Book of God's Word |
CHAPTER 12 God's Word
21/12.1. I'hua'Mazda said to Zarathustra, the All Pure: Three castes I have made; the first are the I'hins, sacred above all other people, because they keep my commandments; second, the I'huans, whom I created more powerful than other people, because by them I will subdue the earth; and third, the druks, the evil people, who will not learn. 21/12.2. I'hua'Mazda said to Zarathustra, the All Pure: Remember the caste of men; keep your blood in the place I created you; nor shall you marry except in the caste I created you. 21/12.3. I'hua'Mazda said: A thousand castes I created among the I'huans: The king; the doctor; the magician; the priest; the farmer; the bearer of burdens; the messenger, swift footed; and for all other occupations under the sun. I created them each and all within their own castes; nor shall they marry except in the caste I created them. 21/12.4. Zarathustra responded to I'hua'Mazda, saying: I will keep your commandments. Your seventy commandments, and seven hundred and seven thousand. 21/12.5. I will preserve as sacred the castes you have created, O I'hua'Mazda. And I will teach these holy truths to my children; to my servants, and to all men. 21/12.6. Then I'hua'Mazda wrote all the commandments, those previously mentioned, and he stooped down and kissed the books, which were made of stone and cloth, saying: This is my holy book. Take it, O Zarathustra, you All Pure, and go forth into all the world, teaching it, and explaining it. 21/12.7. Then Zarathustra, the All Pure, stooped down and kissed the book, saying: This is your holy book, O I'hua'Mazda. I take it; and I will go into all the world, teaching it, and explaining it. 21/12.8. Thus was completed the first sacred, most holy book created for mortals. And Zarathustra rose up from his writing, tall and handsome, inquiring of I'hua'Mazda, saying: Where shall I go first, O master? 21/12.9. Then answered I'hua'Mazda, creator of the Ormazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, saying: 21/12.10. Take my holy book, the Ormazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, first, to Asha, king of the I'huans, king of Oas, the City of the Sun. Him I have prepared for you and your work since the day of his birth, since the day of your birth, since the day I spoke to him in your infancy. 21/12.11. Then Zarathustra went forth, strong in faith; and he came to Asha, the king. And the king said to him: You have been gone so long! Behold, I have cast the horoscope a hundred times, a thousand times. I have proved all the stars in heaven and named them, and made maps of them. And I have measured the power of one star over another star; and the powers of the stars on this world, and the powers of the sun and moon. 21/12.12. Yes, I have sent into the great cities of the east, to men of great learning; and to the south and north and west, to men of great learning. And then I sent to the kings of Jaffeth and Shem; to Bow‑ghan‑ghad; to Bing‑thah; and to the great city of Huug‑sin, where the great philosopher, Ah‑tdong, lives. And from all of these I have obtained great wisdom. 21/12.13. Hear me, then, O Zarathustra; although I do not believe your philosophy, I will speak to you as if it were true: First, then, in all the stars there is nothing but lies; nor does it matter if a man is born under this star or that star! I am old now and have observed thousands of men, yes, even kings and queens, as to whether the stars rule over them, and I declare to you that the philosophy of the stars is nothing but lies. Moreover, I have searched my own behavior, and I find I am often doing things contrary to my first intentions; but as to the cause, I do not know. 21/12.14. This also I have discovered; there is one kind of cause that lies with individuals; and there is another kind of cause that lies with kings and kingdoms; but, yet, I perceive that each and every man is bound in his own channel |654| by something stronger than himself. To find the cause of this, I have searched even to the extent of all the stars in the firmament, but did not find the truth. 21/12.15. Now I ask you, in the name of your Gods, if you can prove this matter to your king? 21/12.16. Then Zarathustra answered, saying: Through my hand I'hua'Mazda has written a most holy book, explaining many philosophies. This book I have brought to you, according to the commandments of my God, so that you may read it. 21/12.17. Then the king took the book and read it; and the next day Zarathustra came again before the king. The king said: Your book says thus and so, but it proves little. Your God asserts he has done thus and so, and that he created thus and so. First of all, then, I do not know if there is a God; second, if there is a God, I do not know that he comes to you; and, third, if he comes to you, and he is a just God, why does he not come to me? And yet, after all this, for I do not doubt your wisdom will give sufficient answers to these questions, if it is true there are Gods unseen that rule over us, and spirits of the dead that come to us, persuading our souls unconsciously to ourselves, what does it matter whether we try or not, to obtain truth and wisdom? Shall all things not be left to the spirits and Gods and Lords? Do you not know that the ancients believed these things? 21/12.18. And yet what of the ancients? Were they not in darkness, and addicted to horrid rites and ceremonies, and murders, and savagery? With our wisdom of disbelief in their religions, have we not attained to great cities and empires? Behold our thousands and tens of thousands of large cities! And do they not all have just reason to be proud? For there is not one city without walls and gates being adorned with thousands of skeletons and skulls of serpents and lions, and the scalps of druks. 21/12.19. Then I'hua'Mazda spoke to the king, speaking through the voice of Zarathustra, saying: Hear your God, O king, and consider my words. There are two births to all men; the first is from the mother's womb, and the second is from the corporeal body. Prior to the first birth, the will and power of the child has nothing to do with shaping its own destiny. But prior to the spiritual birth, which is the mortal death, the man has much to do with shaping his future destiny in the next world. 21/12.20. I declare to you, O king, that the corporeal man is, therefore, only half accomplished as to his real life. He is only half his own master; only half the controller of his place and behavior in the mortal world; nevertheless, he is the first half, the first chooser. Do not think that spirits and Gods rule men as if they were slaves or toys; for another power also lies over man, which is neither spirits nor Gods nor stars, nor moon nor sun; but the corporeal surroundings that feed his earthly desires. 21/12.21. This is the Ormazdian law; neither the corporeal stars, nor corporeal earth, nor corporeal moon, nor corporeal man, rules over the spirit; but the subtle, the unseen to mortals, is the cause and ruler of all things. 21/12.22. Asha said: O if only I could believe this! If only I knew this were true! O, if only the unseen worlds could be opened up to my understanding! For I perceive there is more power and virtue in your philosophy than in my decrees. || But touching on your book, O Zarathustra, answer me this: Who do the people in the world belong to, if not to me, the Sun King? Are the people not mine? 21/12.23. I'hua'Mazda said: All belong to Ormazd. Is it not here taught (in the book) that man shall acknowledge obedience and worship to Ormazd only? 21/12.24. Asha said: I so perceive. Answer me this, O Zarathustra: To disown the king and the king's kings; will this not bring anarchy? For will the rulers not declare your doctrine robs them of subjects? To which I'hua'Mazda permitted Zarathustra to reply. He said: 21/12.25. Is it not hard for a man to be denied the privilege of choosing his own master? Behold, they are now impressed into war; yes, you keep standing armies, trained in the labor of death; and this for the glory of the Sun Kingdom. Now hear me, O king, for I am now speaking on my own accord, and no God is speaking through me. And I declare to you, I have attained power to go in soul into the unseen worlds and see with my own eyes how it is with the souls of the dead. And I declare to you there are great torments for the wicked. I have seen them in hell, with walls of fire going up around them day and night; suffocating fires of brimstone, from which they cannot escape. And those slain in war, both those who are for the king, and those against the king, are equally cast into ceaseless torments, and even kings and queens with them, where all are wailing and gnashing their teeth, and cursing; and in their madness, doing wickedly toward others with all their might. 21/12.26. The king said: If it is true that you can go into heaven and hell, it must be true you can go to places on the corporeal earth in the same way. Prove this to me, and I will believe all you have said. Then Zarathustra said: Tell me where I shall go, so I may convince you, O king? 21/12.27. Asha said: Go to the tower of the horoscope and find the words on the calendar. 21/12.28. While Zarathustra was gone in spirit, I'hua'Mazda spoke, saying: Have I not said, spirit cannot be proved except to spirit! Have I not said I am I'hua'Mazda; and Zarathustra has said he is Zarathustra. But this you cannot see. Behold, you shall witness now your own craft (unbelief). Here returns Zarathustra. 21/12.29. Then Zarathustra spoke, saying: You said to me: Go to the tower of the horoscope and find the words of the calendar. Lo, I have been there, and am already returned before you. These, then, are the words of the calendar: To‑ka, Seis, ctvai tnong, biang loo‑sin-gooh wotchich; an porh, an oot, an dhi, an git. 21/12.30. Asha said: This is true. But how shall I determine whether or not you gathered the calendar information from my heart? For I had the knowledge in my heart since sunrise. Then Zarathustra answered, saying: Try me once again; yes, you shall ask me for some toy of yours, and I will go fetch it. 21/12.31. Asha said: When I was a boy I let fall into the river, between the cliffs, at the outer wall, a golden case; go, bring it. 21/12.32. Again while Zarathustra was gone in spirit, I'hua'Mazda spoke: Two conditions belong to all men, belief and unbelief. They are like seeds, planted in the soul of man while he is yet in his mother's womb; and when he is born into the world, they begin to grow within him. If man favors one only, it will grow at the expense of the other. Because of unbelief in man, he searches after truth and knowledge; but because of belief in man, he finds happiness; but the latter may lead to stupidity, and the former to cruelty. It is a wise man, therefore, who keeps these two talents evenly balanced. 21/12.33. Now, even while I'hua'Mazda spoke, the long‑lost golden case fell at the king's feet, and it was still dripping with water. The king examined it, and then exclaimed: This is true! And yet, if there are spirits and Gods, how shall I determine which one brought this? May it not have been an evil spirit as well as a good one? 21/12.34. Then I'hua'Mazda spoke, saying: Have I not said, I will show you your own craft in finding some other reason than the right one? 21/12.35. Asha said: O you Gods, can you not heal me of my unbelief? My judgment shows me I am diseased in my heart. O, if only my mother had been a believing woman before I was born! Tell me, O Zarathustra, or I'hua'Mazda, whoever you are, for I perceive you are not like any man under the sun, tell me what I shall do, so that I may become your servant? 21/12.36. I'hua'Mazda said: Tomorrow at sunrise I will come to you, with Zarathustra, and I will tell you many things.
654 station, path, habit, destiny, fate
CHAPTER 13 God's Word
21/13.1. The following morning, the king said: I have not slept. All night I was like one burning with fever; for your wondrous words and your miracles have very nearly turned my judgment upside down. 21/13.2. I'hua'Mazda said: Because a man cannot understand a thing, shall he cry out, Miracle! Now I declare I have done no miracle; nor has Zarathustra. Yet to mortals these things are miracles! If so, is a man not a miracle to himself? Is procreation (having children) not a miracle? 21/13.3. This, then, I have found, O Asha, what man is not accustomed to, he calls a miracle; after he has seen a matter frequently, he calls it a natural law. What man have you found who comprehends the first cause of anything under the sun? 21/13.4. Why, then, should man waste his time in unprofitable research? Is it not wiser that man labor to raise his fellow‑men out of misery and darkness, than to gratify his own personal desire for great learning? 21/13.5. The king said: You reason well. And yet, what learned good man have you found who will not say: Yes, to do good is a pretty philosophy! And there ends his aspiration. What, then, can I say, or what can you say, that will render the words fruitful? 21/13.6. I'hua'Mazda said: You are this day king of all the world; nor is there any other kingdom that does not pay you tribute. Whatever you desire is as a law to all other kingdoms. For that reason I come to you. Indeed, you were born to this end. Hear, then, the voice of your God, and you shall do what is good for your soul and good for all other people. 21/13.7. Asha said: I am almost tempted to accede to your wishes before you have revealed; but yet hear the voice of your king; what does it matter to me about the good of other people? Even if it is proven that great men have souls that live after death, it is not yet proven that the druks have souls also. If they have souls, then heaven must be a stupid place indeed. For you have not shown me that man obtains wisdom by dying, nor is it reasonable that he should do so. Rather tell me, O Zarathustra, how I may get rid of the world; for of what use is life at most? 21/13.8. I'hua'Mazda said: Because you do not rejoice in your life, you perceive that it is your philosophy that is deficient, and not that the world is. Yet I will prove to you that you are overflowing with happiness. To believe what I reveal and have faith in it, is to become happy. The king then answered him, saying: To believe, there is the matter. I declare to you, there is not a grain of belief in my heart. How, then, can it grow? 21/13.9. I'hua'Mazda said: He who can say, I can think of an All Highest, has the seed of everlasting life in him. He who lives the all highest he can; he who thinks of the All Highest; he who talks to the All Highest; he who tries to perceive from the standpoint of the All Highest, quickly transcends belief and becomes a very God in faith. He becomes master of himself, and feeds himself with happiness, even as men feed themselves with bread. 21/13.10. Asha said: What would you have me do? To which I'hua'Mazda said: With the people, you have greater authority than a God, greater than miracles. Your decrees are all powerful. You shall have a copy of this book written on stone and cloth, one copy for every sub‑kingdom in your dominions. And you shall send it to them with a sword and a serpent, saying to them: Receive this book, for it is a Holy Book, the All Highest Law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, the Ormazdian law. And it shall be a rule and guide to you and your kingdom forever. And every king in the kingdom of the sun shall serve one year in living with the poor, carrying the alms‑bowl for sacrifices to Ormazd. 21/13.11. And when you have sent forth this decree into all the world, you shall yourself give up your kingdom; and you shall give to the poor all your gold, silver and cases, and all your treasures whatsoever, having nothing left to yourself but the clothes that cover you. And you shall go and live with the poor, carrying the alms‑bowl yourself in the streets of Oas. And of the food you gather in the bowl, you shall give the choicest parts to the poor, saying: This is the sacrifice of the many given to you; eat of it, for it is the very body and blood of Ormazd, our Father in heaven! But the poorest of all that is in the bowl shall be your portion. 21/13.12. At the end of one year you shall go about preaching the Ormazdian law, commanding the cessation of war and the abandonment of evil, and the acceptance of righteousness. 21/13.13. The king said: What can you promise me if I do all these things? Then I'hua'Mazda suffered Zarathustra to answer him: He said, Nothing! Did the Creator ask this, before He made the world? If you desire to approach (draw closer to) your Creator, do as He does. Nor is it my place, nor the angels' place, nor the place of God, to promise you anything. You are not my servant; and you shall serve only the Master, All Light (Jehovih). 21/13.14. And as I have taught you, so shall you go and teach others, explaining the Ormazdian law. 21/13.15. Asha said: Do the Gods in heaven give rewards for good works and sacrifices |655| done on earth? Zarathustra said: He who does good works and makes sacrifices to Ormazd has his reward. For it is by this means, that the soul of man becomes strong, and especially strong for the first and second resurrections in the next world. 21/13.16. Asha said: To be with you, O Zarathustra, and feast on the wisdom of your words, I would make any sacrifice. Will you go with me among the poor? 21/13.17. I'hua'Mazda said: No, you shall go alone. And for company you shall pray to your Creator, and make songs of praise to Him, nor think any more of yourself than as if you were dead. |656| 21/13.18. The king said: It is said of madmen that they think they are not mad. How, then, am I to know if I am mad? Will the world not adjudge me so, if I obey your commandments? And can the world not judge me better than I can judge myself? It was said of the ancients that Sughdha (Apollo) obsessed old men and weak‑hearted women; and it was for that reason Osiris came and slew him. If there are Gods in heaven, as you say, maybe you have come to slay Osiris? 21/13.19. I'hua'Mazda said: You are a great multiplier of arguments; but in all your speech I have seen nothing that planned the resurrection of men from darkness into light. And is this not the All Highest that man should aim at? 21/13.20. Asha said: I am done. Your judgment is greater than mine. All you have commanded of me I will do. From this time forth I will serve only Ormazd, the Creator. Your God, O Zarathustra, shall be my God. Your ways shall be my ways. Starting now, I will argue forever on the side of the Creator. And in all matters, I will first ask myself what I shall say that would be like your God would say it; and what I shall do that will fulfill the Ormazdian law.
655 The word sacrifice here [as used by Asha] is evidently used in the same sense as in the Vedic Scriptures, and signifies, "Contributions to the poor and afflicted." --Ed.
656 That is, as if he no longer existed; which is to say, as the people in the Kingdom of the Sun no more think of a person after he is dead (because they think he no longer exists), so likewise Asha was to void himself of any thoughts or concerns of himself.
CHAPTER 14 God's Word
21/14.1. ASHA, King of Oas, the City of the Sun, King of the Sun, ruler over the whole corporeal world, owner and possessor of all mortals, men, women and children, commander of all flesh, descended from the Sun Gods thousands of years, and whose forefathers were the fathers of all living creatures, Highest of Men, and by whose good grace the inhabitants of the earth are permitted to live, and whose decrees are the standard of all things, Maker of Justice and Maker of Truth, and whom none dare question, and on whose word the sun and moon and stars bow down, greeting: 21/14.2. To the kings and queens of the east and west and north and south, over all the cities in the world; rulers in the temples of the stars (observatories); slayers of dragons, slayers of lions, slayers of tigers, men, women, children and serpents, honored in the golgothas, |657| and by millions of cowering slaves; owners of thousands of wives, and whose boats sail in lakes of mortal blood, and whose crowns are honored by ten thousand men slain every year, sworn on the flesh of the thigh, whose words are life and death; and most obedient to the Sun King, I command: 21/14.3. First, that there is an Ormazd, Creator, Person! Whose Soul is in all the world, and in all things in the firmament above; Who is Father; Who is the Light of light, Creator of darkness and men, Who is forever The Going Forth; Who is Cause of causes; larger than all things seen and unseen; the Power of all power. 21/14.4. Second, I'hua'Mazda, His Only Begotten Son, born of the Virgin Mi (the Substance Seen). Pure and All Holy; Master of Men; Person of Word; Essence of Ormazd revealed in Word; Savior of Men; Holder of the keys of heaven; through Whose Good Grace only the souls of men can rise to Nirvania, the High Heaven: 21/14.5. Third, Zarathustra, A man, All Pure, conceived by a Virgin, and born wise, being one with I'hua'Mazda, who is one with Ormazd. Of whom The Word says: He does without miracle the raising of the dead; the healing the sick by the laying on of hands; whose word of command brings forth ripe wheat, full grown, in a day; and doing all things that the ancients accredited to the Gods as miracles, but which the Ormazdian law shows to be Natural Law to anyone who is All Pure, and who draws power from Ormazd the Creator, and His holy angels. 21/14.6. Fourth, A Book, holy and sacred, revealed by I'hua'Mazda to Zarathustra, the All Pure; and written on stone and cloth, revealing All Wisdom, which is styled, the Ormazdian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, which is the All Highest Law in All the world, approved by Asha, I, the King of Kings! 21/14.7. Fifth, by ten thousand learned scribes in my command, written copies of The Holy Book, with one now sent along with commands by the King of the Sun! That this book shall be the All Highest law in all my sub‑kingdoms, and that all my kings shall believe it and command the same of their slaves [subjects --Ed.]. Nor shall any man stand up against this, my decree, and live; nor shall any man alter one word or sign in this Holy Book; nor disbelieve one word it contains. 21/14.8. And my kings and sub‑kings; and my queens and sub‑queens, shall obey all the commandments, even as I obey them; nor shall any man, woman, or child, question these things, as to whether they are the All Highest, or whether there is error in whatever comes from my hand; for by my decree they are made All Truth! 21/14.9. For I was raised up to the High Estate by Ormazd, for this purpose; and not one in the whole world has power like me. 21/14.10. And you, to whom these holy words come, shall make oath on a serpent and a sword to obey these, my commandments, now and forever. || 21/14.11. Thus Asha sent officers to carry the books he had made to the kings and queens in the east and west and north and south; and those he sent were men of great learning, and of the highest caste; and they took with them serpents and swords, and gave the books as commanded, exacting an oath from all who received them.
657 Temples made of skulls and teeth. --Ed.
CHAPTER 15 God's Word
21/15.1. When Asha, the king, had thus completed the labor of making the books, and sending them as commanded by I'hua'Mazda, he sent for Zarathustra, for further counsel as to how he should abdicate the throne according to the Highest Light. And when I'hua'Mazda was in his presence, even before Zarathustra had yet come, Asha said: Here comes that quickened thought again! Behold, I sent for Zarathustra in order to ask certain questions, and lo, my heart answers me! 21/15.2. Yes, of course, I have nothing to do with what is not my own! Now, while he thus framed his own answer, Zarathustra came and said to him: You desire to counsel in regard to abdicating your throne? Behold, I'hua'Mazda has been to you even now, saying: What have you to do with that which is not your own! 21/15.3. Asha said: I have asked before: That which speaks to my heart, what is it? Now according to your wisdom, that which speaks to my heart is I'hua'Mazda! How shall one know it to be so? Zarathustra said: If a man asks the All Light in reference to his own affairs, and for his own concerns, then he receives an answer from the tetracts; but if he asks the All Light in reference to what he shall do for others, to render the highest good to them, then the answer is from I'hua'Mazda. I declare to you, O Asha, he is a dark man indeed to whom the Creator does not speak every day. 21/15.4. Asha said: What, then, shall I do in a matter like this? As yet, all the world belongs to me. Presently I shall deliver it to itself; should I not provide a ruler for them? 21/15.5. Zarathustra said: Why, then, you will be bound to give them one as good and as wise as yourself, otherwise you will cheat them! Furthermore, does the Ormazdian law not say: You shall not have any king but your Creator? 21/15.6. Asha said: I so perceive. What then, shall I go away saying nothing? Then I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: You shall do more than this; for you shall give liberty to all men, and proclaim to them, commanding that they shall obey the doctrines of the Holy Book, serving no master but the Creator. And when the old order over the people is completely broken up by your decree, you shall go away, leaving your throne and your capital to whatever may come to them. 21/15.7. Asha said: I perceive. That which has been given me to do, I will do. Behold, I will bestow freedom on all the world; and with my alms‑bowl go about begging. Heaven must be just, and it is right that I should have the experience of the poor as well as of the rich. How else would I ever become sufficiently wise to be a God in heaven? 21/15.8. Yet one more thing, O Zarathustra, and I will ask you no more questions; you have said I must pray to Ormazd: Now, behold, I never prayed in my life! Who will teach me to pray? 21/15.9. I'hua'Mazda said: Let your lips utter your holiest desires, and let your soul seek constantly for new expressions magnifying the wisdom, love and power of Ormazd, the Creator. 21/15.10. Nor shall you be concerned about rules of prayer; the rules are for the unlearned. He who invents a new prayer to Ormazd every day of his life has done wisely indeed. For the glory of prayer is the strengthening of one's own soul to perceive the Higher Light. 21/15.11. The purpose of prayer is not to change the decrees of Ormazd, but to change one's own self for the better. Yet he who repeats words of prayer like a parrot repeats, improves himself but little. 21/15.12. Asha said: If a man thinks a prayer, and uses no words, is it well with him? 21/15.13. I'hua'Mazda said: It is well with him; but it is better to add words also. It is well for Ormazd to think a universe, but better to create it. To begin to learn creating, you shall use spoken words; the perfection of creating is to have the words bear fruit. He who omits words of prayer will in time omit prayer also, and his soul thus tends to barrenness. 21/15.14. A vain man says: I have no need to pray; Ormazd knows my soul! In that case, then, shall the field not say: I shall produce no harvest, because Ormazd knows my capacity! I declare to you, O Asha, the secret of all spiritual growth lies in giving out the spirit: He who would grow in wisdom, must give wisdom; he who would grow in love, must give love; he who would grow in power of spirit, must give out power of spirit. 21/15.15. Think, then; if you pray silently, your power goes weakly to your audience; but if you pray with words, openly, you give to your audience of your fruit; and, for this glory, Ormazd provides you abundantly. 21/15.16. When you go with your bowl to feed the feeble, the old, the helpless, and the blind, you shall teach them prayer and confessions; and you shall absolve those who are depressed because of their sins, so that they may rejoice in their own lives.
CHAPTER 16 God's Word
21/16.1. So Asha, being converted, gave up all he had on earth, and went and lived with the poor, carrying the alms‑bowl for one year, preaching and praying for the poor. And it came to pass that at the end of the year he had thousands of followers. 21/16.2. And he built altars for them, teaching them to worship the Creator; to restore the mark of circumcision; to be upright before men; to labor for the helpless and distressed, and to not do to any man that which they desire not to be done to themselves. 21/16.3. And these people took the name of Zarathustrians, in contradistinction to the Par'si'e'ans. Nevertheless, they were the I'huan race, and the Ghans. 21/16.4. And because of their religion, they could not own property, neither houses, nor lands, nor cattle, nor beasts of burden. Many of them gave themselves into servitude to the Par'si'e'ans, but many of them lived on the contributions brought by converts who had owned great possessions. 21/16.5. Now it so turned out, that when Asha abdicated the throne, there were many aspirants to take his place, and the Council of the Sun was puzzled over whom to select, so peace would remain in Oas; but they finally made Hi'ya'tseing king, because he was a great warrior, having bestowed the city's walls and gates with more than ten thousand skulls, from the refractory |658| tribes adjacent. 21/16.6. Hi'ya'tseing assumed the titles of his predecessors, chief of which were King of the Sun, King of Kings, and King of Oas, the central city of all the world; and sent his proclamations to the chief cities of Jaffeth, Shem and Ham, commanding that earth, water and fruit be sent to him from every place under the sun. And he stipulated certain presents that must be sent to him every year, among which were thousands of subjects (slaves). 21/16.7. Hi'ya'tseing was a man of great learning, and had traveled far and near. He knew the people and lands of the earth, and the different products of the different lands, and the number of peoples in the great cities of the world, and the number of warriors belonging to the different sub‑kings under him. Besides these things he knew the stars and their places, and the constellations of cows, horses, bulls, bears, lions, fishes, and serpents, even as they had been taught in the Hyartien |659| period among the ancients. 21/16.8. Hi'ya'tseing said: The Fete has made me king of the world; hence, it is right that I am king. He said: It is evident, because Asha abdicated the throne, that man must have a religion. Because I know all the rites and ceremonies of the ancients, I will give man a religion on my own account. Because Asha commanded the Zarathustrian religion to the far‑off kingdoms, then Asha and Zarathustra are my enemies. Let my officers arrest Asha and Zarathustra and bring them before me. I will make an example of them. 21/16.9. And on the day that Asha was arrested, behold, the year of his carrying the alms‑bowl was ended. Asha and Hi'ya'tseing had known each other for many years. When Asha was before the king, he said: I have nothing in this world; why, then, have you arrested me? The king said: Because you gave away your possessions, you are the most dangerous of men. I have decreed you to be put to death. Are you prepared? 21/16.10. Asha said: Yes, O king. And yet, because of our long acquaintance, I ask of you one favor, which is, that I be put to death according to the Panic rites, which were before the flood. And if, by chance, it is proved to you there is a God with power to release me, and he does it, then your hand shall not be raised against me? The king said: Your request is granted. 21/16.11. Accordingly, a wheel of uh'ga |660| was built and Asha was bound upon it, the king having appointed a guard to watch him till he would die. But because of the king's fear that the test might be tampered with, he caused the yogernot |661| to be set up in his private piazza, with the uh'ga facing the Gate of Lions, so that his private attendants could also watch. |
658 stubbornly resisting submission to authority or control; unruly; ungovernable
659 Hyarti is a period of darkness, especially a time of spiritual darkness.
660 the ancient wheel, the jaugernot (juggernaut); see image i022 Ug-sa or Uh-ga; also image i033 (with text), second row, second image from left 661 jaugernot, the wheel; i.e., the uh'ga |
21/16.12. Great was the wailing and crying of the people when it was known that Asha had been decreed to death. The city of Oas became like a house of mourning and madness, and it was divided against itself, some for Asha and some for the king. 21/16.13. Because Asha was old, and being in view of the king all day, the king repented, but he had no power under the laws to set aside his own decree. And when the sun went down, the king went before Asha, saying: Behold, you have been on the wheel for six hours, and yet your God has not come to release you. This is a great torture, and I weep for you. If you will, therefore, slay yourself with a sword, I will have you taken down. 21/16.14. Asha said: I declare to you, O king, I have no pain. Whether it is my madness, or whether it is because the Gods favor me, what does it matter, since I do not suffer? Nor do I have a right to slay myself, since I did not create myself alive. Moreover, if it is the will of my Creator, Ormazd, that I die on the wheel, then it is just. If it is not His will, then He will release me. Therefore, O king, I am content. 21/16.15. The king said: This indifference comes from madness. And your madness has affected the City of the Sun. Have your way, then, and die! |
21/16.16. The king returned into his palace, but the next morning he came again, making the same proposal, and receiving similar answers. And at night he came again, repeating his offer, and again being refused, he resolved to come no more. |
i022 Ug-sa or Uh-ga. The test on the wheel. In ancient times, true prophets were distinguished from false prophets by being bound upon the wheel. Angels of Jehovih would release the true prophets, while the false ones would perish on the wheel. (see image only) |
21/16.17. Now on the night of the third day, Asha felt the power of I'hua'Mazda coming upon him, and he said to the guard: Behold, this night I shall be released! Make certain, therefore, that the thongs are well fastened. For, if it turns out that the Father releases me, then you will stand before the king accused of conniving at my release. Accordingly, the guard re‑examined the fastenings, and sent word to the king of what Asha had said. And the king replied: No, if he is released, then I will know of a truth there is a God; nor shall one man of my guardsmen stand accused. 21/16.18. This they told to Asha, and Asha said: I say to you, not only one shall stand accused, but all of you. And there were one hundred of them, being two watches of fifty each; but it being the change of watch, they all heard, and they laughed in derision. 21/16.19. And behold, in that same moment, the thongs fell off, and I'hua'Mazda delivered Asha down from the uh'ga. |662| And the spirit of I'hua'Mazda was in Asha, nor was Asha himself, though conscious of the things done through him. 21/16.20. I'hua'Mazda said: Go and say to the king: Behold, Asha is delivered by the power of his God. Then the guardsmen said: It is not morning; the king sleeps. 21/16.21. I'hua'Mazda said: I say to you, the king is not sleeping, but is joyful from drinking wine with his courtiers. They went then and told the king, finding that, in truth, he was not asleep. And the king commanded them to bring Asha before him, which they did. 21/16.22. Hi'ya'tseing said: What profit do my guardsmen have in releasing this old man? Behold, it has been said that you, Asha, had gold and silver hidden away. I know now it is true, for you bribed these guardsmen to set you free. For that reason, every man of these guardsmen shall be put to death, and their skulls mounted on the walls of Oas, and their skins tanned for leather. Away with them, you marshals; bind them till the rising sun, and at that hour hew off their heads, as I have decreed. 21/16.23. And now as for you, you old hypocrite and destroyer of liberty! What do you say? 21/16.24. Asha said: According to your promise I should now be free. There was no stipulation in your decree that I could not bribe your guardsmen. Behold, then, my wisdom! Have I not revealed to you that you cannot trust any man? 21/16.25. The king said: You are the wisest of men. I had hoped to hear you say your God released you, in which case I had here twelve swordsmen ready to hew off your head. But because you have shown me great craft, you shall live for a season, but only on the condition that you shall leave Oas and never return. 21/16.26. Then I'hua'Mazda spoke through Asha, saying: You have decreed the guardsmen to death at sunrise! Now I declare to you, O king, not one of them shall die as you have decreed. But I, I'hua'Mazda, will deliver them. Do not think that I am Asha; I am not Asha, but a spirit, the God of the I'huans. Nor will I spirit away your guardsmen by a miracle, but I will deliver them by natural means, and thus show you that I am mightier than all kings. 21/16.27. The king said: It cannot be that there are Gods or spirits. Is man's judgment nothing? These things were suited to the dark ages. They frightened men to justice, and as such served a purpose. But in this enlightened age man shall know justice and wisdom by himself. 21/16.28. While the king was speaking, I'hua'Mazda caused the attending spirits to assume mortal form by the curtains of Arizzi, behind the king, and they made a noise, so that the king turned to look, and lo and behold, he saw them. He feared, thinking they were evil persons concealed, and he said: Robbers! Murderers! And he drew his sword and thrust at them; but they vanished! He said: 21/16.29. Truly you are a devil, O Asha! And he thrust his sword at Asha, but it fell from the handle. He said: You Fetes! Kill him! Kill him! And while he was thus confused, Asha walked forth out of the palace, nor would the king's guards lay hands on him.
662 The mediums of today [circa 1849-1882] are tested in many cruel ways, in order to prove es'sean power. Professor Crooks of England, the inventor of the radiometer, relates some wonderful experience in his investigations, to test the unseen power. I have seen mediums bound and tied in many ways, even till the blood exuded from the wrists and ankles, and yet the angels released them, in a moment of time; and frequently without untying a knot. --Ed.
CHAPTER 17 God's Word
21/17.1. When Asha went away from the king's palace, Zarathustra met him, and they went together to the prison where the guardsmen were confined, awaiting execution scheduled for sunrise; and four hundred of the converts of Asha also came. And when they were near the prison, Zarathustra said to them: 21/17.2. Stand in the altar (crescent) of the living God, for his power is upon me, and I will deliver this prison! || And the keeper of the prison and also his attendants, woke up, and came with spears, saying: Disperse! Disperse! Or, by the King of the Sun, you shall die! 21/17.3. Zarathustra said: Are you greater than I'hua'Mazda? Thrust, then, your spear against my breast. The keeper did so, saying: Your size is nothing to me, you boaster! But, lo, the shaft was broken in a thousand pieces, nor did the blade touch his garments. Seeing which, the other spearmen feared, and Zarathustra walked up to them and took their spears from them. 21/17.4. And the Zarathustrians stood in the form of a living altar, and Zarathustra laid his hands against the front wall of the prison, saying: In your wisdom and power, O I'hua'Mazda, deliver this prison! And, behold, the front wall opened as a door opens (swung open), and the prisoners came out unharmed. 21/17.5. Zarathustra said: Tomorrow the king will decree to death every Faithist within the city. Go, therefore, while it is yet night, and command all my people to rise and depart out of the city at once, and I will lead them to a place of safety. So that same night the Faithists fled beyond the walls. 21/17.6. And it came to pass that on the next day, when the king heard what had transpired regarding the prison, he decreed to death every Zarathustrian found within the city, even as prophesied by Zarathustra. But they were already gone and into the Forest of Goats, being four thousand six hundred and thirty men, women and children.
CHAPTER 18 God's Word
21/18.1. I'hua'Mazda spoke to Zarathustra, the All Pure, saying: Explain these things to my people, for they shall not dwell in darkness or fear. Zarathustra said: What shall I tell them, O I'hua'Mazda? 21/18.2. I'hua'Mazda said: My people are united; My people are delivered out of the evil city. To themselves, of themselves, and by themselves, I have delivered them, as a separate people. 21/18.3. I found an easy way to unite them; I went not by a dark road. This is no miracle, but the manifestation of Faith in the All Light. 21/18.4. Take them farther away from Oas; far away into the forest. And since Asha is an old man, and learned above all other men, he shall be the ara'ba |663| over them. 21/18.5. I'hua'Mazda said: But as for you, O Zarathustra, you are young and strong. You shall choose fifty men from among my people, well learned and strong, full of vigor. And they shall be your companions; and you shall visit the large cities of Jaffeth, Shem and Ham. For four years you shall travel, delivering the Zarathustrian law; but at the end of that time you shall return to Oas, and to this people, my first chosen. 21/18.6. And behold, after that, Asha shall go with you to Oas, and you shall raise your hand against the city, and it shall fall. || 21/18.7. Zarathustra then explained these things to the people, and afterward took them to the valley of Yan'she, by the river Witch'owitch; and he divided them into three large cities and four small ones, after the manner of |664| the I'hins, the sacred people, white and yellow. 21/18.8. And he gave them fathers (rab'bahs), and made Asha chief father over all the others. Thus was founded the Zarathustrian religion; the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Ormazdian law, the Zarathustrian law. 21/18.9. And Zarathustra chose fifty men, who were well learned, and vigorous, not old; and they departed, to establish the Zarathustrian law in the cities of the east and south. I'hua'Mazda led them forth, speaking to Zarathustra, the All Pure, telling him where to go, and directing him along in the nearest roads, over the mountains and plains, and across the rivers. And wherever they went, I'hua'Mazda provided them with beasts of burden, and beasts to ride on, converting their owners to the Ormazdian law, who gave them all things required. 21/18.10. The first large city Zarathustra came to was Tse'gow, on the plains of Jo'ab, high walled with wood and stone; and when he came to its gate the keeper demanded his name and business, speaking in another language, and Zarathustra did not understood him. Then came I'hua'Mazda, answering the keeper in his own tongue, saying: 21/18.11. I am a servant of the Creator, Ormazd; I come to prove immortal life before the king. Send word, therefore, to your king, and he will admit me and my people. So the keeper sent word to the king, who commanded that Zarathustra come before him. 21/18.12. And when he and his attendants were before the king, the king said: Are you the one of whom the King of the Sun has spoken? And what is your business with me? Your king, the king of kings, is mad. Then I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: 21/18.13. Zarathustra, of whom the Sun King spoke, is before you. I am here to prove to you many things pertaining to what is written in the Book of Holies. But before I utter many words, I ask that your son, Ha'sing, and your wife, Hi'ti'us, and your daughters, Peutu, Zoo, He'in and Zabee, be present also. 21/18.14. The king said: How do you know the names of my people? And I'hua'Mazda said: Here stand guardian spirits, ashars, and they speak to me. Chief among them is Ay'ay, your grandfather, who slew himself; and next to him are your kinspeople |665| in spirit, Noa, Wess, Lut, Gan'ce, Mith'ce, Nim'och, Wo'huin, Ruks and Pa'stcue. 21/18.15. The king was concerned, for many of these had been slain in wars, nor did he know how Zarathustra discovered their names. So he sent for his wife and children, and they all went into an inner chamber with Zarathustra. Then I'hua'Mazda spoke to the king, saying: 21/18.16. Do not think that Asha is mad |666| because he has given up all he had and gone to live with the poor. The Gods call all men mad who do otherwise, especially rich men, kings, and rulers. For such men set value on things that they cannot retain except during earth life at most. Asha sets value on that which will last forever. I wish that all men would do as Asha has done. 21/18.17. Because of unbelief in the Great Spirit, man has set himself up as the All Highest, and his trade has become war and destruction. I did not come to persuade you to give away your kingdom nor your riches, nor yet for any glory or profit to myself. I speak for the hosts being slain, tribe against tribe, city against city; I speak for the millions of spirits in darkness, who dwell on the battlefields. 21/18.18. I'hua'Mazda thus gained the attention of the king, and, meanwhile, the angels who accompanied him took on forms, looking like mortals; and presently the king and his family looked about and saw them, and were frightened; and the king drew his sword, saying: Who have entered, uncalled! But as he advanced, behold, the spirits disappeared. The king was amazed, I'hua'Mazda continued, saying: 21/18.19. Do not be concerned that the spirits show themselves; neither call these appearances miracles. Spirits are always present; but because they clothed themselves with corporeal parts, you have seen them for the first time. While you were quiet, they came; with your sudden passion they disappeared. 21/18.20. The king said: Will they come again? Then I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: Since your wife and your daughters are frightened, why should they appear again? Yet hear me, O king! Since your youth up you have been prepared for this. Your wife is half‑breed with the I'hins, the sacred people. The I'hins were preserved by the Gods for this purpose, for they are like leaven, |667| prepared for the resurrection of all the races of men. Because of this great virtue in your wife, the spirits of the dead can show themselves before you. 21/18.21. While I'hua'Mazda thus spoke, the angels again assumed sar'gis, and present were several spirits whose mortal lives had been cut short by the king's own sword. Chief of these was Awetakeytha, one time king of the city of Tse'gow. 21/18.22. The sar'gis spoke to the king, saying: Do not think that I am dead, O king! I am not dead, except in the corporeal part. As by your sword you cut me off, so by the sword you shall be pierced through. Next spoke Too'Sain, another sar'gis, saying: Till you are dead, O king, and your soul cast into hell, I will not cease to torment you! Next spoke Ghon, another sar'gis, saying: Before yesterday I brought venom from rotten flesh, and inoculated you in the breath of your mouth! You shall cough blood and foul‑smelling corruption! Next spoke Owd, saying: I come from the land of the dead, O king, with the torments of hell for you! Then spoke We'Seay, a sar'gis, saying: I am your first wife; why did you slay me? Was the world not wide enough? 21/18.23. In that manner the spirits continued to speak, suffered by I'hua'Mazda to express their evil desires and passions in their own way; nor did one spirit appear who had a single good word of cheer for the king. Then the king spoke, saying: 21/18.24. Go away, spirits, or devils! I will see no more! And, with that, he swung his sword about fiercely; but when he quieted a little, I'hua'Mazda spoke to him, saying: 21/18.25. I declare to you, O king, the air is filled with the spirits of the dead; and because they were slain by you, they lie in wait for your soul, when you die. Do not think that by slaying a man you are rid of him; only the corporeal part is within your power to destroy. The soul never dies. Ormazd is just. Those you have injured, you shall restore. 21/18.26. The king said: If a man is a bad man, and I kill him, is it not a great good? I'hua'Mazda said: To kill him is a great evil. You should convert him to good. The king said: But if he belongs to me? Then I'hua'Mazda said: No man belongs to you. The same Creator created all men; from Him all men are created; and they belong to Him. 21/18.27. The king said: But I have possession of them. They are mine. If your Creator is stronger than I, let Him take them. I'hua'Mazda said: To take them from you would be no honor; but for you to deliver them is your own honor. 21/18.28. Now while the king's mind was thus engaged, the angels fell to work to demonstrate their presence and power, in some unusual way; and, accordingly, they cut loose the tapestry hanging on the walls, and let it fall to the floor, with a great explosion of sound. The queen and her daughters rose up and fled. 21/18.29. The king was angered, and thrust his sword at Zarathustra; but, lo, it broke into a hundred pieces, and yet no part touched Zarathustra. I'hua'Mazda said: Unless you repent of your evil ways, I will withdraw my holy angels from this house, and you shall bear witness that before the morning sun appears, this palace shall not be left standing. 21/18.30. But the king was hardened. So, when I'hua'Mazda perceived there was no repentance in the king, he withdrew the Lord and his ashars, abandoning the palace to evil spirits, but he sent guardian spirits to inspire the queen and her daughters to flee from the house that night, which they did. And the spirits of darkness went to the king's enemies and inspired them to go against the palace; which they did, and destroyed it. 21/18.31. The next day, Zarathustra went about in the city, which was in great tumult, and I'hua'Mazda spoke through him to the people. And in one day he gained more than a thousand followers; and when the king saw this, he decreed Zarathustra to death, offering a reward to whoever would slay him. 21/18.32. The next day he preached again before the people, and gained a great addition to his followers; and then the king ordered his soldiers, of whom there were ten thousand, to attack Zarathustra and his people, and destroy them. But I'hua'Mazda had prophesied this to his adherents beforehand, and had advised them to flee. And many escaped before morning; but there were also many who were still within the walls when the soldiers came upon them. 21/18.33. I'hua'Mazda stretched his hand upward, saying: Fire of Your fire, O Father! Give me here a wall of fire! And a wall of fire rose up between them and the soldiers; and the latter, seeing this, turned and fled, crying out: Shri! Shri! (signifying spirit.) 21/18.34. Thus Zarathustra led them out of the city, and not one man, woman or child was injured. But it came to pass that the deeds done through Zarathustra were greatly exaggerated by those reporting them, so that people who had not yet seen him believed the world was about to come to an end. 21/18.35. Thus the king lost all discipline over the city; and the people lived without law or order; robbing one another, or destroying whatever stood before them.
663 Rab'bah is spelled in many ways in different places, because the pronunciation of different people makes it so. Ara'ba signifies, ground of fathers, or, foundation of the order of fathers. --Ed.
664 following the example of, doing things similarly to, using as a template or cynosure, in the manner of, like
665 relatives, kinfolk, extended family
666 crazy, foolish
667 that which causes bread to rise; agents for uplifting
CHAPTER 19 God's Word
21/19.1. Zarathustra called his fifty companions before him, saying: Because these people are delivered from the tyrant, they will become his enemies. A people long oppressed, love vengeance. This would thwart the Ormazdian law. Take them, therefore, away from the city, dividing them into groups among yourselves, and I will send angels, capable of interpreting languages. 21/19.2. I'hua'Mazda said: Behold, a God does not come to accomplish at random. Nor does he come to one man only, in order to overthrow the evil of a whole world. You have been prepared for this work since the day of your birth. My angels have been with you, and you are a part of my army. Now this shall happen to you: After you have divided these people, and conducted them into the forests, you shall begin to speak with new tongues, and these people will understand you. And you shall build altars of worship to Ormazd, teaching these people songs, prayers and dancing, explaining to them the Ormazdian law. 21/19.3. Zarathustra said: Do not wait for me to come, nor for the voice of I'hua'Mazda, but do in faith as I have commanded, and the Voice will be with you. 21/19.4. So those who fled from the anarchy of the city, were led away, half a day's journey, and there encamped. And the companions of Zarathustra, who were called Inquas, were entranced, and comprehended the language of the people, and could talk with them understandingly. 21/19.5. So they built altars to Ormazd and taught the people worship, and caused them to take an oath to not kill any man, woman or child, nor any beast or bird, nor any animal created alive. And they bound them on the oath taken under the thigh, to eat only fruit, nuts, roots and bread, according to the Ormazdian law. And they divided them into families of tens and families of hundreds, and of a thousand, giving them one rab'bah for each, according to the Zarathustrian law. 21/19.6. But Zarathustra returned into the city, and I'hua'Mazda clothed him around with fire, at night, and with clouds in the daylight, so that the people could behold his power, and no man dared raise a hand against him. 21/19.7. Then he commanded the people to gather together all the skulls on the walls, and the scalps that were hung about the houses and on the poles; and they were taken away and burned. And as for the soldiers, he disbanded them; and thus, the king was rendered helpless, left to stroll about, cursing. 21/19.8. And Zarathustra advised the people to go out of the city to live; and so they went forth by thousands, beginning new lives. After that, Zarathustra left the place; and at once it was filled with drujas, and they went to the druks and inspired them to fire and plunder. And it came to pass, in not many days, the great city of Tse'gow, with all its temples, towers, and palaces, was reduced to a heap of ashes. 21/19.9. Zarathustra went before the hundreds of thousands of people, speaking by the voice of I'hua'Mazda, saying: I hear certain ones saying: Whoever sets value on earthly things, above heavenly things, it is good for him to have fire and destruction. But I say to you, all things come from the Father, Ormazd, or by His permission. When He withdraws His hand from a wicked city, evil spirits rush in. 21/19.10. You have said: Who are evil spirits? Why does Ormazd not destroy them? I say to you, evil spirits are both yourselves and the dead. Those whom you have slain in passion, still live to torment you in spirit. You had their skulls hung on the gates and walls; the doorways to your temples of science were hung with the scalps of your enemies. The spirits of these people still live, though their bodies are dead, and for vengeance' sake they obsess you to deeds of wickedness. 21/19.11. This is the Ormazdian law; when a man is dead, you shall either burn the body, or bury it in the ground, so that the spirit is not troubled. But you have bound them in spirit; Tse'gow was an eyesore in the sight of those who were slain for its glory. They delighted to see it destroyed. 21/19.12. Compared to what you lost by the fire, these spirits have gained tenfold; for now the Gods can deliver them in heaven. For which reasons, I declare to you that it is a great good that Tse'gow is destroyed. The world is large; the lands are very wide. Kill no man, woman or child. They are Ormazd's. 21/19.13. Neither shall you build large cities; they are a curse on the face of the earth. Nor shall you live alone, for such people become bound to self; but you shall dwell in families of tens, hundreds and thousands. Has the Father not given you an example in the I'hins? They do not kill, nor take that which is another's; nor are they given to lust, war, or quarrelsomeness. 21/19.14. The Voice said: Where is the king's wife, Hi'ti'us? Where is Ha'sing, the prince? And the princesses, Peutu, Zoo, He'in, and Zabee? The multitude answered: They are gone! 21/19.15. After that the Voice said: I say to you, they were gone, but they are returning. Presently they will be here. They shall speak before you. || And sure enough, presently the king's wife, son, and daughters came. Hi'ti'us said: Behold, Tse'gow of Oas is burned. Who has seen the king? || He'in and Zabee, the princesses, were very young girls, and they cried for their father. He had slain himself, cutting his bowels across with his sword. 21/19.16. I'hua'Mazda spoke through Zarathustra, saying: Come, Hi'ti'us, and stand on the rocks so that all can see, and bring your children. She came and stood beside Zarathustra. And now the Voice said: Let these bear witness whether or not the dead live in spirit. 21/19.17. Hi'ti'us said: With my own eyes I have seen the spirits of the dead; with my own ears, heard them talk. My children shall hold up their hands if these things are true. The children held up their hands. Again Hi'ti'us said: Where is my husband, the king? 21/19.18. While they were still standing on the rocks, lo and behold, the ghost of the king rose up before all the people, and He'in and Zabee cried out: Here is my father! Then I'hua'Mazda spoke, saying to the soul of the king: Do you know you are dead? The soul of the king spoke loud, so that all could hear him; he said: No, I am not dead, but I have done a foolish thing, I cut my bowels across. 21/19.19. Then Hi'ti'us said: I fear, indeed, the king is dead, and this is his spirit. He looks strange! I'hua'Mazda said: There is no cut. Your belly is unharmed. But the spirit persisted, saying: I thrust my hands in the hole, and yet you say, there is no wound! You are mad! I remember you; it was you who brought back these phantom enemies to torment me! 21/19.20. I'hua'Mazda said: What enemies do you see? The spirit answered: All I ever slew; a thousand or more! Away, you torments! You mockers! I will thrust you through. 21/19.21. The soul of the king then stamped and raved, for he saw the spirits of the dead; but the audience did not see them, though they saw him, for he was in sar'gis form. 21/19.22. I'hua'Mazda said: I say to you, O king, you are dead, and risen from the dead. If you could only awaken to this fact, you would be risen in spirit. Nor can you be delivered till these, your enemies, are also delivered. Then the spirit of the king answered, saying: I banish you from the city of Tse'gow! Nor shall you ever return, under penalty of death! 21/19.23. I'hua'Mazda said: I tell you, O king, the city of Tse'gow is destroyed. Truly there is not one house standing in the entire place! The soul of the king answered, saying: You torment me! You madman! You assert lies in the face of facts! Be gone, wretch! O if only my belly were not cut across, I would go at you with vengeance! 21/19.24. I'hua'Mazda withdrew the sar'gis, and the king could not be seen; nevertheless, his spirit continued cursing and raging all the same. The queen, Hi'ti'us, comprehended the matter fully, and her heart was heavy with sorrow. 21/19.25. I'hua'Mazda said to her: Remember the faith of your forefathers, the I'hins. Be strong in the Ormazdian law, and these sorrows will pass away. Nor is there anything in heaven or earth that can satisfy the soul that is short before the law. To her who can say, I live the all highest, happiness has a sure foundation. 21/19.26. And whoever perceives the dead in torments, let such pray for them, singing anthems to the Father. Let such intercede with the All Light, to bestow them with peace. Do not think that because of your prayers the All Light runs with haoma, to feed the spirits of the dead. But this I declare to you, that by the peace and joy in your devotions to the Father, the spirits are reclaimed to virtue and exaltation. 21/19.27. These things I will show to you this night; be steadfast and hopeful in Faith, and when the evening has come, I will again call up the spirits of the dead before you.
CHAPTER 20 God's Word
21/20.1. Because of the destruction of Tse'gow, there were hundreds of thousands of people rendered homeless and destitute, and groups were surging about, crying out for food, or for some needful thing. I'hua'Mazda said to Zarathustra, the All Pure: The ill‑fortune of mortals is the good fortune of the righteous Gods; but the good fortune of mortals is the glory of the evil Gods. Do not think because Tse'gow is burned, and the people hungry, that the Voice of the Father is out of place. Now is the time they will listen. By the loss of earthly treasures, the soul seeks for that which will endure forever. 21/20.2. Go, therefore, O Zarathustra, and I will go with you; and criers shall be sent out, calling the people to the valley of Tsoak'ya tonight. 21/20.3. So it came about, when night set in, that Zarathustra came before the people, and there were tens of thousands of them. I'hua'Mazda spoke to them, explaining the Ormazdian law. 21/20.4. When he was done speaking, Zarathustra took Hi'ti'us, the king's widow; her children, and forty others, and made a crescent of them; and he stood between its horns. And to his left and right were many of his companions. Thus prepared, Zarathustra sang a song, which the I'hins had taught him in his youth. 21/20.5. And the drujas were ushered into the crescent, taking on sar'gis, the king among them. And the spirit of the king was softened, for they sang peace to his soul and joy forever; and presently, he awoke from his craziness, and remembered he was dead; and he rejoiced in Zarathustra, and applauded him before all the people. And likewise the spirits of darkness who were with him did the same. 21/20.6. Zarathustra said: Behold, I have not come in a dark age. You shall not worship any man born of woman, nor call him sacred. One only shall you worship, Who is Ormazd, the Creator, and Master over all the world. Hear now my voice to Him! 21/20.7. Zarathustra stretched his arms upward, full of energy, and I'hua'Mazda spoke through him, saying: Light of Light, O Father, hear Your Son! With Your Almighty Hand bless these faithful sufferers! || Hardly had these words been spoken, when there fell from the air above, fish, fruit, grains, roots, and all things good to eat, more than enough to feed the famished people for three days; and there were more than thirty thousand of them. 21/20.8. And all the while the sar'gis of the king looked on, and saw what had been done; and he cried out with a loud voice: Blessed are You, O Ormazd! O if only I had known You! If only I had sought to find You! || Hi'ti'us, my wife! And my blessed babes! Swear to the king, you will proclaim the I'hua'Mazdian law, forever! Swear it! Give me joy! Swear! Swear! Swear! 21/20.9. Then Hi'ti'us and the children held up their hands as directed by I'hua'Mazda, swearing a solemn oath to maintain the love of Ormazd and the Zarathustrian law, forever. After these, there came thousands and thousands of others, who also swore in the same way. I'hua'Mazda then took away the sar'gis, and the spirits could no longer be seen by mortals.
CHAPTER 21 God's Word
21/21.1. The next day Zarathustra appeared before the multitude, and I'hua'Mazda spoke through him, saying: 21/21.2. I did not come in an age of darkness, but of light and knowledge. I am not here to proclaim miracles; I serve the Father, Whose Son I am. 21/21.3. In heaven above there are two kinds of spirits; those who serve the earth and those who serve the Father. If you serve the earth you shall be ministered to by the spirits of the lower heavens, who are bound to the earth. If you serve the Father, you are ministered to by the spirits of the higher heavens. 21/21.4. Because last night you were united in prayer to the Father, His holy angels brought you food. His harvests are over all the earth; His fields are broad. It is not just |668| that He also gather it and bring it to you. To be just to Him, you shall go and bring forth out of the fat earth all you need, rejoicing in Him. Cease warring; do not kill anything He created alive that runs on the ground or flies in the air. And no flesh except fish, which is without blood, and is cold in life, shall enter your mouths. 21/21.5. In the morning, when you first awake, pray to the Creator, Ormazd, praying in this manner: Glory to You, You All Light! Because You have created me alive, I will strive with all my might to be upright before You. I have faith You created me wisely; and I know You will show me the right way. 21/21.6. Make my eyes see sharper into my own soul than into anything else in the world; I will discover its dark spots and wash them clean. Seal up my eyes from the sins of others, but magnify their goodness to me, so I may be ashamed of my unworthiness before You. 21/21.7. Today I will run quickly to the distressed and helpless, and give them joy by some deed or word. Seal up my tongue against slandering any man, woman or child, for they are of Your creation, and of Your Own handiwork. 21/21.8. What You feed me with, is sufficient for the day; complaint shall not escape from my mouth. Quicken me all day, O Ormazd, with this, my prayer, so that I may become a glory in Your works. Amen! || 21/21.9. I'hua'Mazda said: Touching on prayer, remember, that to utter words, but to not practice, is of little value. He who is true to his own light is strong in soul; to be false to one's own light is to put out the eyes and stop up the ears. He who would rise in heaven, let him begin to rise on earth. The resurrection lies in following the All Highest Light one already has. He who does not do this, is a fool to ask the Father to raise him up. Hell fire is his boundary in the next world. 21/21.10. Because Ormazd sacrificed Himself, He created all things. By sacrifice |669| for the elevation of others, a man starts the beginning of approaching Ormazd. This is resurrection, in fact.
668 right, proper, fit, fair, wise
669 Sacrifice here evidently means contributing. --Ed.
CHAPTER 22 God's Word
21/22.1. I'hua'Mazda called together those who swore allegiance to the Zarathustrian law; and he separated them from the others, and in ten days there were thirty thousand professed followers. 21/22.2. Nevertheless, I'hua'Mazda spoke to Zarathustra, saying: Of all these, only one in ten will remain long |670| in faith. And to establish the tenth firmly is more valuable than to have ten times as many who do not understand what they profess. Zarathustra asked: How can a tenth be made firm? 21/22.3. I'hua'Mazda said: Long ago I told you to go and live with the I'hins. Zarathustra said: I understand. I learned the Wheel of Ormazd from the I'hins. Then I'hua'Mazda said: Make a Wheel of Ormazd. 21/22.4. Zarathustra made a wheel, and hung it slanting, to face the sun at high noon. Then I'hua'Mazda explained to the people, saying: This is a symbol of the name of the Creator, Ormazd, the All Light Master! Put it in the place between the horns of the crescent, for it is sacred; it is the Sign of the Altar; it is called the Altar. Let the Faithists go with me, and I will explain. 21/22.5. They carried it to the meeting‑place and faced it in the same direction. And when the people stood in a circle around it, I'hua'Mazda said: The name of this place shall be Harel, |671| and the name of the wheel shall be Altar. Behold, you have already sworn an oath under the thigh, in the custom of your forefathers, but you shall now renew your oath on the Altar of Ormazd, and His Holy Book. 21/22.6. I'hua'Mazda then administered the oath to many, in which they covenanted to turn from evil and strive to do good; and each and every one turned the wheel once around, as a witness before the Father. When they had all covenanted, I'hua'Mazda said: You shall make many wheels, and carry them along the roadways, and wherever one road crosses another you shall fix an Altar; and you shall dedicate the wheel to the Creator. 21/22.7. And whoever passes that way afterward shall halt and remember his Creator; and he shall renew his covenant, to turn from evil and strive to do good; and in testimony before the Father, he shall turn the wheel once around. 21/22.8. Thus was established the sacred wheel of Zarathustra among the I'huan race. 21/22.9. I'hua'Mazda spoke to Zarathustra, saying: What is the most potent thing? Zarathustra said: The eye is the most potent. The eye is most to be feared; yet the most desirable. The eye of man can go away from man; his hand cannot go away from him, nor his foot. Man's eye can go to the mountains; to the clouds, the moon, sun and stars. 21/22.10. I'hua'Mazda said: If the eye of man is his most potent instrument, what then? Zarathustra said: The eye of Ormazd is His most potent power over man. So Zarathustra made a picture of an eye, and placed it over the altar. Then I'hua'Mazda made the people covenant anew, but this time to the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Ormazdian law. And they said: I know Your Eye is upon me night and day; nothing is hidden from Your sight, O Ormazd! 21/22.11. And I'hua'Mazda commanded them to place a picture of an eye over the altars in all places of worship. 21/22.12. Then came the first night of the new moon, and Zarathustra went into the place of worship, followed by a great multitude. So I'hua'Mazda said: This is mas |672| night for the spirits of the dead. So that the widow, Hi'ti'us, may have joy this night, I will sing and pray for the spirit of the king. And, afterward, for all spirits who are in darkness. 21/22.13. When they sang and prayed, the spirit of the king came in sar'gis, and talked to Hi'ti'us, and to others. And after that, the spirit of the king prayed and sang with I'hua'Mazda. Thus was established the first night of the new moon as moon's night (mass) for the spirits of the dead, and it was demonstrated before the living. 21/22.14. I'hua'Mazda taught through Zarathustra for forty days and nights; teaching the Zarathustrian law, the Ormazdian law. And thousands and thousands of people were converted to righteousness; and these were called disciples (ga'spe Zarathustra) of Zarathustra. 21/22.15. Zarathustra inquired of I'hua'Mazda as to what was the best, most potent thing for the generations of men. Then I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: The best, most potent thing for the generations of men is to teach the very young child the ever presence of the All Potent Eye, which sees into the body of mortals, and into the soul. 21/22.16. Zarathustra inquired concerning very young children. Then I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: In three days and five days and seven days the rite of circumcision for the males, and piercing the ears for the females. And, when they are old enough, they shall be consecrated on the wheel. 21/22.17. Zarathustra said: To consecrate, what is that? Then I'hua'Mazda answered: To profess the All Highest, the Creator, Ormazd. And from that time forward the young child shall pray to Ormazd every night before going to sleep, and pray every morning as soon as awake, to Ormazd, renewing its covenant and acknowledging the presence of the All Potent Eye. 21/22.18. Zarathustra inquired concerning children who were not thus provided. I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: Such children may live, or they may die. If they die, they fall into the care of drujas and become drujas themselves; but if they live, they will grow up liars and druks, killing and stealing. 21/22.19. Zarathustra inquired concerning the death of a consecrated child? Then I'hua'Mazda answered: If a consecrated child dies, its soul is received in heaven by the consecrated spirits of Ormazd. It is then taken to a place of all good, a place of delight. 21/22.20. When these things were explained to the disciples, the mothers brought their children before Zarathustra; and I'hua'Mazda consecrated them on the altar, and they were baptized with water and fire, and given names by the rab'bah.
670 persistent, lasting, ingrained, deep-rooted, firm, unfading, reliable, enduring
671 In Hebrew, the word Harel, i.e., Hill of God, is sometimes synonymous with altar. --Ed.
672 Mas is also Sanscrit for moon. --Ed.
CHAPTER 23 God's Word
21/23.1. Zarathustra, the All Pure, inquired concerning protection against impostors. To which I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: Prove all things on the altar. If a man comes before the people saying: Behold, I am a prophet! and he teaches strange doctrines, he shall be tied on the wheel with his face toward the sun at high noon. And if he is a true prophet, the spirits who dwell by the altar will set him free. But, if he is not released on the third night, the wheel shall be carried out into the forest and stood up by the bushes. And if he is an impostor, the wild beasts will come and devour his flesh. 21/23.2. Zarathustra inquired concerning the wheel after an imposter had perished on it. I'hua'Mazda said: When an impostor has perished on the wheel, behold, the wheel shall no longer be used as before. But the disciples shall cut away the rim of the wheel, and cast it away, for it is useless. But the cross‑bars of the center of the wheel shall be retained, for it was on the bars that he was bound, and the cross of the bars is sacred; and it shall be hung in the place of worship, for it is a true cross.
CHAPTER 24 God's Word
21/24.1. Zarathustra inquired concerning the government. To which I'hua'Mazda replied, saying: 21/24.2. To the All Pure disciples there is no need of government, except to do the Will of Ormazd. But no people are all pure; no people are all wise. Two kinds of governments the Creator created; the first is His Own, the Government of Ormazd; the second is the government mortals have among themselves. 21/24.3. Zarathustra inquired if government did not abridge |673| liberty. I'hua'Mazda said: The Ormazdian government gives liberty; so far as man's government takes after the Ormazdian government, it gives liberty also. 21/24.4. Zarathustra inquired: What is the best, most potent, man's government? To which I'hua'Mazda replied: This is the best, most potent, man's government: First, there shall be no more than two thousand people, so that they can know one another; and no city shall be larger than that. 21/24.5. The oldest, wisest, best man shall be the high rab'bah; but the families of tens and families of hundreds within the city shall each have one rab'bah, being the oldest, wisest, best man among them. 21/24.6. These rab'bahs shall be the government of the city. They shall have a government house, and it shall be the place of decrees. 21/24.7. Zarathustra said: How shall they make decrees, so that the decrees do not pervert liberty? I'hua'Mazda said: Do not ask this, O man! He who cries out constantly for his liberty is a selfish man, he is a druk. Unless a man is willing to sacrifice his liberty somewhat, for the public good, he is unworthy before Ormazd. To find the amount of sacrifice, this is the business of the decrees. 21/24.8. Zarathustra said: How, then, shall the rab'bah proceed? I'hua'Mazda said: When they are seated, the chief rab'bah shall announce the subject; neither shall any other rab'bah announce the subject. But if a rab'bah has a subject, he shall state it beforehand to the chief rab'bah. 21/24.9. After the subject is announced, then all the rab'bahs shall speak on the subject; but they shall not speak against one another; but each one declaring his highest light. 21/24.10. When they have all spoken, then the chief rab'bah shall speak his highest light, which he gathers from the others in the first place, but which is afterward illuminated by the Light of Ormazd, and this shall be the decree. 21/24.11. Zarathustra inquired concerning the laws between cities. I'hua'Mazda spoke to Zarathustra, the All Pure, explaining the Ormazdian law. He said: A city is a family of one. |674| A small village is a family of one; for which reason a city is called Ir. |675| And every city shall have one God‑ir, who shall be the oldest, best, wise man. The God‑irs shall meet in council to consider what is good for all the cities jointly. For cities are situated in varying places with diverse resources; some are suitable for flax and wool, some for iron, some for copper, and some for ships. 21/24.12. Zarathustra inquired concerning the Council of God‑irs. I'hua'Mazda answered him, saying: The God‑irs shall choose the oldest, best, wise man among them, and he shall be called God‑ir Chief. And he shall sit in the east in the Council chamber, and he shall present the subjects, after they have been told to him by the other God‑irs. And when he has presented a subject, all the members shall speak upon it. And after they have all spoken, then the God‑ir Chief shall speak, and his words shall be the decree, which shall be called the Zarathustrian law, because the All Light dwells with the Chief, and he cannot err. This is the Ormazdian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Zarathustrian law. 21/24.13. Zarathustra asked: What is the Ormazdian law regarding a walled city (giryah)? I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: To the I'hins, walled cities; to the I'huans, cities without walls. To the cities of the druks, walls. This is the kingdom of I'hua'Mazda: Why should those who have faith, build walls? For, as they shall not hoard up gold and silver, none will rob them. After Zarathustra, there will be two kinds of people living. One shall be the people of this world; the other shall be the people of Ormazd. The former shall strive for earthly things; the latter for spiritual things. And there shall be no affinity between these two people. From this time forward, the Zarathustrian people, who have faith in the Father, shall not have walled cities. |676| But this world's people, having no faith in the Father, shall have faith in stone walls; by which sign, you can know which people are righteous in my sight. |677| 21/24.14. Zarathustra inquired concerning the smallest of cities. I'hua'Mazda answered him, saying: The smallest city is a man, his wife and their children. And even as the people in a large city are one with one another, so shall a man, his wife and their children be one with one another. 21/24.15. And as a large city must have a head father, so shall a small one. Whatever has no head is nothing. 21/24.16. Zarathustra said: In the government of a large city, the fathers speak on a subject, and after them, the head father decrees. 21/24.17. I'hua'Mazda said: It shall be the same in a family of husband and wife. The wife shall speak first, and the children next, if old enough; and after that the father shall decree. That which is a good law for a large city, is good for a small one. As the kingdoms in heaven are governed, so shall the kingdoms of earth be governed. 21/24.18. Zarathustra inquired concerning a bad husband and a good wife, and a bad wife and a good husband? I'hua'Mazda spoke to Zarathustra, the All Pure, saying: 21/24.19. Who knows what is good and what is bad? Are all men not to give themselves as sacrifice to the Father, and all women also? If a good woman is not willing to sacrifice herself to a bad husband, after having sworn to Ormazd, then she is not good, but a lover of herself. A good woman has no self to serve. Because her husband turns out bad, shall she also? Is it not good for her in the place Ormazd provided? Shall she set up her judgment against the Father's? |678| 21/24.20. There are men of evil, and of passion, who abuse their wives. Does every damsel |679| not know this? For this reason, if she commits herself to her husband in the name of the Father, He hears her. And He establishes His Kingdom in her house. And that man and that woman have no longer themselves to consult as to their desires; for if the Father desires her to leave her husband, or the husband to leave the wife, He takes one of them to heaven. Do not think that He changes as the wind, or bends Himself to please the caprice of man or woman. Rather let the good wife, with a bad husband, say to Ormazd: 21/24.21. Because I was vain, You have rebuked me, O Father. Because I sought to change my condition, You have shown me I knew not what was good for me. Yes, you have shown me the folly of my judgment before You, and I will profit in turning to Your Will. I will not open my mouth in complaint anymore. Though I be scourged |680| with stripes, and made ashamed of my household, yet I will glorify You. The city You have founded in me, I will begin at the foundation, and build up as a holy city, in Your name. 21/24.22. And she shall say to her husband, who beats her: Because the Father gave you to me, I will rejoice and sing in your praise. Before I sleep at night, I will ask His blessing upon you, and in the early morning, and at high noon. Though you may hate me, yet I will do so great good works for you, that you shall love me. Though you may kill me, yet I will go into heaven and build a house for you. |681|
673 constrict, lessen, curtail
674 That is, the entire city is considered to be as one person; the collective whole is considered to be as one person. This verse does not mean a single individual human being is considered to be a city or a family. 675 Ir is the same in Hebraic, Hebrew, Phoenician and Vedic literature, and signifies city. God-ir signifies, or is equivalent to, City-God. The God-irs were without written laws, being themselves supreme. The representation of districts by Congressmen is a crude example of the Zarathustrian law. Were Congressmen the oldest, best, wise men, they would be more like the God-irs than at present. The God-irs were entitled to carry the Fete (true cross). Hence the term, The Fates decree thus and so. --Ed.
676 Note that the I'hins, although Faithists in the Great Spirit, are not considered Zarathustrians (followers of Zarathustra); but I'hua'Mazda (God) is here addressing the situation regarding I'huans. 677 The distinction here drawn between them is true to the history of the Zarathustrians, to the Israelites, Brahmans [followers of the original Brahma, not the ones known in today's religion], and the Algonquins. Only those who fell from faith deviated from this condition. In later times, since the doctrine of Saviors was introduced, the world's people have used standing armies instead of walls. The same rule applies to them; having no faith in the Father, they have faith in standing armies. Their treasures being earthly, they build earthly; having an idol in heaven, they make an idol of their army's pageantry and power, boastingly. --Ed.
678 It may be expected that the same applies to the good man who marries a bad woman. --cns ed. 679 young woman or girl, maiden, virgin
680 whipped 681 This condition of and commitment to staying in the marriage till death parts them, and all the while attempting to uplift the other spouse (even if abusive), apparently needed to be rooted in humanity at that time. Without such a grave initial commitment to monogamic marriage being grounded in the soul of I'huans, perhaps in later times the institution of marriage would have fallen apart or at least suffered greatly, maybe irreparably. Compare this to the heavenly teaching in Kosmon times regarding marriage, mentioned in later books of Oahspe.
CHAPTER 25 God's Word
21/25.1. Zarathustra, the All Pure, divided the people, leading his followers away from the others, taking them into good places of delight. After that, he looked back with compassion, and he said to I'hua'Mazda: 21/25.2. What about those who will not accept the Ormazdian law? I'hua'Mazda answered him, saying: Behold, your arms are full! Let the dead have dominion with the dead. Not only this generation, but many that come after you, will not be alive to the Ormazdian law. 21/25.3. Zarathustra apportioned his people into cities, villages and families, but over all of them he appointed Yus'avak as Chief, one of his companions who came with him from Oas. 21/25.4. And when Yus'avak was established, Zarathustra and his companions traveled farther, and came to the city of Ne'ki'ro, kingdom of Aboatha, king of twelve generations through his forefathers, whose title was, Aboatha, Son of Uzza, Son of Nimrod, Son of the House of Tus'iang, who was descended from before the world was! 21/25.5. Ne'ki'ro was a walled city, but the Zarathustrians gained entrance without paying tribute, because the law thus favored strangers. Aboatha, in his youth, had traveled among the Par'si'e'ans, and knew the language; and when Zarathustra was before him, speaking in the Oas'an tongue, the king inquired his business, and how long he intended to stay, adding that he, Aboatha, had received the tablets of the Ormazdian law, with the interpretations, from the King of the Sun, Asha; and that he had desired to see Zarathustra. 21/25.6. Zarathustra said: I came to establish the Ormazdian law. In the name of the All Light I will blunt the edge of the sword and the spear. Until I have fulfilled the commandments upon me, I shall remain within your city. I come in the Person of I'hua'Mazda to address things you have read in the holy book. 21/25.7. The king said: My city is not large; yet I have more scalps and skulls, for the size of my city, than any other king in the world. But know, O man, I am a philosopher. Many of my people are also learned people. Hear me, then, and if you have a greater philosophy than I have, I will not only bequeath to you the public skulls and scalps, to be your treasures forever, but I will also give my skull and scalp into your hand, as the most valuable treasure in the Jaffeth'an empire. 21/25.8. Zarathustra said: Though you set great value on skulls and scalps, because they are the product of labor, yet they are of no value to me, or to the Father in heaven. Neither have I any philosophy for you, nor for the Father's begotten. To accept His will; to be servant to Him, by doing good to others, comprise the whole of the law, by which all men may be made to rejoice in their creation. 21/25.9. The king said: Do not think I am like other men. I am not like other men. At the start of all things, there were Seven and Nine things. I was one of them. By division, we created all there is in heaven and earth. I have divided myself seven thousand and seven millions, and nine thousand and nine millions of times. One‑seventh and one‑ninth of all there are of created things is my very self. Tell me, then, have you as great a philosophy as this? 21/25.10. Zarathustra said: O the folly of men before You, O Ormazd! They run after that which flatters self, seeing their fellows going down in death, and they do not raise their hands to lift them up! I tell you, O king, your poorest slave that brings out of the earth food for two men, has a greater philosophy than yours! He who can rule over his own self‑conceit, who does not speak of himself, gives a better philosophy of himself than you have. He who has not yet risen from his mother's breast, has more treasures to give than you have obtained with all your philosophy. Before three days have passed by, the city's skulls and scalps will be burned to dust. Nor will your philosophy help you to stop the hand of I'hua'Mazda. 21/25.11. The king said: Do you propose to battle my army with this handful of men? Zarathustra said: I have spoken. There is no value in discoursing with any man who has an opinion to establish, nor is man's opinion of value to raise up the souls of men. Bring, therefore, your army, and command them to fall upon me and mine! 21/25.12. The king said: You have no weapons; do not think that I battle with men who use their tongues, like women! 21/25.13. Zarathustra said: Why boast? Your soldiers will turn and flee when you bring them against me! 21/25.14. The king turned away then, and ordered his officers to bring soldiers to dispatch Zarathustra and his companions, and to hang their skulls and scalps on the walls. Zarathustra and his companions went into the king's garden, and formed in an altar. When the sun had set, and evening came, the king's soldiers, more than ten thousand, came upon them. 21/25.15. I'hua'Mazda had great power, because of Zarathustra's faith, and he spoke with a loud voice, saying: Light of Your Light, O Ormazd! Build me here a wall of fire! And behold, there fell from heaven curtains of fire, till a great wall stood between the two peoples; nor would any soldier throw a spear or sling a stone; and many of them broke and fled. 21/25.16. When the king saw Zarathustra's power, he feared for his kingdom; and being undecided about what course to pursue, he went into his palace. Then Zarathustra and his companions came out of the garden, but the light extended up above Zarathustra's head like a pillar of fire. I'hua'Mazda spoke to some who were nearest, saying: 21/25.17. Run quickly and call the soldiers back, saying to them they shall be my soldiers, and I will give them the weapons of the Creator. So the messengers ran and brought many of them back. I'hua'Mazda commanded them to gather the skulls and scalps from the city walls, and from the gates, and go and burn them; and the soldiers did these things. 21/25.18. The next day after they were consumed, I'hua'Mazda began to preach, explaining the Ormazdian law; and he gained many followers. The king had tried by all means to gather his soldiers together, but no one obeyed him. After that, Zarathustra went to him, saying: If you are one‑seventh and one‑ninth of all things, who do you think I am? 21/25.19. The king said: They say you are a very Creator! But, in my opinion, you are only a magician. You cannot do anything real; which is why I was hoping you would come before me. Know, then, your end has come! With that, the king struck at Zarathustra; but the king's sword was broken into pieces, and had no effect. 21/25.20. The king had two trained cheetahs, large as the largest lions, and he ordered them to be set loose upon Zarathustra. And it was done; but, lo and behold, the cheetahs came and licked his hands. But the king was hardened, and would not believe. I'hua'Mazda called the king to come near. 21/25.21. When the king approached, I'hua'Mazda said to him: I am not your enemy, but the enemy of evil; I have not come to take your kingdom. In a few days I shall leave this place. So, your kingdom would be worthless to me. And yet I come to establish another kingdom, which is the Father's. I come to overthrow sin and wickedness, and to build up that which is good. And in doing that, it shall be known among men that the soul is immortal. 21/25.22. I would rather see you and your people alive and full of joy, than to see them dead. You have said you understand the Ormazdian law; perceiving there is also a king's law. 21/25.23. The king's laws are for the earth‑world; to punish the wicked and reward the valorous; the Ormazdian law is for the Zarathustrians, who need no kings. Your subjects are for war and plunder; but the subjects of the Great Spirit are for doing good, and in love and mercy. And have I not shown you that the Ormazdian laws are the stronger of the two? Yes, a hundred times stronger. It would be wiser for you to espouse the stronger law. You have gathered certain treasures, boasting of your treasures' value. Because you have made a law of exchange for skulls and scalps; what have you achieved? Have you in fact made them valuable? Because a man brings a skull to you, you give him bread; does that make the skulls valuable? Now I declare to you, values consist not in the rate of exchange between men. Shall a man gather a heap of stones, and say: Behold, they are valuable! Or iron, gold, or copper, and say: Behold, they are valuable! Or say: A piece of bread is valuable, or flax, or wool? 21/25.24. Because man has set value on things not valuable, he builds in falsehood and death. Ormazd alone is valuable; the man who has the most All Light, has the greatest valuables. For by the Light of the Father all righteous things can be obtained easily. || While I'hua'Mazda was yet speaking, the spirit of Zarathustra went abroad, and, with ten thousand other spirits, brought fish and fruit, and let them fall to the ground. The people ran and gathered them up for food. || The king made no reply at first, for he was encompassed with evil spirits, who were angered with I'hua'Mazda and his proceedings. Presently the king said: 21/25.25. Because I am transcended by you, it is no longer useful for me to live. With that, he cut his belly across, and fell dead. And Zarathustra commanded that the king's body be laid straight for three days; and it was done; and thousands of people came to look upon the king, to witness that he was dead. And they saw that, in fact, the bowels were gushed out of the wound, and that there was no breath in him. 21/25.26. So I'hua'Mazda suffered the spirit of the king to live three days in torments, and then he called his disciples around him, saying: Now I will raise the king to life, and it shall be testimony in Jaffeth. 21/25.27. And Zarathustra pushed the bowels back into the belly, and drew it shut, saying: In Your name, O Father, I heal this man's body, as a testimony of Your Wisdom and Power! And when Zarathustra had drawn his hand over the belly twice, it was healed. And then Zarathustra said: O Father, as by Your spirit You quickened into life this, Your child, in his mother's womb, restore him now to life! 21/25.28. And the king was healed, and restored to life before the people; he awoke, looked around, and then rose up. He said: Even now I was dead and in hell, and I saw millions of the dead, and they were in hell also. And there went up around them fires of burning brimstone, and none could escape.
CHAPTER 26 God's Word
21/26.1. When the king was restored, he was another man, having su'is, and believing with full conviction; and he asked Zarathustra what he should do now so that he could escape the fires of hell after death. 21/26.2. I'hua'Mazda spoke through Zarathustra, saying: Do not think what you can do to escape hell fire, for that would be laboring for self. Think what you can do to save others. For which reason you shall practice the Ormazdian law. You shall dwell one year with the poor, carrying the alms‑bowl, according to the Zarathustrian law. After that you shall preach the I'hua'Mazdian law, of the denial of self for the good of the city, teaching the turning away from earthly things, and striving for spiritual things, having faith in Ormazd. 21/26.3. The king said: I can do all these things, but one thing I cannot do, which is, having faith in Ormazd. If He is a Person, and created all the creation, is He not the foundation of evil as well as good? If He created evil in the past, or by incompetence permitted it to enter into creation, might He not do so in the future, even after death? 21/26.4. I'hua'Mazda said: When a potter has a pot half made, do you say it is an evil pot? No, surely not, but you say that it is not yet completed. Even so are all men, created by Ormazd. Those who are good are completed, but those who are evil are unfinished work. But the Creator also gave man knowledge, so that he could see himself in the unfinished state; and the Creator gave man power and judgment, so that he could work in helping to complete himself, and by this, share the glory of his creation. The man who does this is already clear of hell fire; he who does not do it shall not escape. 21/26.5. The king inquired concerning animals, to which I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: Animals are of the earth creation, and are completed in the place of their dwelling. Nor does any animal have aspiration to make itself better or wiser, so that it may contribute to the creation. And some men have no more aspiration than an animal, serving the beast (the flesh) only. Only the torments of hell can stir them up. 21/26.6. When I'hua'Mazda explained the Ormazdian law, of which not even one-fourth is described here, the king comprehended, and so took the vows on the altar, under the eye, according to Zarathustrian law. || So when the people of Ne'ki'ro were restored, Zarathustra left one of his traveling companions with them, as God‑ir in Chief, and Zarathustra departed, taking his other companions with him. 21/26.7. Regarding which, it is recorded in the libraries of heaven, showing that the next city kingdom was likewise delivered, and the people became Zarathustrians. 21/26.8. And again Zarathustra departed, and came to another city, which was overthrown and delivered also. Until it came to pass that Zarathustra overthrew and delivered twenty-four cities and kingdoms in Jaffeth. 21/26.9. After that he departed to the upper lands of Shem, where he also overthrew and delivered many cities and kingdoms, establishing the Zarathustrian law. For two whole years he labored in Shem; and so great was the power of Ormazd upon Zarathustra that all the cities and kingdoms of Shem threw off the bondage of the Sun Kingdom of Par'si'e. 21/26.10. After that, Zarathustra traveled toward Ham, which was called Arabin'ya. But in those countries Zarathustra did not have such great success because the people were not learned in books, or in the stars, or tablets. Nevertheless, Zarathustra delivered many cities. 21/26.11. So I'hua'Mazda said to Zarathustra: Go back now to your own country; and you shall overthrow yet another seven cities and seven great kingdoms; and after that you shall return to Oas, and it shall fall before your hand, so that the prophecies of your childhood are fulfilled. 21/26.12. So Zarathustra returned to Par'si'e and went to the seven great cities and kingdoms, and overthrew them; and many of them were destroyed utterly by fire and by war; but Zarathustra delivered the faithful and established the Zarathustrian law with all of them. 21/26.13. And now he returned to his native city, Oas, according to the commandment of I'hua'Mazda.
CHAPTER 27 God's Word
21/27.1. In those days, Pon'yah was king of Oas, and, by title, King of the Sun; King of the middle of the world; King of Kings; Mightiest of mortals; Owner of all human flesh; Ruler of the earth, and Master of Life and Death! 21/27.2. For nearly four years Zarathustra had been absent, and the effect of his preaching in foreign lands had been to cut off the paying of tribute to the City of the Sun. Which was why Pon'yah, king of Oas, had sworn an oath under his own thigh, to pursue Zarathustra and have him slain. 21/27.3. Accordingly, the king had equipped many different armies and sent them in search of Zarathustra; but while I'hua'Mazda led Zarathustra one way, he sent spirits to inspire the soldiers to go another way. Consequently, none of the armies sent to capture Zarathustra ever found him. When he was heard of in one city, and the soldiers came to that city, he was already gone. And so it continued, until now Zarathustra had returned to the very gates of Oas. 21/27.4. Because Zarathustra was the largest man in the world, he was easily known; and from a description of him, even those who had never seen him, would know him the first time they laid their eyes on him. 21/27.5. Asha had continued with the Zarathustrians; but in consequence of the persecutions of the kings of Oas, they had been obliged to retire farther into the forests, plains and unsettled regions, where the Listians, the wild people roved. To these the Zarathustrians were friends, and the Listians came in great numbers, and dwelt near the Zarathustrians. 21/27.6. After Zarathustra had completed his travels, he returned first to the Forest of Goats, to meet his followers, and to rejoice with them for the great light I'hua'Mazda had bestowed upon them. So when Zarathustra returned to them, there was great rejoicing; and there were present Zarathustra's mother, and many of the Listians who knew him in his childhood. 21/27.7. After many days of rest and rejoicing, I'hua'Mazda came to Zarathustra, saying: Behold, the time has now come to go against the city of your birth. Take Asha with you, and I will cause Oas to fall before your hand. 21/27.8. Accordingly, Zarathustra took Asha and returned to the gates of Oas; but he was known at once; and when he demanded admittance, he was refused, because the king had previously decreed his banishment and death, there being an offer of reward to whoever would destroy him and bring his skull to the king. 21/27.9. The keeper of the gate, whose name was Zhoo'das, |682| wanted to obtain the reward, and hit upon the following plan, saying to Zarathustra: I know you; you are Zarathustra, who is banished under penalty of death. I have no right to admit you within the city, nor do I have a desire to witness your sure death. But if you will hide yourself, till the change of watch, when I am absent on the king's reports, you may take your own risk. But if I admit you, I will also be put to death. 21/27.10. Zarathustra said: I do not fear for myself, but I would not have you put to death on my account. Where, then, can I hide myself, till the change of watch? 21/27.11. Zhoo'das, the keeper of the gate, said: Within the chamber of the wall. Go, and your friend with you. 21/27.12. So Zarathustra went into the chamber of the wall, and Asha went with him. And now, when they were concealed, Zhoo'das called his wife and said to her: Stay here, walking back and forth, so that they who are concealed will think it is I. And I will run quickly to the guards, and they shall come and seize Zarathustra, for whom the reward is offered. 21/27.13. And the keeper's wife came and walked back and forth; and the keeper ran quickly and brought the guards, one thousand men, with spears, swords, war clubs, slings, and bows and arrows, and they surrounded the chamber on all sides. And then Zhoo'das spoke ironically, saying: Come forth, Zarathustra, now is the change of watch! 21/27.14. And Zarathustra and Asha came forth and saw what was done. Zarathustra said to Asha: The Light is upon me. Go with me. No harm shall come to you. But the time has come when I shall fulfill what has been prophesied of me in my youth.
682 Judas is not a Hebrew name, but Parsee. --Ed.
CHAPTER 28 God's Word
21/28.1. So Zarathustra allowed himself to fall into the power of the Sun King; and the soldiers caused him and Asha to march in their midst to the place of the skulls. And thousands and tens of thousands of people came forth to witness the proceedings; for there were many who were in sympathy with Zarathustra, as well as many against him. 21/28.2. And in order to restrain the multitude, the captain of the army called out many soldiers in addition to those who made the arrest. Others ran to the king's palace, carrying the news of his arrest, and the place he had been taken to. 21/28.3. The king said to the heralds: Though this man shall die, it is fit that proper judgment be rendered against him, as an example before all men. Go, therefore, to the executioners, and command them to bring Zarathustra into my presence, so that I may adjudge him to death according to law. 21/28.4. Thus Zarathustra was brought before the king, who accosted him, saying: 21/28.5. By your behavior you are accused before your king, and I adjudge you to death. But so that you may be an example before the world, I will render my judgments before the heralds, who shall proclaim my words to all who desire to witness your death. 21/28.6. First, then, my predecessor ordered your arrest, and you did not deliver yourself to my soldiers; nor could they find you. For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.7. Second. Without permission from the King of the Sun, you have traveled in foreign lands, sowing seeds of dis-allegiance against the Central Kingdom. For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.8. Third. The King of Kings offered a reward for your head, and the king's soldiers were unable to find you. For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.9. Fourth. In your youth you threatened to overthrow the city of Oas, the City of the Sun, and failed to make your word good, thus being a teacher of lies. For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.10. Fifth. You have cut off the foreign tribute to the rightful Owner of the whole world! For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.11. Sixth. You have revived the doctrines of the dark ages, teaching of spirits and Gods, which things cannot exist, because they are contrary to nature, and contrary to the laws of the King of the world! For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.12. Seventh. You have taught that there is an unseen Creator greater than your king; which is contrary to reason. For which you are adjudged to death. 21/28.13. Eighth. You did not return to Oas openly, but as a thief, and hid yourself in a chamber of the wall. For which reason you are adjudged to die in the manner of thieves, which is the most ignoble of all deaths. 21/28.14. Therefore, I command the executioners to take you to the den of thieves and cast you in; and tomorrow, at high noon, you shall be hung up by your feet along with the thieves, where you shall be left hanging till you are dead. 21/28.15. So that my judgment may appease your best friends, do you have anything to say against my decrees? 21/28.16. Zarathustra said: All the charges you have made against me are true today; but before tomorrow's setting sun I will have disproved some of them. Today your kingdom is large; in two days I will be dead, and you will be dead also; and this great city will be destroyed. Even the Temple of the Sun will be split in two, and fall like a heap of rubbish. 21/28.17. The king laughed in derision, and then spoke to Asha, saying: You are an old fool. Go your way. So, Asha was liberated, and Zarathustra was taken to the den of thieves and cast in. Now the den of thieves was surrounded by the dens of lions that belonged to the king's gardens; and a bridge was passed over, so that when the prisoners were within, the bridge was withdrawn. And no prisoner could escape, but would fall prey to the lions, which were fed on the flesh of the persons executed according to law.
CHAPTER 29 God's Word
21/29.1. During the night, Pon'yah, King of the Sun, thought that perhaps he could obtain the secrets of Zarathustra, regarding his powers with uz, and he sent him the following message: If you will reveal the secrets of your power to your king, your life shall be spared; and if you will prostrate yourself before the King of Kings, saying: There is none higher! You shall have five cities to rule over all your days. 21/29.2. To which Zarathustra sent back the following reply: Zarathustra has no secrets to reveal; neither does he desire five cities, nor one city, to rule over. Tomorrow I shall die, and on the following night you shall die also. And yet, before you die, you shall see the temple of the stars split in two and fall down; and the city of Oas shall fall and rise no more; and Ya'seang, in Jaffeth, shall become King of the Sun, and his dynasty shall stand thousands of years. |683| 21/29.3. The king was surprised at such an answer, and so angered that he struck the messenger with his sling, and he fell dead, and the king ordered his body to be cast into the den of lions. 21/29.4. It was nearly midnight when the body was brought, and Zarathustra, being tall, saw above the wall, and he called out, saying: Do not cast the body into the lions' den; for I will call him to life in the name of Ormazd. And the men laid the body down by the outer wall, and Zarathustra said: He who is standing by the body shall lay his hand upon it, for the power of life is through life. 21/29.5. And the man laid his hand on the flesh of the man's body between the neck and the back, and Zarathustra said: Repeat after me: Life of Your Life, O Ormazd! Restore this, Your son, to life! 21/29.6. And, lo and behold, the man awoke to life, opened his eyes, and presently rose up; and Zarathustra told him to depart out of the city. Now, the arrest and condemnation of Zarathustra had caused thousands of people to assemble around the prison; and they saw the man restored to life; and some of them went with him out of the city. And all night, after that, Zarathustra healed the sick, and restored the blind and deaf, by calling over the walls in the name of the Father. 21/29.7. When it was nearly sunrise the next morning, the place of the executions was crowded with spectators. Many of the Zarathustrians believed that Zarathustra would liberate himself by the power upon him; and on the other hand, the king's people, especially the learned, desired to realize his execution, for they denounced him as an impostor. 21/29.8. The latter said: If he is the Master of the I'huans, let him prove his powers while he is hanging by the feet. 21/29.9. It was the law of Oas to keep twelve executioners, representing twelve moons, and at sunrise every morning they put to death whoever had been adjudged to death the previous day. Now, there were two thieves in prison with Zarathustra, condemned to the same ignoble death. And they were weeping and moaning! Zarathustra said to them: Do not weep, nor moan, but rather rejoice. He who gave you life is still with you. He will provide another and better home for your souls. 21/29.10. Behold, I do not weep, nor moan. They who put us to death do not know what they do. The multitude should rather pity them than us. Today you shall escape from the tyranny of Oas. 21/29.11. Zarathustra preached till high noon, and when the light fell on the top of the temple of the stars, the twelve executioners entered the prison and bound the prisoners' hands together behind their backs; then with another rope they tied the feet, bringing the rope up the back of the legs and passing it between the arms; and they carried the end of the rope up over a beam and down again; and the executioners seized the rope and pulled upon it. And they swung the bodies of the victims high above the walls and secured the rope, leaving them hanging there. 21/29.12. Zarathustra was thus hung between two thieves; and while he was still alive a bolt of light fell upon the temple of the stars, splitting it in two, and it fell to the ground. From that, a cloud of dust arose that grew till the air of the whole city was choking; and then down came another bolt of light, and, lo and behold, the walls of the city fell down, and Zhoo'das perished in the chamber of the wall. 21/29.13. The multitude ran for the king; and when they brought him out of the palace, another bolt of light fell on the palace, and it crumbled into dust. The king called to his guards, but they did not obey him, but fled; and, so, the multitude slew the king. 21/29.14. The learned men then went down to the place of executions, and Zarathustra was not dead yet; but the two thieves were dead. And Zarathustra said to the learned men: Now I will give up my body, and behold, you shall say I am dead. Let the executioners then take down my body and cast it into the lions' den, and you shall witness that they will not eat my flesh. And some shall say: Behold, the lions are not hungry. At that time you shall cast in the bodies of the two thieves, and lo, the lions will fall upon them and eat their flesh. 21/29.15. Then the learned men shall say: Behold, that happened because Zarathustra's virtue lay in his flesh, which was different. Now I declare to you, these things are not of the flesh, but of the spirit. For angels shall gather around my body and prevent the lions from tearing my flesh. Of which matter you shall testify before the multitude; for when the lions are devouring the flesh of the thieves, the angels will go away from my body, and, behold, the lions will return and eat my flesh also. By which it shall be proved to you that even lions, the most savage of beasts, have spiritual sight, and are governed by the unseen world, even more than man. 21/29.16. After Zarathustra had thus spoken to the learned men, he spoke to the Father, saying: Receive my soul, O Ormazd! And his spirit departed out of the body, and in that same moment the whole earth shook and trembled, and many houses fell down. So they cast the body into one of the dens, in which were seventeen lions, but they fled from the body. Then the executioners cast in the bodies of the thieves, and, lo and behold, the lions fell upon them instantly. 21/29.17. And when the angels went away from Zarathustra's body, the lions returned to it and ate also. And the keepers turned in other lions, and all the flesh was eaten. And the multitude ran and brought the body of Zhoo'das and cast it in, and the lions ate it also. And next they cast in the king's body, and the lions ate it, and were appeased of hunger. 21/29.18. Now when it was night, some of the Zarathustrians gathered together at a neighbor's house; and Asha was present, and they formed a living altar in order to pray for the soul of Zarathustra, and for the two thieves, and for Zhoo'das, and lastly, for the king. And now the learned men came, saying: Why have you not, during all these years, notified us of these things? Behold, Zarathustra is dead! Asha said: 21/29.19. Have I not carried the alms‑bowl publicly, proclaiming them from day to day? And the learned people said: Pity, old Asha! A knave |684| has dethroned his reason! || Now I declare to you, it is the same now as in the olden time; the learned men are farther away from the Father than are those devouring lions. You look into the corporeal world for light, truth, and power, but are blind to the spirit, which underlies all things. I declare to you, whether it is heat, light, or disease that floats in the air, or growth that comes out of the air, in all things it is the unseen that rules over the seen. And more powerful than heat and light, and life and death, is Ormazd, the Person of all things. 21/29.20. Till you have learned this, I can explain nothing that you can comprehend. And yet, to know this, is the beginning of the foundation of everlasting happiness. 21/29.21. While Asha was thus speaking, behold, the soul of Zarathustra came and stood before them, and he was arrayed in the semblance of his own flesh and color, and in his own clothes. And he spoke, saying: Do not fear; I am the same who was with you and was hanged and died, whose flesh was devoured by the lions; I am Zarathustra! Do not marvel that I have the semblance of a corporeal body, for its substance is held together by the power of my spirit. Nor is this a miracle, for the spirits of all the living each hold in the same way, its own corporeal body. As iron attracts iron, the spirit learns to attract from the air a corporeal body of its like and measure. 21/29.22. Then someone present inquired: Where are the two thieves? To which Zarathustra said: As steam rises from boiling water, without shape or form, so are their souls this hour. For this reason I was sent into the world by the Father. Let him who would become controller of his own spirit toward everlasting life, learn the Ormazdian law, seeking to grow in spirit, instead of living for the things of this world. 21/29.23. Behold, in attendance here are Lords of the Hosts of Heaven, who are Sons and Daughters of the Most High Ormazd, the Creator. They will now gather together and re-clothe the thieves, and show you what they are like. || Presently the two drujas, the thieves who were hanged with Zarathustra, stood before the people in sar'gis, and they raved, cursed, and moaned; but they were blind and dumb as to where they were. Then Asha asked them who they were and what they wanted, but they only cursed him, and added that they were to be hanged. 21/29.24. Asha said: Behold, you are already dead, and your spirits risen from the earth! To which they replied by curses against the king. And now the Lords of heaven re-clothed the spirit of the king, but he also did not know that he was dead, and he also cursed, at which, the spirits of the thieves attacked him with evil intent, and all the people saw these things. But the Lords of heaven took away the sar'gis, and mortals could no longer see the drujas. 21/29.25. Zarathustra said: As they were angered and spiritually dumb while in their earthly lives, so do they even now cling to the earth. For which reason you shall sing anthems and pray for them three mornings at sunrise; three high‑noons, and three evenings at sunset. Do this also for all your kindred who die, or who are slain, from this time forward, forever. 21/29.26. And you shall utter only words of love for the dead; for whoever utters curses for the dead, brings drujas upon himself. In your love and forgiveness, you raise them out of the torments of hell. And because you raise up others, so does Ormazd raise up your own souls. 21/29.27. Then someone asked how long a spirit lingered about? To which Zarathustra said: Some for three days, some for a year, some for a hundred years, and some for a thousand years! Until they have wisdom and strength to get away. But after three days you shall no longer desire the spirit of the dead to remain with you; rather you shall say to Ormazd: Deal with him and with us in Your Own way, O Father; we are content. || It is better for the spirits that you do not call them back from the higher heavens down to the earth; it is better for you that you remember them high up in paradise; for these thoughts will enable you to rise after you are dead. 21/29.28. Remember that All Light answers everything in heaven and earth after its own manner: If you kill, you are answered in torments sooner or later: If you utter falsehood, you are answered in falsehood: If you curse, you will be cursed in return: If you hate, you will be hated: If you seclude yourselves, you will be excluded: If you keep evil company in this world, you will be bound in evil company in heaven: If you seek to become a leader of men, remember that they whom you rule over will be your burden in heaven: If you do not teach, you shall not be taught: If you do not lift others up, none will lift you up: For in all things the same rule applies in heaven as on earth, for it is a continuation in spirit of that which is practiced in the flesh.
683 The title, King of the Sun, has existed from the time of Zarathustra to the present, in one part or another of the Chinese Empire. --Ed.
684 a boy or young man; or a deceiver
CHAPTER 30 God's Word
21/30.1. The following evening, when the Zarathustrians were assembled for prayer and singing, the soul of Zarathustra again appeared before them in sar'gis, teaching the Word of Ormazd. He said: 21/30.2. There are two types of people on the earth; one is engrossed in the affairs of earth; the other in the affairs of heaven. It is better for you to be of the latter. The fool will say: If all people are engrossed with the affairs of heaven, then who will provide on the earth? Such is the argument of all druks. Do not fear, therefore, for the earth people becoming short of votaries. |685| 21/30.3. Similarly it will be said of celibacy also; the druks will say: If all people become celibates, then the race of man will terminate. For which reason, I say again to you, do not fear, for there will be plenty left who are full of passion, and are unmindful of the kingdoms of heaven. 21/30.4. Let all who can, live for the Higher Light; the lower will always be supplied sufficiently. 21/30.5. Even as you find the two types of people on earth, so also in heaven these two types exist. One follows the Highest Light, and ever rises toward the highest heavens. The other follows the affairs of earth, and does not rise, and hence is called druj. The latter engages in sensualism, |686| and in quarrels among mortals, inspiring them to evil and low desires. 21/30.6. One person present asked: How shall we know one another, whether we are of heaven or of earth? Then Zarathustra answered, saying: Seek to know yourself; you are not your neighbor's keeper. Search your own soul a hundred times every day, to know if you practice the All Highest according to your own light. Neither shall you find excuses for your shortness; nor reflect overmuch on past errors, but use them as inspiration to perfect yourself from now onward. 21/30.7. Another one present asked: What about thieves, falsifiers, and murderers? Zarathustra said: The man who serves himself only, is worse than any of these; there is no resurrection for him. But if a man ceases his evil way to practice virtue, he is on the right road. 21/30.8. A falsifier is like one wearing a clean gown, going about casting filth upon it; he soils his own spirit. 21/30.9. A thief is in a worse condition than an overburdened beast; he carries his stolen goods not only in this world, but also in heaven, to the end of his memory. 21/30.10. A murderer is like a naked man, who is ashamed, and cannot hide from the multitude. When he is in heaven, his memory of the deed writes, in human blood, a stain on his soul, which all others see. 21/30.11. Another one asked: According to the I'hua'Mazdian law, the highest, best men forsake the world, laboring to raise up the poor and ignorant, reciting prayers and anthems; taking no part in the affairs of people who are engrossed in the matters of earth; who, then, shall govern the wicked? To which Zarathustra answered, saying: 21/30.12. When there are no men and women sufficient for such purpose, there will be no wicked to govern. Despite all your preaching that the highest life is celibacy, there will be plenty left who will marry; with all your preaching that the highest, best man will not be a leader of men, or a king or governor, yet there will be plenty left who will fill these places, even though they see the walls of hell opened up to receive them. 21/30.13. Another one asked: If the Zarathustrians separate from the disbelievers, and live by themselves, what will be their power to do good among the evil? To which Zarathustra said: 21/30.14. As the highest heavens send Lords and masters down to mortals, so shall the Zarathustrians send emissaries among the wicked, preaching the truth, and citing the example of the Zarathustrian cities (communities). 21/30.15. For above all philosophy that man may preach, practice holds the highest place, and is most potent. See to it, therefore, that you practice the Ormazdian law toward one another in all things. Avoid men of opinion; men of learning who pride themselves in it; men of argument; men who quibble for proofs in unprovable things; men who wish to be known as wise men; men who deny; men who can see defects in everything, and have no good alternative to offer. 21/30.16. Shun the disbelieving man, for he is diseased and may infect you; the flatterer, for he is purchasing you; a woman for woman's sake; or a man for man's sake; or company for company's sake; for all these imply that the Creator is less in your sight, and not so well loved. 21/30.17. One asked concerning spirits; to which Zarathustra said: For the affairs of earth, consult the spirits of the earth, the drujas; for the affairs of everlasting resurrection, consult your Creator, and His holy spirits will answer you in His name. And to whichever you have made yourself companion, there will be your abiding place after death. 21/30.18. See to it that you do not become inveigled |687| by drujas, for spirits can assume any name and form; but weigh their words, whether they are wise, and according to the Ormazdian law. If they do not teach the higher heavens, but profess a long life in the lower heavens, consider them by their words. To flatter you, they will profess to remember you in another life; and to please you, say you were a king, and have had many successions of lives on the earth. 21/30.19. But of what value under the sun is such philosophy? Instead, to rise up, away from the earth, and from the lower heavens also; it was for bestowing this word upon men that I was sent into the world. It is to teach you to know the Father's upper heavens, and the way to reach them, that His words were given to men. 21/30.20. As it was in ancient times, so will it be again before another generation passes away. Drujas will teach that the spirits of the dead go into trees and flowers, and inhabit them; and into swine, cattle, and birds, and into woman, and are born over again in mortal form. Do not argue with them; do not let their philosophy trouble you. You can judge whether they are in darkness or in light, by the glory and beauty of the heavens where they live. If their words are of the earth, they belong to the earth; if they are servants to false Gods or false Lords, they will preach him whom they serve. But these matters are nothing to you, for you shall serve the All Highest, the Creator. In this, no man can err. 21/30.21. And in regard to the heaven you wish to ascend to after death, magnify it with all your ingenuity to the All Highest Perfection. People it with your highest ideals for your companions. Then see to it that you make yourself a fit companion for them also. If you do this with all your wisdom and strength all the days of your life, the Father will be with you, and you shall be a glory in His works. || 21/30.22. In that manner, Zarathustra preached after his resurrection from death; for three days and three nights he preached before his disciples; and Asha wrote down the substance of his words, and they were preserved to the generations of Faithists from that time onward. And the words were called the Zarathustrian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, and the Ormazdian law. And they, along with the previous holy book, were the first heavenly words given on tablets, skins, cloth, and in books, to mortals, except for those words given in secret to the tribes of I'hins, of which the different nations of the earth knew nothing of their own knowledge as to what they were. 21/30.23. On the morning of the fourth day, when the disciples sat in crescent, which was called the living altar of God, Zarathustra again came in sar'gis. He said: Behold, the time has come for me to rise out of hada, where I have dwelt for three days. 21/30.24. The Gods who were with me all my earth life are gathered together here, and there are millions of them. Just near the river over there, stands the boundary line of a heavenly ship of light! It is wider than the eye can see, and higher than the eye can see! A million angels are singing in that ship! And there are great Gods and great Lords in it. So bright, my eyes dare not look upon them. They are all Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit. 21/30.25. The drujas have all run away now. Their foolish gabble is hushed, gone! It is as if another world came alongside, so majestic that this one was lost. Above, high, very high, up there, something like a sun illumes the ship of fire! I know it is he who has come for me. I go now! Where I go I will build for you all. 21/30.26. And you, O Asha! The Gods have thrown a mantle of light over you! A chain reaches from you to Ormazd! || Asha was overcome, and gladly would have gone to the spirit Zarathustra. But the latter said: Stand, so I may kiss you! So, Zarathustra kissed Asha, and departed. END OF BOOK OF GOD'S WORD
685 one dedicated to, in this instance, pursuing earthly matters
686 sensuality, pleasures of the senses
687 influenced, persuaded, deceived, enticed, urged on, tricked, lured
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