Language Primaries subsection |1353|
(Unfortunately other than image labels, no captions or explanatory text was published concerning the three images found in this subsection. To partially remedy that, the words in the images are here rendered into text and placed into verse format. --ed.)
1353 The linguistic aids in this subsection are noticeably very sparse. The paucity of this subsection means man shall have to develop in the Faithist discipline so that he may gain missing information.
Pronunciation GuideFrom the 1882 Editor: |
35/B.3. In ancient times the mouth was seldom closed in the act of speaking, and the words were formed mostly at the posterior of the palate and thorax. The letter A in English, had its equivalent in the ancient languages, but nearly the same as the English Au, and not much unlike the caw of a crow. The Chinese Ang is almost the same as the Ong of the Algonquin. U long often has the sound Yu's, and sometimes of E only. |1354| U short is the same in all languages, and the same today as it was thousands of years ago. The letter A in English, had its equivalent in the ancient languages, but nearly the same as the English Au, and not much unlike the caw of a crow. The Chinese Ang is almost the same as the Ong of the Algonquin. U long often has the sound Yu's, and sometimes of E only. |1354| U short is the same in all languages, and the same today as it was thousands of years ago. Literal translations are not as true, in fact, as is the spiritual inception. By a residence among the illiterate Chinese, Hebrews and North American Indians (the Algonquin) more truth of the origin and use of primitive language can be learned than in the wisest of the classical books. The letter is arbitrary and unable to give the phonetecy [actual sounds], and after passing two or three languages, is too badly disfigured to be recognized. In learning a language we discover that our failures are in persisting in arbitrary pronunciation, which a native never does, though it seems so to himself. Now, we know that the original meaning of a building was a place to live in; in fact, the desire for such a place caused it to be built. The thought of a title, "house" was another and afterthought. [As for example,] The House of David, or of Sussex, or of Argyle, meaning the people of the house, or rank. Our judgment shows us, then, that the Hebrew word Ohel, a home, antedates [came before] Bayith, because a home was invented first. This rule must be followed by the student of philology who desires to learn whether the great languages of today sprung from some great nation that is now extinct. Nor are there any books more valuable to the student than is a residence of four or five years with each and all these four great peoples [Native Americans, Chinese, Hebrew, Indians (India)], and then not more with the learned than with the rural and unlearned
1354 Apparently this means the pronunciation of a long "U" can be pronounced as either Yu, or Eu (long E blends into a long U, being a diphthong or glide from E to U); in this latter, using what the editor says, apparently the E is shortened and the following long U is cut short and the voice drops and trails off when it gets to the U, so that the entire sound explodes from the throat, sounding guttural.
The Signature
35/B.4. Editor's Note: The Signature (image i041) is most likely written in the Panic tongue. In the 1882 and 1891 Oahspe editions, this plate was placed between the end of the Book of Fragapatti and the start of Book of Divinity. No explanation was given as to its meaning. It is placed here next to the language primaries as a candidate for translation. --ed.
i041 The Signature. (see image only)
Panic, Yi'haic, Vedic, Hebraic and Sanscrit Primaries
35/B.5. For the Panic, Yi'haic, Vedic, Hebraic and Sanscrit Primaries image (i042), here are the English words in the graphic: Reduction of sounds from Panic down to English. a as in ate, a as in at, a as in awe, a as in far, e as in ee, e as in et, i as ine, i as in in, o as in no, o as in oo [look, book --ed.], u as in tube, u as in tub. h, j, k, ta r b, c, d, g, p, t, z q, m, n, s q, lu Fastenings. Value of sounds. Dissipators. Aggregators. Primaries. Secondaries. Yihaic [Yi-ha --ed.], How to read sounds. How to write words. For further information the student is referred to Saphah.
i042 Panic, Yi'haic, Vedic, Hebraic and Sanscrit Primaries. (see image only)
Tablet of Ah'iod'zan
35/B.6.1. The following is the text (Panic) from the Tablet of Ah'iod'zan (image i043, aka Numeration table or Tablet of Ah'iod'gau) with interpretation supplied by the tablet: 35/B.6.2. esk = 1, tek = 2, sam = 3, sar = 4, unh = 5, yoke = 6, tak = 7, ote = 8, yaw = 9, yop = 10. 35/B.6.3. yop esk = 11, yop tek = 12, yop sam = 13. 35/B.6.4. tek yop = 20, tek yop esk = 21. 35/B.6.5. sam yop = 30, sam yop esk = 31. 35/B.6.6. sar yop = 40, unh yop = 50, yoke yop = 60, tak yop = 70, ote yop = 80, yaw yop = 90. 35/B.6.7. yop yop = 100, yop tek yop = 200, yop sam yop = 300, yop sar yop = 400, yop unh yop = 500, yop yoke yop = 600, yop tak yop = 700, yop ote yop = 800, yop yaw yop = 900. 35/B.6.8. yop yop yop = 1000. 35/B.6.9. tek yop yop = 2000, sam yop yop = 3000, sar yop yop = 4000. 35/B.6.10. cyop or c'yop = 10,000, ek yop = 20,000, oh'yop = 30,000.35/B.6.11. ghi yop = 100,000. 35/B.6.12. yop ghi yop = 1,000,000. 35/B.6.13. sar mas esk or sar'mas esk. 35/B.6.14. esk win or esk'win. 35/B.6.15. Gite ta'bi got du'a. 35/B.6.16. Du ghi or du'ghi or du'ji. 35/B.6.17. Tak du'ghi esk-ji. 35/B.6.18. Esk'win te-yi du'ji. 35/B.6.19. Hid sar te-yi esk.
i043 Tablet of Ah'iod'zan. Panic numbering system. (see image only)
Language Groups subsectionPanChapter 1 Pan
35/C.1.1. Pan said: I am the earth; the first habitable place for man; I am beneath the water. Being submerged, my name still survives. 35/C.1.2. My words are man's first words. 35/C.1.3. On the continent of Pan [Whaga --ed.] words were first used by man. I (Pan) am from 'Ah,' signifying earth. I am earth words. 35/C.1.4. I am the dispersed language. From me, Pan, came all earth languages. In all nations I am found. 35/C.1.5. I deliver up; by me man shall know Him Who sent me. By His angels I was given to mortals; by them brought forth in this day.
Chapter 2 Pan
35/C.2.1. Pan said: My steadfast |1355| lies in the East. I founded the words of China and India. 35/C.2.2. Fonecia [Fonece or Phoenician --ed.] and Ebra are my offspring. 35/C.2.3. By the tribes of Faithists I was carried over all the world and over all the generations. 35/C.2.4. Egoquim founded me in Guatama [America --ed.]. Egoquim became Algonquin. 35/C.2.5. I am prior to all other languages. I am the first spoken words. Before me, man uttered like a beast, but made no words.
1355 fixed, steady adherence; constancy; persistent use
Chapter 3 Pan
35/C.3.1. Pan said: The angels made some men as prophets and healers of the sick. By impression and by voice, they taught the prophets to utter words. 35/C.3.2. These were Pan words; |1356| that is, earth words. 35/C.3.3. The prophets taught their brethren. 35/C.3.4. Many words were made sacred, so that they would be well learned and kept sacred.
1356 i.e., Panic words
Chapter 4 Pan
35/C.4.1. Pan said: I do not come in a day, nor a year, nor in a hundred years. |1357| 35/C.4.2. I do not come to one man only, but to many. 35/C.4.3. I was uttered differently in different places on the 'Ah,' the earth, according to the throats, tongues and lips, and their development. |1358| 35/C.4.4. Nevertheless, I was the same language. |1359|
1357 In other words, the Panic language was not developed suddenly. 1358 i.e., according to the development of the throat to produce guttural sounds, the tongue to produce palatal and dental sounds, and the lips to produce labial sounds 1359 That is, uttered from the earth. In other words, regardless of how the sound shifted from one tribe to another (depending upon ability to enunciate), so were the sounds made; nevertheless they were all earth words (Panic words).
Chapter 5 Pan
35/C.5.1. Pan said: I am the key to unlock words. 35/C.5.2. I make all things speak. 35/C.5.3. Asu, the first men, were thus taught: 35/C.5.4. As the camel uttered, so was it called by the sound it made; and the same with the cat, dog, and all the living. 35/C.5.5. As the child called his father, so was the name 'man' made. This was in some places, Ghan, and Egan (Chine); Edam and Edan (Fonece); Adam (Ebra); Puam (Sanscrit); Pam (Vede); Sam (Kii); Ang (Algonquin); Anger (Poit); Man (English).
Chapter 6 Pan
35/C.6.1. Pan said: Do not think that all the living uttered alike in all places. The wild dog did not speak like the tame one; nor the small like the large one. Neither could all Asu utter the same sounds alike. 35/C.6.2. Nevertheless, on the continent of Pan they were taught to name the living after their own speech. 35/C.6.3. And in that way, Asu was taught about land animals, birds, and all things whatsoever that utter sounds.
Chapter 7 Pan
35/C.7.1. Pan said: The wind spoke but was not seen. 35/C.7.2. Asu was taught that Corpor, the Seen, was ruled over by Es, the Unseen. 35/C.7.3. In the leaves the wind said Ee; in the ocean surge and in the storm's roar, Oh; and in the winter's whistle, Ih; and he called the Unseen, E, O, Ih. Which in various places became: Eolin (Poit); Eolih (Zerl), Eloih (Fonece); Jehovih (Ebra); Wenowin (Algonquin); Egoquim (Hiut); Ze-jo-is (Chine). 35/C.7.4. Nor were these all, for there were many imperfections of His name. 35/C.7.5. He was the Unseen. What the Unseen spoke, the Seen could not speak. Eoih was Almighty.
Chapter 8 Pan
35/C.8.1. Pan said: I am language; I am two members, the utterance and the behavior (names and motions; nouns and verbs). 35/C.8.2. All things are embraced in my two members. 35/C.8.3. The unmoving are dead; a stone has a name, but no behavior; it is unmoving, it is dead. It is the property of Uz. |1360| 35/C.8.4. (Living) things have two behaviors. If a man looks toward Uz, it is downward; if toward Jehovih, is upward. |1361| 35/C.8.5. If a man marches toward Uz, it is war and destruction; if toward Light, it is peace and wisdom. 35/C.8.6. Whoever learns these, my signs, shall read all languages. |1362|
1360 That is, there is life and death---and Uz is death. 1361 If it is toward the earth, toward corpor, toward the way of the world's people, toward the animal man, toward the beast, toward the tetracts, then it is downward. But if it is toward Jehovih, peace, love, light, harmony, goodwill, etc., then it is upward. Hence all speech (behavior) is either downward or upward in expression. To read this is to perceive the spirit and character of the utterance. 1362 see image i032 |
i032 Panic (Earth) Language. Apology: The universe is full; all things are members. Speech they have: Bid them speak. You be the recorder of their words. || Such is Panic (Earth) language, the first language. What does the bird say? The beast? The stars? The sun? All? It is their souls speaking. Hear the soul, and repeat it. This light leads you to origin. (see image only)
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