Book of Saphah |
Historical Rites and Ceremonies Section |
Sun Degree Ceremony of Chine and Zerl[Initiation Ceremony of the Magi --ed.] |1430| Interpretation
35/S.1. Master: Who are you, and your business? 35/S.2. Initiate: A weaver of fabric (or whatever labor he follows) and lover of wisdom. I have come to learn of the wisdom of the Gods and Lords of heaven.
1430 see image i048
i048 Ceremonies in Sun Degree. [See 35/S for corresponding text.] A, Master. B, initiate. C, first gate. D, second gate. F, third gate. G, fourth gate. H, altar of sacrifice. I, oath of allegiance. J, place of death, represented by bones and skull. K, coffin. L, proof of spirit-power to overcome pain. M, submission to have the body run through with a lance. N, testimony that the initiate could endure all corporeal torture unharmed. This is the inner circle. The outside or body of the crescent represents the jewels and places of the Gods and Lords of heaven and their mortal representatives, together with the tools, implements and kind of industry to which each and every one was assigned. These constituted the audience during the ceremonies, the workers being stationed in the inner circle. (see image only)
35/S.3. M: For your labor you are honored by the Gods and Lords of heaven. But before you can learn about heaven you shall be proved in corporeal parts. What are the elements? 35/S.4. I: Earth, air and the ether above the air. 35/S.5. M: What is man and his destiny? 35/S.6. I: Born of the earth: earthly. Freed from the earth: his inner part, the soul, ascends and dwells in the soul of things. 35/S.7. M: What, shall a dead man live? 35/S.8. I: Yes, and rejoice that he so lives. I have witnessed the souls of men returned to the earth, re-clothed in corporeal substance, and talked with them face to face in the presence of witnesses. 35/S.9. M: Then you do not fear to die? 35/S.10. I: I am in the keeping of Hong‑she, Savior of man. 35/S.11. M: Who was Hong‑she? 35/S.12. I: The only begotten Son of the Unseen. He was the incarnate and spiritual Son of the All Light of heaven and earth, born of the Virgin Mi, who descended from the far‑off star, Tristya. 35/S.13. M: For what purpose did he come? And where has he gone? 35/S.14. I: He was made by Great Eolin, Creator of all things, to take charge of this corporeal world, which is his, to keep it forever. He still abides in spirit on this corporeal world. 35/S.15. M: Where and when did he live? 35/S.16. I: In the ancient days he lived in the far east. 35/S.17. M: What was his labor? 35/S.18. I: To do good. There was no evil in him; he was the All First who taught the power of the spirit over the corporeal part. All who have faith in him, can also work miracles, nor shall such persons ever die. 35/S.19. M: What became of him? 35/S.20. I: First he was bound on the wheel of Eolin; but the spirits of heaven unbound him. Then his hands were thrust through with swords, but there was no wound. He was then bound on an altar of sacrifice and burnt, but his corporeal parts would not be consumed, and he walked forth unharmed. Then a sword was thrust through his body, but it made no wound and gave no pain. Then he was placed in a coffin and buried, but in three days he rose up out of the grave and went forth preaching. 35/S.21. M: What finally became of him? 35/S.22. I: He still abides on the corporeal earth, and at times takes on a corporeal body and shows himself, he and his mother Mi, also. 35/S.23. M: What did he preach? 35/S.24. I: To do good to others; to harm no man, woman or child, and to pray only to the Great Eolin; to heal the sick by sacred words, and by motions of the hand. It is to learn those sacred words and signs that I have come to this holy temple. 35/S.25. M: Before you can be entrusted with such signs and words you shall be proven on your God and Savior, so that your faith is manifested. Know, then, that although you are blindfolded and do not see, yet you are surrounded by Gods and Lords of heaven and earth, and by a mortal priest most holy and powerful. If you have faith in your own words, and thus know the Son of the Sun, you have little to fear. Follow, therefore, your attendants to the places of sacrifice, so that we may bear testimony that you are holy. Remember, also, that all men must be tried, either in the corporeal world or in the next; without this there is no resurrection for them. 35/S.26. I: I trust in you, O my Savior, Hong‑she. Let the attendants lead me forth. (The initiate is then taken and bound down on the altar H, naked, and a fire lit under him, and he thrusts his right arm down into the flames until it is proved he has power over fire and will not burn. |1431|) 35/S.27. M: By virtue of my power received from Hong‑she, Son of the All Light, Savior of men, I pronounce, E'gau (i.e., he is Gau, i.e., proven). Release him, O you Lords of the Heavenly Host. As the All Holy Savior of men penetrates the corporeal part, so shall the corporeal part be divided. 35/S.28. I: In you, O my Savior, God of this corporeal world, I put my trust. Lead me forth, O you who are of the corporeal earth, and prove my soul. (He is next led to So‑an, and there a sharp blade is thrust through his hand and withdrawn, and, if proved, there is no wound or blood.) 35/S.29. M: By your Light, Hong‑she, descended in Fo'e'tse, angel messenger of the corporeal world, this is my brother of Chine and legion of Zerl. But you have still a greater gift for him. Lead him forth, O you Lords of the corporeal world, and thrust a sword through his body. 35/S.30. I: Go forth, O you Lords of the corporeal world, you do not know of what manner the spirit is. Forgive them, O Almighty, Hong‑she, Son of Eolin, Creator of worlds. This is your body, this your blood. Let them eat and drink of them, in remembrance of you. Your hand will deliver; my soul shall never die! (A sword is then thrust through the body and withdrawn, but there is no wound or blood.) 35/S.31. I: In remembrance of him, I do these things. Behold the power of faith. By faith the All Creator created. 35/S.32. M: By your words you shall be proven. O you Lords of the corporeal world, bring him sand, water, and a veil. By his command a rose shall bloom in our midst. 35/S.33. I: O Hong‑she, only first begotten Son of Du'e Mi, Mother of Eolin, Spouse of the All Light, offspring of the Creator of worlds, give me of your power for the blessings of the corporeal world. (Sand, water and a veil are brought before him, and he covers the sand and water with the veil and speaks as follows:) 35/S.34. I: As Gau sprang from nothing and stood triumphant on the corporeal world; so, come forth, O fiber of corporeal parts, and clothe the spirit‑rose my eyes behold. (The rose or roses are then revealed, fresh grown amid the sand and water. |1432|) 35/S.35. M: This day I crown you my brother He'den'loo (Magi), of the Savior empowered on the corporeal earth to dwell by holy land and water! (The initiate then takes some of the water and sand, and sprinkles the attendants.) 35/S.36. I: This is my blood and my body, says Hong‑she, the All Quickener. Take of them in my name. 35/S.37. The Lords (together): Behold the Es that rules over Corpor. Be mighty in will, O children of men. Be wise of will, O children of men. Be all truth in will, O children of men. Be all good works, O children of men. In all your best thoughts and wise perceiving, O children of men, learn from Es, the world unseen. 35/S.38. The Lords conduct him to the middle chamber, where he takes the oath. 35/S.39. I: To celibacy I am sworn, for he who begets a child is bound in spirit, after death, to his own offspring. 35/S.40. M: To the Es world I am all remembrance. To the corporeal world, all forgetful now and forever. 35/S.41. I: All vain words I renounce; all idle laughter I renounce; all love of corporeal things I renounce with abhorrence. 35/S.42. M: What of the Es, the great Unseen? 35/S.43. I: There are two heavens: one rests on the corporeal earth; one stands high in the firmament. 35/S.44. Between the two lies the bridge Chinvat, where Hong‑she, Savior of men, stands. By his love the children of men can pass; by his curse they must return to the lower heaven till purged of all corporeal thoughts. 35/S.45. By the loud sounding trumpet of Fo'e'tses, Chief of the Heavenly Host, the Son of the All Light knows the secrets of the souls of men. 35/S.46. The Gods (angels) stationed at the four gates now come forward and salute. Then the Lords (angels) of the outer host come, with the working tools, and, together, they sing to the Great He'jo'is. 35/S.47. M: For what purpose is this coffin? 35/S.48. I: So that I may be coffined and buried in the corporeal earth. 35/S.49. M: Let the Lords of earth bury him in the name of Anra'mainyus (or Ugh'sa), the all corporeal death. 35/S.50. The initiate is then coffined and buried, and a watch set around the grave, over which a veil is thrown, and in the darkness the angels unearth him and set him free. When that happens, he is bestowed with regalia and implements, and with signs and holy words, which cannot be given outside the Sun degree of Faithists. Nor can the implements and working tools of the Lords and Gods of the outer circle be revealed except to those who have been duly prepared by fasting and prayer, and by a knowledge of the motions and positions of the corporeal worlds. Jehovih says: Only to the wise, the pure, and the just, do I reveal the mysteries of My kingdoms.
1431 These were the ceremonies of the third cycle past, 9,000 years before kosmon. Persons who have witnessed the fire‑test miracle of modern spiritual mediums, can readily comprehend this initiation. --Ed.
1432 Spiritualists who have witnessed these things know the possibility. --Ed.
Kii Ceremonies(Tablet of Kii Ceremonies) |1433|
Interpreted, reads thus: 35/T.1. Master: What do you see? 35/T.2. Initiate: The world lies before me. Yes, the wide earth and all its riches. The living things upon it, and in the waters, and every breathing thing, and pearls and diamonds, and gold and silver; and at my hand, the rose and the lily, adorned by the Hand of Elohim.
1433 see image i049
i049 Tablet of Kii Ceremonies. This Tablet and ceremonies belonged to Persia, Arabia and Heleste, Greece and Troy, and to the Algonquin tribes. The time was 5,200 years before kosmon. (see image only)
35/T.3. M: Do you see anything more? 35/T.4. I: Yes, Master, the canopy of the firmament of heaven. In the midst is the light, the burning sun, propeller of the vegetable world; the glory of day, and maker of light. 35/T.5. On either hand, in the vault of the firmament, are countless stars, saying: In the glory of our magnitude, O man, do not forget Him whose finger raised up the firmament! 35/T.6. M: What more do you see? 35/T.7. I: The moon, who changes her size and location according to the night watch of the Ghads who minister to the wants of mortals. 35/T.8. M: Is this all? 35/T.9. I: No, Master, on either side I see a hand, one pointing upward and one downward. 35/T.10. One side of the world is all light and one side all black, and the hand that points upward is on the light side, and the hand that points downward is on the dark side. Here lies the brush that wrote, and the sacred Gau, and above them the symbol of the burning candles of the ancients. Above these I see the ark of the prophecy. 35/T.11. M: Why do you halt in your speech? What do you see? 35/T.12. I: Alas, O Master, above the world I see an evil foot, black and clothed with serpents. 35/T.13. Above the crossed twin swords is the sacred name, Elohim. 35/T.14. M: What do you see in the middle of the tablet, that is black and with something like a net woven around it? 35/T.15. I: A new corporeal world, rich in growing things; sprung from its surface and hanging above and around it are the sacred signs of holy Lords and Gods, appointed by the most high Elohim, apprised and guarding over the morning and evening of the first days. 35/T.16. Here the trumpet calls to the low earth, and to the spirits of mortals now dead, to come forth, inspiring teachers in all useful labors, to the new world above. 35/T.17. Fabric woven in the firmament of heaven is descending to the infant a'su. Thirsting for a kingdom in the lower heaven, stands Baugh‑ghan‑ghad, the tyrant of newborn spirits in the lower heavens, watching the new earth. 35/T.18. His tablet is a coffin filled with serpents' tongues. In his footpath creep millions of the dead who sang his name, to make him triumphant over Elohim, accursing him in high heaven. 35/T.19. The pyramids, the temples of ancient Saviors; and the overflowing holy basin, and lighted Nu'ba, candlestick of Holy Sacrifice, and the black claw, the Anra'mainyus (the devil), are cast down and gone, yes, on the earth below another God is dead. But high up in the firmament, the seven sacred stars still shine, and the emblems graven by the Great Spirit. 35/T.20. M: What are the working tools of man born of woman? What of the Gods and angels beside Elohim? 35/T.21. I: Alas, O Master, I do not know. 35/T.22. M: My friend, since you are learned in Gau, why do you come to learn the signs and ceremonies of the ancients? 35/T.23. I: So that I may unite myself with other men, and thus become a greater power to do good to mortals. 35/T.24. M: You are wise. Go now before my proper officers for further examination, and if you are proficient, come again before me and I will conduct you into the chamber of Ophra'or'jhi, and there initiate you according to the rite of the ancients. (Signs and passwords, and mystic ceremony, withheld from publication.) (For the reading of the entire tablet, refer to the revealed tablets.)
Reads as follows: 35/U.1. Which way, man? 35/U.2. To the tree of knowledge. 35/U.3. I go there, also. 35/U.4. Where, then, is your treasure? 35/U.5. I bring this pitcher and pot, a tame goat and a dead man's skull. I have no more. 35/U.6. Seffas bows in your favor. Have you slain any living creature? 35/U.7. No, Ong‑a‑pa, but housed in a mound built high and steep, I have slept my nights away in peace, slaying nothing.
1434 see image i050
i050 Port-Pan Algonquin. The sacred people, I'hins, or Mound-Builders. (see image only)
35/U.8. Do you have the Hagaw'sa (the head compressed), from infancy? 35/U.9. On my breast stands the single sign, engraved, and most honored of all I have. When I was a child my head was thus compressed, to school the judgment down beneath the prophetic sight. I have seen the Es world and the angels of the dead. 35/U.10. Hold up your hand, and show me, too, the leaf sign of Egoquim. Then the burning flame of sacrifice, and monstrous serpents you would rather feed than destroy? 35/U.11. I was well educated to engrave the sacred symbols in Corpor. Behold I write. (He then displays his skill.) 35/U.12. Your skill is excellent. Go to the southwest corner, and, in the ark of the black hand, you shall find a charm for venomous serpents. Bring it here. 35/U.13. Alas, O Onga, ask any service of me except to deal in charms against anything. 35/U.14. How do your father, mother, wife, sons and daughters, sleep? 35/U.15. On the mounds and in the mounds, O Onga. We are all hidden away from the devouring hiss‑a (serpent), baugh and mieuh (lions and tigers). 35/U.16. How was it with your forefathers and foremothers? 35/U.17. In the mounds and on the mounds, O Onga. For a thousand generations, my ancestors did not kill any living creature Egoquim had created. 35/U.18. What is that distant building in the northeast? 35/U.19. The temple of Egoquim. 35/U.20. What does it mean? 35/U.21. It is the sacred house of Dan. (Faithists.) 35/U.22. What are the signs? 35/U.23. The All Light hand teaches mortals to ever reach upward; the cup, that all the firmament is filled by the presence of Egoquim. 35/U.24. What is the sign of half a dog, of half a horse, and a man's head? 35/U.25. That man at best is two beings, a beast and a spirit. 35/U.26. What is the sign of the black hand and black onk, the slaying tool? 35/U.27. The mortal who slays the wolf and serpent has a hard time in heaven. 35/U.28. What is the hard time of the slaying‑man in heaven? 35/U.29. In the firmament of heaven he is haunted; the spirits of the slain come upon him. He finds no place. With his black hand of death uplifted he cries out. 35/U.30. What is the sign of Oke‑un (tent), and the sign of the black head of the Ghi‑ee (eagle), and the black mouth with black tongue projecting? 35/U.31. That all the earth must be subdued by man. Even the blackness (slander, cruelty, lies, etc.) that issues out of man's mouth must be subdued. 35/U.32. What are the signs of the ear, the triangle and the square, the evil quarters, the wedge and the vessels of copper? 35/U.33. Alas, O Onga, I do not know. 35/U.34. What are the signs of the trumpet, the windlass, |1435| the hewing‑ax and the altar of fire? 35/U.35. Alas, O Onga, I do not know. 35/U.36. What are the signs of the Az‑aj (stretcher), and the basket? 35/U.37. Alas, O Onga, I do not know. 35/U.38. What is the sign of the men ascending the Orugh (the stairs), and lamp and the trees and the black fish? 35/U.39. First, there was an egg, and then a fish, and then trees, then man, and he saw the light and the sun. Then wisdom came and he learned of Egoquim, ever after. 35/U.40. You are wise, and now, by virtue of my power, wisdom and love, I crown you brother of the Hoanga (prophets). Peace be with you, Amen! 35/U.41. He who taught you all the other signs will now teach you three you do not know. After which the Oi will invest you with cloth and with the signs of Chaigi (words of enchantment), so that when you travel into distant lands you shall be received as a brother. (Signs and passwords withheld from publication.)
1435 a horizontal capstan
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