Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy |
Cosmogony Section
CHAPTER 1 Cosmogony
38/1.1. The same principles apply to all the stars, suns, planets and moons; but differing in manifestation on account of size, motion, density and relative place. 38/1.2. The earth floats in the middle of a vortex, |1572| the outer extremity of which is somewhat beyond the moon. The vortex is globular, corresponding to the form of the earth, with slight differences, which will be pointed out further on. Vortices are not all closed at the ends; some are open at both ends. 38/1.3. The vortex, by its own axial motion, turns the earth on its axis. Consequently the outer part of the vortex has greater velocity than near the earth's surface, which has an axial motion of one thousand miles an hour. 38/1.4. The moon has a vortex surrounding it also, which has a rotation axially once a month, but being an open vortex does not turn the moon. All vortices do not lie in contact with the planet, in which case it is called a dead planet. The radius of the moon's vortex is ten times the moon's diameter, and the radius of the earth's vortex thirty times the earth's diameter, with variations that will be explained presently. 38/1.5. The outer rim of the earth's vortex, forty-two thousand miles broad, [which width carries the moon's vortex --ed.], |1573| has a revolution axially with the earth once a month. The swiftest part of the earth's vortex is therefore about fifteen thousand miles this side of the orbit of the moon. |1574|
1572 For vortex background information see 04/3.2-7; also see images i063, i064, i065, i066, shown above.
1573 Place the moon's diameter at 2100 miles, then (from 38/1.4:) multiply by 10 to get the radius of its vortex = 21,000 miles, then double the radius to get the diameter of the moon's vortex, i.e., 21,000 x 2 = 42,000 miles broad. Note that the Oahspe authors generally round numbers or truncate them when doing calculations or presenting figures. 1574 See image i071 especially figure 1, which shows the rim (the bent part of the ray at the outer extreme). Note that the moon, were it shown, would ride in the rim. The outermost edge of the rim is called Chinvat. |
i071 Vortexian Currents. Figs. 1, 2, 3, enlarged illustrations of the course and form of vortexian currents.
38/1.6. From the swiftest part of the earth's vortex, its force is towards the earth's center. And if there were no earth here at present, the vortex would make one presently. 38/1.7. Things do not fall to the earth because of the magnetism (attraction) of the earth, except as will be mentioned further on, but they are driven toward the center of the vortex, by the power of the vortex. 38/1.8. The greater diameter of the vortex is east and west; the lesser diameter north and south, with an inclination and oscillation relatively like the earth. 38/1.9. The name of the force of the vortex is called vortexya, that is, positive force, because it is arbitrary |1575| and exerts east and west (i.e., at right angles to the axis). As in the case of a wheel turning on its axis, its force will be at right angles with its axis, at the extreme center of which will be no force. 38/1.10. For which reason the north and south line of the earth's vortex is called the m'vortexya, or negative force, for it is the subject of the other. As a whirlwind gathers up straw and dust, which travel toward the center of the whirlwind, and to its poles, so do corporeal substances incline to approach the poles of the earth's vortex. Which may be proved by poising a magnetized needle. |1576| 38/1.11. In the early times of earth's formation, the earth was longer north and south than east and west. But the m'vortexya, being less than the vortexya, the earth assumed the globular form, which was afterward attenuated |1577| east and west, then the earth turned again, to adapt itself to the north and south polarity of the vortex. 38/1.12. In these various turnings of the earth, the same force of the vortex exerted ever to the east and west. By which behavior every portion of the earth has been to the east, to the west, to the north, and to the south. |1578| Which is proven in the rocks, and boulders, and mountains of the earth. |1579| 38/1.13. And for that reason it is shown there is no north and south polar power in the earth as such. |1580| Furthermore the iron mountains show they attract from all directions, without any regard to a central polar force in the earth itself. 38/1.14. In this matter mortals have been taught erroneously regarding two powers which do not exist, as they have been previously set forth by philosophers: |1581| These are the attraction of gravitation in the earth, and a north pole magnetism in the earth. [That is, these behaviors reside not in the earth nor exist because of the earth, but both the actions of so-called gravity and the polar power exist because of the normal activity of the earth's vortex. --ed.] 38/1.15. The positive force of the vortex is, therefore, from the external toward the internal (thus accounting for phenomena attributed to so-called gravity); and the negative force of the vortex is toward the poles, and in the ascendant toward the pole external from the sun center (thus accounting for so-called earth's magnetism, |1582| and which polar currents can be seen in the north and south auroras). 38/1.16. Of which it may be said the force of the vortex is toward its own center, but turns at the center and, in the case of the earth, escapes outward at the north pole [it being the pole external from the sun center. --ed.]. |1583| If one were to draw a line from the east to the center of an imaginary earth, and then in a right angle due north, this would represent the current of the vortex which causes the center to be filled with a corporeal body. After which the same power applies, and is all one power, although, for convenience, is called positive and negative [vortexya and m'vortexya --ed.]. |1584| 38/1.17. Vortexya can be concentrated, e.g., in iron, steel, and iron ore, in which condition they are called magnetic. And these substances, if poised as needles, will assume the line of polarity of the vortex or its poles. |1585| 38/1.18. Vortexya in the atmosphere will combine oxygen and hydrogen, and an explosion ensues, which is called thunder. But if an iron wire is raised up in the air (a lightning rod), it forms a negative center, to which the vortexya quickly flies, following it down into the moisture of the earth, where it is dissolved. 38/1.19. If an iron wire extends from city to city, and vortexya is charged at one end, it will manifest at the other pole, and at times even escape in a flame of fire (electric flash). |1586| 38/1.20. In similar manner the vortex of the earth constantly charges the earth with its vortexya in the east and west [i.e., latitudinally --ed.], and it manifests [longitudinally,] in the northern pole of the vortex in flames of fire, which are called Borealis. |1587| But it sometimes happens, over high iron mountains, that the light is manifested in other directions. A su'is can see vortexya, which is proven by placing a horseshoe magnet before him in the dark, and he will describe the escaping polar light, even though he is not previously informed. 38/1.21. When vortexya is manifested in flames of fire [electric spark] it is called electricity. But when it lies dormant, as in iron, it is called magnetism. 38/1.22. If two corporeal substances are rubbed together quickly, friction and heat result; this is a manifestation of vortexya. 38/1.23. In the beginning of the earth's vortex, the current concentrated into its center, certain substances (described later), where, by friction, the vortexya manifested in heat, so that when the congregation of materials of the earth's substance were together, they were as a molten mass of fire. 38/1.24. And for a long period of time after the fire disappeared, two great lights manifested, one at the north and one at the south. 38/1.25. Were the earth a central planet, like the sun, the light would have been all around, in which case it would have been called a photosphere. 38/1.26. By vortexya the earth was first formed as a ball of fire. By the same power (vortexya) the warmth of the surface of the earth is manufactured to this day. Do not think that heat comes from the sun to the earth; heat does not come from the sun to the earth. In this matter mortals still dwell, in part, in the superstitions of the ancients, who believed all things came from the sun. For is it not said this day: Heat and light come from the sun? No, without examination, they also talk about the attraction of gravitation of the sun extending to other planets! 38/1.27. Corpor, as such, has no power in any direction whatsoever: Neither attraction of cohesion, nor attraction of gravitation; nor has it propulsion. But of itself it is inert in all particulars. As two ships sailing near each other will collide, or as two balls suspended by long cords will approach each other somewhat, the cause lies not in the ships or the balls, but in what is external to them. |1588| 38/1.28. Cast water on a dusty floor and the drops of water will assume globular forms, being coated with dust. For convenience' sake it is said that the globular form is natural to a liquid, and it is called the globular power. But it is, nevertheless, caused by a power external to itself. Approach one of the drops of water, which lies coated with dust, with a piece of cloth, and instantly the globe of water breaks and climbs up into the cloth. This is erroneously called capillary attraction. But, in fact, the water had no attraction for the cloth, nor the cloth for the water. The power that accomplished this was external to both, and was the same in kind as the vortexya that brought the earth to its center and maintained it there. 38/1.29. Withdraw the vortexian power, and the earth would instantly go into dissolution. When the cloth approaches the drop of water, it breaks the vortex of the drop, and the water goes into divisible parts into the cloth, in search of negative polarity. 38/1.30. That which is called corporeal substance, having length, breadth and thickness, remains so by no power of its own, but by vortexya external to it. Exchange (liberate) the vortexya, and the corpor goes into dissolution. This power was, by the ancients, called Uz, |1589| or the fourth dimension of corpor. |1590| 38/1.31. For this reason it is said: The tendency of corpor is to uncorpor itself (dissolve or evaporate). Moisture rises upward from the surface of the ocean, and from the earth also. Turn a wheel slowly, with water on its periphery, and the water does not fly off; let the wheel stand idle, and the water runs off; or turn the wheel very swiftly, and the water flies off. The same results would happen if the wheel stood still with a current of air whirling around the wheel. If the air passed slowly, the water would fall; if at a certain speed, the water would be retained on the periphery; but if at a higher speed, the water would be carried off. 38/1.32. When the earth's axial motion, and the vortexian power (pushing earth's atmosphere more or less latitudinally), are equivalent, there is no evaporation of moisture outward (upward); when the vortexya exceeds, there is great evaporation; but when the vortexya is less, there is rain. According to the vortexian currents, so are the winds (except as mentioned further on), and when these are discordant, small vortices ensue |1591| in the cloud regions, and each of these small vortices forms a drop of rain, which is an infinitesimal1 |1592| planet. Nevertheless, all of them are under the propelling influence of the earth's vortex, and are thus precipitated to the earth. But the earth did not attract the raindrops, nor did the raindrops attract themselves to the earth. But the force of earth's vortex pushes them to the earth. |1593| 38/1.33. The earth's vortex is a sub‑vortex, existing within the sun's vortex; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and so on, are corporeal worlds, and each and all of them are within vortices, being sub-vortices also; and the combination of all these sub-vortices within, and including, the sun's vortex, is known by the names great serpent, or solar phalanx. For which reason the sun's vortex was called the Master, or Tow‑Sang, |1594| by the ancient prophets.
1575 In general terms, arbitrary here means vortexya can be felt (or measured) as a force coming from a direction; a vector.
1576 In simplified terms, when a vortex is created two chief things initially happen nearly simultaneously: First the rotary motion causes a pole or axis to form in its center. And second, the force as well as any substance carried in the vortex, once it is at the center, tends to move toward the poles of the axis. Oahspe calls the first, vortexya; and the second, m'vortexya. Thus the vortex, being rotary, also pushes in toward the axis and center (this push also being called vortexya). || And while substance is thus being built up (concentrated) at the center, the vortexian current, once it reaches the center, continues to an area of less pressure, which is at the poles---and this pressure to the poles is called m'vortexya. 1577 weakened, reduced in force, rarefied, or stretched out, expanded outward 1578 i.e., in diverse positions over time 1579 Geologists have now (c.150 ak) been able to detect the polarization of magnetic minerals in cooled molten rock in various locations around the earth. 1580 But the cause of the polar power is the vortex of the earth.
1581 When the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy speaks of philosophers, the general reference is to that branch of philosophy that in the Middle Ages came to be known as natural philosophy, and the practitioners were known as natural philosophers, and which today we call scientists, being a relatively recent term.
1582 While the term 'earth's magnetism' may be convenient, it is nonetheless a misnomer because in truth the phenomenon is 'magnetism due to earth's vortex.' 1583 This is the course of the chief force. But south of the equator there is also flow toward the south pole, but the current is not as strong as toward the north pole above the equator, because this latter is external to the sun center. To look at it three-dimensionally, see image i073 or image i074 (with text). The sun is under the earth; and the north pole of the earth would be toward the top side of the vortex; so that, standing on the sun looking at earth, we see the earth's south pole pointing in our direction; but the earth's north pole is pointing away from us on the other side of the earth, thus being external to the sun's center. 1584 The horizontal moving in toward the center would be the vortexya, and the vertical pole the m'vortexya. While the two-dimensional representation is convenient for easy visualization and understanding, keep in mind that the actual situation is three-dimensional; more on this later in Oahspe. 1585 You can get a sense of this if you take iron filings and sprinkle them on a sheet of paper under which lies a magnet. The iron filings will line up along the lines of the magnet's vortexian flow and look like little needles connected end to end, and there will be many lines next to each other as well, so that needles have needles for neighbors and all the needles are aligned to follow the vortexian flow. 1586 Once vortexya is created through the vortex, vortexya is, roughly speaking, what science calls energy; accordingly vortexian current is the flow of energy, whereas electrical current is the flow of electric charges (typically electrons). The relationship between the two is that when a current of vortexya is strong enough to carry electrons (or ions) along in the stream of vortexya, such current is called an electric current. Thus electricity is simply one form of manifestation of vortexya. Keep in mind that "electrons" were not discovered corporeally till 1897, fifteen years after Oahspe was published. And in 1925, under the quantum mechanics theory, electrons were said to be wavelike particles. 1587 aurora borealis, literally: winds of light
1588 i.e., from the interaction of vortices
1589 see Uz, Book of Ben, 36/0.4 1590 The introduction of one vortex to another creates an exchange of vortexya: The stronger vortex introduces a new path to flow in for the vortexya of the weaker vortex; and if strong enough, can break the weaker vortex. The liberated vortexya of a broken vortex mainly flows into that surrounding m'vortexian field which is most negative---being the piece of cloth in the example of 38/1.29. But even just simple exchange of vortexya between two or more vortices tends toward dissolution; and especially when the vortexya strikes corpor, this latter is more or less damaged, dissolved; or changed. Also note that vortices are always interacting to some degree or other, so that vortexya is constantly being exchanged to some extent.
1591 happen as a result, follow immediately
1592 extremely minute, small, exceedingly tiny
1593 that is, so-called gravity is a push, not a pull
1594 see image i073 showing the sun's vortex and some of its sub-vortices |
i073 Tow'sang. Solar Phalanx, that is, sun-family. Jehovih said: Let a sign be before men, so they may know that I shield My works with My Own hand. || And it was so, for He made a shield for every one of the living creatures on the earth, and in the waters and in the air. Even the kernel of wheat and the flesh of the nut, He encompassed with a hardy shield, so that man could know that He shielded all His works on their exterior. And now in kosmon, the time has come to reveal the vortex of Tow'sang, so that man can perceive the wisdom and glory of His works. An external shield He made for all, except man; but man alone He made to be shielded by the spirit within him. (see image only)
38/1.34. Were the sun planet extinct, |1595| the master vortex would instantly make another sun. |1596| As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, |1597| so do the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the master, pointing toward the center, which condition of things is called Light; |1598| and when these needles approach the center, or even the photosphere, its actinic |1599| force is called Heat.
1595 removed, eliminated, annihilated, erased 1596 --1599 see notes below |
1596 That is, to illustrate the action of the vortex, suppose it were possible to erase the sun; in that case, the sun's vortex would instantly make another sun. Thus we see whether the vortex is for a central planet (sun) or is a sub-vortex carrying a planet (38/1.6), the same general action of a vortex is present (see 38/1.11<fn-vortex> for an explanation of the action). Note that this verse is not confirming that the sun planet can become extinct while the sun's
vortex remains intact and unimpaired. For, as one might say, the corporeal form and its maintaining vortex are as one (see 38/1.28-30). 1597 see image i071; and image i070, below 1598 see image i069 figure 6 (with text); image i007 (with text); and image i062 1599 Actinic force is a property of light (including so-called sunlight) that produces changes such as photochemical changes, or heat. Oahspe gives more definition later.
i062 Sun and Earth Light. Jehovih said: In times past, man beheld the sun, saying: The sun is the Creator of all the living; light and heat come from the sun. || Then Jehovih said: I will put a sign in the firmament, and no man shall deny the work of My hand. || And above the earth, to the north and south, He placed polar lights, so that man could bear witness that light did not depend on corporea, and had no part in it. But He placed the sun in the midst of the great vortex, so that every side was like a pole to the corporeal worlds around it. And Jehovih made etherea as a condensing lens, so that the rotation of each and every corporeal world would manufacture its own light, on the side poling to the sun, by the rotation of its wark and vortex. And man saw that atmospherea turned the earth, and that the earth did not turn atmospherea. (see image only)
38/1.35. Neither light, nor heat, nor attraction of gravitation comes from the sun to the earth. Heat decreases in force (intensity) in proportion to the square of the distance from the place of generation; nevertheless, an allowance of decrease of one to the hundred must be added to it. Light decreases in proportion to the divisibility of rays, as will be mentioned further on. |1600|
1600 Unfortunately this information is not explicitly identified later on.
i070 Vortexian Lenses. B, B, B, B, B, planets. Fig. 1, photosphere, or light on every side; Fig. 2, negative currents; Fig. 3, relative enlargement of a planet on the illuminate side; Fig. 4, enlargement illustrative of age of planet; Figs. 5 and 8, variation in vortex, called variation of needles; 1, 1, etherea, or inactive space; 2, 2, 2, 2, place of actinic force. The Panic signs denote the expression in numbers. Atmospherea corresponds to the place of actinic force. (see image only)
Though a man sees the light of the sun, as he sees a horse in a field, yet there is no such thing as travel of light in fact; nor is there any substance of light. But that which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth, the flash requires a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience' sake this lapse of time is called the travel of light. When the flash continues (i.e., the light is constant), as in case of the sun center, the master's infinitesimal needles remain poised from the sun center outward, even to the earth, and may be compared to telegraph wires, with a battery at each end. But there is no travel of light in any sense whatsoever. Daylight is not, therefore, made by the sun, nor by the photosphere of the sun. Daylight is the condition of things polarized within the master vortex. |1601| Night is manufactured by the earth coming between the master's focus and the outer extreme. |1602| So that both night and day continue all the time; and we experience them both alternately in consequence of the axial motion of the earth. As in the case of night or any darkness, when the needles of atmospherean substance are disturbed in polarity, |1603| or when the lines of needles are cut, as in eclipse, there is no direct manifestation of the earth's vortexian currents, and this is the cause of darkness. For which reason nitrogenous plants grow rapidly at night, while the ripening of certain fruits and grain require the light of day. For by this vortexya (actinic force) seeds, grains, fruits, and herbs are charged with it (vortexya). And when man eats, or, as in breathing air, these things go into dissolution, and the heat [liberated vortexya manifesting as heat --ed.] is eliminated, and lodges itself in man. Or if certain herbs are piled together, and they commence dissolution, their heat is evolved [liberated vortexya manifests as heat, being dense, ignites], and is called spontaneous combustion. 38/1.36. Nevertheless, the herbs, as such, have no power to produce heat; it is by their rapid dissolution that the vortexya in them endeavors to escape to some pole (m'vortexya). |1604| The heat [calories, energy] in herbs, seeds, plants and other growing things, is there because they are the objective points of the actinic force of vortexya. And this heat in herbs (being vortexya, but manifesting in a particular way) is equivalent to the same thing in iron, which is called magnetism (being also vortexya, but manifesting in a different way). And its liberation from plants or polar manifestation from magnets is the same thing as that which is discharged in a magnetic flame [spark or stream of electrons] called electricity (for it, too, is vortexya, but manifesting differently). 38/1.37. So, the cause of all these things springs from the vortex, the power and force of which is vortexya. By a sudden dissolution of vegetable substance, such as wood or straw, we have what is called fire, or burning. There is no substance of heat or fire; a dissolution occurs in which the vortexya is liberated. Corporeal substances all contain heat; |1605| even snow and ice have it in infinitesimal quantities; and oils and herbs of all kinds; but the diamond contains the highest percentage of charge. |1606| 38/1.38. And in these matters philosophers have taught erroneously that heat comes from the sun. |1607| But, as may be proved anywhere on earth, heat is evolved (generated) only at the expense of destroying something, which is, in general, called combustion. And there is not anything in the entire universe that can give off forever without forever receiving a supply. Heat in anything in heaven or earth had to be stored up in the first place before it could be liberated. 38/1.39. Though a man burns a stick of wood, he can produce no more heat from it than what was stored in it. 38/1.40. Allowing the sun to be four and a half million miles in diameter, |1608| and to be of the best quality of a diamond: Give it even fifty percent of the burning capacity, and it would be entirely consumed in eighty thousand years! And yet the sun is nowhere near the quality of a diamond; nor is it any more so than the earth is in quality. But suppose the sun was as a diamond, or as the highest conceived‑of center of heat; then that heat had to be previously given to it. Where did it come from? To suppose that heat exists of itself is folly; to suppose that heat can be produced forever without supply is not supported by any fact in heaven or earth. 38/1.41. Friction produces heat; but it is because the abrasion liberates stored‑up vortexya. Or as in the case of glass rubbing on leather, vortexya is manufactured [as static electricity --ed.]. |1609| In the case of the sun there is no such manufactory, nor one approximating it. |1610| 38/1.42. Where they have observed sunspots, and said that during their presence, the temperature of the earth decreases, and so, reasoning that sunspots prevented the heat of the sun from falling to the earth, they have erred in two particulars: First, in defective observations and guessing at a conclusion; and second, in not having first determined the relative heat evolved from the earth at different periods in its course of travel. (About which, further remarks will be made later.) 38/1.43. The same errors, in regard to the light of the moon, were made in the conclusions of Kepler and Humboldt, in attributing its eclipse (lunar eclipse) to be governed by the sun's rays being inflected by their passage through the atmosphere of the earth and thrown into the shadow cone [thus supposedly producing the red light of the moon during its full eclipse --ed.]. |1611| 38/1.44. The superstitions of the ancients still cling to philosophers; they seek, first, to find the causes of things in the sun; or if failing in that, turn to the moon, or if failing here, they turn to the stars. 38/1.45. Finding a coincidence in the tides with certain phases of the moon, they have erroneously attributed the cause of tides to the power of attraction in the moon manifesting on the ocean, which is taught to this day as sound philosophy! Attraction, as previously stated, does not exist in any corporeal substance as a separate thing. There is no substance of attraction. Nor is there any substance of gravitation. These powers are the manifestation of vortexya. If vortexya is charged into a piece of iron or steel, it is called a magnet, because it apparently draws its own kind to itself. When two pieces of steel, alike in quality, are charged to their capacity with vortexya, their power will be in proportion to their dimensions. If one is twice the size of the other, its magnetic force (so‑called) will be approximately two times more powerful. 38/1.46. The form of a true magnet of steel, to manifest the greatest positive, and greatest negative force, should be nearly a right‑angle elbow, |1612| similar to a line of vortexya flowing from the equatorial surface of the earth to its center, and then toward the north pole. By bringing together the poles of two such magnets, a square is produced, which now balances its recipiency and emission of vortexya. |1613| 38/1.47. As in the case of an iron mountain, it is constantly receiving (feebly) equatorially, |1614| and constantly emitting (feebly) polarly the vortexian current; though, for practical observations, the force may be said to be in a dormant state. And it is in this sense that the earth and other planets should be considered. They are not in the shape of triangles |1615| nor horseshoes, but as globes. Hence their positive and negative vortexian power (magnetism) is less than the horseshoe form. 38/1.48. The (attracting or pulling) power of a magnet decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from it. Under certain conditions one leg of the magnet repels things from it. As previously stated, this is nevertheless one current; in which vortexya flows through the magnet, just as water flows through a tube. This propelling power (push, repulsion) of the magnet also decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from it. If the poles of a single magnet are exposed, it will, in time, decrease from its maximum power until it ultimately reaches the same capacity (as to external things) even as if the poles were closed by juxtaposition with another magnet. 38/1.49. Concerning which, it will be observed that were the sun, moon or earth the most powerful steel magnet, it would not take a long time till its magnetic attraction would not exceed native iron ore. And it will also be observed that were the moon a globe of magnetic iron ore, it can be shown approximately how far its power of magnetic attraction would extend external to itself. 38/1.50. Nevertheless, its magnetic attraction in that extreme case would not be on water or clay, but on iron and its kindred ores. So that if the moon exerted a magnetic force on the earth it would manifest more on the magnetic needle, or other iron substance, than on the water of the ocean. 38/1.51. By suspending a ball of magnetic iron alongside a suspended cup of water, it will be discovered that there is no magnetic attraction between them, no more than between two cups of water, or between two vessels of clay. 38/1.52. The highest magnetic power that can be imparted to the equatorial dimension of a steel ball, so as to move an equivalent fellow, is seven of its diameters! But in the case of iron ore (normal magnet) it is very considerably less than this. By this it is shown that if the moon were a steel magnet it would not exert perceptible power more than nine thousand miles. But her shortest distance from the earth is two hundred and twenty thousand miles! |1616| 38/1.53. And in this, it is shown that under the most extravagant supposition of power, her magnetic attraction is more than two hundred thousand miles short of reaching to the earth. 38/1.54. Were there such a thing as magnetic attraction between iron and water, or between water and water, a still further discrepancy would result. Allowing the general parts of the moon, as to iron, stone, clay and water, to be like those of the corporeal earth, the power of the magnetic attraction of the earth, as against the moon's, to hold the tides from rising, would be in the ratio of the different sizes of the two bodies, and their respective distances from the water contended for. In which case there would be more than four billion times advantage of power in the earth! For if we give the same magnetic equivalent to each, we must give to each a decrease in proportion to the square of the distance of their centers from the point in contention, the ocean's tides! 38/1.55. The same philosophy holds in regard to the sun, and to Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and all other planets, making allowance for their different densities and velocities. 38/1.56. As to the attraction (so‑called) between two earth substances, such as granite, sandstone, lead, gold, clay, or water, it is far less than between two steel magnets. In which case it will be observed, that it is utterly impossible for one planet to exert any attractive force to another; or even from a planet to its own satellite. 38/1.57. And even if the most extravagant supposition, based on measurement, was given to the sun's supposed attractive force, it would not extend to the earth by more than seventy million miles! In which case they have taught error in place of truth! |1617|
1601 And thus can be seen by the human eye, when it registers as corporeal light on the receptors in the retina. 1602 i.e., the outer extreme of the sun's vortex; in other words, that side of the earth and its sky, opposite of where the sun is seen
1603 For example, see the bottom of figure 5 in image i070 Vortexian Lenses, showing the disturbed needles; or see the outer envelope outside the right hand side of the earth in image i062; which condition is called darkness or night.
1604 Rapid dissolution can give rise to a flame. Physicists give explanation as to why a flame tapers to a point. But in Oahspe, we receive an explanation insofar as vortexyan action is concerned. That is, first, heat or fire are only manifestations of vortexya; and, second, the vortexya, escaping, rises upward toward a pole; in other words, toward a point. 1605 whether as internal movement (agitation of molecules), or as vortexya stored in its structure (as, e.g., chemical and nuclear bonds; for instance, calories are stored in starch) 1606 That is, a substance that is charged with vortexya can be said to manifest it in at least two ways, and all corporeal substances have some percentage of each. First is as movement (kinetic energy) even if only on an atomic or sub-atomic level, and the second is stored vortexya (whether as chemical energy, bonding energy, nuclear energy, etc.). For in the building of structure, vortexya (energy) is used and thus integrated into a system and order; hence stored, lodged. And it can be liberated, thus producing heat. Hence, if the bonds in a diamond were broken, a tremendous amount of stored energy would be converted into kinetic energy, and so produce immense heat. 1607 It is easy to see how early philosophers could come to that conclusion: Fire, like the sun, "produces" light, shadow and heat. Because one can feel the warmth from a fire while standing at a distance, and because one is also warmed by standing in the sun, which is also at a distance, it stood to reason that the sun would heat the earth in a manner similar to fire. But Oahspe now shows the conclusion to be faulty. 1608 This is some five times larger than the diameter that scientists give. So that, even in "allowing" the sun to be that large, it would still fall short of 'providing heat' for any appreciable duration.
1609 That is, the rubbing causes vortexya to build up in the glass rod, and in so doing, a static electrical charge (a manifestation of vortexya) is manufactured. 1610 Today scientists describe the sun as a nuclear cauldron, boiling out light, heat and energy; but as to how the sun attained to its nuclear elements and supposed immense heat, their philosophy is yet under construction (at this time their favored theory is that the universe was created in a big bang---and suns, solar systems and galaxies are projectiles from that supposed initial explosion). But even allowing the sun to be a boiling cauldron, how would that heat come to earth? After all, consider the coldness of outer space. Thus it is not the sun that has heat to any significance as regards earth, but rather that the master vortex interacting with the earth's vortex, liberates vortexya which then might manifest as heat. 1611 Inflected is an old optical term meaning rays of light bent in or deflected in. The conclusions are: Shine light on a sphere and a shadow cone is created. Sunlight shining on the spherical earth creates a shadow cone (umbra); but because of the atmosphere, some light gets inflected into the shadow cone. This light [supposedly] can be seen as the red glow on the moon during its total eclipse (when the moon is wholly in the umbra of the earth).
1612 i.e., nearly an L-angle or a right-angled triangle
1613 see Figs. 2 and 3 of image i069, (with text)
1614 i.e., from the equator
1615 That is, a right-angled triangle. Note that the path of the vortexian current is triangular, that is, take a try square (L-angle) shaped magnet: The current flows from the tip of the horizontal leg into the center (elbow) of the L-angle, then up to the top, where it escapes the tip of the vertical leg and then travels (arcs) down along the hypotenuse toward the tip of the horizontal leg, thus resembling a right triangle.
1616 This 220,000 miles is the moon's perigee distance (closest to the earth), and is correct as far as rounded figures go. Apparently the distance of seven diameters is the measure of the diameter of the entire magnetic field, which would put the effectual magnetic radius at 3½ ball diameters from the center. But the "perceptible power," evidently meaning measurable power, even though it is not strong enough to move one of its fellows, is at 4 ball diameters from the center. That is, the moon's average diameter, according to modern science, is about 2160 miles; and four of these average diameters, equals 8640 miles, which, rounded, as Oahspe tends to do, fits the 9000 miles.
1617 Although measurements and predictions can be made using Newton's or Einstein's or quantum mechanics' model of the universe, note it is not the predictive power, per se, that is being addressed in Oahspe, but rather its focus is on the cause (underlying explanation) of the phenomena; and in this, Oahspe and especially Cosmogony, reveals errors in man's philosophy. Thus, for example, it is not the planets themselves (including sun) that are the cause of planetary interactions, but the causes lie in the interaction of their vortices; and the cause behind all is Jehovih. |
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