Book of Saphah |
Historical Rites and Ceremonies Section |
EmethachavahBrotherhood of Faithists. With modern Gods substituted in place of the Ancients |1442| 35/Y.1. These that follow are the first three rites of Emethachavah, that is to say:
1442 see image i058 |
i058 Tablet of Emethachavah. As the student will perceive, the Tablet contains three degrees. Only the headings could be given in the plates, being too complicated for hieroglyphic characters in such small space. For the outer rim, begin at the bottom and read alternatively either side, till arriving at the top, where the Symbol of Corpor [the fish --ed.], the great serpent (solar phalanx), and wark, will be found. The small stars in the inner circle represent the positions of mortals within the chamber during the ceremonies. The three degrees are called: first, M'git'ow (dawn); second, Hi'dang (high noon); third, M'hak (golden chamber), which are given in darkness. In English they are called Dawn, Noon, and Evening. They were about the time of Zarathustra (Zoroaster), or, say, 8,000 or 9,000 years B.K. (see image only)
M'git'ow (Dawn)
35/Y.2. M'git'ow said: A baker came to sell me bread. I said: Sell your bread to my wife. She and I are one. 35/Y.3. The baker said: The two are one? 35/Y.4. This was the beginning of wisdom. I went into a field and heard the birds singing: 35/Y.5. The Unknown said: The two are one! 35/Y.6. I said: If you could, O Father, make all men as one, there would be peace and joy! No war! 35/Y.7. The Unknown said: Make the Family of the Ancients! Husband and wife shall be your key. Husband, wife and children shall be your model. 35/Y.8. I said: I cannot make all men think alike, act alike, do alike. 35/Y.9. A vision came upon me. I saw a score of musicians, and every one had a different instrument, and they set about tuning their instruments, every one his own way, saying: Unless we have our instruments tuned as one instrument, there can be no music; tune, therefore, your instrument to mine. 35/Y.10. After a long while they wearied, for they were no nearer than when they started. And every one said: It is impossible to attune them! It is useless to try anymore. 35/Y.11. The Unknown spoke out of the firmament, saying: Choose one instrument first, and then attune another one to it. This accomplished, attune then a third instrument to them; after that a fourth, and so on, and you shall be all attuned alike. 35/Y.12. So the musicians set to work, but could not agree whose should be the first instrument. 35/Y.13. A pillar of fire descended from heaven and stood in the midst of the musicians; and in the center of the pillar of fire there appeared an instrument called the All Perfect. 35/Y.14. The instrument gave forth one note, and all the musicians attuned to it. The Voice said: I have given the Keynote, you find the rest. 35/Y.15. The pillar of fire departed. The instruments, thus attuned in harmony, played rapturously. The vision then departed. 35/Y.16. This I perceive: To make the man and wife one; to make the man, wife and child one; to make the village one; to make the state one; to make the empire one; all in harmony, as one instrument, cannot be done without a Central Sun, a Creator, to attune to. When a man is attuned to Him, and a woman attuned to Him, they will, themselves, be as one. When the family and the village are attuned to Him, it is easy. Without Him harmony cannot be. 35/Y.17. He, the Creator, then, must be first in all things, first in all places. He must be the nearest of all things, nearest of all places. In our rites and ceremonies, He must be the All Ideal Perfection! The embodiment of a Perfect Person. (End of prelude.) (T. goes to the altar and lights the incense, and the priests come and stand beside the altar; they, and the initiates with them, saying:) 35/Y.18. Emblem of worlds moldering into dust and of the harvest of souls ascending to the etherean realms above; emblem of my own mortal dissolution and of the ascent of my soul, but where, O Jehovih! 35/Y.19. In You, Jehovih, I will have faith. In You only. Emeth (Faith) shall be my name, the foundation of my soul. 35/Y.20. From this time forward I will eschew |1443| fame and the applause of men. I will fold my hands against earthly fame, and in Your name, prepare my soul for heaven! (Signs withheld from publication.) 35/Y.21. East: Into man's hands I gave dominion over all the earth; but I rule over man both on earth and in heaven, says Jehovih. I fashioned the earth and breathed upon it, and man came forth a living soul. I made the veins in his body, and I made him conscious that he is. I speak into his ear, and hold up My hand before him so that he may not err, but rejoice that he lives, and so that he may glorify Me and My works. But he turns aside and boasts there is no one greater than man. 35/Y.22. P. and I: O Jehovih, mighty in heaven, hallowed be Your name! May I never forget You nor set myself up against You or Your kingdoms! (One bell.) 35/Y.23. E: Who are these that call on Jehovih's name? 35/Y.24. P.: Wanderers on the earth who are unappeased with corporeal things. In Jehovih's name we turn from Corpor to Es. 35/Y.25. E: For what purpose are you in this holy chamber? 35/Y.26. I: To be initiated into the light and dominions of heaven. 35/Y.27. E: Have you been prepared for this? 35/Y.28. I: Yes. 35/Y.29. E: How have you been prepared? 35/Y.30. I: We abstain from flesh food and from strong drink, and endeavor to purify our corporeal bodies. 35/Y.31. E: Man may be pure in the corporeal body, but unprepared to receive the wisdom of high heaven. How else have you been prepared? 35/Y.32. I: We have witnessed the spirits of the dead who have returned to the earth, re-clothed in corporeal appearances. We have talked with them in the presence of witnesses. 35/Y.33. E: My friends, since you live on the earth and can commune with the spirits of heaven, why are you still unappeased? 35/Y.34. I: The people of the earth lust after the things of the earth, and deceive us on all occasions. The spirits who manifest are of little wisdom; they know only a little of heaven. 35/Y.35. E: Since your faith in mortals is nothing, and your faith in spirits from heaven little more, how do you hope to gain wisdom and truth by calling on the name of Jehovih? 35/Y.36. I: We know there are angels in heaven who have risen above the bondage of earth. We aim to purify ourselves, so that they may come to us and give us light. By attuning ourselves to Jehovih, we have faith that He will provide us according to our talents, which we received from His hand. 35/Y.37. E: Have you not called for the spirits of the well‑known? 35/Y.38. I: Alas, we find that spirits can assume any name and form, and so, deceive us. We have no faith in names; they are like the wind. Some spirits have kingdoms in the lower heavens, and they seek to win subjects for themselves in time to come. 35/Y.39. E: How do you hope to distinguish free spirits from the bound? 35/Y.40. I: Spirits who talk of their own earthly lives, and of earthly things, are familiar spirits who abide with mortals. There are spirits above them who can come and teach us about things in heaven. By serving Jehovih, we hope to adapt ourselves to their presence. 35/Y.41. E: Have Osiris, Baal, Dagon and Ashtaroth, not appeared in many places? |1444| 35/Y.42. I: It is said so, but they have shown no wisdom, nor have they come except through deceivers and persons who lust after earthly things. 35/Y.43. E: Unless you become workers for Jehovih, by lifting up your fellow‑men, how can you hope for good angels to come and lift you up? 35/Y.44. I: What shall we do? Give us light? 35/Y.45. E: Make a covenant with Jehovih so that your pledges can be recorded in high heaven. Consider your words, for Jehovih is ever present and hears all done in His name. Angels are also present, who have no interest in the affairs of men, except for the redemption of their souls. That which you swear, you shall do from this time forward forever! 35/Y.46. P. and I: This, then, is my covenant: I will serve You, O Jehovih, and no other God or Lord, nor any other person born of woman, who professes to save the souls of men; nor will I pray to them nor adore them; for by their names, the nations of the earth have been accursed with war and destruction. But to You only, O Jehovih, I will pay homage |1445| and adoration, now and forever. For You, I will labor, by doing righteously toward all men, and equally with all these my brethren, the Emeth |1446| in one Everlasting Father, Creator of worlds! With all my might, wisdom and love, I will strive to enlighten my fellow‑men and to lift them up out of darkness. My labor shall be more for others than for myself, from this time forward forever! And my substance shall be given to relieve the helpless and distressed. Help me, O Jehovih, and make me strong in this my covenant, now and forever. Amen. 35/Y.47. E: This is the Dawn! Behold the rising Sun! (The salutation withheld from publication.) 35/Y.48. You are now on the road of everlasting light. Do not swerve from your covenant with Jehovih, and the spirits from the second heaven will abide with you. He who taught you before will invest you with, etc. (Withheld from publication.) 35/Y.49. In the name of Eolin, and by His power and wisdom vested in me, I receive you as my brother (or sister, as the case may be), of the Ancient Order of Dawn of the Brotherhood of Emeth, and I salute you with the rod, etc. (Withheld from publication. |1447|)
1443 turn from, avoid, shun, abstain from, play no part in, steer clear of
1444 [The four Heads of the Beast (False Gods) worshipped at the start of this kosmon cycle, will not be named in the published rites till the third rite of Emethachavah.] The chief Saviors and [false] Gods of the Hyartien cycle [thus filling the corners at the beginning of the cycle of Cpenta-armij, alias Abrahamic cycle] (corresponding to Brahma, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed of this [Kosmon] cycle), were Yima, Mithra, N'yot and Habbak the first. The four greatest powers, represented by the four greatest religions, are at all times the four corner‑posts in the lodge of the Faithists. In the different countries the lodges assumed that the Gods of their own locality were the chief enemies of the Great Spirit, and named them in the ceremonies. Hence, today, the chief enemies of the Great Spirit are the religions and powers who assume to elevate other names to be the Great Spirit or co-equals with Him. The Christian never desires to be Jehovih‑like but is highly flattered to be called Christ‑like. It is the same with a Buddhist, a Brahmin, and a Mohammedan. In all ages, it seems, the world at large would have an idol. This they elevate above the Great Spirit by fabulous inventions and professions; while the Faithist in the One over all has been the subject of persecution and hate, and, often, destruction. Portions of these ceremonies are still observed among the Confucians, the Hebrews and a few scattered wanderers in Upper Thibet [Tibet]. Relics of the play in the first and second degrees can be recognized in several tribes of American aborigines [Native Americans]. Of course all these people choose their own evil Gods for the corner‑posts. --Ed. 1445 acknowledge allegiance 1446 Faithists as a collective unity; the faithful 1447 It will be seen that the Order of Dawn exacted vegetarian diet, the influence of which extends to a large portion of the Chinese and East Indian [India] Empires, to this day. Nor could a person take this degree until familiar with ordinary spirit manifestations, even to having seen the spirits of the dead, who had returned to the earth and taken on the appearance of mortal forms, and conversed with them face to face in presence of witnesses. This knowledge of preparing the body and mind for even the first degree of Dawn was known as long ago as 8,900 years, the Zarathustrian period. Much of the ceremony still exists in the secret code of the Brahmin priesthood. This corresponds to the Hyartien cycle and the Gods and warriors of that day. --Ed. [Apparently, then, the present form of the Brahmin ceremony originated in the Spe-ta cycle with the false Gods and warriors of that day.] |
Hi'dang (High Noon)
[High Noon, or Sun Degree. The same Tablet is used in this degree as in Dawn. The children of Dawn always used the sacred name of Eolin, while the sons and daughters of the All Light say, Eloih or Jehovih. For the full reading of the Tablet Emeth, the student will find assistance in the preceding tablets. --Ed.]
35/Z.1. Dang: Let the Faithist remember his Father in heaven. The rising Sun adorns the East. (Here the Onetavis and the Emeth'a |1448| give the signs of Dawn, facing to the East.) 35/Z.2. Dang: Give voice, O you who remember Him. His name is a power in heaven and earth. 35/Z.3. O. and I: In Jehovih's name! (The salutation and signs withheld from publication.) 35/Z.4. D: Before proceeding on the road of everlasting life, let the Hyarh measure the bread and meal, so that far‑distant regions may not entrap us in want. If the measure is short, then we must replenish. (The Hyarh pass five times around the altar, spelling the sacred name by the motions of their arms, halting for that purpose at the eastern fire. The Orgives now bring forward a polished stone tablet, with chalk or ink to write with, and lay the tablet on the altar to the south of the tripod and the prophet's seat. Wa-wa-tu‑sa'a (women), five in number, bring water in basins and set them down by the feet of the Emeth'a. Hyarh says:) 35/Z.5. Arise, O Children of Dawn! Come to the west of the altar, O Children of Dawn! (This they do.) 35/Z.6. East (with sound of gong, twice): Hear us, O Jehovih! Your voice be with us. Your wisdom guide us. Your love exalt us. As we hope for Your exalted angels to come and minister to us, O show us, Mighty and All Perfect, how we can best minister to others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Sting us, O Jehovih, like wasps and nettles sting, if we fail to devote our whole time to the lifting up of our fellow‑men. You have measured all things, and made wisely. Attend to me, O Jehovih. (Seven priests, representatives of the seven stars, now pass in front of the East, but face south and salute upward with the twelve preceding signs.) 35/Z.7. East: Jehovih says: As a builder measures the place for the house and provides a sure foundation, let My chosen not neglect the All Light that I have given to every soul. In My sight you are like the stones in one building; and every one must be squared for the place I fashioned from the beginning. The Emeth'a shall be My house; to them I will give the whole earth. Yes, all others shall fail; but My chosen shall not fail. 35/Z.8. Jehovih says: There have been idolaters from the time of the ancients to this day. Yes, they have had idols of stone, wood and brass; and they have had spirits in heaven and hell, before whom they bowed down and worshipped, but I put their idols away and none can find them. See to it, O My beloved, that you are searched out and made upright before Me. 35/Z.9. Hyarh: Speak, O Emeth'a! Raise up your voices before the Father. What was the building of the house of Dawn? How did the temple stand? How did its spirit chamber stand? (Here the Emeth'a give the description and name the instruments used, and cite the position of the stars, after which they repeat the reading of Tablet Emeth, all of which is withheld from publication. After this the Hyarh says:) 35/Z.10. H: By what right are you in this chamber of light? 35/Z.11. EM: By right of our covenant with Jehovih. Behold the ark! Jehovih's name we have written. 35/Z.12. H. What was done at Dawn in the East? 35/Z.13. EM: A philosopher passed twice around the table of the ancients. He held the key of many in one, and disclosed it before our eyes. After that he lit the incense and departed. Then we covenanted, swearing an oath to Jehovih, which was duly deposited, and we were proclaimed under a Hawitcha with Dhargot, and then saluted Children of Dawn. 35/Z.14. H: Are you still steadfast in your oath? 35/Z.15. EM: Yes. 35/Z.16. H: What more do you desire? 35/Z.17. EM: More light from heaven! 35/Z.18. H: Man shall learn earthly things from the earth. But light from heaven descends to mortals by the angels in heaven, who are servants of the Most High! 35/Z.19. East: As the sun at noon is to the corporeal earth, so is Jehovih to the souls of men. As the eye turns to the east to behold the rising sun, so turns the spirit of the Child of Dawn to Jehovih, the Great Spirit. 35/Z.20. North: He has uttered the sacred name. His hands have made the signs of the ancients. His feet have run quickly to the afflicted, and his substance lifted them up. 35/Z.21. East: As the wicked find strength in armies, so, not single‑handed, labors the Child of Dawn. 35/Z.22. North: He has united in a brotherhood with many. In the chamber of holies he supplicated the Great Spirit. The words of enchantment are at his tongue's end; |1449| with his own hand he writes on stone the password of the Faithist. It is the circumference of all. It extends from left to right, and from below to upward, and it holds the symbol of life. 35/Z.23. East: I am the Self within all selfs, says Jehovih. Neither things seen nor unseen, nor light and darkness, are, or were, but all things proceed out of Me, and are of Me. Into motion and life I quickened them, and all of them are members of My body. 35/Z.24. East: I made man a spirit, but I gave him a corporeal body so that he could learn corporeal things, says Jehovih. Death I made so that man could inherit My etherean worlds in the firmament of heaven. 35/Z.25. East: But man turned away from Me and desired the things of earth; and after death his spirit was bound to that which he desired, and he became a wandering spirit on the face of the earth. 35/Z.26. EM: In the midst of my desires I am cast down. I am unworthy in Your sight, O Jehovih! Have I not set store on |1450| my house and my land, and on all manner of earthly things? Yes, as with a chain, have I bound my spirit, to become a wanderer on the earth? 35/Z.27. East: Man builds a kingdom and he gathers riches, says Jehovih. Yes, he wars against his brethren for the glory of the king and chief ruler, and for the profane man. For opinion's sake, they slay one another outright. 35/Z.28. East: Jehovih said: I have bound the spirit of the rich man, the warrior, the great captain, the man of renown, as well as the leader of men; and his spirit cannot rise up from the earth. I have made him a companion, in the lower heavens, to the wanton, the drunkard, the chaotic and the foul‑smelling. 35/Z.29. EM: Never, O Jehovih, will I raise up my hand against any man; neither will I war for the king, nor chief ruler, nor for any man, nor for any land, house or earthly thing. And though I am placed in front of battle, yet I will not take any man's life! So help me, O Father in heaven. 35/Z.30. East: And I have made the spirit of the bound to encompass the earth in all places, and until they put away the darkness that is in them, they shall not inherit My etherean worlds, says Jehovih. Neither shall they hear My voice nor believe in My person, for they have descended into darkness and are blind and dumb to My glories in the firmament of heaven. 35/Z.31. East: But I provided for them in their darkness, says Jehovih. For I bring the earth into a light region in the firmament above, and I send My holy angels to deliver them out of darkness and bondage. In My name they raise up men with eyes to see and ears to hear, and I proclaim to all the nations of the earth. 35/Z.32. EM: Make my body and my spirit, O Jehovih, a servant to You; and whatever You put upon me, I will accept that and do with all my might, wisdom and love. I will proclaim that which You have taught me, fearing nothing that may come upon me; for You shall make me an example of steadfastness for Your glory. Neither shall I complain for any loss of my earthly goods, nor for imprisonment, toil, sickness or death! To Your servant these things are as nothing. Without You, O Jehovih, I am as nothing; but from this time forward I will be Your servant, forever. Amen! 35/Z.33. Hyarh: My friends, what was the light of the ancients? 35/Z.34. EM: To learn the earth and call it Ah! To learn the sky and call it Oh! To learn the unseen power, as the wind, and call it E‑O‑Ih! 35/Z.35. H: Which was the secret password to the lodge of light with the ancients. What was next? 35/Z.36. EM: To worship Eloih; to do no murder; to keep holy one day in seven; to not steal and to commit no adultery. 35/Z.37. H: What was the next light? 35/Z.38. EM: To not do to others that which we desire not done to us. 35/Z.39. H: What next? 35/Z.40. EM: To do to others even as we desire them to do to us; to love one's neighbor as one's self; to return good for evil. (Here ended the ancient light. But in kosmon, to the order of this day, is added:) 35/Z.41. H: I now give a greater light to you, in the name of Jehovih, which is: That you shall do good to others with all your wisdom and strength, all the days of your lives; and that you shall perceive no evil in any man, woman or child, but in their birth and surroundings. 35/Z.42. EM: This, also, I accept from You, O Jehovih. Help me to not swerve, |1451| O Light of my soul, for Your glory and for the glory of Your dominions, forever! 35/Z.43. (Then come the anointing rod of fire and the key to the astronomical problems. After this the Em. are conducted to North, South, West, and East, where they are bestowed with raiment, the ceremony of which is withheld from publication.)
1448 Emeth: Faithist, singular [also collective singular, see, e.g., 35/Y.46<fn-Emeth>]. Emeth'a [or Emetha]: Faithists, plural. --Ed.
1449 i.e., he has attained to mastery, adroitness, facility, fluency, remembrance
1450 attached importance to, focused on, treasured, regarded as dearly precious, set high value on
1451 deviate, veer, go off course, change direction
M'hak(Dark, or Degree of Golden Chamber)
35/AA.0. (This, then, is the upper chamber of the Panic age, and the Golden Chamber of the second branch, Chine. The Gods and Saviors of this day [the four heads of the beast] stand within the chamber, just as the idolaters of the ancient days had other Gods and Saviors, who in those days stood in the chamber.)
35/AA.1. South: If a man does evil, it takes root in him, and will be entailed on his spirit, even into the next world. But if a man practices righteousness it will also take root, and his spirit will become like a star of glory in heaven. 35/AA.2. West: If a man courts evil companions in this world, he shall find them also in the spirit world (Es). But if he constantly seeks Jehovih, and to do His will, he shall find happiness both here and hereafter. 35/AA.3. North: If a man ministers to others, so will he be ministered to by the angels of heaven. But whoever would grow in all gifts, let him labor to become one with the Father, and the Father will grow in him forever. 35/AA.4. East: I bring man naked into the world, says Jehovih. But I provide others for him in his infancy, so that he may be fed and clothed. But when he is strong and wise, I command him to provide for himself, so that he may be an honor and glory in My handiwork. 35/AA.5. Let no man shirk from the trials I put upon him, for in doing so, he robs his own soul. (The Gowai and Initiates now march three times around the Tablet, repeating the philosophy and the examination that arise out of the Degree of Dawn, and the Light of High Noon. When they have arrived at the West, the Washutaga sound the gong, and they halt there. The West says:) 35/AA.6. W: Who comes here? 35/AA.7. I: A Faithist in Jehovih. 35/AA.8. W: Who is Jehovih? 35/AA.9. I: The Great Spirit. He Who is over all and within all. The Potent and Unseen. It is He Whose Ever Presence quickens into life all that live. 35/AA.10. W: Where is Jehovih? 35/AA.11. I: Everywhere, nor is there a place without Him. 35/AA.12. W: What is His form? 35/AA.13. I: No man can attain to know His form. 35/AA.14. W: What is His extent? 35/AA.15. I: No man can attain to know His extent. 35/AA.16. W: Is He Person? 35/AA.17. I: Inasmuch as |1452| all the living are persons, so is He the All Person of all things. Inasmuch as His Ever Presence quickened into life all that live, so is His Ever Presence with the living: seeing, hearing and feeling every word and act of all men, women and children on earth and in heaven. 35/AA.18. W: What interest do you have in Him? 35/AA.19. I: He is my Father! He is within my soul. I am within Him, and a very member of His person. 35/AA.20. W: Where did His name come from? 35/AA.21. I: As the wind whispers E in the leaves, and utters O in the ocean's surge and in the thunder above, and Ih in the winter's shrill whistle, so came the name E‑O‑Ih, which has become Jehovih, and Eloih, and Elohim and Wenohim. 35/AA.22. W: How was He discovered? 35/AA.23. I: The angels of heaven taught man of Him. 35/AA.24. W: Who are the angels of heaven? 35/AA.25. I: People who once lived on earth or other corporeal worlds. 35/AA.26. W: What is their form? 35/AA.27. I: Even as mortals, but being perfect [in their order --ed.]. |1453| 35/AA.28. W: Where is heaven? 35/AA.29. I: Worlds unseen by mortals fill the etherean firmament above. These worlds are heaven; these are the spirit worlds; these are the etherean worlds; these are the abodes of the spirits of the dead. 35/AA.30. W: How did the angels come from heaven down to the corporeal earth? 35/AA.31. I: In the Dan'ha they come direct; at other times they come through familiar spirits. 35/AA.32. W: Who are familiar spirits? 35/AA.33. I: Our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and other relatives and friends who have not been dead long, and other spirits who have not learned of or risen to the heavens above earth's atmosphere. Many of these abide on the earth and with mortals, some for a few years, some for a hundred, and some for a thousand or more years. 35/AA.34. W: What is an idol? 35/AA.35. I: Anything having form and figure that is worshipped. 35/AA.36. W: Who is God? 35/AA.37. I: A spirit with a heavenly throne believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things. Familiar spirits often called themselves, God, and taught mortals to call them that also. 35/AA.38. W: Who are Saviors? 35/AA.39. I: Familiar spirits who have kingdoms in atmospherea, which, by the ancients, was called the lower heaven. Saviors are tyrants who make slaves of other spirits, who believe in them. Their slaves are sent back to mortals as guardian angels or familiars, in order to make captives of mortals after death, to augment the Savior's kingdoms in atmospherea. 35/AA.40. W: How can a man escape the toils of false Lords, Gods, Saviors and familiars? 35/AA.41. I: He shall covenant with Jehovih every day of his life, and serve Him by doing good works to others with all his wisdom and strength. Nor shall he call in prayer on the name of a Savior or God, or any other spirit, but on the Great Spirit only. If he does this, and eschews contention, war, leadership, earthly gain, and earthly aggrandizement, then etherean angels will come and guard him in the name of Jehovih. 35/AA.42. W: Who are ethereans? 35/AA.43. I: Spirits who have risen above the bondage of the earth and its atmosphere; spirits who can come only to mortals who have attained beyond earthly desires. 35/AA.44. W: Has it not been said: Do not swear |1454| at all? 35/AA.45. I: Jehovih says: Swear to your Father in heaven every day of your life; and if you fail to keep your oath, you shall renew it on the following day, with repentance. But in all swearing it shall be for perfecting one's self and for the glory of the Father. 35/AA.46. W: You have spoken wisely. Go, then, to the east, and stand upright before Jehovih, and pray or utter an anthem of praise to Him, so that He may be glorified in you, and your guardian angels have honor in their pupil. (The M. and I. pass around the tablet; the E. sounds the gong three times; the I. makes informal prayer, and, at the termination, he repeats with the M., as follows:) 35/AA.47. M. and I: Hear me, O Jehovih! The vanities of the earth have no countenance in my sight; they are like one cast down in the day of his triumph. 35/AA.48. Neither does flesh |1455| food enter my mouth; nor strong drink, nor substance that comes from an animal, or is part of an animal; nor fish, nor worms, nor anything that breathes or has breathed. (And if the I. is a prophet he adds, nor roots, nor seeds that grow in the field.) 35/AA.49. My substance is in the air and in its fruits; my spirit rises into the air, upward to You, O my Father in heaven! 35/AA.50. You have made my spirit quicker than my flesh; and my soul quicker than the dust of the earth. 35/AA.51. Who can comprehend Your handiwork? Who else but You knows the delight of my soul for You? You are truly the comfort of the living, the solace of the dying and the joy of the dead. 35/AA.52. I was not, and I knew not. Your hand moved and brought me forth, and lo, here I am! Yes, Your spirit moved upon Mi, |1456| and I am one of the fruits. 35/AA.53. How shall I glorify You; and how shall I, in Your service, render You recompense? (During the last two verses the I. marches around the altar and arrives at E. Four bells.) 35/AA.54. E: My brother (or sister), you have covenanted with our Father at Dawn and at High Noon, saying: I will proclaim that which You have taught me, fearing nothing that may come upon me. Go forth, then, and see to it that you do not turn backward. Neither shall you raise up your hand to do any man harm. 35/AA.55. E: Since the time of the ancients to this day the worshippers of the One Great Spirit have been persecuted and abused by idolaters of Gods and Saviors. 35/AA.56. E: If, therefore, enemies accuse you or assault you, hear them patiently, but press onward in peace to the end, and the Father will be with you. (The I. turns to the south, face upward.) 35/AA.57. I: Such is my will to You, O Jehovih! You shall be the song of my life. You, the theme of my delight. To You I will give praise without ceasing, and my prayers shall be without number. (He marches forth now in the order of opening Dawn. The E. retires beyond the ark. The Fesays lower the light to almost darkness, and the four drujas prepare themselves in the druk, |1457| light the incense of sacrifice, and robe themselves in the orders of the four great idolaters of the cycle belonging to the order. Meanwhile the I. goes forth, saying:) 35/AA.58. I: I will go forth proclaiming You and Your works, O Jehovih! In You Your children shall rejoice with great joy. Yes, the inhabitants of the earth shall turn away from evil and learn to glorify You! 35/AA.59. They have seen the Rising Sun and the High Noon, and the stars in the firmament above, and they shall sing to You for Your glorious works. 35/AA.60. Your unseen heavens I will proclaim; and to be able to inherit them, people shall eschew war and earthly aggrandizement. 35/AA.61. Yes, all people shall rejoice with me for the glory of the earth, and for Your kingdoms above. To You they shall sing with rejoicing all the days of their lives, and Your voice shall come upon them. (Here bounds forth from the northeast the druj, which in this day is Brahma of the Zarathustrian ancients, and he flies madly upon the I.) 35/AA.62. Brahma: |1458| Stop! Vain man! Blasphemer of the Zarathustrian law! I have heard your insulting tongue. You raise up your voice against the wisdom of the ancients. Know, then, that the All Spirit spoke to Zarathustra, the All Pure, who was the incarnation of All Light, born of the virgin Mi. This is the Zarathustrian law; the holy light of earth and heaven; the Brahmin religion. Whoever since then says: Lo, I hear the Voice, or lo, I see the Hand, is a blasphemer, an impostor! Be careful of your speech! 35/AA.63. I: I would teach man to be happy and to rejoice in the Father over all! 35/AA.64. B: Insulting man, and in truth a most wicked teacher. Man should torture his flesh, and by long fasts and abhorrent labor, make the earth hateful in his sight. If you do not do this, you shall return to the earth a wandering spirit to afflict mortals. 35/AA.65. I: No, I would make the labor of earth a joy and thanksgiving, having faith in the Great Spirit, Jehovih! 35/AA.66. B: O Brahma! O Zarathustra! Go, barbarian! Out of my sight! You insulter of the ancients! You contaminate the sacred land of Brahma! Be gone, be gone! You who does not revere the caste of men! (Here the I. escapes past B., who retires to his druk (corner). Again the I. goes forth.) 35/AA.67. I: Rejoice, O inhabitants of the earth. Jehovih lives and reigns, and you are a glory within His works! 35/AA.68. Do not fear, O my beloved. His hand is over all. His wisdom knows your just deserts. 35/AA.69. Do not go backward, O all you people. He is ever at your hand in wisdom and strength. 35/AA.70. He provided a nurse for the newborn, and the spirit of the full‑grown man is in His keeping. 35/AA.71. With your eyes, O my beloved, do not go back to the ancients, nor seal up your souls, and He will give you light. 35/AA.72. Rouse yourselves up, O inhabitants of the earth! He is the same, yesterday, today and forever! (Here bounds forth from the southeast, the druj which in this cycle is Buddha, and he assails the I. violently.) 35/AA.73. BU: Stop! You man of darkness! Barbarian, hold your tongue! Insulter of the ancients! Blasphemer against great Buddha! Who can hear the Voice? You! 35/AA.74. The All Light descended to the earth into flesh form in Gotama Buddha. Since then, whoever says, I can hear the Voice, is an impostor, a breeder of revolt against all truth. 35/AA.75. I: I proclaim the living Presence. 35/AA.76. BU: Do you not heed the Ahura'Mazdian law? To establish Buddha on earth, more than a hundred million have been slain in war! This day the Buddhists have twenty million soldiers. Would you insult this mighty power? Turn the nations loose in blasphemous song? 35/AA.77. I: I would lift man up from the bondage of the ancients. 35/AA.78. BU: No, be gone, or your blood shall be upon your head! You defile the holy land of Buddha. Out of my dominions! You who does not heed the caste of men! Be gone! 35/AA.79. I: But hear me ... (The I. succeeds in passing him.) BU: No, I will not. I will scourge you with stripes! 35/AA.80. (As Bu. grasps the chastening rod (whip) the I. makes his escape. Bu. retires to his druk. The I. goes forth again.) 35/AA.81. I: Better You are, O Jehovih, our Living Father, than the dead ancients. Better to have Your love, than dominion of the whole earth. 35/AA.82. Who shall fear when our Father in heaven is also within us? Who shall take anger to his soul for the darkness of men? 35/AA.83. Glorify Him, O all you people, in praise and thanksgiving. He speaks in the song of the bird. He paints the flowers of the field with His own hand. 35/AA.84. Of all the living, man alone turns away from You! Man alone sets up an idol on earth or imagines one in heaven, and worships it. 35/AA.85. Proclaim Him with great joy, O my beloved; there is only one All Person, the Great Spirit, Jehovih. (Here the druj from the northwest bounds forth, which, of this cycle, is Christian. He assaults the I. violently and in rage.) 35/AA.86. C: Fanatic! Infidel! Blasphemer against Christ! Are you saying God has lungs, lips and a voice, and you can hear Him? O you insulter of this enlightened age! 35/AA.87. Only the ancient prophets could hear Him. Then God descended to the earth, incarnated himself in a woman, and was born from a virgin, becoming Christ, the Savior of the world! Christ is the lamb of peace! He is the fountain of love. Christ says: I am the life and the light! 35/AA.88. I: I know only one Great Spirit, Jehovih. 35/AA.89. C: You lie! You disturber of the peace. You infidel to the holy book and Christian law! A hundred million have been slain in war to establish Christ on earth! Know, that this day, the Christians have seven million soldiers, and the mightiest ships of war on the globe! 35/AA.90. I: I teach peace and love! 35/AA.91. C: Hold your tongue, infidel! Christ says: Do not think I have come to send peace on earth; I have not come to send peace, but a sword; Christ says: I came to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter‑in‑law against her mother‑in‑law. 35/AA.92. Every knee shall bow before Christ, and every tongue confess him Lord of all. Down on your knees, infidel, and confess to him. Down! 35/AA.93. I: Never. I bow and confess to none but great Jehovih. 35/AA.94. C: O blasphemer against the Lord! Now I will bind you behind prison bars for heresy, and confiscate your sacred books. (He seizes a cord.) 35/AA.95. I: No, do not bind me. I wish only to raise up my fellow‑men. (The I. escapes.) 35/AA.96. C: Dog! Desecrator of religious liberty, be gone out of this fair land of meekness and love! (C. retires to his druk. The I. goes forth again.) 35/AA.97. I: Hear Him, O all you people of the earth, and you of heaven above. His voice is in the air, and in the stones of the earth. Yes, He speaks in the sun, moon and stars! All things in heaven and earth are the expressions of His soul. 35/AA.98. Make merry, O inhabitants of the earth. Jehovih is Ever Present, and none can counterfeit Him. Open your ears so that you may hear His Voice, and your eyes that you may behold His Person! (Here the druj from the southwest, which in this cycle is Mohammed, wearily comes forth and raises a stick, preventing the I. from passing.) 35/AA.99. Mohammed: Foolish man! You talk to the wind. Only the ancient prophets could hear the Voice. Mohammed was His prophet. Go, then, read the prophets of old, and study the Koran. Since Mohammed, no more wisdom can come into the world. 35/AA.100. I: I would raise up the ignorant and debased. 35/AA.101. M: No, you are a fool! The ignorant and debased are as God made them. They are content; do not disturb them. 35/AA.102. I: I would make their labor light. 35/AA.103. M: Be wise. Yesterday you were born; today you live; tomorrow you die, and the next day you will be forgotten. Go, then, procure wine and women, and feast yourself while you may. 35/AA.104. I: I teach a higher life. 35/AA.105. M: I want no higher life. This world is good enough for me. God is just. He has provided heavens for angels. The earth he made for man, and to man he gave passions to be indulged. Otherwise he would not have given them. Therefore I will have the earth's sweetness while I may. God has already made all things; all is finished. Man has nothing to do but seek pleasure and die. 35/AA.106. I. I would make the life of the peasant a pleasant one. 35/AA.107. M: You disturb my kingdom. A hundred million have been slain in war to establish Mohammed. The Mohammedans have two million soldiers this day. That is sufficient. Depart, then, out of the honest land of the Mohammedans, and may God's holy book, the Koran, enlighten you. (Here I. passes the druj, and the latter goes to his druk.) 35/AA.108. I: Alas, O my Father, Who is Ever Present! Yesterday I was puffed up with great joy, but the four quarters of the world (druks) have risen p against me. Today I am cast down in sorrow. 35/AA.109. The inhabitants of the earth are bound down by the little light of the ancients; but Your Great Light of Living Presence they put at a distance. What shall I do, O Father, so that I may contribute to the founding of Your kingdom on earth? O give me light, so that my labor is not vain! |1459| 35/AA.110. E. (with four bells): My friend, the Great Spirit is aware of you in all times and places; and because you have been faithful to Him, so have His etherean spirits ministered to you. And now that you ask for light from our Father, your words are not in vain. 35/AA.111. E: Go, then, into Dehabalizzah (Golden Chamber), where the voice of self and dispute never enter; and you shall learn of the mysteries of the dominions of the Gods and Saviors; after which you shall learn to apply your labor so that it is not vain, but profitable to the world and a glory to Jehovih in founding His kingdom. 35/AA.112. I: Angels of heaven lead the way! (Here the W., the I., and spirits (if present), who have taken on corporeal forms, lead the way, ascending to the Golden Chamber. Within this chamber the lights give a golden color, and the roof of the chamber is blue, with twinkling golden stars. On the E., W., N. and S. are altars with the sacred instruments for measuring, surmounted with golden colored flags. Here represented are the spider's net, the ant house, the broken implements of war, the sacred wheel of the ancients, the Sun at Morn and at High Noon, the representative idols of all nations and religions. In the E. and W. and N. and S. stand the angels of triumph. In the center of the chamber stand the tablet and altar of the ancients. Above the E., in letters of fire, is the name Jehovih. Above the W., in letters of fire, is the name Eloih. Above the N., in letters of fire, is the name Elohim. Above the S., in letters of fire, is the name Eolin, and suspended from the center, in letters of fire, is the name E‑O‑Ih! In the extreme druk'a, |1460| in golden letters, is the word Mi, and in red, is the word Om! When the I., W., and the angels enter the chamber, low, sweet music salutes them, and they march around the central altar in single file three times, arriving at E. as the music ceases. Five bells are sounded, and the I., W., and spirits, face about to the E.) 35/AA.113. E: Who comes here? 35/AA.114. I: One anxious to learn how best to serve the Father, so that his life may be fruitful for others. 35/AA.115. Voice from the Spirit, or a Mortal Representative standing to the right of the E: How much easier it is to bend a young sprout than a full-grown oak! says Jehovih. Have the Gods and Saviors in the lower heavens not discovered this, and so, set guardian spirits and familiars over the newborn? What wonder is it that men are stiff‑necked |1461| in the doctrines of the ancients? Spirits of darkness urge them on, and they delight in war and earthly dominions, for the benefit of their Gods and Saviors. Nor do they know that they are servants to spirits of darkness; and they glorify themselves in caste, riches, dominion, and in becoming rulers and chief leaders. 35/AA.116. Jehovih says: Let My chosen be wise in the manner of the self‑Gods and Saviors, and also seek out infants and little ones and become guardians over them, but to righteousness and good works, teaching them peace and love, and to live in harmony, and to abjure war and earthly profit. 35/AA.117. As much as you do this, especially teaching spirit communion, so do you lay the foundation for My etherean spirits to come and abide with them as guardians during life, and even after death. 35/AA.118. Neither shall you circumscribe |1462| them in any of the talents I have given them, especially in the love of liberty, but perfect them in all things, teaching them to live in families of tens, or twenties, or hundreds, or thousands, even as in the ancient days, holding all things in common, and being as brethren one with another. 35/AA.119. Do not waste your time in discoursing with those who, having heard, will not practice My commandments. Nevertheless, to as many as come your way, you shall say: If you cannot curb your self‑desires in this world, neither can you in the next; and if you cannot live in a brotherhood in peace and love on earth, neither shall you find a brotherhood of peace and love in heaven. 35/AA.120. I: I have heard Your wisdom, O Jehovih, and I swear to You, with all my soul: I will fulfill these Your just commandments with all my wisdom and strength. Help me, O Father, to this end, for Your Glory forever and ever. Amen! (Responses, Amen, from E., W., N. and S., and other places within the chamber.) 35/AA.121. E: By Your Power, Wisdom and Love, and in Your name, O Jehovih, I receive this Your son (or daughter), and proclaim him brother (or sister) of the Golden Chamber! In Your name, O Father, I proclaim him in all the earth and in heaven above by these Your solemn rites, for Your glory. Amen! (Responses, Amen! Now the Dan of Su'is comes, bearing the regalia. Next to him come the du'ji, seven young girls, representing the seven stars, bearing the symbols of Industry and Peace, and around the I. they form a crescent facing the E., so that the E. forms the eighth star, being between the horns of the crescent. Hoo'artyo, in golden lace, comes from the W. and proceeds to give the signs and passwords. After this the youngest child present mounts the k'sam, and in proper words (which are withheld from publication) proceeds to clothe the I. in the golden fleece. Hoo'artyo gives the injunctions of the ancients, and the D. calls forth the Tablets of the moon, and the studies of the stars, and enjoins prayer. |1463| The magi now illustrates, on a tablet, the prophecy of the rise and fall of nations, the origin of man and language, how the corporeal world is governed by the es world, and gives the I. the key of invocation.) The I. is now required to give: 35/AA.122. The Panic name of the twenty‑five signs. 35/AA.123. To trace the names down through the languages to the present period. 35/AA.124. To designate the place in the heavens where the present sign would be situated. 35/AA.125. The position of the altar in the temple. 35/AA.126. To give the cyclic dates of the signs. 35/AA.127. What group of stars, according to the Panic names, gave the field 1, 2, 3, and of 4, 5, 6, and of all the others, and the period of time of grouping them? 35/AA.128. Why is this degree called M'hak, or Golden Chamber? 35/AA.129. Why were the four days in each moon set apart as mass days, or sacred days? At what period, according to the Panic names, was the first mass ordained on earth? 35/AA.130. What was the position of the great serpent (solar phalanx) at that time? 35/AA.131. To the last question the I. responds: Alas, O Avaya (priest), I have not traveled so far. The Avaya says: Then I will prepare you for another degree. The I. responds: So be it. Here the M'hak degree ends, with music and prayer. 35/AA.132. (The accompanying Tablet |1464| shows the moon days, and order of prayer and anthem, as in the ancient times.)
1452 seeing that, in view of the fact that, because
1453 Only Jehovih is perfect or immaculate in all ways, but mortals and angels can become perfected in their order (see, e.g., 14/3.15, 14/5.18; 20/41.7; 21/30.6; 32/14.31).
1454 to make a binding declaration or affirmation, to vow, make oath, covenant, promise
1455 In the ancient order conferred on the high priests and priestesses, the words were: "Neither does flesh enter my mouth, nor drink except water, nor seeds nor grains that grow in the field, nor roots that grow in the ground, nor anything that is part of an animal or came from an animal: but such only as fruits that grow in the air, and nuts high growing; nor eat I anything any day after Hi'dang (High-noon), nor lie I down at night but sit upright, that my head may be clear and full of prophecy." --Ed.
1456 the All Mother of the earth and es realms; Spouse of Jehovih
1457 i.e., in the corners
1458 In all preceding cycles, the four chief, enforced religions of the time were allotted to the evil corners of the chamber. For example, in the Mosaic cycle they were, Osiris, Baal, Dagon and Ashtaroth. In the Hyartien (Abrahamic) cycle, they were Yima, Mithra, N'yot and Habbak. In the Zarathustrian cycle, 8,900 years ago, they were Hag, Ouk'gy, Tum'miz and Goo'a. The four of this day, maintained by armies, are Brahminism, Buddhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism. --Ed.
1459 worthless, hollow, empty, futile, fruitless, barren, self-driven
1460 corners
1461 stubborn, arrogant, obstinate, unyielding, pertinacious
1462 limit, restrict, circumvent, thwart, deny, prohibit, restrain, hinder, impede
1463 i.e., calls for prayer; directs the starting of the prayer
1464 Ceremony of the Holy Mass (Moon) image (i059) |
i059 Ceremony of Holy Mass (Moon). For interpretation, see preceding Tablets. [Outlined figures numbered one through twelve are the signs of the sun, or the 12 signs of the zodiac. The numbered outlines thirteen through twenty-five represent the thirteen signs of the moon, that is, the 13 moons (months) of the solar year. E is the sun. A, B, C, and D represent the four phases of the moon.* F refers to the zodiac and G refers to the 13 moon signs. The order of prayer would be: moon A to moon B to moon C to moon D to E (sun) to F (12 signs of zodiac) to G (moon signs). Presumably there were separate anthems for each of the seven in the sequence. --ed.] *The waxing moon is shown by the moon being light (white disk); the waning moon is shown by the moon being dark (dark disk). Therefore, moon A represents the new moon (then from new moon to half full); moon B is half-full moon (then from half full to full moon); moon C is full moon (shown starting to wane, then it goes to half empty); and moon D is shown as the empty moon (i.e., from half empty to empty or new moon). Note that images A, B, and C correspond to 35/D.51, 35/D.52, and 35/D.53 and their corresponding images, see image i033 (with text). (see image only i059)
Chamber of Adepts
35/BB.1. S.: By what authority do you approach the Chamber of Adepts? 35/BB.2. I: As Jehovih created me, so I am. 35/BB.3. S.: What can you do? 35/BB.4. I: I labor more than is needed to provide for myself. I govern my passions and corporeal desires; I never speak in anger, or even think in anger, or hatred or envy. I never talk about myself, or what I can do, or what I have done, so as to laud myself. Neither do I seek to justify myself, by words or arguments, for errors that I may have committed. I contend with no one for any thing, principle, or knowledge of my own. I administer to others for their corporeal and spiritual resurrection and happiness. 35/BB.5. S.: Would you not contend for right and justice, against wrong and bondage? 35/BB.6. I: Alas, I might be in error as to what is right or wrong; or justice, or bondage. No, I do not contend at all; neither do I resist; nor set up my judgment against any man's. The light of the Father which I receive, that, I declare to others. 35/BB.7. S.: What else have you attained? 35/BB.8. I: To adapt myself to others, so as to be desired by them. I have taught myself to love to wait on and assist the low and depraved; to wash them and provide them with comfort. I have overcome all desire to serve myself for self's sake in any way whatsoever. 35/BB.9. S.: What are your possessions? 35/BB.10. I: Nothing. I have put away all earthly possessions. 35/BB.11. S.: What are your qualifications? 35/BB.12. I: Try me. 35/BB.13. (The initiate is now tried as to his capacity to see spiritually, while blindfolded, and to hear spiritually something beyond the reach of mortal ears. Then he exhibits the power of angels to write on the tablets before the altar, in the presence of witnesses. After this the initiate asks the angels to lift him to the ceiling, and this is also accomplished in the presence of witnesses. Next he casts himself in trance, and the angels come in sar'gis and talk to the people. After this he goes out of his mortal body, traveling in spirit to a neighbor's house, seeing and hearing what is there, and making his spirit manifest to that place; and then he returns and re‑inhabits his own body. Thus ends the trial.) 35/BB.14. S.: You are found worthy of the most sacred Order of Adepts. What do you hope to gain by this initiation? 35/BB.15. I: By meeting with like fellows, the soul of man finds a haven of rest, after which man comes forth again invigorated for arduous labor. 35/BB.16. (After this, follows the ceremony of passing the arch, and attaining to the foot of the throne of light, where the initiate makes his vows to Jehovih. Music, bells, etc., etc., omitted.)
Chamber of Prophecy
35/CC.1. God said: Before learning to approach the foot of the throne, what profit is it to show them the way to mount upon the throne itself? 35/CC.2. Preserve, therefore, the secrets of prophecy for those who apply themselves to keeping Jehovih's commandments. Those who have attained to the foot, can of themselves find the way to mount upon it. END OF BOOK OF SAPHAH
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