed, for Te‑in was neither frightened nor wild nor mad, but limpid, helpless as water, and with no more knowledge than a vessel of water. His energies had all been exhausted, and in a dead swoon he lay in the heart of the knot. Him they also carried to Hao‑yusta, and Ahura provided for his restoration.

26/18.6. But before Te‑in awoke from his stupor, Ahura departed for Osiris, who was bound in the hells of Prayogotha. Osiris had been in hell now for more than a hundred years, and in a knot for fifty years.

26/18.7. When the false Osiris was delivered he was deranged, but preaching Jehovih, calling everybody Jehovih, and everything Jehovih. Him they also carried to Hao‑yusta and provided restoration for him. And Ahura went there also to assist with all his wisdom and strength.

26/18.8. Thus were delivered all the self‑Gods who had rebelled against Jehovih and established the great confederacy, of which not one vestige was now left.

26/18.9. But of all the angels delivered out of the hells and knots not one in ten was of sound judgment, while more than half of them were only drujas at best.

26/18.10. Thus was founded the new kingdom of Hao‑yusta, as yet in the charge of the ethereans, who were to commit it to Anuhasaj and his one‑time confederates, for their deliverance.

26/18.11. It came to pass in course of time that Sudga, Te‑in and Osiris were restored to judgment, and in this matter Anuhasaj, Ahura and Chesota were constant workers. And when they were all restored, they in turn set about to restore others, to which labor they were committed till the close of dawn.

26/18.12. Osiris, Te‑in and Sudga desired to go before Lika, to be adjudged and sentenced; and they all sentenced themselves, which was granted to them. On this occasion Osiris said:

26/18.13. Your lessons are near at hand, O Jehovih. But who will learn them? Mortals go insane because they have not learned to throw their cares upon You. To throw government upon You, O Jehovih, is this not wisdom? To cast riches and kingdoms into Your lap; to own nothing; to have nothing; is this not the sum of the highest happiness?

26/18.14. Whoever does this will battle against no man for anything in heaven or earth. But he who does otherwise will sooner or later descend into hell. For what is hell but the opposite of bliss? What is battling against others, but sowing the seed of anarchy in one's own soul? To battle against others is to gain the lower, by sacrificing the higher, of which latter You, O Jehovih, are the summit.

26/18.15. To go against You, O Father, is to go against one's fellows; to go against one's fellows is to go against You. And who can go against You without sooner or later evolving his own fall?

26/18.16. To mortals You have given kings and queens, and shown them that sooner or later their kingdoms will fall to pieces. And yet Lords and Gods, seeing these things, will not believe. Every one, in his own conceit, imagines his particular kingdom will be governed more wisely than all his predecessors. And yet his also falls.

26/18.17. Now I will turn to find You, O Jehovih, and the search shall be everlasting. Kingdoms are nothing to me; all possessions, except wisdom and love, are but vanity and vexation. I know You are above all else, and yet You are that which has given Yourself all away, so that none can look upon Your face. Truly You have hidden Yourself away; to be like You is to hide away the self of one's self; and that which will remain will be Your mouthpiece and Your hand. ||

26/18.18. Then Sudga spoke to Jehovih, saying: Why was I puffed up, seeing that I did not even create my own self? Nor did I have anything in earth or heaven to use or to work with, except substance already made. Yes, I leapt into Your garden which You had planted.

26/18.19. I raised up my voice against You; because You were too Holy for my gross senses to perceive, I condemned You. I wanted You gross, so that I could look upon You; so that I could walk around You, and behold Your stature. I saw that all men were like me in this.

26/18.20. Therefore I made a figurehead of myself; I said to Your children: Behold me! And at first they were pleased, because they imagined they had found a Creator they could measure. But Your eye was upon me, Your hand pointed the way and the manner of my iniquity. And they searched me out and found I was only a man, like they themselves. And, so, they condemned me.

26/18.21. The fool acknowledges no person unless he can grapple with him, |1041| and find the arms, and their length, and the feet and their standing place. How vain I was in this, O Jehovih!

26/18.22. He who professed Your Person I denounced as a fool; because I did not see Your completeness, You allowed me to pursue my vanity. Because I had risen above acknowledging Your Person I was forced to make man the All Highest; and this drove me to make myself the all highest man. But You did not come against me to beat me from my iniquity, but gave me full play to do my utmost.

26/18.23. On all sides You have encompassed Your creation with liberty. Even Your enemy You have not restrained. He stands in public, saying: Jehovih, I deny You. If You are mightier than I, strike me down. Behold, I deny You and Your Person! You Void Nothingness! You fool Creator, with Your half‑created world. You Who have created sin! And created misery! You Father of evil! O You dumb Nothing.

26/18.24. Yes, even to him You have given free speech; and he builds up his own soul in his own way. And for a season he is the delight of the druk and the druj; yes, they fasten upon him, and he gains a multitude of evil ones, divided one against another, but the seed of his curses takes root in them, and he becomes encompassed with foulness and bondage.

26/18.25. To find harmony in You, O Jehovih; to measure the Goodness of You; to rejoice in one's joys; to treasure Your best gifts; to laud |1042| Your love; to love You because You have given me power to love, and things to love; to rejoice in Your fruits and flowers and all perfected things; to harp forever upon Your glories and the magnitude of Your creation; to sing praises to You for harmony wherever found; to love to comprehend all good things; to find the good that is in all men and women; to rejoice in delights; to teach others to rejoice, and to search after all perfected beauties and goodness and righteousness and love; these shall be my service to You, my everlasting Father.

26/18.26. To not seek to find imperfections; to not seek to find disharmonies; to not seek to find evil; to not seek to find ugliness; to not seek to find evil in others, nor their darkness nor shortcomings; to not seek to prove imperfections upon You, O Jehovih; to find no fault with You; to not complain against You; to not complain for trials nor for hardships, nor for the evil others inflict me with; to not quibble because I cannot comprehend Your vastness; to not quibble for myself; to not speak evilly against anything You have created. O Jehovih, make me strong and wise forever. ||

26/18.27. Te‑in spoke to Jehovih, saying: Where is the limit of experience, O Jehovih! And how short have I not been before You, My Father! Behold, I had learned all philosophies; I had been taught for a long season in the right way, but I rebelled against You, my Creator.

26/18.28. I had been taught to not hoard up anything; to own nothing; to desire nothing but wisdom and love. And Your teachers, O Jehovih, showed me the evidence of thousands of great rulers, and every one of them had come to evil and destruction. Why then, O Father, was I not wise in the evidence before me? But I rose up against all this testimony, and I fashioned a mighty kingdom. Yes, You allowed me to try in my own way to the full.

26/18.29. I went not by peace but by war; I raised up standing armies and great warriors without limit; by force I established myself, but only as a tree that grows up and is cut down. But what was I in Your great universe, O Jehovih? What was my experience but the repetition of others who had been before me?

26/18.30. Now I will be wise; most cautious in my wisdom, and slow to proceed. But how can I make my experience profitable to others? You have stood me far away; whoever hears me will say: Ah, if I had tried it I would have succeeded better. You prick each one to go in and try, but they all fail. Yes, they reiterate |1043| their failure; but of this experience where is the profit to others? How can I ever reach them, O Jehovih!

26/18.31. What greater profit do I have than a mortal who dwells on the earth? Have the angels not testified for thousands of years that the rich man was crippling his own soul, and that the king and queen were binding themselves with chains for the habitation of hell? But they will not heed; every one hopes he, at least, will find a way to escape; to gain prestige over others; to be a leader; to have servants; to be idle; to live at ease; to have great possessions; to revel in luxuries. Are these not more powerful motivators than another's experience; greater in the eyes of the ignorant than all the wisdom of earth and heaven?

26/18.32. You have wisely shaped Your creatures, O Father! You make great servants of us in a way we do not know of. Behold, I desired a mighty kingdom in heaven, and You gave one into my hand. Yes, I flattered myself with my success; I laughed at the Gods who had been before my time. How things are changed now, O Jehovih!

26/18.33. You have made me a servant of servants; yes, by my own hand I have bound myself. Have I not heard mortals say: O if only I had a kingdom to rule over! O if only I had great riches, how good I would be! And because You deny them for their own good, they complain against You. Who shall answer for the vanity of men and angels! They do not have patience with You, Who created them alive and know what is best.

26/18.34. One says: There is a great king, why does he not do a great good? Or, there is a rich man, why does he not do a great good also? O if only I were in their places. ||

26/18.35. How shall I show them, O Father, that to be a king is to go away from doing good; that to be a rich man is to deny goodness? Yes, by the very act of possession he is testimony in the opposite way. For he who is good gives all; even as You gave all and so, made all things. And the greater the possessions the greater the bondage. Who has so small a responsibility as he who has nothing? This is the sum of wisdom, O Jehovih; and all men and all angels sooner or later will acknowledge it.

26/18.36. Better You have made it for the servant than for the master; better for the poor than the rich; and these things will also come to their understanding in course of time. But how can I, O Father, make them know wisdom without experience, to accept the testimony of others' tortures in hell?

26/18.37. Behold, You gave me great learning when I was of the earth; and when in hada great advantages to attain to deep wisdom; but, after all, I was caught in a snare of my own setting. How much, then, O Father, must I expect of the multitude? Happy is he who has nothing, and desires only wisdom and love. To cultivate such a garden, what a harvest will ripen out to him. ||

26/18.38. When the three had thus spoken before the throne and before the High Council, Ahura stood aside and spoke also. He said:


































































































































1041  wrestle him, engage with him, interact with him, seize him, grip him



























1042  praise, extol, acclaim, glorify, cherish

















































1043  restate, say again, go over, retrace, play back, recite








26/19.1. O if I could sing You a song of delight, You All Highest. Or find the words to make plain Your marvelous ways. But You have limited me as a shadow, of which You are the substance. Your causes are deep and of long times; my judgment: less than a breath of air; I resolve and reason and devise, but all is nothing before You.

26/19.2. Today my soul is buoyed up with great rejoicing; You have sent me my loves. I would bind them with sweet words; their wisdom I would feast upon forever. In Your great mercy, Jehovih, You have showed me a world of delight.

26/19.3. How can I repay You, or make Your countless millions understand the way of rejoicing? O if I could show them the secret way of bliss; or turn them in the direction of the All Highest! O if only they could be the Within; to know the delight of that which proceeds outward.

26/19.4. O if I could make them understand; to look upward instead of downward; to look inward instead of outward. And how You follow up Your wayward children; Your truants that strive to go away from You.

26/19.5. They wander off, and You give the slack of the leading line to them. They go as if around a circle, and come to the place of beginning at last. O if I could prevail upon them at the beginning; if I could save them the first journey of the circle. O if only they would go slowly and with You always, Jehovih!

26/19.6. But You enrich them with Your bounteous fields; they travel far and are footsore and weary; and the two causes are like a new book of songs. O, that experience may never die! And Your creations never cease to have adventurous Sons and Daughters!

26/19.7. O, if only I could understand Your Greatness; or find in the darkness the light that glorifies Your countenance. I drink deep of my own folly, and my eyes wander about because of the darkness. I come upon Your pathway and burst forth with a song of delight. Yes, I rejoice for the darkness I have passed through; because of it I am more buoyant in my love for You, my Creator.

26/19.8. How can I make all Your people sing songs to You; or teach them to never harp on the dark side of things? I have seen the tree of hell they planted in their own souls, and the way they cultivate it. They do not know what is meant by singing praises to You, and of Your growth in them.

26/19.9. Why will they interpret me by words, or not realize that I sing of the exuberance of the soul? O if I could inspire them to talk good of all things; to harp forever on the beauties You have made, instead of the ills and horrors around about. Can they never understand what it is to sow the seed of the tree of endless delight?

26/19.10. O if only I could call them to You, Jehovih! Or that I could lift their aspiration up from the shadows of death. I would follow them into Your two great gardens which You have created; that which is green, where they go and curse You; and that which is ripe, where I have found You full of love. Because I said: Sing to Him forever; pray to Him with great rejoicing, they interpret me to mean words uttered like a parrot. Yes, they grumble forever.

26/19.11. To find You, O Jehovih; to glorify the good that comes along, this is the salvation of the world. Of this, my songs shall never end; without a shadow of darkness You will tune my voice forever. I will sing and dance before You; the germ of happiness in my soul I will nurse as Your holiest gift. For of all the trees that You have planted in the soul of men and angels, this is the most glorious; for it is the perfection of Your Voice, which sings in all Your living creatures. ||

26/19.12. When Ahura ended his song, then Lika spoke, for the Voice of Jehovih was upon him. He said: Many leaders I have created for the earth and her heavens; but not one have I created with power to make a leader of himself. My hand is upon those whom I choose; with wisdom and power I raise them up from the beginning.

26/19.13. To a people on the earth I give a king; to the inhabitants of My heavens I give Lords and Gods.

26/19.14. Because you have tried the fullness of self, and raised up mighty realms in heaven, only to come to nothing before My hand, you are as a new power in these heavens.

26/19.15. As by the name Jehovih, I have maintained the Faithists in earth and heaven, so shall you rule over My enemies, in righteousness, love and good works, by the names Lord and God, which they shall worship until the coming of the next dawn. But I will come in that day and deliver you and them, and there shall be no more Lord or God upon the earth or in its heavens.

26/19.16. Do not grieve that you have had great kingdoms, and been overthrown and cast into torments; for you have been prepared in My works, so that through you I could reach those who are not of the flesh and blood of My Faithists. And to the extent that you have gone to the farthest limit of glory and of the darkness of hell, so will I give to you wisdom, love and power accordingly.

26/19.17. For, to make ready for the Kosmon era, I want not a few, but billions in heaven and earth, to inspire those who live in darkness.

26/19.18. As I delivered you, so shall you deliver them; because they will accurse themselves with war and with standing armies for the sake of earthly glory to their rulers, you shall encompass them, break them up, and deliver them into My kingdoms, which are peace and love.

26/19.19. As you have been delivered out of hell, so shall you deliver the kings and queens of the earth out of their kingdoms in which they will unknowingly bind themselves in condemnation before Me. They shall be made to understand that, whoever assumes a kingdom, shall not rule it to his own glory without reaping the fruits of hell.

26/19.20. When the king goes forth, he shall not be afraid he will be cut down; nor shall his marshals stand around him to protect him, for My Person shall shield him, and his people will shout with great joy when his steps draw near. To serve Me is not in prayer only, or in rites and ceremonies, but in stretching forth the hand to do good to others with all of one's might.

26/19.21. Because you have proved that force and violence only establish for a day, and are not of Me, so shall you make them understand that whoever uses force and violence or armies to sustain himself is not of Me, but is My enemy, and is on the way to destruction.

26/19.22. Whoever is a king, or a general, or a captain, and in war, either offensive or defensive, professing to serve Me by rites and ceremonies and praises, is a mocker of Me and My kingdoms; yes, a blasphemer in My sight; he provides the way of his own torments. These are My creations: to answer force with force, violence with violence, mockery with mockery; as the seed is sown, so shall the harvest come to the sowers.

26/19.23. Nor shall evil, darkness and misery cease on the earth till I have disbanded the dealers in death; by My own hand I will liberate the nations of the earth; their armies shall go away, like the winter's snow in sun of summer. To which end you shall be My workers, with wisdom, love and power.










26/20.1. During the fourth year of dawn, the Voice of Jehovih came to Lika, saying: My Son, you shall provide yourself a sufficient army, and you shall take away from the earth all angels below the first resurrection, except those fetals who are under the dominion of My heavenly rulers.

26/20.2. And you shall provide them separate regions in My lower heavens, from which they cannot return to mortals. And you shall appoint rulers and teachers over them, to deliver them out of madness, evil and stupor.

26/20.3. You shall appoint teachers and rulers from your etherean hosts for this purpose; but at the end of dawn they shall give their places to atmosphereans selected from Theovrahkistan.

26/20.4. From this time forth My atmosphereans shall begin to help one another, not depending upon having all teachers come from My etherean heavens.

26/20.5. Lika then called up At'yesonitus and told him of Jehovih's words, and further added: I therefore allot this labor to you. And I give you twelve generals, for the different regions of the earth; and to each of the twelve I allot five million ethereans, whom you can draw from the armies that were engaged in delivering the hells and knots.

26/20.6. At'yesonitus said: In Jehovih's will and yours, I am pleased. I will divide up the regions of the earth among the twelve generals, and give to each one of them five million, according to your commandments.

26/20.7. At'yesonitus then sent officers out into different regions in atmospherea to select the sixty million deliverers, commanding them to report to Theovrahkistan, in the Valley of Tish, his heavenly place, where he took the twelve generals Lika had assigned him.

26/20.8. Lika gave At'yesonitus a list of the spirits to be taken away from mortals, that is, the engrafted, the damons, the familiars, the vampires, the lusters, and all other spirits that otherwise lead mortals into darkness and crime; showing him the regions of the earth where they were most numerous. With which list, At'yesonitus and his generals made themselves well acquainted before starting on this perilous enterprise.

26/20.9. At'yesonitus then ordered the shipbuilders to provide him twelve thousand fireboats, with bulwarks of fire, and with gateways.

26/20.10. In the meantime, Lika sent Yussamis with four hundred geographers, mathematicians and surveyors to find the necessary plateau to which At'yesonitus could send his captured hosts.

26/20.11. Yussamis therefore founded the six heavenly plateaus known as the Ugsadisspe, a name signifying the Heaven of the Destroying Serpents.

26/20.12. These, then, were the six heavens of Ugsadisspe, namely: Tewallawalla, over Arabin'ya, one thousand two hundred miles high; Setee'song, over Vind'yu, one thousand miles high; Go'e'dhi, over Jaffeth, one thousand one hundred miles high; Ellapube, over Uropa, one thousand miles high; Apak, over North and South Guatama, six hundred miles high, and bordering on Yaton'te, the subjective heaven of the ancients, which was now being re‑established by Kaparos; and Fue, over Chihuahi, nine thousand miles high.

26/20.13. Yussamis provided these heavens with no roadways, in order to prevent the delivered spirits from flocking together, in which case they might run into anarchy (hells). And, accordingly, appointed to each of these heavens one ruler of the rank primal God, selecting them from the etherean hosts, but empowering them to bestow their thrones on successors at the end of dawn, giving them terms of office not less than two hundred years, but subject to the limiting power of God of Theovrahkistan.

26/20.14. Lika gave four thousand messengers to At'yesonitus, and twelve thousand messengers to Yussamis, to whom he also gave sixty million laborers. But each of them provided their own heralds, musicians, marshals and captains in their own way.

26/20.15. Now, therefore, At'yesonitus and Yussamis, receiving their armies of laborers, fell to work, the former to delivering, and the latter to receiving the drujas of the earth. And Yussamis put his hosts to building houses, hospitals and other heavenly places, and to founding cities and provinces through the primal Gods under him.










26/21.1. Jehovih had said: All angels below the first resurrection, except infants, shall be known in heaven and on earth as drujas, for they are those who do not have capacity in knowledge or strength of individuality. ||

26/21.2. As there are paupers, vagrants, beggars and criminals, on earth, who are druks, so are there spirits in hada who are a great trial to both mortals and angels.

26/21.3. And they inhabit mortals and the houses that mortals dwell in. Some mortals have one or two of them; some a score; and some have hundreds of them. Some of them continue to inhabit mortal dwellings long after mortals have abandoned them, even till they fall in ruins. And whoever comes into such a house, the drujas come upon him to live on him and with him. |1044|

26/21.4. And if a mortal has greater wisdom and strength of soul than the drujas, he rules over them, to a good purpose, reforming them and raising them up out of darkness and helplessness.

26/21.5. But if the drujas have greater power than the mortal, then they pull him down in darkness, making him into a man who lusts after the affairs of earth. Sometimes they help man to riches and great power; and if he has sons and daughters who are brought up in idleness, ease and luxury, then the drujas fasten upon them, leading them in their own way, of lust and debauchery, or hard‑heartedness.

26/21.6. The flesh‑eater is their delight; and the drunkard their great joy. The man of riches, and kings, generals, fighting men, harlots and soldiers, are great treasures to them. And all manner of intoxicating things, that mortals delight in, are great feasts and rejoicings to them. The priest and the preacher who live in ease and luxury, performing showy rites and entertainments, are great harvests for them to revel with.

26/21.7. Sometimes the drujas rule over their mortal, and his neighbors call him mad, and they send him to a madhouse, |1045| which is to them a city of delight. When mortals engage in war, slaying one another, the drujas have great merriment, taking part, by inspiring the mortals into the conflict.

26/21.8. The pleader (lawyer) is a favorite to them, for his vocation brings them into the center of contention, craft and lying; he is to them a fortunate habitation.

26/21.9. The magician who works miracles and tricks is their favorite, for with him and through him, they can make themselves manifest. And when they show themselves, and are questioned as to who they are, they answer to any name that will please or flatter, even at times pretending to be Gods and Saviors!

26/21.10. The tattling woman who talks about her neighbors is a good home for drujas; and if the woman is given to talk evil, they are rejoiced beyond measure. The man who is a great boaster, and liar, and slanderer, is a choice house for them to dwell in.

26/21.11. The cheater and defrauder, the miser and the spendthrift, the curser of Jehovih, the curser of the Gods, is like a citadel for them to inhabit.

26/21.12. They do not go, for the most part, away from the mortal they inhabit while he lives; no, they lack the wisdom or strength to go more than one length away. Some of them have strength to go to a neighbor or to a neighbor's house. And if a mortal curses his neighbor to die, then those drujas who can go to that neighbor, seek out some poisonous infection and inoculate him to death, which is called casting spells.

26/21.13. No, there is nothing too low or foul for them; and for the most part they are no more than idiots, and deranged imbeciles, |1046| answering to any name or request, like a man who is drunk, one so very drunk that he does not know or care.

26/21.14. A large city full of crime and debauchery, with rich and fashionable people, and people of evil habits, suits them better than a country place.

26/21.15. Drujas dwell as numerously among the rich and fashionable as among the poor; they fill the bawdy‑house and the temples of the idolaters; a court of justice full of pleaders (lawyers) and criminals is their delightful resort, but a battle in war is a sweet amusement to them.

26/21.16. A laboring man who is good and honest is of little value to them, unless he is a gross feeder or drinker of intoxicating beverages.

26/21.17. A man who marries a rich, lazy woman, receives with his wife a hundred drujas, or more.

26/21.18. A woman who marries a rich, lazy man, or a gambler, receives with her husband a hundred drujas, or more.

26/21.19. Drujas rule over mortals more than mortals rule over them. It was because of their abundance and their power to do evil, that Jehovih commanded His chosen to marry among themselves; and to withdraw from other peoples, and make themselves a separate and exclusive people, so that they would not be inhabited with drujas.

26/21.20. When a mortal dies, and he had dominion over his drujas, not only will his spirit rise to the first resurrection, but his drujas also, as a result of which they are all delivered into light.

26/21.21. When a mortal dies, and his drujas had dominion over him, then his spirit becomes a druj also, and he becomes one with them, fastening on whoever comes along; but if it is in a house and no mortal comes, upon whom they can fasten, then they remain in that house. And here they may remain a year or ten years or a hundred years, in darkness, knowing nothing, doing nothing, until other angels come and deliver them, which is often no easy matter, requiring bodily force to carry them away.

26/21.22. Jehovih gave certain signs to both angels and mortals, by which it shall be known both on earth and in heaven, who is master over the other, a mortal or his drujas, and, consequently, such matter determines to what place the spirit of a man will most readily fall after death:

26/21.23. If the mortal cannot control his habit for intoxication, or gluttony, or avarice, or debauchery, or laziness, or lying, or hypocrisy, preaching what he does not practice, or sexual indulgence, or vengeance, or anger, or tattling mischievously, then he is, indeed, a victim in the hands of drujas, and at the time of his death he becomes one with them.

26/21.24. For if he does not have power to rule in such matters while he is in the mortal world, he will be no stronger by the loss of his corporeal body.

26/21.25. If the mortal, on the other hand, shall have risen to control himself over these habits and desires, then he will be indeed, at the time of death, already entered into the first resurrection; and the drujas, if he has any, will be delivered also.

26/21.26. And whether they are mortals or drujas, neither their words and professions, |1047| nor their prayers nor religious rites and ceremonies, are of any value to them; but by the works and behavior of mortals all things are known and proven.

26/21.27. So that Jehovih's high‑raised Gods only need to pass once over a corporeal city, to determine whether it is in resurrection or declension. And such Gods put their angel laborers to work, sorting the afflicted as a mortal would his cattle.

26/21.28. And if a city is badly cast in drujas, dragging mortals down to destruction spiritually; then the angels inspire those mortals who are on the path of resurrection to move out of the city, and after that they cast the city in fire and burn it down.

26/21.29. And while it is burning, and the drujas distracted with the show, angels of power come upon them and carry them off, hundreds of millions of them. And the mortals are thus cleared of those who would have bound them in darkness after death.

26/21.30. In this matter the infidel curses Jehovih because the houses are burned, for he judges matters by the things his soul was set upon. He says: What a foolish God! How wicked, to burn a city.

26/21.31. For he does not understand that all things are Jehovih's; and that His Gods under Him do not work for man's earthly aggrandizement, which is the curse of his spirit, but they work for his spiritual resurrection in their own way, according to the Father's light in them.

26/21.32. To accomplish the resurrection of the drujas dwelling with mortals on the earth, Lika, Son of Jehovih, had appointed At'yesonitus, with his twelve generals, very Gods in wisdom and power, each one to a certain division of the earth.



















1044  Here we see that haunted houses, which mortals have stories about, can be worse than mortals imagine.






















1045  mental hospital, insane asylum

































1046  In 1882 when Oahspe was published these were descriptive terms, not meant derogatorily; their literal meanings were intended and the readers of the time took them as such. Idiots are the lowest mental grade, and imbeciles the next higher of the lowest.


























































1047  declarations, proclamations, pretences, claims, affirmations








26/22.1. Jehovih spoke to Lika, saying: These are My ways; reveal Me to them. Those who do not know Me, shall be made to know Me; My labors shall rise up before them, and their understanding shall be opened.

26/22.2. They shall know what I mean when I say I will destroy or I will build up. I have heard man in his vanity, judging Me. His eyes are on the earth only; and delighting in houses and riches. Because I take them away from him, he complains against Me.

26/22.3. I gave man an example in his own child who delights in sweets, idleness and vain pleasures. Man takes these from his child, saying: Behold, they are not good for you, except in great temperance! |1048|

26/22.4. In what way have I injured you, O man? Where have I destroyed anything that contributed to your spirit? Where have I allowed destruction to come upon you, while you followed My commandments? Why shall you complain because I laid great cities in ashes? Did you see the millions of drujas you were holding down in darkness by your evil habits?

26/22.5. I am not in anger, neither do I pull down nor burn up any place in a passion. As you go forth to destroy a row of houses to stop a great conflagration (fire), shall the people murmur against you for such an act? For your hand is stretched forth to do a good work for the whole city.

26/22.6. My heavens are magnified cities, and when a mortal wing offends, behold, I clip it short. They are all Mine; and with My own, no one can question My authority, which I wield for the resurrection of the whole.

26/22.7. You have wept because of the destruction of the books of great learning of the ancients; but you do not know your own words. Did I not see, O man, that you would never wean yourself from the doctrines of the dark ages if the books of great learning were not destroyed!

26/22.8. In all ages of the world you have been bound to the ancients; you are forever searching backward for wisdom; and attentive to the angels of the dead who pretend to be ancients. I behold the latter, and that they are drujas.

26/22.9. I send wise angels down to them to deliver them out of darkness. And they come and bear the drujas away from you, for your own good and theirs. My wise angels allow mortals to burn up the books of the ancients; for I command them to make you open your understanding to the living present.

26/22.10. Jehovih spoke to At'yesonitus, and through him to the twelve Gods of deliverance, saying:

26/22.11. Go forth, My son, in wisdom and power. Your labor requires great strength and stratagems. For you shall find the drujas bound firmly to mortals and to mortal habitations (houses). As a drowning man clings to a log, so cling the drujas to mortals. As a delirious man, mad with drunkenness, in fear flies from his best friends, so will the drujas fly from you and your hosts who shall attempt to deliver them.

26/22.12. They will inspire their mortals to dread an innovation of the ancient doctrines. Yes, both of them, not knowing it, will bind themselves together with great tenacity.

26/22.13. But you shall deliver them apart nonetheless; by stratagem, or persuasion, or with a strong hand. And when you have them separated, you shall surround the drujas with flames of fire, and carry them off to the boats, which are bulwarked with fire. And you shall deliver them in the places My Son, Yussamis, has already prepared for them.

26/22.14. You shall not only deliver the drujas, but cause mortals to hate them.

26/22.15. Mortal kings shall issue edicts against magicians, prophets, seers, and priests; and the consultation of spirits shall come to an end. And man on the earth shall turn to his own soul, which is My light within him, and he shall cultivate it and learn to think for himself. ||

26/22.16. At'yesonitus prepared a record to give to mortals; and so, by inspiration it was given. And the nature of the record was to teach mortals to be guarded against drujas, and know who was afflicted with them.

26/22.17. This, then, that follows is the record, even as it stands to this day in the libraries of heaven, namely:

26/22.18. The man who says: I pity my neighbors, they are surrounded with drujas!

26/22.19. The man who says: Only fools believe in obsession!

26/22.20. The man who says: There is no All Person!

26/22.21. The man who says: My way is wisdom; yours is wicked!

26/22.22. The man who says: Let no one dictate to me! I will have nothing but liberty to the uttermost!

26/22.23. The man who says: As the priest thinks, so do I!

26/22.24. The man who says: If only you had my knowledge!

26/22.25. The man who says: The ancients were wiser than we!

26/22.26. The man who says: The ancients were fools!

26/22.27. The man who says: Whoever does not see as I do is a heathen!

26/22.28. The man who says: Whoever does not worship my God is wicked!

26/22.29. The man who says: Wisdom is book‑learning!

26/22.30. The man who says: There is no wisdom in books!

26/22.31. The man who says: My book is sacred; it contains the sum of all revelation and inspiration!

26/22.32. The man who says: There is neither inspiration nor words of inspiration!

26/22.33. The followers of the ancients only.

26/22.34. He who will have nothing to do with the ancients.

26/22.35. He who ignores rites and ceremonies and prayers.

26/22.36. He who depends on rites and ceremonies and prayers.

26/22.37. Whoever denies the Ever Present Person.

26/22.38. Whoever follows the counsel of angels or men.

26/22.39. Whoever will not learn from the counsel of men and angels.

26/22.40. Whoever feels prayers and confessions to be good for others, but not necessary for himself.

26/22.41. Or says: I will lead and supervise; you be my servant!

26/22.42. Or says: Behold my rights!

26/22.43. Or: Behold my earnings!

26/22.44. Or: Behold my possessions!

26/22.45. Or talks about himself and his experiences.

26/22.46. Or tattles on others.

26/22.47. Or judges his brother, or criticizes him.

26/22.48. The self‑righteous, who says: Behold me, I am holy!

26/22.49. Or who does not desire new light, or says: The old is good enough!

26/22.50. Whoever labors for himself only.

26/22.51. Whoever does not labor for others in his wisdom and strength. |1049|

26/22.52. Who seeks his own ease.

26/22.53. Who does not consider others' welfare more than his own.

26/22.54. The hypocrite preaching one way and practicing another.

26/22.55. Who does not openly speak his doctrines, lest his words jeopardize |1050| profit for his earthly means and associations.

26/22.56. At'yesonitus said: For these are all as much under the bondage of drujas as is the drunkard, harlot or murderer. And after death their spirits float into the same hada of darkness.















1048  moderation, self-restraint, sparingly




































































































































1049  i.e., wholeheartedly; not token (merely symbolic) or empty gestures, nor as a ruse or feint






1050  put at risk, endanger, imperil, injure, harm, hurt








26/23.1. When At'yesonitus' generals and their hosts went through Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya, they concerted with the Gods who had in their charge the inspiration of Capilya, Moses and Chine. And not only did the angel generals remove the drujas from mortals, but inspired mortal kings and queens in those great divisions of the earth to issue edicts against magicians and priests who consulted with spirits.

26/23.2. Jehovih had said: It shall be a testimony in the latter days (kosmon) to the inhabitants of the earth of My proceedings; not with one division of the earth only, but with all places. For they shall in after years search history and find that in the same era in these three great divisions of the earth the kings and queens issued edicts against spirit communion. And this fact shall be testimony of My cycle of Bon; in which man shall understand that I come not in one corner of the earth only, and to one people only; but that I have them all in My charge, as a Father who knows His own children.

26/23.3. Nor did I give them the same aspirations; for one I send westward to circumscribe the earth; one I build up with a multitude of languages, and a multitude of Gods; and the third one I build up without any God except Myself. And they shall understand that where there are many languages there are many Gods worshipped; where there is one language, there is only One worshipped, even I, the Great Spirit.

26/23.4. For in kosmon I will bring them together; and these diversities shall be a key to unlock the doctrines and languages of times and seasons long past.

26/23.5. Man living away from other men becomes conceited in himself, deploring the darkness of others, and great nations likewise become conceited of themselves and their doctrines.

26/23.6. Each one of the great peoples saying: Behold those barbarians! I was the chosen of His special care. Those others are only heathens, and have not been worthy of the Great Spirit's concern.

26/23.7. But in this day I plant the seed of My testimony, which shall come up and blossom, and bear fruit in three thousand years. ||

26/23.8. At'yesonitus and his generals, with their millions of angel hosts, cleared off the drujas of the earth, the angels of darkness. They extended east and west and north and south, around all the earth, in all its divisions, into every nook and corner.

26/23.9. Day and night At'yesonitus and his armies labored, neither ceasing nor resting, but in good method went right on, filling all the lowest place of heaven with their transport boats of fire.

26/23.10. And the boats sped here and there without ceasing, loaded in their ascent with the screaming, frightened drujas, all under guard, and duly preserved against accident or harm by the wise angels over them.

26/23.11. Some drujas were easily captured and carried away; others were weak, helpless and harmless; but hundreds of millions of them were mad, and most desperate; and yet others were evil, fearful in their desperate oaths, and in foul talk; and dangerous.

26/23.12. But others were most pitiful in their love to linger with their mortal kindred; mothers, whose children dwelt on the earth; and children spirits, whose mothers dwelt on the earth. To separate them and carry away such drujas was a most heart-rending task, requiring Godlike souls to accomplish it.

26/23.13. Jehovih had said: As a mortal mother will cling to the mortal body of her dead child, till her friends must tear them apart, while all souls who look on are brokenhearted because of her love, even such is the bond between the spirit of the dead and the mortal left behind.

26/23.14. But when My wise angels look upon them, and perceive they are carrying each other down in darkness, then they shall be torn asunder; and the spirit shall be taken away and provided for ultimate resurrection, and only permitted to visit the mortal kin under due guardianship. ||

26/23.15. On the battlefields of the earth were hundreds of millions of spirits in chaos, still fighting imaginary battles, not knowing their bodies were dead; knowing nothing but to curse and fight; roving over the battlefields; and they would not leave, except by capture and being carried off.

26/23.16. Thus did At'yesonitus and his mighty hosts clear the earth. But of their great labors and wonderful adventures a thousand books could be written, and thousands of heroes singled out, whose great achievements overwhelm one's belief because of the manifested love and power.

26/23.17. And yet not much less were the labors and adventures of Yussamis in Ugsadisspe and her six heavenly places, where his etherean hosts labored unceasingly, preparing places, keepers, nurses, physicians, and teachers, for the delivered drujas, the billions.

26/23.18. Jehovih said to Yussamis: You shall sort the drujas; the peaceful to themselves; the dumb to themselves; and then the mad, the chaotic, and all other of My afflicted ones; providing sections and places for them. And provide them teachers, nurses and physicians; for they shall be delivered out of darkness also. Yes, every one of them shall become as a star of glory in heaven.

26/23.19. And Yussamis and his Gods developed the six heavens of Ugsadisspe; established places for the tens of billions of drujas; and provided order and discipline, and altars of worship, schools, colleges, factories, and all things required in a primary heaven.










26/24.1. Jehovih spoke to Lika, saying: Behold, the end of dawn draws near; go once more around the earth and her heavens, and examine into the labor of your Gods. And you shall take with you your Rapon hosts, and a sufficient number of heralds and attendants, and such musicians and messengers as you desire.

26/24.2. And when you have come to Yaton'te, My subjective heaven, you shall stay a while with Kaparos, and re‑establish it in greater holiness and efficiency. For this is My only subjective heaven in the regions of the red star.

26/24.3. Behold, the spirits of those who die in infancy call out to Me, saying: Tell us, O Creator, how is it with the earth? How is it with mortals who dwell on the earth? What do they toil at? Do they have schools, hospitals and factories, like ours? Do mortals have mishaps and trials? And do they have roadways, and oceans of water on the hard earth?

26/24.4. How can these things be, O Jehovih? Why is it that mortals cannot go down into the earth and to the bottoms of their oceans, even as we do in the heavens?

26/24.5. How did You create us alive in the earth? What was the place like? Why do mortals carry around with them such earth‑houses (bodies)? Can they not go in them and out of them at pleasure?

26/24.6. What do mortals mean, O Jehovih, by mortal life and mortal death? Does the clay and stone and water they dwell in (the earth body) have life and death? What do they mean by: This is mine and that is yours?

26/24.7. Shall everyone retain his own body? How do the earth bodies grow? Do they eat clay and stone? And water? Where do they get their blood? And do they eat hair, so that they may have earth hair?

26/24.8. Why is it that they do not bring up their bodies with them when they are dead? Do they wear clothes over the spirit body only, or over the earth body also?

26/24.9. Great are Your works, O Jehovih! Take me to Yaton'te, Your great subjective heaven. We would learn by figures in pantomime the illustrations of the earth. We would learn by Your panoramic heaven what mortals do. How they live and what their schools are like. How they have contrived to teach the corporeal senses by corporeal things. How their boats are made and propelled; how their vehicles travel along upon the solid earth. ||

26/24.10. Jehovih said: For which reason, O Lika, you shall see to it that Yaton'te is perfected to this instruction, as well as to arouse from stupor, the spirits of the dead who do not desire to rise up from the earth.

26/24.11. Lika told the Rapon hosts Jehovih's words; and he also gave command to his chief marshal to provide the necessary otevan with officers, heralds, musicians and messengers.

26/24.12. Accordingly, as soon as all things were ready, Lika committed the throne of Jehovih, in Theovrahkistan, to his vice‑Goddess, and Lika and the Rapons, with their attendant hosts, departed on their journey.

26/24.13. Now since Lika first came to the plateau of Theovrahkistan, it had become inhabited by billions of angels, and they were high in the grades.

26/24.14. So much so, that the officers of selection were already preparing them by the millions for Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. And there were thousands of heavenly cities besides Yogannaqactra, which were now in beauty, gaiety, refinement and delight, with music, and most magnificent rites and ceremonies.

26/24.15. Then there were officers over these officers, whose place it was to sort and arrange the inhabitants of cities; and others over these for each one hundred and forty‑four cities; and yet another over these officers, and he was called Marshal of Theovrahkistan. And he was of the same rank as the marshals of the hosts of Lika, conferring with the Marshal in Chief of Jehovih's Throne.










26/25.1. Jehovih said to Lika: Finish your visit and your inspection, My Son, in all the places of hada on the earth, leaving the land of Jaffeth to the last. And you shall go there, at the time of Chine's resurrection, and descend with your ship and take him up from the earth.

26/25.2. And you shall bring him with you to Yogannaqactra, where he shall remain the few days that dawn remains; and when your hosts ascend to etherea you shall take Chine with you and make your home his home until such time as he is taught the ways and powers of the higher heavens.

26/25.3. For, since his corporeal life is a sacrifice for the resurrection of men, he shall receive special care and assistance in heaven. ||

26/25.4. Lika had been previously informed by the God of Chine as to the time Chine would die, and be burnt up, with his ashes scattered to the four winds; and the re‑gathering up of a corporeal form of Chine; and the seven days' duration prior to being taken up into the otevan. So Lika shaped the course of his otevan, according to the instruction of his messengers, who had been appointed for that purpose, so that he would reach the field in time to raise up Chine before the multitude.

26/25.5. The God of Chine had prophesied to mortals, through his ward, that a fire‑ship would descend from heaven on a given day, and take Chine up to heaven.

26/25.6. Accordingly, a great multitude of mortals were assembled in the ash‑field, where they cast the ashes of the dead, watching for the heavenly ship.

26/25.7. Of which matters, Lika had been previously informed by his messengers; and Lika had in turn informed the God of Chine as to the time he would appear with the ship, so that he (God) could cause Chine to walk in the middle of the field and so, be caught up.

26/25.8. And in the hands of these great Gods, all these matters were carried out to the hour and minute. And Lika caused the fire of the ship to be made visible to mortals. And the size of the ship was ten times larger than the field of the dead, so that when the people saw the light of the ship they feared and trembled, and many of them fell down bewailing that the world was coming to an end.

26/25.9. So God caused Chine to walk out in the field, and Lika sent down a whirlwind and took him up into the ship, in the presence of tens of thousands of mortals assembled.

26/25.10. And now Lika bore his course for Yogannaqactra, for the end of the dawn of Bon was at hand.










26/26.1. Lika sent messengers to all his Gods and Lords, to install their successors, and to bestow them; after which, the Gods and Lords were to report in Theovrahkistan ready for the cyclic resurrection. And he commanded them to bring their etherean hosts with them, except those who volunteered to remain the next dan of two hundred years.

26/26.2. Lika had previously sent word to etherea by his swift messengers, to Lissa, Goddess of Teannakak, in etherea, next to Howgil. And he said to Lissa: My resurrection will be eight links, each one equal to eight billion Brides and Bridegrooms. Send a cowppon to deliver them.

26/26.3. Lissa sent word back to Lika, saying: O Jehovih, I am delighted with the command of Your Son, Lika, Chief of Vetta'puissa! I will deliver the chain of cowppon.

26/26.4. Then Lissa gave her commands in Teannakak, to have her builders construct the cowppon; and she also set her officers to work selecting the hosts she would need for her great undertaking. For she had been notified in sufficient time, as it was a matter of great magnitude even in etherean realms.

26/26.5. And so perfectly were Lissa's commands carried out, that all was ready not one day too much or too little wide of the mark. And then she embarked with her hosts for the red star, the earth, with her billion trained resurrectionists; on her long journey, twenty billion miles!

26/26.6. Jehovih had said: Carry far My Brides and Bridegrooms; make them know the magnificence of the heavens I have created. House them not together in a small corner. Let them feast their souls on the splendors of My great heavens!

26/26.7. Meanwhile Lika and his hosts in Theovrahkistan were getting ready for the ceremonies and for the ascension.

26/26.8. The Gods, with their hosts, were now coming in from every quarter of the lower heavens, bringing in their harvests and quartering |1051| them in the places allotted by the marshals.

26/26.9. Most conspicuous and beloved of all was Ahura. Next to him were the five true Gods: Inane, Injek, Inlay, Inoal and Inyith, with their heavenly hosts restored to them; for it was through these five Gods that the three mortals, Capilya, Moses and Chine, had delivered the Faithists of Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya. These five Gods had in five years changed the mortal dominions and laws of Vind'yu and Jaffeth, and sent four million Faithists on a westward journey across the earth; and, along with the Lord God Gitchee of Guatama, had firmly established the All One [the Everpresent Great Spirit] in the four great divisions of the earth, and had delivered from bondage all the Faithists on the face of the earth.

26/26.10. Great also was the work accomplished by At'yesonitus, and by Yussamis; and by the Gods who had delivered the hells and the knots; and by many others. So good and great were the works of them all, that a history of any one of them in the five years' labor, would make a book that a man could not read in a lifetime.

26/26.11. And they had left successors to carry out what they had founded; so that all the lower heavens were in order, system and discipline, the like of which had not been for two thousand years.

26/26.12. The drujas of the earth were removed away from mortals; the battlefields of the earth were cleared of the chaotic spirits slain in wars.

26/26.13. Thus the whole earth and her heavens were delivered into a new condition, in the way and form of Jehovih's light.

26/26.14. And this was the Arc of Deliverance in Bon. |1052|

26/26.15. Then descended Lissa with her chain of cowppon; with her ships of fire stretched wide as the earth. And the hosts of Theovrahkistan, the Brides and Bridegrooms, sixty‑four billion Sons and Daughters of Jehovih, stood, waiting, watching, nervous, but filled with inexpressible delight.

26/26.16. And they saw the cowppon coming; knew the mission of the mighty Goddess, Lissa, Daughter of Jehovih!

26/26.17. Arrayed in spotless white, the sixty‑four billion stood; shuddered at the etheric current, the whirlwind of the higher heavens; stood pure, the exalted affianced |1053| of Great Jehovih!










































1051  lodging them; providing temporary living quarters

































1052  see image i078













1053  betrothed, engaged to be wed


26/26.18. Nearer and nearer came the mighty sea of etherean fire; and nearer, till it landed at the plateau of Theovrahkistan.

26/26.19. Then Lissa came forth, saluting; and, being answered by great Lika, Jehovih's Son, proceeded before Jehovih's throne.

26/26.20. Then Lissa demanded in the usual form, why she had been summoned in Jehovih's name. Lika also answered in the usual form: To bestow Jehovih's affianced Sons and Daughters.

26/26.21. After this, each of the five Gods of the earth took their hosts and bequeathed them to Jehovih, through Lissa, His Daughter.

26/26.22. But so great and grand were the ceremonies that mortal words cannot describe them. And as for the awe and magnificence, together with the music, could they be described to mortals, understandingly, they scarcely could live, because of the enchantment.

26/26.23. But there is a time, and a limit, and an end to all such matters; and so there was to the labor of Lika, Son of Jehovih. The hosts were wed, and they marched aboard the great etherean ships, the cowppon. Lika and his hosts went into his own airavagna. And, as it were, with a thread of light he made fast to the cowppon, and gave the word, the command to go.

26/26.24. Then up rose the mighty seas of fire, the eight‑linked cowppon and the airavagna! Slowly, steadily moving onward, upward, higher and higher, faster and faster, and still higher. And thus departed Lika with his billions of upraised Sons and Daughters of Jehovih. And thus ended the dawn of Bon.





i078 The Earth in the Arc of Bon. Showing the arc through which the earth traveled in the cycle   of Moses, Capilya and Chine. And Jehovih made a sign of the triumph of light to endure four hundred years. Jehovih said: Let the period of four hundred years be a sign to those who come after. || And it was so. For at the termination of that time, both Israelites and Brahmans abandoned the higher law and established kings and rulers among themselves. And this is also one of the numbers of the prophets to this day.

(see image only)


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