First Book of GodBeing contemporaneous with the Book of Cpenta‑armij, Daughter of Jehovih. As the latter book relates to the higher heavens, so the First Book of God deals with the lower heavens and with the earth, for the same period of time. This book treats fully of the four great persons chosen by God, namely: Po, of Jaffeth, inspired by the God Yima; Brahma of Vind'yu, inspired by the God Div; Abram, of Par'si'e, and afterward of Arabin'ya, inspired by the God Vishnu; and Ea‑wah‑tah, of North Guatama, inspired by the God Os. And their inspirations were for the same period of time, known in the kingdoms of heaven as the time of the arc of Spe‑ta. These four Gods were the chief Divan Gods of that day, Ha'chue being Div in Chief. CHAPTER 1 First Book God
24/1.1. The Creator of creations! Out of Whom all voices are! Of Whom all things are in semblance! |759| From Him and in Him these utterances are, by His Gods and Lords, and high‑raised angels and mortals. 24/1.2. Into whose dominion He gave the earth for the glory of Jehovih, Whose God came and walked and talked with those who had been prepared for the deliverance of His chosen. 24/1.3. For the four preserved divisions of the earth, He gave four Sons of holy light and power for the voice of God and his Lords: 24/1.4. Po, of Jaffeth; Abram, of Arabin'ya; Brahma, of Vind'yu; and Eawahtah, of Guatama; whose records are everlasting on the earth, which are testimony that these men were raised up by the Father for His Own glory, and for the deliverance of men (male and female).
759 i.e., all things are like Him in some way
CHAPTER 2 First Book GodThe first Chinese Bible---being of Po, an Iesu, |760| chosen by God for the children of Jaffeth
24/2.1. These are the generations of the Line of Light from the time of Zarathustra: 24/2.2. Shu Sa, Gwan, Loo, Sam, Dhi Jo, Wee, Him, Gow, See, Wing, He Wen, Tse Kong, Lam Ne, Moo Yow Tine, Luts, Hime, Mai Se, Hong, Ghee, Wan Ghee, Tse Loo, succeeding one another. 24/2.3. All the foregoing were seers and prophets of God (Light), having the Voice from their youth up, and were each in turn a shield and guardian to the chosen of God (Faithists). 24/2.4 God (Light) |761| said: With Tse Loo, behold, the Voice was lost. But I called aloud on the face of the earth, and my Light spread abroad. || 24/2.5. And there came a woman of Che Song, named Ha‑se, an I'hin, through whom the Voice was regained. 24/2.6. Ha‑se had seven sons and seven daughters, all of whom heard the Voice, and saw the Light. 24/2.7. And God divided the fourteen sons and daughters, one from another, and sent them in different ways. 24/2.8. These, then, are the tribes that sprang from them: King, Si, Gwe, Loo, Hi‑Gah, Hi‑se‑Gua, Yo, Ha Fung, Ne, Hi Lam, Se'ing, Yuth Lo, Jon, Ying'e and Ho Lun Gow. 24/2.9. From the line of Ha Fung sprang Enam‑jo and Ze'zoo (half I'hin). From Ying'e sprang No'e and Yu Laim; also Yu'tse and He‑ah. And God commanded the He‑ahns to dwell toward the south, and they so dwelt. 24/2.10. From the line of King descended the We Yah‑Ho; and they lived toward the north and made fellowship with the Foe‑Sim, who were I'huans by blood, and also followers of the Zarathustrian law under the name Sa Sin, having rab'bahs whom they called bah, the same as to this day. 24/2.11. From the tribes of Foe‑Sim sprang Han. And from We Yah‑Ho sprang Hi and Te‑Wing'e; both of which tribes had the Light and the Voice. 24/2.12. And all the north regions of Jaffeth dwelt in peace and happiness. 24/2.13. And God looked upon them and blessed them in all things. 24/2.14. Nevertheless, it came to pass that the tribes of Han forgot the commandments of God; and Le Han, a mighty chieftain, rose up among them, and re‑established the Osirian doctrines; that corporeal knowledge should stand higher than the Ormazdian law. 24/2.15. Han usurped the central throne of Jaffeth, calling himself Han, King of the Sun. And so Han gave himself up to obtaining knowledge, and to enforcing knowledge upon the people. 24/2.16. Han issued the following decree: Han, King of the Sun! Behold, there is one sun and his satellites. There shall be only one kingdom, with satellites. 24/2.17. Behold me, I am the sun king! I will put away all other doctrines and learning. Let all the world bow down to me! 24/2.18. Han was asked: Shall a man not worship the Unseen? He answered: It is better to worship a stone, which you can see. 24/2.19. Han said: Do not worship in words, but in works; do not worship in prayer, but in doing righteously. What is prayer but crying to one's own weakness? 24/2.20. If there is an Unseen Light, He will do in His own way. What is the use of praying to Him? Rites and ceremonies to Him are the expression of folly. Rites and ceremonies to our forefathers are excusable. If their souls continue to exist, the rites and ceremonies may give them good pleasure. 24/2.21. So Han abolished the worship of Jehovih (Light) and His God and Lords. 24/2.22. God looked down from his holy hill in heaven, and he said: It is well; let Han have dominion. Behold, Han enraptures the multitude with his new doctrines, forgetting that these doctrines were tried thousands of years before. 24/2.23. God prophesied through his prophet Ze‑wing'e, saying: Hear me, O Han, and all you people of the whole world. I prophesy by the Voice and Light; I know my words are true words: By words the soul is bent; |762| by not praying to the Unseen, the Unseen will be forgotten. By the abolition of rites and ceremonies to the Gods, the Gods will be forgotten. Man will rise up in self‑conceit against his Creator, saying: Behold me; I am the highest of all things; my judgment is the greatest of all wisdom. And the tribes of men will aspire to establish opinions as fundamental doctrines. War and destruction will come upon the nations! 24/2.24. Han would not heed the prophecy of God. Han established what was called The First Han Dynasty, and it spread over the land of Jaffeth from center to circumference. 24/2.25. And because of the laws of Han, great persecution came against the Faithists, the worshippers of Jehovih (Light). 24/2.26. Han said: Try them by the food they eat; and whoever refuses to eat fish or flesh shall suffer death. And the favor of the courts shall be denied to any man or woman who holds sacred the life of a cow, horse, dog, or any other animal on the face of the earth, or in the waters, or in the air above the earth. 24/2.27. So the Faithists, the followers of the Zarathustrian law, were outlawed, and were tortured and put to death on every hand. |763| And the prophecy of Ze‑wing'e came true. 24/2.28. God said: Behold, they have not only forgotten the Creator, and denied His Person in words, but in behavior also. For they no longer hold sacred anything He created alive, even man.
760 Iesu means without sin, or one who has risen above sin; accordingly an Iesu is a person who moves in light. Iesu also means having no earthly desires for their own sake; and signifies having no sexual desires. Which is to say, Iesu can also refer to a person born of neutral sex, or very nearly so, i.e., was neither boy nor girl insofar as sexual organs were concerned, for these were not discernible, or not readily discernable---being undeveloped even as seedless variety of fruits can reveal undeveloped seeds within. Hence a natural-born Iesu is incapable of naturally producing offspring, as was the case with Po. 761 With the ancient Chinese the word Light is equivalent sometimes to our English word God, and sometimes to Jehovih (Creator), just as Christians and even Jews sometimes make no distinction between the words God and Jehovih. --Ed.
762 i.e., words shape the direction and inclination of the soul
763 i.e., whenever discovered
CHAPTER 3 First Book God
24/3.1. From Ze‑wing'e, God raised up prophets for seven generations. Ze‑wing'e begot Do Tse, who begot Yin, who begot Hi Ne, who begot Lan Se'ang, who begot Dhi Hsotch'e, who begot Ho Lon, who begot Po, who was an iesu in birth. 24/3.2. When Po was still very young, the voice of God came to him, saying: Be steadfast in the doctrines of your forefathers, eating neither fish nor flesh; your God will not only preserve you alive, but you shall gather together the scattered tribes of Zarathustrians, the Faithists, and re‑establish them in this great land. 24/3.3. In those days many of the Zarathustrians were celibates; and the king saw his people being reduced by war, so he made a law against celibacy, commanding all men to marry, and all women to bring forth children, or be put to death. 24/3.4. When Po was grown up, God said to him: Behold, you cannot fulfill the law, for you are iesu‑born. But I will fetch you a wife like you, who is also barren, but you two shall be blessed with three children, and you shall call them Wan‑le, To‑ghan and Tse Loo. 24/3.5. And it came to pass that a woman of Hong Ge, with three adopted children, escaped from the tyranny of Dhi'Wan, fleeing for the southern tribes of Hi See Gua and Yo, and Gwan Gooh; and Po married her and named her Ah T'dowh Jee. 24/3.6. Po was twenty years old when he married, and he went with his wife and three children to the country of Heng'a Di, which name signified brother land, and he labored at scutching |764| flax and hemp. 24/3.7. And God came to Po, saying: What is the extent of your fidelity to the All Highest Light? 24/3.8. Po said: I will obey Him in all things. 24/3.9. God said: Would you sacrifice your three sons, if commanded by your Creator? 24/3.10. Po said: They are the Creator's, not mine. How dare I sacrifice that which is another's? 24/3.11. God said: You are wise; you know the Ormazdian law. 24/3.12. Then Po asked: Who are you? Who is this that comes upon me silently, asking questions? 24/3.13. God said: Go and visit Hi Seiang, the philosopher, and question him. 24/3.14. Hi Seiang was governor of the south province of Heng'a Di, and was also a man of great learning. 24/3.15. Po came to him and questioned him, saying: What is this that asks us questions? Why do we question and answer ourselves all day long? 24/3.16. Hi Seiang answered: Are we not two selfs? Do we not discourse within ourselves like two selfs? 24/3.17. Po asked: Which do you say is the superior self, that which questions within us forever, or that which is forever answering? 24/3.18. The governor said: That which asks questions must be the superior self. 24/3.19. Po said: Who is it? 24/3.20. Hi said: It is nothing, it is something. Po answered him, saying: It appears to me, these two selfs are two different persons; one belongs to the flesh, the other to the Creator. Because this questioning self is the same one that sees and hears Gods and angels. 24/3.21. Hi said: What did you say? God and angels? 24/3.22. Po replied: God and angels. 24/3.23. To which the governor took exception, saying: Do you too defy the law? 24/3.24. Po said: What I see I see, what I hear I hear. Something external to ourselves made us, and rules over us. 24/3.25. The governor asked: Have we not rid the world of superstition? Why do you deal with doctrines that were in the dark ages? I tell you there are only two things in all the universe; the unseen firmament, and the corporeal worlds that float within it. Their action and reaction on each other produce what we call life, which is only an effervescence that comes and goes, and there is the end. |765| The laws are right. Han has done a good thing in abolishing the doctrines of the ancients. 24/3.26. While they were still talking, God sent a blaze of fire into a bush standing nearby, and a voice spoke out of the flame, saying: Who, then, do you say I am? For truly I am! 24/3.27. The governor saw the light, and saw that the bush was not burnt; and he also heard the voice. But God suffered him to be hard of heart, and Hi said: Behold, you come to me, knowing I am a philosopher, and you cast your spell in the bush, like a magician. I am master of a thousand books, and am registered as a man of great learning. You have offended me. 24/3.28. Po said: Why accuse me? For is it not as just for me to accuse you of casting the spell? I did not cast it. 24/3.29. Again God appeared and spoke, saying: Do not accuse this, my son, Po. You shall labor with him. Behold, I give into your keeping the country of Feh, for at this hour Moo Gwon has died. The tribes of Ghan shall be gathered together in Feh and Heng'a Di. 24/3.30. Hi Seiang, the governor, was astonished at the words of the Light; and he sent a servant to ascertain if Moo Gwon was dead; and it turned out to be true, though the distance was a day's journey each way.
764 Scutching separates the fibers from the pulp by beating the stems. From the flax or hemp fibers were made cloth for blankets, clothing, tapestry; rope; and other items.
765 the end of life, the end of all philosophy, the end of a person
CHAPTER 4 First Book God
24/4.1. Hi Seiang, the governor, sent for Ah Sin to come and investigate the nature of Po. So when the three were together, God wrote in the sand the word Te‑in, and it was as if a flame of fire pierced the ground. 24/4.2. Po said: From now on, Te‑in shall be the name of the tribes who have faith in the Creator only. Because He alone has written it. 24/4.3. Ah Sin said: How can you distinguish between that which is written by the spirits of the dead, and that which is written by the Creator? 24/4.4. Po said: Light comes in light; darkness comes in darkness. 24/4.5. Hi Seiang asked: Are you saying you can see the angels and the Gods? 24/4.6. Po said: I see the angels, but the Gods I cannot see. Angels are like ourselves; but the Gods are like a flame of fire. 24/4.7. Now while they were thus discoursing, a light in the form of a triangle came and rested on Po's head, and the word Te‑in was inscribed on the sides of the triangle. 24/4.8. The governor said: What does this signify? And Po, being under the influence of the light of God, said: 24/4.9. Call me Te‑in; I am the Father (rab'bah, or bah) over all the living. I write in the sand, and speak in the mouths of My seers and prophets. He whom you call Po is My Son, begotten for the deliverance of My chosen out of the bondage of Han and his satellites (sub‑kingdoms). 24/4.10. Behold, My people are imprisoned and tortured; persecuted and abused. And you two have kingdoms taxed for the glory of Han in his unrighteous work. 24/4.11. Provide yourselves with triangles also, and espouse |766| Me, and I will deliver your kingdoms also. || 24/4.12. Hi Seiang and Ah Sin both desired some pretext to throw off the yoke of the Han dynasty, and now lent willing ears to the instruction of Po and the Voice (Te‑in). 24/4.13. Accordingly, the learned men of these provinces were called together, to learn, through Po, about God and the mysteries of earth and heaven, and especially about the great monarchy. 24/4.14. When these Councils were assembled, God cast his light upon Po, and they all saw it. And the words Po spoke were called God's Words (Vede'or). And they learned the wisdom of God word by word, repeating them over and over (until memorized), which was called learning by the mouth, as distinguished from learning by books and tablets. 24/4.15. God said: Great trials will come upon my people. The kings will seek to destroy the doctrines of the Lord your God (Te‑in). 24/4.16. For which reason you shall neither write nor engrave my words until I come in judgment of the world. 24/4.17. These, then, that follow, are the sacred laws given through Po, by God (Te‑in): 24/4.18. Seek to bring forth heirs that will be a glory to your Creator. 24/4.19. Do not marry because of the impulse of the beast (animal nature of man), |767| but consider your own spirit and the spirit of your spouse. 24/4.20. Do not shut yourself up in celibacy, but multiply and adorn the earth. 24/4.21. Your Creator provided milk for the infant; but with the coming of teeth, you shall provide for their service also. 24/4.22. Feed him according to the Ormazdian law. To make him a warrior, give him fish and flesh. To make him patient and strong, with docility, remember the camel and the ox, feeding on the herbs that grow on the earth. [Those of Te-in forswear the first and espouse the second, eating herbivorously. --ed.] |768| 24/4.23. Ne‑gwon asked: Was celibacy not the highest of all laws? Is it not so now? 24/4.24. God said: There are times for all things. In the days of Zarathustra celibacy was the first of laws. In those days man was not ready for God's laws. Yet you shall not call one law higher than the other. 24/4.25. The fullness of earth knowledge requires marriage, yet the bondage after death holds the spirit of man for six generations to his own heirs. By celibacy, a man's soul is not bound after death (by the love he bears his children) to linger on or near the earth, and he may ascend quickly into paradise. |769| 24/4.26. The man or woman who is weak (sickly, chronically infirm), or deformed, blind, deaf, with running sores, or with hidden sickness, shall not marry, nor bring forth heirs. Nor shall man take sorrow to his soul for this; for it is the testimony of the Father that his race is emancipated from the earth. 24/4.27. You shall keep the Panic language sacred; nor shall these, my holy words, be given in any other language till my time is fulfilled on the earth. 24/4.28. Your sons at the age of eleven years, and daughters at the age of nine years, shall begin to learn maxims. |770| And at that same time they shall be consecrated to the Creator and committed to His service. And of the sixth law, this is made a part, namely: Teachers in public shall be celibates; children who decide that they will become teachers, or priests, or priestesses, shall take the vows of celibacy. For such persons are married to the Great Spirit; and they shall be like Gods and Goddesses, knowing no more love to one person than another. 24/4.29. Remember that those who marry are chosen by Ormazd to raise up offspring for the glory of heaven and earth; and they shall dwell together in peace, love and harmony.
766 choose, uphold, advocate
767 sometimes called natural man; carnal desire; impulse of the flesh
768 Keep in mind that the Ormazdian law is given here. Note also that both the Zarathustrian law and the I'hua'Mazdian law through the Diva, would specify an herbivorous diet for mortal Faithists. (To see difference between the types of laws, see 22/1.17-37.)
769 That is, love will bind a person to his or her child and to any descendents to six generations after oneself (about 200 years or 6 x 33 years); but the celibate in not having children, is not thus bound.
770 concise statements of basic truths, rules of conduct, ethical behavior, morals, doctrine, etc.
CHAPTER 5 First Book God
24/5.1. The wise shall rule over the foolish, but only to raise them up. 24/5.2. The rich shall apportion their riches for the benefit of the city. 24/5.3. The poor shall reverence the rich and take counsel from them. 24/5.4. Behold, I have given many gifts to my people: the woman to give suck; the very strong man to carry burdens; the wise man to oversee the city; the learned man to explain the ancients; the prophet to hear my voice; the magician to hear the voice of angels; the physician to heal the sick. To every single one I gave good gifts. 24/5.5. You shall not covet |771| another man's gifts, but be wise in discovering your own, and using them for the benefit of the city. 24/5.6. Neither shall you covet another man's riches, nor anything that is his. What more is a rich man than a watchdog? Behold, it is his matter, |772| whether he fulfills my commandments. 24/5.7. According to every man's gifts, so do I require of him, as to what he can do for the people of his city. 24/5.8. To the poor man, my exactions are lighter than a straw on a camel's back. 24/5.9. For the ignorant man, and for the very young child, I provided the wise and the rich as Gods to raise them up. As they minister to them, so do I bless them for their labor. 24/5.10. What they do corporeally for the resurrection of those beneath them, so do I answer them in spirit in my resurrections in the heavens. 24/5.11. You shall marry only once; neither shall you look after any other partner all the days of your life. 24/5.12. The husband shall be the master of the house; but when he is not present, the wife shall be master. 24/5.13. Seven castes I have made for my chosen: The first are the prophets; the second, those who have the highest genealogy; the third, the rab'bahs and priests; the fourth, the nuns (spe‑e‑su); the fifth, physicians; the sixth, the rich, and seventh, the very poor. 24/5.14. Each and every caste shall remain by itself; all of them are worthy before me, and are equally my children. 24/5.15. You shall not kill, for food to eat, anything that breathes the breath of life. 24/5.16. You shall love to search for your Creator in all things on and in the earth, in the waters, and in the air above the earth. 24/5.17. You shall love to search for all that is good in your neighbor; but to excuse all the evil that is in him. 24/5.18. You shall keep the sacred days of your God, and cause all your people to rejoice in the delightful creations of your Creator. 24/5.19. You shall obey the prophet of your God; and be obedient to the father (rab'bah) of the city. Next to these, you shall honor your father and your mother, and pay reverence to your grandfather and grandmother. 24/5.20. Remember that all men are alike in the house (temple) of your God; for even as death lays the high and the low alike, so is the standing of my people in the house I have built. 24/5.21. You shall respect the opinions of all men; for even you may be in error. 24/5.22. You shall speak only a little of yourself or of anything that is yours; for all others have a history also. 24/5.23. You shall make yourself compatible to others in all righteousness.
771 strong desire to want something that is another's; must have for oneself
772 business, affair, responsibility
CHAPTER 6 First Book GodOf cities and government
24/6.1. To reinstate the Zarathustrian law, the largest city shall not exceed two thousand souls; and the smallest shall be ten families. Unless they are celibates, in which case a city may be as small as eight souls, having one rab'bah or priest. 24/6.2. The best, highest learned man, who shall be a celibate, shall be the priest and ruler of the city; and the sins of the people of the city shall be upon his head. But if it is a large city, he may choose one, or as many as six priests, to rule with him; and in that case, the sins of the city shall be upon them. 24/6.3. When a matter comes up, the priest shall call whom he will to speak on it; and when they have spoken, he shall decree by his highest light, and that shall be the law without repeal, except by himself. 24/6.4. It shall be lawful for the governor, who is the chief priest, prior to death, to repeal all his laws; so that his successor shall make new laws. For no man shall be bound after death by his own laws, because he cannot come back and repeal them. 24/6.5. But regarding the laws a governor or chief priest makes while he rules over a city, and over all persons whom he has ruled during his lifetime, he shall be responsible for them, both in this world and the next. For if a priest or governor makes a law of darkness, and his people live by that law, their souls will be in darkness in the next world through his fault, and he shall answer to them in the soul world for what he has done in this. 24/6.6. In cases where the manufacture of copper or iron, or other things, requires more than two thousand people, there shall be another city, with five breadths of the first city between them. And the government of the second city shall be like the government of the first. But in no case shall there be more than four cities nearby in the same country. 24/6.7. You shall neither hire nor be hired, either among yourselves or with the kings' peoples. Neither shall you have servants nor masters, for all shall be alike servants to Ormazd only. 24/6.8. Sin‑wah inquired: Was it not taught in the Zarathustrian age to respect the caste of men according to the number of their servants? And whether, according to their genealogy, they were born of parents who had risen above servitude for many generations? 24/6.9. God said: The old law was for the past. It was a good law to improve the breed of men for special trades and learning. And that law has fulfilled its purpose. The physician has found great cures; and he knows all the parts of the flesh and the blood. The miner knows the different kinds of stone, the metals in them, and how to extract them. The farmer knows grounds, their yield, and what they will best bring forth. The spinner and weaver have found the best of fibers for paper and cloth. And so by the Zarathustrian law of caste it has come to pass, that they have perfected these things in all departments, sufficient for the requirement of man. 24/6.10. For which reason you shall teach all things to all; and they shall work with their own hands at all industries; remembering that the highest, best, most perfect man is he who can do all things. 24/6.11. Jon‑Le inquired: Since a man dies in a few years at most, why shall he strive to learn things that pertain to the earth? 24/6.12. God said: All learning is like a gymnasium to the spirit. Knowledge is the strength of the soul. 24/6.13. You shall teach all things to your sons and daughters, perfecting them in the talents created with them: first, to useful labors; second, to learning; third, to music and art, in sculpture and painting; fourth, to mining; and fifth, to perfectness. |773| 24/6.14. And you shall intersperse labor and learning with recreation, not only in rites and ceremonies, but in harmless games, as in dancing, racing and playing; and for the old as well as the young. 24/6.15. Cultivating joyous hearts, for these are outspoken words of glory to the Great Spirit. 24/6.16. Every governor, priest and rab'bah shall provide for a successor; they shall be chosen according to the light of the Council of the All Highest.
773 i.e., seek improvement of all talents and seek perfection in all things
CHAPTER 7 First Book God
24/7.1. Hi Seiang became converted to the doctrines of Po as taught by God, who was called Te‑in in those days in that country. 24/7.2. Ah Sin and Hi Seiang and Tse Gow entered into compact to throw off the dominion of Han, and so notified him. Han immediately declared war against them. And he pursued them cruelly, laying waste a great country. 24/7.3. Po and his followers were thus driven toward the south; and on their way they gathered up the Faithists of the tribes of He‑ah. 24/7.4. Now it came to pass that Han's success in war was so great that he did not concentrate his armies, but caused them to scatter in different directions. And behold, he went so far that the barbarians fell upon his armies and destroyed them. And Han himself perished by the blow of a barbarian woman. 24/7.5. In the fourth year of Po's inspiration, |774| he returned and possessed the countries of Feh, Heng'a Di and Se Lov, and he reinstated Ah Sin and Hi Seiang as governors.
774 see image i109 Po
i109 Po. (see image only)
24/7.6. Hi Seiang called a council of thirteen kingdoms of Jaffeth, and after seventy days of deliberation, Hi Seiang was made ruler over Jaffeth, receiving the title, King of the Sun. 24/7.7. And he established the doctrines of Po by law, changing the name of All Light, to Te‑in, signifying God. And he stopped all persecution against the Faithists; and he prohibited idol worship. 24/7.8. And Po traveled east and west, north and south; teaching and displaying miraculous things. And God was with him at all times and places. 24/7.9. And wherever Po went he gathered together the chosen, explaining and practicing the commandments of God (Te‑in). 24/7.10. And man ceased to worship all idols, Gods and saviors; worshipping the Creator only. END OF THE FIRST CHINESE BIBLE
CHAPTER 8 First Book GodThe first Fonecean Bible---being of Abram, a man chosen by God for the children of Arabin'ya
24/8.1. Out of the hosts of Par'si'e, who were of the people of Shem, who existed since the days of the flood, came Abram, a man chosen by God, in the arc of Spe‑ta, for the deliverance of the Faithists of Arabin'ya. God said: Because they have not raised up one out of the sons of Ham, your name shall become Abra‑Ham, and it shall be testimony in thousands of years, of my records in the libraries of heaven. 24/8.2. And it came to pass that forgers and deceivers, not having the fear of Jehovih before them, falsely gave the interpretation of the meaning of the words Abra and Ham, |775| not knowing (in thousands of years) that in so small a matter He would display the truth and glory of His revealed word. || 24/8.3. God led Abram away from He‑sa, his native place, where he was a maker of baskets, and took him to the ancient land of Ham, which had been destroyed by druks, before the flood, as the name signifies; after which God surnamed him Abraham, and made him chief rab'bah over the Faithists of Arabin'ya. 24/8.4. These, then, are the generations of the line (of light) from whom Abram came, that is to say: of Shem and the seventy tribes, first going forth beyond the mountains of Owatchab‑habal, Tur who settled in Par'si'e, and his descendants Raf‑bak, and his descendants Goe, and his descendants Wawa, and his descendants Sadr. 24/8.5. In Sadr the line was lost; but through his daughter Bar‑bar, regained through the I'hins in the land of Goats, where the Listians lived, having fled from the tyranny of the kings of Oas. 24/8.6. From Bar‑bar was descended Egount, from him Dir, from him Wow‑sha, from him He‑lial, from him Rac‑ca. And here the line ran by the female heirs, beginning in Rac‑ca's daughter, Hess, from whom was descended Gil‑gil, from whom was descended Thussa, from whom was descended She, from whom was descended seven generations in su'is; and it was lost in We‑ta‑koo, but regained again through I'hin seed, and appeared in Re‑both, and again su'is extended through these generations: Arfaxad, Sala, Eber, Pe‑leg, Roo, Sa‑rug, Na‑hor and Terah; but in Terah the line was lost, but regained by I'hin seed, from whom sprang Geth, from whom sprang Choe, from whom sprang Gus, from whom sprang Ra‑bak, from whom sprang Ya‑shem, and by I'hin seed sprang Ti‑lot, and by I'hin seed Shi‑ar, and by I'hin seed Shir‑ra, from whom descended Na‑hor the second, from whom sprang Abram. 24/8.7. Abram was of pure blood, and an I'huan; and the light of su'is had been with his forefathers and foremothers since the flood, and he was large and red, like new copper, and had black hair and long beard, fierce to look upon; but his soul was gentle as a woman's. 24/8.8. Abram could see without eyes and hear without ears, knowing things by the light of God which dwelt in him. For which reason, God chose Abram |776| to gather together the Faithists in Arabin'ya and the adjacent countries, even as he had appointed Po in Jaffeth.
775 For example, the Ezra bible, Genesis 17.5, indicates the word Abraham to mean father of a multitude of nations.
776 see image i110 Abraham
i110 Abram or Abraham. (see image only)
24/8.9. In those days, there were great kings and men of great learning, who had books of learning and instruments for measuring things far and near. 24/8.10. And Abram knew these things, for he had been a servant in a king's family where learned men and women congregated. And so, knowing the power of God was upon him, he ran away in his youth, and lived among the Listians, who made baskets and trinkets in the forests, which they sold to the kings' peoples. 24/8.11. God spoke to Abram, saying: Do not concern yourself regarding men of learning; nor long for the learning in books. The day will come when they will be forgotten, but your words and your labors will overspread the world. 24/8.12. And God lived with Abram, teaching him and working miracles through him. And it came to pass that the Listians in their rambles, selling wares, told the slaves of the kings about the wonders of Abram. 24/8.13. And the slaves fled from bondage and went into the wilderness in search of Abram. And when they came before him, he spoke to them, day by day, as they came, saying: 24/8.14. Why have you come? I did not call you! And when they could not answer, Abram said to them: God brought you. Man of himself does nothing. Search, then, the records of your generations; for you are descended from the Faithists of old. 24/8.15. And they searched and found that every one of those who had come, was descended from before the time of Zarathustra. 24/8.16. Abram said: Do not think that God comes to one man alone; when he provides a voice he also provides ears and hearts. Because you have been faithful to him, he calls you to deliverance from your enemies, who are God's enemies also.
CHAPTER 9 First Book God
24/9.1. When the number of those who had come to Abram, in She‑a‑do‑wan, reached four thousand five hundred souls, God spoke to Abram, saying: Come now, I will lead you and your people into another country. 24/9.2. So Abram led them away, and they came into Lower Howd‑Lutz. And it came to pass that in the year after they departed out of She‑a-do‑wan a famine came upon the land, and the enemies of God were cut off, and could not pursue Abram and his people. 24/9.3. It was after this that Abram was called Abraham, and he built altars of worship and altars of sacrifice, according to the commandments of God. 24/9.4. Now it came to pass in the early days of Abraham, he told his brothers that the light and power of God were with him; and, though others believed in Abraham, yet Lot, Abram's brother, and Lot, Abram's nephew, did not believe in Abraham, saying of him: He was born naturally, and is wise because of his own judgment. 24/9.5. God said to Abraham: Behold, it is an easy matter to commune with spirits, but to judge righteously regarding them is not so easy. For which reason you and your wife, and one hundred picked men, shall go and visit Sodom and Gomorrah in the valley of Siddim. 24/9.6. And Abraham and his people went as commanded by God, and visited the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; and God spoke privately to Abraham, saying: I will destroy these cities, for they are like hells for evil spirits; but Lot (the elder and younger) shall escape for your sake. 24/9.7. And when they came to Sodom, behold, angels walked among the people, and the people knew they were angels, but were indifferent |777| regarding them. And there were laws made by Bera, king of Sodom, regarding the behavior between angels and men. 24/9.8. And Abraham, being pressed by the presence of God, said to his people: Behold, there are angels that love to dwell in lust, and to partake with mortals; to eat with them, to lie down with them, and to partake in all ungodly pleasures. 24/9.9. God, through his angels, rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, and they were burnt and destroyed. Lot, the elder, escaped, and went and lived in a cave. 24/9.10. Now after Abraham and his people had returned to Jireh, his camp, and it was night, God said to Abraham: Be steadfast, and show your people so that they may understand my words. 24/9.11. And while they were still praying before the altar, God withdrew from Abraham, and allowed the evil angels, who had followed them from Sodom and Gomorrah, to draw near the altar. And one of the angels clothed himself in a great light, and, adorned with sparkling gems and a crown, he appeared, so all the multitude of people could look upon him. 24/9.12. Abraham said: Who are you? And the spirit said: I am your God, ruler of heaven and earth! Abraham said: I am your servant; what may I do for you? And the spirit said: You shall take your only son, Isaac, and your hosts who were with you at Sodom and Gomorrah, and go with me where I will lead you, for I have a great work for you. 24/9.13. Abraham said: I will do whatever you put upon me to do. 24/9.14. So in the morning Abraham and his son Isaac, and the hosts who had been with Abraham to Sodom and Gomorrah, assembled together. And Abraham spoke, saying: Where to, O God? 24/9.15. The spirit answered, saying: Take sticks and a firebrand (torch) and come to the summit of the hill over there, for you shall restore the rites of burnt offerings. || Abraham told the people what God had said, so they began, and Isaac carried the bundle of willows, such as basket‑makers use, saying: This will light the large pieces; but what will you burn for an offering, O father? And Abraham said: God will provide. 24/9.16. And when they ascended to the place, Abraham gathered logs and heaped them up, and Isaac placed the willows. 24/9.17. Then the spirit spoke, saying: What shall a man love above all things in the world? And Abraham said: God. And the spirit said: For which reason you shall offer your only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. And it shall be testimony before your people that you will obey God even to the sacrifice of your own flesh and kin. 24/9.18. Abraham said: Show me that you are God, so that I may not err; for I have been commanded not to kill. 24/9.19. And the spirit departed away from Abraham, perceiving that he knew the higher law. And Isaac was grieved at heart, for he desired to witness what a sacrifice was. And the people, seeing a ram near at hand, went and caught it, and slaughtered it, and sprinkled the blood on the sacrifice, and they lit the fire, roasted the flesh, then took it and gave it to the poor. 24/9.20. And Abraham called the place Jehovih‑Jireh, and they returned to the camp; and Abraham, being moved by God, spoke before the people.
777 unconcerned, not caring one way or the other
CHAPTER 10 First Book God
24/10.1. Abraham said: This testimony I declare to you, regarding which, your own brethren are witnesses, that even the chosen of God can be deceived by evil angels; for they can take any name and form; and, having no fear of God before them, declare falsehood for truth and darkness for light. 24/10.2. And also, as you have seen, the evilest of cities, even as well as the purest, may be the abiding place of angels. 24/10.3. For which reason you shall not seek signs and miracles, for these may be from evil spirits, even though they show their bodies or converse learnedly. It is not in the power of man to know by words and signs, or by oaths or promises, what is truth. 24/10.4. But the Father has created one thing besides, which is His Own Light. For which reason be believing toward men and angels; and when they teach you according to Jehovih, which is life to all, and happiness to all, without sacrifice to any, |778| they are holy. 24/10.5. If man or angel says: Visit the sick, and administer to the distressed, || follow his advice, for it is of the Father. 24/10.6. But if man or angel says: Do this, and you shall have profit, or glory, or applause, || do not obey him, for he advises for yourself and not for the brotherhood of man. He is not of God. 24/10.7. For spirits will come disguised as your fathers and mothers who are dead, professing love and profit to you. Do not believe them, except when they teach you to sacrifice self for the good of others. 24/10.8. The wicked in heart, having profited in herds, and in gold and silver, say: Behold, God has blessed me! But I say to you, they are cursed, and not of God. Has he gathered you together here because you were rich? You were slaves, and in poverty; sick, and in bondage. And he came and delivered you. Be like him, and he will abide with you. 24/10.9. If a man comes to you, saying: Behold, this is my coat; give it to me! You shall say: Prove yourself as to who you are. But if a man comes to you, saying: Your herd has gone astray; you shall not say to him: Prove yourself as to who you are. But go, and see after your herd. 24/10.10. If a spirit says: Behold, I am your father, say to him: It is well; what do you want? And when he answers you, consider if his words are of God, which are for the glory of the Creator. And if his words are not of God, you shall challenge him to prove himself. 24/10.11. As God is captain of heaven and earth to all righteous souls, so is there a satan who is captain over evil spirits. 24/10.12. And to the extent that the kings' peoples do not have faith in the Father, so do their souls fall prey to satan and his hosts. 24/10.13. Yet, neither shall man flatter himself by saying: Behold, I have joined the Faithists (Israelites); my soul shall escape hell. || For in that day and hour God may be putting him to the test, to see if his heart is for good works and holiness. || For, because you profess God, you are doubly bound to practice godliness in your behavior toward men and angels.
778 that is, without worshipping any God, man or angel; without demands that you follow a certain person; and without having tribute demanded of you
CHAPTER 11 First Book God
24/11.1. When Lot the younger escaped out of Sodom, he stopped in a small city called Ben‑ah, and stayed there while Sodom and Gomorrah were being consumed with fire; and because he was saved, he called the place Zoar, because he was a worshipper of the doctrines of Zarathustra, who was called in the Fonecean language Zoa‑raastra. And the place was called Zoar for more than a thousand years. 24/11.2. When Lot departed out of Zoar, two tribes went with him; and there were born of the house of Lot, offspring to the two tribes who accompanied him, and these became the nations later known as Moabites and Ammonites, who were of the Foneceans, as their names show, and they followed the doctrines of Zarathustra. || 24/11.3. In former years God appeared to Abraham in a dream and said to him: You shall be a father to many peoples. 24/11.4. When Abraham awoke he told Sarai, his wife, and she, being barren, was troubled and she prayed to God for Abraham's sake. 24/11.5. Now it came to pass that Hagar, Sarai's maid, had a son, and named him Ishmael; and Sarai, jealous of Hagar, abused her during pregnancy. And the Lord spoke to Abraham, saying: Because of the hatred between your women, Hagar's son will be like a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man shall be against him. 24/11.6. Abraham said: How did this come about, O God? And God said: I told you that you would be a father of many peoples, and you told Sarai, your wife. Now Sarai has become vain in her desires for offspring, and, in her eagerness, she opened the door of your house to satan, and so this matter is upon you. 24/11.7. Go, therefore, my son, and reconcile your women. And Abraham told Sarai what God had said. And Sarai inquired of Abraham, saying: Before God, tell me, is Ishmael your son? And God shall judge between us. Abraham said: 24/11.8. Teach me, O God, to answer Sarai, so I may reconcile them. And God said: Behold, your Creator is the Father of all the living. 24/11.9. And when Abraham told Sarai God's words, she cried in sorrow and repentance, saying: You are wise, O God! For what matter is it to me, since I know that Ishmael is your son, and Hagar is your daughter? 24/11.10. And Sarai went to Hagar and said: O my sister, I have sinned before the Lord, my God. I saw your son, and knew God gave him, but I turned against my own soul, and did not love your treasure. 24/11.11. Hagar said: Did your God say that Abraham was father to my child? And Sarai said: No, O Hagar. Hagar said: Neither did I say your husband was Ishmael's father. 24/11.12. So they were reconciled, and by right of the beginning of Abraham's nations, Ishmael was Abraham's son before God, but not in the flesh. 24/11.13. Sarai had a son, and he was called Isaac, because he was born to Sarai after she had passed the time of childbearing. |779| 24/11.14. And when Hagar saw that Sarai bore a son, Hagar became jealous for Ishmael's sake, and she wept before Abraham. Hagar said: 24/11.15. I am a South Arabin'yan |780| woman, and I left my people for you. Behold, I am not favored by your God. Abraham said: Have I not been like a father to you and your son? Truly, when all people reviled you because you had a child in maidenhood, laying it on me, I did not deny you, nor justified myself before the kings' people, suffering these things for God's sake, and yours, and your child's. 24/11.16. Do not complain, then, against my house, my wife, or my son, Isaac; all things are of the Creator. And so Hagar was pacified for a season, but then returned to grief and jealousy, and finally resolved to depart away from Abraham's house. 24/11.17. Then Abraham said to Hagar: The matter lies with you. If you go, I will give you, according to the custom of the Arabin'yans, a jug with water, and bread and blankets. 24/11.18. So Hagar persisted, and Abraham provided her, and she departed, taking Ishmael with her, and she went into Par‑an and dwelt there. 24/11.19. In those days Arabin'ya was divided into many kingdoms, some having one city and some two, and some as many as six cities. And they were constantly at war one with another, and the victors always changed the names of the kingdoms. The largest and most powerful always called itself the Sun Kingdom, after the manner of the Par'si'e'ans (Persians). 24/11.20. Men and women of learning dwelt in the Sun Kingdom, and they had tablets and books, and maps relating to heaven and earth, all of which were kept in a library; and in the summit of this same building was an oracle for consulting with the spirits, called Lords of heaven. 24/11.21. For which purpose, a man or woman, whose head had been flattened in infancy, sat by a table covered with sand, upon which the spirits wrote with the finger. And this person communing with the spirits was called Æ'jin (AE'jin) |781| in the South Arabin'yan language, and was next to the Sun King in rank. Now, no matter what wars took place, the library, the temple of the oracle and the Æ'jin were sacred, and never suffered harm even between enemies. 24/11.22. The kings kept scribes whose business it was to write and translate, and to keep the records of the kingdom. Besides these, there were gatherers of news, who held the second rank of scribes. 24/11.23. Now when Abraham and his people came into Arabin'ya, especially into that part later called Egupt, the matter was entered in the records of the different kingdoms, with special reference to Abraham professing to hear the voice of God, for he did not have a flat head, and moreover, had good judgment of his own, quite unlike the Æ'jins in the temples. 24/11.24. But because Abraham gave no counsel regarding war or earthly gain, he was not favored by any of the kings, and allowed to go his way unmolested. 24/11.25. When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, the kings' people heaped the blame on Abraham's head, and enemies rose up against Abraham in those regions. 24/11.26. And they also accused him of attempting to burn his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to his God, after the manner of the heathen of old. 24/11.27. And they accused Abraham of being the father of Ishmael, by his servant‑maid, and of driving Hagar and Ishmael away to Par‑an after he tired of her. 24/11.28. And these accusations, and many more of equal wickedness, were heard of by the news gatherers, the scribes, and they wrote them down, not knowing in truth what they were doing before God (recording lies as historical facts); and so, their records were entered in the libraries of the kings of Arabin'ya, especially in that land later known as Egupt. 24/11.29. Abraham perceived these matters, and he wept before God, saying: Alas, O God, if only I had great learning and could write my record truthfully before men! God answered him, saying: 24/11.30. Your faith being in Jehovih, it is well with you. In thousands of years, one Ezra shall send his scribes into these countries to gather news, even as the kings of this day do. And his scribes shall translate from these records, with all their errors and falsehoods, and Ezra shall publish the matter as the history of The Deliverance. |782| 24/11.31. Abraham hearing this from God, bowed down his head and wept, saying: Your will be done! And God comforted him, saying: I am the Light and the Life! 24/11.32. The God of heaven and earth will come afterward and render the records of your life, which are not dead, but of life everlasting. And so, since your people shall be honored by even that which shall come from their enemies, how much greater will their glory be, when God of heaven speaks for you and them!
779 menopause 780 The whole of the continent of Africa plus the Arabian Peninsula and some area north of it, was known as Arabin'ya. In those regions, the area east of, say, the Sinai Peninsula, was apparently known at some point as North Arabin'ya, because it consisted of two sections, northeastern Arabin'ya and northwestern Arabin'ya. Some or all of this latter became known as Western Arabin'ya. On the other hand the area, say, west across the land bridge of the Sinai Peninsula, was known as South Arabin'ya. In practical terms, at least insofar as the people in the region were concerned, this meant that land later called Egupt (Egypt); and so, Hagar was from this region. It is not clear from Oahspe how far up the Nile River the original allotment of Egupt extended, nor is it necessarily clear whether or not South Arabin'ya included the whole of what we today call continental Africa. From the Post-Flood Map of the World, image i018 (with text), and from corporeal records, northern Arabin'ya appears to have consisted of the area east of the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea including Arabia, Mesopotamia, Syria, etc., to the Taurus Mountains in the northwest; and bounded in the north by the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; and by the Zagros Mountains in the east; and by the sea and the Sinai peninsula in the south.
781 Ægian, or Eajian, or Æjin: a decree that cannot err. --Ed.
782 This can be found in the Ezra Bible, which became the holy book for the Jews, and later, the basis for the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
CHAPTER 12 First Book God
24/12.1. Abraham inquired of God concerning the king's peoples and the Faithists. And God said: Whomever I lead to you shall be yours; from this time forward you shall be father to all men, women and children that are yours. And they shall be your family. But all other peoples shall not be yours; neither shall you be a father nor prophet to them. You shall not make laws for the kings' peoples, nor laws between your people and them. You shall be of your own people, and for your own people, forever. 24/12.2. Neither shall your people have anything in common with the kings' peoples, nor with any other people under the sun. Nor shall you enter into treaties or alliances in any way whatsoever. Both your labor and the labor of your people are for Jehovih, through the Lord your God. 24/12.3. But regarding the intercourse |783| between yours and the kings' peoples, be circumspect to give full value, to the fraction, in buying and selling. Neither permit my chosen to accept presents, nor otherwise become obligated to other peoples; for it is the law of your God. For above all things, it shall not be said by the kings' peoples: Behold, I made them! 24/12.4. For I say to you, neither kings nor rich men make the people of your God. 24/12.5. Whoever would give you gifts, let him quit his people and come and dwell with my people in person and spirit. I cannot be put off with money and with gifts, like a peevish child or a wanton woman. 24/12.6. Shall a man say: Here are gifts for your God, he is a good enough God! But as for my soul it is too good to give to you or your God. 24/12.7. Nor shall you permit your people to marry with the kings' peoples, for the same reason. But whoever desires to marry my daughters, let him first come and dwell with my people, proving that he has forsaken all the idolatrous Gods for Jehovih's sake. It shall be the same with your sons; if they desire strange damsels for wives, they shall first bring them to dwell one year among my chosen. 24/12.8. Abraham inquired concerning government. And God said to Abraham: To teach people to dwell together in peace, order, harmony and love; being disciplined to these, what more is required? Government belongs to the kings' peoples. 24/12.9. Abraham said: O God, teach me more regarding these matters; for I am like one in a dark cellar groping about. Behold, my people are unlearned! 24/12.10. God said: Who is learned? I say to you, he who knows the stars, rocks, mountains, valleys, and all that is living and dead, and the languages of the ancients, but does not know the Creator, is unlearned. But he who knows the Creator is learned indeed. 24/12.11. It is better that your people dwell in tents and under trees; and their children roll on the ground, and do not die, but grow strong in person and in spirit for the glory of the Creator, than to dwell like the kings' peoples, in magnificent cities, and in lust and death. To your God, your people are a most learned people. 24/12.12. Abraham inquired of the Lord concerning servitude. And God answered him, saying: There is only one Master, even Jehovih; your people shall be His servants only. But all people have loves; a damsel says to her lover: I will be your servant, and he marries her. A man says to another: Your judgment is greater than mine; I will be your servant. And the man takes him in love to work for him. 24/12.13. Therefore, for convenience' sake, you may say, master and servant. Nevertheless, my chosen shall not, in fact, have either masters or servants; for the one shall not have authority over the other, except by love and free consent. 24/12.14. Abraham asked concerning the products of labor. God said to Abraham: What I have said regarding servants and masters also applies to the productions that come out of the earth: Nothing belongs to any man, for all things are Mine, says the Creator. 24/12.15. Nevertheless, for convenience' sake, you may say: This is his product, or that belongs to another. But still he holds it only by his Creator's consent. 24/12.16. Let all men render to the Creator his creations, for they are Jehovih's. After that, Abraham said: Some men grow flax, some wool, and some corn; but the seasons do not bring forth alike to all. Others spin and weave; and others make butter and cheese. And yet this also happens: One man is strong, another weak; one rises with the sun and toils all day; another sits on the bank, fishing. 24/12.17. Now when the products are brought in, lo and behold, there are no two that are equal. 24/12.18. And God said: Every man's matter is between him and his Creator. According to diligence and industry He rewards them in the end. He who perceives this, knows his heavenly Father; he who does not perceive it, dwells in darkness. 24/12.19. Abraham said: Shall the lazy be rebuked, and those that shirk be upbraided? 24/12.20. And God said: No. Let all your people bring their products and cast them before you, saying: This is my sacrifice to Jehovih; you distribute it. And if some do not bring anything, neither rebuke them nor pity them; they are the sons and daughters of your God. And if some decorate themselves with fine raiment, or jewels, do not censure them; your God searches their hearts. 24/12.21. Abraham asked concerning lands. God said: Consider the way of your God. Did I go to the king and to the rich man and say: Give me your sons and daughters? No, but I went to those who were despised by the king and the rich, and I said: Come! And they came. 24/12.22. And when you came here, did I say: Take the king's lands, or the rich man's? No, but I led you to that which was neglected and waste in the eyes of the kings' peoples, and I said: This is your inheritance. 24/12.23. It is sufficient for you and your people to buy burying‑places for the dead, which shall not be disturbed. But neither buy nor sell any other lands. 24/12.24. And after your people have improved a place, and a king comes against you, saying: I will have this land either by purchase or by battle, you shall say: No, neither by purchase nor by battle, shall you inherit that which is Jehovih's. But if you desire the land, then I will give it to you without money and without battle. 24/12.25. And it shall come to pass that my chosen shall be driven from place to place, where I will lead them; and they shall make the waste lands bloom like gardens, and the deserts yield ample harvests; for they shall dig wells, and till the soil, and prove to the nations of the earth the glory of my works. 24/12.26. And they shall be cut down, driven away and scattered, but I will come and gather them together. Their places shall be inherited by idolaters and worshippers of strange Gods, who will build mighty temples. But my people shall not build that which endures in stone, wood or iron; for they shall go from place to place, proclaiming me and my works; but where they have been, there shall be nothing left on the earth to show their labors. 24/12.27. But when I have taken them across all the earth, and they are scattered like dust before the wind, and no man can say: Here is a nation of the children of Abraham, lo, I will raise up my voice for them, even I, the God of heaven and earth. And in that day the idolaters and worshippers of strange Gods will be on the wane; their temples of stone and mortar will still be standing. 24/12.28. But a voice shall go up from the whole earth, even from the remote nations of the earth, saying: What about those who laid the foundations of the temple of One God, even Jehovih! Those who were the sons and daughters of Abraham! O if only my eyes could have seen the Faithists of that labor!
783 contact, interaction, dealings, trade
CHAPTER 13 First Book God
24/13.1. When Abraham's wife was getting old, her ears were opened to hear the voice of God. And God said to her: 24/13.2. Concerning your son, Isaac, hear your God, who is also the God of Abraham: My labors are not for a day, nor without judgment. |784| 24/13.3. Behold, in the land of Es‑seth, the place of your husband in his youth, I have built for many generations concerning the seed of my people. For which reason your son, Isaac, shall take a wife who shall inherit my voice. 24/13.4. Before the time of your husband's father's father, I sent my angel from heaven, saying: Go and raise me up an heir to hear my voice, for I will dwell for a season with the children of men. 24/13.5. And my angel fulfilled his part, and I have come and talked with you and your husband face to face. And I can talk to your son, Isaac, in the same manner and he can hear me also. And Isaac shall raise up heirs to my voice through his wife, to whom he is not yet known. 24/13.6. Sarai told Abraham what God had said to her; and so Abraham and Sarai went to the altar that Abraham had built, and they prayed alone; and God came and spoke, saying: What is your request? 24/13.7. And Abraham said: Concerning our son Isaac's wife? And God said: Because of the blessing of Sarai, your wife, who has been upright all her days, I will give her comfort in her old age. 24/13.8. Send your servant to the land of your fathers, and I will send my angel with your servant, and he shall come to a maiden who shall be Isaac's wife. So, Abraham called his servant, who was overseer over his goods, and he said to him: Equip yourself with camels, asses, and servants; and with jewels I will give you, go to Syria, the land of my fathers, and bring a damsel here, who shall be Isaac's wife. 24/13.9. The overseer said to Abraham: Alas me! How shall your servant choose a wife for your son? Or, if choosing, how shall he induce her to come so far? Abraham said: That which God has commanded of me, I have told you, except that God says: My angel shall go with your servant, and he shall not err. 24/13.10. So the servant of Abraham, in fear and trembling, equipped himself with ten camels, twenty asses and thirty servants, taking presents and goods, and departed. The journey took twenty-two days, and all the while the overseer reasoned upon what he should say, for he had misgivings that he was on a fool's errand. 24/13.11. Nevertheless, he prayed to God that he would do his own part wisely. So when he came near Abraham's father's people, the angel of God spoke in his heart, saying: The damsel that comes with a pitcher on her head shall be Isaac's wife. Say to her: Will you give me a drink? And she will say: I will give you a drink, and also draw water for your servants and camels. 24/13.12. And the overseer looked, but saw no damsel, and he wondered; but presently he saw many damsels, one of whom had a pitcher on her head; and his heart failed him till she came near, and he said: Give me a drink? And she gave him a drink and said to him: You are a stranger; if you will allow, I will water your camels and give drink to your servants. 24/13.13. And so she gave as she said; and when she had finished, the overseer said to her: Who are you? And she answered him, and he perceived she was Isaac's niece by Abraham's father's second wife, but of no blood kin. And then she asked the overseer who he was and where he came from; and he told her he came from Abraham, whose servant he was. So she invited him to her people's houses, and she ran ahead with joy to tell who had come so far, bringing word from Abraham. 24/13.14. Now when the camels and asses had been fed, and straw spread for the travelers to lie upon, and when repast was spread for them to eat, the overseer rose up, perceiving the way of God, and he said: Till I have spoken, do not eat, but hear the words of God. So he related the object of his visit as commanded by God, and in reference to the angel of God, and the words that came to him. 24/13.15. And when he had finished, the power of God came upon the damsel, whose name was Rebecca, and she rose up and spoke, saying: Isaac shall be my husband, and I shall be his wife, for I know this matter is of God! 24/13.16. So it came to pass after some days, that Rebecca departed from her people, and by her faith in God came to Abraham's home, and Isaac took her to wife, and Sarai rejoiced before God because of the light of his kingdom through Abraham's heirs. 24/13.17. And God said to Abraham: Divide your people into families of tens, and families of hundreds, and families of thousands, and give to each family one rab'bah, and yet to all of them together one chief rab'bah. And make your will, and appoint your son Isaac and his heirs by his wife Rebecca to be your successors, so that my voice may remain with my chosen. 24/13.18. And Abraham made his will and did all things as God commanded; and he further made the rab'bahs officers in the rites of Emethachavah, |785| and communicated the sacred name of the Creator (E-O-Ih) to them, as well as the plans of the upper and lower heavens, the dominion of God and the dominion of satan, all of which were kept in secret through the rab'bahs. * * * * * 24/13.19. God said: Behold, there is a time to clear up all things, present and past: Were Abraham father to Hagar's son, Ishmael, and had he been true to the law of sacrifice among the heathen, then, Ishmael, being first‑born, would have been chosen for the burnt offering. 24/13.20. In which matter the Ezra Bible is shown to be false before Jehovih, in regard to Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, and the burnt offering also. 24/13.21. Which words were not my words, nor the words of my angels, but the words of the Eguptian record. END OF ABRAHAM'S HISTORY, AND OF THE FIRST FONECEAN BIBLE
784 i.e., not without foresight and wisdom
785 Order of Faithists; more is given later in Oahspe concerning the Emethachavah
CHAPTER 14 First Book GodThe first Bible of Vind'yu---being of Brahma, |786| a man chosen by God for the children of Vind'yu. Giving an account of Brahma becoming an iesu; of his labors and his resurrection after death
24/14.1. These are the fore-races of Brahma: Gons, Shone, Gamma, This, Ram, Zerl, Mex, Shriv, Vat, Eun and Delta, each a thousand years. Of Gamma and Delta, in the upper country (Wa‑wa‑o‑gan), were born Gu‑sem and Hagu by Gamma; and by Delta: Yots, Rammus, Borgl, Otesiv and Riv. Gamma was of the fourth descent of Git‑ow; and Delta the third descent of E'wangga, I'hins from the land of Jaffeth. 24/14.2. The ascending caste of light in the lower country (Ho‑jon‑da‑tivi) |787| was by Ram, first; then Zerl, I'hin migrants from the land of Ham; then Shriv, then Vat, then Gons and Eun, the half‑breed druks; then Shone, and then This. 24/14.3. Jehovih, Who was called Ormazd by the Brahmans, |788| sent His light to the earth world once for every hundred generations. |789| And the light fell upon His Sons, prepared from before their births by the angels of Ormazd. In the times before the submersion of Pan, each cycle was called one man, and the length of his life three thousand years. 24/14.4. But for the times after the flood, Ormazd commanded the nations of the earth to be rated as a man, and it was so. Ormazd said: So that man will not be confounded, |790| you shall count Osiris with the generations that do not believe, except in the sun; but of the Zarathustrians, their number shall be those who survived in the darkness of his cycle. 24/14.5. Which were: Zarathustra from the races of Shone and This; and of Zarathustra, Haman; of Haman, Wonchakaka, who begot Zoar, who begot Theo, who begot Andassah, who begot Mur, who begot Romsat; these were tribes of the Zarathustrian order, who rejected idols, Lords, Gods, Saviors, kings, queens, and all other rulers on the earth or in the heavens above the earth, except Ormazd, the Creator. And had faith in Him that to do righteously, and practice good works, made the best, nearest perfect man. 24/14.6. The Light by the Voice was lost in the sixth hundredth year after Zarathustra, but regained in Romsat by the I'hins, from whom came the tribe Lo‑jon, who begot Thonegala‑hogreif, who begot Subinij, and from him to Wowthutchi‑subinij, which were forty‑four generations, in which the Voice always came to the chief rab'bah. 24/14.7. In Chusa‑king the Voice was lost, but again restored by the I'hins, whose heirs were called Wah‑sin‑chung, who begot Avar, who begot Irigavagna, who begot Ben‑haoma, from whom was descended thirty generations, the chief rab'bah of whom could hear the Voice. 24/14.8. Ben‑haoma counted the Faithists of his day including men, women and children, and there were four thousand of them, and all other nations and tribes in Vind'yu were idolaters. 24/14.9. Through the descendants of Romsat the Voice was again regained via the I'hins, through a tribe called Shriviyata, who begot Them‑saga, who begot Friavamargalum, who bred with the I'hins and begot Thace, who begot with the I'hins, Anu, who begot with the I'hins, Maha, who begot with the I'hins, Brah, who had both voice and power from the Father. And he was called Brahma because of his great wisdom. 24/14.10. The angels of Ormazd had prophesied, saying: Out of your seed shall come one called Brahma, who shall have su'is with power. Things that were revealed in Zarathustra have been lost, but shall be recovered in Brahma. 24/14.11. Romsat had prophesied, moreover: With the coming of Brahma will come the end of the I'hin race in Shem (Vind'yu). 24/14.12. God spoke in kosmon, saying: Let no man say: The beginning of the doctrine of One Spirit began with Brahma, Abram, Po or Eawahtah. For since man walked upright on the earth, behold, I have said to him: You shall have only one God, even the Creator. And in the cycles of my times I have raised up many who have comprehended my words, but others constantly put away the I am, and raise up idols instead. 24/14.13. But let all men understand who, and what, is meant by the terms, Po, Abram, Brahma and Eawahtah, which is, that though I walked the earth with these men, teaching and speaking through them, yet none of them was idolized by men. For the nations of the earth, in the time of these four men, comprehended that they were not Gods, but men through whom, and to whom, I, God, had spoken. || 24/14.14. Brahma said: Do all men have stars? Behold, since my childhood, I have had a star above my forehead. 24/14.15. No man could answer Brahma. They said: Brahma is foolish, even with all his wisdom. 24/14.16. Brahma asked the star: Who are you? 24/14.17. God said: I am your star; I am the light of the second heavens. 24/14.18. Brahma asked: What is your name, O star, you mysterious light? 24/14.19. God said: Call me Ormazd; I am the same light that spoke to Zarathustra in his time. 24/14.20. Brahma asked: Who are you, O Ormazd, you voice of light? 24/14.21. God said: You shall commune with one only, even your Creator; you shall worship one only, even He Who made you alive. 24/14.22. Brahma said: Why have you taken up your abode above my head? 24/14.23. God said: Attain to be one with your Creator, in wisdom, goodness and purity, and you shall answer your own questions. 24/14.24. Then Brahma applied to the rab'bah, the Zarathustrian priests, and he learned abnegation of self, and the rites and ceremonies of the ancients. 24/14.25. When Brahma was grown up, God said to him: Arise tomorrow, my son, and I will lead you into another country, where you shall marry, and settle down for a long season. 24/14.26. Brahma said: Peaceful have been my slumbers, and joyous my wakeful hours all my life. I have made labor a pleasure, and I give all I have to the poor, doing Your commandments with all my wisdom and strength. 24/14.27. From my youth up I have not killed any living creature of Yours that goes on the earth, or swims in the waters, or flies in the air. Nor have I eaten anything that had ever breathed the breath of life; and I have been most abstemious |791| in plain food and water only, according to the Zarathustrian law. Hear me, O Ormazd; for I will open my soul to You, and hold nothing back. || Ormazd said: It is well. 24/14.28. Brahma said: Woe is me, if my soul turns toward woman! Was I not wed to You, O Ormazd? Was I not Your Bridegroom from my youth up? 24/14.29. Why, then, do You not protect me to Yourself? Ormazd said: In times past I raised up many an iesu, and they were without flesh desires all their days. 24/14.30. Such men could not perpetuate the earth; they were good for their day. Zarathustra was an iesu. My Light is now for those who can perpetuate. All things are possible in My hands. Do not grieve, nor smother out any talent I created with the pure in flesh. 24/14.31. Brahma said: If I love a woman, O Ormazd, might I not lose my love for You? Ormazd said: By faith in Me you shall triumph by the road I marked out for you, since before you were born. Arise, then, O Brahma, and follow your star. I will lead you. 24/14.32. Brahma said: Can there be another way other than by celibacy? Can a married man serve Ormazd? 24/14.33. So Brahma traveled, and came into the country of Etchoyosin, where lay the mountains of Talavitcha, under King Tyama, who had enforced the Zarathustrian religion with sword and spear, and with chains and death, being himself sole interpreter. 24/14.34. When Brahma came to Au'watcha, he stopped to inquire the way to the high priest's house, so that he could be absolved for twenty days in Tyama's kingdom, according to law, paying the price as apportioned for strangers. 24/14.35. In answer to his summons, there came to the gate, the damsel Yu‑tiv, fairest of women, draped, also, to go before the priest for confession. Brahma inquired of her concerning the priest and the tax. Yu‑tiv informed him, and, moreover, said: I am going there, and shall be delighted to lead you to the place. So Brahma went with Yu‑tiv, and when they were gone a little way she said to him: Where did you come from, and what is your mission? Perhaps I may serve you. Behold, I see a star above your head! 24/14.36. Brahma said: Do you see a star? Now I say to you, there is an old legend that the pure in heart, looking upward, often see their own paroda [soul, or bird --Ed.], and think it belongs to another. || Yu‑tiv reassured Brahma she saw the star, whereupon Brahma took heart |792| and said: 24/14.37. Yes, I have a star, and the Voice of Ormazd comes to me at times. For some years I strove to be a priest, for I saw the wickedness of the world, and, too, the tyranny and tortures of the church (ha'oke), and my soul cried out for the oppressed who had more faith in the Great Spirit than in the priests. And Ormazd came to me and said: Brahma, My son, forsake your studies, and take your broad‑axe, and go and hew logs. Behold, I will come to you sometime later, and you shall bless the earth. 24/14.38. So I gave up my studies and became a hewer of wood, living abstemiously day and night, and praying and striving with all my soul and strength to purge myself of all earthly thoughts. So I grew, as you see, to be a large man of great strength. But, alas, evil overtook me; my soul desired a woman. And I cried out to Ormazd, saying: Why have You put this matter upon Your son? Lo, I strove to be wedded to You only; I shut my eyes to all the earth, but You have allowed me to fall. Rescue me, I pray. 24/14.39. Then Ormazd spoke to me, saying: Behold, I have revealed My word through those who have no earth desires; but that time is past. I will now prove to the nations of the earth that I have power in directing the flesh, so that heirs can be born to Me. Arise, therefore, and go where I will lead you, for you shall take a wife and raise up seven sons, and I will deliver My edifice, |793| to liberty. 24/14.40. So I rose up and followed the light of my star; I have come this far, but how much farther I must go I do not know; but I will go to the end of the earth if Ormazd requires it of me. 24/14.41. Yu‑tiv said: I pity you, O man! One so holy should never wed with woman. To win such a man's love, the best of women would forget her God! To bear you one child, let alone seven, a woman would cleave the earth in two. It would be like peopling the world with Gods and Goddesses. 24/14.42. O promise me, stranger, you will turn from such unholy desires. I do not know what moves me past all modesty to speak to you like this, but I speak truly before Ormazd, Creator of heaven and earth, that before you came to my father's gate a voice spoke in my ear, saying: Quickly, put on your robes for confession, and hasten to the priest. 24/14.43. I tell you, O man, to save you, the angels of Ormazd came to me. It is true that two can see more than one. 24/14.44. Brahma said: Who are you, O woman? Yu‑tiv said: A weaver of mats; no more. My father lives in that thatch |794| over there; my mother's soul ascended to heaven, giving me birth. She was of the I'hins. My father and I have been driven from place to place; all the ills of earth are written on my soul. And the rudeness of men; the lightheartedness |795| of women! By day and by night my soul cries out for the miseries of the earth. O the sins of the earth! O the death of little infants! O the trials of the poor! O the suffering of the sick! O the anguish of the imprisoned! O stranger, stranger, stranger! Add no more people to this world! 24/14.45. Let us turn our souls upward; to Nirvania; to the regions of endless paradise! To the voices of angels and Gods! To wisdom that does not err; to music never discordant! To love that never separates! Never! 24/14.46. Brahma said: Now I beseech You, O Ormazd, that I may never marry! But because You have raised up here so fair a woman, and wise as well, give me leave |796| so I may dwell near at hand! 24/14.47. Then out of the midst of the voices of their stars, Ormazd spoke, saying: Hold up your hand, O man! Hold up your hand, O woman! And they held up their hands, and Ormazd said: I am the Father, and you are My children. So that I may have joy, you may dwell near together. 24/14.48. Now after this, Brahma and Yu-tiv proceeded to the priest's house and made their sacrifices, and returned and came to Yu‑tiv's father's house, and her father's name was Ali‑egan‑is, called Ali. And Yu‑tiv told her father all that had happened, but Brahma said little. Ali said: What the All Light does is well done. My house is ample. Brahma shall stay as long as he desires. 24/14.49. Brahma said: Of my own accord I am not master of many words. When it pleases Ormazd to speak with me, I will raise my voice. Then Yu‑tiv spread mats and provided food, and set it before Brahma, and he ate; and after that they said prayers according to the laws of the king, and then retired to sleep.
786 This is Brahma the First. A dan'ha later a false God, Kabalactes, using the name of Brahma, would do much destruction in India; and afterward, another self God, Ennochissa, falsely took the name Brahma. Accordingly it should be noted that Brahma the First had nothing to do with shaping modern Brahminism, but the later false Gods would pick over the doctrines and twist or reject them according to their profitability to the false God. 787 The student must remember that these are Vedic terms belonging to Upper and Lower Thibet [Tibet], or of what, in a general and better sense, may be called the mountains and the valleys of India. [Wa-wa-o-gan evidently refers to the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau, whereas, Ho-jon-da-tivi presumably refers to the land mass south and east of the Himalayas (see image i018 (with text) Post-Flood Outline Map of the World).] Nearly all we have left of ancient Greek sprang from these ancient histories. In the production of languages, and of Gods, India exceeds all the rest of the earth put together. --Ed. 788 For convenience of identification, in this Oahspe the spelling, Brahmans, refers to the followers of Brahma the First and True, as described in this Vind'yu Bible. On the other hand, those who later falsely used or took on the name of Brahma, have been given the spelling Brahmin, Brahmins and Brahminism. [As with any name in Oahspe, if found in man's historical records, there spellings and even meanings, may vary.] 789 i.e., once every dan'ha cycle 790 confused, perplexed, bewildered
791 disciplined, self-restrained, moderate, sticking to bare necessities, temperate
792 i.e., as a consequence, Brahma became emboldened
793 house; foundation; here meaning Faithists, the righteous
794 a house made of interlaced thatch (reeds, stalks, large grasses, etc.)
795 shallowness, frivolousness, insincerity, etc.
796 a (usually temporary) exemption from obligation; a dispensation, waiver, release, indulgence
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