Ancient Languages |
Se'moin(Kii) |1363| Interpretation
1363 see image i033
35/D.1. Ah, the earth (Panic). Pan, da, sa, the ground; the foundation (Panic). N'ah (Poit). Thah (Kii). Pan (Iz). Sas and 'Asa (Zan). Edama (Fonece). Adama (Ebra). Rd'han (Vede). Bu'ha (Sanscrit). The first name applied to earth; as a man in looking forth says, Ah! Ha'd'n (Chine). Wh'ah (Algonquin). Written with a straight horizontal line. 35/D.2. Oh! the sky, the canopy over (Pan). Oh'ah (Kii). O'shak (Fonece). D'yo (Vede). N'yo (Algonquin). As a man would exclaim looking upward. The vault above the earth. 35/D.3. Esk, earth and sky, third combination. One corporeal world and its canopy (Panic). I'dek (Poit). Ex (Fonece). Ska (Algonquin). The near world. 35/D.4. Esak, the kosmos. The all world; the sun, moon, earth, stars, and all the skies (Panic). Erak (Hiut). Erat (Fonece). Eret (Ebra). Ad‑ (earth), Oh'm (skies), (Poit). Ja'sak (Vede). The fourth combination. Beyond measure. Jagat (Sanscrit). A'sah (Chine).
i033 Tablet of Se'moin. Panic language means earth-language; things were named after the sounds they uttered; thus, the soul of each thing spoke, and that which was voiced was called the Panic language. Panic was the first language on earth but was not written until Se'moin, given in the time of Sethantes, being the first written language given to I'hins (see 06/4.2). As such, Se'moin represents the first explanation of creation ever given to man. See accompanying text. (see image only)
35/D.5. Ea'yo or eayo, from below forever, from upward forever (Panic). E'do (Bakie). M'yo (Chine). She'go (Algonquin). U'do (Vede). Udoche (Sanscrit). Upward and downward forever. None can measure the extent. 35/D.6. Hoi, the penetrable and impenetrable; the create and the uz (Panic), joy or woe (Gau). Oi (Zerl), Yoih (Vede). A ray of sunlight is Hoi; it destroys and it creates; man's speech is Hoi; it can heal or poison. Uz'hoi, poison (Vede). Git'hoi, good healing (Chine). Ang'hoi, medicine man (Algonquin). 35/D.7. Druh, druk, or drug, that which leads to destruction; the four dark corners of the world, northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. The temple is sacred to the south and north and east and west. The serpents and devouring beasts came to the arena from druh (Panic); cross-purpose, evil purpose; cruv (Vede), a serpent‑like evil; druhk, evil spirit (Vede); druj, evil destroyer (Poit); druja, sign of death (Channic), crossbones; danger from unseen spirits, an X, ex or drux. Ug or ugh (Algonquin), ugly (English), at crosses, angular. The place of the evil Gods in the ceremonies. The four quarters of the world are good; but the four corners are evil. 35/D.8. Eoih, the unseen Power, Creator (Panic). Before man could comprehend the All Spirit he was taught the wind, the All Unseen, and to call it E‑O‑Ih! The emblem of Boundlessness and of Life. 35/D.9. Eloih, synonymous with E‑O‑Ih, the Creator, the Person Who moves the wind. The All Soul. The All Self. The Second Self, more subtle than the wind. It is the circumference of all; it extends from left to right, and from below upward. The motions of the hand and arm in oratory. The hand and arm speak His name. It is the secret sign. It holds the emblem of life (Panic and Gau). E‑go‑quin (Algonquin), Je‑o-es (Chine), Je‑o-vih (Fonece), Jehova (Ebra), Ge‑o‑zih (Hiut), Zi'o (Vede): The soul of all. || As the emblem is the Living Wheel, I swear by it. Let my accusers say I do not have the holy gifts. They shall bind me on the wheel. The Great Spirit will release me. || Let the wheel of My name be by the roadside so that he who passes may turn it in remembrance of the I Am. This shall be a prayer from the unlearned, and I will hear them (--Zarathustra). |1364| 35/D.10. Susa, the Complete. Without evil the All World would be incomplete; spirit of Corpor, spirit of Es (Panic). Soo'a (Chine). Lu'la (Hiut). Hiss‑tu‑oh (Fonece). The wheel has both good and evil. It has the leaf of life. The priest shall be proved on the wheel. If he is released he is holy. If he is not released he is unholy and shall perish. Though an evil man dies by the wheel it is not bad for him. Only the man who loves Jehovih does not fear to have the wheel roll over him. Druk‑a-naw (Vede). Druj‑iy‑ho‑gan (Semak). Jaugernacht (English). Su'sa, living death (Chine). 35/D.11. Druk (Panic), earth evils. Poisons, plagues. Rosh (Fonece), snake poison. Poison lurks on the earth. Ruks (Algonquin and Kii). Ruts, the time of females (Ebra). When the signs are down, be patient. Usk, the outer covering is evil. Husk (English). All flesh is druk (evil). Hoey'e (Chine). 35/D.12. Gan (Panic). Ghan (Chine). Egan, mankind (Chine). Edam and Edan (Fonece). Adam (Ebra). Puam (Sanscrit). Pam (Vede). Sam, speaking animal (Kii). Samuel, prophet (Ebra). Gang, rich land‑owner (Chine). Ang (Algonquin). Anger (Poit). Ong'ee (Kii). Man (English). 35/D.13. Uh'ga, |1365| the test (Panic). If the Es release him then is he our true prophet. He has sworn by the wheel; he shall be tried. An oath; to swear by the All I Am. Ish'ga (Chine). Duk'ah (Poit). Eh'la (Fonece). Alah (Ebra). Isch'bu'ah, pledging by (Hebrew). Uk'gak (Algonquin). He shall he proved on the cross, the druh, to see if he does not die. Let him answer in His name, that which he has professed. If he is a false prophet he will fear Uh'ga (test). False prophets' bones hang on the druh, the cross. The true are released by Eolin. 35/D.14. Uh, evil spirit (Panic). Yuuh (Poit). Kuuh (Fonece). Kuach (Ebra). The evil that is above us. Yu'gi (Chine), evil spirits who love evil. Zi‑uhk (Vede). Useh (Kii). Huuh (Algonquin). 35/D.15. Fome, wind (Panic). Foam (Chine). Ome'Eri (Algonquin). Evil wind, Ruak (Ebra). That which speaks without lips, fume (Vede). He fumes, Ome (Kii). 35/D.16. Yote'a (Panic), water. Vote'i (Kii). Vo'ti and Va'ti and Va'rs (Vede). Go'taw; and Gota'Weri, morning water (Algonquin). Yot'Yaw (Hiut). Hoy'ah (Fonece). Hoy'am (Ebra). 35/D.17. Dang, light (Panic). H'Dan (Kii). Orang (Fonece). Orah (Ebra). Ang'ji (Chine). Ang'ni (Vede). Ag'ni, firelight (Sanscrit). Ong (Algonquin), spiritual light. Yong, daylight (Hebrew). 35/D.18. Ha'k, dark (Panic). Hark (Chine). Pa'h (Poit). H'ark (Kii). Kah (Fus). Kasha'k (Fonece). Chasah (Algonquin). Kasha'k (Ebra). O'Yak (Vede). 35/D.19. Sa, the crossbones. The sign of an evil man that died in evil (Panic). The evil cross, the English letter X. He was bound on the wheel, and perished. There was no All Holy in him. Let this mark be branded on his forehead, so that all men may know he is a false prophet. He rotted on the wheel, Sa'h (Vede). Sahan (Fus). Let this be a sign of evil spirits. He'sa (Algonquin). Sa (Ebra). Sa'd, to wither (Sanscrit). This shall be the sign of war. It shall be on the banners of the righteous. They shall go forth shouting, Isa'b! (Ebra). To die, Sa (Chine). Death, Sa (Kii). Let us perish for righteousness' sake rather than do evil (--Abraham). 35/D.20. Su, an enlightened man; also Augh (Panic). Su (Chine). With the gift of prophecy, Su's (Ebra). I proclaim in the name of Eloih, Soo! (Kii). Shu (Algonquin). He would not kill a worm, Choo (Vede). He stands between us and the All Light; T'su (Gau). Su'chi, perceiving by the Unseen (Sanscrit). The interior bright, Soo (Fus). One who cannot sin, Su (Onia). The purified Son. 35/D.21. Oke, a house (Panic). Oak (Chine). Okel (Fonece). Ohel (Ebra). Oik (Kii). Hoik (Gau). Oikon (Hellic). Croke (Vede). Koik (Aribanya). Oikos (Greek). Teach my people to have homes (Oke); the migrant is an abomination to the All Eye (Aham). 35/D.22. Hiss, serpent's word. He makes noise like the wind. Who can distinguish between the voice of Eolin and the hiss that kills? From the two evil corners above, the hiss descends. His food is of the earth. That which tempts to the earth is hiss. The hiss that crawls I have made as an emblem of the hiss that teaches lust (Panic). Hiss (Chine). Hees (Algonquin). Cvees (Vede). The sign of treachery, of poison unseen. A danger that man cannot heal. || First I made poison air; from that I made poisonous weeds, and from them I made hiss; I commanded him to crawl on his belly. I made him the lowest; he bites himself and dies from his own bite (--Abraham). The sum of evil is to be its own destroyer (--Confucius). 35/D.23. Sam'tu, triangle (Panic). The sign of Corpor, Es, and Eolin. Also the Soul‑light, Eolin; the Corpor light, the Sun; and the burning flame. Also an instrument for measuring. 35/D.24. Fui or Tui, a square, a box. A sign of righteousness (Panic). Sui (Chine). 35/D.25. Tu'fong or Sam'fong (Panic), a measure with two lengths and one angle, Yu'on (Vede). 35/D.26. Guz, hypothenuse, |1366| a line from the top of an upright to a distance from the base of the upright. Guys or Guy (Panic). The mean between upright and horizontal. Gui (Kii). Zy (Vede). The man who is not upright and yet not all evil. The mean between Su and Hiss, Kur (Algonquin). Zhi (Chine). Dji (Hiut). All men are Dji. An angle of support, a sign, a line, a rope. 35/D.27. Sarji or Sar'ji, sarguz, a pyramid (Panic). My sides guy, |1367| but I am the center shaft. The temple was built aligned to the east and west and north and south, and the four corners representing good and evil were square with the world. The sacred house of Eolin, Bar'ji (Fonece). Bar'nah (Ebra). Gaw'hi (Algonquin). Yah'hy (Vede). A building with chambers for spirit communion. 35/D.28. Gau, |1368| a measuring instrument; a plumb and level combined. Gau said: They gave my base a level, and the sights on the angle of the plumb‑line were level also, and in the distance of Tek Gos (about twenty miles) discovered the rounded earth. By the Gau the earth was proven to be a globe. By Gau I have revealed (Vede). A proven problem. An exact. Gau, a geometrical language. Language is of two parts, the proven is Gau, the unproven is M'gau. A sacred instrument; that which cannot err. My sacred temples shall be built by Gau. Dau'sin (Chine), plumb‑line. Ann'ak (Fonece). Ahm'ak (Ebra), a plumb‑line. A Gau'Yi shall be placed by the altar. By the sign Gau'i, man shall learn to prove all things (Vede). It shall be the symbol of proof. Be patient so that your sight may not err, says Gau. 35/D.29. K'Sam, tripod (Panic). Symbol of earth, water and air. My three are one; without these three nothing can be born into life. Ka'Sam (Chine). Ya'Sais (Vede). Yo'ham (Algonquin). The stool of the prophet. Only on the tripod shall the oracle proclaim (Aham). The origin of the term Aham, the language of oracles. A language with two or three meanings. Sacred language of Aribania. 35/D.30. Puh, to pull, a capstan (Panic). The stones of the temple shall be drawn up with a push (Poit). Zuz (Vede). Uuh (Fonece). Uhe (Algonquin). 35/D.31. I'che, trowel (Panic). Chu (Chine). Hi'che, trowel or ax, or hatchet (Algonquin). Yi'che (Vede). My hand is a wood hand. I make even; and I shall be a sign by the foot of A'Kin. The temple is the work of my hand, but who knows the Hand of the Great Spirit. His hand is over all (Perah). A lazy man shall not have me for a sign, says I'cho (Kii). 35/D.32. Tu'fa, a compass (Panic). An instrument to measure circles; circumference without any part of a square. 35/D.33. Inqua (Panic). Hin'Kwa (Zerl). E'm'wak (Algonquin). A thing within a thing. The es that is in corpor, the soul that is in es. Three within one, Ma‑nee-to (Algonquin). The earth within the vortex. Equa, swift flying, equation (English). Racehorse (Chine). A flying beauty. 35/D.34. Isu or I'su (Panic). Ie Su, a young child who has not sinned. The true cross within Eloih. I'e'su (Aham). Child prophet (Aham). Ye'loo (Kii). My I'su shall have no flesh desires. His love knows all men and women alike. Gee'soo'gan (Chine). Iesu, one who is born sexless. 35/D.35. Uhk'sa, the evil cross (Panic). The written sign of Sa. |1369| 35/D.36. Git, the moon (Panic). Git the moon (Chine). The second light Egs'git. She sends forth Egnita (Algonquin). Git'mas, corporeal moon (Vede). Eg'nit (Poit). Egnitero (Algonquin), the moon of E‑o‑quin. G'uit (Kii). Git'm'gow', the moon much receiving; the gentle moon, she sends forth the gold light, the Or (Ebra). 35/D.37. Git'ow, the sun (Panic). Git'how, the sun (Chine). The central light. Let the sun stand to the corporeal world as Jehovih stands to the All Unseen. He, the Gitow, shall be on the beam between the pillars as a symbol of My power. As he brings forth grass, so do I bring forth the souls of men. He sends forth Karag'kwa, the All Heat, Haw'git (Algonquin). He sends white light, or H'wit (Ebra). Or, the corporeal sunlight; Git'fume, the driving (Aham). M'Git (Kii). Hog'git or git-hog (Aribania). 35/D.38. Sang or Sa'ang or Sa'ng (Panic), stars. The small shining that sends forth the Ogistok, i.e., the twinkle. Anga (Algonquin). Seng or Seng'sope (Chine). Eng'ho, the twinkler, i.e., Kokab (Fonece). Hy'ang (Vede). The far‑off worlds, Esk'ang (Poit). 35/D.39. M'git [i.e., M'git's'ang --ed.] (Panic). The prophet took triangles and laid them separately before the king, Oss, and the prophet said, E,‑O,-Ih; E,-O,‑Ih, twice, and instantly, the angles were interlocked, and lo and behold, nothing had been broken. And Oss, the king, said: These shall be hung up in the temple as a testimony before men that the Great Spirit is with my people. His light shall be my light. (Vede.) |1370| 35/D.40. Git's'ang (Panic), sacred star. Two triangles of different kinds of wood interlocked without severing, by spirit power (Uz). Let My prophets prove themselves by the sacred star, and they shall sit on the K'Sam and be oracles in My kingdom. An emblem of a miracle kept over the altar. Also called Yoke'eng (Chine). Yope'amg Algonquin). Let him conjure the sacred star. A starlight evening. Less than moonlight. 35/D.41. Ex (Panic). Two or more against each other, collision. Life against death, or sour against sweet, or bad against good. The supposed opposites in all things. Egs (Poit). Egs (Algonquin). Egs (Kii). Egks (Fonece). 35/D.42. M'git'ow, morning, sunrise (Panic). Dawn, M'git'ow (Algonquin). Tigiatow (Vede). At dawn the evil spirits fly away; at dawn comes the shining, full of holiness (Kii). The wise man has found Git'm'ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity, and Tau, the bull, i.e., force‑giving. He makes a book at dawn. The seventh heaven comes in M'git'ow, the morning light (Poit). 35/D.43. Hi'dang, high‑noon (Panic); the sun at noon. Let the Hi'dang be an emblem over My altar. He is the glory of the day like the Great Spirit is the glory of the soul world. As you bow before him do it in remembrance of Him Whom you do not see. He is of My body and life, and as much as you glorify him, so will I, Eolin, the Creator, glorify you in the heavens above (Gau). See to it that you do not worship the corporeal sun, but glorify My works in remembrance of Me. Keep this symbol covered, except on the days of sacrifice [worship --ed.], lest your enemies accuse you of worshipping corpor (Chine). 35/D.44. M'hak (Panic). M'hock, or Mo'ock, or Mowk (Algonquin). O'Shak (Fonece). Koshek or Chosek or Shasheck or Choshek (Ebra). Night, darkness. The time of the Es'win ceremonies. Let us meet privately on the mountaintop in Choshek; the angels require it of us. Chosek (Hebrew). Ta'ren'zewagon, in some Kuwick. Not having mountaintops they met in Ta'ren'ze, the swamps, and had the Es'win. Ta'ren'zewagon became a law for M'hak (a tribe of Algonquin). When the drought destroys, let the faithful hold Narshka on the mountaintops, and I will send the rains from heaven (Sanscrit). Ah'shah (Kii). 35/D.45. Work or wark (Panic). Vortex, whirlwind. Sark (Poit). Sa'ark (Gau). Ru'ark (Fonece). Ruach, Searah (Hebrew). Yi'ah (Vede). Who'ohk (Algonquin). Who shall find the cause of work? I am at work continually. As I have set the work, the whirlwind, before men's eyes, so before the host of the long‑risen do I make and dissolve worlds (Aham). The Es labor; work (English) labor. The whirlwind is labor, per se, |1371| i.e., without hands. 35/D.46. V'work (Panic). The sign of Es at labor. The making of a corporeal world. A corporeal world within a whirlwind. 35/D.47. Yot'ang'd'ang or Yot'angdang, water, earth, air and ether (Panic). 35/D.48. Ka'fom'ji (Panic), earth, lower heaven and upper heaven. 35/D.49. Onk (Panic). Sun belt of the earth. That portion of the earth subject to vertical rays. Onk, direct. Owk, oscillating. I gave you Onk so that you could behold the glory of summer, the fragrance of spring, the beauty of autumn and the snow of winter. Study the ant and the bee; they comprehend Onk. The lazy man shall learn Onk (Poit). 35/D.50. Sed (Panic), the sign Aries, or, in English, letter T. The sign of wisdom; of gentleness. Sed, a lamb (Kii). A man's nose and eyebrows. The man who wins by love, gentleness. A'sed (Poit). Ahed (Fonece). Aheb (Ebra). Aheb (Hebrew). And Sed rose up on the third day after the creation of the world and stood above the sun. The Great Spirit, E‑O‑Ih, said: This is My Son. You can behold the corporeal sun at high noon, but My Son Sed stands above this. All who are gentle and good he draws to My kingdom, Nirvania. Do not do to another what you would not desire done to you, or you shall not behold My Son Sed, who stands at My right hand. |1372| The earth is mine, says Sed; by love I will redeem it. Ay'sed (Vede). A sheep with a woman's face; symbol of love. Gently, or gentleness. Let or Leat (Ebra), or as a lamb speaks. A'nah (Hebrew). Ba'ba (Chine). Hy'sed (Vede). Sed (Aribania). A name signifying gentleness and wisdom. Written sign of a lamb or of the nose and eyebrows of man. A symbol of stars and zodiac. Let this be the season to bring together male and female. They shall go to the altar and consult the voices of the stars through My prophets. Whoever has Sed in him returns good for evil (Chine). [But there also arose those with seemingly mild ways who sought to rule man by guile and appeal; but always harboring an iron fist inside a velvet glove. See image i053 Bah-ghan-ghad. --ed.]
1364 The short dash before a name, identifies the individual or group who taught the teaching listed immediately before the dash. For example, (--Zarathustra) means Zarathustra taught the preceding information about the wheel. Note this is different from identifying teachings that were part of a culture with its own unique language; in which case, Oahspe has identified these with the normal language name in parentheses. For example: Zi'o (Vede) means Zi'o was a name of the Creator in the Vede language.
1365 The prophets were bound on a wheel, to test their spirit power to be released. These wheels are still to be seen by the roadsides in part of China and India. The origin of the jaugernacht; also the origin of the crossbones; the sign of those who perished as false prophets, being unable to be released by spirit power. --Ed. [Also see image i022 (with text).]
1366 hypotenuse
1367 slant, incline, veer; see 35/D.26
1368 The measuring instrument, Gau, is a triangle with a plumb‑line suspended from the upper angle. On the plumb‑line proper is a cross‑bar, on which there are sights for the observer. At a distance of a few miles' sight it was discovered that the earth declined below the level corresponding to the perpendicular, and that the declension increased in proportion to the distance sighted. By this instrument the temples were built; the stars observed. --Ed.
1369 see Sa 35/D.19
1370 The feat of interlocking two rings is now known to many Spiritualists. By the ancients, this feat being accomplished without disintegration, the double triangles so locked were placed in the temples of worship as sacred. --Ed.
1371 intrinsically, by itself, of itself, in its essence
1372 That is, Sed stands close to the Great Spirit.
i053 Tablet of Bah-ghan-ghad. Origin of the astrological sign Aries. (See also Book of Jaffeth.) [Book of Jaffeth was an original book of Oahspe pulled from being in the published Oahspe; but the 1882 editor neglected to remove the reference. The Book of Jaffeth, so far as is known, is no longer in corporeal existence. --ed.] (see image only)
35/D.51. K'git, new moon (Panic). Watch for the new moon and glorify the Great Spirit so that He may prosper you. Ka'git (Chine). It shall be a holy day of rest. 35/D.52. E'git (Panic). The relief watch of My angels who abide with mortals is at the change of the second quarter of the moon; let that be a holy day of rest. 35/D.53. M'git, the third quarter (Panic). A holy day of rest. Let My chosen keep the four holy days of rest during each moon, for on these days My guardian angels change the watch. The incentive given by the spirits to mortals to make mortals observe and learn the planets. Sub'da'don, a holy day (Panic). The day of the moon's change. Sub'da (Fonece). Sabbath (Ebra). A moon's birthday. Because each moon has four quarters, so I give to you four Sab'da (holy days of rest), which shall be days of worship (Abram). 35/D.54. Tau, a bull, a projector (Panic). Sign of a bull's head and horns. As the prophets interpreted so shall the king Tau (project). His edicts are Tau, bulls. Opposite from Sed (Aries, gentleness). Opposite from cow (receptivity). || Tau, i.e., Osiris, is often confounded with Aries, a God of the lower heavens. |1373| Osiris, being interpreted, is: |1374| I am the Light, the Life and the Death. Out of myself I made all that live. The sun I placed in the firmament as a sign of my power. The stars, the moon, and things that do not speak and do not know, are the works of my hand. I am the Tau and the Sed (Taurus and Aries, bull and lamb), the power and wisdom over all and within all. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be. (Aribania.) || The spirit of self‑assertion; tyranny; to enslave; to master others by force. Tow (Kii). The self‑assuring man, or spirit. Y'taw (Vede). Tau'baw, a bull, or Ti'taw, I am the T'taw. I am the master at the bridge Chinvat. Without my will none shall rise to Nirvania, my upper heavens. Through my goodwill only shall any man ascend. I am the Judge and Savior of men. On my forehead |1375| rests the sun; the stars are my cattle. In worship of me the stars and the sun plead before me. The horses I have placed over the cows. The moon (Mas) cringes beneath my feet. I am war, I am Thaw, a bull. My bulls shall be the edicts of kings. I will destroy whoever does not worship me (Vede). Toe'phi, the All High Spirit, next to Om, wife of Eolin. Toe'phi is my Savior; he will redeem (Chine). Itaura, Itura (Algonquin). Toe (Ebra). Toe (Hebrew). Toe (Fonece). Wild, unreasonable. Destroyer of liberty.
1373 Perhaps this is due to Osiris (the false) having appropriated the characteristics of Sed (Aries) as well as Tau; see 25/47.16 and image i027 (link in next fn). 1374 see image i027 (with text) Tablet of the False Osiris
1375 see image i054 Tablet of Tau-ghan-ghad
i054 Tablet of Tau-ghan-ghad. Origin of the astrological sign Taurus. (see image only)
35/D.55. Mi, or Mira (Panic). Mi, spirit, My'ra, spirit of earth. Mary, lamb (spirit of innocence) (English). Mi'ra, a virgin, was a dweller on the earth before man, nor was there any man for her. The All Unseen conceived her. Her son was Sir'za (Poit). Si'us (Kii). Osiris (Aribania). Mi, mother of all men; spouse of the Unseen (Tau). The earth was Mi, and Mi was the earth. The Great Spirit moved on the earth and the earth conceived and brought forth man. |1376| Mithra (Vede). Mother of Gods (king spirits). The sons of Mi were all I'su, free from sin. Unless you pray to Mithra, Tau will not save your souls. She, Mi, is our virgin mother. A sign: a face within a circle; also, written and painted: a woman with a child. 35/D.56. A'ji (Gau), semi‑dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven not all light, nor yet all dark, Ar'ji (Poit). When the earth passes through A'ji (Panic), it aggregates and grows. An abundance of Dar'ji in the firmament gives a cold year upon the earth (Kii). In the years of Ar'jon mortals became warriors. Now it came to pass that for seven hundred years the earth did not encounter Ha'ji (Chine), and war ceased on the earth, and men were gentle, and did not kill any living thing. Out of A'ghi, Jehovih makes a new world. Unless your prophets understand A'ji, they cannot tell what the next year will be. Let man build consecrated chambers in My temples so that My spirits in heaven may come and explain Ha'jhon, and they shall be provided against famine and pestilence (Algonquin). The foolish man does not know A'jon, for mortals cannot see him. 35/D.57. Ji'ay (Panic). Ji'ya (Gau). Semi‑light. There are three places in the firmament, light, semi-light and semi‑dark. The fourth is Corpor. Thus, ether, the most rarefied place; Ji'ay, the second place, less rarefied; A'ji, the third place (including nebulous places in the firmament), and fourth, the corporeal worlds. As out of the ether I make Jy'ay, so out of A'ji I make Corpor (Kii). |1377| Hy'ghi (Chine). Beware of evil spirits in the time of Jy'ay, for they shall train the corporeal senses of men to believe they lived before |1378| (Chine). 35/D.58. Dan'ha (Panic). The etherea, the highest place in ethereal worlds. Jehovih said: The sun I made as the head of a serpent, and his phalanx I made as the body of a serpent; thus I made the great corporeal serpent. To him I gave a circuit to travel in, and I numbered his time a thousand tuos and seven aka and four bi'jus, for the sun coil. [Equal to four million seven hundred thousand years --Ed.] I have placed my A'ji and my Ji'ay in many places on the circuit, but I have placed my Dan'ha only in one thousand six hundred places. (A dan'ha cycle of time is about three thousand years, sometimes more, sometimes less.) From kosmon, the present time, back to Moses and Capilya, alias Capella, three thousand four hundred years; from Moses and Capilya to Brahma and Abraham, two thousand four hundred years; from Brahma and Abraham to Zarathustra, three thousand one hundred years; from Zarathustra to Osiris the first, three thousand three hundred years; from Osiris to Thor, three thousand two hundred years; from Thor to Apollo, two thousand eight hundred years; from Apollo to Sue, three thousand two hundred years; from Sue to Aph, three thousand six hundred years. || Dan'ya, the orbit of the solar phalanx (Gau). Dian'ya, the course of the cosmical phalanx (Poit). The light of Dan'ga is my timekeeper (Vede). Dh'a'yi, the light shining; the soul‑fructifier (Pali). When Dang'hi comes, the All‑men grow in spirit; when he is past, man whets the sword and spear and enters into blood. Deny Dang'hi and die in stubbornness of heart (Poit). Dan'ya folds Corpor in his arms, but yet man does not see him (Chine). The chosen of the Great Spirit shall maintain their blood through many Da'n'ga'has (Aribania). He was the sign of light standing on two legs of light. He is My symbol, says Jehovih (Vede). || 35/D.59. Uh'Sauk, battle‑ax (Panic). Yu'Saugi (Poit). 35/D.60. I'he (Panic). Eye (English). I'yhe (Poit). Ay'he (Gau). Hi'gin (Chine), the seeing; Ap'in (Fonece). Ay'in (Ebra), the seeing organ. I'ghe (Vede). I'hi or Ike'shi (Sanscrit). Ay'ke or Ay'ke'ra (Algonquin). Ayin (Hebrew). That which feels at a distance. I understand, I comprehend. Ay'ghin (Panic). 35/D.61. Mai or A'Mair (Panic), expressed, marked out. A king's signature from which there is no appeal. If I am by Sa I mean death; if by Su, spirit; or by dang (light). I, Amar, have spoken. Expressly (Ebra). By his mouth he has said, as the mouth opens and utters; like an animal speaks Mai'ah (Algonquin). Expression, Ma (Chine). 35/D.62. Gee (Panic), ear (English). She (Kii). She'ma finds azam. She, ear; Azam, that which comes into. A symbol of an organ on the head. The letter G, and C, English. A symbol of judgment. Let the Che be above the altar as a sign that the E‑O‑Ih hears. I'gee'how (Chine). The ear hears. Pan'gee (Algonquin). Che (Ayn). Hy'che (Vede). Gee (Chine). 35/D.63. F'si or T'si (Panic), west. F'si (Chine). Te'si (Algonquin). Ty'sy (Vede). In the west. 35/D.64. Td'nam (Panic). East. Que'dam (Poit). E'dam (Kii), the first place is east. D'nam (Chine). Qedem, the east (Ebra). Qedem (Hebrew). Se'nam (Algonquin). Tse'hem (Vede). Di'nam (Kii). The master of the lodge shall sit in Denem, i.e., the east (Aribania). The covered head stands in Enam. 35/D.65. T'ong, south (Panic). T'ong (Zerl). Se'ong (Iz). T'ong (Thath). D'room (Fonece). Daroom (Ebra). Tse'ong (Chine). Hi'se'onga (Algonquin). 35/D.66. Bak, north (Panic). A'dak, a cold place, a mountain. 35/D.67. Fete, sign of sanctification (Panic). Only the prophets shall wear my badge Yete (Chine). Second symbol in rank after dawn, Eloih. The Fete comes on the Mas day (Vede). The Fete (high priest) gives sacrifice before the multitude. The Fete, fates, the high priests, are next to Eolin. One of the sacred emblems. 35/D.68. Ai or A'i or A'yi, myself, Iga (Panic). The All Seeing. A'gi (Algonquin). M'agi, next to Eolin (Vede). (English) Magi. The written name of a worker of miracles. One empowered to administer oaths. The Master's sign in the Lodge. 35/D.69. Pau or paw (Panic). Hand (English). Pop, quab, yaub, or yod, as the hands speak when struck together (Poit). (Ebra.) (Kii.) Osnosa comes out of Yod (Algonquin). Showh (Chine). Iy'yoh (Vede). By his hands he answered, Y'yop. (Fus.) The back of the hand is a good sign, but the palm deals in mystery. He points, and he shall be read by his hand's course; to a heart, love; to a spear, war, etc. 35/D.70. Cow receptivity (Panic). Cow, an animal (Panic). Any person who is receptive of new things. Not bigoted. Hoama spoke to the cows in the name of the Great Ormudz, Eolin (Vede). Cow (Chine). Cow (Poit). Cow (Kii). Gow, animal (Chine). He who has found the cow, etc. (Pali). How can the truths of Zarathustra approach them; the cow is not in them (Pali). Unless you refrain from fish and flesh you shall not find the cows, i.e., receptivity. They feasted on flesh and wine, and the cows went astray, i.e., became non-receptive to spiritual things (Pali). As a cow utters; a sign of a female. Unless your spirits become like cows you cannot be impregnated with new things. The much‑learned man has erected bars to keep off the cows (Chine). Being wise in their own conceit they will not receive (Iz). A sign of a female; usually face and breasts; sometimes the udder of a cow or mare. The mares separated themselves in heaven (Croash). Unless you find the mares (receptivity) you shall not, etc. (Fus). All men become mares (receptive) in time to come; (Hiut), (--Zarathustra). [See horses. |1379|] 35/D.71. Su'Tau (Panic). Self‑assertion. The spirits who ministered at the oracle manifested Su'tau, and there was no reason in them. Applied to spirits who teach things that cannot be proven. Many of the people were converted by Su'tau, and their souls thus enslaved in heaven. Eolin said: Su'tau is My enemy, he leads My innocent ones astray (Vede). The same as Tau, but applied to spirit teaching. A sign of a profile face, mouth closed. 35/D.72. Agni (Panic), fire. Ah'gni (Chine), to burn. Ogna, as the fire speaks, Uha'gni (Vede). Flame of fire says, Whir (Fonece), Ur (Ebra). A'gin (Poit). The sacrifice in Agni (Vede). They spread the blood on sticks of wood, and they were consumed by A'gin in front of the altar (Zerl). The sacrifice by fire Ishsheh (Fonece). A sign of a stone bench with flames ascending. Burning incense. Emblem of worlds moldering into dust and of the harvests of souls ascending to heaven. Emblem of corporeal dissolution and the escape of the potent power within. Emblem of my own mortal dissolution and the ascent of my soul, but where, O Eolin! O Agni, O A'gni, reveal your mysteries! (Ceremonies of Dawn). A'gin, the sacred fire (Fus). In the days when mortals put words into all things and made them speak, Agni (fire) stood giant over all, till Yote'a (water) bathed his head, when lo, black death (charcoal, smoke, soot) breathed forth poisonous air (Vede). Hagni (Algonquin). 35/D.73. Gam, sacrifice (Panic), in triumph. 35/D.74. Woga, sacrifice (Panic), in repentance. O Woga, how can I forget you, for in your obedience to Agni my great sin is burnt up. From this day I will sin no more (Hiut). Let my chosen repeat the holy words of repentance while Agni feasts in Gam or in Woga, for in that very hour I hear them, and absolve them of their sins (Vede). 35/D.75. D'shom or D'shon, mountain (Panic). Dhi'shon (Chine). 35/D.76. Ug (Panic), a valley low down. Emeg (Aribania and Fonece). A deep gorge. Go'ug (Algonquin). Also Go'meg. Y'ug and Yu'hi'guag (Vede). 35/D.77. Sa'fome (Panic), evil wind; evil chieftain among spirits, a God. A God in human shape. Believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things, and of man in his own image. (See God and Ghad.) I'fome (Chine), an idol. They have made an idol and called it Iss'faum, i.e., Land God or God of the Earth. In those days the idolaters believed the Great Spirit had made Gods out of spirits in the lower heaven, and sent one of them to the earth and one to each of the stars. And to the moon he gave four Gods. He, who received the earth as his portion to command, was called Lord (Sa'fome), i.e., earth wind. On his forehead shall be the sign of crossbones. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord (Sa'fome); (Fonece). Jehova said: Not having stone images they have made an idol of the wind and called it Lord (Land God or Ghad) (--Moses in Egypt). Let my followers swear an oath against the Lord, for he is more hurtful than the stone idols; and they shall profess the Great Spirit, E‑O‑Ih, only (--Abraham). See to it that the enemy does not fasten an idol of the wind on the Faithists (--Zarathustra), (Vede). Not content to worship the Great One they have a representative, saying: He is the Only Begotten Son. Be wary of them (--Brahma), (Naoli). An earth God, i.e., evil God. They profess to feast his nostrils with the smell of burning flesh, saying: He alone can save; he, the mighty Sa'fome (--Chine). Now judge them; for do they not engage in war, and are they not all idolatrous warriors? (Fus). A figure by the doorway of heathen temples. 35/D.78. S'un or S'un'da (Panic), spring, or beginning. (Chine.) 35/D.79. Ka'un or K'un'da (Panic), summer, beauty. (Algonquin.) 35/D.80. Sam'hoi (Panic), Sam'howh (Chine), autumn. 35/D.81. P'boa (Panic), the destroyer, winter. M'boa (Chine). Peboa (Algonquin). 35/D.82. Gung, love‑offering (Panic). Oe'gwong (Chine). Go'ongwe (Algonquin). 35/D.83. Hiss'bak, against each other or divided; something between (Panic). Cold‑hearted; misunderstanding; Iss'bagd (Chine). He is on a mountain or in the north; Sy'gis yak (Vede). 35/D.84. Goh or Gah (Panic), one who rejoices. Gul (Ebra), to leap with joy, joyous. E'goh (Chine). A sound the mouth utters in sudden joy, as Gah, ha, or E'goh'e. Ha'ha! (English). The figure of a man laughing, with nothing near him. If the figure points to something, for instance a man, then it is pronounced Gah'gan, or to a house, Gah'oke, etc. 35/D.85. Hiss'sa or His'sa (Panic), a lawyer. One whose soul is full of serpents. The figure of a man with a serpent's head issuing. Yi‑saga (Vede). 35/D.86. M'oh (Panic), prayer. Also a woman preacher. Ni'Ghoo (Chine). Ni'oh'Ghoo (Algonquin). A'ho'en (Fonece). Kohen (Hebrew). Yoh, hadragi (Vede). 35/D.87. Dan'gan (Panic), prophet. A man of light. Clear sight. Es'sight. An inter‑seer (Vede). Yajvan, one who, by much sacrifice, has attained to soul‑seeing (Pali). Wa'ganwag (Algonquin). 35/D.88. Mug (Panic), a philosopher. The sign of a man resting on his elbows. The subject depends on his relative place in a tablet. 35/D.89. Ho'Joss (Panic), a man‑God (i.e., a Ghad), a human face with horns. A God of the lower heaven. || Do not think that I have come to send peace on earth; I do not come to send peace, but a sword. I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother (--Christ). |1380| || Ho'Joss shall reign in my temples; every knee shall bow before him and every tongue confess Sheking (Chine). He was tried on the wheel and Es released him. He shall be my Joss, and no other Joss shall be Ho'Joss (Poit). A sign of a wheel or of a cross. Unless you are tried on the cross you are unworthy to be exalted (--Anra'mainyus). I come with a two‑edged sword (--Anubis); (Aribania). My people shall be warriors (--Man'sa'ghad). Any spirit who commands or rules by force; any exclusive Savior of men. Jehovih says, Whoever professes the sword, the spear, the sling, or the pitchfork, shall perish by it (--Zarathustra); [for example] the overthrow of Osiris in the lower heaven. Because Osiris has said: I am Ho'Joss, the Savior of men, and no one shall ascend to the Father except through me, || so Osiris shall be hated by men (Kii). Was it not so with Tistrya, and he was changed into a star? (Pali). A figure of authority at the altar in heathen temples. A face with or without horns. A man bound on a wheel. A man bound on a cross. Jehovih said: Have I not said, He who proclaims the sword shall perish by the sword? Behold then the Ghad they worship (referring to Osiris). 35/D.90. Plow (Panic), ship; Oniyyah (Fonece). The sound the sailors utter. They watched the star Hiyalavi to know where the plow sailed. A vessel, or tool, or instrument, that divides its own road. His spirit was like a plow, and the ancients were confounded in his Hoiy (furrows). Gu'iy'yoh, the furrow of a ship, and the ship, and the voice of the sailors (Ebra). Applied to oratory, the sign of oratory conferred by the king. A badge of a ship (plow). He has been awarded, or he has the degree of plow (ship). He is the king's plow (Ayria). 35/D.91. Oug or Gug (Panic), spear. Gag or gagged (English). Gug (Algonquin), an instrument of war with blades. A symbol of defense and offense. 35/D.92. Ung'wan (Panic), a symbol to an enemy. 35/D.93. Shi or Ski (Panic), woven fabric, cloth. 35/D.94. Mek (Panic). Spider's web. An emblem of industry. O'sehel (Fonece). Oshek (Fus). M'meka (Kii). Gow'mek (Chine). Place the mek at the pillars of the altar so that my followers may learn industry (--Zarathustra). When they had conferred the degree of dawn upon them the king said: Because you of the haunted chamber have been found worthy, receive this sign of industry in the name of the All Pure Zarathustra (Vede). A badge bestowed in the second degree of Iz (Faithist), engraved with a spider's web. One of the graven images forbidden to the Leviticans by Moses. 35/D.95. Fe (Panic), a lever. One of the sacred emblems of power belonging to the third degree of Zerl (Faithist), in the order of Poit. 35/D.96. Miji (Panic), a screw. One of the sacred emblems of power, belonging also to the third degree of Faithist (Zarathustra). 35/D.97. Sam'miji (Panic). The wedge. The seventh emblem in the third degree of Faithist (Chine). 35/D.98. Che or Kouak'che (Panic), a compass and calliper. Koakchah (Chine). K'cho (Algonquin). 35/D.99. Chine or Chin (Panic). Pitchfork, an implement for farmers. A war weapon in past times. Also a country of warriors (Chine). Monosyllabic. An iesu. 35/D.100. Unh'eng, fifth size (Panic), designated by a line. 35/D.101. Sar'eng, fourth size (Panic), designated by a line. 35/D.102. Sam'eng, third size (Panic), designated by a line. 35/D.103. Tek'eng, second size (Panic), designated by a line. 35/D.104. Esk'eng, first size (Panic), designated by a line. 35/D.105. Eng. Size in abstract (Panic), no line. 35/D.106. Um (Panic), direction of motion. As the spear points, so shall the tablet be interpreted. 35/D.107. Gan'um (Panic), direction of flight. Profile signifies going; portrait, coming. 35/D.108. Git'um (Panic). The high priest shall set the sign on the moon so that the unlearned may also know the sacred days of man, i.e., Mas |1381| (--Zarathustra). 35/D.109. Git'ow'wn or Git'ow'um (Panic), relating to the Zodiac or to the motion of the sun. The high priest shall designate by the Um (spear), the motion of the sun, moon and stars, so that when the unlearned come to the temple to worship they may also learn of My lights in heaven (--Zarathustra). 35/D.110. V.Work'um or V'work'um (Panic). Course of vortex. 35/D.111. Gan (Panic), Man. When shown in profile (side view): man, mankind, humanity. As portrait (front view): man only, and not woman. 35/D.112. M'gan (Panic), a woman; i.e., less than man, or little man. |1382| 35/D.113. M'be (Panic). The word beast or female. 35/D.114. Be (Panic), Beast. The written symbol as applying to the animal man in contradistinction to spirit. 35/D.115. Hiss'pe (Panic), serpent‑like, especially regarding spirits. The spirits gained dominion over mortals by giving them counsel in getting earthly things (--Brahma). Rather my chosen shall consult the spirits to learn to purify themselves, and to grow in spiritual things (--Moses). 35/D.116. S,'Pe or spe or s'pe (Panic), spirit. Let the prophets observe those who come into the temple for wisdom, perceiving if their souls are set on things of earth (--Zarathustra). Many of their women had familiar spirits, and they prostituted themselves in consulting for the multitude on earthly things (--Moses), and they thus invited into Egypt spirits of the lower heavens who would not rise up from the earth; and when young babes were born they were obsessed, and these evil spirits in justification of their sins, taught reincarnation (--Moses, in reference to the Egyptians). An open figure of a spear, signifying a spiritual man or realm. A written character. 35/D.117. Y'eng (Panic), signifying a spirit with a corporean. 35/D.118. D'hi (Panic), signifying ascent. 35/D.119. D'gani (Panic), signifying man ascending; progress. 35/D.120. S'pe'su (Panic), signifying angels descending. 35/D.121. Che'vot or Che'vat or Chinvat (Panic). A word signifying the boundary of Work or Vortex. The supposed boundary of the lower heavens or atmospherea, and the inner boundary of the emancipated heavens, etherea. A bridge between the atmosphereans and ethereans. Eolin, the Great Spirit, said: On corpor I bring forth man into life, and I give him a corporeal body, which is a womb for the spirit to dwell in; and when I deliver him from this womb he becomes an inhabitant of da'fome (atmospherea), where he abides for a season, and I deliver him into Dan'gi (etherea), which lies beyond Chinvat (Poit). A supposed line between the rotating atmosphere of a corporeal world and the ether that lies beyond the Vortex. Beware of spirits and Gods who profess to save the souls of men, saying: Only through me shall you escape the labor of atmospherea and arise to Chinvat. I declare to you that all such spirits and Gods belong to the lower heavens, where they have kingdoms, and they are the tyrants over these (--Zarathustra). No man shall reach Chinvat except by perfecting himself either on earth or in the lower heavens (--Abraham). What company do you judge yourself to be suited for in heaven (--Confucius). You are neither wise nor strong (Kii). Being lazy they catch at the promises of Saviors, hoping to fly from the earth direct to Chinvat (Fus). Unless you have learned to perfect your own selves in wisdom and goodness you shall not rise to Chinvat (--Abraham). If a child cannot reach manhood except by growth, how do you hope to reach Chinvat suddenly (Algonquin). The evil God, Anra'mainyus, said: Put your trust in me; I will save your souls from the labor of d'fome (atmospherea). But he has been subdued by his own sins; and in a thousand years he cannot reach Chinvat (--Brahma).
1376 The feminine of earth is Mi. The spirit of a mortal dwells in a womb, which is his earth‑body; consequently the earth is called Mother, while the Ever‑Present Spirit, which impregnated earthly things, is called Father. Ah, or Pan, is earth in abstract, but Mi is earth relatively to living creatures. --Ed.
1377 In other words, starting from the rarest condition of the ethe'ic solution, by the same process of condensation (via a vortex), the denser conditions are formed. As to these various conditions, by analogy, it may help to think of times of dan as being a relatively clear lens, ji'ay a translucent lens, a'ji as being a dark yet somewhat translucent lens, and corpor as an opaque lens. Another analogy would be that dan is like a clear day at high noon, where you can see for miles; ji'ay is like looking through a hazy day at dawn; a'ji is like looking through a heavy fog at sunset/dusk; and corpor is like midnight under a cloudy sky. When the earth and her atmospherea travel through an a'ji'an swamp, ji'ay'an forest, etc., and depending upon densities and wark belts in the earth's atmosphere, the a'ji or ji'ay is more or less condensed by the earth's vortex; and being thus pressed downward toward the earth, it is somewhat like driving a vehicle through heavy fog, it seems to the driver to be pressing down on him. Thus to the atmosphereans, a'ji or ji'ay appears to be falling or raining or pressing down upon them. Such pressure, if sustained over a period of decades, can press plateaus closer to earth and even into it, as can be read about elsewhere in the history portions of Oahspe. 1378 reincarnation
1379 See e.g., Osiris the false's statement on male and female (mare) horses, and the mare being a symbol of receptivity (25/47.9-12), and see his corresponding images i025 and i026 (with text).
1380 See Christian Bible, Matthew, chap. x., vs. 34-35. –Ed. [34: Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have come not to bring peace but a sword. 35 & 36: For I have come to turn a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies will be in his own household.]
1381 Mas in Sanscrit now means moon; in Rome it means a religious service. Among the Vedic race the religious service was said on the day of the moon's change. The sound of "a" in Mas is [pronounced] as "a" in far. --Ed.
1382 Statistically women are physically smaller than men, and therefore would be littler than or less than men. Note that this does not mean woman was considered to be less valuable than man; and the Oahspe text makes this clear elsewhere. So, Gan (v.111) can refer to the es-man (es in the male human), while M'gan (v.112) can refer to the es-woman. But M'be (v. 113) can refer to the animal-woman or feminine aspect of the beast, while Be (v.114) can refer to the animal-man or masculine aspect of the beast.
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