Book of Divinity

Which descended to the earth and became known by the names, Div, and Diva, and Divan laws [Divinity and Divine Laws --ed.]. Being God's labors in atmospherea, for a period of three thousand and one hundred years, during the passage of the earth from the arc of Loo to the arc of Spe-ta, in etherea; and on the earth, from the time of Zarathustra to the time of Abraham, Brahma, Po and Ea-wah-tah.

CHAPTER 1 Divinity




22/1.1. God, Son of Jehovih, said: By virtue of my own authority, and in the name of Jehovih, Creator of all things: Peace and comprehensive judgment to angels and mortals.

22/1.2. That from the little that has been demonstrated in the world, of governments and principalities being manifested on earth, you may be taught that similar organic bodies exist in the heavens belonging to the earth.

22/1.3. Which heavenly places and governments were the cause and forerunners of good governments manifested among mortals.

22/1.4. Jehovih said: He who is chief of a government on earth shall be called king, but he who is chief of My heavenly government shall be called God. And it was so.

22/1.5. I, who am God in my own behalf, for the enlightenment of the world, declare the Glory and Wisdom of Jehovih above all things on the earth or in the heavens above.

22/1.6. As Jehovih provided that no man could be a king forever, but must give way to a successor, even so, in His heavens, He also provided for His Gods and Lords to have successors at certain periods of time.

22/1.7. So that the way would be open for the everlasting resurrection of all men, |688| by which, all who choose may, in time, become also Lords and Gods for the countless worlds that now are, and shall yet be created.

22/1.8. Jehovih said: I blow My breath outward, and, behold, all things are created. They go away in disorder, but they come back to Me orderly and in organic companies. And every individual member is like a tree, bloomed to perfection in every branch.

22/1.9. Jehovih said: These companies, returning to Me in all their glory, are marshaled in decorum and discipline by My Gods, for such is their labor.

22/1.10. Jehovih said: The labors of My Gods shall be chiefly in atmospherea. Nevertheless, My Gods and Lords shall not only labor with the spirits of the dead to teach them organic discipline and harmony, but they shall provide for mortals so that they also may learn the system and glory of My creations. ||

22/1.11. During Fragapatti's time in the dawn of the cycle of Loo in heaven, Jehovih commanded the founding of an organic Congress for His God, Lords, and Lord Gods.

22/1.12 And Fragapatti created the organic body, and named it the Diva, making God its chief, with the title, Div, even as it is known to this day in the sacred books of mortals.

22/1.13. Jehovih said: In the early days of a world I give the races of man (on the earth) a despot to rule over them. But in time after I give them representative governments with many voices, having a right to help make the laws. Similarly I provide for the hadan heavens: In the early days I provide a God who shall be dictator and governor in his own way. But in later times I provide a parliament in heaven, in which My God and My Lords shall jointly consult together in framing laws for angels and mortals. And these shall be called Divan laws.

22/1.14. Jehovih said: Behold, My God, Lords and sub‑Gods, shall teach the same things in the different parts of the earth and in these heavens. I will not have one Lord teaching one thing in one place, and another teaching the same thing differently in another place.

22/1.15. Jehovih said: My God and Lords shall provide comprehensively, |689| so that all peoples, on earth and in heaven, may be drawn toward Me in harmony and discipline.

22/1.16. God said: I, God of earth, being made Div, by Jehovih's will, through His Son, Fragapatti, heard the Creator's voice, saying:

22/1.17. Div, My Son, proclaim the Ormazdian law, and the I'hua'Mazdian law, and the Zarathustrian law.

22/1.18. God said: This, then, is the Ormazdian law: Ormazd, the Creator, displays His creations, which He created. He set the stars in the firmament; these are the words of the book of the Almighty. He made the substances of the earth, and all the things on and in it. These are the words of the Creator, Ormazd, the Jehovih.

22/1.19. The substances of things going and coming forever; creating and dissolving from one shape into another, these are the Ormazdian law, the Jehovih'yan law. By virtue of His presence these things speak(impress) upon one another forever. What these things speak upon the soul of man, write upon the soul of man, these are man's knowledge, acquired by the Ormazdian law, the Jehovih'yan law. What these things speak upon the souls of angels, write upon the souls of angels, these are the angels' knowledge, acquired by the Ormazdian law, the Jehovih'yan law.

22/1.20. God said: This also is the Ormazdian law: Perpetual growth. As a man, being brought forth out of what was not an entity, thereby becoming an entity; |690| this then is brought about by the Ormazdian law.

22/1.21. With capacity in man for life everlasting; with capacity to acquire knowledge and power forever, and never attain to the Almighty. Like a road on which a man may run in full liberty forever, and never come to its end, rejoicing on his journey; this is the Ormazdian law. |691|

22/1.22. As the actions of corporeal substances produce light; as light is the expression and speech of certain corporeal changes, so is Ormazd, the Master Light, the Creator, that which illuminates the soul of man, making man conscious that he is; making man express his impressions. This is the Ormazdian law, this is the Ever Presence that never terminates.

22/1.23. Though worlds come into being and go out of being (as such), yet Ormazd remains; He is the Forever; and within Him all creations are created. These are the Ormazdian law, the Jehovih'yan law.

22/1.24. God said: This, then, that follows is the I'hua'Mazdian law: The school of knowledge, kept by God and his Lords, for teaching mortals and angels.

22/1.25. In which certain discipline and words are necessary to cause the congregating of men and angels, to dwell together and to travel onward forever, in harmony and rejoicing.

22/1.26. Behold, a great multitude was in disorder and in confusion, and unhappiness resulted. Then came order and discipline, and the multitude was harmonized and filled with rejoicing. What accomplished this was the I'hua'Mazdian law.

22/1.27. Jehovih had said: Behold, I create man with the possibility of becoming a creator under Me. The first lesson of creation that I give into man's hands, is that he shall create harmony and affiliation within himself and with his neighbors, so that the many may become in concert, even as one man.

22/1.28. God said: Such was the Ormazdian law; to create man with the possibility of becoming a creator under Jehovih (Ormazd). But where man and angels, through their God and Lords, began to make, and to create, harmony and discipline; this was the I'hua'Mazdian law.

22/1.29. As the manual of arms is to soldiers, making them a unit in motion, so is the I'hua'Mazdian law in making and teaching peace, order and unity among mortals on earth and angels in heaven.

22/1.30. By the I'hua'Mazdian law the heavenly kingdoms in hada are maintained; and by the same law great kingdoms and nations on earth are built up. The discipline of God and the Lords, through their ashars, in ruling over mortals, for the comprehensive benefit of the whole; this is the I'hua'Mazdian law. It is called the I'hua'Mazdian law because God and his Lords, through their ashars, keep guard and rule over all good mortals and angels for their own exaltation in the heavens above.

22/1.31. God said: The following is the Zarathustrian law: The bestowal of words to mortals, illuminating the dominion of God and his Lords: The making of all good mortals joint heirs and members of the same heavenly kingdoms, in which, God and his Lords and Holy Council in heaven devise and administer laws for the ultimate resurrection of all men.

22/1.32. The revealed word of heaven, to mortals; this is the Zarathustrian law.

22/1.33. The word was with God, and God became the word; this is the Zarathustrian law.

22/1.34. For the word being established through Zarathustra became the life of God in flesh, being perpetual to the end of the world.

22/1.35. For though Zarathustra may be forgotten, and the words of his mouth not remembered on the whole earth, yet the Zarathustrian law (the Word of Light expressed through corpor) became everlasting in the souls of mortals from that time forward, forever and ever. |692|

22/1.36. For man to know of, and to desire to become one with the All Highest, this is the Zarathustrian law. Nor does it matter through what name he strives, as long as he strives to know the will of God.

22/1.37. When a king desires soldiers for his army, he sends recruiting emissaries, calling: Come, join the armies of the king. Even so, but for peace and righteousness, God sends his Lords and holy angels down to mortals, saying: Come, join the kingdom of God. And when they come, behold, they use certain rites and ceremonies, with words and sacred days: The names of these rites and ceremonies and the words revealed by God, these are the Zarathustrian laws. For they are the initiative (the first steps), by which mortals become joint workers with God and his Lords.




























688  males and females











































689  through one unified plan





























690  That is, you came forth out of the elements; in other words, before conception you were not an entity, and with conception you became an entity.




691  And of course the further along the road of light one gets, the closer one gets to Jehovih (in attributes) compared to those starting out.



































































692  This means we each and all have access to the Word of Light within our souls, if we would take advantage of it; and it calls us along the path of light, ever drawing closer toward the All Light.


CHAPTER 2 Divinity




22/2.1. God said: Be attentive, O man, to the voice of your Lord and his angels; be patient, so that you may understand the dominion of your God, and add glory to the Almighty. ||

22/2.2. The Div was the chief, and the Lords and their officers comprised the Divan Congress, during the period of time covered by this book (Divinity).

22/2.3. And the mortals of that day, who joined in the armies of God, were represented by the voice of guardian angels (ashars) through their Lord, according to the nation or place represented.

22/2.4. And the ashars reported to their Lord, regarding the conditions and places of mortals, and the conditions and places of angels also, and the Lords spoke about this in the Diva.

22/2.5. And the Div decreed laws and governments, to mortals and angels, according to what was best for them. ||

22/2.6. Jehovih said: I am the Light and the Life; behold Me, I am Ormazd. When I shape My thoughts into words, behold, I am I'hua'Mazda; I am the Word. When the words of My kingdom are registered with mortals, behold Me; I am the Zarathustrian law. I am three in one.

22/2.7. In that way I have given to you, O Div, and to My angels and My mortals; for you three shall be a unit in the furtherance of My kingdoms.

22/2.8. Behold, from this time onward your labors shall be called Divinity (Divan). And whoever falls under your inspiration shall be called Divine (Divas).

22/2.9. God said: Consider, O man, the wisdom of your God, and perceive what is feasible |693| according to your own judgment, and be far‑reaching with your own members. |694|

22/2.10. || The Div decreed: To carry birth rites down to mortals; to teach them to consecrate to Diva their newborn children, under a rod with water, in the same manner es'yans are baptized in heaven. And with rites and ceremonies, and words, according to the Zarathustrian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, and the Ormazdian law. ||

22/2.11. God said: At the time of the baptism of mortal children, behold, my Lords appointed ashars to those children, to keep them in the way of the Almighty.

22/2.12. And that was the first Divan law.

22/2.13. || The Div decreed: To establish wedding rites and ceremonies with words and processions, in order to firmly bind monogamic |695| marriages, according to the Zarathustrian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, and the Ormazdian law. ||

22/2.14. God said: At the time of marriage, behold my Lords appointed new ashars to man and wife, whose duties were to minister to them as to a small kingdom, for the glory of Jehovih. |696|

22/2.15. This was the second Divan law.

22/2.16. || The Div decreed: To establish funeral rites and ceremonies, with words, according to the Diva, that is, the Zarathustrian, the I'hua'Mazdian, and the Ormazdian law. ||

22/2.17. This was the third Divan law.

22/2.18. God said: In the birth rites; in the marriage rites, and in the funeral rites, recording angels of the Lord were present; and afterward, they reported these things to my kingdom in heaven.

22/2.19. And all those mortals who carried out these rites and ceremonies, with words, were named Zarathustrians. Nevertheless there were many others, who, not being capable of the inspiration, stood aloof from me and my kingdoms.

22/2.20. Jehovih said: I do not blame My God and My Lords for their love favoring more those mortals who became Zarathustrians, than those who rejected God and his Lords. Nor do I censure God and his Lords for favoring their chosen in building cities, nations and empires, and leaving other mortals that were enemies to perish in their cities, kingdoms and nations.

22/2.21. God said: You who are one with the Divine law, are free from the law; but they who reject me and my kingdom are bound by the law.

22/2.22. Regarding the first three Divan laws, God said: These are the sacred words decreed to mortals: By father or mother: I bestow this, my child, to be a good Zarathustrian, according to the Diva. || And in marriage, by the Bride and Bridegroom: I bestow myself to this my mate, a good Zarathustrian, according to the Diva. || And in sacrament previous to death: I, a good Zarathustrian, confess, with repentance, to You, O Ormazd; and to Your Lords of the heavenly hosts of Diva.


































693  able to be accomplished, possible, suitable, achievable, attainable, sustainable

694  Thus we can stretch our thoughts upward to consider God's wisdom, and determine what is attainable and accomplishes the greatest good.













695  literally "one seed," meaning monogamous marriage; in its pure sense, marrying only once during one's lifetime




696  In other words, a marriage was considered to be the beginning of a small kingdom.


CHAPTER 3 Divinity




22/3.1. God said: Behold, I come to reveal what was done in heaven, so that you, O man, may understand the cause of things being done on earth. ||

22/3.2. These Divan laws were made in heaven; and by the Lords of that day, through their angels, given to mortals, by which mortals became a manifestation of heavenly things.

22/3.3. Here follows a continuation of these laws, namely:

22/3.4. Of the third Divan law: If a man is not too weak, he shall confess to all the Lords with repentance. On the other hand, if he is too weak to utter words, then the priest shall confess him by holding the right hand while saying the holy words. And while this is being done, the ashars shall provide a sufficient number of spirits to receive the newborn, and bring him to the place in heaven that has been previously selected for him.

22/3.5. The third Divan law also decreed as follows: If the es'yan is a Zarathustrian, and his kin (family) in heaven are drujas, he shall not be taken to the heaven where they are; nor shall his kin be permitted to see him for thirty days. But after thirty days, his kin, if drujas, may be permitted to see him in his own place in heaven, but only if they are under guard.

22/3.6. The fourth Divan law: If the es'yan is a Zarathustrian, and his kin in heaven belong to the organic heavens, then he shall be taken to them, and his abiding place shall be with them for a season.

22/3.7. The fifth Divan law: If the es'yan is a Zarathustrian, his spirit shall not be allowed to remain longer than three days and three nights with his mortal kindred. And then he shall be taken to his place in heaven, and given into the keeping of the asaphs, who shall explain all things to him.

22/3.8. God said: While the mortal priest is reciting prayers after death, in the morning, at noon, and at sunset, the ashars shall assemble in the same house, along with the newborn spirit, and join in the singing and praying, for it will pacify the spirit, and restore him to know what has taken place. And this shall be called the sixth Divan law.

22/3.9. God said: And the same laws shall apply in the case of a Zarathustrian woman. In the case of a Zarathustrian child, who died in infancy, the Div decreed:

22/3.10. The seventh Divan law: The child of a Zarathustrian being too young to speak, shall not make confession, even through the priest. The mortal priest shall say: O You Master Light! Behold, my child is dead! Receive its little, tender spirit! Take it to Your heavenly place of delight! || And the ashars shall take the young es'yan to a place suited to it, and deliver it to the asaphs; and the asaphs shall examine it, and, if it requires fetal, they shall provide it in heaven, if possible. But if it is too young, then the asaphs, with a sufficient guard, shall take it back to its mortal mother, or to its mortal father, or to its brother, or its sister, or other near kin, or to whomever the asaphs find most advisable. And the spirit child shall be put to bed every night with its fetal mother, fetal father, or fetal host, so that its spirit may draw sufficient sustenance to grow into everlasting life. But the asaphs who have it in charge shall bring it away in the morning to its place in heaven. But in no case shall a Zarathustrian spirit child be left to fetal with a contentious mortal woman, or with a drunken mortal man.

22/3.11. God propounded: |697| If a Zarathustrian is dead, and his spirit has resided many years in a place of heavenly delight, and then his mortal wife dies, and she is not a Zarathustrian?

22/3.12. The members of the Diva all spoke. Then God decreed the eighth Divan law, which was: The spirit of such a woman shall not be allowed to go to the place of her husband. For thirty days she shall be kept in a place suitable for her. After that she may, under guard, visit her husband; but until she accepts the Ormazdian law, she shall not dwell with the husband in heaven, nor with her children in heaven. And if she has mortal children, she shall not be permitted to see them, except under guard.

22/3.13. The ninth Divan law was the same, but for a Zarathustrian woman whose husband was not a Zarathustrian; for he was bound by the same law, and thus kept separate in heaven until he accepted the Ormazdian law.

22/3.14. God propounded: If a Zarathustrian has a wife who is not a Zarathustrian, and she gives premature birth, whether by accident (miscarriage) or abortion, what happens to the spirit of that child? On this all the members of Diva spoke, and after that, God decreed:

22/3.15. Such spirit shall not be brought to heaven for a season, but shall be fetaled day and night on its natural mother or father, until the full nine months are completed, and then it shall be delivered with due ceremonies by the ashars. After that it shall be fetaled the same as in the seventh Divan law. And this was the tenth Divan law.

22/3.16. The eleventh Divan law: If a Zarathustrian attains to maturity before he dies, his spirit shall be es'yan for two years. And during this time he shall be attended by not less than two asaphs when he goes away from his heavenly home; and the asaphs shall teach him the mode of travel, the manner of knowing localities, both on the earth and in the first resurrection. And they shall teach him the varieties and kinds of food suited to the highest, best education of a spirit. But when he travels with his companions of his own heavenly group, then the asaphs of the group shall go along with them. And, during the two years, he shall be provided with food and clothes from the stores in heaven, and he shall not labor to provide himself with anything.

22/3.17. The twelfth Divan law was in reference to the same spirit, which was: At the end of two years the asaphs shall deliver him, and those of his group who are prepared, into the department of first instruction, and his name shall be entered in the library of that department of heaven as Entered apprentice, in the first resurrection. Here his first lessons shall be making clothes and providing food for himself and others. And he shall be entitled to participate, if he so desires, in the recreations of the entered apprentices, such as music, dancing, marching, painting, or other arts.

22/3.18. The thirteenth Divan law was in reference to the same spirit, which was: He shall serve not less than two years as entered apprentice, and longer if his proficiency is not sufficient for advancement. But when he is advanced, he shall no longer be called entered apprentice, but a Craftsman. And he shall be taken to a suitable place, where his labor will contribute to the heavenly kingdoms. And his recreations shall entitle him to instruction in both corporeal and es'ean knowledge, and their correspondence. |698| As a craftsman he shall serve seven years.

22/3.19. The fourteenth Divan law was in reference to the same spirit, which was: The craftsman's examination being completed, he shall then return to labor in the nurseries in heaven, becoming assistant to the asaphs. And during this period he shall report at the roll call. And his teachers shall take him with them down to mortals and teach him how to see and hear corporeal things. And they shall also explain to him fetalism and the obsession of mortals by drujas, so that he may understand the cause of lying, stealing, tattling, conspiracies, and murders, among mortals.

22/3.20. The fifteenth Divan law pertained to the same spirit, which was: After he has served three years as nurse‑assistant to the asaphs, he shall be promoted to the hospitals in heaven, as assistant to the physicians. And they shall teach him the restoration of spirits in chaos, and crazy spirits, and deformed spirits, and of sick spirits, and of spirits afflicted with foul smells, who cannot clean themselves, especially of the spirits of women who produced abortion on themselves, or suffered it to be done to them, and of monomaniacs, and all manner of diseased spirits. And the physicians shall take him with them when they go down to mortals to remove fetals, and he shall learn how they are severed, safely to both. And they shall take him to the battlefields, where mortals have slain one another, whose spirits are in chaos, or are still fighting, and he shall assist in bringing them away from the corporeal place, and also learn how to restore them, and where to deliver them when restored. And if there are knots in any region near at hand, the physician shall take him to the knot, and show him how they are untied, and how they are mastered and delivered. And if there is any hell near at hand, the physicians shall take him there and teach him how hell is delivered and its people restored. For ten years he shall serve as assistant to the physicians.

22/3.21. The sixteenth Divan law applied to the same spirit, which was: Having fulfilled the part of assistant physician, he shall be promoted to the full rank of Nurse. And in that department he shall serve ten years, which completes his emancipation in that order, and after that, any and all the nurseries of the lower heavens shall be free and open to him, and he shall go to whichever one he desires, except when specially commanded for a certain work by his Lord, or by the God of his division.

22/3.22. The seventeenth Divan law referred to the same spirit, which was: Having passed a satisfactory examination by his Lord, or his Lord's attendants, he shall be promoted to the full rank of Physician. And in that department in heaven he shall serve fifty years. And then his emancipation in that order shall be complete. And all the hospitals in the lower heavens shall be open to him, and he shall choose whichever of them he desires as his place of labor, unless specially required by his Lord, or by the God of his division.

22/3.23. The eighteenth Divan law affected the same spirit, which was: He shall now pass an examination by his Lord or his Lord's deputy, and if he proves himself in a knowledge of the structure of both the corporeal and spiritual man, he shall be registered as Entered Factor, and he shall serve twelve years in forming and making fabrics for raiment, and for other useful and ornamental purposes.

22/3.24. The nineteenth Divan law was like the eighteenth, except that his labor shall be gathering and transporting food for another twelve years. And the twentieth Divan law was like the nineteenth, except that his labor shall be the wielding of large bodies, and of carrying them long distances.

22/3.25. The twenty‑first Divan law dealt with the same spirit: He shall now enter the creatif as an apprentice. Thirty years he shall serve in the creatif, learning how to create. And the twenty‑second Divan law was like the twenty‑first, except that he shall dwell in Uz and serve twelve years in learning Uz. |699|

22/3.26. The twenty‑third Divan law, meant for the same spirit, was: He shall now enter college, and serve according to his talents, from five to forty years, learning corporeal and es'sean measuring, and distances, rotations, velocities, magnets; currents of vortices; roadways in vortices, and how to measure vortices by their spiral force; how to find the center and the periphery of vortices. And if he serves the full term of forty years, he shall have the freedom of the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty‑first, twenty‑second and twenty‑third commandments; and all those places shall be forever open for him. And if he chooses to go into any of them he shall do so, unless specially ordered to some other emergent place by his Lord, or the God of his division.

22/3.27. The twenty‑fourth Divan law, for the same spirit, was: He shall now enter architecture as an apprentice, and learn the building of heavenly mansions and cities; and he shall serve eight years, and be promoted to build judgment seats and thrones, and serve another sixteen years.

22/3.28. The twenty‑fifth Divan law, for the same spirit, was: He shall now be eligible to enter the school of light and darkness, and learn the relative power of attraction and propulsion belonging to them; and his education here shall embrace practice and experiment; and he shall serve seventy years for the full course. After which, if he is proficient in creating light and darkness, he shall be emancipated from the twenty‑fourth and twenty‑fifth Divan laws, and all those places shall be open and free to him forever.

22/3.29. The twenty‑sixth Divan law, for the same spirit, was: He shall now serve twenty‑four years in building and propelling heavenly boats, and small ships. And the twenty‑seventh Divan law was similar, which was: That he shall now travel fifty years in atmospherea, and on the earth, and on the oceans of the earth.

22/3.30. This completed the primary education in the first resurrection.






































































697  put forward for consideration





































































698  Meaning how Es things match up with corporeal things, and how corporeal things match up with Es things.












































































699  Many Spiritualists have seen spirits perform Uz. I have seen flowers passed through a board without injury or abrasion to either board or flowers. --Ed.


CHAPTER 4 Divinity




22/4.1. God said: For the spirit of a Zarathustrian who has completed his primary education, what then? On which, all the members spoke. After that Div decreed:

22/4.2. He shall serve two hundred years as an apprenticed loo'is. He shall become proficient in the knowledge of procreation of mortals. Learning to prophesy what the offspring will be, according to the parentage; to become wise in discerning how the es of a living mortal governs the flesh, to good or evil; how the es of a mortal controls the sex and ultimate size, health and strength of the offspring.

22/4.3. To learn which, the loo'is shall take him to thousands of mortals, and he shall make a record of what he has under observation; and when those mortals have offspring born to them, he shall make a record of it; and he shall observe the character of the birth, and the foundation of the child, together with what conditions surrounded the mother of the child. And he shall follow that child till it has grown up, and also married, and begotten a child, or children, and so on to the sixth generation. This is the twenty‑eighth Divan law.

22/4.4. Div decreed: After he has served two hundred years he shall be examined by his Lord, or his Lord's deputy, and if proficient in prophesying to the sixth generation, he shall be entered as an ashar on a list of four twelves for every moon's change. But the forty‑eight ashars shall not be ashars to more than one hundred and ninety‑two mortals, unless otherwise specially allotted by the Lord or God in dominion.

22/4.5. For four generations, of one hundred and thirty‑three years, he shall serve as an ashar. And he shall learn to have dominion over his mortal protégés night and day, not letting them, however, know his presence. To accomplish which, he shall begin with his protégés in their first infancy; remaining with them while they sleep, talking to the spirit of the mortal, teaching and persuading. This was the twenty‑ninth Divan law.

22/4.6. Div decreed: Having served the full term of ashar, he shall be entitled to examination by his Lord or deputy. But now a new type of examination begins; which is, that the examination pertains to his protégés, as to what kind of fruit he has sent to heaven, the grade of his es'yans being the standard. |700| This was the thirtieth Divan law.

22/4.7. Div decreed: Having passed the examination as ashar, he shall now be promoted as asaph, where he shall serve sixty‑six years. Here again his examination shall be not of himself but of the harvest of his department. This was the thirty‑first Divan law.

22/4.8. Div decreed: His examination being complete, he shall now receive emancipation from all preceding departments and decrees; and he shall have his choice in all places he has passed, unless otherwise specially detailed by his Lord or God of his division. This was the thirty‑second Divan law.

22/4.9. Div decreed: He shall now be entitled to enter the chapter of the primary soul. His first lessons shall be in colors and sounds, both of corpor and es. First, beginning with gray of not more than three combinations; and when he has mastered these, he shall have four, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and so on, until, when any combination of colors is placed before him, he can instantly perceive every color, shade, and tint, and the apparent velocity of light, and its force (actinic) emanating. And he shall pursue this study until he can create in es the counterpart of anything in corpor, or create in corpor the counterpart of anything in es. And of sounds he shall proceed in the same way; first, learning a combination of three, so that when his teacher produces any three sounds (notes) together, he can hear them and determine the exact velocity of each wave. Then he shall begin with four sounds, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and even a thousand, which, even though made in the same instant, he shall detect every one, and the velocity and force of each. This was the thirty‑third Divan law.

22/4.10. Div decreed: He shall now begin the practice of combining and creating color by sounds, and sounds by colors, both in corpor and es. His teachers shall make explosions with light, and explosions without light, and by using only his eye and ear he shall be able to determine the elements by which the explosions were made. This was the thirty‑fourth Divan law.

22/4.11. Div decreed: He shall go far away from the explosions, and when the waves come to him, even though he does not hear the explosion, he shall be able to determine, by the waves, of what substance the explosion was made, and whether in light or darkness. And, if in light, what colors were manifested. This was the thirty‑fifth Divan law.

22/4.12. Div decreed: He shall now receive instruction in the sounds of conversation. First, his teacher shall cause him to hear two people conversing at the same time, missing nothing that is said; then three, then four, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and then a thousand, but no greater number in this department. This was the thirty‑sixth Divan law.

22/4.13. Div decreed: He shall now analyze the waves of voice, in which he cannot hear the sounds. His teacher shall station him in a certain place and cause him to read the waves of light and sound that come to him, so that he knows not only the words spoken, but the kind of person speaking or singing. This was the thirty‑seventh Divan law.

22/4.14. Div decreed: His teacher shall now cause him to read the waves of light and sound emanating from two persons talking at the same time, whom he cannot hear, and he shall understand not only the words spoken, but the kind of persons speaking. Then he shall read the waves in the same way for three persons, then four, then eight, then a hundred, and even a thousand. This was the thirty‑eighth Divan law.

22/4.15. Div decreed: Then he shall be taken near a battlefield, where mortals are in deadly conflict, and he shall be stationed far enough away so he does not hear the sounds; but when the waves come to him, he shall read them and know the number of the men in battle, the kind of weapons in use, and the cause of contention. This was the thirty‑ninth Divan law.

22/4.16. Div decreed: He shall now be promoted to be a messenger between Lords, and between Lords and Gods. This was the fortieth Divan law.

22/4.17. Div decreed: For one hundred years he shall serve as messenger, and at the end of that time his Lords and Gods shall render his record and promote him to marshal. And at this, his emancipation from all the preceding decrees and departments shall open these latter to him, to choose whatever department he desires, except on such time and occasion as specially required by his Lord or God. This was the forty‑first Divan law.

22/4.18. Div decreed: For two hundred years he shall serve as marshal, and under as many as forty Lords and Gods, and in as many as twenty heavenly kingdoms. This was the forty‑second Divan law.

22/4.19. Div decreed: He shall now be promoted Lord, and have dominion over a city or nation of mortals, and over the spirits belonging to that city or nation. This was the forty‑third Divan law.

















































700  criterion, measure, summation, précis


CHAPTER 5 Divinity




22/5.1. God propounded: If a man dies, and is not a Zarathustrian, what then? All the members spoke, and then:

22/5.2. Div decreed: Because he did not accept the Zarathustrian law while mortal, he is unsuitable for the highest exalted places of delight. For all official preference shall be to the Zarathustrian. This was the forty‑fourth Divan law.

22/5.3. Div decreed regarding the same spirit, one who had not been a Zarathustrian: His education shall not run to the Lord‑head, nor to the God‑head. He shall not be a column in the Father's building, nor one of the arch‑stones of great strength, but he shall stand as a plain brick in the wall. This was the forty‑fifth Divan law.

22/5.4. Div said: I am not created God to merely serve my time and nothing more. I am to look far ahead as to who shall be Lords and Gods over the earth and atmospherea.

22/5.5. Div propounded: What, then, shall be the course of a spirit who was not a Zarathustrian? And this was made the forty‑sixth Divan law: He shall be delivered to the asaphs, who shall enter him in the nurseries as an es'yan, where he shall remain six years, learning the elementary powers and expressions.

22/5.6. Div decreed the forty‑seventh Divan law: The same spirit shall then be apprenticed in manufacturing and general labor, where he shall serve twelve years, unless previously instructed in these things while mortal.

22/5.7. Div decreed the forty‑eighth Divan law: He shall now enter school and learn surveying and measuring without instruments, and determining the kind of emanations that rise up from earth, their altitude and density; and he shall learn exploration and enumeration in both corpor and es; the building of piedmazrs and otevans; the constructing of arrow‑ships, and all other vessels used in the heavens to carry things from place to place. And he shall serve thirty years in these things.

22/5.8. Div decreed the forty‑ninth Divan law: He shall now be promoted to restoring, nursing and caring for the drujas who are being rescued by the captains, generals and Lords; in which service he shall work thirty years. But in both the forty‑eighth and forty‑ninth Divan laws it was afterward decreed: Whatever service he did in these areas in mortal life, shall stand twofold to his credit in Spirit.

22/5.9. Div decreed: If he now acknowledges and practices faith in the Great Spirit, he shall be promoted to the college of creation, and taught to create light and darkness. After this, he shall be taught to sar'gis flowers, trees and clothes, and take elementary lessons in music and expression, in which branches he shall serve fifty years. And then he shall be entitled to examination, and if he can withstand the third grade of light, he shall be ranked Bridegroom of Om. |701| This was the fiftieth Divan law. The fifty‑first thus provides:

22/5.10. If he does not yet comprehend faith in the All Person, he shall be granted freedom to all the places where he has served, and he shall be emancipated from all Lords and Gods, and from all labor and education, and honorably discharged, to pursue whatever he desires in any place in heaven or earth. Nor shall the Lords or Gods take any more notice of him other than due respect and honor.

22/5.11. Regarding this, Div, Son of All Light, spoke, saying: This also shall be part and parcel of the Divan law, which is to say: From the latter class rise the false Gods and false Lords, who often set up kingdoms of their own in atmospherea. They shall not rise above the second resurrection.

22/5.12. The Voice of Jehovih came to God, saying: Without the disbeliever in spirits, mortals could not find courage to kill serpents; without false Gods and false Lords the lowest drujas would never be put to work. Those who cannot be raised by persuasion, may be aroused by less scrupulous masters, who make slaves of them.



























































701  Om is female for Jehovih. Bridegrooms marry Om. Brides marry Jehovih. --Ed. [Hence a female reaching this level would be ranked Bride of Jehovih.]


CHAPTER 6 Divinity




22/6.1. In the twelfth moon of the Diva the Voice of Jehovih came to Div, saying: So that My Lords and My Gods may not err, you shall promulgate |702| the foundation of the Divan law. God perceived, and in the name of Div he decreed:

22/6.2. Hear me, O Gods and Lords! This is the foundation of Divan law: The decrees of God and his Lords, his Lord Gods, his Gods, and his Lords; not singly, but by all members, and ratified by the Council of Diva under Div, Son of All Light. That is to say:

22/6.3. A kingdom in heaven rises or falls by Divan law; a kingdom or nation on earth rises or falls by Divan law. The virtuous are rewarded and exalted by Divan law; the wicked are cast into trials by Divan law.

22/6.4. But this is not Divan law: Man to be created and live; to live a time on earth, then die and enter heaven. These are done by the Ever Presence, the All Light, the Creator, and not by the Diva.

22/6.5. This is Divan law, namely: To assist man out of darkness into light; to give security to the helpless; to raise the souls of men to everlasting light; to minister to the needy; to deliver those who are in pain; to teach man to desist laboring for himself; to teach him to labor for others.

22/6.6. But this is not Divan law: For seed to grow; for a tree to grow; for a spider to weave its web; these are done by the Ever Living Presence, the All Master, Creator!

22/6.7. This is Divan law, namely: To regulate the affairs of angels and mortals, for their ultimate resurrection; to lay the foundation for harmony in community; to gather together the inharmonious, and put them in tune.

22/6.8. But this is not Divan law: To provide the earth with life, or to hold it in its place; to build the place of the higher or lower heavens; to provide corpor or to provide es; these things are by the Ever Personal Presence, the Creator, and shaped and molded by His hand through the Chiefs of the higher heavens.

22/6.9. This is Divan law: To bring man and woman together in marriage, wisely, for the (potential) child's sake, and for the joy of all.

22/6.10. But this is not Divan law: To give desire for marriage, or desire from marriage; these are from the All Person, the Master Light.

22/6.11. This is Divan law: When a man walks along, to take him by the hand and bend him to the right or left.

22/6.12. But this is not Divan law: For the man to go forth; this he does by the Ever Presence, Jehovih, the Ormazd.

22/6.13. A carpenter builds a house, but he did not build the logs or the stone. The Diva builds kingdoms in heaven and kingdoms on earth, and shapes them for usefulness and beauty; and when they are old and out of sorts, the Diva abandons them, and they fall to pieces. Nevertheless, Ormazd provided and provides the wherewithal |703| for the whole.

22/6.14. Div decreed: This also you shall promulgate in heaven and earth, lest angels and mortals worship Div and Diva. For though the Diva appoints mortal kings, |704| yet mortals shall not worship Div (Divinity).





702  make known























































703  the substances, resources and necessary means



704  This is the origin of the now defunct notion of the divine right of kings.


CHAPTER 7 Divinity




22/7.1. In the sixth Diva, Div decreed: The Divan law shall be the higher law; and you shall give mortals a law copied from it, and the mortal law shall be called the lower law.

22/7.2. One of the members of Diva said: If a mortal judge is judging between certain men, by which law shall he judge? On this matter the members spoke at great length.

22/7.3. And Div decreed: He can discern the higher law only dimly; but the lower law he can read plainly in a book. He shall therefore judge by the lower, but by the highest interpretation. And then Div on his own account said:

22/7.4. For the priests of the Zarathustrians, who have carried the alms‑bowl and lived pure in all things, being celibates, serving the Creator, Ormazd, only, going about doing good, they have the higher law, the Divan law, within their hearts; they shall judge by it. Nevertheless, trouble does not come into any of the worlds by those who strive to do right, but by those who evade. The time shall come when the judge shall not interpret according to the higher law; he will strive to hide justice in a corner, using words to conceal his own perversity. It is by such men and angels that heaven and earth will be blighted in coming time.

22/7.5. For, as through Zarathustra, God's Word has been established on the earth, and since words themselves perish and are supplemented by new words, the time shall come when the higher law will fall, like a house on sand. For there are no words that are everlasting, or that are understood by all men alike; words themselves are only like husks that surround the corn. Men in darkness quibble on the husks, but do not discern the fruit within. ||

22/7.6. Jehovih spoke to Div, saying: Man builds a house, and it perishes. Succeeding generations must also build, otherwise the art of building would perish. It is better for the building to perish, than the art of building. I created all men to labor and to learn. Should My Gods and angels require less? Because language melts away, the language‑makers, being My Lords and ashars, have constant employment of delight. ||

22/7.7. Div said: Foolish men chase a language that is dead and moldered away; but the wise seek language to express the spirit of things. The latter is under the Divan law; the former is bound as a druk. And so, you shall be circumspect regarding words and language, because mortal judges who judge by the lower law, are bound in words. ||

22/7.8. Copies of these Divan laws were given to mortals through the Lords and ashars, either by inspiration or by words spoken in sar'gissa. And in Jaffeth, Shem and Arabin'ya, mortal kings decreed mortal laws and revelations, based on the Divan laws, and on the Zarathustrian laws. ||

22/7.9. Div propounded: A man and woman in mortal life were as druks, being filthy, idle, and begging from day to day, and yet they had many children born to them. And the children were like the parents, lazy and worthless, being beggars also. Now in the course of time, the man and woman die, and later the children die also, and none of them are yet entered into the first resurrection in heaven, still being beggars and dwelling around their old haunts: What of them?

22/7.10. The Lords all spoke on this subject, and after that Div decreed: Such spirits shall be reported by the ashars to the Lord, and the Lord shall send a captain with a sufficient army to arrest them, and bring them away from the earth, and place them into a colony for such spirits. This was called Divan act, the first.

22/7.11. Act, the second: Such drujas shall be clothed and fed for thirty days. If, by this time, they manifest no inclination to labor, but are still lazy, they shall be removed into another region, where food can be obtained only by exertion.

22/7.12. Act, the third: This law shall apply also to mortals; they shall be inspired, through the ashars, to migrate to cold and unproductive regions. Div said: You have planned wisely in this, O Jehovih! For all Your places in heaven and earth shall be subdued, and made to glorify You!




CHAPTER 8 Divinity




22/8.1. The Diva met three times every year in Mouru, and enacted many acts like those previously related; and there were so many, that all the spirits in heaven and mortals on the earth were fore‑planned, from before birth until they became Brides and Bridegrooms in heaven.

22/8.2. And heaven and earth became as one country, with one king, who was God; and his word ruled over all. The Lords' kingdoms prospered, as did the kingdoms of the sub‑Gods and the sub-Goddesses. Never before on earth and in her heavens had such glory manifested. And there were rites and ceremonies, recreations, games and pageantry, on earth and in heaven, so great, that one could write a thousand books describing them, and yet not have told a tenth of it.

22/8.3. So, after God had reigned one hundred and ninety years, he descended from his heavenly place, and traveled about through all of the Lords' dominions, and the sub‑Gods' dominions in the lower heavens, so that he might rejoice before Jehovih in the great good works he had done.

22/8.4. And in all the heavenly places great rejoicing arose because God came there; and the singers made and sang hymns of rejoicing; and trumpeters and harpists proclaimed the glory of Jehovih's Presence.

22/8.5. So God had the people counted for the Gods of the etherean worlds, who were to send receivers in the time of dan for the great resurrection. And the number of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih would be sixteen billion!

22/8.6. After that, God directed his fire‑ship to run close to the earth, so that he could survey mortals and their kingdoms. And he visited all the great nations of earth, to the south, north, east, and west. And now his soul cried out with great sorrow! The great peoples of the earth were turning into celibates!

22/8.7. And the voice of Jehovih came to him, saying: God, My Son, Hoab, why do you sorrow? And God answered, saying: Behold, the earth is not populated everywhere; the plains and mountains are not subdued; the wilderness is filled with beasts of prey; the Zarathustrians are running into the same line as the I'hins; they kill nothing; they live for the soul only. And since they have learned the bondage of the lower heavens, they will not marry and beget offspring.

22/8.8. Again Jehovih spoke to God, saying: Do not call down a'ji or ji'ay, My Son! Do not fear. In ten years, behold, I will bring the earth into dan, and you shall bring your harvest into My emancipated worlds.

22/8.9. So God sorrowed no more; and on his return to Mouru, and in the next meeting of the Diva, he propounded: If a husband and wife have a child born to them, they both being Zarathustrians: What then? When the members had spoken:

22/8.10. Div decreed: They shall have rites and ceremonies, so that the ashars of the order of Zarathustra may be appointed to it. What the ashars do in spirit, the corporeans shall do in corpor. And this was the first supplemental Divan law.

22/8.11. Through the commandment of the presiding Lord, the ashars assembled in the house of a Zarathustrian at the time of the birth of a child; and these spirits baptized the child with a rod, sprinkling water on its head in the same way as when selecting victims who have been delivered out of hell. And by inspiration, the angels induced the mortals to go through the same ceremony, having a priest perform with the rod, which had been dipped in water.

22/8.12. Div decreed: A baptized child shows it has sprung from Zarathustrians, and has high possibilities inherent in it. And if it dies in infancy, it shall not be placed with the children of druks in heaven, but in a place that will enable the parents, after death, to visit it with delight. This was the second supplemental Divan law.

22/8.13. So it became common on the earth for mortals to have their children baptized in infancy, so that in case of death, they could be taken to a place of delight, and not fall into the power of drujas, the evil spirits.

22/8.14. Div propounded: If a young man, who is a Zarathustrian, and a young woman who is also a Zarathustrian, seek to marry, and both every way obedient to the Ormazdian law, and to the I'hua'Mazdian law, what shall be the rites and ceremonies of marriage for them? On this all the members spoke, and after that:

22/8.15. Div decreed: They shall be married by a rab'bah, with kin and friends present. The rab'bah shall say: Ormazd has united you forever; live in peace and love on earth, and you shall dwell together in a heavenly place of delight after death. What Ormazd has joined, no man can separate forever. || And while the mortal ceremony is being performed, the ashars and the kindred spirits shall have rites and ceremonies in the same house, and this shall be called the beginning of a new heavenly kingdom. This was the third supplemental Divan law.

22/8.16. Besides these, a hundred and eight supplemental Divan laws were passed; and they comprehended all things in the life and death of mortals, and all things pertaining to the resurrection after death. And so great was the power of the Zarathustrian religion on earth that war ceased, and the tribes and nations dwelt together in peace. The people ceased to build large cities, and ceased striving for the things of earth.

22/8.17. But they learned little, except rites and ceremonies, prayers, and singing hymns of praise to Ormazd, and to His Gods and Lords, and to Zarathustra, the All Pure. Thus ended the dominion of Hoab's reign in heaven and earth, whose greatness had never been surpassed.

22/8.18. So Jehovih brought the regions of dan, and sent seven ships, and delivered God and his harvest of sixteen billion angels into places of delight, the Nirvanian fields of Niscrossawotcha, in etherea.




CHAPTER 9 Divinity




22/9.1. Then God bewailed the state of the earth, because man ceased to love anything on it. His whole mind and heart were set upon heavenly things, and the earth was becoming like a neglected farm grown over with weeds and briars. So Jehovih answered God's prayers, saying: Behold, I will bring darkness to cover the earth on all sides. Prepare for it, My Son, for not only will man desire of the earth, but the angels in your high heavenly places will forsake them, and go down to the earth.

22/9.2. So it came to pass, Jehovih brought ji'ya upon the earth, and it was in a state of darkness for four hundred years, and the sun did not shine, but was like a red ball of fire, and mortal things were without lights and shadows.

22/9.3. And men's minds and hearts took after the nature of the corporeal world, losing sight of Ormazd and His heavenly promises, and they focused on the desires of earth, and of the pleasures of the flesh‑life. Now during ji'ay, there fell perpetual atmospherean substance on the earth, and it was of the nature and kind of substance of which the earth is made, but atmospheric, and this is that which is called ji'ya. |705|

22/9.4. And the plateau of Haraiti and Zeredho were driven down to the earth and near the earth; and the belt of meteoris was moved nearer by thousands of miles, and in many places upon the earth, meteoric stones fell like a rain shower, but burning hot, and with suffocating smell. And the affairs of mortals were changed; they built new cities, and became great hunters, applying the wisdom of their forefathers to the matters of the earth.

22/9.5. And the heavenly places of delight were broken up and descended to the earth; and the angels were cast upon the earth, turning away from faith in Ormazd, seeking joy in the affairs of earth. And God and his Lords were powerless to inspire righteous works, either with mortals or angels. But man and woman became prolific, and they grew large, and full of resolution and power.

22/9.6. The Voice of Jehovih spoke to God, saying: Maintain your kingdom; and your Gods and Lords under you shall also maintain their kingdoms. Nor shall you let My people become discouraged with My works.

22/9.7. Because I have sent darkness upon the earth to benefit mortals in mortality, so also in that same time I have given My heavenly hosts lessons in My es worlds. Neither shall they call this a judgment upon them, nor say that I do these things in anger, or as punishment, or for benefit of one to the injury of others.

22/9.8. Because you were guided by My voice and My commandments in bestowing the Divan law, behold the strength and wisdom of your pupils! For, to the extent that they learn to master the elements I created in atmospherea, so will they become triumphant in My etherean worlds.

22/9.9. God perceived, and he and his Lords and sub‑Gods fortified their kingdoms on all hands, and provided assistance to their colleges, factories, hospitals and places of education, in order to maintain the angels who had sought resurrection.

22/9.10. Nevertheless, it came to pass that many angels believed a new order of light was coming on the earth, in which the earth would become the all-highest abode for angels and Gods. Others having lived two or three hundred years in atmospherea, and never having been in etherea, began to disbelieve in the higher heavens, and finally to disbelieve in Jehovih, also.

22/9.11. And in two hundred years time, God and his Lords lost influence and power with both angels and mortals. And the latter took to war, and the angels who had ministered to them became wanderers and adventurers, without organization, and cared neither for truth nor wisdom, but flattered mortals for their own glory.

22/9.12. And the kings and queens of the earth built temples for their familiar spirits, who assumed the ancient names of Gods and Lords. Now when the next arc of dan was near at hand, God enumerated his upraised hosts, and there were twelve billion prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms for Jehovih's higher heavens.

22/9.13. And because it was less than the number of his predecessor, he cried out to Jehovih, bewailing his weakness. And Jehovih answered him, saying: Do not bewail, My Son! You have done a great work. Nor ask that you may remain another dan, for the next will not be so fair a harvest. So God grieved no more, but bestowed his kingdom on his successor; and his Lords did likewise, and so did his sub‑Gods and all other persons having protégés. And God called together the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih; and Jehovih sent five great ships of fire down from etherea, and delivered God and his hosts into the emancipated worlds.

























705  Ji'ay is the Panic word and ji'ya is the Gau word for the same thing.


CHAPTER 10 Divinity




22/10.1. In the twelve hundredth year after Fragapatti, in the east colony of Haraiti, one Ctusk, a former Lord of Jehovih's host, renounced Jehovih, the Creator, and falsely proclaimed himself Ahura, the All Master; and he took with him three Lords of grade eighty‑eight, as well as twelve sub‑Gods of grade sixty‑four, and one thousand six hundred students of eight hundred years' resurrection, none of whom were less than grade sixty, and were sufficient to pass as Brides and Bridegrooms. And these students took with them thirty‑six thousand teachers, factors, physicians and nurses, all of whom were higher than grade forty.

22/10.2. And Ahura appropriated to himself one colony of one hundred and ten million angels, together with the colleges, schools, factories, and all the things belonging in them. And the three Lords took their kingdoms, and by annexation made them part and parcel with Ahura's kingdom. Now these three Lords' kingdoms comprised the largest habitable places of mortals in Vind'yu and Jaffeth, and the greatest heavenly places of angels in the first resurrection.

22/10.3. And Ahura divided up the regions he thus obtained, making confederate heavenly kingdoms, sufficient in number to give place of dominion to his Lords and Gods, and to make sub‑Gods out of all the one thousand six hundred students. And after that, Ahura counted his people, and there were more than three billion souls in his heavens!

22/10.4. God sent messengers to Ctusk, who had assumed the name, Ahura'Mazda, admonishing and inquiring: My Lord, whom I have loved, whom by my own hand was crowned in the name of Jehovih, why have you deserted the Father's kingdoms? In what way have you had cause to complain against Jehovih? Or against me, your God? O my son, my Lord, do not say you have gone so far you cannot return! What can you ask of me that I will not grant you? No, even judge me, and if you desire all the heavens and the earth in my place, I will abdicate to you, and become your lowest servant, or whatever you will put upon me.

22/10.5. Ahura returned this answer: Because I have nothing against you, I have alienated myself and my kingdom from you. I do not desire your kingdom, nor even my own. Behold, I looked upon you, and you were pure and holy. I looked upon the kingdoms of heaven and the kingdoms of earth, and they were impure and unholy. Then came certain brother Lords to me, most wise Lords, and they said: A less pure God, a less holy God, would be more efficient. So, I was persuaded to my course.

22/10.6. God replied to this, saying: Behold, we have a Diva! Why did you not speak thus before me, face to face? And your three great Lords were also Divans; and they likewise were silent on the matter. The Div would have decreed whatever was all wise. Because I was in darkness, I did not see your thoughts, nor those of your Lords, and you have heaped shame upon me. How shall I send my record to etherea? Shall I say: Behold, certain Lords consulted clandestinely, |706| and then concluded to overthrow the Creator; and in fact they have gone and set up a kingdom of their own, calling it the All Highest?

22/10.7. Hear me yet, and I will endeavor to speak wisely to you. Some days ago your messengers notified me that you had repudiated Jehovih, saying: There is no All Highest Person; I can make myself high as the highest! Then your messenger gave me a map, saying: Behold, here are the boundaries of the kingdom of Ahura'Mazda, the All Sufficient High God!

22/10.8. I looked over the map, and saw its great extent; and I surmised to myself: He is a great God who can rule over all that! For I knew you and your education, which is as great as any Lord's in atmospherea. But you know you cannot control even a plateau! Can you raise your hand and stop the a'ji, or the ji'ya, or the nebulae! You can barely change a single current of wind; nor can you cast a drought on any land. And yet you know there are Gods who can do these things by a motion of one finger! How, then, do you dare proclaim yourself an All Sufficient High God?

22/10.9. But I will not rebuke you, for I desire your love and your help. I would win you by any sacrifice I can make. Behold, there is great darkness in heaven and on earth. Whatever I may be short in, I will rebuke myself in after ages. I pray, then, return to me, and make exactions upon me and my kingdoms. With your loss, behold, Diva is broken up. With your dismemberment of heavens, others will follow. Alas, I will not look upon even that which my soul sees. I plead for your love and assistance. Nevertheless, if the All Highest Light, for the All Best Good, shows you that you are right, do not come to me! I know the Great Spirit will sustain me, even though my soul is well nigh crushed to pieces by the loss of so fair a love.

22/10.10. To this Ahura replied: If it were not the wisest, best course to do as I did, how did the thought come to me?

22/10.11. God replied: Because of the long reign of ji'ya, you were inoculated with darkness; even as a mortal, on a rainy day, loses his patience to be wise.

22/10.12. Then Ahura sent the following: I have been patient in my answers; but now I will speak plainly. First of all, you are All Pure, and Most Wise, above all other Gods. For more than two hundred years I have been a faithful Lord to you and your kingdoms. At first the Great Light came to you, and a voice came out of the light! Then I was afraid, and awe‑struck. Because I believed you were so near the Creator, your every word and act were worshipful to me.

22/10.13. At last I rebuked myself, saying to myself: Fool! Giving worship to man born of woman! Remember your Creator only!

22/10.14. But the times changed; ji'ya fell upon heaven and earth. Our glorious kingdoms were cast down by the great darkness. Then I reasoned with myself, saying: Behold, when we were in light, Jehovih's Voice spoke to us. When the darkness came, the Voice no longer came. || We sat in the Diva, in the altar circle, praying for light from the Father, but it did not come. And I said: We need the Voice in darkness even more than in light. || For a hundred years we did not see the light of the Voice, nor hear the Voice speak. You have said you heard in your soul! Who is there in heaven or earth that cannot say as much?

22/10.15. In my soul I no longer believe there is an All Person. There are great Gods, a thousand times greater than I; but that is all! Yes, some of those great Gods may have cast the ji'ya upon us. But that is not my concern. There is room for you and your people. Here is room for me and my people.

22/10.16. Jehovih spoke to God, saying: Do not answer Ahura anymore. Behold, I will interpret him to you: He will eventually persuade angels and mortals that it was he who inspired Zarathustra. But he himself does not foresee this. Permit him, therefore, to go his own way; nor should you take sorrow to your soul because of it. Have I not given to all men, from the lowest to the highest, even that which they desired? Behold, I can use even bad men in the far future!

22/10.17. Jehovih said: For a long season Ahura will strive to walk upright, but because he has cut Me off, he will also cut himself off in time to come. Behold, a mortal man strives for riches honorably, and when he is rich, his riches cut him off from Me by the ruin he casts upon his competitors. Nor can he extricate himself. Even so will it be with Ahura: His kingdom and his sub‑kingdoms, and his multitude of officers will cause him to enslave hundreds of millions of drujas, and they will draw him into a vortex from which he cannot escape. ||

22/10.18. So God answered Ahura no more; but nevertheless, his heart was full of sorrow. Now when the time of the meeting of Diva came, God foresaw that not more than one‑half of them would be present, and he feared the questions that might come up.

22/10.19. But Jehovih said to him: Do not fear, My Son; for even though many more leave you, yet you shall preserve the Diva to the end of this cycle. So it came to pass that Jehovih stilled the tongues of all the Gods and Lords of the Diva in reference to Ahura, even as if they had never known him. And Ahura sent quizzers to different Gods and Lords afterward, to learn what action the Diva had taken in his case. But when he was told that he had not been mentioned, he became angered and swore an oath that he would build the largest of all heavenly kingdoms.

22/10.20. Because of the great darkness on heaven and earth, God sent hope and promise into all the kingdoms, urging his Lords and his sub‑Gods to maintain faith, not only within themselves, but also within the hearts of their respective inhabitants. Now, from the time of the secession of Ahura to the next dan would be three hundred years, and God knew this, though the multitudes in heaven and earth did not. And God commanded great recreations and extensive labors in order to prevent further dismemberment. But in the course of a hundred years many were carried away by the extravagant stories told about Ahura's kingdoms being places of great delight, and of ease and idleness.

22/10.21. Ahura's Lords said to him: You shall adorn your kingdom, your throne and your capital; Ctusk shall be the largest and most ornamental of all places in the universe; and our subkingdoms shall be places of great delight. And Ahura was persuaded, and so, began his self‑glorification, and his Lords with him.

22/10.22. And in another hundred years Ahura had withdrawn and annexed to him the following provinces in heaven, along with their sub‑Gods: Etyisiv, with seventy million souls; Howwak, with one hundred million souls; Hyn, with twenty million souls; D'nayotto, with eighty million souls; Erefrovish, with one hundred and ninety million souls; the whole of the kingdom of Gir‑ak‑shi, six hundred million souls; the whole of the kingdom of Soo'fwa, with eight hundred million souls. And all of these confederated in the lower heavens, making the kingdom of Ctusk the central kingdom, with Ahura as Mazda in Chief.

22/10.23. This reduced the Diva to seven members, but these remained faithful. And God kept up the standard of resurrection for one hundred years more. And then Jehovih sent a region of dan to heaven and earth, and the Most High heavenly hosts descended in fire‑ships and took God and his harvest up to Jehovih. And with all the misfortune that befell God and his Lords, there were, nevertheless, six billion Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih raised up to the higher heavens.

22/10.24. Now when the etherean hosts came for the resurrection, knowing the darkness that was upon the lower heaven and the earth, they sent otevans, with heralds and trumpeters around the earth, proclaiming the resurrection at hand, and asking all who chose, to go to Mouru, in Haraiti. And the word was whispered throughout Ahura's kingdom: What! Then, in truth, there must be higher heavens than this! Alas, had we been faithful till now, we would have been Brides and Bridegrooms! || So strong was this disaffection for Ahura, that five of his Lords broke membership, and re‑affiliated with God and his kingdoms.

22/10.25. And thus matters stood when God's successor came to the throne.






























































706  secretly, on the sly, covertly


CHAPTER 11 Divinity




22/11.1. The next dan was five hundred years, and God and his heavenly kingdoms prospered under Jehovih. But as to the Lords' kingdoms on earth, and mortal kingdoms and empires, not much light was manifested in them.

22/11.2. For Ahura, who had falsely taken and was known by the name Ahura'Mazda, established Lords to rule over mortals. And these Lords were in direct opposition to God's Lords; for the latter taught the higher heavens and the All Person, Jehovih, or Ormazd, according to the language of mortals. But Ahura's Lords taught only one heavenly kingdom, which was Ahura's, called Ctusk, the All Holy Highest Heaven.

22/11.3. God's Lords inspired mortals to everlasting resurrection; Ahura's Lords inspired mortals to Ahura's kingdom, and there the end. And since mortals had built temples for their priests (rab'bahs), who were gifted with su'is, the spirits congregated in the temples, and often appeared in sar'gis, teaching openly their differing doctrines. And the ashars that labored for Ahura extolled the glory and the delight of Ctusk, and the wonderful majesty and power of Ahura. But the ashars of God's hosts inspired and taught of the Great Spirit, Unapproachable.

22/11.4. For five hundred years God's hosts were confronted with this opposition; and it came to pass that mortals, especially in Vind'yu, were divided into two great classes of worshippers. And just before God's successor came into dominion, he propounded the matter in Diva; upon which all the members spoke at great length. Afterward, Div decreed:

22/11.5. Whatever is worshipped, having comprehensible form or figure, is an idol. He, who worships an idol, whether of stone or wood, or whether it is a man or an angel, sins against the Creator. || This was given to all of God's Lords, and by them to the ashars, and commanded to be taught to mortals by inspiration and otherwise.

22/11.6. When the time of dan came there were seven billion Brides and Bridegrooms raised up to Jehovih's emancipated worlds, and the succeeding God and Lords came into dominion under more favorable auspices, |707| but which were not to continue long.

22/11.7. The Diva had extended to fourteen members; and God's Lords had succeeded in securing kingdoms in the principal parts of Jaffeth, Vind'yu and Arabin'ya. On the other hand, the emissaries of Ahura, the false, had been most active in extending the kingdom of their idol. Ahura was most cunning with the last Divan act: Instead of interdicting it, he altered it, so it read as follows: Whatever is worshipped, having comprehensible form or figure, is an idol. He who worships an idol, whether it is made of stone or wood, or whether it is a man or an angel, sins against the All Highest, who is personated in Ahura'Mazda, the Holy Begotten Son of all created creations!

22/11.8. And next, Ahura decided to found a second heaven, decreeing to his emissaries as follows: Behold Gir‑ak‑shi, the heavenly region above the lands of Heleste! There I will build a new heaven, greater than all other heavens, except Ctusk. And when Gir‑ak‑shi is well founded, I will people it with many millions of mighty angels, Gods and Lords. And my hosts shall descend to the corporeal earth; to the lands of Par'si'e and Arabin'ya, and they shall obsess mortals day and night, and inspire them to go to Heleste, |708| where they shall build great cities and kingdoms devoted to me and my hosts.

22/11.9. And when these things are fulfilled, behold, I will send my hosts to Uropa, and there also build heavenly kingdoms and mortal kingdoms; and when these are established, behold, I will send my hosts into other countries, one after another, until my heavenly kingdoms embrace all places, and until all the earth is mine.

22/11.10. For I will be God over all, and you who labor with me shall be my Lords and sub‑Gods forever. And my kingdoms and your kingdoms shall be bestowed with glories and ornaments, like never before. And the Gods of other worlds shall not be permitted to come against me or mine to carry away my people. They shall no longer flatter them, calling them Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, a thing, none can see or comprehend. ||

22/11.11. And Ahura and his emissaries went to work to carry out these decrees, and in two hundred years they had inspired the Par'si'e'ans and the Arabin'yans to emigrate by tens of thousands to the land of Heleste, |709| which was inhabited by druks and wanderers, full of wickedness. Ahura inspired his immigrants to fall upon the native druks, and destroy them. By which came to pass, that which Jehovih spoke in Mouru, saying: Those who cannot be raised by persuasion may be aroused by less scrupulous masters.

22/11.12 And while Ahura's hosts were slaying the druks of Heleste by tens of thousands, God's heavenly hosts were receiving their spirits and conducting them away to other atmospherean regions.

22/11.13. These, then, were the divisions of mortals on earth at this time: First, the I'hins, who were the original Faithists. And they were capable of prophecies and miracles to such an extent that all other people called them the sacred people. Nor did the great warriors of other nations and peoples molest them. The I'hins lived secluded and separate from all other people. Nevertheless, they were the seed of everlasting life on the earth, and the foundation for raising up prophets and seers for other peoples. Even as Zarathustra's mother was of the I'hins, so was it with all men and women born into the world having su'is and sar'gis. For being near Jehovih, they had faith in Him, and Him only. The second race, equally ancient, was the druks, the barbarian hordes, incapable of inspiration, except for their stomachs' sake. And though they were told a thousand times: Behold, you have a spiritual body! || They neither understood, nor cared, and forgot it a moment later. And though it was said to them: Behold, there is a Great Spirit! || They did not hear, nor understand, nor heeded the words. The third race was the I'huans, |710| born between the I'hins and the druks. To this race, in its early days, a commandment was given by God not to marry with the druks, and they had maintained that law among themselves by the sign of the circumcision. || The following, then, was the first beginning of persecution against Faithists in Jehovih:

22/11.14. When Ahura usurped his heavenly kingdom, and appointed guardian angels over mortals, he was determined to leave nothing undone in order to overthrow the doctrine of Jehovih, the All Person. So he decreed as follows:

22/11.15. Since by the mark of the circumcision, they have pride in being Faithists, I will not have circumcision. After the third generation (one hundred years) whoever has this mark upon him is my enemy. He shall be pursued, and no profit shall fall to his lot. Do not permit little children to be maimed for my sake; rather let them be circumcised in heart. |711|

22/11.16. And Ahura put no restriction upon his mortal followers marrying, and so it came to pass that those druks not slain in Heleste married with the worshippers of Ahura.

22/11.17. And about this same period of time Jehovih brought the earth into a light region for two hundred years. And when the Diva was in session, Jehovih's Voice spoke to Div, saying: Do not let My Sons be cast down because of the sins of Ahura; rather be wise and appropriate from his wickedness that which will be good in the end. For, as it was not lawful for My people to marry with the druks, behold, Ahura has made a law on his own account against circumcision, and it shall come to pass that by their (Ahura and his cohorts) sins, even druks shall be raised up to learn of Me and My kingdoms.

22/11.18. And it came to pass that a fourth race rose up in the world, and it was mongrel, being dark and short and less noble. The I'huans were red, and brown, and tall and majestic; the I'hins small, and white, and yellow. And Jehovih put these marks upon His peoples so that the races could be read in thousands of years. |712|

22/11.19. Ahura perceived this. One of his Lords said to him: Behold, the marks of su'is are written! Then Ahura sought to disprove Jehovih in this. He said:

22/11.20. Behold, there are two senses to all men, the es and the corpor. When one is in abeyance the other acts. This is su'is. Call together your companions, and find a remedy; for I will prove all things in heaven and earth.

22/11.21. For fifty years Ahura and his hosts tried by other means |713| to have a great prophet and seer born into the world, but failed. Ahura said: I know the way of the loo'is: They decoy |714| the I'hin men to go with the I'huan damsels. But I have sworn there is no Jehovih; how, then, can I go to the sacred people? And, after all, such a prophet might prove treacherous to my kingdom. So Ahura commanded his emissaries to weigh the matter for another fifty years, and then to solve the problem.

22/11.22. So Ahura's emissaries inspired thousands of experiments to be made, by which a prophet or seer could be made among the mongrels. And Jehovih allowed them to discover that by pressing down the front brain of infants they could be made capable of su'is. And infants were strapped on boards, and another board strapped on the forehead to press the head flat; and every day the headboard was re-strapped tighter than the day before, until the forehead, which holds the corporeal judgment, was pressed flat, and the judgment of the brain driven up into light‑perceiving regions at the top of the head. |715|

22/11.23. Ahura thus raised up prophets and seers, and they were willing instruments in his hands. And he sent tens of thousands of angels into all the divisions of the earth, teaching this to mortals, thus laying down the foundation for his grand scheme of reducing heaven and earth into his own kingdoms.

22/11.24. Jehovih spoke in the Diva, saying: Permit even this. The druks will heed what one of their own people says as a seer, more than if the same thing were said a hundred times over by an I'hin.














































707  good conditions, favorable signs

























708  Par'si'e is located in the southern part of Heleste of the image i018 (with text) Post-Flood World Map; so "Heleste" here probably refers to the rest of Heleste.



















709  In another place it is shown that the languages [of Heleste] were Parsee, Indian [India], Chinese and Arabic. --Ed.






























710  Here we can understand that the Ghans were considered to be a division of the I'huan, that is, Ghans were the advanced part of the I'huans, being the leading edge toward the perfect human. And now in kosmon, the Ghans are no longer the cutting edge, as man is still progressing, ever drawing closer to becoming perfected in his order. More is said later in Oahspe regarding this.











711  This Vedic expression, it seems to me, signifies: Rather let them [be willing to] have their hearts cut out than to [worship falsehood (meaning the Creator)], etc. --Ed.

[Or: Rather than cutting away part of their body, let them cut out falsehood from their hearts (meaning stopping worship of Jehovih).

Ahura also seems to be saying: Let my chosen be known by their goodness of heart (an inner mark) rather than be known by an outer mark (circumcision). Here we can see Ahura's craft in using this edict so as to appear compassionate in order to ingratiate himself upon mortals; for, rather than to protect children, his real motives were to make a law against Faithists and to prove his wisdom greater than Jehovih's.]








712  Again, the reader should keep in mind that these traits indicate the common case, being the statistical mode of each race, or overall impression, some seven to eight thousand years ago. Accordingly, while painting with the broad brush of generalities is undoubtedly useful and has a tenor of accuracy, still, one should avoid oversimplifying, lest one fails to remember the non-average cases, or, with unwarranted presumption of infallibility, one rigidly applies the stereotype to individual cases. See elsewhere in this Oahspe regarding the races of man including color.

713  i.e., without resorting to use of an I'hin

714  lure, entice, trap, ensnare



















715  for examples, see image i023 and image i024 (with text)


CHAPTER 12 Divinity




22/12.1. The next resurrection was six billion souls, and God and his Lords and his sub‑Gods had maintained the Diva, and maintained all the orders of heaven, and the divisions and kingdoms, except those that had confederated with Ahura and his kingdoms. And God and his Lords had preserved their own colleges, schools, factories, hospitals and nurseries, as well as their standard in the temples with mortals. And as to mortals who remained Faithist, that is, the I'huan race preserved in purity, God and his Lords and ashars held command over them for the glory of Jehovih.

22/12.2. But over the mongrels, who were multiplying fast on the earth, Ahura and his Lords and ashars held command. But alas for the grade of Ahura's host in heaven! In less than one thousand years he had abolished his colleges and schools, except what pertained to acquiring knowledge of the earth and atmospherea. He did not teach his people to look higher for other worlds, and in this he began the work that was later to be his own downfall.

22/12.3. Jehovih had said: Whoever fails to provide a philosophy for the endless acquisition of knowledge, dams up the running waters I have made. Let Ahura teach what he will; the time will come when he will be obliged to find an outlet for My created beings. And rather than acknowledge Me in My Person, he will profess to send souls back into earth to be reincarnated.

22/12.4. Ahura's heavenly kingdoms numbered more than six billion souls, and half of them were little better than drujas, being slaves to certain masters, doing whatever they were told without knowing, or desiring to know, the reason for it.

22/12.5. As yet there were six hundred years to pass before another dawn of dan, |716| in which God, his Lords and their people had faith that Jehovih's hosts would come from on high to help deliver heaven and earth out of darkness.

22/12.6. On the other hand, Ahura, although having been taught the cycles in his early education, spread the word abroad in heaven and earth that there were no cycles; that, as things are, they had always been, and would continue to be.

22/12.7. So, as much as God's hosts prophesied a coming light, Ahura and his hosts prophesied that nothing of the kind would come. Ahura, moreover, sent the following order to his Lords, to be taught in heaven and earth, as follows: Am I not He Who inspired Zarathustra, the All Pure? Did I not speak to him, face to face? Are all created things not My own? Who, then, knows except Me if I will light up the world again? Behold, I am the Personation |717| of Ormazd, Who was Voidance, but now is Me, Ahura'Mazda. In Me only is life and death and resurrection. Whoever calls: Ahura'Mazda, Ahura'Mazda! is Mine, and within My keeping. Do not allow your judgment to be warped by prophets who hope for impossible things. ||

22/12.8. Now, in the eightieth year of the final dan, Ahura's many heavenly kingdoms began to be disturbed by his sub‑Gods' lack of advancement, and so, sixty of them congregated together, and, by messenger, appealed to Ahura, saying:

22/12.9. In reverence to you, O you All Highest God! Many hundreds of years we have served you. And we have paid you tribute whenever you required it of us. We have helped to adorn your capital, Ctusk; we have laid your streets with diamonds and pearls, we have built your mansions with precious gems. And as to your throne, what one of us is here who has not contributed to glorify it before you? Yes, in all ways we have been most loyal and tributary to you.

22/12.10. Nor are we unmindful of our own wisdom. We remember your arguments of old. Before seceding from your God you said to him: Behold, you have long promised we would be raised to more exalted kingdoms, but, behold, two hundred years have elapsed, and there is no advancement. || This is the argument you used for seceding from your God's kingdoms. Behold, we have now served you and your kingdoms more than a thousand years. We come to you to know how we can now serve you so that you may exalt us into kingdoms commensurate with |718| our wisdom and power?

22/12.11. To this Ahura replied, saying: Most humble and well‑meaning Lords and sub‑Gods, why did you not come to me, face to face? Why have you consorted in private? Was not my capital, and before my throne, the proper place for your argument? Had you suggested any way by which advancement for you was possible, I would have answered your demands.

22/12.12. But his Lords and sub‑Gods did not come before him, but sent this answer: As you promised us advancement provided we served you, so we likewise promised our ashars, and our marshals and captains. Now they come to us, saying: We have served for hundreds of years; give us preferment. But we have nothing to give. Do not think, O God, that we are unwise, or that we hunger and come begging; or that diadems, gems or costly thrones would satisfy us. We know what you have to give---promises! We know every corner of your vast kingdom, and that all places are full, and that you cannot exalt us. Why, then, should we have spoken before the throne in Ctusk? Would not our voices merely breed mischief among your other Gods and Lords? Rather let us err in our proceeding, bringing just punishment upon ourselves, than injure you and your kingdoms. Hear us then, O Ahura'Mazda:

22/12.13. Where does the desire for endless advancement come from, if this heaven is all? If a little knowledge gives power, why then is great knowledge not desirable? We have destroyed our great colleges, saying: You must not go higher than us. Remember, O Ahura, we were students under the Faithists' God and Lords when you seceded; and you said to us: Behold the long training of your course; a curriculum of a thousand years! Come with me; I will give you kingdoms at once!

22/12.14. So we came to you, and we were suddenly puffed up with great pride. Behold now, we look abroad and the same stars shine upon us. We have not visited them. We do not know how to go so far. The countless etherean worlds lay beyond ours. We are told that they are habitable. We do not know. We have no knowledge enabling us to get away from these heavens; except, indeed, back to the filthy earth.

22/12.15. To this Ahura replied, saying: It is plain to me you are beside yourselves. |719| This heaven is good enough. If there are higher heavens, let them come or stay. I do not go to them. But, in truth, with your present convictions, I would be an unwise God not to grant you dismissal from my kingdoms.

22/12.16. This ended the matter, and the sixty sub‑Gods then deliberated on their course, and finally sent the following address to God, in Mouru:

22/12.17. In reverence to you, God of the Faithists in Jehovih: We have had sub‑kingdoms, and know our rank is beneath yours. But we are reaching outward and onward; we submit our cause to you. First, then, there are sixty of us, of the rank of sub‑Gods, and we hold seven hundred million subjects. Disaffection has risen between ourselves and Ahura'Mazda, from whom we are alienated. But whether we shall unite our hosts into a new kingdom of our own, or affiliate with some mighty God---that is our question.

22/12.18. What preferment can you give to us if we turn our subjects over to you?

22/12.19. God answered them, saying: Brothers, hear me patiently, and consider my words. First, then, I am not God of the Faithists, or of any other people, but God of the locality that was assigned to me by the Father, through His Son. Nor can you give your subjects to me; for by my service to Jehovih I can have nothing, and, least of all, my brothers and sisters.

22/12.20. Moreover, I can give you no preferment; I have nothing, neither to give nor to sell. When the Father gives me wisdom and power, I impart them to others. Besides, until you have also learned to know that you have nothing, neither subjects nor jewels, also desiring nothing, except wisdom and strength to impart to others, how can you hope to gain admittance into my places of learning?

22/12.21. And lastly, since you have kingdoms of your own already, raise them up, and thus prove to me your just merit.

22/12.22. To this the confederated Gods replied: What do you mean? That Gods and angels must labor for others, rather than themselves, forever, and receive nothing for it?

22/12.23. God answered them: Even so; except you shall receive an abundance of happiness, and it will endure forever! || Here the matter ended for two whole years; and the sub‑Gods did not understand the plan of Jehovih's kingdoms. But their kingdoms were out of sorts, having no head; and hundreds of thousands of their subjects were deserting them and returning down to the corporeal earth, becoming wanderers and drujas.

22/12.24. Finally the sub‑Gods again appealed to God in Mouru, inquiring as follows: Is a God not a God, whether he is for another or for himself? Behold, we have helped to build up Ahura; he is a mighty God! If we affiliate with you, we will labor to build you up also. Yes, we will adorn your throne and your great heavenly city. But since we have been sub‑Gods we do not desire to enter your service as menials and servants. What, then, shall we do, so that both you and ourselves may have honor and glory?

22/12.25. God answered them, saying: You cannot serve me; I have no servants. Serve Jehovih only. Behold, we are all brothers, being sons of the same Great Spirit. As for building me up, it is sufficient for me that He Who created me will build me up according to my just deserts. As for adorning my throne, you can only bring substance to it from the lower kingdoms, which I do not desire. Why would you adorn the heavenly city of Mouru? Behold, it is merely a resting place on the great journey to the kingdoms of endless light. In a few hundred years, at most, not only I but my hosts will rise from this place, never to return.

22/12.26. And lastly, to be a self‑God, like Ahura, is to own all things possible, and hold on to them; to be a God as I am, is to own nothing, and to retain nothing; but to be forever giving away all one receives. Did I not say to you before: Begin with your own hosts and exalt them. Because you asked for subjects, behold, the Father gave to you. Do not think that He will permit you now to cast them aside or barter them off. Neither shall you allow them to become wanderers, nor return back to the earth as drujas. To the extent that you raise up the kingdoms that have been entrusted to you, so will you also be raised up.

22/12.27. Nevertheless, if you desire to affiliate with Jehovih's kingdoms, the way is open to you; and your first labor would be to gather together all your own hosts, and to labor among them, teaching them wisdom, strength and individuality, equal with yourselves; and when the lowest of them all is risen so, then you can enter the kingdoms of the Father. As you have had the profit of your subjects for hundreds of years, return now to them service for service. Jehovih is Justice!

22/12.28. The sub‑Gods made no answer to this for awhile, but Jehovih moved upon their hearts, and they perceived wisdom and justice, and they repented, bitterly bewailing the loss of the thousand years in which they had espoused kingdoms. But they did not have sufficient power or learning to extricate themselves; so they petitioned God for more light. And so, God affiliated them, and appointed Vishnu as Lord to them and their hosts.

22/12.29. And Vishnu took three hundred thousand teachers, captains, physicians, nurses and laborers, and went to them in Maitraias, a heavenly place to the west of Vind'yu, and there established a Lordly division, with messengers connecting them to Mouru, in Haraiti. And Vishnu sent his captains with sufficient forces, under command of the sub‑Gods, to arrest those who had become wandering spirits, or had returned to the earth as drujas. And while they were on this duty, Vishnu organized his Lord‑dom, and this was the first Lord-dom established in heaven, which is to say, as mortals on earth have military stations, so was the Lord‑dom of Vishnu.

22/12.30. Jehovih's Voice had spoken to God in Diva, saying: Behold, the time is coming when the sub‑kingdoms of Ahura, the false, will begin to revolt. And they have billions of slaves who will strive to go back to the earth to dwell with mortals. They dwell in darkness, and you shall not allow them to regain the earth, lest the races of men go down in darkness, even as before the submersion of Pan. For which reason, you shall establish a Lord‑dom, and raise a sufficient army to shield the inhabitants of the earth. And you shall make Vishnu your Lord in My behalf.

22/12.31. When it was known in Ctusk, the heavenly place of Ahura, that sixty sub‑Gods, with their hosts, had affiliated with Jehovih's kingdoms, general disobedience to Ahura was manifested by the remaining sub‑Gods, of whom there were yet more than eight hundred. And these had within their dominions more than two billion angels, all slaves, who had light from no other heavenly place than the small precinct where they had been kept in drudgery for hundreds of years.

22/12.32. The Voice of Jehovih came to God, saying: My Son, take advantage of the seed of disaffection in Ahura's kingdom. Send an otevan of great power throughout the heavenly kingdoms. And you shall put trumpeters in the otevan, and they shall prophesy the dawn of dan within two hundred years.

22/12.33. God perceived, and he had his workmen build an otevan of great power; and he provided trumpeters, and sent them forth, saying to them: You shall travel ten years in the heavenly places around the whole earth, prophesying: In less than two hundred years Jehovih's etherean hosts are coming. Prepare for the resurrection; His kingdoms are open for the weary; His Lords and Gods will give you rest!

22/12.34. Ahura summoned his Council of false Gods, hoping they might invent a remedy to counteract so great a prophecy. And he and his Council sat forty days and forty nights in their heavenly capital; but there was no high light among them, merely each one giving his opinion. But at the end of forty days Ahura resolved upon the following method: to send a prophecy of his own.

22/12.35. Accordingly he had an otevan built, and sent trumpeters forth with these words: I, Ahura'Mazda, Only Son of the All Nothing Presence, personated in My Very Self, proclaim from My All Highest Heavenly Judgment Seat! Hear My words, O Gods, and tremble! Hear Me, O angels, and fall down! Hear Me, O mortals, and bow down to My decrees. Behold, I sent My fire‑ship, prophesying that in less than two hundred years I would come in a dawn of dan! But you did not obey; you were defiant before Me! Then I swore an oath against the whole world! You shall know My power! Then I came down out of My holy, high heaven; and I have already come. Now is the dawn of dan! I send My trumpeters first; after them come My lashers and enchainers, |720| whose captain is Daevas, whose God is Anra'mainyus. I will have Mine, and I will cast into everlasting torments, druks and drujas by the thousands and tens of thousands.

22/12.36. Ahura's Gods had become acquainted with him during the hundreds and hundreds of years, and they no longer trembled at his commandments. In their hearts they knew he could not do what he professed; they knew his prophecies were vain boastings. Indeed, his very trumpeters did not believe what they proclaimed.





































716  i.e., a new dan'ha cycle

















717  voidance coming forth as a person, being the embodiment





























718  corresponding to, sufficient for, equal to















































719  distraught, agitated, unable to think clearly















































































































































































720  Lashers are those who use the whip. Enchainers are those who bind others using chains and shackles; those who fetter or manacle.


CHAPTER 13 Divinity

Jehovih prepares a way for the birth of Abram, Po, Brahma and Ea‑wah‑tah |721|




22/13.1. In the one hundred and eightieth year preceding the dawn of dan; that is to say, two thousand nine hundred and twenty years after Fragapatti and Zarathustra, Jehovih sent swift messengers with six thousand etherean loo'is from the Nirvanian fields of Chen-gotha [Jen‑go‑ha --Ed.] in etherea.

22/13.2. And the swift messengers brought these words with them: Greeting to you, God of the red star and her heavens, in the name of Jehovih! By the love and wisdom of Cpenta‑armij, Nirvanian Goddess of Haot‑saiti, we speak in the Father's name. Peace and joy to you, O God, and to your sub‑Gods and Lords, and Lord Gods and Goddesses. One hundred and eighty years of darkness will now come upon your kingdoms. And then the darkness will go away, and dawn will come. And during the darkness, behold, the nations of the earth will go down in great darkness.

22/13.3. But the light of the Father's Presence will not be destroyed. A little seed shall endure among mortals. In order for that seed to be ready for the labor of your Goddess, who will come in that day, she sends here with us two thousand etherean loo'is for Vind'yu; two thousand for Jaffeth, and two thousand for Arabin'ya.

22/13.4. And your Goddess decrees that you shall appoint to these loo'is one of your high raised Gods, and he shall go and labor with them.

22/13.5. And the business of this, your God, and of these, my loo'is, shall be to raise up heirs and followers, who shall be grown to maturity when I come. For through these that they raise up, I will deliver the Father's chosen out of the afflictions that will be upon them in that day.

22/13.6. To this, God replied: In the name of Jehovih, greeting and love to Cpenta‑armij, Goddess of Haot‑saiti. I receive your loo'is with joy, and I appoint to them my favored God, Yima, God of a thousand years' tuition, namesake of Yima, son of Vivanho, the Sweet Singer.

22/13.7. So the swift messengers, with due ceremonies, left the six thousand etherean loo'is and departed. And God sent messengers to Yima, commanding him to come to Mouru at once, deputing |722| his assistant God to take his place and to retain it until dawn. So Yima appeared presently before the throne of God, and the latter instructed him in all that had been commanded from on high. And Yima sent word to his former kingdom for a thousand of his attendants, and they also came. Meanwhile, Yima conferred with the loo'is, who explained to him all that they required. And after this they provided a piedmazr, and descended to the earth, to Jaffeth, Vind'yu and Arabin'ya.

22/13.8. And Yima stationed his piedmazr midway between the three countries, in the first plateau above the clouds, and called the place Hored, in honor of the first heavenly kingdom on the earth. And when he had founded his place and named it, he sent word to God, Jehovih's Son, who gave him five hundred messengers, mostly college students. And God gave them, to deliver, heine currents, |723| so the ethereans could be supplied with regimen of their own order.

22/13.9. Yima made the watches twenty‑four hours duration, changing at dawn of sunrise every morning, half on and half off. And he called in all ashars from the regions of mortals where he planned to labor; and when they had assembled in Hored, he addressed them, saying:

22/13.10. Behold, it is still one hundred and eighty years till dawn of dan. In that time Cpenta‑armij, Goddess of Haot‑saiti, situated in the Nirvanian fields of Chen‑gotha, will come in the Father's name, and with wisdom and power!

22/13.11. But until that time, alas, great darkness will be in heaven and earth, especially in these regions. And it shall come to pass that the mongrels, the worshippers of Ahura'Mazda, will triumph in these lands. They will build great cities and kingdoms, and they will rule over the I'huans to great injury. But the druks will be redeemed to everlasting life during this period; for the mongrels will wed with them, and their progeny will be capable of receiving light [es light --ed.], even in mortality.

22/13.12. Nevertheless these mongrels will be great savages, and there will be cannibals over all these three great lands. And those who are slain in battle will be cut up and put in vessels with salt, and thus their flesh will be preserved for food.

22/13.13. But because the I'huans, the Zarathustrians, will not war, the mongrels will enslave them, except for those who escape to the forests. And between celibacy and torments, the Zarathustrians will have great suffering and bondage, and many of them will be discouraged and lose faith in the Creator.

22/13.14. But in order for their seed to be preserved and delivered out of bondage, you shall raise up many who are capable of su'is; and in the time of dawn they shall be rescued from their enemies. Behold, present here are etherean loo'is who will go with you throughout these lands and survey the people, and also provide for the great lights who shall lead the people.

22/13.15. After Yima thus instructed the ashars in a general way, he handed them over to the loo'is, who divided them into companies of thousands, and each and every loo'is had one company of ashars. And when this was completed they departed out of Hored, going to their various places.

22/13.16. And eleven days after that, behold, a'ji began to fall on heaven and earth. The belt of meteoris gave up its stones, and showers of them rained down on the earth, and the sun became like a red ball of fire, and it remained so for one hundred and sixty‑six years. And the peoples of Arabin'ya, Vind'yu and Jaffeth, fell from holiness; the Zarathustrians gave up celibacy by hundreds of thousands, and married, and begot children in great numbers; many women giving birth to twenty, and some even to twenty-five children. And some men were the fathers of seventy children, and not a few even of a hundred. And the Zarathustrians, even the Faithists with the mark of circumcision, went and married with the mongrels, and they with the druks, so that the foundations of caste were broken up.

22/13.17. So great was the power of a'ji that even the I'hins often broke their vows and lived clandestinely with the world's people, begetting offspring in great numbers, not eligible to enter their sacred cities. And yet mortals did not see the a'ji; but they saw their cities and temples sinking, as it were, into the ground; yet in truth they were not sinking, but were covered by the a'ji falling and condensing.

22/13.18. Jehovih had said: What I give that grows the corpor, inspires man to corpor; what I give that grows the es, inspires man to es. || And in the days of a'ji, neither angels nor men can enthuse mortals with spiritual things; only those who are organically grown in spirit can withstand the a'ji.



721  known in early kosmon, through legends, as Hiawatha, as well as other names











































722  delegating, assigning, committing, deputizing
















723  etherean food. --1891 glossary


CHAPTER 14 Divinity




22/14.1. Jehovih said: When a'ji comes near a dawn of dan, let My loo'is be swift in duty; far‑seeing in the races of men. I not only break up the old foundations of temples and cities in those days, but the foundations of the abuse of the caste of men. My Voice is upon the races of men. Today I say: Preserve the caste of men; marry thus and so, every one to their own line. For I perceive it is wisdom. Tomorrow I say: I will have no caste, for the races are becoming impoverished in blood; marry here, marry there! And I give them a'ji, and their desires break all bounds, and I raise them up giants and strong limbed.

22/14.2. But in those days My loo'is shall fly swiftly and with great power, so that a seed may be preserved for Me and My kingdoms. I do not come for one race alone; but to all men; as by My Spirit I created them all alive, so likewise My hand is over them to all eternity.

22/14.3. And when the shower of a'ji is over and gone, I send My high‑raised Gods and Goddesses to gather together My flocks, and to proclaim to them anew, My Wisdom and Power. And those who have been selected and preserved by My loo'is are the foundations of My new order. ||

22/14.4. Ahura took advantage of the age of darkness to sow disbelief in Jehovih, which he broadcast over earth and heaven, and to gather in his harvest for the glory of his own kingdom. And when war, murder and lust were thus reigning on earth, Ahura decreed to his Lords, and they decreed to his ashars, and they decreed to mortals: That all that was required of any man or woman was not celibacy, nor carrying the alms‑bowl, nor any sacrifice at all; but that saying prayers to Ahura'Mazda, and to his Lords, and to wish them here with praise, was sufficient for all situations; and that by doing so, on the third day after death they would ascend and dwell in Ahura's paradise. || However this was not true, for Ahura's emissaries caught the newborn spirits, and made slaves of them, commanding them to gather regimen and substance for the glory of Ahura's heavenly kingdoms.

22/14.5. In the fortieth year before dawn, the Voice of the Father came to God, saying: Mouru is becoming uninhabitable; Haraiti shall be moved into the earth; Zeredho shall be no more. Do not go to Ahura with this prophecy; he has denied My Voice; he will not hear. But I will take the foundations of Ctusk from under him, and it shall go down into the earth.

22/14.6. But you, O God, My Son, I forewarn; for your kingdoms and your upraised sons and daughters shall be preserved through the darkness. They shall become My Brides and Bridegrooms; I will prepare a place for them in great glory.

22/14.7. Call the Diva together, and I will speak before them, and My Voice shall be proclaimed throughout all these heavens, except in the heavens of Ahura, where My Voice shall not be proclaimed.

22/14.8. So God called the Diva, and they came and sat in the sacred circle, and the light, like a sun, gathered above God's head, saying: Come up above Haraiti; behold, I have broken up meteoris; I have fashioned a new plateau in the firmament above, upon which all things are plentiful for heavenly kingdoms. Come with your Lord Gods, and with your Lords and Gods, and I will show you. And when you have seen it, you shall possess the place and begin its inhabitation, taking there your hosts of billions.

22/14.9. When the Light ceased speaking, it took wing and rose upward, and Div and Diva rose also and followed after; and thus Jehovih led them to the plateau; hence it was called Craoshivi, signifying, The Light has chosen.

22/14.10. And God and his sub‑Gods possessed the place, and laid the foundation for inhabitation; and after that he and his Lords and Gods returned and counseled on the manner of removal.

22/14.11. At this time there were four billion Faithists belonging to God's kingdoms, most wise and upright, full of purity and good works. But God and his Lords, and Lord Gods, did not have sufficient power to remove so many angels, especially as many of them were still below grade fifty, and so were inclined downward more than upward. So, after due counsel, God decreed to build an avalanza capable of transporting two hundred thousand at a time, and to begin by removing the highest grades.

22/14.12. And God foresaw of his own wisdom that he should send to Vishnu and his Lord‑dom an all‑sufficient force to protect the mortals of Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya, which were soon to be flooded by the hosts of Ahura being cast down on the earth. Accordingly he sent for Vishnu, and when Vishnu was before the throne of God, the latter told him all the words Jehovih had said in regard to Ahura and his kingdoms and their ultimate precipitation to the earth; and told him about the new plateau, Craoshivi, where the Light had conducted them. And he further commanded Vishnu to return to his own place, Maitraias, and survey the dominions, and estimate what force he would require in order to protect the mortals of those three earth divisions.

22/14.13. Vishnu replied: As to the latter part of your commandment, O God, I have already accomplished it. For I feared these things might come to pass, and I provided accordingly. The number I will require of and above grade eighty will be six hundred million! For, I must have at least one angel for each and every mortal.

22/14.14. God answered him, saying: You shall have eight hundred million! Upon hearing this, Vishnu took leave and returned to his own place, Maitraias. God immediately sent forth selectors with power; and they went into all the colleges and factories, and other places of Jehovih's kingdoms, and selected out the eight hundred million angels required by Vishnu, and God sent them to Maitraias as soon as possible. ||

22/14.15. Now, of the six hundred million angels taken to Maitraias, who had been subjects to sub‑Gods, besides a hundred million that had strayed off, becoming wanderers and drujas, Vishnu found thirty million above grade fifty, and these he appropriated at once, to work in concert with the sub‑Gods in building schools, colleges, factories, and all of the required places for the elevation of man. When he had thus established order, he called together the sub‑Gods and said to them:

22/14.16. Do not think I am about to leave you on your own; I am not. But you are not mine to keep; nor are your hosts mine. You asked for them in the first place, and Jehovih gave them to you. I have restored order; the time has now come when one of you must be chief captain over all the rest, and he shall apportion the rest of you according to his highest light. Choose, therefore, your captain, and I will give him a judgment seat and badge of office, and together you shall comprise a Council. For I will make this a kingdom when the majority has passed grade fifty.

22/14.17. The sub‑Gods deliberated for eight days, but, perceiving the responsibility of leadership, not one of them would accept the place. So they came before Vishnu, saying: Release us, we pray, and raise up another person, and he shall be our captain.

22/14.18. Vishnu said: A certain man and woman married, and they prayed to Jehovih for offspring, and He answered their prayer, and they had many children. And now, when they perceived their responsibility to the children, they said to the Great Spirit: We pray that You give the responsibility to some other persons. || What do you think of them?

22/14.19. Now I say to you, Jehovih heard their first prayer, but not the second. If I serve Jehovih, how, then, shall I answer your prayers and appoint another person in your place? It is a wise man who does not rush not into leadership and responsibility; but he is a good man, indeed, who, having gotten in, says: Now I will go ahead in Jehovih's wisdom and power with all my might. || The Gods who are above us come to such a man and help him! Go, then, once more into Council, and appoint a chief captain.

22/14.20. Barely had Vishnu finished saying this, when the sub‑Gods perceived what was meant by the higher light, and the whole sixty held up their hands, saying: I will serve You, O Jehovih! Give me whatever You will!

22/14.21. With that, Vishnu commanded them to appoint the one with the highest grade, which they did. And it fell upon Subdga; and accordingly, Subdga was made captain-in-chief of Maitraias, with rank sixty on the first list. So Vishnu created a judgment seat for Subdga and gave him a badge of office. And the other sub‑Gods were made captains of divisions, and numbered according to their assignment, and none of them were humiliated before their former subjects, but became trainers and disciplinarians in new fields of labor. And their former subjects were no longer called subjects, but hosts, and they were liberated in all things, except with no liberty to return to mortals.

22/14.22. Vishnu no more than had these matters settled, when the new hosts, the eight hundred million, came as the guard and shields of mortals. Vishnu organized them, making Maitraias the central throne over them; and he divided them into companies of one million, and gave to each company one marshal and one thousand messengers. And the marshals again sub‑divided their hosts into thousands, and numbered them, and to each thousand he gave one master, with his quota of messengers.

22/14.23. Next, Vishnu divided the three great countries, Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya, into as many parts as he had appointed marshals; and the lands were mapped out, showing cities, towns and country places, and each marshal was assigned his place. And a record of these things was made, including the maps, the divisions, and the names of the marshals and masters; and it was registered in the libraries of heaven.

22/14.24. So Vishnu's hosts were sent to their places and commanded to give daily reports of their labors, which were to be carried by the messengers to Vishnu.




CHAPTER 15 Divinity




22/15.1. In Mouru, God and his officers were using all their strength and wisdom to provide for the removal of his hosts to Craoshivi. The demand for builders, surveyors and carriers, with power, was so great that God decided to send trumpeters through the kingdoms of Ahura, the false, asking for volunteers.

22/15.2. For this purpose he sent twelve otevans in different directions, some even going through the city of Ctusk, Ahura's capital, and they proclaimed aloud what they wanted. And it came to pass that in less than one year the otevans gathered out of Ahura's kingdoms, seven million angels capable of grade seventy, who were able to fill the places required.

22/15.3. This was the most damaging blow of all to Ahura's kingdoms, for he thus lost the wisest and most powerful of his people. And this news spread like fire before the wind. His sub‑Gods began to revolt against him, and laid claim to their own kingdoms. Many of them openly preached against him in their heavenly places, accusing him of falsehood and of being a mere pretender, with little power.

22/15.4. Nevertheless, he had great power in the name Ahura'Mazda, for he was believed in heaven, to be the same God, even I'hua'Mazda, who inspired Zarathustra. And mortals also, living and dying in this belief, could not be convinced otherwise. And when their spirits left their mortal bodies, Ahura's angels took them to the heavenly city of Ctusk, where they saw its glory, shining and magnificent. And they took them within sight of Ahura's throne, but not near it, and they were obliged to crawl on their bellies a long distance even for this purpose. And the throne was kept radiant with perpetual fire. Then they were made to re‑crawl their way back again, until out of the city. After that it was said to them: Behold, we have shown you Ahura'Mazda's heavenly city and the glory of his throne. But him you cannot look upon, until you have performed the service required of all souls entering heaven. Nor can you come again to this most brilliant and majestic of cities, till you have served under your Lords and masters for your allotted time. After that you shall come here and dwell in peace, rest, and happiness forever!

22/15.5. And these spirits had no way of knowing otherwise, nor would they believe, if told; and they thus willingly made slaves of themselves for hundreds of years, carrying provender, or doing drudgery to certain masters who were again serving the Lords and the sub‑Gods, going through the same rites and ceremonies in heaven as they were accustomed to on earth.

22/15.6. But Jehovih provides for all things, wiser than the wisest Gods. He created His creations with a door on every side, full of glory and freedom. Out of earth and atmosphere conjoined, He created animal and vegetable kingdoms. And He created the trees of the earth and the flesh of animals out of these two things, the dust of the earth and the air of heaven.

22/15.7. And Jehovih made it so that in death, their corporeal elements would go to their respective places, where they belong. But the Creator created this possibility, that in the death of a vegetable and in the death of an animal, when the atmospherean part flies upward, it would carry with it a small part of the dust of the earth, and it thus does His bidding.

22/15.8. He created His creations with this possibility also: that the earth gives away of its substance into atmospherea over hundreds of years; and the fields become barren and cease producing; and certain animals become barren and cease reproducing, and their species go out of existence. And He created man subject to the same forces; and when the earth is in the giving‑off period, behold, man ceases to desire of the earth; and he cries out to his Father in heaven for the light of heaven.

22/15.9. The Creator also created this possibility for the earth and the heavens above the earth: a season, hundreds of years, for the earth to give off its substance, which flies upward (outward); and for hundreds of years, a season for the earth to receive an addition of substance from the atmosphere, surcharged from the regions far away. And when it is thus receiving, it is called the time of a'ji, because that which falls (condenses) is a'ji.

22/15.10. When a'ji comes upon the earth, the drujas come also. The days of the darkness of earth are their delight; their harvest is in the rich falling a'ji; it suits their laziness and their inclination to bask about. In those days they become like over‑fed animals; and to their masters, the false Gods, they become worthless, for they derive their sustenance without labor. A'ji is their delight; but they are also like a foolish man drinking wine with delight, who continues till his delight turns to madness. So the drujas feast and disobey their masters; and then they become boisterous and unruly, full of disorder and evil intent, defiant, believing themselves to be Gods and Goddesses. Like a beggar with a pocket full of money, who lacks discipline and is determined to glut his passions to the full, so it is with the drujas in the time of a'ji.

22/15.11. Thus Ahura calculated without Jehovih; in his heart he had conceived great power in his kingdom; but the long a'ji seriously affected his heavenly places. His sub‑Gods no longer paid him tribute, which had been used to support in ease and glory his five million heralds, his five million musicians, and his five million ceremonious paraders; who had been thus constantly provided with new costumes, new palaces and new decorations.

22/15.12. So, first one and then another of his sub‑Gods revolted; and Ahura was powerless to enforce obedience, for so dense was a'ji that whoever Ahura sent forth only reveled in sumptuous feastings. And it came to pass in the years after a'ji set in, that over six hundred of Ahura's sub‑Gods had dissolved all connection with him; and of the two hundred yet remaining, who were situated close to Ctusk, Ahura's heavenly place, not ten of them could be relied upon in an emergency.

22/15.13. At this time Ahura resolved upon regaining his lost dominions, and he was like a man who, having lost heavily at the games, resolved to win all or lose all. Accordingly, Ahura set his workmen to building fifty thousand parade ships. He said to his remaining sub‑Gods: Behold, I will traverse the heavens in such magnificence and glory that all angels and mortals shall fall down and worship me. And surely, too, this time of a'ji must come to an end; and in that day I will remember those who have been faithful to me. And I will also remember, with a curse, those who have been unfaithful to me.

22/15.14. For fourteen years the workmen were building Ahura's fleet, and yet they had built only thirty thousand ships. For, so great was the desertion of his skilled men that failure met him on all sides. But with these thirty thousand ships Ahura determined to travel throughout all the atmospherean heavens.

22/15.15. Accordingly, he called together his five million heralds; five million musicians; five million masters of ceremonies; five million masters of rites; ten million marshals; twenty million captains; three million generals; one million Lords; and one hundred fifty of his sub‑Gods, with their twenty million attendants; his ten million bearers of trophies; ten million light‑makers; ten million waterers; five million torch‑bearers; and his body‑guard of thirty million. Besides these there were the bearers of banners, the proclaimers, the road‑makers, the surveyors, the directors, and so on, more than fifty million of them. In addition there were one hundred million traveling hosts, and one hundred million waiters for them. In all, there were more than four hundred million spirits that went within the thirty thousand ships, and the ships were not full.

22/15.16. And the ships traveled in the form of a pyramid, but not touching one another, and yet fastened together. And the base of the pyramid was four hundred miles wide in each direction, and four hundred miles high. And the belt of light around the pyramid was a thousand miles in diameter every direction; and it was ballasted to run within fifty miles of the earth's surface.

22/15.17. Thus Ahura set out for a whole year's cruise in atmospherea; and wherever he went he proclaimed himself thus: Ahura'Mazda, the Creator! The Only Begotten Son of the Unknowable! Behold, I come; I, the Creator! I have come to judge heaven and earth! Whoever is for Me I will raise up to Nirvana; whoever is against Me I will cast into hell. ||

22/15.18. The pyramid reflected light in its travel; and Ahura's emissaries on earth used this as a testimony that all things were about to come to an end; the earth to be cast out, and heaven and hell to be filled up with spirits, each to its place, according to its obedience or disobedience to Ahura'Mazda.

22/15.19. On the other hand, Ahura's rebel sub‑Gods laughed at him; and, as for the over‑fed and debauched drujas, they mocked him. So it came to pass that when Ahura visited his rebel sub‑Gods in their kingdoms, instead of regaining their allegiance, he was sent on his way with hisses and groans. And yet never, since the earth and her heavens were, had there been such great show and pageantry.

22/15.20. Before Ahura had visited half the kingdoms in atmospherea he foresaw the futility of his project; the probable downfall of his own mighty kingdoms began to break in on his heart. Enthusiasm for his name was on the wane, and all his magnificence had failed to restore him to what he had been.

22/15.21. Now, while he was absent from Ctusk, the capital of his kingdoms, he had deputed Fravaitiwagga to reign in his place, and to maintain the order and glory of his throne. Fravaitiwagga was a deserter from God's Haienne colony in Haraiti, where he had been educated for two hundred years, and was expert in primary surveys and buildings, but became impatient for advancement beyond his capacity. He had now been with Ahura for three hundred years, learning little, but feasting and frolicking, being a great flatterer of Ahura, and given to long speeches and flowery words.

22/15.22. While Fravaitiwagga was on the throne, and after the departure of Ahura on his excursion, there came to him one Ootgowski, a deserter from Hestinai in Zeredho, who had been in Ahura's service a hundred and fifty years, but banished from his heavenly place by Ahura on account of gluttony and drunkenness, after which he became a wandering spirit, dwelling sometimes in one kingdom and then in another, and often visiting the earth and gaining access to the oracles, and even to mortal priests, where he represented himself sometimes as Ahura'Mazda, sometimes as God, sometimes as a favorite Lord, sometimes as Fragapatti, or Thor, or Osire, and, in fact, using any name he chose, issuing decrees and commandments to mortals, then flying away to return no more.

22/15.23. Ootgowski came to Fravaitiwagga, and said to him: Greeting to you, O God, in the name of Ahura'Mazda! Behold, I have been sent to come to you in great haste by our Creator, Ahura; who commands your presence in the province of Veatsagh, where a mighty Council is being held with Ahura's re‑affiliated sub‑Gods. What preferment Ahura'Mazda has fashioned for you, I do not know. To this Fravaitiwagga answered as follows:

22/15.24. Who are you, and from what kingdom? And above all, why have you come without heralds and attendants? To this Ootgowski answered, saying: Behold me! Do you not know me? I am Haaron, God of Sutuyotha! Who else could come so quickly? Who else, but I, runs fearlessly unattended between the kingdoms of the Gods?

22/15.25. Fravaitiwagga had been drunk many days, and was so dazed with the pretentious Ootgowski that he took for granted that he was indeed Haaron, a great friend to Ahura. Fravaitiwagga called his Council together and appointed Semmes to be God in his place; and so Fravaitiwagga departed in an arrow‑ship, with messengers, for Veatsagh, which lay in an entirely different direction to where Ahura was traveling.

22/15.26. Semmes, the deputized God of Ctusk, was faithful to his office for four days, and then proclaimed recreation until the trumpet call from the throne. And in this interval the debauchee, Ootgowski, obtained access to the floor of the inner chamber, and seduced Semmes to accompany him, carrying off all the costly gems and jewels of the throne! And when outside the capital, they embarked with their plunder in an arrow‑ship to some unknown region.

22/15.27. For many days the members of the Council waited for the trumpet call, but not hearing it, resolved to learn the cause. And after a diligent search, not finding Semmes, but discovering that the throne had been plundered of its valuables, they were thrown into great confusion. By two days later, the throne was destroyed, the Council divided and gone, and the heavenly city of Ctusk had turned to riot and plunder.

22/15.28. And so in Ctusk and near about, there were more than four billion angels with no God, nor leader, nor any head at all. Thus it came to pass that Jehovih took the throne from Ahura, as had been prophesied.

22/15.29. And while this was going on, Ahura was away with his pyramid fleet, being discomfited wherever he went. But two hundred and twelve days after his journey began, messengers came to him and told him what had happened in Ctusk.

22/15.30. Ahura gave orders to sail at once for his capital; and his pyramid fleet hastened with all possible power. Suffice it to say, in a few days he was back in Ctusk, a witness to the rioting and plundering going on. But the majesty and splendor of his fleet calmed the people, and restored order for the time being; nevertheless he was without a throne and without a Council.




CHAPTER 16 Divinity




22/16.1. Near the beginning of the fall of a'ji, God decreed to his Lord Gods, to his Gods and Lords, and Goddesses, as follows: As in the past you have gathered of the rising atmospherean part of the living earth‑substance, so shall you now turn above for your regimen. The condition now in heaven can be compared to the waters of the earth. When it does not rain, mortals go to the well and fetch up water out of the earth; but when it rains they do not go to the well for water, but set out vessels, and the rain fills them.

22/16.2. So, in the times of dan and half dan and quarter dan, our hosts bring their regimen up from the earth. In which work you have many employed as laborers. Behold now, a'ji will rain down upon us ample regimen for one hundred and eighty years. Therefore, do not allow your laborers to fall into idleness, for this will lead to mischief. But immediately put them to work in other occupations; and do not permit them to have spare time.

22/16.3. || The mathematicians discovered that no a'ji would fall in Yaton'te, or on the lands of Guatama. So for those regions, God sent laborers from several divisions in the heavens. ||

22/16.4. Two heavenly kingdoms, Gir‑ak‑shi of Heleste and Soo'fwa of Japan, grieved God more than all the rest. For these had become strongholds for Ahura, who had pursued warfare on earth till in those two great divisions all the Faithists, the Zarathustrians, had been put to death. And the mortal kings of those countries had issued laws commanding all people to be put to death who professed the Great Spirit, Ormazd (Jehovih). And the law had been carried out effectively.

22/16.5. So God bewailed Soo'fwa with lamentations. He said: O Japan, my beloved, down stricken! How can I restore mortal seed to you? You are far away; no man on your soil hears the Creator's voice! How can I carry her; she lies down with cold feet.

22/16.6. While God lamented, the voice of the Father came to him, saying: Hear Me in My wisdom, O My Son. I will not let Ahura go there (Japan). Withdraw your guards from the evilest of men. Allow him to go his own way. Ahura shall be brought home before he visits Soo'fwa and Gir‑ak‑shi.

22/16.7. God perceived; and he sent messengers to the guard over Ootgowski, saying to them: When you come to the guard, even to the captains, ask permission to speak to Ootgowski; and the captain will permit. And you shall say to Ootgowski: My son, you came here saying: Put a guard over me, for I am obsessed by Satan with the seven horns (tetracts). And God appointed a guard over you. Today, behold, God sends word to you, saying: I will no longer guard Ootgowski. For his glory he shall enter the kingdoms of Jehovih and become a worker for righteousness' sake.

22/16.8. When the messengers had said this much to Ootgowski, the latter said to them: God is wise; I volunteered to have myself put under guard, but I am tired of it. Say to God, his Lords and sub‑Gods: I will come to Jehovih's kingdoms and work for righteousness' sake. But first I desire a little rest and travel? || So Ootgowski was purposely granted freedom, and of his own accord he went and destroyed the foundations of Ahura's throne, as has been told. And Ahura thus hastened home without completing the travel of the heavens.

22/16.9. Jehovih said: What does a name matter? Let them call the Creator Ahura'Mazda, and call Ahura'Mazda the Creator. Since He has not shown Himself in a ship, or in the figure of a man, behold, your inspirers shall teach His Ever Presence.

22/16.10. God perceived, and a record of the name was made and entered in the libraries of heaven. And God looked abroad and saw that the same thing also pertained to Gir‑ak‑shi and Heleste. So God entered this also in the libraries of heaven. And its reading, translated, is as follows: In the land of Heleste, the highest, most sacred name of the Great Spirit, the Creator, was decreed by God to be Mazda; and the same thing is decreed for Japan.

22/16.11. Thus it was known from that time forward, that the origin of the word Master, as applied to the Creator, sprang from those two countries only, and from no other division of the earth. Of this matter, God said: In thousands of years this word shall be testimony to mortals of the war in heaven of this day, which did not reach to the heavens of these two lands. And it was so, and will continue forever! |724|

22/16.12. However, God had no footing in Japan or Heleste, nor did he have sufficient power to establish a God or Lord in either country, or in the heavens belonging to them.

22/16.13. And when Diva assembled, God propounded this matter, on which the fourteen members spoke at length. And then Div decreed: To the swift messengers in attendance, and through them to the etherean Goddess, Cpenta‑armij, deploring |725| of Diva in Jehovih's name: Two heavenly kingdoms and two corporeal divisions have walled themselves around in idolatry. A'ji has yet six years, and dawn twenty‑six.

22/16.14. Thirty days later the star‑ship, Gee'onea, from Haot‑saiti, in etherea, appeared in the heavens above, being first observed when it was on the borders of the bridge Chinvat. Immediately God sent a swift‑rising Ometr to meet the star‑ship and conduct it to Craoshivi, where he had gone with one of the transports, with two hundred million, well selected, to found a new city in heaven. Suffice it to say that in three days' time, the star‑ship landed in Craoshivi with one million laborers provided to endure till the coming dawn.

22/16.15. After due salutations, Os, chief captain of the ethereans, said to God: In Jehovih's name I come to possess the heavenly places, Soo'fwa and Gir‑ak‑shi, and their lands, Japan and Heleste. This work must be accomplished before dawn, before the coming of Cpenta‑armij. Therefore, send for your messengers who know the places, so that I may conduct my hosts there to labor.

22/16.16. God then gave messengers to Os, and the latter departed and went to the kingdoms named; and it so happened, by the wisdom of Jehovih, that this took place at the same time that Ahura had returned and found his capital and throne demolished. Hence Ahura was powerless to interfere with the labor of Os and his hosts.

22/16.17. So Os divided his forces and possessed both Soo'fwa and Gir‑ak‑shi, together with the divisions of the earth belonging to them. And Os possessed the corporeal temples of worship, and the places of the oracles, and all places for consulting spirits. And he did not teach the name Jehovih, nor Great Spirit, nor Father, for none of these would be received. But he taught and extolled |726| this: That heaven (the voice of the oracle, etc.) was thus inspired of the Mazda, the Creator; of the Voice that spoke to Zarathustra, the All Pure. That man should strive to goodness and good works; to self‑denial and love; to justice and truth; and cultivate the state of mercy and obedience to the all highest light in the soul.




























































































724  The term Master, applied to Christ, came by way of the Grecians [Greeks], and not by the Hebrews. The Hebrews never rejoiced in a word that implied servitude in the sense of master. --Ed.






725  sorrowing over, lamenting, expressing regrets





































726  promoted, placed positive energy into; not only to make it acceptable and desirable, but irresistible so as to make man take to heart, practice, and venerate that which the message proclaimed


CHAPTER 17 Divinity




22/17.1. But even Gods fail at times. For all persons learn by failures that there are higher powers. Only Jehovih never fails.

22/17.2. In the last month of the last year of a'ji, even while God, Jehovih's Son, and his Lord Gods, and his Lords and sub‑Gods, were proud of heart that they would carry the earth and her heavens through safely, they met sore trials. This, then, is what happened: A comet came within the earth's vortex, and was drawn in, just like floating debris is drawn within a whirlpool in a river. The substance of the comet was condensed, and fell on the earth in mist and dust and ashes. Consequently, the earth and its heavens were in darkness for twelve days, and the darkness was so great that a man could not see his hand before him.

22/17.3. And during those days of darkness there were more than four score hells founded within Ahura's heavenly regions, and he himself was cast into one of them, and he was walled about by more than three billion angels; pilfered and stripped of all he had. And his remaining sub‑Gods were also bound in hell and robbed of all they had.

22/17.4. And presently the spirits ran for the kings' and queens' souls (of those who had been tyrants on earth), and they caught them, and brought them and cast them into hell also, taking vengeance on them with stripes |727| and foul smells. And hundreds of thousands of spirits went and gathered foul smells and cast them into hell, and surrounded the hells on every side with foul gases, so that none could escape.

22/17.5. The madness upon them became so desperate, that even the tormentors rushed in, making a frolic of madness. And those who ever had an enemy on earth now ran for him and caught him in hada and brought him with the help of others, and cast him into the torments of hell. And those who had been slaves for hundreds of years to Ahura and his Gods, now caught everyone they could lay hands on, and dragged them into hell.

22/17.6. As soon as God's messengers came and told him what happened, God sent all his available forces to overthrow the place, if possible. Vishnu, full of hope and courage, sent one-half of his forces to God's assistance, thus risking the guardianship of the three great mortal kingdoms, Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya. And God sent messengers to the heavenly kingdoms of North and South Guatama, saying to the Gods of those places: Behold, Ahura, the false, is involved in torments; upon him are his hosts, three billion! Send all above grade seventy at once. To Uropa he sent also, saying the same thing, and adding: Alas, my little wisdom in sending off a billion of my own hosts to Craoshivi at such a time!

22/17.7. Craoshivi was the new plateau, difficult to access, and it was hardly possible to recall his hosts in the time required. So God summoned the Diva, so that they could sit for the Father's Voice; and the members came and sat in the usual way, and Jehovih spoke to God, saying:

22/17.8. Peace to you, My Son! Do not regret having sent your most exalted hosts to Craoshivi. Did I not lead you there? And I said to you: Possess this place, and send your hosts here. Nor should you grieve because I sent the nebulae and the darkness of that time. Is it a greater tragedy for you to see these things, than for mortals to witness the spring floods that wash away the summer's coming harvest?

22/17.9. To learn to provide against contingencies, this is wisdom. Yet not all wisdom is in man's heart, nor yet with My Gods. How can you perceive how it is with Ahura's soul, whether this hell is good or evil for him in the end?

22/17.10. If you behold My sudden power, how much more must Ahura feel it? (For his whole kingdom is gone, and he is now in hell.) Yet you shall deliver him out of hell; by your hosts, he and his sub‑Gods shall be delivered. But the torments of his own soul shall be far greater, than what his drujas can heap upon him.

22/17.11. Then God inquired of Jehovih, saying: What is the best, most perfect way, to deliver Ahura and his subjects out of hell?

22/17.12. Jehovih answered him, saying: Send those whom he has despised, or ill‑treated, or humbled. And when your Lords and Gods have come to the place, let these, his abused enemies, take the hand of your Lord or your God, and they shall call out to Me in the name, Ormazd, which name Ahura has tried to destroy for the glory of his own. And at the sound of the name, Ormazd, your hosts shall cast burning light into the faces of the drujas, and thus scatter them away till Ahura is released; and he shall witness that he has been released through the name, Ormazd.

22/17.13. God sent E'chad and Ah'oan |728| to deliver Ahura out of hell; and they labored four years in accomplishing it, and then Ahura was free. And Ahura's hosts were divided into groups of tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands; and God appointed generals and captains over them, except for eight hundred million drujas, who had escaped from hell and through the guards' fires, and descended back to the earth, to torment and deceive mortals.

22/17.14. So it turned out that Vishnu failed in some degree to save the nations of the earth from the approach of evil spirits. Jehovih spoke to Vishnu, comforting, saying: Because you have helped to deliver Ahura, you shall not take sorrow to your heart. What are eight hundred million to you? So Vishnu grieved no more.

22/17.15. Now during the deliverance of Ahura's hell, no less than six knots had been tied, and in one of these Ahura and his sub‑Gods had become bound, so there was no escape for them. But the outer and extreme knots were untied first; and as fast as the delirious spirits were rescued, they were carried outside, beyond the fire‑walls, and placed under guard.

22/17.16. Thus, in sections, Ahura's hell was cast out; and when the deliverers came to Ahura and his confederates, they were all, except Ahura, in a state of chaos, frenzied with fear. But Ahura was not beside himself, |729| though in serious fright. Ah'oan, Lord of Jaffeth, spoke to him, saying: In the name of God, and of Ormazd, I have delivered you. How is it with you?

22/17.17. Ahura said: I am done! I am nothing! One God alone can do nothing. Do with me whatever you will. I am your servant.

22/17.18. Ah'oan said: No, be servant to none except Ormazd, your Creator. His name is the watchword and the power in all the high heavens. By His name you shall become one among Godly companions.

22/17.19. Ahura said: But you must torment me first! Ah'oan said: For what reason? My work is not to cast down but to lift up. So it is with all of Ormazd's Gods. Behold here even your sub‑Gods, and those whom you have evilly used in the past! See, they hold up their hands in prayer to Ormazd for you!

22/17.20. And is this not the way of knowing whether angels and mortals are of the Creator? If they pull down, they are not His. If they slander or torment, or speak evil of one another, or give pain, they are not His. Why, then, shall I not do good to you and restore you to your kingdom?

22/17.21. Ahura said: Give me anything, but do not give me my kingdom again, for of all torments this is the worst. Ah'oan said: Would you treat evilly those who have been your subjects? If so, you are not of the everlasting resurrection. Ahura said: No, I never want to see them again! Never hear them again! Never know them again! If, therefore, you will do me good instead of evil, take me, I pray, far away, and alone, so that I may meditate forever on the horrors I have passed through.

22/17.22. Ah'oan said: Hear me now, once and for all, and I speak in the name of God and the Great Spirit, Ormazd: Because you have served yourself and compelled others to serve you for nearly two thousand years, you have become blind to the Ormazdian law, which is, that your own peace and happiness can only come by making restitution to your servants, and by lifting up those whom you have cast down. How can I deliver you away from them? I could take your person away from here, but I cannot deliver your memory. No man can be delivered from himself.

22/17.23. Only one way is open for you, and it is under the Ormazdian law, which is, that you shall take your kingdom again, and deliver it to righteousness, intelligence and good works. Serving Ormazd by doing good to them whom the Creator gave you. Many of them have served you more than a thousand years; would you now cast them off without recompense?

22/17.24. Ahura said: You are just, O Ormazd! I perceive the wisdom of Your Gods, and the bondage of men. Take me, O Ah'oan, put me in a way to carry out this great light.

22/17.25. Ah'oan said: Hear your sentence, in the name of Ormazd, the Creator; which is, that you shall be taken to a place of safety, which E'chad shall select; and there your best, most exalted people shall be taken, and put to work and to school, and in nurseries and hospitals; and you shall go among them, teaching and encouraging them in industry and righteousness, for Ormazd's sake. And when you have them disciplined in this way, you shall receive another installment of your people, and they shall be likewise disciplined. And then another installment, and so on, until you have all your kingdom.

22/17.26. And to ensure your success, these, my Lords and generals and captains, shall go and labor with you and your hosts. And you and your people shall have no ornaments; and all your raiment shall be white‑gray, teachers and pupils alike, except when specially ordered otherwise by God and his deputies.

22/17.27. And when you and the majority of your hosts have risen above grade fifty, you shall be crowned in the name of Ormazd, and your kingdom shall have a throne, and you shall be one among the united hosts of the higher heavens. Till then, go to your labors diligently, and may Ormazd abide with you in wisdom and power.

22/17.28. Ahura said: You are just, O Ormazd. I will from this time forward, forever, serve You with all my wisdom and strength!

22/17.29. And then E'chad and his attendants led the way, and the marshals, generals and captains brought the first installment of Ahura's hosts, and they went to a place called Ailkin, a heavenly place capable of seven billion, and there they founded the new colony for Ahura.

22/17.30. But Ah'oan and his hosts continued their labors in delivering the hells, until they delivered them all, more than eighty, and placed all the spirits under guard and discipline.





























727  whippings




































































728  These are the namesakes of the first Lord Gods at the time of Fragapatti.



























729  not hysterical, not wholly unnerved or uncontrolled, mind not in chaos


CHAPTER 18 Divinity




22/18.1. Thus drew to a close the cycle of Fragapatti, being three thousand one hundred years. And at this time there were few people on earth or in heaven who were not capable of everlasting life, including the druks and drujas.

22/18.2. Jehovih spoke to God, saying: Now you shall enumerate earth and heaven, as to all that I have created capable of everlasting life; and of My harvests since the habitation of the earth, when man first walked upright. And your numbers shall be entered in the libraries of heaven, to remain forever.

22/18.3. So God called together a council of mathematicians, and they counted mortals and angels, and recorded this labor in the libraries of heaven, where the wise men of heaven and earth may read the records.

22/18.4. In Fragapatti's cycle ninety‑two billion were born alive. Of these ninety percent were born to everlasting life. Ten percent went into dissolution, as a drop of water evaporates before the sun and is seen no more.

22/18.5. In Osiris' cycle, ninety‑one billion were born. Of these eighty‑seven percent were born to everlasting life. Thirteen percent went into dissolution and were seen no more.

22/18.6. In Thor's cycle, eighty‑eight billion were born. Of these eighty‑five percent were born to everlasting life, and fifteen percent to dissolution.

22/18.7. In Apollo's cycle, eighty billion were born. Of these seventy‑two percent were born to everlasting life, and twenty-eight percent to dissolution.

22/18.8. In Sue's cycle, eighty‑seven billion were born. Of these sixty‑two percent were born to everlasting life, and thirty‑eight percent went into dissolution.

22/18.9. In Aph's cycle, sixty‑six billion were born. Of these fifty‑four percent were born to everlasting life, and forty‑six percent went into dissolution.

22/18.10. In Neph's cycle, before the submersion of Pan, one hundred and twenty‑four billion were born. Of these twenty‑one percent were born to everlasting life, and seventy‑nine percent went into dissolution.

22/18.11. And these comprised one‑sixth of the people that had been created alive on the earth since man walked upright; that is to say, three trillion seven hundred and sixty‑eight billion.

22/18.12. But in the early days of man, only a small percentage were born to everlasting life; and, first of all, only one percent.

22/18.13. And God gave thanks to Jehovih, the Creator, because all the races of men on earth were now capable of everlasting life.

22/18.14. Of the hells and knots springing out of hada since the days of Wan, |730| this was the proportion:

22/18.15. In the cycle of Fragapatti, two hundred and seventy‑six hells, of average duration, thirty years. Involved in these hells, two billion angels. Sixty‑four knots, of average duration, two years. Involved in these knots, one billion angels.

22/18.16. In the cycle of Osiris, three hundred and eighty‑nine hells, of average duration, four hundred years. Involved in these hells, seven billion. Two hundred and twelve knots, of average duration, three years. Involved in these knots, three billion.

22/18.17. In the cycle of Thor, five hundred and ninety‑one hells, of average duration, six hundred years. Involved in these hells, nine billion angels. Four hundred and thirty‑six knots, of average duration, six years. Involved in these knots, four billion angels.

22/18.18. In Apollo's cycle, seven hundred and forty‑two hells, of average duration, eight hundred years. Involved in these hells, ten billion angels. Six hundred and four knots, of average duration, twelve years. Involved in these knots, five billion.

22/18.19. In Sue's cycle, twelve hundred and seventy‑three hells, of average duration, one thousand years. Involved in these hells, thirteen billion angels. One thousand and five knots, of average duration, thirty years. Involved in these knots, eight billion.

22/18.20. In Aph's cycle, three thousand five hundred hells, of average duration, two thousand years. Involved in these hells, twenty‑eight billion angels. Two thousand knots, of average duration, fifty years. Involved in these knots, twenty‑five billion. And these were the numbers of spirits cast into hell and into knots, from the submersion of Pan to the end of the cycle of Zarathustra (Fragapatti); but at the dawn of each and every cycle, both the hells and the knots were delivered by the etherean Gods. Except in Fragapatti's cycle, when they were almost entirely delivered by the atmospherean God.

22/18.21. Prior to the submersion of Pan, commonly called the flood, more than half the people entering the first es world went into hell and knots. And in all ages of the world there have been thousands and millions of spirits who delight in hell for certain seasons, even as the same tendency is manifested in mortals who delight in debauchery, vengeance and war. Nor is a hell very different, as to spirit, from what war is among mortals. And as mortals of this day glorify themselves, their generals and their captains, for the magnitude of their havoc in war, so in ancient times in atmospherea, there were great boastings and laudations for those who inflicted the greatest torments and horrors in hell.

22/18.22. As mortals of the druk order often leave their evil ways for a season, and become upright and virtuous, loving decency and righteousness, and then break away and indulge in a season of debauchery, so has it been in the es world with millions and billions of angels. In one day the teachers and physicians were rejoicing before Jehovih because of the steadfastness of their wards to righteousness; and in the next day were left to deplore the loss of hundreds and thousands who had broken faith and gone off for indulgence's sake into some of the hells. And these had to be rescued, persuaded, threatened and coaxed back again and again to the nurseries and hospitals, or to the factories and colleges.

22/18.23. Nor does anyone know, except Jehovih, the labor, fretting, and anxiety that were undergone by the teachers and physicians, and Lords and Gods, who had such drujas in charge. For even as it is seen on earth that men of great learning and high estate often fall, becoming lower than the beasts of the fields, so were there in heaven, hundreds of thousands, even millions, often high raised in the grades, who would stumble and fall into the lowest of hells, and even into the knots.

22/18.24. So Jehovih brought the earth and her heavens into another dawn of dan, in the arc of Spe‑ta, in the Nirvanian roads of Salkwatka, in etherea.

22/18.25. Now, through the entire cycle till dawn of dan'ha, God and his Lords maintained the Diva; and mortals understood the matter somewhat, that there were certain Divine laws in heaven that ruled over mortal kingdoms and empires. So that, the words Div, Diva, and Divine rights, began to be realized as a concerted power in heaven greater than man's power.



























































730  i.e., the arc of Wan, time of Sethantes



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