The Book of Knowledge |
CHAPTER 5 Knowledge
37/5.1. Tae then made a tablet of the nations of the earth, and of its people, in rank and caste. And when it was completed, Jehovih spoke to him through His sons and daughters. 37/5.2. Jehovih said. Separate all the people into four groups, and you shall determine the kingdoms of atmospherea. And you shall divide them according to My judgment upon them. Remember, O man, that in all My kingdoms like attracts like. According to their talents so do I prosper them. 37/5.3. To him who desires of the earth, I give of the earth. To him who desires of heaven, I give heavenly treasures. 37/5.4. Tae said: I perceive why the king desires to be king, why the idler desires to be idle, why the general desires to rule, the captain and leader of men to lead, and why the rich man glories in riches. If they prosper in these things is it not because the corporeal transcended the spirit? 37/5.5. And Tae brought all these together [i.e., summed them up into one category --ed.], and he called this the first division, saying: He who is furthest from Jehovih prospers best (in his talent) in the corporeal world, for his desires show the direction of his soul (which is toward things of the earth). 37/5.6. Tae then called together [summed up --ed.] all the laborers of the earth who were diligent but did not prosper, and he found their spiritual judgment transcended their corporeal judgment. He called these the second division. 37/5.7. Tae then collected together all the infants in the world, and they were without judgment, and this he called the third division. 37/5.8. Tae then called together all the people who lived off the earnings and industry of others, and these were thieves, robbers, politicians, lawyers, judges, and preachers who live in fine houses. This he called the fourth division. 37/5.9. And when Tae looked abroad over the earth, lo and behold there was one man left, and he was the only one of his kind on the earth. 37/5.10. Tae said: Who are you? And the man answered, I do not know, neither do I know where I came from, nor where I shall go. 37/5.11. Tae said: What is your labor? The man answered: I do whatever I can turn my hand to; and I give all I have, and my time to whoever needs me. Tae said: Shall I give you gold? The man said: No, I need nothing. Tae said: Shall I make you a leader of men? The man answered: No, to be a leader on earth is to be bound in heaven. Tae said: Then you shall have renown (fame), for you are the highest of men. But the man answered: No, I will not have renown, for when I am dead and gone to heaven I would be called back continually by the prayers of men. Naked I came into the world; |1526| permit me to depart when my time comes as Jehovih directs. Now when Tae found the man desired nothing of the earth for earth's sake, he cried out to the Father, saying: 37/5.12. I have made four divisions of the people of the earth, but there is one man who fits none of the divisions. Where, then, shall I place him? 37/5.13. Jehovih said: Leave him alone, and when his death is at hand (happening), My etherean angels shall carry his soul to the second heaven, for he is My son. 37/5.14. Then Jehovih questioned Tae, saying: How do you judge the children of men? 37/5.15. Tae said: The leaders, that is kings, queens, emperors, popes, and rich men, I have made into one division; producers into another division; idlers and babes another; and thieves, liars, robbers, politicians, judges, lawyers, and priests who live in fine houses, another division. 37/5.16. Then Jehovih spoke through His sons and daughters, saying: You have done well, for what is one man more than another when stripped of his flesh body, except in the righteousness of his soul? And is the labor of man not the true basis to weigh the worth of his spirit? What more is the king or the rich man, in My sight, than the most menial servant? 37/5.17. Then Tae counted the numbers of people whom he had collected in the four divisions, and they corresponded to the statistics of mortals. 37/5.18. Jehovih said: My kingdoms of atmospherea are in these divisions, in rank and caste. According to that which they have developed on the earth, so I assign them in heaven. Let every man judge for himself and assign himself wherever he will. My kingdoms are open to all. 37/5.19. And in that way, Tae discovered the rank and grade of the lower heaven; and the numbers of people dwelling in each and every division.
1526 i.e., without money, pretense, celebrity, nor as a leader, etc.
i029 Tablet of Grade and Ingrade. Being the grades and rates of mortals and angels at the beginning of the Kosmon era. (see image only)
Tablet of Grade and Ingrade(Spirit-births, a table of prophecy) GRADESThat which is now for mortals
37/5.20. Abortions and premature births are included in rate 21, as are infants. 37/5.21. All below 50 years of age are considered minors (as to spirit). 37/5.22. Familiar spirits mostly come from rate 21; and from rate 7 who were slain in war and thrown into chaos, that is, spirits who do not know who they are, nor where they are, and, being in darkness (ignorance), they anchor themselves on mortals (spirit obsession). 37/5.23. At 70 years of age some have outgrown all earthly desires, passions, and abnegate self. Such a person stands in the proportion of 1 to 44 in the average spirit births in this period of the world (beginning of kosmon). In the arc of Bon the proportion was 1 to 58, and in the ages long past it was 1 to 1,000. And yet, O Jehovih, how many of Your sons and daughters attain the full age of 70 years, but in spirit have not risen above a newborn child! INGRADESBeing the rate (numbers) in each Es Grade (Inner Grade or Interior Grade). That which is coming after death37/5.24. || 1 = Isolation. Sphere of the first resurrection. These are the es'yan order of spirits in heaven. This sphere includes those of the inorganic heavens belonging to no society or organization, being strolling players, wandering about, doing mainly for self; and as individual spirits, manifesting to mortals. |1527| 37/5.25. || 2 = Fraternity; Churches. The second sphere is the beginning of the second resurrection. Spirits of this order (second es grade) begin to have association in heaven, but limited. Christian, Buddhist, Mohammedan and Brahmin spirits belong to this grade. Mortals under the ban of the second grade of bondage usually accept and announce themselves as followers of some Savior or person. Faithist fraternities can also be in this sphere. The rate of power of such spirits over the first resurrection is as three to one. |1528| 37/5.26. || 3 = Communities. The third sphere is the beginning of the third resurrection in heaven. Spirits of this rate have risen above being followers. In fact, this is the beginning of the emancipation of the human soul. Spirits of this sphere only come to organic associations of mortals, who practice doing good to one another with all their wisdom and strength. They cast aside all Gods and Saviors, bowing to no one but the Creator, Jehovih (they are Faithists in heaven). Their power is seven to one. 37/5.27. || 4 = Nations. This es grade deals with nations, operating through the grades below them. Their power is thirteen to one. 37/5.28. || 5 = All Mortals. The fifth are the combined powers in heaven who control the inhabitants of the whole earth, through the rates below them (atmospherean rule). Their power is twenty-one to one over mortals, and also over spirits of the first resurrection. 37/5.29. || 6 = Ethereans. Spirits who have passed beyond all earthly attractions, powers and conditions.
1527 Recall that those who join the organic heaven of Jehovih are classed as es'yans till they develop in affiliation and learn the rites and ceremonies (32/24.8-10; 32/24.14-15). 1528 Although there is overlap, the second es grade is NOT a synonym for "second resurrection." That is, the second es grade is identified by those who have, at least, limited association; but in kosmon the second resurrection is identified only with Faithists (see e.g., 32/2.26-27). Non-Faithists in the first es grade may begin to associate together. If it is under a beast, like false religion or a savior, then those in such an association fall under the ban of the second es grade. While they are learning some of the practices of the second resurrection, notably association and some organization, yet they are still bound to their beast (e.g., an idol such as Kriste, Buddha, Brahma, etc.). That is, their associative practices that have bound them to their beast, as well as their belief in their beast (idol), keeps them from becoming members of the second resurrection; for the bonds created remain with them; and the second grade of bondage keeps them banned from the second resurrection till they rise above their beast. While in the cycle before kosmon these would have been in the second resurrection (of the beast), they are now bound in the second es grade till they are freed from their beast. The student should note that the Faithists in ingrades one and two, being of the organic first and second resurrections, are under the Light of the Community of Faithists (see 37/5.26). || What of all others in the first two ingrades? From the time of kosmon forward, those in ingrade one are in the inorganic first resurrection, under the light of self. But those in the second es grade are bound to their beast through the light of their church or whatever their group was called. Those in this ingrade are in only the beginning stages of the second resurrection, being preliminary to membership in the second resurrection (not unlike an embryo in a womb is preliminary to being born). Membership in the second resurrection would require of them, not only the organic practice of self abnegation and good works, but also the growing beyond belief in an idol, and learning faith in the Everpresent Creator, Jehovih. Till they do so, they are banned from membership in the second resurrection, and from Jehovih's kingdom; hence the ban of the second grade of bondage. |
37/5.30. In olden times this Tablet (Grades and Ingrades) was called AB, RA, CA, DAB, RA, and it was written in a triangular form, thus:
37/5.31. But it was not correct, as it omitted infants.
37/5.32. To calculate the bondage in heaven of any organization: grade equals rate equals descent plus 3. 37/5.33. For example, to calculate Christ's dominion: 3 [descending rows --ed.] equals 7 + 13 + 21 = 41, times the number of mortals professing him, say 200,000,000, equals 8,200,000,000 souls in Christ's kingdom in heaven in the beginning of kosmon, which was the time his followers began to cast him out. 37/5.34. The same rule holds for all religions. Accordingly, the bondage signifies that this number shall rise in one resurrection, which cannot occur in less than two hundred years; but the full term is six hundred years, which would be the longest limit of religious bondage. 37/5.35. The period of revolutions among mortals always corresponds to the resurrections in heaven of the order that has reference to the subject matter of the revolution. |1529| Therefore, it will be observed that even the first grade (first es grade) is less bound in heaven than is the second. --- END TABLET OF GRADE AND INGRADE --- 37/5.36. Jehovih called His sons and daughters, and Tae stood upright before Him. 37/5.37. Jehovih said: What is your wisdom, O man! 37/5.38. Tae then answered: I have learned by corporeal things, which are seen and heard. I have learned also of spiritual things, which are unseen and unheard. 37/5.39. Jehovih said: What your eyes see or what your ears hear, is My Person; the others are of My spirit. When was the birth of this, your Kosmon knowledge? 37/5.40. Tae said: When the inhabitants, who were descendants of Your people had circumscribed the earth, and settled it around, then Your holy angels came and knocked on the walls of Rochester! |1530| They proclaimed You, and no other God or Lord. 37/5.41. Jehovih said: Before this (the beginning of kosmon), I had searched over all the earth, and selected and provided a place for My kingdom. By My angels I inspired the founders of this new country (United States of America) to banish the dominion of Church with State, and to provide for the spirit of man to proclaim Me and My Person. They became a mighty nation, and the spirit of manhood |1531| was in them, for as I taught them to deny the divine right of kings, I foresaw they would also deny the same thing of Christ, and cast him out. |1532| 37/5.42. Tae perceived that these things were so, and that the time had come when all the people will bow to none except Jehovih, the Great Spirit. 37/5.43. Jehovih said: Hear Me, O Tae, for I speak through all the members of My family (Es, Kosmon, Corpor, etc.), and I will declare Myself to all My nations and peoples under the sun. Nor shall there be any more Gods, Lords or Saviors on My footstool. |1533|
1529 Generally this would be an uprising against something the order had been directly enforcing. Thus, for example, the European Revolution of 1848 to 1849 was the culminating uprising against autocratic rule. And within a generation the pope had, in effect, cast Christ out of Rome.
1530 see 29/19.18; 34/16; and starting with 34/16.01
1531 see, e.g., 20/24.16 and <fn-make>; 25/14.27<fn-manliness>
1532 Hence while some would like to have called this a Christian nation, from the start it was not to be so.
1533 see the Arc of Kosmon, image i082
i082 Arc of Kosmon. Showing the earth in the thirty-second year of the Kosmon era. Jehovih said: When the world approaches dan'ha in Sabea, the nations shall be quickened with new light, for Kosmon comes out of the midst. And My etherean hosts shall press upon the understanding of men (male and female), and they shall fill all the nations and kingdoms with new discoveries, inventions and books of learning. And men shall be conceited concerning themselves, above all the ages past, and they shall deny Me and quarrel with My name, and cast Me out. But I will come upon them as a Father, in love and mercy; and My hosts of heaven shall cause babes and fools to confound the wise, by signs and miracles. My hosts from heaven shall cause chairs to speak; and inanimate things to walk, and dance. The dead shall reappear to the living, talking with them face to face, eating and drinking, and proving themselves to the children of earth, and so, make My kingdoms known. Yes, they shall encompass the whole earth with signs and wonders, and reduce to nothing the philosophy of men and the idolatries of the ancients. For both the living and dead shall know that I, Jehovih, live and reign over heaven and earth. This shall be a new era, and it shall be called, Kosmon, because it embraces the present and all the past. Then I will reveal Myself; and those who deny me shall accept Me; of their own accord they will put away their Lords, Gods and Saviors; nor shall they have idols of Me anymore, either on earth or in heaven, for I am sufficient for all. (see image only)
37/5.44. In the time of Kosmon, up to the thirty‑third year of it, these things have come to pass: 37/5.45. Thousands and thousands of men, women and children have been quickened by Jehovih to signs and miracles, even as in the time of the ancients, and many of them have attained to su'is, seeing without corporeal eyes and hearing without corporeal hearing, knowing things far and near, by a sense not belonging to the corporeal organs. 37/5.46. And these people, being distinguished from others, are comprehended under the name Tae, being the first fruits of heaven on earth in this day. And many of them have a fore-sense about them, of such kind that the spirits of the dead can come to them and openly commune, proving themselves, to all who are willing to receive truth, to be the spirits of friends and relatives deceased on the earth. 37/5.47. And the knowledge that comes from the spirits of the dead proves itself in many ways to transcend the knowledge of mortals, because it comes from the unseen, which is one of the kingdoms of Jehovih. It is classed and distinguished from mortal knowledge by the word es. 37/5.48. So that, therefore, when Es speaks, it signifies the highest and the combined knowledge that has come to mortals in the time of Kosmon, from the wisest of the spirits, who have communicated as previously said. And since all wisdom comes from Jehovih, whether uttered by a mortal or a spirit, so it is said He speaks through them. 37/5.49. Now when Tae had put away self, striving to come, by his behavior, to Jehovih, a new light dawned upon him, for as it was given him to see the spirits of the recently dead, so by purification, he attained to intercourse with associative bodies in the unseen worlds. 37/5.50. And these associative bodies being exalted angels in wisdom and purity, speak of the first elements and not of the instruments used, because it is their mode of language; that is to say, for example, 'Jehovih spoke through Es, saying:' But mortals and spirits of the first heaven would say the same thing thus: 'According to the accumulated testimony from the most advanced spirits of the spirit world.' 37/5.51. Let man be wise and perceive that the Father stands behind all and within all; for as he [humanity --ed.] rises out of individualities, becoming comprehensive in expression, so does his spirit rise also. 37/5.52. Tae perceived these things. And the Father came to him through Es and unfolded the scroll of heaven. 37/5.53. Es said: Transversely, |1534| as seen by man, the worlds are: First the earth, then atmospherea, and then to the ether (etherea) beyond. 37/5.54. Jehovih commanded man to be brought forth on the earth, and dwell on it for a season; then to die and rise in spirit and dwell for a season in atmospherea, traveling with the earth, daily and yearly, even in its journey [with the sun. --ed.]. |1535| 37/5.55. He who would know, therefore, the rank a man will inherit in heaven shall estimate the comparative strength of spirit and the purity of behavior. If a man lives isolated on earth, laboring for self, he will be isolated in heaven and companionless. 37/5.56. It was said in the past: Judge not, lest you be judged; but I say to you, judge all men spiritually and corporeally but hold your tongue (keep silent), looking to yourself to know how the Father judges you by talents and works. But above all things observe the unseen causes that play upon you, quickening your memory and your perception, for in this lies a great secret of acquiring spiritual knowledge. 37/5.57. You are a type of the world (a corporean); you have a daily life, a yearly life, and a cyclic life; the latter of which, is first, infancy; second puberty (adolescence); third, maximus (maturity); fourth, old age; fifth, death. A corporeal world has these, and she imparts her periods to her people. 37/5.58. Perceive, then, O man, to attune yourself to Jehovih is to become a prophet. To understand the kingdoms of the lower heaven is to know the appointments of familiar spirits and guardian spirits over mortals. And knowing these things, you shall perceive the first place allotted to them at the time of their death. But to understand the realms in etherea, you shall discern the times of associative redemption of atmosphereans. |1536| 37/5.59. For as there are spirits who are captains over a star, or the earth, or sun, so are there generals over the etherean worlds; and yet beyond them, great commanders over the vortices in the wide universe. As you have felt the cold breeze of the spirit circle, made by the spirits in attendance, know that there are those high raised in heaven in power and wisdom whose presence fashion the currents of the embryonic |1537| worlds, and propel them forth by a breath! They have others beneath them who are themselves Gods and Goddesses. 37/5.60. But remember, O man, that in all the glories there is still One Who is higher than all, even the Person of All, Who is Jehovih.
1534 looking as through layers
1535 In the copy there was a gap that started after the word 'journey' with no punctuation following it. Possibly the sentence ended something like: … in its journey with the sun. || Beyond that, it is unknown what came after that. In any case, God seems to be speaking as the text resumes:
1536 Being the dans (and when applicable, quarter dans or less) when those who are prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, resurrect to etherea in their respective groups.
1537 embryotic, early stage of development, just beginning to form, incipient, budding, rudimentary
CHAPTER 6 Knowledge
37/6.1. |1538| [Therefore, to him who would improve his place in heaven while still mortal,] the light of the following truths will be manifest to him (who would know). Let him, on the other hand, shut himself up in denial, saying: I defy you to prove the matter, || and he shall not be enlightened. |1539| 37/6.2. Therefore, in the testimony of Jehovih, speaking through Es, and by the spirit of man quickened, is set forth: 37/6.3. As a man lives on earth, acquiring perfections or imperfections in spirit, so will he enter the es world at death. 37/6.4. Death is the severing knife that separates the corporeal man from the spiritual man. The former returns to the earth, but the latter survives, and, in time, rises upward. 37/6.5. By death man suffers the loss of companionship of mortals, but is quickened and united with those he loved before. 37/6.6. A new world is open to him, full of light and splendor, fitted to his spirit, even more glorious and real than the corporeal world was to his mortal part. 37/6.7. As a corporeal man requires corporeal food, clothes, and a habitable place to dwell, so does his spirit require similarly, and is so provided within atmospherea, but spiritually. 37/6.8. The first habitable place in es is on the earth, and around near the earth, and mostly within the same house where he dwelt in mortal form. But the spirit is subtle and moves, not as corporeal things move, but having power and presence with friends and kin at remote distances, as if all was in one place; for such is the nature of the es world. 37/6.9. Spirit exists within corporea, |1540| and by this means, the dead are able to manifest to the living. However, to those living who have no consciousness of their own spirit, the spirits of the dead cannot manifest intelligently. 37/6.10. For a mortal to be conscious of his own spirit, it must transcend his corporeal senses; he who does not know of his own spirit is weak indeed. Such a man born into the spirit world is like a newborn child, knowing nothing. 37/6.11. All men born into spirit life die imperfect, ignorant, and weak, depending on nurses, guardians and doctors. Many of these dependents are slain in war, or in desperate madness, and are born into spirit life in chaos. Some will not leave the battlefield. 37/6.12. To the long suffering and to the weary, who are upright of heart, death is a doorway to a world of bliss, rest, and love. |1541| 37/6.13. To the captain and general, who were slayers of men, death is a doorway to where ghastly wounds spring up before them, and frenzied maniacs cry out for vengeance. And the slayers of men run away, but cannot escape; they cry out, but are mocked at. The wailing of the widows and orphans is an increasing horror to them. Their nose is suffocated and their eyes appalled with the constant presence of gaping, bloody wounds. 37/6.14. The leader of men enters the es world to meet an army of misled confidants; and his tricks and falsehoods are like soiled and spotted garments to hide a blackened heart. He turns away, but the mirror of his past deeds hangs up before him. 37/6.15. The rich man enters the es world at the door of his bank. In the bank he lingers all day. At night he wanders up and down. He meets another rich man; they shake hands but do not speak. Then he goes forth. In the morning he is in the door of his bank again, and all day he loiters about. He worries at the manner of the clerks; he fears his widow will come to want, or that his bank will soon run low. He sees the glory of the spirit world, but he cannot enter it. The servants who washed his clothes stand fairer than he. Yes, he is abashed by the whiteness of their raiment and the light of their souls; and so he turns and hides in his bank again. 37/6.16. |1542| But lo, the spirit of him who is dead sucks out the spirit of the wine and leaves him distracted still. 37/6.17. Another darker chamber opens; a dealer in wines is dead; one with fashionable home, and wife and daughters, high aspiring (as to corporeal values and society). Confronted in his stores with the spirits of those who died from his temptations, bleary‑eyed and boisterous, they come to welcome the newly dead. And with atmospherean potions sucked out of his plenteous barrels, greet him with rich applause. Then he flies to his wife and daughters in his mansion richly furnished. But lo, the drunken sots, foul smelling spirits, fill his habitation! With terrible anger, helpless, he watches the spirits of pollution fondling his daughter's person, and his widow a fountain for their revelry. 37/6.18. And yet the depth is not full. In a stately mansion a woman of high caste (high society, celebrity) is dead. And it was said she was blessed, because in not having borne children, ease and glory were at her command. And now, with curious mirth and some envy, the spirits of other women who were social outcasts, come to observe the newborn spirit of the leader of fashion. And as they turn to look, nurses come with children born from her body and her spirit, by abortion cast into heaven, even in Jehovih's face accursed! A curtain of black death that will not go away, chokes her. And no matter where she turns, to the left, the right, up or down, there is nothing but the wail of sweet babes: Mother, why did you murder me? Was I not Jehovih's gift? The woman of fashion hides but is not hidden, even the soiled outcasts are white beside her. Like a woman that is crushed but cannot die, she squirms and writhes in the kingdom she built with her own hands. 37/6.19. From the scene of horrors, Uz now opened the door of the materialistic man of corporeal learning. His spirit wanders in libraries and ancient tombs and hieroglyphs, or sighs over problems never solved. Day by day, night by night, he restlessly peers into the same paths, and over and over burrows deep in darkness. Stripling |1543| youths and fairies pull his wig or upturn his spectacles, saying: O fool, do you not know you are dead? Turn from these corporeal tombs and behold Great Jehovih's light. But he regards them in sorrow and pity, saying: I am not dead! When I am dead, there is the end. I am merely sick, still dwelling in my corporeal body. And then he wanders on, a living sepulcher. |1544| 37/6.20. A farmer is dead. It was his want to rise early and toil all day; to ponder much on the fruit of his labor and to glory in his freedom. For himself and his family he lived; to himself and his family Jehovih gives him. In his house and his fields his spirit walks about; he knows no heaven or hell. As a weed that is worthless to itself and the world, so is his spirit, and as the weed does not know the field that brought it forth, neither does he know Jehovih's heaven. Nor can he go anywhere except from field to field, and back to his house, day and night. He lives for nothing higher, and Jehovih gave him that which he desired. 37/6.21. What spirit is this that gluts itself in the slaughterhouse? He was a gormandizer; he is dead. He goes from restaurant to restaurant snuffing the air |1545| of roasted viands, and fat meats, and of wines. The smell (odor) of the fat man is his delight. And the woman who rejoices in sin, rare flesh and fat soups, is like a cushion for him to roll upon. One says: I never come into this restaurant without, once I am here, remembering him who is dead; he so loved this place! And the other says: I believe his spirit still loiters here and that is why we so often think of him. And, at that, they gorge themselves, even while the spirit of the dead feeds on the atmospherean part. This is all the heaven he sought on earth, and Jehovih gave it to him. 37/6.22. And now comes confusion in heaven. He who forever argued is dead. Scarcely newborn in spirit life, he sets up to prove his position and enlighten the whole world. The curious and the idler gather around to hear his speech again. He strives to show that the whole world is a fool. He turns his argument in endless ways, and repeats them over, day by day, night by night. This was what he strove to build on earth, and Jehovih gave him the same. 37/6.23. And here newborn in spirit is the moderate man, who, by industry, earned a handsome house and raised up sons and daughters creditable to the state. He is in his home still; heaven is too narrow for him. He says, I would argue with Jehovih that I do not have my due share of heaven! Did I not give alms daily: the poor man a crust, and a poor woman a penny? When did I pass a blind man and not give? But no one answered him. The chord of his voice, being as narrow as his orientation, fell barren as if talking to the wind. Again and again he repeats his complaint; but no one takes him by the hand, and he remains helplessly in his own home, which he asked Jehovih to help him build for his heirs. 37/6.24. The recluse, with a new philosophy and scheme of diet, but aimless, and producing little to benefit anything under the sun, is dead. The breath of mortals was poison to him, and all human influence to be avoided as poison infecting his most holy spirit. Here again nymphs and fairies gather to see his spirit make its 'etherean' flight! As mortals gather around a pretender who promises to sail a balloon around the world, so these jocose and mischief-loving spirits gather in the house of the recluse, to see his promised ascent. He will show them how the higher spheres in heaven are reached (yet he would not deign, |1546| even in mortal life, to commune with the spirits of the dead; none so low for him!). |1547| But now he is dead and his spirit still limps and trembles in his hovel, |1548| still boasting. And as he produced nothing in the corporeal world, so he produces nothing still; but boasts and secludes, secludes and boasts; and this is his heaven, day and night.
1538 There is a gap in the copy. The suggested text in braces [Therefore, to him who would improve his place in heaven while still mortal,] that precedes "The light of the following truths..." was added by the present editor. 1539 That is, understanding these matters requires the cultivation of a receptive, spiritual nature. For, until then he will be incapable of perceiving, and that is because his attitude shuts out the light. And since enlightenment is not forced, but is a matter of maturing, the angels of Jehovih surely would not force the matter?
1540 that is, spirit exists within all corpor
1541 Throughout the ages the cynics (materialists and some idolaters) have decried the pie-in-the-sky philosophy as fiction created to placate the masses. 'Pie-in-sky' meaning if you can't have your pie (reap your reward) here on corpor, you can have it later in heaven; which is based on the notion that no good act goes unrewarded. Consequently, because of derision by the cynics (from the ranks of the first division and fourth division, see 37/5.5,8), pie-in-the-sky became synonymous with a hollow wish, meaning it will never happen. Yet, whether one believes or not, it remains true, that as one sows, so shall one reap, either in this world or in the next.
1542 There was a gap in the copy, which contained one, or possibly more, examples; for, verse 16 seems to be the end of a description of one, who in mortal life, was a drinker and lover of alcohol.
1543 adolescent, teen
1544 a living tomb; a receptacle for that which is dead, dank and dark
1545 sucking out, devouring, the atmospherean part
1546 humble himself, stoop, condescend
1547 i.e., he considered them beneath him, and too low for his own self-esteemed stature 1548 small dwelling, hut, cottage, cabin, shack
37/6.25. The light of Jehovih touched on the earth, and the heavens above were stirred to the foundation. Things past were moved forward. His voice was from the depth of darkness to the summit of All Light. 37/6.26. The nations that had not known Him, now knew Him. Acceptable, and with loud rejoicings, they shouted, Jehovih! Jehovih! Almighty and Everlasting! Glory be to You on High! Creator, Father! All praise to You forever! 37/6.27. And Jehovih went swiftly far and near, quickening with a new power, both the living and the dead. And the peoples rose up, and from every corner heard His voice, calling: Come forth! Come forth! O My beloved! And it was not like any sound under the sun, for it reached deep into the souls of men. 37/6.28. And in the stirring up of things long past, it was as if a cloud of dust and darkness, foul and poisonous, overspreading heaven and earth, was to be cleared away to make room for the immortal kingdom. 37/6.29. High above the clouds, and deep down in all the blackness, the All Light of Great Jehovih shone as the everlasting sun. The faith of men and angels rose up in increasing assurance to the Most High, that He alone, in His matchless majesty, would rise triumphant over all. 37/6.30. Jehovih said: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand! And the dead came forth as if out of their graves, but clothed in the raiment of heaven; and they walked upon the earth; and talked with the living, face to face, proclaiming the fullness of Jehovih and His everlasting kingdoms. 37/6.31. Little infants who were long dead and now full grown in heaven, singing in Jehovih's praise, returned to the living. Mothers returned from the unseen world with love and angel kisses for their mortal babes and sorrow-stricken husbands. 37/6.32. Then the cloud of darkness rose higher and higher and higher; the poisonous smell and damnable tricks of hades belched forth in terrible blackness. The spirits of those slain in war, delirious, mad and dyed in vengeance; and those whose earth lives had bound them in torments; and those who lived on earth to glut themselves to the full in abhorrent lust, came assuming the names of Gods and Saviors. 37/6.33. And yet the voice of Jehovih called: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand. 37/6.34. And now the cloud reached all around the earth, And the light of Jehovih was almost obscured. Still the faith of angels and mortals rose up in one increasing voice: Jehovih is mighty! I know He will prevail! 37/6.35. And still the black giant arose, awful in gloom and bloodstained mantle, till all around the earth it became like a solemn night before a battle of death. Rattling bones and empty skulls, with gnashing teeth, all stained with human gore, made hideous by the portentous omen, caused angels and men to stand appalled. 37/6.36. Jehovih said: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand! 37/6.37. And now as the cloud of darkness stretched up out of the earth, girdling it all around, as a venomous reptile secures his living food, lo and behold, the monster beast stretched forth four heads with flaming nostrils all on fire! 37/6.38. On each head were two horns, bloodstained and fresh with human victims' macerated flesh. Their tongues darted forth in menace, and their open mouths watered for human souls, and with maddened suspicion, amid heightening distrust, their bloodshot eyes pierced the foul darkness, making many a mortal quake in fear. 37/6.39. And still the upraised of earth and heaven, with one voice cried out: All hail, O Jehovih! You are mighty! You alone, shall prevail! 37/6.40. And Jehovih answered to His faithful sons and daughters, the living and the dead: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand!
CHAPTER 7 Knowledge
37/7.1. And two heads of the beast stood in the east (Buddha and Brahma), and one stood in the middle (Mohammed), and one in the west (Christ). And the one that was oldest, and standing in the east (Brahma), raised up his bloodstained hands, trembling in miserly rage, and with a book tattered, torn and smutted with the foulness of glutted avarice, swore an oath saying: Down! Down! Jehovih! Unseen and godless! Down! Do you not know this ancient lore (referring to his book), and the caste of men? 37/7.2. And rattling his hideous bones, even while with hissing breath, he bated |1549| somewhat to see the great awakening light. 37/7.3. But swift and terrible, the head of the beast that stood to the east and south (Buddha), |1550| snorted loud, and with both hands uplifted, black with clotted human blood, cried out: Who are you, of the north and east(Brahma), |1551| that bellows out because your tottering kingdom foresees its certain fall? Not only will I put Jehovih down, but you, too, miscreant, deceiver of men! Know this, O worthless Brahma, your day is done. I, even I, great Buddha, will rule the whole world. None but I shall save mortal souls. 37/7.4. Then with flashing sword raised high, and hungry for deeds of war, the head of the beast turned and shot forth his poisonous breath till all the world was foul. But before he made one stroke, the head of the beast in the middle of the cloud, and more polluted than all the rest, deeply marked with lust, turned around to survey the scene, as if disturbed in amorous gluttony. And he shouted loud: Stop! You dogs of ancient! Only by me, Mohammed, shall man ascend to heaven! Behold my deeds of blood! By myself I am sworn! I will feast on your rotten carcasses, and banish Jehovih from the earth! 37/7.5. He raised himself upward, unwashed, and his head smoked with the fumes of mortal blood; he shook the mighty cloud of the beast far and near. 37/7.6. But now, horror arose afresh, for the head of the beast that lies to the west (Christ), stretched up his horns, and silently at first, always the most to fear, he felt around for his sword, and contemplated on the other heads of the beast, like one who knows his own power. Then toward great Jehovih he looked approvingly, but full of well-planned deceit. 37/7.7. Without more ado, |1552| he spoke to the other three heads of the beast, saying: Do not think I have come to send peace, but a sword. I come to set man at variance against his brother, and a daughter against her mother. Behold the millions I have slain! Behold how my mortals build torpedoes and ships of war! Behold the long trail of human gore where my banner goes forth! Know this also: I am the Savior of men! Even great Jehovih shall bow the knee when I command! I will send my legions forth to rap on tables, and show the faces of the dead, and then proclaim through mortal tongues it (the veil of heaven) is bolted loose, and build my kingdom upon these revelations forever. 37/7.8. And then the head of the beast stood triumphantly in the west, stripped of his bloody sleeves, and with one hand held high a banner upon which was written: I am the Lamb of Peace! And with the other swung his mighty sword high; like a whirlwind, it swung abroad over all the black clouds, -- -- -- |1553| 37/7.9. Women of wealth and fashion cast aside their earthly goods and went and labored with the poor, teaching cleanliness, wisdom and uprightness of heart. And those who preached were the spirits of the dead, who were ripe in experience in Jehovih's unseen worlds. 37/7.10. But the beast with his countless millions, was cast out from the earth. Like a long black cloud, split and broken, floating, floating, floating, it passed away, and was seen no more! Nor was there any longer a God known upon the earth. But Jehovih rose supreme in every land; and all people under the sun sang anthems of glory to His name! --- END OF BATTLE OF THE BEAST --- 37/7.11. The voice of Jehovih came upon Es, saying (to Tae): 37/7.12. You shall comprehend, O Tae, these things of the past. The beast walked forth on the earth in every guise, and in the second sphere of atmospherea (second es grade) he became a living person, born out of the sins of men. 37/7.13. For one man worshipped science, and it was his beast; another worshipped riches, and it was his beast; another fashion, another lust, and another worshipped nothing; and each of these things that was worshipped, became that person's beast. Now all these and others like them, continued to do the same things after death; for that which they had built up on earth became as a living entity within them, and they could not put it away. This was the first resurrection, being the birth of unclean man into the spirit world. 37/7.14. In the second sphere of atmospherea, which is the second resurrection (second es grade), the condition was like the first sphere (being of a beastly nature) but organic (organized). 37/7.15. For one people worshipped Brahma, making a beast of him; another worshipped Buddha, another Christ, and another Jesus, forever parading his crucifixion; and they all made a beast of their idols. And the beast that each one built up within his soul became an entity to him on his entrance into spirit life, and he became bound to the machinations of evil spirits professing to be that beast. And these evil spirits became like Gods, in fact, building kingdoms in the lower heavens, and making subjects and slaves of their worshippers, compelling them to contribute part of their earnings and labor in spirit, even as mortal kings exact tribute (taxes, labor, military service, etc.) on earth. And these rulers had thousands and millions, and tens of millions of subjects and slaves, and their cities were as represented to mortals, paved with comparative pearls and diamonds. And so, before kosmon, the organic heavens situated close to the earth were divided up among the four heads of the beast; and yet, besides these, mostly on or near the earth, were many lesser kingdoms of various other false Gods and false Lords, mostly professing to be the true Christ, Jesus, Buddha, Brahma, or Allah. 37/7.16. These things you have witnessed: That the spirits of the first birth (first es grade), discourse on the things of the earth, and of marriage and begetting; not having risen even to the second resurrection (second es grade). Their hope and belief in heaven is to re‑enter wombs and be born again, teaching reincarnation, and ministering to the proclivities of lust in mortals; inspiring visions of sexual desires and practices in heaven. |1554| For all such spirits have not risen up from the earth, and know no other abode, but to revel and glut themselves in corporeal debauchery. And many of them boastingly, and in darkness, teach falsely that spirits in heaven give birth to sons and daughters, and even that these latter reincarnate themselves in mortal flesh, becoming children of the earth. 37/7.17. All such spirits you shall know by their teachings; for whatever seems the highest delight of a man on earth or a spirit in es, even that he will exult in and proclaim. 37/7.18. And of those who have bound themselves to the beast of the second resurrection of old, you have witnessed this sign: They proclaim the beast they have made, whether it is an idol of Jesus, Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, or Brahma, and continually harp on him, knowing no higher; and he stands as a figure of the beast, upon which they hang their hopes of endless bliss. 37/7.19. By their preaching, you have evidence of their place in heaven; |1555| whoever practices in them, |1556| receives his inspiration from the slaves of the beast he proclaims. 37/7.20. Yet the second es grade (association) is higher than the first, for the first es grade is isolated, and the spirit or mortal belonging to it, preaches and practices on his own account, being wholly for self. |1557| 37/7.21. The Father has given this sign: That in marriage, man and woman become the first testimony before mortals, that self can be abnegated without 'the loss of self' experiencing a loss in fact. And this is the smallest possible number that can unite on earth or in heaven. Let the single man or the single woman stand, therefore, as a type of the lowest of the heavens (first es grade); and let marriage stand as an type of the second resurrection (second es grade); for those of the first es grade are as individuals, but those of the second es grade are as the beginning of association, and the committing of one's self to the combination of many. 37/7.22. Es said: Jehovih has given to men a sign of the third resurrection (third es grade) by which they shall be known, which is: that self shall not be manifest except in the union of many. For, as the first resurrection may have marriage between two persons who in time become as one (second resurrection), so too, families of the second resurrection who unite themselves together as community (third es grade), become in time as one (third resurrection), and so, similarly, those of the third resurrection become Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, being fitted for ascension into etherea at the dan harvest (after having redeemed their heirs, if any, to the sixth generation). So that those practicing the third es grade manifest in families of tens, or twenties, or hundreds, or thousands, who, in time, are also as one. Nor do they have any other king, chief ruler, God, Lord, or Christ (that is, they have grown beyond any bondage to the beast in the first or second es grade). 37/7.23. For these reasons then, if a man says: I have no faith in these things, because they are impractical, you may know he belongs to (has bound himself to) the beast in one of the first two es grades (first resurrection beast, or second resurrection beast as spawned in Bon), and so does not belong to the third. 37/7.24. Es said: Nevertheless, it has been proved in Israel that these things were |1558| for four hundred years (i.e., the third es grade was sustained on earth through the beginning of the Bon cycle), and these people attained to six million souls. Whoever then says it cannot happen in this day is void of righteousness, and like the ancients, speaking from the bondage of the first or the second resurrection beast, denying the progress of man, and accusing Jehovih. 37/7.25. Do not judge Jehovih's chosen by the standard of the worshippers of the beast, neither should any man accuse Jehovih because man has set up natural law, putting Jehovih at a distance; or because he has set up Brahma, Buddha, Mohammed or Christ, putting Jehovih at a distance, for all these idols were necessary to those who love the figure of a beast. 37/7.26. Those who have not attained to the third resurrection, that is, Jehovih's presence, must have, first, a mortal king or ruler; second, laws; and third, (enforcement:) the sword and the prison; for all these were given to those who are begotten in sin and dwell in the beast. |1559| 37/7.27. Neither can he who preaches any of the idols practice that which he preaches. They are no more than news vendors, |1560| proclaiming what Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, or Brahma did or said, or what is done by natural law or divine law. Their mission is to preach and not to practice, for the practice of righteousness is not possible for them. 37/7.28. If a man comes to you and says: Behold I am inspired by the angels of the third resurrection, see to it, and prove him (or her), for if he is genuine, he is a practicer of Jehovih's kingdom, not in preaching, but in works. 37/7.29. But if he strives for himself in all things, then he is inspired by the first resurrection. 37/7.30. And yet if he is a proclaimer for one of the idols, then he is bound to the beast of the second resurrection of old, asserting law and even violence. 37/7.31. As one man alone cannot practice war, neither can one man alone practice the third resurrection. |1561| One man alone may give away all he has, laboring for others all his days, abjuring self before the world; yet by this alone he cannot be in the third resurrection, because he has not attained to the Father's kingdom, which is organic, and composed of a number. 37/7.32. Try them, therefore, before Jehovih as to whether for His sake, they will become one with an army of brethren for righteousness. For such is a kingdom, and of it, Jehovih is king. All such will abjure war and violence, and contribute all they produce to the Father's kingdom, reserving nothing. This becomes power by virtue of righteousness and peace. These are ministered to by the spirits of the third resurrection, who have no Buddha nor Christ, but Jehovih only. 37/7.33. The proof of these things shall be manifest before all peoples. The Buddhist, the Brahmin, the Mohammedan and the Christian will not accept a brotherhood [a true fraternity --ed.], either on earth or heaven, because in truth, he has his own idol. Nor will he abjure war, but declare it a necessary evil, even in the same breath that he professes peace. The charity he does is, likewise, vain and of little effect. It is like lifting water with a sieve. He builds asylums and houses for the poor, and places to feed the hungry, and in his places of worship raises money, provisions and raiment. But, lo and behold, the numbers who come to want, increase on his hands. |1562| 37/7.34. And yet worse than these are those who are bound to the inorganic first resurrection; they worship nothing (but nurture their beast), and are without moral power before the world. Their charities are nothing, education nothing, and as for ideas of virtue, it is every one for himself.
1549 held his breath, slowed down, tapered off
1550 southeast corner
1551 northeast corner
1552 activity, efforts, pains, circumspection, bother
1553 Gap in the copy. Apparently considerable is missing here. To this point in the battle summary the heads of the beast have only threatened each other; presumably the missing page(s) supplied a description of the battle and their final outcome, as well as a description of Jehovih's victory. In any event, we pick up with the Father's light manifesting among mortals sometime after the victory.
1554 e.g., the idea of finding one's soul mate in heaven
1555 being bound under the ban of the second es grade 1556 i.e., whoever follows the teachings of the beast
1557 Nevertheless, those in the first es grade are less bound than those of the second (see 37/5.35; 32/26.14).
1558 existed, had existence
1559 Thus we still see these things in this early Kosmon era. Under the rubric of laws may be encompassed the judiciary (courts, judges, lawyers, etc.), and, if there is one, a legislature for creating laws, and an executive branch of government to carry out the laws. The purpose and need of laws are to curb the beast. If man could rise above the beast, the many laws of man and the rule of law would not be required. As to the sword, it signifies compulsion, not necessarily the use of brute force, but inducements, fines and other punishments or the threat of them, plus police, security personnel and prosecutors for enforcement of the laws; and the prison is to keep the most evil of men away from the rest of society. 1560 news hawkers, advertisers, marketers, publicists 1561 That is, the smallest unit of the third resurrection is the family, not the individual. Which is to say, the third resurrection consists of families (fraternities). By contrast, the second resurrection consists of individuals. Hence the individual can practice the second resurrection in association with others. But for the third resurrection, it is the group only that may practice the third resurrection. For, although the individual is a part of the group, he has put away self, thus allowing the entity of the group to manifest. Nor can the third be attained till the second is attained, and not that, till the first is fulfilled. 1562 Note that this does not mean that the above-mentioned peoples are completely void of good works. Moreover, good works done to another are graded as serving Jehovih, regardless of name professed by the person (see e.g., 31/1.4; 32/3.26; 32/20.13-14). But if the name, and so, the idol, held dear, is thought of in the mind of the worshipper as having the form and figure of a man, woman, beast or thing, then this person is handicapped from performing good works, for he is inclined to listen to the beast, instead of heeding Jehovih speaking in the light of his own soul. About which it has been said since time immemorial that one cannot serve both Jehovih and the beast. || He who chooses Jehovih has chosen wisely, but he who chooses the beast shall have satan as his counselor. 1563 Those who worship one of the four heads of the beast are, at best, in the second es grade, bound through their beast through, say, a church or religious fellowship. But below these in grade are those who are in the inorganic first resurrection. Of all these, we should bear in mind that they are still in resurrection overall, although perhaps inconsistently; and with the latter being mostly isolated in their growth. On the other hand, for those who live a life of evil, they fall below the grades, that is, below the resurrections. Alas for them! For they open themselves to attendance by designing spirits who may make dupes and slaves of them. |
CHAPTER 8 Knowledge
37/8.1. Again Jehovih spoke through Es saying: 37/8.2. I have made the first resurrection in heaven to inspire the first resurrection on earth; I have made the second resurrection in heaven to inspire the second resurrection on earth. I have made the third resurrection in heaven to inspire the third resurrection on earth. Like to like I made them. |1563| 37/8.3. Es said: If a man on the earth strives for riches, or power, or in any manner---consider, then, where he draws his inspiration from; and determine also, by this, what his rank will be upon his birth into the es world. 37/8.4. And if a man is a preacher and not a practitioner, not doing the thing he knows to be the highest, you shall determine what his spirit birth will be. 37/8.5. On the other hand, you shall also determine the place of the one who lives to the full, the highest of all he knows; by his own strength, producing for others all he can. 37/8.6. These resurrections are possible, both on the earth and in heaven; but there are many so immersed in the earth, that only by death and by suffering hades (heavenly regions where the beastly reside), can they be aroused to strive for higher light. 37/8.7. Now, it will be asked of you: A certain man has lived a good and exemplary life, giving to the poor, being temperate and respectable before the world. What will be his place in heaven? 37/8.8. Answer him, O Tae, saying: He who serves himself, goes to the lowest of bound heavens; he who serves Jehovih with all his wisdom and strength, goes to the third realm, but only he who serves between these two goes to the second lowest of the bound realms. |1564| Can a man deceive Jehovih, saying: I did the best I knew, when he knows he did not? 37/8.9. Be wise in discerning Jehovih in all things, and seeing and judging as He would judge, for there are deceivers in heaven; and to him who would shelter (hide) his own deceit, these spirits come by the thousands. But he who is of the third resurrection escapes them. 37/8.10. And now, touching the prophecy of a nation, weigh the people and determine what resurrection they are already in, and the number in each division. |1565| Then determine the generation antecedent (immediately previous); and the one again antecedent to that, making tablets (charts) of them. |1566| 37/8.11. Those who are heavily laden, and dwell in Him, are the type of my etherean worlds! 37/8.12. Forswear |1567| yourselves away from the world; she worships the beast, the cloud from the second resurrection beast of old is upon her. Wash your hands and be clean. My hosts from the Most High heavens wait at your doors. 37/8.13. Behold, the spirits of darkness, lies and deception, have knocked, and you opened to them. |1568| 37/8.14. And now Tae looked abroad over the nations, and he said: What of the emperor, the queens, the king, and lords of the land? 37/8.15. Es said: Weigh them, O man, they and their peoples under them, and enumerate them according to the tablets, and you shall foretell the times that are set for them. As they were built up by the sword, they shall fall by the sword; as they stand by the strength of their standing armies, even by standing armies they shall be cut down. 37/8.16. By the sword Christ shall destroy Mohammed, Brahma and Buddha; but he shall come against Confucius and fail. Then Christ shall destroy himself; |1569| for as his followers have cast him out of Rome, he will have no abiding place on the earth. |1570| 37/8.17. Search the road of Vishnu and Etau, Ram and Osiris, for all the idols of heaven run the same course, as you shall prove in Orachnebuahgalah, nor is there any help for them. |1571| 37/8.18. Jehovih is Omnipotent over all. He sends all Gods and Saviors; by His Almighty command they came. They are books He bestows upon the generations of men, but when they are of no more use to man, behold, He takes them away, and gives instead that which is suited to the progress of the world. 37/8.19. Be wise and remember your Creator all the days of your life; be one with Him, and you shall live---FOREVER! END OF THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE
1564 The lowest of bound heavens refers to hades and in the Tablet of Grade and Ingrade is shown as the first es rate. The second bound realm contains those bound to the second es rate. And the third realm is emancipation, as explained in the Tablet of Grade and Ingrade (37/5.26). Also see image i030 (with text): 1st, 2nd and 3rd Resurrections in Atmospherea.
1565 see 37/5.1--19
1566 Gap here in the copy; possibly contained further detailed information on how to prophesy for a nation; perhaps had some images. Then apparently Es addresses humankind and we resume at the tail end of the message: 1567 renounce under oath, solemnly repudiate, disavow, reject, abjure, break
1568 see, e.g., Judgment 32/1.11-32; 32/25.11
1569 Note that the order of elimination here is the same as God prophesied regarding the four heads of the beast near the end of Bon (28/57.15-18). 1570 see note at end of Book of Knowledge 1571 That is, there is no way to rejuvenate these religions, nor to resurrect through them, no way to alter the course of the Great Spirit. And this shall come to pass for Christianity, Buddhism, Brahminism, and Mohammedanism (Islam).
1570 In 1848 the pope decided to allow participation by the populace in the government of the Papal States. But after the first prime minister (a papal appointee) was assassinated, he changed his mind. Consequently Rome burst into revolution and the pope fled. He returned with French military assistance and retook Rome and the Papal States, reinstating absolutist rule. Meanwhile, events were simmering in the Italian Nationalist movement and in 1859-1860 many parcels of the Papal States were won. But while Italy was united under the Nationalists in 1861, Rome remained in the hands of the Pope, protected by French soldiers; though |
when the Franco-Prussian War caused them to be recalled, the Italians took the offensive and Rome surrendered September 20, 1870, thus effectively ending the last of the earthly rule of Christ over dominions (territory and doctrine). The pope withdrew to the Vatican, issued his edict of papal infallibility: He (notice---not Christ) was now supreme arbiter of all things Christian; but the Italian government ignored him and his excommunications against them. Which relations stood until February of 1929, when the pope formally renounced claims to the former papal states, and in return the pope was granted sovereignty over the Vatican (108.7 acres).
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